1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,720 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. This story 2 00:00:14,920 --> 00:00:19,279 Speaker 1: was originally published in sleep tighte Premium. To listen to 3 00:00:19,400 --> 00:00:24,520 Speaker 1: more stories like this, please visit sleep Tightpremium dot com 4 00:00:24,560 --> 00:00:43,040 Speaker 1: and subscribe. That's sleep Tightpremium dot com. Thank you. Today's 5 00:00:43,159 --> 00:00:47,440 Speaker 1: story is about a little pumpkin who wants to make 6 00:00:47,600 --> 00:00:51,880 Speaker 1: mother Vine proud of him, but he is worried about 7 00:00:51,960 --> 00:00:56,840 Speaker 1: growing up to become a jack o lantern. He talks 8 00:00:56,880 --> 00:01:01,200 Speaker 1: to the mary Breezes about why he is so unhappy, 9 00:01:02,160 --> 00:01:04,760 Speaker 1: and they laugh at him and tell him not to 10 00:01:04,880 --> 00:01:08,920 Speaker 1: worry about what will happen later, just enjoy being a 11 00:01:08,959 --> 00:01:14,399 Speaker 1: pumpkin now. He decides to listen to them and just 12 00:01:14,560 --> 00:01:20,920 Speaker 1: eats and grows. When the weather gets cooler, the children 13 00:01:21,040 --> 00:01:24,520 Speaker 1: come to the garden and see the little pumpkin who 14 00:01:24,640 --> 00:01:29,039 Speaker 1: is not so little anymore. Will they choose him to 15 00:01:29,120 --> 00:01:40,200 Speaker 1: be their jack O'Lantern? The little Pumpkin. Once there was 16 00:01:40,280 --> 00:01:44,080 Speaker 1: a little pumpkin that grew on a vine in a field. 17 00:01:46,240 --> 00:01:50,240 Speaker 1: All day long, the sun shone on him, and the 18 00:01:50,280 --> 00:01:56,360 Speaker 1: wind blew gently around him. Sometimes the welcome rain fell 19 00:01:56,480 --> 00:02:00,400 Speaker 1: softly upon him, And as the vine sent her roots 20 00:02:00,440 --> 00:02:04,600 Speaker 1: deep down into the earth and drew the good sustenance 21 00:02:04,640 --> 00:02:08,760 Speaker 1: from it, and it flowed through her veins. The little 22 00:02:08,800 --> 00:02:13,600 Speaker 1: pumpkin drank greedily of the good juice, and grew bigger 23 00:02:14,120 --> 00:02:20,720 Speaker 1: and bigger, and rounder and rounder, and firmer and firmer. 24 00:02:24,840 --> 00:02:29,280 Speaker 1: By and by. He grew so big he understood all 25 00:02:29,440 --> 00:02:33,280 Speaker 1: that the growing things around him were saying, and he 26 00:02:33,400 --> 00:02:38,880 Speaker 1: listened eagerly. I came from the seed of a jackalantern, 27 00:02:39,520 --> 00:02:44,240 Speaker 1: said this vine to a neighbor. Therefore I must grow 28 00:02:44,360 --> 00:02:50,520 Speaker 1: all jackalanterns, So did I said a neighbor. But no 29 00:02:50,760 --> 00:02:54,960 Speaker 1: jackalanterns for me. It is too hard a life. I 30 00:02:55,000 --> 00:03:02,400 Speaker 1: am going to grow just plain pumpkins. When the little 31 00:03:02,400 --> 00:03:05,680 Speaker 1: pumpkin heard he was supposed to be a jackal lantern, 32 00:03:06,160 --> 00:03:09,920 Speaker 1: he grew very worried, for he could not see that 33 00:03:10,040 --> 00:03:14,079 Speaker 1: he was in any way different from any ordinary pumpkin. 34 00:03:14,880 --> 00:03:18,200 Speaker 1: And if mother Vine expected him to be a jack lantern, 35 00:03:18,800 --> 00:03:24,760 Speaker 1: he did not want to disappoint her. At last, he 36 00:03:24,840 --> 00:03:29,679 Speaker 1: grew so unhappy over it that the dancing little sunbeams 37 00:03:29,720 --> 00:03:33,840 Speaker 1: noticed it. What is the matter, little pumpkin, they cried, 38 00:03:34,320 --> 00:03:36,480 Speaker 1: Why do you not hold up your head and look 39 00:03:36,520 --> 00:03:42,880 Speaker 1: around as you used to do? Because answered the little pumpkin, sadly, 40 00:03:43,640 --> 00:03:46,800 Speaker 1: I have to be a jack lantern, and I don't 41 00:03:46,800 --> 00:03:49,720 Speaker 1: know how. All I know about is how to be 42 00:03:49,760 --> 00:03:57,680 Speaker 1: a little yellow pumpkin. Then the merry little breezes laughed 43 00:03:58,120 --> 00:04:02,000 Speaker 1: and laughed until they shook the vines, so that all 44 00:04:02,160 --> 00:04:05,840 Speaker 1: the pumpkins had to tighten their hold so as not 45 00:04:06,000 --> 00:04:11,360 Speaker 1: to be shaken off. Oh, little pumpkin, they cried, why 46 00:04:11,440 --> 00:04:14,720 Speaker 1: worry about what you will have to do later. Just 47 00:04:14,800 --> 00:04:17,920 Speaker 1: try with all your might to be a little yellow pumpkin, 48 00:04:18,720 --> 00:04:21,880 Speaker 1: and believe that if you do the best you can, 49 00:04:22,640 --> 00:04:27,279 Speaker 1: everything will be all right. We know a secret, a 50 00:04:27,480 --> 00:04:31,320 Speaker 1: beautiful secret, and someday we will tell it to you. 51 00:04:32,240 --> 00:04:36,320 Speaker 1: Oh tell me now, cried the little pumpkin. But the 52 00:04:36,360 --> 00:04:41,400 Speaker 1: sunbeams and breezes laughed together and chuckled. Oh no, oh, no, 53 00:04:41,560 --> 00:04:46,760 Speaker 1: oh no. Just grow and grow and grow, and someday 54 00:04:47,520 --> 00:04:56,919 Speaker 1: you will know. The little pumpkin felt comforted after all. 55 00:04:56,960 --> 00:05:00,560 Speaker 1: He thought, perhaps if I cannot be a jackal lantern, 56 00:05:01,120 --> 00:05:04,279 Speaker 1: I can be a good pumpkin. And I am so 57 00:05:04,560 --> 00:05:08,080 Speaker 1: far down on the vine, perhaps mother vine won't notice me. 58 00:05:09,400 --> 00:05:12,120 Speaker 1: He looked around and saw that all his brothers and 59 00:05:12,200 --> 00:05:18,320 Speaker 1: sisters were only little pumpkins too. Oh dear, he cried, 60 00:05:18,680 --> 00:05:22,120 Speaker 1: are we going to disappoint Mother Vine? Aren't any of 61 00:05:22,200 --> 00:05:28,839 Speaker 1: us going to be jack lanterns? Then all his little 62 00:05:28,839 --> 00:05:31,800 Speaker 1: brothers and sisters laughed and said, what do we care 63 00:05:31,839 --> 00:05:35,039 Speaker 1: about being jack lanterns? All we care about is to 64 00:05:35,080 --> 00:05:41,960 Speaker 1: eat the good juice and grow and grow. At last 65 00:05:42,080 --> 00:05:46,080 Speaker 1: came the cold weather, and all the little pumpkins were 66 00:05:46,120 --> 00:05:52,120 Speaker 1: now big ones and a beautiful golden yellow. The biggest 67 00:05:52,400 --> 00:05:56,640 Speaker 1: and yellowest of all was the little pumpkin, who had 68 00:05:56,680 --> 00:06:01,239 Speaker 1: tried so hard all summer to grow into a jack o' lantern. 69 00:06:04,000 --> 00:06:07,239 Speaker 1: He could not believe Mother Vine did not see him now, 70 00:06:07,640 --> 00:06:11,080 Speaker 1: for he had grown so big that everyone who saw 71 00:06:11,160 --> 00:06:14,880 Speaker 1: him exclaimed about him, And Mother Vine did not seem 72 00:06:14,920 --> 00:06:18,960 Speaker 1: at all disappointed. She just kept at work, carrying the 73 00:06:18,960 --> 00:06:27,400 Speaker 1: good food that kept her pumpkin children well fed. At last, 74 00:06:27,560 --> 00:06:31,920 Speaker 1: one frosty morning, a crowd of children came to the field. 75 00:06:32,560 --> 00:06:36,960 Speaker 1: The pumpkins are ready, they cried. The pumpkins are ready, 76 00:06:37,160 --> 00:06:39,880 Speaker 1: and we are going to find the biggest and yellowest 77 00:06:39,960 --> 00:06:43,159 Speaker 1: and nicest to make a jack lantern for the party. 78 00:06:43,839 --> 00:06:47,680 Speaker 1: All the grandmothers and grandfathers and aunts and uncles will 79 00:06:47,680 --> 00:06:50,440 Speaker 1: see it, and we are going to eat the pies 80 00:06:50,480 --> 00:06:57,360 Speaker 1: made from it. They looked here and there, all over 81 00:06:57,400 --> 00:07:01,320 Speaker 1: the field, and pushed aside the vine to see better. 82 00:07:03,000 --> 00:07:08,279 Speaker 1: All at once they saw the little pumpkin. Oh, they cried, 83 00:07:09,120 --> 00:07:14,040 Speaker 1: what a perfect jackal lantern, so big and firm and 84 00:07:14,240 --> 00:07:18,800 Speaker 1: round and yellow. This shall be the jackal lantern for 85 00:07:18,920 --> 00:07:22,440 Speaker 1: our party. And it is so large there will be 86 00:07:22,560 --> 00:07:30,080 Speaker 1: enough pie for everyone. And they picked the pumpkin and 87 00:07:30,200 --> 00:07:34,080 Speaker 1: carried him to the barn. Father cut a hole in 88 00:07:34,160 --> 00:07:38,320 Speaker 1: the top around the stem, lifted it off carefully, and 89 00:07:38,560 --> 00:07:42,480 Speaker 1: scooped out the inside, and the children carried it to 90 00:07:42,600 --> 00:07:46,880 Speaker 1: mother in the kitchen. Then father made eyes and a 91 00:07:47,000 --> 00:07:53,160 Speaker 1: nose and mouth, and fitted inside a big candle. Oh, 92 00:07:53,640 --> 00:08:01,600 Speaker 1: see the beautiful jack lantern, they cried. The little pumpkin 93 00:08:01,720 --> 00:08:04,920 Speaker 1: waited in the barn. At last, I am a jack 94 00:08:04,960 --> 00:08:08,880 Speaker 1: o lantern, he said. After a time it grew dark, 95 00:08:09,280 --> 00:08:12,640 Speaker 1: and father came and carried him into the house and 96 00:08:12,800 --> 00:08:16,160 Speaker 1: lit the candle and put him right in the middle 97 00:08:16,160 --> 00:08:21,040 Speaker 1: of the table. And all the grandmothers and grandfathers and 98 00:08:21,160 --> 00:08:27,480 Speaker 1: aunts and uncles cried, Oh, what a beautiful, big, round, 99 00:08:27,720 --> 00:08:36,480 Speaker 1: yellow jackal lantern. Then the little Pumpkin was happy for 100 00:08:36,640 --> 00:08:39,560 Speaker 1: he knew Mother Vine would have been proud of him. 101 00:08:40,400 --> 00:08:48,600 Speaker 1: And he shone, shone, shone, until the candle was all 102 00:08:48,800 --> 00:08:57,720 Speaker 1: burned out, and that is the end of our story. 103 00:08:59,400 --> 00:10:01,000 Speaker 1: Good Night, sleep tight to day