1 00:00:35,804 --> 00:00:42,804 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I have 2 00:00:42,844 --> 00:00:47,124 Speaker 1: a message today for your parents and guardians. Just before 3 00:00:47,164 --> 00:00:53,124 Speaker 1: we start our story, we'd like to ask you to 4 00:00:53,244 --> 00:00:59,924 Speaker 1: please consider becoming a member on our Patreon page. Patreon 5 00:01:00,204 --> 00:01:04,244 Speaker 1: is a membership app and website that allows you to 6 00:01:04,364 --> 00:01:10,364 Speaker 1: support our work in providing calming bedtime stories to children 7 00:01:10,404 --> 00:01:16,724 Speaker 1: of all ages. In return, you will continue to receive 8 00:01:17,044 --> 00:01:25,644 Speaker 1: ad free stories, extra and exclusive content, and more. Please 9 00:01:25,764 --> 00:01:42,364 Speaker 1: visit us at Patreon slash sleep Tight Stories. As December 10 00:01:42,404 --> 00:01:46,284 Speaker 1: has started and the air is getting colder, I wanted 11 00:01:46,284 --> 00:01:54,804 Speaker 1: to start sharing some stories for the season. The Telltale Tile. 12 00:01:59,044 --> 00:02:02,324 Speaker 1: It begins with a bit of gossip of a neighbor 13 00:02:02,484 --> 00:02:06,044 Speaker 1: who has come in to see Miss Bennett and was 14 00:02:06,084 --> 00:02:09,924 Speaker 1: telling her about a family who had lately moved into 15 00:02:09,964 --> 00:02:16,284 Speaker 1: the place and were in serious trouble. And they do 16 00:02:16,364 --> 00:02:22,284 Speaker 1: say she'll be turned out, she ended turned out, how dreadful, 17 00:02:22,684 --> 00:02:29,244 Speaker 1: and the children too, and Miss Bennett shuddered, Yes, unless 18 00:02:29,284 --> 00:02:35,204 Speaker 1: somebody'll adopt them, and that's not very likely. Well, I 19 00:02:35,324 --> 00:02:39,724 Speaker 1: must go, the visitor went on, rising, I wish I 20 00:02:39,764 --> 00:02:43,604 Speaker 1: could do something for her, but with my household of children, 21 00:02:44,204 --> 00:02:50,244 Speaker 1: I've got use for every penny I can rake and scrape. 22 00:02:50,484 --> 00:02:54,204 Speaker 1: I'm sure I have with only myself, said Miss Bennett 23 00:02:54,244 --> 00:02:59,284 Speaker 1: as she closed the door. I'm sure I have, she 24 00:02:59,444 --> 00:03:04,244 Speaker 1: repeated to herself as she resumed her knitting. It's as 25 00:03:04,324 --> 00:03:08,164 Speaker 1: much as I can do to make ends meet, scrimping 26 00:03:08,244 --> 00:03:11,604 Speaker 1: as I do, not to speak of laying up a 27 00:03:11,724 --> 00:03:21,844 Speaker 1: scent for sickness and old age. But turned out, she 28 00:03:21,924 --> 00:03:26,644 Speaker 1: said again, I wish I could help her, And the 29 00:03:26,724 --> 00:03:32,644 Speaker 1: needles flew in and out, in and out faster than ever. 30 00:03:33,484 --> 00:03:37,804 Speaker 1: As she turned this over in her mind, I might 31 00:03:37,924 --> 00:03:41,644 Speaker 1: give up something, she said at last, though I don't 32 00:03:41,644 --> 00:03:49,164 Speaker 1: know what. Unless unless, she said, slowly, thinking of her 33 00:03:49,244 --> 00:03:54,364 Speaker 1: one luxury, Unless I give up my tea. And it 34 00:03:54,444 --> 00:04:07,084 Speaker 1: don't seem as if I could do that. Sometime the 35 00:04:07,164 --> 00:04:11,644 Speaker 1: thought worked in her mind, and finally she resolved to 36 00:04:11,764 --> 00:04:16,524 Speaker 1: make the sacrifice of her only indulgence for six months 37 00:04:17,684 --> 00:04:22,004 Speaker 1: and send the money to her suffering neighbor, missus Stanley. 38 00:04:23,524 --> 00:04:26,804 Speaker 1: Though she had never seen her, and she had only 39 00:04:26,924 --> 00:04:33,924 Speaker 1: heard she was in want. How much of a sacrifice 40 00:04:33,924 --> 00:04:42,524 Speaker 1: that was? You can hardly guess that evening missus Stanley 41 00:04:42,644 --> 00:04:47,604 Speaker 1: was surprised by a small gift of money from a friend, 42 00:04:48,284 --> 00:04:53,844 Speaker 1: As was said on the envelope containing it. Who sent it? 43 00:04:54,164 --> 00:04:58,644 Speaker 1: She asked from the bed where she was lying. Miss 44 00:04:58,684 --> 00:05:03,564 Speaker 1: Bennett told me not to tell, said the boy, unconscious 45 00:05:04,124 --> 00:05:11,364 Speaker 1: that he had already told. The next day, Miss Bennett 46 00:05:11,364 --> 00:05:15,884 Speaker 1: sat at the window knitting, as usual for her constant 47 00:05:16,004 --> 00:05:19,844 Speaker 1: contribution to the poor fund of the church was a 48 00:05:19,884 --> 00:05:25,324 Speaker 1: certain number of stockings and mittens, when she saw a 49 00:05:25,444 --> 00:05:30,604 Speaker 1: young girl coming up to the door of the cottage. 50 00:05:31,164 --> 00:05:35,164 Speaker 1: Who can that be, she said to herself. I never 51 00:05:35,244 --> 00:05:41,924 Speaker 1: saw her before. Come in, she called. In answer to 52 00:05:42,004 --> 00:05:46,844 Speaker 1: a knock. The girl entered and walked up to Miss Bennett. 53 00:05:48,924 --> 00:05:54,644 Speaker 1: Are you Miss Bennett, she asked, Yes, said Miss Bennett, 54 00:05:54,644 --> 00:06:06,724 Speaker 1: with an amused smile. Well, I'm Hetty Stanley. Miss Bennett started, 55 00:06:06,844 --> 00:06:10,804 Speaker 1: and her color grew a little brighter. I'm glad to 56 00:06:10,844 --> 00:06:15,684 Speaker 1: see you, Hetty, she said. Won't you sit down? Yes, 57 00:06:15,884 --> 00:06:19,484 Speaker 1: if you please, said Hetty, taking a chair near her. 58 00:06:20,884 --> 00:06:23,204 Speaker 1: I came to tell me how much we love you 59 00:06:23,324 --> 00:06:28,564 Speaker 1: for Oh, don't don't say any more, interrupted, Miss Bennett. 60 00:06:29,084 --> 00:06:33,164 Speaker 1: Never mind that. Tell me about your mother and your 61 00:06:33,204 --> 00:06:41,644 Speaker 1: baby brother. This was an interesting subject, and they talked 62 00:06:41,764 --> 00:06:47,724 Speaker 1: earnestly about it. The time passed so quickly that before 63 00:06:47,764 --> 00:06:50,844 Speaker 1: she knew it. She had been in the house an hour. 64 00:06:52,884 --> 00:06:56,564 Speaker 1: When she went away, Miss Bennett asked her to come again, 65 00:06:57,724 --> 00:07:00,604 Speaker 1: a thing she had never been known to do before. 66 00:07:01,604 --> 00:07:06,764 Speaker 1: Or she was not fond of young people in general. 67 00:07:06,964 --> 00:07:12,764 Speaker 1: But then Henny's different, she said to herself, when wondering 68 00:07:12,884 --> 00:07:18,164 Speaker 1: at her own interest. Did you think kind miss Bennett? 69 00:07:18,684 --> 00:07:23,444 Speaker 1: Was her mother's question. As Hetty opened the door, Henny 70 00:07:23,524 --> 00:07:29,444 Speaker 1: stopped as if struck. Why no, I don't think I did, 71 00:07:31,084 --> 00:07:36,564 Speaker 1: and stayed so long too. Whatever did you do? I've 72 00:07:36,644 --> 00:07:43,684 Speaker 1: heard she isn't fond of people generally. We talked, and 73 00:07:45,004 --> 00:07:48,604 Speaker 1: I think she's ever so nice. She asked me to 74 00:07:48,684 --> 00:07:54,924 Speaker 1: come again, May I of course you may. If she 75 00:07:55,044 --> 00:07:58,364 Speaker 1: cares to have you, I should be glad to do 76 00:07:58,404 --> 00:08:08,604 Speaker 1: something to please her. That visit of Hetty's was the 77 00:08:08,644 --> 00:08:15,204 Speaker 1: first of a long series. Almost every day she found 78 00:08:15,244 --> 00:08:19,564 Speaker 1: her way to the lonely cottage, where a visitor rarely came, 79 00:08:20,884 --> 00:08:25,004 Speaker 1: and a strange intimacy grew up between the old and 80 00:08:25,124 --> 00:08:31,884 Speaker 1: the young. Hetty learned from her friend how to knit, 81 00:08:32,764 --> 00:08:37,004 Speaker 1: and many an hour they spent knitting while missus Bennett 82 00:08:37,124 --> 00:08:44,724 Speaker 1: ransacked her memory for stories to tell. And then one 83 00:08:44,804 --> 00:08:48,404 Speaker 1: day she brought down from a big chest in the 84 00:08:48,444 --> 00:08:52,164 Speaker 1: attic two of the books she used to have when 85 00:08:52,164 --> 00:08:59,564 Speaker 1: she was young, and let Hetty look at them. One 86 00:09:00,124 --> 00:09:07,804 Speaker 1: was Thaddeus of Warsaw, and the other Scottish chiefs. Poor 87 00:09:07,884 --> 00:09:11,444 Speaker 1: Hattie had not the dozens of books you have, and 88 00:09:11,604 --> 00:09:17,724 Speaker 1: these were treasures. Indeed, she read them to herself, and 89 00:09:17,804 --> 00:09:21,964 Speaker 1: she read them aloud to Miss Bennett, who, much to 90 00:09:22,044 --> 00:09:27,764 Speaker 1: her own surprise, found her interest almost as eager as Hetty's. 91 00:09:32,844 --> 00:09:39,684 Speaker 1: All this time Christmas was drawing near, and strange unusual 92 00:09:39,844 --> 00:09:44,964 Speaker 1: feelings began to stir in Miss Bennett's heart, though generally 93 00:09:45,644 --> 00:09:52,364 Speaker 1: she did not think much about that happy time. She 94 00:09:52,524 --> 00:09:59,924 Speaker 1: wanted to give Hetty a happy day. Money she had none, 95 00:10:00,124 --> 00:10:04,084 Speaker 1: so she went into the attic, where her youthful treasures 96 00:10:04,204 --> 00:10:10,044 Speaker 1: had long been hidden. From the chest from which she 97 00:10:10,124 --> 00:10:14,044 Speaker 1: had taken the books. She now took a small box 98 00:10:14,484 --> 00:10:19,764 Speaker 1: of light colored wood with a transferred engraving on the cover. 99 00:10:22,124 --> 00:10:24,964 Speaker 1: With a sigh, where the sight of it brought up 100 00:10:25,044 --> 00:10:30,044 Speaker 1: old memories, Bennett lifted the cover by its loop of ribbon, 101 00:10:31,124 --> 00:10:35,204 Speaker 1: took out a package of old letters, and went downstairs 102 00:10:35,244 --> 00:10:39,684 Speaker 1: with the box, taking also a few bits of bright 103 00:10:39,804 --> 00:10:46,044 Speaker 1: silk from a bundle in the chest. I can fit 104 00:10:46,124 --> 00:10:49,204 Speaker 1: it up for a work box, she said, and I'm 105 00:10:49,284 --> 00:10:55,764 Speaker 1: sure Hetty will like it. For many days after this, 106 00:10:56,204 --> 00:11:00,564 Speaker 1: Miss Bennett had her secret work, which she carefully hid 107 00:11:00,764 --> 00:11:07,404 Speaker 1: when she saw Hetty coming slowly In this way, she 108 00:11:07,604 --> 00:11:12,924 Speaker 1: made a pretty needle book, a tiny pincushion, and an 109 00:11:12,924 --> 00:11:19,004 Speaker 1: emery bag like a big strawberry. Then from her own 110 00:11:19,244 --> 00:11:26,204 Speaker 1: scanty stock she added needles, pins, thread, and her only 111 00:11:26,364 --> 00:11:32,564 Speaker 1: pair of small scissors, scoured to the last extreme of brightness. 112 00:11:37,364 --> 00:11:42,484 Speaker 1: One thing only she had to buy a thimble, and 113 00:11:42,564 --> 00:11:46,844 Speaker 1: that she bought for a penny of brass, so bright 114 00:11:47,444 --> 00:11:53,044 Speaker 1: it was quite as handsome as gold, very pretty the 115 00:11:53,084 --> 00:11:57,404 Speaker 1: little box looked when full. In the bottom lay a 116 00:11:57,484 --> 00:12:02,764 Speaker 1: quilted lining which had always been there, and upon this 117 00:12:02,884 --> 00:12:08,604 Speaker 1: the fittings she had made. Besides this, Miss Bennett nit 118 00:12:08,644 --> 00:12:12,844 Speaker 1: a pair of mittens for each of Hetty's brothers and sisters. 119 00:12:16,644 --> 00:12:21,644 Speaker 1: The happiest girl in town on Christmas morning was Hetty Stanley. 120 00:12:24,324 --> 00:12:27,764 Speaker 1: To begin with, she had the delight of giving the 121 00:12:27,804 --> 00:12:31,564 Speaker 1: mittens to the children, and when she ran over to 122 00:12:31,604 --> 00:12:36,124 Speaker 1: tell Miss Bennett how pleased they were, she was surprised 123 00:12:36,804 --> 00:12:40,284 Speaker 1: by the present of the odd little work box and 124 00:12:40,284 --> 00:12:49,524 Speaker 1: its pretty contents. Christmas was over all too soon, and 125 00:12:49,764 --> 00:12:53,644 Speaker 1: New Year's and it was about the middle of January 126 00:12:54,204 --> 00:12:59,164 Speaker 1: that the time came which all her life Miss Bennett 127 00:12:59,164 --> 00:13:06,364 Speaker 1: has dreaded the time when she should be helpless. She 128 00:13:06,564 --> 00:13:10,164 Speaker 1: had not money enough to hire a girl, and so 129 00:13:10,364 --> 00:13:14,004 Speaker 1: the only thing she could imagine when that day should 130 00:13:14,084 --> 00:13:22,364 Speaker 1: come was her worst fear being turned out. But that 131 00:13:22,484 --> 00:13:26,604 Speaker 1: good deed of hers had already borne fruit, and was 132 00:13:26,684 --> 00:13:33,084 Speaker 1: still bearing. When Hetty came over one day and found 133 00:13:33,084 --> 00:13:37,884 Speaker 1: her dear friend lying on the floor, she was dreadfully frightened, 134 00:13:37,884 --> 00:13:42,284 Speaker 1: of course, but she ran after the neighbors and the doctor, 135 00:13:43,044 --> 00:13:46,884 Speaker 1: and bustled about the house as if she belonged to it. 136 00:13:50,324 --> 00:13:54,964 Speaker 1: Miss Bennett had a slight stroke of paralysis, and though 137 00:13:55,044 --> 00:13:57,844 Speaker 1: she was soon better and would be able to talk, 138 00:13:57,924 --> 00:14:01,884 Speaker 1: and possibly to knit, and possibly to get about the house, 139 00:14:02,924 --> 00:14:05,844 Speaker 1: she would never be able to live alone and do 140 00:14:05,964 --> 00:14:13,124 Speaker 1: everything for herself as she had done so. The doctor 141 00:14:13,204 --> 00:14:16,524 Speaker 1: told the neighbors who came in to help, and so 142 00:14:16,804 --> 00:14:22,804 Speaker 1: Hetty heard as she listened eagerly for news. Of course, 143 00:14:22,844 --> 00:14:25,364 Speaker 1: she can't live here any longer. She'll have to go 144 00:14:25,484 --> 00:14:31,684 Speaker 1: to a hospital, said woman Oh, she won't like that, 145 00:14:32,244 --> 00:14:36,884 Speaker 1: said the first speaker. She'll never go there, declared Hetty 146 00:14:37,364 --> 00:14:42,964 Speaker 1: with blazing eyes. Oh and who's to prevent that from happening, 147 00:14:43,644 --> 00:14:48,964 Speaker 1: asked another speaker, turning to look on Hetty. I am 148 00:14:49,724 --> 00:14:54,004 Speaker 1: was the fearless answer. I know all Miss Bennett's ways, 149 00:14:54,484 --> 00:14:57,804 Speaker 1: and I can take care of her, and I will, 150 00:14:59,004 --> 00:15:04,644 Speaker 1: went on Hetty indignantly and turned suddenly. She was surprised 151 00:15:04,684 --> 00:15:07,924 Speaker 1: to find Miss Bennett's eyes fixed on her with an 152 00:15:08,044 --> 00:15:16,324 Speaker 1: eager questioning. Look there, she understands she's better, cried Hetty. 153 00:15:17,644 --> 00:15:20,684 Speaker 1: May I stay and take care of you, dear Miss Bennett, 154 00:15:21,284 --> 00:15:25,484 Speaker 1: she asked, running up to the bed. Yes you may, 155 00:15:25,764 --> 00:15:29,844 Speaker 1: interrupted the doctor, seeing the look in his patient's face. 156 00:15:30,764 --> 00:15:35,764 Speaker 1: But now you mustn't agitate her. And now, my good women, 157 00:15:36,724 --> 00:15:40,084 Speaker 1: turning to the others, I think she can get along 158 00:15:40,164 --> 00:15:43,364 Speaker 1: with her young friend here, whom I happen to know 159 00:15:43,604 --> 00:15:48,564 Speaker 1: is a wonderful young girl, and will be attentive and careful. 160 00:15:53,004 --> 00:15:57,604 Speaker 1: They took the hint and went away, and the doctor 161 00:15:57,684 --> 00:16:02,564 Speaker 1: gave directions to Hetty about what to do, telling her 162 00:16:02,644 --> 00:16:07,564 Speaker 1: she must not leave Miss Bennett. So she was now 163 00:16:07,764 --> 00:16:17,764 Speaker 1: regularly installed as nurse and housekeeper. Days and weeks rolled by. 164 00:16:18,724 --> 00:16:21,444 Speaker 1: Miss Bennett was able to be up in her chair, 165 00:16:22,124 --> 00:16:26,244 Speaker 1: to talk and knit, and to walk about the house, 166 00:16:27,524 --> 00:16:33,284 Speaker 1: but was not able to be left alone. Indeed, she 167 00:16:33,404 --> 00:16:37,924 Speaker 1: had a fear of being left alone. She could not 168 00:16:38,084 --> 00:16:41,924 Speaker 1: bear Hetty out of her sight, and Hetty's mother was 169 00:16:42,124 --> 00:16:49,684 Speaker 1: very willing to spare her. To provide food for two 170 00:16:49,724 --> 00:16:54,044 Speaker 1: out of what had been scrimping for one was a problem, 171 00:16:57,244 --> 00:17:00,524 Speaker 1: but Miss Bennett ate very little, and she did not 172 00:17:00,724 --> 00:17:04,844 Speaker 1: resume her tea, so they managed to get along and 173 00:17:05,004 --> 00:17:12,564 Speaker 1: not really suffer. One day, Hetty sat by the fire 174 00:17:12,684 --> 00:17:16,164 Speaker 1: with her precious box on her knee, which she was 175 00:17:16,204 --> 00:17:23,004 Speaker 1: putting to rights for the twentieth time. The box was empty, 176 00:17:23,684 --> 00:17:27,484 Speaker 1: and her sharp young eyes noticed a little dust on 177 00:17:27,564 --> 00:17:32,684 Speaker 1: the silk lining. I think i'll take this out and 178 00:17:32,844 --> 00:17:37,284 Speaker 1: dust it, she said to Miss Bennett, if you don't mind, 179 00:17:38,964 --> 00:17:41,884 Speaker 1: do as you like with it, answered Miss Bennett, it 180 00:17:42,044 --> 00:17:48,564 Speaker 1: is yours. So Hetty carefully lifted the silk, which stuck 181 00:17:48,684 --> 00:17:54,924 Speaker 1: a little. Why, here's something under it, she said, an 182 00:17:54,964 --> 00:18:00,604 Speaker 1: old paper, and it has writing on it. Bring it 183 00:18:00,644 --> 00:18:03,324 Speaker 1: to me, said Miss Bennett. Perhaps it is a letter 184 00:18:03,404 --> 00:18:11,164 Speaker 1: I have forgotten. Hetty brought it. Why it's father's writing, 185 00:18:11,724 --> 00:18:16,324 Speaker 1: said miss Bennett, looking closely at the faded paper, And 186 00:18:17,044 --> 00:18:21,804 Speaker 1: what can it mean? I never saw it before. It says, 187 00:18:22,724 --> 00:18:29,164 Speaker 1: look and ye shall find? And what is this under it? 188 00:18:30,084 --> 00:18:36,204 Speaker 1: A word to the wise is sufficient? I don't understand. 189 00:18:37,404 --> 00:18:40,404 Speaker 1: He must have put it there himself, or I never 190 00:18:40,444 --> 00:18:45,084 Speaker 1: took that lining out. I thought it was fastened. What 191 00:18:45,164 --> 00:18:50,924 Speaker 1: can it mean? And she pondered over it long and 192 00:18:51,164 --> 00:18:59,564 Speaker 1: all day, seemed absent minded. After tea, when they sat 193 00:18:59,644 --> 00:19:03,844 Speaker 1: before the kitchen fire as they always did, with only 194 00:19:03,924 --> 00:19:07,764 Speaker 1: the firelight flickering and dancing on the walls while they 195 00:19:07,844 --> 00:19:14,604 Speaker 1: knitted or told stories or talked, she told Hetty about 196 00:19:14,604 --> 00:19:18,764 Speaker 1: her father, that they have lived comfortably in this house, 197 00:19:18,804 --> 00:19:22,964 Speaker 1: which he built, and that everyone supposed that he had 198 00:19:23,044 --> 00:19:26,804 Speaker 1: plenty of money and would leave enough to take care 199 00:19:26,844 --> 00:19:31,924 Speaker 1: of his own only child, but that when he died 200 00:19:32,004 --> 00:19:36,324 Speaker 1: suddenly nothing had been found, and nothing ever had been 201 00:19:37,084 --> 00:19:43,124 Speaker 1: from that day to this part of the place. I 202 00:19:43,244 --> 00:19:47,204 Speaker 1: went to John Thompson, Hetty, and that money is all 203 00:19:47,284 --> 00:19:51,884 Speaker 1: I have to live on. I don't know what makes 204 00:19:51,924 --> 00:19:57,564 Speaker 1: me think of old time. So tonight, I know, said Hetty. 205 00:19:58,044 --> 00:20:02,404 Speaker 1: It's that paper, and I know what it reminds me of. 206 00:20:03,284 --> 00:20:06,684 Speaker 1: She suddenly shouted, in a way very unusual with her, 207 00:20:07,724 --> 00:20:12,084 Speaker 1: it's that tile over there. And she jumped up and 208 00:20:12,204 --> 00:20:15,324 Speaker 1: ran to the side of the fireplace and put her 209 00:20:15,364 --> 00:20:24,324 Speaker 1: hand on the tile. She meant. On each side of 210 00:20:24,364 --> 00:20:31,044 Speaker 1: the fireplace was a row of tiles. They were Bible subjects, 211 00:20:31,084 --> 00:20:34,884 Speaker 1: and Miss Bennett had often told Hetty the story of 212 00:20:34,964 --> 00:20:38,524 Speaker 1: each one, and also the stories she used to make 213 00:20:38,644 --> 00:20:44,284 Speaker 1: up about them when she was young. The one Hetty 214 00:20:44,324 --> 00:20:47,364 Speaker 1: had her hand on now bore the picture of a 215 00:20:47,444 --> 00:20:52,724 Speaker 1: woman standing before a closed door, and before her the 216 00:20:52,764 --> 00:20:57,204 Speaker 1: words of the yellow bit of paper. Look and ye 217 00:20:57,244 --> 00:21:03,604 Speaker 1: shall find. I always felt there was something different about that, 218 00:21:04,124 --> 00:21:09,204 Speaker 1: said Hetty eagerly. And you know you told me your 219 00:21:09,244 --> 00:21:12,724 Speaker 1: father talked to you about it, about what to seek 220 00:21:12,764 --> 00:21:18,684 Speaker 1: in the world when he was gone away and other things. Yes, 221 00:21:18,924 --> 00:21:23,684 Speaker 1: so he did, said Miss Bennett thoughtfully. Come to think 222 00:21:23,724 --> 00:21:27,164 Speaker 1: of it, he said a great deal about it, a 223 00:21:27,524 --> 00:21:34,044 Speaker 1: meaning way. I don't understand it, she said, slowly, turning 224 00:21:34,084 --> 00:21:39,844 Speaker 1: it over in her mind. I do, cried Hetty enthusiastically. 225 00:21:40,764 --> 00:21:45,484 Speaker 1: I believe you are to seek here. I believe it's loose, 226 00:21:46,804 --> 00:21:51,164 Speaker 1: and she tried to shake it. It is loose, she 227 00:21:51,324 --> 00:21:55,644 Speaker 1: cried excitedly, Oh, miss Bennett, may I take it out. 228 00:21:57,604 --> 00:21:59,644 Speaker 1: Miss Bennett had turned very pale. 229 00:22:00,284 --> 00:22:00,524 Speaker 2: Yes. 230 00:22:01,244 --> 00:22:07,564 Speaker 1: She gasped, hardly knowing what to expect or dared to hope. 231 00:22:08,044 --> 00:22:12,324 Speaker 1: A sudden push from Hetty's strong fingers, and the tile 232 00:22:12,484 --> 00:22:16,084 Speaker 1: slipped out at one side and fell to the floor. 233 00:22:18,604 --> 00:22:22,684 Speaker 1: Behind it was an opening into the brickwork. Hetty thrust 234 00:22:22,724 --> 00:22:27,604 Speaker 1: in her hand. There's something in there, she said, in 235 00:22:27,644 --> 00:22:31,964 Speaker 1: an odd tone. Get a light, said Miss Bennett hoarsely. 236 00:22:33,884 --> 00:22:37,724 Speaker 1: There was not a candle in the house. But Hetty 237 00:22:37,804 --> 00:22:40,364 Speaker 1: seized a brand from the fire and held it up 238 00:22:40,404 --> 00:22:46,244 Speaker 1: and looked in It looks like bags tied up, she cried. Oh, 239 00:22:46,324 --> 00:22:52,564 Speaker 1: come here see for yourself. The old woman hobbled over 240 00:22:53,044 --> 00:22:56,644 Speaker 1: and thrust her hand into the hole, bringing out what 241 00:22:56,724 --> 00:23:01,164 Speaker 1: once was a bag, but which crumpled to pieces in 242 00:23:01,244 --> 00:23:07,124 Speaker 1: her hands, and with it, Oh wonder, a handful of 243 00:23:07,324 --> 00:23:11,204 Speaker 1: gold pieces, which fell with a jingle on the hearth 244 00:23:11,924 --> 00:23:19,844 Speaker 1: and rolled every way. My father's money, oh Hetty, was 245 00:23:20,004 --> 00:23:23,204 Speaker 1: all she could say, and she seized a chair to 246 00:23:23,324 --> 00:23:28,004 Speaker 1: keep from falling. While Hetty was nearly wild and talked 247 00:23:28,124 --> 00:23:32,284 Speaker 1: like a crazy person. Oh, goody, goody, now you can 248 00:23:32,284 --> 00:23:34,764 Speaker 1: have things to eat, and we can have a candle, 249 00:23:35,004 --> 00:23:41,444 Speaker 1: and you won't have to leave this house. No, indeed, you, 250 00:23:41,644 --> 00:23:45,364 Speaker 1: dear child, cried Miss Bennett, who had found her voice. 251 00:23:46,004 --> 00:23:51,404 Speaker 1: Thanks to you, you blessing. I shall be comfortable now 252 00:23:51,484 --> 00:23:55,484 Speaker 1: the rest of my days. And you. Oh, I shall 253 00:23:55,564 --> 00:24:02,524 Speaker 1: never forget you. Through you. Has everything good come to me? Oh? 254 00:24:02,564 --> 00:24:05,244 Speaker 1: But you have been so good to me, dear miss Bennett. 255 00:24:06,564 --> 00:24:10,444 Speaker 1: I should never have guessed it, you, precious child. If 256 00:24:10,484 --> 00:24:13,444 Speaker 1: it had not been for your quickness, I should have 257 00:24:13,524 --> 00:24:19,004 Speaker 1: left here and never found it. And if you hadn't 258 00:24:19,044 --> 00:24:22,164 Speaker 1: given me the box, it might have rusted away in 259 00:24:22,284 --> 00:24:27,724 Speaker 1: that chest. Take money out of my person and go 260 00:24:27,764 --> 00:24:31,684 Speaker 1: buy a candle. We need not save it for bread. Now, 261 00:24:32,684 --> 00:24:37,404 Speaker 1: oh child, she interrupted herself. Do you know we shall 262 00:24:37,444 --> 00:24:42,084 Speaker 1: have everything we want tomorrow? Go? Go, I want to 263 00:24:42,124 --> 00:24:48,924 Speaker 1: see how much there is the candle bought. The gold 264 00:24:49,124 --> 00:24:52,444 Speaker 1: was taken out and counted, and proved to be more 265 00:24:52,564 --> 00:24:57,404 Speaker 1: than enough to give Miss Bennett a comfortable income without 266 00:24:57,524 --> 00:25:02,804 Speaker 1: touching the principle. It was put back and the tile 267 00:25:02,924 --> 00:25:07,084 Speaker 1: replaced as the safest place to keep it till morning, 268 00:25:07,764 --> 00:25:10,564 Speaker 1: when Miss Bennett intended to put it into a bank. 269 00:25:13,284 --> 00:25:16,444 Speaker 1: But though they went to bed. There was not a 270 00:25:16,524 --> 00:25:20,204 Speaker 1: wink of sleep for Miss Bennett. For planning what she 271 00:25:20,244 --> 00:25:26,724 Speaker 1: would do, There were a thousand things she wanted to do. First, 272 00:25:28,204 --> 00:25:32,604 Speaker 1: to get clothes for Hetty, to brighten up the old house, 273 00:25:33,844 --> 00:25:36,844 Speaker 1: to hire a girl, to relieve Hetty, so that the 274 00:25:36,964 --> 00:25:42,964 Speaker 1: dear child should go to school, to learn. All her 275 00:25:43,004 --> 00:25:47,764 Speaker 1: old ambitions and wishes for herself sprang into life for Hetty, 276 00:25:49,164 --> 00:25:52,764 Speaker 1: for not a thought of her future. Life was separate 277 00:25:52,964 --> 00:25:59,684 Speaker 1: from Hetty. In a very short time, everything was changed 278 00:25:59,724 --> 00:26:05,124 Speaker 1: in Miss Bennett's cottage. She had publicly adopted Hetty and 279 00:26:05,244 --> 00:26:09,724 Speaker 1: announced her as her heir. A girl had been installed 280 00:26:09,724 --> 00:26:14,324 Speaker 1: in the kitchen, and Hetty, in pretty new clothes, had 281 00:26:14,364 --> 00:26:22,684 Speaker 1: begun school. Fresh paint inside and out, with many new comforts, 282 00:26:22,724 --> 00:26:28,804 Speaker 1: made the old house charming and bright. But nothing could 283 00:26:28,884 --> 00:26:34,764 Speaker 1: change the pleasant and happy relations between the two friends, 284 00:26:34,804 --> 00:26:40,004 Speaker 1: and a more contented and cheerful household could not be 285 00:26:40,164 --> 00:26:49,244 Speaker 1: found anywhere. Happiness is a wonderful doctor, and Miss Bennett 286 00:26:49,244 --> 00:26:54,564 Speaker 1: grew so much better that she could travel, and when 287 00:26:54,684 --> 00:26:58,244 Speaker 1: Hetty had finished her school, they saw little of the 288 00:26:58,324 --> 00:27:06,284 Speaker 1: world before they settled down to a quiet, useful life. 289 00:27:06,484 --> 00:27:09,644 Speaker 1: Every comfort on earth I owe to you, said Hetty 290 00:27:09,764 --> 00:27:13,204 Speaker 1: one day when Miss Bennett had proposed some new thing 291 00:27:13,324 --> 00:27:19,244 Speaker 1: to add to her enjoyment. Oh, dear Hetty, how much 292 00:27:19,364 --> 00:27:23,484 Speaker 1: do I owe to you? But for you, I should, 293 00:27:23,604 --> 00:27:28,724 Speaker 1: no doubt be at this moment shivering with cold, while 294 00:27:28,764 --> 00:27:31,844 Speaker 1: someone else would be living in this dear old house. 295 00:27:34,964 --> 00:27:40,484 Speaker 1: And it all comes, she added, softly, from your unselfishness 296 00:27:41,084 --> 00:27:48,884 Speaker 1: and your care and concern for others. And that is 297 00:27:48,924 --> 00:27:52,324 Speaker 1: the end of this episode. I hope you enjoyed it. 298 00:27:53,524 --> 00:27:55,764 Speaker 1: Good Night and sleep tight. 299 00:27:57,204 --> 00:28:02,804 Speaker 3: O sto sur but I come tonight. 300 00:28:04,844 --> 00:28:18,364 Speaker 2: A fist sas because that stars again. 301 00:28:19,684 --> 00:28:35,364 Speaker 3: Puts together the songs. Storm lads in the roll bar 302 00:28:38,164 --> 00:28:41,204 Speaker 3: Wake fail. 303 00:28:42,884 --> 00:28:45,644 Speaker 2: Toast a toast were bier Woods