1 00:00:00,040 --> 00:00:11,760 Speaker 1: M a drink poured, a knife carefully placed on a table. 2 00:00:14,400 --> 00:00:32,080 Speaker 1: Preparation is all. If you're prepared, you can improvise. H yeah, 3 00:00:34,800 --> 00:00:40,720 Speaker 1: boy coming, master, give this armor off me. Let me 4 00:00:40,720 --> 00:00:47,120 Speaker 1: help you after the table. Careful, careful? And how is 5 00:00:47,159 --> 00:00:50,720 Speaker 1: the how is the jousting? Master taught that little ship 6 00:00:50,800 --> 00:00:56,000 Speaker 1: the less and his family watching from the stands, smiling 7 00:00:56,160 --> 00:01:01,360 Speaker 1: smugly till I wiped their son's complacent ass. Maybe they'll 8 00:01:01,440 --> 00:01:05,520 Speaker 1: show me a little respect. Now are you hurt? Master? 9 00:01:06,319 --> 00:01:09,880 Speaker 1: Just a flesh wound lucky idiot managed to nick my 10 00:01:10,480 --> 00:01:15,360 Speaker 1: care forcus. I'm sorry, Master, you're thirsty, damn right, I am. 11 00:01:15,840 --> 00:01:29,600 Speaker 1: Get this talmet off me, trickness master? Wait a minute, Master, 12 00:01:30,319 --> 00:01:34,240 Speaker 1: who are you? Where's my boy? He had to go 13 00:01:34,240 --> 00:01:37,960 Speaker 1: go away? I mean he had to go I know 14 00:01:38,120 --> 00:01:43,399 Speaker 1: you don't im We met at the temple quil right 15 00:01:44,280 --> 00:01:49,640 Speaker 1: or a quel? Are you? You're looking for employment? Which 16 00:01:49,680 --> 00:01:52,720 Speaker 1: I found? Where is my boy? Now? You should sit? 17 00:01:53,320 --> 00:01:58,200 Speaker 1: It would be better better less painful than less painful 18 00:01:58,280 --> 00:02:03,480 Speaker 1: than sorry? Did that hurt? I'm so sorry. I just 19 00:02:03,520 --> 00:02:06,720 Speaker 1: need to open up your wound a touch more, and 20 00:02:07,000 --> 00:02:17,919 Speaker 1: don't thank you. You did very well. Relax now, honestly, 21 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:24,280 Speaker 1: I think that's best dying. You are, yeah, but not 22 00:02:24,400 --> 00:02:26,720 Speaker 1: to worry. Let me take a moment or two. Actually 23 00:02:27,800 --> 00:02:32,200 Speaker 1: it works out very well things considered. Everyone will assume 24 00:02:32,200 --> 00:02:35,880 Speaker 1: it was the wound. It came back to your quarters, 25 00:02:35,880 --> 00:02:40,840 Speaker 1: took off your armor, and well, oh, it was a drink. 26 00:02:41,720 --> 00:02:44,080 Speaker 1: If you're wondering why your tongue has swollen to the 27 00:02:44,080 --> 00:02:49,839 Speaker 1: point where you cannot speak, just try to relax. There's 28 00:02:49,880 --> 00:02:51,679 Speaker 1: nothing you can do now, and it won't take long. 29 00:02:52,280 --> 00:02:57,080 Speaker 1: I'll wait with you. Did you know that in the 30 00:02:57,120 --> 00:03:02,200 Speaker 1: desert of Thar there's a wind samoon wind, I think 31 00:03:02,240 --> 00:03:10,720 Speaker 1: the sky. Let's call it simoon moveen hm. It's from 32 00:03:10,720 --> 00:03:14,440 Speaker 1: one of the ancient tongues. It blows up from time 33 00:03:14,480 --> 00:03:18,840 Speaker 1: to time, and those whom it overtakes it not only kills. Indeed, 34 00:03:18,880 --> 00:03:21,079 Speaker 1: I was told that when a man is killed by 35 00:03:21,120 --> 00:03:24,320 Speaker 1: that wind, and his friends wished to wash him for burial, 36 00:03:25,800 --> 00:03:32,760 Speaker 1: all his limbs fall apart. A strange world we're doing, 37 00:03:33,360 --> 00:03:36,080 Speaker 1: And who knows what's up there in the air, in 38 00:03:36,120 --> 00:03:38,440 Speaker 1: the sky above our heads. Look up there, how far 39 00:03:39,120 --> 00:03:43,120 Speaker 1: can you really see? We all should do that, We 40 00:03:43,160 --> 00:03:46,640 Speaker 1: all should take a moment away from the hurly burley 41 00:03:46,680 --> 00:03:49,840 Speaker 1: of the street and our preoccupations and squabbles, and just 42 00:03:51,480 --> 00:03:54,920 Speaker 1: observed the sky. What's not there? Where does it go? 43 00:03:55,280 --> 00:04:03,040 Speaker 1: How far? Forgive me? I didn't quite why. Why it's 44 00:04:03,080 --> 00:04:06,960 Speaker 1: my job? I'm oh. By the way, it's not Aquila 45 00:04:07,240 --> 00:04:09,880 Speaker 1: with my name now. People often get it wrong. It's okay, 46 00:04:10,120 --> 00:04:17,440 Speaker 1: hard edged like kiln a killer. H People find that funny. 47 00:04:17,480 --> 00:04:19,520 Speaker 1: You know it's because of what I do well, they 48 00:04:19,560 --> 00:04:24,080 Speaker 1: initially find it funny. Really end my acquaintance with anyone 49 00:04:24,120 --> 00:04:29,320 Speaker 1: on humorous terms any rate. I've been summoned to to Monday, 50 00:04:29,520 --> 00:04:33,800 Speaker 1: so I'll have to take my leave. Congratulations again or 51 00:04:33,920 --> 00:04:51,599 Speaker 1: jousting to Monday? Season four, episode three, pronounced a killer 52 00:04:52,360 --> 00:05:06,360 Speaker 1: by mac Rogers. What day, my friend? Can I help you? 53 00:05:07,040 --> 00:05:12,080 Speaker 1: What's this? One? Bull? Bull from the Upper Mountains? Cans? 54 00:05:12,680 --> 00:05:15,040 Speaker 1: But they sing a pretty song. It depends if you 55 00:05:15,160 --> 00:05:19,479 Speaker 1: take good care of them. I've heard enough of this. 56 00:05:19,640 --> 00:05:23,120 Speaker 1: Move on. You've been standing here too long. But you 57 00:05:23,200 --> 00:05:26,040 Speaker 1: think I'm a fool. You think I don't know you're 58 00:05:26,120 --> 00:05:28,800 Speaker 1: one of those crazy sky rats. I don't know what 59 00:05:28,839 --> 00:05:30,800 Speaker 1: you're up to, but I know you're not interested in 60 00:05:30,839 --> 00:05:33,799 Speaker 1: buying my birds. I know you moved stuff around the city, 61 00:05:34,440 --> 00:05:38,919 Speaker 1: stuff that shouldn't be moved. What are you talking about? 62 00:05:39,279 --> 00:05:44,440 Speaker 1: And the linings of bird cages? What do you want? 63 00:05:45,440 --> 00:05:53,039 Speaker 1: Your help getting a bird out of the cage? Shure? 64 00:05:53,240 --> 00:05:55,360 Speaker 1: They say it would be easy for a skyra. Are 65 00:05:55,400 --> 00:05:58,880 Speaker 1: you joking? They say it drops right down into the yard. Frog. 66 00:05:59,080 --> 00:06:02,520 Speaker 1: There is nothing you could say that would make me. Oh, 67 00:06:03,920 --> 00:06:07,039 Speaker 1: can I help you? Offendi? I'm looking for lodgings and 68 00:06:07,120 --> 00:06:13,520 Speaker 1: your establishment comes highly recommended, Ma, Ma, man almost know 69 00:06:13,560 --> 00:06:18,160 Speaker 1: if we have a vacancy, Yes, sir, how many nights? 70 00:06:18,600 --> 00:06:21,440 Speaker 1: I'm not sure yet. The first time in Tay, I'm 71 00:06:21,480 --> 00:06:25,719 Speaker 1: here for a funeral my uncle. Let me show you 72 00:06:25,760 --> 00:06:33,080 Speaker 1: what's wrongs. We have very kind. Look, it's no problem 73 00:06:33,120 --> 00:06:36,400 Speaker 1: breaking into the prison. It's getting out that's difficult. We're 74 00:06:36,400 --> 00:06:38,720 Speaker 1: both skyrats. We can climb. We know how to get 75 00:06:38,760 --> 00:06:42,200 Speaker 1: into places. Wronger, I don't know. I have responsibilities now 76 00:06:43,960 --> 00:06:46,920 Speaker 1: I'm here, Ma, I'm still with a friend. Don't you 77 00:06:46,960 --> 00:06:49,680 Speaker 1: want to get up on the kites again? Remember how 78 00:06:49,720 --> 00:06:52,400 Speaker 1: it used to be when we were free? No one 79 00:06:52,600 --> 00:06:58,520 Speaker 1: could stop us. Don't you want that again? Coming? Ma? 80 00:06:59,320 --> 00:07:12,240 Speaker 1: There's got to be more exciting than this macnificent, isn't it. 81 00:07:13,000 --> 00:07:15,680 Speaker 1: I feel as though I can't see half of two 82 00:07:15,680 --> 00:07:19,200 Speaker 1: Monday from here, but that's exactly the point, because it's 83 00:07:19,200 --> 00:07:22,840 Speaker 1: so very small from here, whereas I, being so much 84 00:07:22,840 --> 00:07:27,200 Speaker 1: closer to you, I am so very large. Indeed, Madam, 85 00:07:27,240 --> 00:07:31,720 Speaker 1: that is what we call perspective. So why don't you 86 00:07:31,760 --> 00:07:35,119 Speaker 1: make a few preliminary sketches while I speak with Madame Fatt. 87 00:07:35,160 --> 00:07:37,880 Speaker 1: Please don't interrupt me whilst I'm talking to the great artist. 88 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:44,280 Speaker 1: Forgive me, madam mhmm. You'll paint me here, the highest 89 00:07:44,440 --> 00:07:49,760 Speaker 1: position on the walls. This is how history will remember me, Fatima, 90 00:07:50,200 --> 00:07:56,119 Speaker 1: mother of the Empire, and she will sit at my feet, 91 00:07:56,160 --> 00:07:59,680 Speaker 1: of course, my hand resting on her shoulder, Mother, and 92 00:08:00,560 --> 00:08:04,360 Speaker 1: gazing out into the distance. The fires in the school wonderful, wonderful, 93 00:08:04,400 --> 00:08:09,000 Speaker 1: And the grandmaster, the Balara I only wish to clarify. 94 00:08:09,040 --> 00:08:11,200 Speaker 1: He will be there, of course, standing somewhere below. Make 95 00:08:11,240 --> 00:08:14,240 Speaker 1: sure his head is no higher than my feet while 96 00:08:14,280 --> 00:08:16,880 Speaker 1: I'm here. Of course, of course I think all the time. 97 00:08:16,920 --> 00:08:20,120 Speaker 1: You need, and you're anything you need, You need only 98 00:08:20,200 --> 00:08:27,640 Speaker 1: to ask, Madam. It's important that we discuss well. Usually, 99 00:08:28,160 --> 00:08:32,760 Speaker 1: under normal circumstances, a great artist like Signor Piero wouldn't 100 00:08:32,760 --> 00:08:37,240 Speaker 1: start work before the down the head steward, yes, well 101 00:08:37,320 --> 00:08:40,440 Speaker 1: I have, and he said I should speak to the bookkeeper, 102 00:08:40,880 --> 00:08:43,679 Speaker 1: and the bookkeeper said I should speak to the head eunuch, 103 00:08:43,960 --> 00:08:46,280 Speaker 1: and I finally managed to find him, and he said 104 00:08:46,320 --> 00:08:48,960 Speaker 1: he had no record of any payments due and that 105 00:08:49,040 --> 00:08:51,840 Speaker 1: I needed to speak to the head steward. I went 106 00:08:51,880 --> 00:08:55,040 Speaker 1: back to the head steward and he said nothing could 107 00:08:55,080 --> 00:09:02,040 Speaker 1: be authorized without you signing an order, which, well, it 108 00:09:02,080 --> 00:09:05,199 Speaker 1: will be done, madam. It is the custom, and it 109 00:09:05,320 --> 00:09:07,560 Speaker 1: always has been, that there should be a payment before 110 00:09:07,559 --> 00:09:12,360 Speaker 1: work begins. Signor Piero is the greatest artist in the world. 111 00:09:13,040 --> 00:09:15,400 Speaker 1: There is constant demand for his work, and he has 112 00:09:15,440 --> 00:09:22,480 Speaker 1: turned down many lucrative commissions to be here into Mambay. Madam, 113 00:09:22,520 --> 00:09:26,320 Speaker 1: it's possible there's something wrong with my hearing, Signor is 114 00:09:26,360 --> 00:09:31,199 Speaker 1: that it? Is there something wrong with my hearing? I'm 115 00:09:31,240 --> 00:09:33,560 Speaker 1: not sure what you mean, because it sounds very much 116 00:09:33,679 --> 00:09:37,960 Speaker 1: like you are questioning my word, Madam. As Signor Piero's assistant, 117 00:09:38,000 --> 00:09:40,120 Speaker 1: it's my obligation. Do you take me for some sort 118 00:09:40,120 --> 00:09:44,360 Speaker 1: of provincial am I caked in cheap face paint, draped 119 00:09:44,400 --> 00:09:46,640 Speaker 1: in a gaudy shift that's coming apart of the scene 120 00:09:46,679 --> 00:09:49,560 Speaker 1: not at all, Madam. Then I can't imagine where you 121 00:09:49,640 --> 00:09:51,760 Speaker 1: get the idea that I don't know how to comport 122 00:09:51,840 --> 00:09:55,400 Speaker 1: myself with men of culture. I can't imagine. I never 123 00:09:55,679 --> 00:10:03,600 Speaker 1: said I certainly didn't mean to offend. It's a lovely 124 00:10:03,760 --> 00:10:09,120 Speaker 1: view from these walls, don't you agree, Mistress Suspective? The 125 00:10:09,440 --> 00:10:14,720 Speaker 1: great artist said yes, because we're so very high up. 126 00:10:16,120 --> 00:10:23,000 Speaker 1: I suppose so, meaning that it's also quite a long 127 00:10:23,000 --> 00:10:32,800 Speaker 1: way down. It's not just her, something's not right about 128 00:10:32,840 --> 00:10:38,040 Speaker 1: this whole place. Smahan blue or green? Mahadi? What her eyes? 129 00:10:38,679 --> 00:10:42,000 Speaker 1: I'm testing colors? Are you really going to paint exactly 130 00:10:42,040 --> 00:10:45,040 Speaker 1: what she tells you to? I can paint exactly what 131 00:10:45,120 --> 00:10:48,360 Speaker 1: she wants and still make her look like a vulgar 132 00:10:48,559 --> 00:10:52,320 Speaker 1: fool at the center of it, and she won't even notice. 133 00:10:53,480 --> 00:10:59,000 Speaker 1: This could be my masterpiece. Yes, but we need to 134 00:10:59,080 --> 00:11:02,120 Speaker 1: be paid. Then see to it. I will, I am. 135 00:11:02,440 --> 00:11:06,320 Speaker 1: But the more I see, the more I worry. What 136 00:11:06,440 --> 00:11:10,240 Speaker 1: about the Sultana? What about her? Well? You do seem 137 00:11:10,280 --> 00:11:15,240 Speaker 1: to get on. Ask her what's happening here? Perhaps she 138 00:11:15,480 --> 00:11:19,000 Speaker 1: likes you? What do you mean who sees into the 139 00:11:19,040 --> 00:11:22,640 Speaker 1: souls of others more clearly than I just be careful 140 00:11:23,200 --> 00:11:28,160 Speaker 1: this mother daughter relationship. I don't think the Sultana says 141 00:11:28,200 --> 00:11:31,480 Speaker 1: it's in quite the same way as Madame Fatima. Maybe 142 00:11:31,679 --> 00:11:35,160 Speaker 1: you can find out whatever there is between Fatima and 143 00:11:35,200 --> 00:11:40,120 Speaker 1: mannell business. I beg to disagree. It is a business 144 00:11:40,240 --> 00:11:43,560 Speaker 1: of a great artist to know everything about his subjects. 145 00:11:44,960 --> 00:11:51,079 Speaker 1: I'll contrive a meeting. Do it's too small? Paton on 146 00:11:51,160 --> 00:11:55,160 Speaker 1: his shoulders, Mistress. Bring the meal closer. Boys, it's just 147 00:11:56,520 --> 00:12:00,760 Speaker 1: fit me. Don't get any on slash. There's a good time, 148 00:12:00,840 --> 00:12:04,480 Speaker 1: not now, I'm hosting lunch for the merchants of the city. 149 00:12:06,440 --> 00:12:08,760 Speaker 1: Supers filth. Throw it out and tell the cook to 150 00:12:08,760 --> 00:12:11,160 Speaker 1: start again. The full council and all the guilt heads 151 00:12:11,160 --> 00:12:15,280 Speaker 1: will be eating this. Yess apologies, mistress, but it's not unrelated. 152 00:12:15,600 --> 00:12:18,840 Speaker 1: If Indy Pillar, the banker we met, if you recall, 153 00:12:19,080 --> 00:12:21,959 Speaker 1: is he coming to No, I'm afraid it, Stress. He 154 00:12:22,120 --> 00:12:25,960 Speaker 1: sent word that he feels unable to assist us to 155 00:12:26,000 --> 00:12:29,200 Speaker 1: the full extent of our request. Yes, this sash, but 156 00:12:29,280 --> 00:12:32,080 Speaker 1: not the gown. Bring me something else. What are you 157 00:12:32,080 --> 00:12:35,960 Speaker 1: telling me? He sends his best regards and deep regrets, 158 00:12:36,040 --> 00:12:38,959 Speaker 1: but he's not able. I'm not interested in his best 159 00:12:39,000 --> 00:12:44,400 Speaker 1: regards or his deep regrets. Why do you think I 160 00:12:44,440 --> 00:12:49,560 Speaker 1: pardoned you? Godali? Why did I spare your life? You 161 00:12:49,640 --> 00:12:53,359 Speaker 1: are supposed to have the contacts, and I have, mistress, 162 00:12:53,400 --> 00:12:56,200 Speaker 1: and we have seen them, but I can't force. We 163 00:12:56,240 --> 00:13:03,040 Speaker 1: need gold, Cadi tuman Bay needs gold. Surely there are others. 164 00:13:03,040 --> 00:13:05,439 Speaker 1: There are, mistress, Yes, of course there are, and I'm 165 00:13:05,480 --> 00:13:13,160 Speaker 1: trying to arrange. But there are concerns, concerns, concerns about 166 00:13:13,160 --> 00:13:21,960 Speaker 1: what speak you're spending, mistress, my spending. Yes, we are 167 00:13:22,000 --> 00:13:26,080 Speaker 1: talking about the rebuilding of the city, restoring confidence in 168 00:13:27,120 --> 00:13:32,000 Speaker 1: in the dignity of the throne. You're right, of course ourselves. 169 00:13:32,120 --> 00:13:34,679 Speaker 1: We to wear sack cloth and live like rats, scurrying 170 00:13:34,720 --> 00:13:38,320 Speaker 1: around and that. Yes, this one, mistress, But let me 171 00:13:38,320 --> 00:13:42,280 Speaker 1: see give it to me. You're changing. Perhaps I should 172 00:13:42,320 --> 00:13:44,920 Speaker 1: return after you. You think I care what you see? 173 00:13:44,960 --> 00:13:50,280 Speaker 1: Good Ali, when did you last have a thought of 174 00:13:50,280 --> 00:13:55,160 Speaker 1: the flesh one's interests to moderate over the years? Suddenly, 175 00:13:55,360 --> 00:13:59,280 Speaker 1: but her mistress is not. I'm sorry. How dare he 176 00:13:59,360 --> 00:14:02,800 Speaker 1: turned me down? Impudent banker? Arrest him, put him in chains, 177 00:14:02,960 --> 00:14:05,800 Speaker 1: let him faster in a dark cell. See how he 178 00:14:05,840 --> 00:14:09,200 Speaker 1: likes that? I'm sure if d p La would not 179 00:14:09,280 --> 00:14:12,040 Speaker 1: like that one. I am the mother of the empire. 180 00:14:12,240 --> 00:14:15,880 Speaker 1: No one treats me like some peasant with their feet 181 00:14:15,880 --> 00:14:17,480 Speaker 1: in the mud. No one tells me what to do. 182 00:14:18,559 --> 00:14:23,600 Speaker 1: I tell them, of course, Mistress, without question, only if 183 00:14:23,640 --> 00:14:28,480 Speaker 1: I may advise it may be unwise to arrest or 184 00:14:28,480 --> 00:14:31,920 Speaker 1: threaten the bankers. All the money in Tuman Bay would 185 00:14:32,000 --> 00:14:36,640 Speaker 1: dry up. Everything would dry up, All our trade would cease. 186 00:14:37,520 --> 00:14:40,040 Speaker 1: You're saying that I may not in my own city, 187 00:14:40,240 --> 00:14:44,640 Speaker 1: compel not from this city. His gold is not within 188 00:14:44,680 --> 00:14:48,200 Speaker 1: our walls. If we threaten him the other bankers, they 189 00:14:48,200 --> 00:14:55,320 Speaker 1: will simply disappear. We'll have nothing. Send him to me, 190 00:14:56,960 --> 00:15:03,360 Speaker 1: Are you hard of hearing kad Ali? Send him to me, Yes, Mistress, 191 00:15:05,760 --> 00:15:08,400 Speaker 1: Bring another gown and tell those fools in the kitchens. 192 00:15:08,400 --> 00:15:20,400 Speaker 1: I need to taste the lamb of majesty. Oh senor Angel, 193 00:15:21,120 --> 00:15:24,440 Speaker 1: isn't it I saw you walking out here? I hope 194 00:15:24,480 --> 00:15:32,920 Speaker 1: you don't mind me, Please comm So these are the 195 00:15:32,960 --> 00:15:36,640 Speaker 1: storied gardens of the Tumambai Palace you've greatly diminished. I'm 196 00:15:36,680 --> 00:15:40,560 Speaker 1: afraid it's still beautiful, are they well? I can remember 197 00:15:40,600 --> 00:15:45,840 Speaker 1: is what they were? So much color, so full of life. 198 00:15:47,000 --> 00:15:49,920 Speaker 1: There used to be a thousand gardeners tending to every plant. 199 00:15:50,920 --> 00:15:55,960 Speaker 1: There were fountains and streams. It's like a living painting 200 00:15:56,720 --> 00:16:00,080 Speaker 1: the aqueduct right, I'm sorry. The lifeblood of the cis he. 201 00:16:00,760 --> 00:16:06,240 Speaker 1: I heard the aqueduct was damaged during the occupation. It 202 00:16:06,360 --> 00:16:10,120 Speaker 1: must have been a difficult time for you. Yes, it was, 203 00:16:10,960 --> 00:16:18,200 Speaker 1: and I understand you helped repel the invaders. Yes, how 204 00:16:18,240 --> 00:16:23,560 Speaker 1: can I help you? Signor angel? Oh, we have a 205 00:16:23,600 --> 00:16:29,120 Speaker 1: small problem. Certain promises were made by Mistress Fatima Gold 206 00:16:29,200 --> 00:16:33,360 Speaker 1: for the services of my master, but so far nothing 207 00:16:33,400 --> 00:16:37,040 Speaker 1: has been forthcoming. He doesn't want to consider leaving. But 208 00:16:37,280 --> 00:16:42,440 Speaker 1: under the circumstances you don't understand. Do you understand what? 209 00:16:45,240 --> 00:16:50,080 Speaker 1: You are? Prisoners here? Even if you don't know it yet. Hm, 210 00:16:53,280 --> 00:16:59,160 Speaker 1: I'm sorry even I am a prisoner here. Ah, this 211 00:16:59,320 --> 00:17:01,760 Speaker 1: is it? What is this? He wanted to see the 212 00:17:01,840 --> 00:17:06,040 Speaker 1: laboratory where the old Sultan made his perfumes. He said 213 00:17:06,440 --> 00:17:08,200 Speaker 1: when we last met, that you'd like to see it. 214 00:17:09,080 --> 00:17:24,720 Speaker 1: You remember that, of course? In here? Oh, I doubt 215 00:17:24,760 --> 00:17:31,960 Speaker 1: anyone who has been in here for some time extraordinary. 216 00:17:32,720 --> 00:17:40,680 Speaker 1: I'm confused, though you seem close close, you and hu mhm. 217 00:17:41,760 --> 00:17:48,160 Speaker 1: Closeness comes in many different sense doesn't it now? For example, 218 00:17:48,240 --> 00:17:51,200 Speaker 1: I had one sort of closeness with my husband, Herod, 219 00:17:51,920 --> 00:17:58,920 Speaker 1: your husband sort of negotiated closeness. If you could bottle 220 00:17:59,000 --> 00:18:02,440 Speaker 1: strategic alliar, it's as a scent, That's what it would 221 00:18:02,440 --> 00:18:09,600 Speaker 1: smell like. Mm hmm. Where is he now? Killed in 222 00:18:09,720 --> 00:18:12,399 Speaker 1: one of those palace coups we seem to have as 223 00:18:12,440 --> 00:18:17,040 Speaker 1: regularly as summers, along with my vizier. What was his name? 224 00:18:17,480 --> 00:18:26,680 Speaker 1: Her name was Alkin? If I may, majesty, there's quite 225 00:18:26,880 --> 00:18:33,720 Speaker 1: a different sense coming off that name. Have I offended, Majesty? No, 226 00:18:33,960 --> 00:18:36,439 Speaker 1: not at all. I'm just looking for a particular bottle 227 00:18:38,200 --> 00:18:52,960 Speaker 1: here it is. Try this one. Mm hm hm. You're 228 00:18:53,000 --> 00:18:56,240 Speaker 1: at the last for words? Do you load it? No? 229 00:18:57,840 --> 00:18:59,600 Speaker 1: I think I might love it more than any scent 230 00:18:59,760 --> 00:19:04,800 Speaker 1: I've ever experienced. Only but it doesn't smell like anything 231 00:19:04,880 --> 00:19:09,560 Speaker 1: else I've ever liked. Mhm. That was her favorite scent. 232 00:19:13,440 --> 00:19:17,040 Speaker 1: I'm so very sorry you lost her. I didn't lose her. 233 00:19:17,800 --> 00:19:21,359 Speaker 1: She was taken from me, hanged like a common pickpocket 234 00:19:21,400 --> 00:19:26,800 Speaker 1: by that man CADALIDI doesn't he serve Fatima? Now? Does he? 235 00:19:27,359 --> 00:19:32,880 Speaker 1: Is that the same Cadali? I'm a stranger to Tom Bay, 236 00:19:33,440 --> 00:19:36,440 Speaker 1: so of course, I wouldn't understand all of your customs. 237 00:19:38,680 --> 00:19:43,880 Speaker 1: I'm not sure I do. What is Fatima's role here exactly? 238 00:19:45,200 --> 00:19:49,440 Speaker 1: You're the Sultana. I understand what the Sultana is. I 239 00:19:49,520 --> 00:19:53,680 Speaker 1: don't understand what she is. Why she's the mother of 240 00:19:53,760 --> 00:19:58,639 Speaker 1: the empires in your angel and I adore her as 241 00:19:58,720 --> 00:20:03,920 Speaker 1: if she were my own. Yes, I can see that. 242 00:20:14,480 --> 00:20:17,440 Speaker 1: Once again, I approached the gates of my beloved, awful 243 00:20:17,560 --> 00:20:21,480 Speaker 1: Tuman Bay, the only place I really belonged, the only 244 00:20:21,560 --> 00:20:24,639 Speaker 1: home I've ever really had. Only this time it's with 245 00:20:24,680 --> 00:20:27,760 Speaker 1: a phalanx of Ballarak at my back, and I have 246 00:20:27,920 --> 00:20:33,640 Speaker 1: no idea what's waiting for me inside the welcome back? 247 00:20:34,200 --> 00:20:37,280 Speaker 1: Is it a welcome or is it something else? Bittle 248 00:20:37,400 --> 00:20:40,680 Speaker 1: and escort you've got there, you know me, always making friends. 249 00:20:41,080 --> 00:20:44,280 Speaker 1: We keep the city gates closed. Now, new orders the 250 00:20:44,359 --> 00:20:47,480 Speaker 1: balak are tightening everything up and up. Talking. The Grandmaster 251 00:20:47,600 --> 00:20:49,560 Speaker 1: said you ought to go to him straight away. Let 252 00:20:49,680 --> 00:21:00,280 Speaker 1: them draw right on to the palace. The Grandmaster doesn't 253 00:21:00,280 --> 00:21:02,600 Speaker 1: stay there. He prefers not to be tainted by the 254 00:21:02,640 --> 00:21:09,840 Speaker 1: Sultana's court. We're going to the army quarter. Something has 255 00:21:09,920 --> 00:21:13,560 Speaker 1: changed into Monday. What people there are stop? What they're 256 00:21:13,560 --> 00:21:19,280 Speaker 1: doing and stare at us as we passed by. Open brother, brother, 257 00:21:22,600 --> 00:21:38,040 Speaker 1: you can just spank Commander com with me in Comanda, 258 00:21:38,160 --> 00:21:42,960 Speaker 1: Gregor a marble tent. Well, you should know your late 259 00:21:43,119 --> 00:21:47,320 Speaker 1: brother general cool and had it made his headquarters. I 260 00:21:47,480 --> 00:21:51,720 Speaker 1: believe I never ventured into the army quarter. My brother 261 00:21:51,800 --> 00:21:53,879 Speaker 1: and I were close, but we were careful not to 262 00:21:53,960 --> 00:21:57,880 Speaker 1: get in each other's way. You sent for me, I did. 263 00:21:58,160 --> 00:22:03,000 Speaker 1: Will you have refreshments? Heaven? Are you know each other? 264 00:22:03,320 --> 00:22:06,840 Speaker 1: I believe she the Grandmaster's prisoner. She has a different 265 00:22:07,000 --> 00:22:11,560 Speaker 1: life now, or his confidant. She has found the righteous path. 266 00:22:11,800 --> 00:22:14,040 Speaker 1: She could be useful again. And I thought the Balarak 267 00:22:14,119 --> 00:22:16,760 Speaker 1: were an all male order, and so we are. But 268 00:22:16,920 --> 00:22:20,760 Speaker 1: Heaven is special. She can read the ancient texts. She 269 00:22:20,960 --> 00:22:24,480 Speaker 1: has earned her place among us. She is my eyes. 270 00:22:25,359 --> 00:22:31,040 Speaker 1: Is there anything else you require? Grandmaster? No? Leave us eat, Commander, 271 00:22:31,400 --> 00:22:37,879 Speaker 1: you'll need your strength. I have a task for you. 272 00:22:39,440 --> 00:22:44,480 Speaker 1: I see well I'm at your command, Grandmaster. I have 273 00:22:44,600 --> 00:22:47,200 Speaker 1: no doubt I just saved you from a house of 274 00:22:47,320 --> 00:22:50,480 Speaker 1: the mad, more than your niece the Sultana did. Yes, 275 00:22:50,920 --> 00:22:54,280 Speaker 1: as you say, Grandma or her adoptive, How does that 276 00:22:54,560 --> 00:22:58,200 Speaker 1: make you feel? Greg Or? This woman fat him and 277 00:22:58,280 --> 00:23:00,800 Speaker 1: murdering your brother and calling her of mother to your 278 00:23:00,880 --> 00:23:03,800 Speaker 1: niece the sultan. How does that make you feel? I 279 00:23:03,920 --> 00:23:06,280 Speaker 1: try never to feel anything until I know the facts. 280 00:23:07,040 --> 00:23:12,919 Speaker 1: Emotion is really a reliable guide. They's sent you away 281 00:23:13,160 --> 00:23:18,560 Speaker 1: because you're behaving like a madman, burbling tales of a 282 00:23:18,680 --> 00:23:23,720 Speaker 1: dead woman walking. Remember have you heard your men digging 283 00:23:23,800 --> 00:23:28,520 Speaker 1: in the cellars, destroying walls, looking for doors where they 284 00:23:28,600 --> 00:23:33,840 Speaker 1: were none, sending your guard out into the streets questioning people. 285 00:23:34,119 --> 00:23:39,520 Speaker 1: Have you seen this woman neglecting your job? No? Used 286 00:23:39,560 --> 00:23:44,880 Speaker 1: to anyone, not even yourself. Perhaps your niece was right 287 00:23:45,160 --> 00:23:49,240 Speaker 1: to send you to that place. I'm sure she was, 288 00:23:50,920 --> 00:23:52,680 Speaker 1: But I'm a different man now. That is all in 289 00:23:52,760 --> 00:23:59,159 Speaker 1: the past. I've changed. Ah, Then I suppose you won't 290 00:23:59,160 --> 00:24:04,640 Speaker 1: be interested in the sightings? What sightings this woman alkin? 291 00:24:05,840 --> 00:24:15,240 Speaker 1: That wouldn't concern you anymore? I yes, that little catch 292 00:24:15,440 --> 00:24:19,680 Speaker 1: in your throat? What could your face possibly reveal in 293 00:24:19,760 --> 00:24:24,239 Speaker 1: this moment that your voice hasn't already given away? How 294 00:24:24,359 --> 00:24:28,440 Speaker 1: can I serve you? Grandmaster? Who is Alcin greg Or? 295 00:24:28,880 --> 00:24:34,320 Speaker 1: Is she Maya Maya's forces were destroying? Or perhaps perhaps not? 296 00:24:35,119 --> 00:24:38,960 Speaker 1: Does Maya have a hidden army into men by, she 297 00:24:39,160 --> 00:24:44,199 Speaker 1: said she would return. Is there a soldier within every 298 00:24:44,359 --> 00:24:49,440 Speaker 1: washerwoman and brick carrier waiting for a signal, a whisper 299 00:24:49,600 --> 00:24:52,960 Speaker 1: from mouth to ear to take up ums to reconquer? 300 00:24:54,280 --> 00:24:57,840 Speaker 1: Is my an invasive wasp who has injected a progeny 301 00:24:57,920 --> 00:25:01,679 Speaker 1: into the very body of two men a seditious eggs, 302 00:25:01,720 --> 00:25:05,200 Speaker 1: acts that will hatch and burst out of their hosts 303 00:25:05,600 --> 00:25:10,719 Speaker 1: and bring about Maya's final triumph, the queen of this world? 304 00:25:12,200 --> 00:25:15,560 Speaker 1: What do you want from me? Then you're going to 305 00:25:15,800 --> 00:25:20,560 Speaker 1: investigate these sightings of this alcin. I need to know 306 00:25:20,720 --> 00:25:24,600 Speaker 1: if this is some impostor pretending to be a dead woman, 307 00:25:25,520 --> 00:25:27,840 Speaker 1: or if there is more to it than that. Is 308 00:25:27,960 --> 00:25:33,720 Speaker 1: she involved in the disappearance of the halfees? What he 309 00:25:33,840 --> 00:25:37,720 Speaker 1: has vanished? No one knows where. Wasn't it guarded up 310 00:25:37,800 --> 00:25:41,840 Speaker 1: to a point? But remember Gregor we Ballereca principally here 311 00:25:41,880 --> 00:25:46,280 Speaker 1: to help and advise, not to God, where's the half 312 00:25:46,280 --> 00:25:49,639 Speaker 1: He's important to you? He's an old drunk. That's not 313 00:25:49,880 --> 00:25:54,400 Speaker 1: the man. It's what he represents in his person, his position, 314 00:25:54,480 --> 00:25:58,240 Speaker 1: the line of succession from the teacher until now. He 315 00:25:59,119 --> 00:26:03,600 Speaker 1: is the one who opens the door that we shall 316 00:26:03,960 --> 00:26:09,800 Speaker 1: pass through his presence. It's crucial now. He can't have 317 00:26:09,880 --> 00:26:13,200 Speaker 1: gone far, so draw on whatever context you still have 318 00:26:14,240 --> 00:26:18,040 Speaker 1: and bring him back when me. We'll not use your 319 00:26:18,080 --> 00:26:21,240 Speaker 1: own people. You know this city like no other, every alley, 320 00:26:21,400 --> 00:26:25,720 Speaker 1: every cellar, every secret. So I am free to go. 321 00:26:27,280 --> 00:26:32,440 Speaker 1: The city is yours Heaven, Grandmaster, Heaven will give you 322 00:26:32,520 --> 00:26:41,000 Speaker 1: what you need this way, Commander the Seal and the 323 00:26:41,080 --> 00:26:44,200 Speaker 1: Grandmaster the sigil of the Ballarach stamped in wax on 324 00:26:44,280 --> 00:26:47,280 Speaker 1: fine parchment. It will allow you free movement throughout him 325 00:26:47,359 --> 00:26:52,160 Speaker 1: and me, and hopefully this will loosen enough tongus very adequate. 326 00:26:52,280 --> 00:26:55,080 Speaker 1: Thank you, And I need you to do something else 327 00:26:55,160 --> 00:26:58,160 Speaker 1: for me. What would that be? The Grandmaster has brought 328 00:26:58,200 --> 00:27:01,080 Speaker 1: me back to find half fees? Is that really what 329 00:27:01,200 --> 00:27:03,480 Speaker 1: he wants? Was there some other purpose? I need you 330 00:27:03,520 --> 00:27:07,280 Speaker 1: to find out what the grand Master really I'm sorry 331 00:27:07,320 --> 00:27:10,359 Speaker 1: for what I'm not doing anything for you that is 332 00:27:10,400 --> 00:27:14,000 Speaker 1: in the expressed order of the Grandmaster. But heaven't we 333 00:27:14,280 --> 00:27:19,240 Speaker 1: what we have an understanding? Do we? Not? No more 334 00:27:19,320 --> 00:27:23,800 Speaker 1: murmured requests, Gregor. I'm not your tool anymore. I protected 335 00:27:23,880 --> 00:27:26,800 Speaker 1: your husband and child. I have no husband or child 336 00:27:27,560 --> 00:27:30,679 Speaker 1: the Ballarack or my family you have nothing to hold 337 00:27:30,720 --> 00:27:35,200 Speaker 1: over me anymore. Be grateful you've been given any sort 338 00:27:35,240 --> 00:27:37,840 Speaker 1: of second chance at all. Come back when you have 339 00:27:37,920 --> 00:27:49,320 Speaker 1: Alkin or the Huffy's or both open Robert open, you 340 00:27:49,400 --> 00:27:56,439 Speaker 1: may bask com thank you Alkin the Haffees. I need 341 00:27:56,480 --> 00:27:59,760 Speaker 1: to go somewhere safe. Where do I know that's safe? 342 00:28:04,600 --> 00:28:08,760 Speaker 1: Rooms available today? Is that so? Where is the lady 343 00:28:08,800 --> 00:28:13,480 Speaker 1: at the house? Why? Because I'd like to see her. Ma, 344 00:28:14,800 --> 00:28:19,600 Speaker 1: there's a man here? Well, wow, there's money. I need 345 00:28:19,640 --> 00:28:23,280 Speaker 1: a room, of course, Commander just if Endy Gregor will do. 346 00:28:23,520 --> 00:28:26,359 Speaker 1: I'm not a commander anymore. I'm sorry to hear that. 347 00:28:26,880 --> 00:28:28,679 Speaker 1: If I had known you were coming out the reserved 348 00:28:28,720 --> 00:28:32,240 Speaker 1: our finest room, but that has been taken by Acquila. Hello, 349 00:28:32,600 --> 00:28:35,119 Speaker 1: this is my new guest, Acquila. Are you saying a 350 00:28:35,240 --> 00:28:39,600 Speaker 1: killer is pronounced? A killer? Please to me? And this 351 00:28:39,760 --> 00:28:42,640 Speaker 1: is Commander Gregor. Just greg Can I go, please go 352 00:28:42,800 --> 00:28:46,800 Speaker 1: where you're supposed to be cleaning your skyret friend promised 353 00:28:46,880 --> 00:28:51,600 Speaker 1: him what young today? My room and he will do. Well. 354 00:28:51,640 --> 00:28:54,960 Speaker 1: I need is a couch. Let me see wonderful city. 355 00:28:56,200 --> 00:28:57,800 Speaker 1: I want to see as many of the sights of 356 00:28:57,880 --> 00:28:59,719 Speaker 1: this great city as I can while i'm here. I'm 357 00:29:00,040 --> 00:29:02,760 Speaker 1: it they're not what they once were. Well, I once 358 00:29:02,840 --> 00:29:04,840 Speaker 1: went deep in the desert in search of the ancient 359 00:29:04,880 --> 00:29:07,760 Speaker 1: city of Cause you heard of it. Let's say, if 360 00:29:07,800 --> 00:29:10,840 Speaker 1: you have the opportunity to travel only once in your life, 361 00:29:11,000 --> 00:29:12,920 Speaker 1: Cause is the place you should visit. That's what the 362 00:29:12,960 --> 00:29:17,200 Speaker 1: books say. And so, after many days of arduous travel, 363 00:29:17,280 --> 00:29:19,080 Speaker 1: what did I see about? A collection of mud hearts? 364 00:29:19,120 --> 00:29:23,120 Speaker 1: Moster them without these? Forgive me? I found the room good? 365 00:29:23,240 --> 00:29:25,080 Speaker 1: Can you put my bags? And they were impressed? For time? 366 00:29:25,240 --> 00:29:29,640 Speaker 1: Of course, perhaps we can continue this fascinating conversation later. Yes, 367 00:29:29,680 --> 00:29:31,960 Speaker 1: of course. Now I do tend to go on. What 368 00:29:32,040 --> 00:29:34,920 Speaker 1: are you doing here, commander? I'm not I really do 369 00:29:35,120 --> 00:29:37,840 Speaker 1: have to of course. Of course you're a busy man. 370 00:29:37,880 --> 00:29:39,960 Speaker 1: I can see that. What did they say, the old 371 00:29:40,040 --> 00:29:45,120 Speaker 1: saying a busy man? Is? I have to go until 372 00:29:45,240 --> 00:29:54,960 Speaker 1: next time, Commander the Bank of moldi Pla and his son. 373 00:29:56,800 --> 00:29:59,280 Speaker 1: I'm sorry. I thought we were here to see the Sultana. 374 00:30:00,640 --> 00:30:05,400 Speaker 1: You're here to see me sit Affendi, Pila and son. 375 00:30:09,080 --> 00:30:13,120 Speaker 1: I'm not from here, you know. I'm from the Eastern province, 376 00:30:13,200 --> 00:30:20,320 Speaker 1: well Amber province originally. You're from Vinca. I believe that's right, 377 00:30:21,000 --> 00:30:25,680 Speaker 1: m yes, where are you from? Cadali? I came as 378 00:30:25,760 --> 00:30:28,840 Speaker 1: a slave, like so many others. I have no idea 379 00:30:28,960 --> 00:30:31,960 Speaker 1: where from, for I was a mere child when I arrived. 380 00:30:32,440 --> 00:30:35,440 Speaker 1: Everyone in tuman Bay is from somewhere else. It seems 381 00:30:35,920 --> 00:30:39,560 Speaker 1: this great city is at the center, always drawing in 382 00:30:39,760 --> 00:30:43,800 Speaker 1: from every corner. Do you know what I've always loved 383 00:30:43,840 --> 00:30:46,200 Speaker 1: best about human bayar offendi Pila? Why I am so 384 00:30:46,520 --> 00:30:51,600 Speaker 1: honored to be Mother of the Empire? No, no, I don't. 385 00:30:52,320 --> 00:30:54,920 Speaker 1: It is that tuman Bay is a city of laws. 386 00:30:56,720 --> 00:30:59,760 Speaker 1: For example, laws that give justice to you and your 387 00:30:59,760 --> 00:31:04,080 Speaker 1: family for the tragic murder of your father. Tuman Base 388 00:31:04,200 --> 00:31:08,040 Speaker 1: thrives because of the laws that make trade fair to 389 00:31:08,280 --> 00:31:12,640 Speaker 1: one and all. A man seeking to trade or run 390 00:31:12,720 --> 00:31:16,160 Speaker 1: a business here knows that he is protected by those laws. 391 00:31:16,760 --> 00:31:19,520 Speaker 1: Not even a saultan or the Mother of the Empire 392 00:31:20,360 --> 00:31:23,400 Speaker 1: can cheat him. It is why we all love Tumana. 393 00:31:23,560 --> 00:31:28,840 Speaker 1: Do you love tuman Bay? Of course? Then why don't 394 00:31:28,840 --> 00:31:34,000 Speaker 1: you do your duty to it? My duty? The loan, 395 00:31:35,200 --> 00:31:38,000 Speaker 1: Madam Fatima, We have to assess the worst. Now you 396 00:31:38,080 --> 00:31:41,680 Speaker 1: are saying tuman Bay has no worth, not at all, Madam. 397 00:31:42,160 --> 00:31:45,080 Speaker 1: Merely that we see that so much of Tuman based 398 00:31:45,080 --> 00:31:49,280 Speaker 1: resources are being spent in ways that are unlikely to 399 00:31:49,480 --> 00:31:53,719 Speaker 1: bring a return. If you're referring to the paintings, the art, 400 00:31:53,760 --> 00:31:57,200 Speaker 1: the very modest amount of clothing and jewels, the sutana, 401 00:31:57,320 --> 00:32:00,560 Speaker 1: and I need to uphold the dignity of Human Bay 402 00:32:00,680 --> 00:32:03,800 Speaker 1: with respect, Madam. I'm thinking more specifically of the siphoning 403 00:32:03,880 --> 00:32:07,280 Speaker 1: of funds to refurbish your palace in the Eastern Province, 404 00:32:08,160 --> 00:32:11,240 Speaker 1: a marble summer palace in the garden, requiring a thousand 405 00:32:11,320 --> 00:32:21,120 Speaker 1: skilled stone basons, for example. I see. Do you know 406 00:32:21,200 --> 00:32:24,960 Speaker 1: what I think? If nd PLA. For years now, the 407 00:32:25,080 --> 00:32:28,680 Speaker 1: great and glorious Human Bay has been greedily sucking money 408 00:32:28,760 --> 00:32:32,160 Speaker 1: out of all the provinces, not just mine. If we 409 00:32:32,320 --> 00:32:35,400 Speaker 1: push just a little back to build up the provinces again, 410 00:32:35,520 --> 00:32:38,280 Speaker 1: the whole structure of trade will start running once more. 411 00:32:38,720 --> 00:32:43,600 Speaker 1: It's all a matter of confidence. If I may interject, Mistress, 412 00:32:43,640 --> 00:32:47,440 Speaker 1: I very much agree, Lizia. We don't require you any further. 413 00:32:47,720 --> 00:32:50,320 Speaker 1: You may go, But Mistress, should I not be part 414 00:32:50,400 --> 00:32:56,880 Speaker 1: of this? You may go, of course, take is it, 415 00:32:57,600 --> 00:33:11,280 Speaker 1: ah father and close the door. I was so sorry 416 00:33:11,320 --> 00:33:13,120 Speaker 1: to hear of your father's death of d p LA. 417 00:33:13,560 --> 00:33:16,720 Speaker 1: Thank you, madam. It was a respected banker. He loved 418 00:33:16,760 --> 00:33:20,880 Speaker 1: the city. Indeed, I understand you chose death for the 419 00:33:20,920 --> 00:33:23,760 Speaker 1: young woman in the court as is your right, as 420 00:33:23,800 --> 00:33:26,040 Speaker 1: our laws allow. It was more of a duty than 421 00:33:26,120 --> 00:33:28,760 Speaker 1: a choice. I quite agree with you. You are a 422 00:33:28,840 --> 00:33:32,960 Speaker 1: wise man. You can't have wives going around killing their husbands. 423 00:33:35,320 --> 00:33:43,000 Speaker 1: But rivals in business, well, rivals offending mc groub. Didn't 424 00:33:43,040 --> 00:33:47,479 Speaker 1: he recently cheat you on some business in Serene? They 425 00:33:47,520 --> 00:33:50,000 Speaker 1: are rebuilding the port there and you were hoping to 426 00:33:50,120 --> 00:33:55,160 Speaker 1: secure the contract. You are well informed, mistress. Of course 427 00:33:55,960 --> 00:34:00,520 Speaker 1: that must have hurt. You're busy fighting for your Emily's honor, 428 00:34:00,640 --> 00:34:04,560 Speaker 1: ensuring your poor murdered father gets the justice he deserved, 429 00:34:04,640 --> 00:34:08,080 Speaker 1: whilst that little weaselm group goes behind your back, and 430 00:34:09,800 --> 00:34:13,320 Speaker 1: I hear he did very well out of it. Indeed, 431 00:34:16,480 --> 00:34:20,600 Speaker 1: I can deal with him. What do you mean I 432 00:34:20,719 --> 00:34:25,560 Speaker 1: think offend Pela with respect? You know what I mean? 433 00:34:27,280 --> 00:34:31,960 Speaker 1: My group is closely guarded. Any attempt it would come 434 00:34:32,000 --> 00:34:35,520 Speaker 1: back on me, not the way I would have it done. 435 00:34:37,840 --> 00:34:40,920 Speaker 1: Why would you do this for me? Because you're going 436 00:34:41,000 --> 00:34:43,919 Speaker 1: to guarantee the full amount of the loan I want 437 00:34:43,960 --> 00:34:49,279 Speaker 1: for Tuman Bay. Then within six moods, you will have 438 00:34:49,560 --> 00:35:01,200 Speaker 1: made more gold back then you could possibly imagine. Several 439 00:35:01,280 --> 00:35:05,399 Speaker 1: Ballarak officers stand guard outside the Hafez's palace, just one 440 00:35:05,480 --> 00:35:07,719 Speaker 1: more signed that this is no longer the Tuman day. 441 00:35:07,760 --> 00:35:10,359 Speaker 1: I once knew, what is your business here? This seal 442 00:35:10,480 --> 00:35:13,359 Speaker 1: means I don't have to tell you my business. Were 443 00:35:13,400 --> 00:35:16,520 Speaker 1: you on the door when her feast disappeared? Only today? Brother? 444 00:35:16,760 --> 00:35:19,280 Speaker 1: Before that, there was an hourly patrol of the Ballast, 445 00:35:19,520 --> 00:35:22,440 Speaker 1: just the perimeter. They didn't go inside. Well, they didn't 446 00:35:22,440 --> 00:35:24,759 Speaker 1: want to disturb the Huffees, and how would they know 447 00:35:24,840 --> 00:35:27,719 Speaker 1: if all was well? They checked the doors were shut 448 00:35:27,800 --> 00:35:32,000 Speaker 1: and locked, that's all. And his man Bellow, They spoke 449 00:35:32,040 --> 00:35:35,480 Speaker 1: to him two or three times a day. This was 450 00:35:35,560 --> 00:35:37,279 Speaker 1: not of our doing. And yet all the same, it 451 00:35:37,360 --> 00:35:39,799 Speaker 1: seems the bird has flown the Ballaraca here only as 452 00:35:39,840 --> 00:35:42,719 Speaker 1: as advisors. Yes, I think I've heard that before. Is 453 00:35:42,760 --> 00:35:46,200 Speaker 1: this man Bellow inside now? Yes? Well done? Open the 454 00:35:46,280 --> 00:35:55,960 Speaker 1: gates open, the gates come under control, bellow. The Harfees 455 00:35:56,080 --> 00:35:59,839 Speaker 1: is acolyte. Once upon a time in my pay come 456 00:36:00,480 --> 00:36:03,359 Speaker 1: and just about the only lead I have. I thought 457 00:36:03,440 --> 00:36:10,560 Speaker 1: you were yes, you were away, you were not here less? 458 00:36:11,640 --> 00:36:14,360 Speaker 1: When did he disappear. I've already told them everything, and 459 00:36:14,400 --> 00:36:16,719 Speaker 1: now you're going to tell me. When did he disappear? 460 00:36:17,400 --> 00:36:21,480 Speaker 1: Between noon and the third hour three days ago? He 461 00:36:21,840 --> 00:36:25,799 Speaker 1: normally rests in the afternoon. I brought him his lunch, 462 00:36:26,080 --> 00:36:28,320 Speaker 1: and when I came to wake him after he was 463 00:36:28,440 --> 00:36:32,600 Speaker 1: no longer there. I don't see how he needed me 464 00:36:32,719 --> 00:36:35,400 Speaker 1: for everything. So you think he was taken? Were there 465 00:36:35,400 --> 00:36:37,839 Speaker 1: any signs of a struggle? Not a trace, which I'm 466 00:36:37,880 --> 00:36:40,680 Speaker 1: sure is what you told the ballarak. That's all there 467 00:36:40,800 --> 00:36:42,760 Speaker 1: is to tell, and I can see why the Ballara 468 00:36:42,920 --> 00:36:48,160 Speaker 1: believed him. He's convincing. I swear Gregor, only I remember 469 00:36:48,239 --> 00:36:52,080 Speaker 1: things they don't. His years of unctuous service to his 470 00:36:52,200 --> 00:36:55,560 Speaker 1: master's addictions. I don't think they have faces so much 471 00:36:55,640 --> 00:36:59,160 Speaker 1: turned over in his sleep. Without this man knowing, I'll 472 00:36:59,200 --> 00:37:03,080 Speaker 1: have to gamble. Then, how do you explain the woman? 473 00:37:04,600 --> 00:37:09,120 Speaker 1: The woman, the mysterious woman seeing near our feast before 474 00:37:09,160 --> 00:37:15,000 Speaker 1: he disappeared? How did you know about that? I didn't, 475 00:37:16,000 --> 00:37:18,560 Speaker 1: But now I do A question you would do well 476 00:37:18,600 --> 00:37:21,480 Speaker 1: to consider before you liked me again. Now tell me 477 00:37:21,640 --> 00:37:24,040 Speaker 1: everything about the woman. Next time, it won't be me 478 00:37:24,280 --> 00:37:42,919 Speaker 1: asking shut the door, pull the curtain. Now talk three 479 00:37:43,080 --> 00:37:46,880 Speaker 1: days before he went, there was a visitor, a woman. 480 00:37:46,960 --> 00:37:49,920 Speaker 1: What did you look like? I don't know. How do 481 00:37:50,000 --> 00:37:54,840 Speaker 1: you know that's they? I didn't see anyone coming. I 482 00:37:54,920 --> 00:37:57,160 Speaker 1: went to the Highfist's room in the morning to bring 483 00:37:57,320 --> 00:38:00,839 Speaker 1: him his refreshments, and as I put the tray down, 484 00:38:01,040 --> 00:38:06,800 Speaker 1: I noticed a shadow. I saw her eyes. She was there, 485 00:38:07,960 --> 00:38:12,560 Speaker 1: and half he said, go leave us. I was embarrassed. 486 00:38:12,840 --> 00:38:16,520 Speaker 1: I didn't know what was happening. So I waited outside 487 00:38:16,760 --> 00:38:21,359 Speaker 1: for her to leave, but she never came out. Then, 488 00:38:22,280 --> 00:38:25,120 Speaker 1: after quite some time I passed the huffie rang the 489 00:38:25,160 --> 00:38:27,400 Speaker 1: bell to call me inside, and when I went in, 490 00:38:28,880 --> 00:38:31,840 Speaker 1: she was gone. Did you ask him who she was? 491 00:38:32,520 --> 00:38:37,319 Speaker 1: How she came in and out? He just said the watchers, 492 00:38:38,520 --> 00:38:44,440 Speaker 1: the watchers, the watchers have come. And then he he 493 00:38:44,600 --> 00:38:49,799 Speaker 1: laughed strangely for for a long time. Then three days 494 00:38:49,880 --> 00:38:53,600 Speaker 1: later he was gone. And why didn't you tell the Barratis? 495 00:38:54,440 --> 00:38:58,920 Speaker 1: It would have been man wise. The trouble is with 496 00:38:59,040 --> 00:39:02,120 Speaker 1: these people. One you'll give them a convoluted story. Then 497 00:39:02,160 --> 00:39:05,120 Speaker 1: they question you more, and your answers aren't quite right, 498 00:39:05,200 --> 00:39:10,400 Speaker 1: and then they put the thumb screws on and watches. Bellow, 499 00:39:11,280 --> 00:39:15,080 Speaker 1: what does it mean? I don't know you. Forget that, 500 00:39:15,160 --> 00:39:18,239 Speaker 1: I know you, Bellow. You're insatiably curious and you have 501 00:39:18,280 --> 00:39:20,680 Speaker 1: one of the biggest libraries in Tuman Bay. Are you 502 00:39:20,800 --> 00:39:23,800 Speaker 1: telling me you didn't open a single book or unroller scroll? 503 00:39:25,719 --> 00:39:30,960 Speaker 1: It's all speculation. Then speculate and there are stories in 504 00:39:31,080 --> 00:39:34,840 Speaker 1: one of the old scrolls of visitors from somewhere else. 505 00:39:36,160 --> 00:39:39,440 Speaker 1: They just come to watch. But that's not all they do. 506 00:39:40,080 --> 00:39:46,200 Speaker 1: They've taken the Harfees. Yes, yes, something has changed with 507 00:39:46,360 --> 00:39:50,200 Speaker 1: the Harfeest too. He stopped drinking in the three days 508 00:39:50,320 --> 00:39:57,680 Speaker 1: between the woman and whatever happened? Bellow, did the Huffees 509 00:39:57,719 --> 00:40:02,040 Speaker 1: ever get a visit from Mistress Fatima? Um m hmmm, 510 00:40:03,960 --> 00:40:11,960 Speaker 1: h Just one more roof then we'll be right above 511 00:40:12,000 --> 00:40:20,000 Speaker 1: the prison God, I miss this. Careful, don't be not there, No, 512 00:40:20,719 --> 00:40:27,839 Speaker 1: I can make it. There's a pipe. Watch this, don't 513 00:40:27,880 --> 00:40:32,600 Speaker 1: be help me. The pipe is coming away. Wait there? 514 00:40:32,920 --> 00:40:37,600 Speaker 1: What else could I do? Wait? Look up, I'm just 515 00:40:37,719 --> 00:40:48,640 Speaker 1: above you. Take my hand. H m hmm, thank you rock. 516 00:40:49,120 --> 00:40:51,880 Speaker 1: He really should be maintaining their pipes. What to make 517 00:40:51,960 --> 00:40:57,560 Speaker 1: life easier for thieves like us? Come? Look a prison yard. 518 00:40:58,040 --> 00:41:00,200 Speaker 1: They let the prisoners out there once a day, just 519 00:41:00,320 --> 00:41:03,600 Speaker 1: before sunset. They don't change them. Why would they? Who's 520 00:41:03,640 --> 00:41:08,440 Speaker 1: expecting sky rats? Here they come? Now? The women prisoners 521 00:41:08,440 --> 00:41:11,799 Speaker 1: are in that line. There's so many of them. Can 522 00:41:11,840 --> 00:41:16,440 Speaker 1: you see her? She needs to look up? Look up, matella. 523 00:41:17,360 --> 00:41:19,440 Speaker 1: What if I do the sky at can? She knows 524 00:41:19,480 --> 00:41:29,239 Speaker 1: what it means? Good a deer do it? She's seen us. 525 00:41:29,719 --> 00:41:33,120 Speaker 1: Let's go. How will she know? She knows where to wait? 526 00:41:33,239 --> 00:41:37,279 Speaker 1: I've told her to be ready? Frock. Wait, I think 527 00:41:37,360 --> 00:41:41,000 Speaker 1: someone looked up. Did they see us? I don't think so. 528 00:41:41,760 --> 00:41:48,320 Speaker 1: All right, come on the shafts just over there. Okay, 529 00:41:51,920 --> 00:41:54,120 Speaker 1: this is definitely the one that gang has told you 530 00:41:54,160 --> 00:42:02,279 Speaker 1: about it. It's right where they said it would be. No, No, 531 00:42:03,160 --> 00:42:07,000 Speaker 1: what what is it? It's been blocked up. There's no 532 00:42:07,160 --> 00:42:17,839 Speaker 1: way through. I'm sorry frog, alright, No, I'm not all right. 533 00:42:18,920 --> 00:42:20,600 Speaker 1: On the night of the fires, they're going to hang 534 00:42:20,719 --> 00:42:25,400 Speaker 1: a thousand people. They're going to need a lot of gloves. 535 00:42:25,640 --> 00:42:28,880 Speaker 1: Shut shut up. Do you think this is a joke. No, 536 00:42:32,239 --> 00:42:35,480 Speaker 1: someone's going to have to build them. They're recruiting carpenters. 537 00:42:35,760 --> 00:42:40,239 Speaker 1: My uncle is in the business. We can get a job. Job, 538 00:42:40,719 --> 00:42:44,279 Speaker 1: That's how we save Mattila. We can do this. Say it, 539 00:42:45,160 --> 00:42:48,560 Speaker 1: say we can do this. We can do this. See 540 00:42:48,560 --> 00:42:51,680 Speaker 1: if they could believe it. We can do this. We 541 00:42:51,800 --> 00:42:54,680 Speaker 1: can do this. We can do this. We can do this. 542 00:42:55,840 --> 00:43:08,680 Speaker 1: We can do this. M Season four, episode three of 543 00:43:08,800 --> 00:43:14,040 Speaker 1: tuman Bay Pronounced a Killer featuring Anton Lesser, Rob Jarvis, 544 00:43:14,280 --> 00:43:18,880 Speaker 1: Aisha hart, Enzo Chilenti, and Kirsty Bushell, was written by 545 00:43:18,960 --> 00:43:22,320 Speaker 1: Matt Rogers, with music by Sasha Putner and editing and 546 00:43:22,360 --> 00:43:38,360 Speaker 1: sound designed by Eloise whitmer h toman Bay is created 547 00:43:38,520 --> 00:43:41,439 Speaker 1: by me and Mike Walker and produced by Emma Hern 548 00:43:41,600 --> 00:43:45,000 Speaker 1: and Nadir Khan. For more details, including scripts and a 549 00:43:45,080 --> 00:43:48,120 Speaker 1: full cast list, visit to mun Bay dot com