1 00:00:29,724 --> 00:00:33,724 Speaker 1: Never want to miss a story. Please ask your parents 2 00:00:33,764 --> 00:00:38,044 Speaker 1: to subscribe. You can find us on Apple Podcasts or 3 00:00:38,084 --> 00:00:42,684 Speaker 1: wherever your parents listen to podcasts. And please, if you 4 00:00:42,924 --> 00:00:46,324 Speaker 1: love our stories, take a moment to leave us a review. 5 00:00:47,044 --> 00:00:49,004 Speaker 1: It may help others find our show. 6 00:00:50,204 --> 00:01:06,644 Speaker 2: Thank you, welcome sleep Tight Stories. 7 00:01:14,004 --> 00:01:21,404 Speaker 1: Ben and Sue and the seesaw. Can you go out 8 00:01:21,444 --> 00:01:26,364 Speaker 1: to the seesaw today? She did say to Ben, Oh, yes, yes, 9 00:01:26,844 --> 00:01:30,084 Speaker 1: let me see if mama will let us. Yes, we 10 00:01:30,164 --> 00:01:32,764 Speaker 1: can go. So put on your hat and let me 11 00:01:32,844 --> 00:01:35,884 Speaker 1: get my cap and we can run all the way. 12 00:01:37,964 --> 00:01:41,284 Speaker 1: Ben got his cap off the peg and Sue got 13 00:01:41,284 --> 00:01:46,164 Speaker 1: her hat out of a box, and the two ran off. Tip, 14 00:01:46,284 --> 00:01:50,884 Speaker 1: the big dog ran too. On the top of the 15 00:01:50,924 --> 00:01:54,804 Speaker 1: seesaw sat an old cat. She sat on it to 16 00:01:54,924 --> 00:01:59,164 Speaker 1: try to spy out a rat who had hid. The 17 00:01:59,204 --> 00:02:02,444 Speaker 1: cat did not see Tip, and I am sad to 18 00:02:02,484 --> 00:02:07,044 Speaker 1: say he was now a bad dog, for he ran 19 00:02:07,124 --> 00:02:12,044 Speaker 1: at her and bitter in the leg. The cat put 20 00:02:12,084 --> 00:02:15,284 Speaker 1: up her paw to hit Tip, and Tip bitter in 21 00:02:15,364 --> 00:02:18,924 Speaker 1: the ear and the cat had to run off with him. Now, 22 00:02:19,644 --> 00:02:25,044 Speaker 1: oh my, was not Tip a bad dog? And now 23 00:02:25,124 --> 00:02:29,324 Speaker 1: Sue and Ben got on the seesaw. Sue did go up, 24 00:02:29,484 --> 00:02:33,284 Speaker 1: up up, and Ben did go up up up, And 25 00:02:33,404 --> 00:02:38,044 Speaker 1: it was fun, was it not? Tip had his fun too, 26 00:02:38,524 --> 00:02:41,484 Speaker 1: for he saw the rat. It had hid in a 27 00:02:41,564 --> 00:02:44,484 Speaker 1: box by the sea saw. And the cat did not 28 00:02:44,644 --> 00:02:49,004 Speaker 1: see it, but Tip did, And oh how did he 29 00:02:49,164 --> 00:02:52,364 Speaker 1: fly at it? He got it in his paw and 30 00:02:52,484 --> 00:02:56,324 Speaker 1: he bit it. The rat did not say it was 31 00:02:56,404 --> 00:02:58,964 Speaker 1: fun to be out at the sea saw as Ben 32 00:02:59,084 --> 00:03:03,204 Speaker 1: and Sue did. Oh no, it was not fun at 33 00:03:03,244 --> 00:03:08,364 Speaker 1: all to be bit was it? And now the sun 34 00:03:08,484 --> 00:03:11,724 Speaker 1: was hot? And Ben and Sue got off the sea 35 00:03:11,804 --> 00:03:15,324 Speaker 1: saw and ran up to the old red cow to 36 00:03:15,404 --> 00:03:18,404 Speaker 1: see her eat hay, and out to the pig sty 37 00:03:18,684 --> 00:03:22,924 Speaker 1: to see the old fat pig who ate all day? 38 00:03:24,404 --> 00:03:29,004 Speaker 1: Oh my, Sue did say, see how fat the pig is. 39 00:03:29,764 --> 00:03:33,284 Speaker 1: All she can do is to eat all day. I 40 00:03:33,324 --> 00:03:37,564 Speaker 1: cannot eat all day, can you? Ben? Well? I know, 41 00:03:37,884 --> 00:03:42,284 Speaker 1: Ben did say, but I can eat one big pie 42 00:03:42,364 --> 00:03:46,164 Speaker 1: in a day. Oh so can I. Let's go in 43 00:03:46,244 --> 00:03:50,044 Speaker 1: and ask Mama for a pie to eat. Now, so 44 00:03:50,084 --> 00:03:54,884 Speaker 1: the two ran and Tip ran, and Mama had a pie. 45 00:03:55,524 --> 00:03:58,124 Speaker 1: She cut it for Sue and Ben to eat, and 46 00:03:58,164 --> 00:04:01,284 Speaker 1: they did hop for joy and eat it all up? 47 00:04:02,564 --> 00:04:07,284 Speaker 1: Did they? No? I cannot say so. For Ben gave 48 00:04:07,364 --> 00:04:11,164 Speaker 1: Tip the dog a big bite, and Sue did too. 49 00:04:11,964 --> 00:04:14,564 Speaker 1: Ben was not a pig and Sue was not a pig. 50 00:04:15,404 --> 00:04:18,364 Speaker 1: So you see the two did not eat as the 51 00:04:18,404 --> 00:04:24,644 Speaker 1: pig did no, for Tip had his bit too out 52 00:04:24,684 --> 00:04:28,444 Speaker 1: on the log. The sly old cat did sit all 53 00:04:28,564 --> 00:04:33,044 Speaker 1: day to get a rat, but Tip the dog did 54 00:04:33,124 --> 00:04:37,164 Speaker 1: run at her, and in his paw he got her fur. 55 00:04:38,244 --> 00:04:42,764 Speaker 1: She had to fly, the sly old cat, And now 56 00:04:42,844 --> 00:04:50,124 Speaker 1: the dog has got the rat.