1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:17,760 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I love 2 00:00:18,480 --> 00:00:24,920 Speaker 1: the first snowfall of the year. It is so nice 3 00:00:24,960 --> 00:00:29,480 Speaker 1: to sit inside and watch the snow lightly falling and 4 00:00:29,560 --> 00:00:33,320 Speaker 1: see how it covers everything up that makes it look 5 00:00:33,400 --> 00:00:41,640 Speaker 1: white and new. We've had a few snowfalls recently and 6 00:00:41,760 --> 00:00:46,360 Speaker 1: everything looks so pretty to me. But for the family 7 00:00:46,440 --> 00:00:51,320 Speaker 1: in this story, snow is not such a happy thing. 8 00:00:56,400 --> 00:01:05,200 Speaker 1: Christmas under the snow. It was just before Christmas and 9 00:01:05,360 --> 00:01:11,160 Speaker 1: mister Barnes was starting out for the nearest village. The 10 00:01:11,240 --> 00:01:13,880 Speaker 1: family were out at the door to see him start 11 00:01:14,240 --> 00:01:20,040 Speaker 1: and give him the last charges. Don't forget the Christmas dinner, Papa, 12 00:01:20,480 --> 00:01:24,760 Speaker 1: said Willie, specially the chickens for the pie put in 13 00:01:24,880 --> 00:01:30,800 Speaker 1: Nora and the waysins piped up. Little tot standing on 14 00:01:30,880 --> 00:01:36,000 Speaker 1: tiptoe to give Papa a goodbye kiss. I hate to 15 00:01:36,040 --> 00:01:40,679 Speaker 1: have you go, George, said Missus Barnes anxiously. It looks 16 00:01:40,720 --> 00:01:45,800 Speaker 1: to me like a storm. Oh, I guess it won't 17 00:01:45,840 --> 00:01:51,320 Speaker 1: be much, said mister Barnes lightly. And the youngsters must 18 00:01:51,320 --> 00:01:57,000 Speaker 1: have their Christmas dinner. You know well, said Missus Barnes. 19 00:01:57,240 --> 00:02:01,080 Speaker 1: Remember this, George, if there is it's a bad storm, 20 00:02:01,640 --> 00:02:05,480 Speaker 1: don't try to come back, stay in the village till 21 00:02:05,520 --> 00:02:10,240 Speaker 1: it is over. We can get along alone for a 22 00:02:10,320 --> 00:02:14,679 Speaker 1: few days, can't we, Willie, turning to the boy who 23 00:02:14,760 --> 00:02:17,919 Speaker 1: was giving the last touches to the harness of old 24 00:02:18,040 --> 00:02:24,480 Speaker 1: tim Horse. Oh yes, Papa, I can take care of Mama, 25 00:02:25,240 --> 00:02:29,320 Speaker 1: said Willie earnestly, and get up the Christmas dinner out 26 00:02:29,360 --> 00:02:36,040 Speaker 1: of nothing, asked Papa, smiling. I don't know, said Willie, 27 00:02:36,080 --> 00:02:40,600 Speaker 1: hesitating as he remembered the proposed dinner in which he 28 00:02:40,680 --> 00:02:45,760 Speaker 1: felt a deep interest. What could you do for the 29 00:02:45,840 --> 00:02:49,720 Speaker 1: chicken pie, went on Papa with a roguish look in 30 00:02:49,800 --> 00:02:56,480 Speaker 1: his eye, or the plum pudding, or the waysins broke 31 00:02:56,560 --> 00:03:02,320 Speaker 1: in Tot anxiously has set her heart on the raisin, 32 00:03:02,520 --> 00:03:06,080 Speaker 1: said Papa, tossing the small girl up higher than his 33 00:03:06,200 --> 00:03:11,200 Speaker 1: head and dropping her all laughing on the Doorstop and 34 00:03:11,320 --> 00:03:16,520 Speaker 1: Tot shall have them, sure if Papa can find them. Now, 35 00:03:16,560 --> 00:03:21,800 Speaker 1: goodbye all Willie. Remember to take care of Mama. And 36 00:03:21,880 --> 00:03:24,520 Speaker 1: I depend on you to get up a Christmas dinner. 37 00:03:24,560 --> 00:03:30,520 Speaker 1: If I don't get back now, dear, don't worry, were 38 00:03:30,520 --> 00:03:35,400 Speaker 1: his last words. As the faithful old horse started down 39 00:03:35,480 --> 00:03:44,400 Speaker 1: the road. Missus Barnes turned one more glance to the west, 40 00:03:45,040 --> 00:03:49,760 Speaker 1: where a low, heavy bank of clouds was slowly rising, 41 00:03:50,920 --> 00:03:54,480 Speaker 1: and went into the little house to attend to her 42 00:03:54,600 --> 00:04:01,800 Speaker 1: mourning duties. Willie, she said, when they were all in 43 00:04:01,920 --> 00:04:06,280 Speaker 1: the snug, little log cabin in which they lived, I'm 44 00:04:06,400 --> 00:04:10,160 Speaker 1: sure there's going to be a storm, and it may 45 00:04:10,240 --> 00:04:15,560 Speaker 1: be snow. You had better prepare enough wood for two 46 00:04:15,680 --> 00:04:21,640 Speaker 1: or three days. Nora will help bring it in. Me too, 47 00:04:22,240 --> 00:04:27,599 Speaker 1: said grave little tot. Yes, Tot may help too, said Mamma. 48 00:04:32,080 --> 00:04:36,440 Speaker 1: This simple little house was a busy place, and soon 49 00:04:37,000 --> 00:04:42,719 Speaker 1: everyone was hard at work. It was late in the 50 00:04:42,800 --> 00:04:46,840 Speaker 1: afternoon before the pile of wood, which had been steadily 51 00:04:47,000 --> 00:04:53,640 Speaker 1: growing all day, was high enough to satisfy Willie. For now. 52 00:04:53,680 --> 00:04:57,760 Speaker 1: There was no doubt about the coming storm, and it 53 00:04:57,839 --> 00:05:03,119 Speaker 1: would probably bring snow. No one could guess how much 54 00:05:03,760 --> 00:05:10,239 Speaker 1: in that country of heavy storms. I wish the village 55 00:05:10,360 --> 00:05:13,600 Speaker 1: was not so far off so that Papa could get 56 00:05:13,640 --> 00:05:17,200 Speaker 1: back tonight, said Willie, as he came in with his 57 00:05:17,360 --> 00:05:24,919 Speaker 1: last load. Missus Barnes glanced out of the window. Broad 58 00:05:25,120 --> 00:05:32,320 Speaker 1: scattering snowflakes were silently falling the advanced guard. She felt 59 00:05:32,360 --> 00:05:39,479 Speaker 1: them to be of a numerous host, So do I, 60 00:05:39,520 --> 00:05:42,880 Speaker 1: she replied, anxiously, or that he did not have to 61 00:05:42,920 --> 00:05:46,960 Speaker 1: come over that dreadful prairie where it is so easy 62 00:05:47,000 --> 00:05:51,440 Speaker 1: to get lost. But old Tim knows the way even 63 00:05:51,480 --> 00:05:55,960 Speaker 1: in the dark, said Willie proudly. I believe Tim knows 64 00:05:56,040 --> 00:06:01,520 Speaker 1: more than some folks. No doubt he does about the 65 00:06:01,560 --> 00:06:05,719 Speaker 1: way home, said Mama. And we won't worry about Papa, 66 00:06:06,600 --> 00:06:10,880 Speaker 1: but have our supper and go to bed. That'll make 67 00:06:10,920 --> 00:06:18,280 Speaker 1: the time seem short. The meal was soon eaten and 68 00:06:18,400 --> 00:06:23,360 Speaker 1: cleared away, the fire carefully covered up on the hearth, 69 00:06:24,360 --> 00:06:31,120 Speaker 1: and the whole little family quietly in bed. Then the storm, 70 00:06:31,720 --> 00:06:36,279 Speaker 1: which had been making ready all day, came down upon 71 00:06:36,440 --> 00:06:45,400 Speaker 1: them in earnest. The bleak wind howled around the corners, 72 00:06:46,320 --> 00:06:50,320 Speaker 1: the white flakes by millions and millions came with it 73 00:06:51,080 --> 00:06:57,440 Speaker 1: and hurled themselves upon that house. In fact, that poor 74 00:06:57,560 --> 00:07:02,240 Speaker 1: little cabin, alone on the wide prairie, seemed to be 75 00:07:02,320 --> 00:07:08,520 Speaker 1: the object of their sport. They sifted through the cracks 76 00:07:08,560 --> 00:07:12,640 Speaker 1: in the walls, around the windows and under the door, 77 00:07:13,680 --> 00:07:19,720 Speaker 1: and made pretty little drifts on the floor. They piled 78 00:07:19,800 --> 00:07:25,400 Speaker 1: up against it outside, covered the steps, and then the door, 79 00:07:26,320 --> 00:07:32,960 Speaker 1: and then the windows, and then the roof, and at 80 00:07:33,040 --> 00:07:38,679 Speaker 1: last buried it completely out of sight under the soft 81 00:07:39,360 --> 00:07:47,200 Speaker 1: white mass, and all the time the mother and her 82 00:07:47,280 --> 00:07:52,760 Speaker 1: three children lay snugly covered up in their beds, fast asleep, 83 00:07:53,640 --> 00:08:14,160 Speaker 1: and knew nothing about it. The night passed and morning came, 84 00:08:15,040 --> 00:08:18,160 Speaker 1: but no light broke through the windows of the cabin. 85 00:08:20,200 --> 00:08:24,480 Speaker 1: Missus Barnes woke at the usual time, but finding it 86 00:08:24,680 --> 00:08:29,840 Speaker 1: still dark and perfectly quiet outside, she concluded that the 87 00:08:29,920 --> 00:08:35,120 Speaker 1: storm was over, and with a sigh of relief, turned 88 00:08:35,160 --> 00:08:42,280 Speaker 1: over to sleep again. About eight o'clock, however, she could 89 00:08:42,320 --> 00:08:49,280 Speaker 1: sleep no more and became widely, waking up to think 90 00:08:49,600 --> 00:08:56,000 Speaker 1: the darkness strange. At that moment the clock struck and 91 00:08:56,080 --> 00:09:04,240 Speaker 1: the truth flashed over her. Being buried under snow is 92 00:09:04,400 --> 00:09:09,880 Speaker 1: no uncommon thing on the wide prairies, and since they 93 00:09:09,920 --> 00:09:14,720 Speaker 1: had would and corn meal in plenty, she would not 94 00:09:14,960 --> 00:09:17,920 Speaker 1: have been much alarmed if her husband had been home. 95 00:09:19,720 --> 00:09:24,680 Speaker 1: But snow deep enough to bury them must cover up 96 00:09:24,800 --> 00:09:29,920 Speaker 1: all landmarks, and she knew her husband would not rest 97 00:09:30,320 --> 00:09:36,080 Speaker 1: till he had found them. To get lost on the 98 00:09:36,200 --> 00:09:42,360 Speaker 1: trackless prairie was very easy, and to be lost almost 99 00:09:42,400 --> 00:09:47,480 Speaker 1: inside of home was no unusual thing, and was her 100 00:09:47,559 --> 00:09:55,760 Speaker 1: one fear in living there. A few moments she lay 101 00:09:55,840 --> 00:10:00,480 Speaker 1: quiet in bed to calm herself and get ca control 102 00:10:00,600 --> 00:10:08,640 Speaker 1: of her own anxieties. Before she spoke to the children, Willie, 103 00:10:09,480 --> 00:10:15,160 Speaker 1: she said, at last, are you awake, Yes, Mamma, said Willie. 104 00:10:15,679 --> 00:10:19,840 Speaker 1: I've been awake ever so long. Isn't it almost morning? 105 00:10:22,120 --> 00:10:27,680 Speaker 1: Willie said the mother quietly. We mustn't be frightened, but 106 00:10:27,800 --> 00:10:36,600 Speaker 1: I think I'm afraid we are snowed in. Willie bounded 107 00:10:36,640 --> 00:10:39,680 Speaker 1: to his feet and ran to the door. Don't open it, 108 00:10:40,520 --> 00:10:45,160 Speaker 1: said Mamma hastily. The snow may fall in light a 109 00:10:45,240 --> 00:10:52,720 Speaker 1: candle and look out the window. In a moment, the 110 00:10:52,800 --> 00:10:58,600 Speaker 1: flickering ray of the candle fell upon the window. Willie 111 00:10:58,679 --> 00:11:03,600 Speaker 1: drew back the curtain. Snow was tightly banked up against 112 00:11:03,600 --> 00:11:10,240 Speaker 1: it to the top. Why, Mama, he exclaimed, so we are, 113 00:11:11,040 --> 00:11:14,840 Speaker 1: and how can Papa find us? And what shall we do? 114 00:11:19,360 --> 00:11:22,800 Speaker 1: We must do the best we can, said Mamma, in 115 00:11:22,840 --> 00:11:26,960 Speaker 1: a voice which she tried to make steady. And trust 116 00:11:27,080 --> 00:11:31,000 Speaker 1: that it isn't very deep, and that Tim and Papa 117 00:11:31,040 --> 00:11:38,280 Speaker 1: will find us and dig us out. By this time 118 00:11:38,640 --> 00:11:42,080 Speaker 1: the little girls were awake and inclined to be very 119 00:11:42,160 --> 00:11:47,360 Speaker 1: much frightened. But Mama was calm now and Willie was 120 00:11:47,480 --> 00:11:55,200 Speaker 1: brave and hopeful. They all dressed and Willie started the fire. 121 00:11:57,920 --> 00:12:03,720 Speaker 1: The smoke refused to rot, but puffed out into the room, 122 00:12:04,080 --> 00:12:07,479 Speaker 1: and Missus Barnes knew that if the chimney was closed 123 00:12:08,240 --> 00:12:16,000 Speaker 1: they would have some problems cooking food and staying warm. 124 00:12:16,120 --> 00:12:19,960 Speaker 1: The smoke in a few minutes was choking them, and 125 00:12:20,080 --> 00:12:24,160 Speaker 1: seeing that something must be done, she put the two girls, 126 00:12:24,760 --> 00:12:28,880 Speaker 1: well wrapped in blankets, into the shed outside the back door, 127 00:12:30,120 --> 00:12:33,400 Speaker 1: closed the door to keep out the smoke, and then 128 00:12:33,480 --> 00:12:37,400 Speaker 1: went with Willie to the low attic, where a scuttle 129 00:12:37,520 --> 00:12:43,720 Speaker 1: door opened on to the roof. We must try, she said, 130 00:12:44,240 --> 00:12:48,080 Speaker 1: to get it open without letting in too much snow, 131 00:12:48,720 --> 00:12:51,680 Speaker 1: and see if we can manage to clear the chimney. 132 00:12:53,640 --> 00:12:56,160 Speaker 1: I can reach the chimney from the scuttle with a shovel, 133 00:12:56,280 --> 00:13:05,040 Speaker 1: said Willie, I often have with a stick. After much 134 00:13:05,120 --> 00:13:10,200 Speaker 1: labor and several small avalanches of snow, the scuttle was 135 00:13:10,240 --> 00:13:14,079 Speaker 1: open far enough for Willy to stand on the top 136 00:13:14,280 --> 00:13:17,880 Speaker 1: rung of the short ladder and beat a hole through 137 00:13:18,040 --> 00:13:23,200 Speaker 1: to the light, which was only a foot above. He 138 00:13:23,320 --> 00:13:26,520 Speaker 1: then shoveled off the top of the chimney, which was 139 00:13:26,720 --> 00:13:32,840 Speaker 1: ornamented with a big round cushion of snow, and then 140 00:13:33,280 --> 00:13:37,840 Speaker 1: by beating and shoveling he was able to clear the door, 141 00:13:38,520 --> 00:13:42,120 Speaker 1: which he opened wide, and Missus Barnes came up on 142 00:13:42,240 --> 00:13:49,400 Speaker 1: the ladder to look out. Dreary indeed was the scene, 143 00:13:49,840 --> 00:13:54,720 Speaker 1: nothing but snow as far as the eye could reach, 144 00:13:55,960 --> 00:14:06,079 Speaker 1: and flakes still falling, though lightly. The storm was evidently 145 00:14:06,280 --> 00:14:13,120 Speaker 1: almost over, but the sky was gray and overcast. They 146 00:14:13,160 --> 00:14:17,680 Speaker 1: closed the door, went down, and soon had a fire, 147 00:14:18,640 --> 00:14:25,200 Speaker 1: hoping that the smoke would guide somebody to them. Breakfast 148 00:14:25,360 --> 00:14:31,640 Speaker 1: was taken by candlelight, dinner in time in the same way, 149 00:14:33,280 --> 00:14:41,680 Speaker 1: and supper passed with no sound from the outside world. 150 00:14:42,640 --> 00:14:46,000 Speaker 1: Many times Willie and Mamma went to the scuttle door 151 00:14:46,440 --> 00:14:50,760 Speaker 1: to see if anyone was in sight, but not a 152 00:14:50,920 --> 00:14:55,440 Speaker 1: shadow broke the broad expanse of white over which toward 153 00:14:55,640 --> 00:15:02,240 Speaker 1: night the sun shone. Of course, there were no signs 154 00:15:02,320 --> 00:15:07,080 Speaker 1: of the roads, or through such deep snow, none could 155 00:15:07,160 --> 00:15:11,800 Speaker 1: be broken, and until the sun and frost should form 156 00:15:11,840 --> 00:15:15,200 Speaker 1: a crust on top, there was little hope of their 157 00:15:15,280 --> 00:15:25,520 Speaker 1: being reached. The second morning broke and Willie hurried up 158 00:15:25,520 --> 00:15:30,440 Speaker 1: to his post of lookout. For the first thing no 159 00:15:30,840 --> 00:15:34,760 Speaker 1: person was in sight, but he found a light crust 160 00:15:34,840 --> 00:15:38,840 Speaker 1: on the snow, and the first thing he noticed was 161 00:15:38,880 --> 00:15:41,920 Speaker 1: a few birds trying in vain to pick up something 162 00:15:41,960 --> 00:15:48,320 Speaker 1: to eat. They looked weak and almost exhausted, and a 163 00:15:48,400 --> 00:15:54,720 Speaker 1: thought struck Willie. It was hard to keep up the 164 00:15:54,760 --> 00:16:00,320 Speaker 1: courage of the little household. Norah had openly lamented that 165 00:16:00,400 --> 00:16:05,440 Speaker 1: tonight was Christmas Eve and no Christmas dinner to be had. 166 00:16:07,040 --> 00:16:12,160 Speaker 1: Tot had grown very tearful about her waisins, and Missus Barnes, 167 00:16:12,720 --> 00:16:16,440 Speaker 1: though she tried to keep up heart had become very 168 00:16:16,480 --> 00:16:25,640 Speaker 1: pale and silent. Willie, though he felt unbounded faith in 169 00:16:25,720 --> 00:16:30,760 Speaker 1: Papa and especially in Tim, found it hard to suppress 170 00:16:30,800 --> 00:16:36,240 Speaker 1: his own complaints when he remembered that Christmas would probably 171 00:16:36,280 --> 00:16:41,520 Speaker 1: be passed in the same dismal way, with concern for Papa. 172 00:16:42,080 --> 00:16:49,000 Speaker 1: Adding to their own misery, the wood too was getting low, 173 00:16:49,480 --> 00:16:52,920 Speaker 1: and Mamma dared not let the fire go out, as 174 00:16:52,960 --> 00:16:56,239 Speaker 1: that was their only sign of their existence to anybody, 175 00:16:58,400 --> 00:17:01,640 Speaker 1: And though she did not speak of it, Willie knew 176 00:17:01,800 --> 00:17:06,480 Speaker 1: too that they had not many candles, and in two 177 00:17:06,560 --> 00:17:09,879 Speaker 1: days at the most they would be left in the dark. 178 00:17:13,440 --> 00:17:17,360 Speaker 1: The thought that struck Willy pleased him greatly, and he 179 00:17:17,480 --> 00:17:22,080 Speaker 1: was sure it would cheer up the rest. He made 180 00:17:22,160 --> 00:17:25,520 Speaker 1: his plans and went to work to carry them out 181 00:17:25,880 --> 00:17:33,240 Speaker 1: without saying anything about it. He brought out of a 182 00:17:33,320 --> 00:17:37,040 Speaker 1: corner of the attic an old box trap he had 183 00:17:37,160 --> 00:17:41,920 Speaker 1: used in the summer to catch birds, set it carefully 184 00:17:41,960 --> 00:17:46,199 Speaker 1: on the snow, and scattered crumbs of corn bread to 185 00:17:46,320 --> 00:17:53,000 Speaker 1: attract the birds. In half an hour he went up 186 00:17:53,040 --> 00:17:56,720 Speaker 1: again and found, to his delight he had caught bigger game, 187 00:17:58,040 --> 00:18:01,520 Speaker 1: a poor rabbit which had come from no one knows 188 00:18:01,560 --> 00:18:09,880 Speaker 1: where over the crust to find food. This gave Willie 189 00:18:09,920 --> 00:18:13,520 Speaker 1: a new idea, and he took him out of the 190 00:18:13,600 --> 00:18:21,040 Speaker 1: trap and set it again. The next catch was a 191 00:18:21,080 --> 00:18:26,399 Speaker 1: couple of snowbirds. These Willie carefully placed in a corner 192 00:18:26,440 --> 00:18:30,280 Speaker 1: of the attic, using the trap for a cage, and 193 00:18:30,359 --> 00:18:38,200 Speaker 1: giving them plenty of water and food. When the girls 194 00:18:38,240 --> 00:18:41,800 Speaker 1: were fast asleep, with tears on their cheeks for the 195 00:18:41,960 --> 00:18:46,200 Speaker 1: dreadful Christmas they were going to have, Willie told Mama 196 00:18:46,240 --> 00:18:52,400 Speaker 1: about his plans. Mamma was pale and weak with anxiety, 197 00:18:53,080 --> 00:18:57,560 Speaker 1: and his news first made her laugh and then cry, 198 00:18:59,160 --> 00:19:02,520 Speaker 1: But after a few moments, giving to her long pent 199 00:19:02,600 --> 00:19:06,520 Speaker 1: up tears. She felt much better and entered into his 200 00:19:06,680 --> 00:19:13,240 Speaker 1: plans heartily. The two birds up in the attic were 201 00:19:13,280 --> 00:19:23,439 Speaker 1: to be Christmas presents to the girls. As for plum pudding, 202 00:19:24,240 --> 00:19:30,119 Speaker 1: of course, that couldn't be thought of. But don't you think, Mama, 203 00:19:31,160 --> 00:19:35,199 Speaker 1: said Willie eagerly, that you could make some sort of 204 00:19:35,280 --> 00:19:39,160 Speaker 1: cake out of meal, and wouldn't hickory nuts be good 205 00:19:39,160 --> 00:19:42,879 Speaker 1: in it? You know, I have some left up in 206 00:19:42,880 --> 00:19:46,040 Speaker 1: the attic, and I might crack them softly up there, 207 00:19:46,680 --> 00:19:51,399 Speaker 1: and don't you think they would be good? He concluded anxiously. 208 00:19:52,560 --> 00:19:58,000 Speaker 1: Well perhaps, so, said Mama, anxious to please him and 209 00:19:58,160 --> 00:20:04,080 Speaker 1: help him in his generous plan. I can try if 210 00:20:04,119 --> 00:20:09,080 Speaker 1: I only had some eggs. But seems to me I 211 00:20:09,240 --> 00:20:13,680 Speaker 1: have heard that snow beaten into cake would make it light, 212 00:20:14,400 --> 00:20:18,560 Speaker 1: and they're snow enough, I'm sure, she added, with a 213 00:20:18,600 --> 00:20:23,399 Speaker 1: faint smile, the first Willie had seen for three days. 214 00:20:26,800 --> 00:20:30,920 Speaker 1: The smile alone, he felt to be a great achievement, 215 00:20:31,520 --> 00:20:35,160 Speaker 1: and he crept carefully up the ladder, cracked the nuts 216 00:20:35,240 --> 00:20:40,320 Speaker 1: to the last one, brought them down, and Mama got 217 00:20:40,320 --> 00:20:43,200 Speaker 1: the meat out, which was to be their Christmas dinner. 218 00:20:45,119 --> 00:20:49,560 Speaker 1: Wish you merry Christmas. He called out to Norah and tought, 219 00:20:49,600 --> 00:20:52,960 Speaker 1: when they woke, see what Santa Claus has brought you. 220 00:20:56,760 --> 00:21:00,000 Speaker 1: Before they had time to remember what a sorry Christmas 221 00:21:00,080 --> 00:21:05,000 Speaker 1: miss it was to be, they received their presence, a 222 00:21:05,119 --> 00:21:10,040 Speaker 1: live bird for each, a bird that was never to 223 00:21:10,080 --> 00:21:13,280 Speaker 1: be kept in a cage, but fly about the house 224 00:21:13,400 --> 00:21:17,720 Speaker 1: till summer came, and then to go away if it wished. 225 00:21:20,600 --> 00:21:25,200 Speaker 1: Pets were scarce on the prairie, and the girls were delighted. 226 00:21:27,000 --> 00:21:30,240 Speaker 1: Nothing Papa could have brought them would have given them 227 00:21:30,400 --> 00:21:36,760 Speaker 1: so much happiness. They thought no more of the dinner, 228 00:21:37,240 --> 00:21:40,800 Speaker 1: but hurried to dress themselves and feed the birds, which 229 00:21:40,840 --> 00:21:46,679 Speaker 1: were quite tame. But after a while they saw preparations 230 00:21:46,720 --> 00:21:50,760 Speaker 1: for dinner too. Mama made a crust and lined a 231 00:21:50,880 --> 00:21:56,320 Speaker 1: deep dish, and put in the dish all the things 232 00:21:56,400 --> 00:22:00,080 Speaker 1: she had, and then she tucked them all under a 233 00:22:00,119 --> 00:22:03,840 Speaker 1: thick crust and set it down in a tin oven 234 00:22:04,480 --> 00:22:09,720 Speaker 1: before the fire to bake. And that was not all. 235 00:22:11,600 --> 00:22:15,399 Speaker 1: She got out some more corn meal and made a batter, 236 00:22:16,200 --> 00:22:20,199 Speaker 1: and put in some sugar and something else which she 237 00:22:20,400 --> 00:22:24,000 Speaker 1: slipped in from a bowl, and which looked in the 238 00:22:24,040 --> 00:22:30,120 Speaker 1: batter something like raisins. And at the last moment Willie 239 00:22:30,280 --> 00:22:33,920 Speaker 1: brought her a cup of snow, and she hastily beat 240 00:22:33,960 --> 00:22:37,240 Speaker 1: it into the cake or pudding, whichever you might call it, 241 00:22:38,200 --> 00:22:41,919 Speaker 1: while the children laughed at the idea of making a 242 00:22:41,960 --> 00:22:48,639 Speaker 1: cake out of snow. This went into the same oven, 243 00:22:49,440 --> 00:22:53,560 Speaker 1: and pretty soon it rose up light and showed a 244 00:22:53,720 --> 00:22:59,359 Speaker 1: beautiful brown crust, while the pie was steaming through little 245 00:22:59,400 --> 00:23:05,040 Speaker 1: four coal on top and sending out the most delicious odors. 246 00:23:08,280 --> 00:23:11,760 Speaker 1: At the last minute, when the table was set and 247 00:23:11,960 --> 00:23:16,359 Speaker 1: everything ready to come out, Willie ran up to look 248 00:23:16,440 --> 00:23:20,000 Speaker 1: out the scuttle, as he had every hour of daylight 249 00:23:20,400 --> 00:23:25,440 Speaker 1: since they were buried. In a moment, came a wild 250 00:23:25,720 --> 00:23:34,080 Speaker 1: shout down the ladder. They are coming, hooray for old Tim. 251 00:23:34,240 --> 00:23:37,639 Speaker 1: Mama rushed up and looked out and saw to be 252 00:23:37,840 --> 00:23:44,920 Speaker 1: sure Old Tim slowly coming along over the crust, drawing 253 00:23:44,960 --> 00:23:48,920 Speaker 1: after him a wood sled on which were two men. 254 00:23:50,920 --> 00:23:56,720 Speaker 1: It's Papa, shouted Willie, waving his arms to attract their attention. 255 00:23:57,920 --> 00:24:02,160 Speaker 1: Willy came back over the snow in tones of agony. 256 00:24:02,560 --> 00:24:08,879 Speaker 1: Is that you are you well? All well, shouted Willie, 257 00:24:09,200 --> 00:24:15,520 Speaker 1: And just going to have our Christmas dinner dinner, echoed Papa, 258 00:24:15,560 --> 00:24:20,679 Speaker 1: who was now nearer where is the house? Then? Oh, 259 00:24:21,280 --> 00:24:25,280 Speaker 1: down here, said Willie, under the snow. But we are 260 00:24:25,320 --> 00:24:29,200 Speaker 1: all right, only we mustn't let the plum pudding spoil. 261 00:24:33,520 --> 00:24:38,200 Speaker 1: Looking into the attic, Willie found that Mama had fainted away, 262 00:24:39,359 --> 00:24:42,439 Speaker 1: and this news brought to her aid Papa and the 263 00:24:42,520 --> 00:24:45,960 Speaker 1: other man who proved to be a good friend who 264 00:24:46,000 --> 00:24:51,480 Speaker 1: had come to help. Tim was tied to the chimney 265 00:24:51,880 --> 00:24:56,040 Speaker 1: whose thread of smoke had guided them home, and all 266 00:24:56,160 --> 00:25:01,840 Speaker 1: went down into the dark room. Missus Barnes soon recovered, 267 00:25:02,400 --> 00:25:06,200 Speaker 1: and while Willie dished up the smoking dinner, stories were 268 00:25:06,240 --> 00:25:11,639 Speaker 1: told on both sides. Mister Barnes had been trying to 269 00:25:11,680 --> 00:25:14,679 Speaker 1: get through the snow and to find them all the time, 270 00:25:15,560 --> 00:25:19,080 Speaker 1: but until last night had made a stiff crust, he 271 00:25:19,160 --> 00:25:25,919 Speaker 1: had been unable to do so. Then Missus Barnes told 272 00:25:25,960 --> 00:25:30,720 Speaker 1: her story, winding up with the account of Willie's Christmas dinner. 273 00:25:32,520 --> 00:25:35,479 Speaker 1: And if it hadn't been for his keeping up our hearts, 274 00:25:35,920 --> 00:25:38,280 Speaker 1: I don't know what would have become of us, she said. 275 00:25:38,280 --> 00:25:43,760 Speaker 1: At last, Well, my son, said Papa, you did take 276 00:25:43,800 --> 00:25:46,960 Speaker 1: care of mama and get up a dinner out of nothing, 277 00:25:47,440 --> 00:25:50,919 Speaker 1: sure enough, And now we'll eat the dinner which I 278 00:25:51,040 --> 00:25:59,480 Speaker 1: am sure is delicious, so it proved to be. Even 279 00:25:59,560 --> 00:26:05,199 Speaker 1: the cake or pudding, which Tot christened snow pudding, was 280 00:26:05,280 --> 00:26:10,120 Speaker 1: voted very nice, and the hickory nuts as good as raisins. 281 00:26:12,160 --> 00:26:15,879 Speaker 1: When they had finished, mister Barnes brought in his packages, 282 00:26:16,840 --> 00:26:21,639 Speaker 1: gave Tot and the rest some sure enough waisins, and 283 00:26:21,760 --> 00:26:28,000 Speaker 1: added his Christmas presents to Willie's. But though all were overjoyed, 284 00:26:28,920 --> 00:26:32,399 Speaker 1: nothing was quite so nice in their eyes as the 285 00:26:32,480 --> 00:26:41,679 Speaker 1: two birds. After dinner, the two men and Willie dug 286 00:26:41,720 --> 00:26:46,720 Speaker 1: out passages from the doors through the snow which had 287 00:26:46,760 --> 00:26:53,479 Speaker 1: wasted a good deal, uncovered the windows, and made a 288 00:26:53,520 --> 00:26:59,520 Speaker 1: slanting way to his sledge or old tim Then for 289 00:26:59,680 --> 00:27:04,320 Speaker 1: two or three days Willie made tunnels and little rooms 290 00:27:04,440 --> 00:27:09,960 Speaker 1: under the snow, And for two weeks while the snow lasted, 291 00:27:10,920 --> 00:27:18,080 Speaker 1: Nora and Todd at fine times in the little snow playhouses. 292 00:27:27,680 --> 00:27:43,440 Speaker 1: And that's the end of this episode. Good Night, sleep tight,