1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:18,319 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:18,400 --> 00:00:22,640 Speaker 1: to say hello to some friends. Hello to Jace and 3 00:00:22,720 --> 00:00:29,440 Speaker 1: Manolo from Oregon. Hello to Julia and Maybe in California. 4 00:00:29,720 --> 00:00:34,080 Speaker 1: Hello to Arev and Ohm, and hello to Kaya Johnson. 5 00:00:35,440 --> 00:00:42,400 Speaker 1: Thank you so much for supporting us. This is part 6 00:00:42,560 --> 00:00:46,320 Speaker 1: seven of Tinkle's story. If you have not listened to 7 00:00:46,400 --> 00:00:49,519 Speaker 1: the other episodes, you might want to go back and 8 00:00:49,640 --> 00:00:54,520 Speaker 1: listen to them. Tinkle is a pony that has gone 9 00:00:54,600 --> 00:00:57,920 Speaker 1: from living on a stock farm with his family to 10 00:00:58,040 --> 00:01:01,840 Speaker 1: a smaller farm where he takes George and Mabel for rides. 11 00:01:03,280 --> 00:01:06,680 Speaker 1: They love him dearly and can't wait to spend time 12 00:01:06,720 --> 00:01:11,600 Speaker 1: with him. Tinkle is enjoying himself at his new home. 13 00:01:12,400 --> 00:01:17,720 Speaker 1: He is learning tricks, trying new foods, and meeting new people. 14 00:01:20,760 --> 00:01:25,840 Speaker 1: In this episode, Tinkle continues to learn more tricks, but 15 00:01:25,920 --> 00:01:38,240 Speaker 1: when the family goes away, something happens. Tinkle the trick 16 00:01:38,319 --> 00:01:47,040 Speaker 1: Pony Part seven. That's fine, cried George, as Tinkle, after 17 00:01:47,080 --> 00:01:50,400 Speaker 1: having jumped over the stick, came trotting up to get 18 00:01:50,440 --> 00:01:53,720 Speaker 1: the sugar. Soon, you'll be as good as Dido the 19 00:01:53,840 --> 00:01:58,000 Speaker 1: Dancing Bear. Well, I guess I did pretty well for 20 00:01:58,080 --> 00:02:02,080 Speaker 1: a beginner, thought Tinker. To himself as he crunched the 21 00:02:02,160 --> 00:02:06,640 Speaker 1: sugar in his strong white teeth. Now, I hope they 22 00:02:06,680 --> 00:02:10,160 Speaker 1: will leave me alone, or else drive me hitched to 23 00:02:10,240 --> 00:02:15,600 Speaker 1: the cart, or ride on my back. But George and 24 00:02:15,680 --> 00:02:19,800 Speaker 1: the coachmen were not yet through with Tinkle. They wanted 25 00:02:19,840 --> 00:02:23,000 Speaker 1: to be sure he understood how to do the trick, 26 00:02:24,080 --> 00:02:28,519 Speaker 1: so they set up the stick again and George held 27 00:02:28,520 --> 00:02:33,480 Speaker 1: out more sugar. This time the pony knew what to 28 00:02:33,560 --> 00:02:37,560 Speaker 1: do at once, and with a bound over the stick, 29 00:02:37,680 --> 00:02:43,079 Speaker 1: he went. Oh, I want Mabel to see this, cried George. 30 00:02:43,600 --> 00:02:47,480 Speaker 1: Come on out, he called to his sister, Come on 31 00:02:47,639 --> 00:02:52,600 Speaker 1: out and see Tinkle do a trick. Mabel was as 32 00:02:52,720 --> 00:02:57,520 Speaker 1: pleased as was her brother. She too held out the sugar, 33 00:02:57,919 --> 00:03:00,800 Speaker 1: and Tinkle came to her as he had to George, 34 00:03:01,400 --> 00:03:06,520 Speaker 1: leaping over the stick. Tinkle would do almost anything for 35 00:03:06,680 --> 00:03:13,519 Speaker 1: lumps of sugar. Well this is enough for the first day, 36 00:03:13,600 --> 00:03:16,400 Speaker 1: said the coachman to the children. We don't want Tinkle 37 00:03:16,480 --> 00:03:19,600 Speaker 1: to get tired. Go take him for a drive now, 38 00:03:19,840 --> 00:03:26,400 Speaker 1: and tomorrow we can teach him other tricks. Off in 39 00:03:26,520 --> 00:03:30,600 Speaker 1: the pony cart rode the two children. Half way down 40 00:03:30,600 --> 00:03:34,400 Speaker 1: the street, they met Tommy and Nellie Hall and invited 41 00:03:34,440 --> 00:03:38,520 Speaker 1: them to have a drive. Did you see the trained bear, 42 00:03:39,440 --> 00:03:42,680 Speaker 1: asked Tommy of George. A man was leading him past 43 00:03:42,760 --> 00:03:48,360 Speaker 1: our house. He did a lot of tricks. We're going 44 00:03:48,400 --> 00:03:51,720 Speaker 1: to teach our pony to do tricks like those, cried Mabel. 45 00:03:52,040 --> 00:03:59,160 Speaker 1: No really, exclaimed Nellie in surprise. Yes we are, added George. 46 00:03:59,480 --> 00:04:02,960 Speaker 1: He can do one trick already, jump over a stick, 47 00:04:04,120 --> 00:04:07,960 Speaker 1: and he told how Tinkle had been taught. I'd like 48 00:04:08,040 --> 00:04:11,680 Speaker 1: to see him do that, said Tommy. But there's one trick, Dido, 49 00:04:11,760 --> 00:04:16,000 Speaker 1: the bear did that. Your pony can never do. What 50 00:04:16,200 --> 00:04:21,520 Speaker 1: is that, Mabel asked, climb a telegraph pole, said Tommy 51 00:04:21,600 --> 00:04:25,920 Speaker 1: with a laugh. Ah, that's right, admitted George. Tinkle never 52 00:04:26,040 --> 00:04:30,480 Speaker 1: could do that, but I don't want him to. Tomorrow 53 00:04:30,960 --> 00:04:36,359 Speaker 1: we are going to teach him a new trick. The 54 00:04:36,440 --> 00:04:39,520 Speaker 1: next day, George went out to the stable to ask 55 00:04:39,640 --> 00:04:42,760 Speaker 1: Patrick what trick it would be best next to teach 56 00:04:42,839 --> 00:04:47,400 Speaker 1: the pony. Let us see if he has forgotten his 57 00:04:47,560 --> 00:04:51,680 Speaker 1: first trick, said the coachman. Once more, the stick was 58 00:04:51,800 --> 00:04:55,159 Speaker 1: laid across the boxes, and standing on the other side 59 00:04:55,200 --> 00:05:01,400 Speaker 1: of it, George held out the sugar. Tinkle jumped over 60 00:05:01,520 --> 00:05:05,719 Speaker 1: at once, higher than he had ever before gone. For 61 00:05:06,360 --> 00:05:09,400 Speaker 1: Now that he knew jumping was what his little master wanted, 62 00:05:09,960 --> 00:05:15,000 Speaker 1: the pony made up his mind to do his very best. Yes, 63 00:05:15,279 --> 00:05:20,200 Speaker 1: he hasn't forgotten that trick, said Patrick. Now we'll teach 64 00:05:20,279 --> 00:05:23,640 Speaker 1: him to make a bow. How can you do that, 65 00:05:24,360 --> 00:05:30,000 Speaker 1: asked George. I will show you, Patrick answered. He put 66 00:05:30,120 --> 00:05:33,600 Speaker 1: some soft straw on the ground in front of the pony. 67 00:05:34,640 --> 00:05:39,559 Speaker 1: Then the coachman tied a rope around Tinkle's left front leg, 68 00:05:41,440 --> 00:05:44,919 Speaker 1: standing off a little way behind and to one side 69 00:05:44,920 --> 00:05:49,599 Speaker 1: of Tinkle. Patrick pulled gently on the rope at the 70 00:05:49,680 --> 00:05:53,240 Speaker 1: same time saying make a bow, Tinkle, Make a bow. 71 00:05:56,480 --> 00:05:59,120 Speaker 1: Of course, Tinkle did not know what the words meant, 72 00:05:59,640 --> 00:06:01,760 Speaker 1: but when when he felt the pole on his leg 73 00:06:01,839 --> 00:06:04,599 Speaker 1: from the rope, it seemed as though his leg was 74 00:06:04,680 --> 00:06:09,200 Speaker 1: being pulled from under him. And that is what Patrick 75 00:06:09,360 --> 00:06:14,000 Speaker 1: was doing, only so gently that it did not hurt. 76 00:06:15,240 --> 00:06:21,240 Speaker 1: Then the coachman said again, make a bow, Tinkle. The 77 00:06:21,320 --> 00:06:25,320 Speaker 1: pony suddenly felt his leg slipping, and as it bent, 78 00:06:25,440 --> 00:06:28,880 Speaker 1: he came down on one knee on the soft straw. 79 00:06:30,160 --> 00:06:34,279 Speaker 1: Oh he did make a bow, cried George. And that 80 00:06:34,520 --> 00:06:38,160 Speaker 1: is just what it looked like. Give him a lump 81 00:06:38,200 --> 00:06:41,560 Speaker 1: of sugar, said Patrick. Then he'll know he is to 82 00:06:41,640 --> 00:06:49,359 Speaker 1: get a lump when he makes another bow. The coachman 83 00:06:49,520 --> 00:06:53,320 Speaker 1: loosened his hold of the rope, and Tinkle quickly scrambled 84 00:06:53,320 --> 00:06:57,440 Speaker 1: to his feet. He was not in the least hurt, 85 00:06:57,880 --> 00:07:02,599 Speaker 1: but he was a little confused. Boos, I wonder what 86 00:07:02,680 --> 00:07:05,400 Speaker 1: they are trying to do to me, he asked himself. 87 00:07:06,320 --> 00:07:08,839 Speaker 1: But he was glad when he found George had another 88 00:07:08,960 --> 00:07:12,800 Speaker 1: lump of sugar for him. This part of it is 89 00:07:12,840 --> 00:07:17,400 Speaker 1: all right, anyhow, thought the pony, and once again he 90 00:07:17,400 --> 00:07:21,360 Speaker 1: heard Patrick call make a bow, Tinkle, make a bow. 91 00:07:23,680 --> 00:07:26,840 Speaker 1: Again came that tug on the rope, which pulled Tinkle's 92 00:07:26,880 --> 00:07:29,880 Speaker 1: leg from under him so that he had to bend 93 00:07:29,920 --> 00:07:34,320 Speaker 1: down and bow. That's the way to do it, cried Patrick. 94 00:07:34,920 --> 00:07:40,800 Speaker 1: More sugar for the pony. George. Oh now I understand, 95 00:07:41,480 --> 00:07:45,400 Speaker 1: said Tinkle to himself. This is just like jumping over 96 00:07:45,440 --> 00:07:51,920 Speaker 1: the stick, only different. Ah, I have it. These are 97 00:07:51,960 --> 00:07:55,600 Speaker 1: the tricks Idle was telling me about. Now I know 98 00:07:55,720 --> 00:07:58,520 Speaker 1: what they are doing it for. I am to be 99 00:07:58,600 --> 00:08:02,040 Speaker 1: a trick pony, and maybe I'll be in the circus 100 00:08:02,040 --> 00:08:07,040 Speaker 1: with Tom Tom and Mapple. But you will have to 101 00:08:07,160 --> 00:08:09,840 Speaker 1: wait a little while to find out if that part 102 00:08:09,960 --> 00:08:16,120 Speaker 1: came true. Now we'll try it again, said the coachman, 103 00:08:16,200 --> 00:08:18,760 Speaker 1: as Tinkle got up and stood on the soft straw. 104 00:08:19,640 --> 00:08:25,160 Speaker 1: Make another bow, Tinkle, he called, pony, heard the word bow, 105 00:08:26,000 --> 00:08:28,280 Speaker 1: he felt the gentle pull on the rope that was 106 00:08:28,320 --> 00:08:32,040 Speaker 1: tied to his leg. This time, he did not wait 107 00:08:32,080 --> 00:08:35,000 Speaker 1: for his leg to be pulled from beneath him, but 108 00:08:35,120 --> 00:08:39,120 Speaker 1: he bowed of his own accord, and then George gave 109 00:08:39,200 --> 00:08:43,120 Speaker 1: him the sugar. He is beginning to know what we 110 00:08:43,240 --> 00:08:46,640 Speaker 1: want of him, said the coachman. Now he can do 111 00:08:46,760 --> 00:08:51,240 Speaker 1: two tricks, and soon I can take him around the 112 00:08:51,320 --> 00:08:55,120 Speaker 1: country and show him off, cried George in great delight. 113 00:08:55,960 --> 00:09:00,400 Speaker 1: Well I don't know about that, laughed Patrick. Yes, your 114 00:09:00,400 --> 00:09:03,520 Speaker 1: father and mother wouldn't like that, but you can have 115 00:09:03,679 --> 00:09:10,680 Speaker 1: him do tricks at home here for your friends. Tinkle 116 00:09:10,840 --> 00:09:14,320 Speaker 1: was a smart little pony, and in a few days 117 00:09:14,480 --> 00:09:17,720 Speaker 1: all George had to do was to say jump, and 118 00:09:17,800 --> 00:09:21,440 Speaker 1: Tinkle would jump over two or even three sticks laid 119 00:09:21,440 --> 00:09:27,160 Speaker 1: across boxes. And when George said make a bow, Tinkle 120 00:09:27,200 --> 00:09:31,040 Speaker 1: would kneel down, almost as politely as some dancers I 121 00:09:31,080 --> 00:09:37,920 Speaker 1: have seen. Are there any other tricks you can teach Tinkle? 122 00:09:38,559 --> 00:09:42,800 Speaker 1: Asked George of the coachman one day. Oh yes, plenty more, 123 00:09:43,320 --> 00:09:46,480 Speaker 1: was the answer. We'll try to get him to stand 124 00:09:46,520 --> 00:09:50,320 Speaker 1: on his hind legs and walk around. It is pretty hard, 125 00:09:50,360 --> 00:09:56,720 Speaker 1: but I guess he can do it. Tinkle was longer 126 00:09:56,800 --> 00:09:59,680 Speaker 1: in learning this trick than he had been in learning 127 00:09:59,720 --> 00:10:04,560 Speaker 1: how to to do the other two put together. Patrick 128 00:10:04,600 --> 00:10:09,960 Speaker 1: and George were kind and patient. However, Patrick, with another 129 00:10:10,040 --> 00:10:13,000 Speaker 1: man to help him, put Tinkle in front of a 130 00:10:13,040 --> 00:10:19,560 Speaker 1: board laid across two water pails. They set Tinkle's front 131 00:10:19,559 --> 00:10:23,120 Speaker 1: feet on the board, and then, with Patrick at one 132 00:10:23,280 --> 00:10:27,079 Speaker 1: end and the man at the other, they lifted up 133 00:10:27,160 --> 00:10:31,360 Speaker 1: the board with Tinkle's feet resting on it and started 134 00:10:31,400 --> 00:10:37,880 Speaker 1: to walk. And Tinkle walked too, because George stood in 135 00:10:37,880 --> 00:10:42,040 Speaker 1: front of him with a nice red apple, and as 136 00:10:42,080 --> 00:10:49,040 Speaker 1: the pony reached for it, George kept backing away. Of course, 137 00:10:49,120 --> 00:10:53,920 Speaker 1: Tinkle wanted the apple, so he kept on walking. Only 138 00:10:54,320 --> 00:10:58,040 Speaker 1: as his front feet were resting on the board. The 139 00:10:58,120 --> 00:11:02,280 Speaker 1: pony could walk on his hind feet only, but he 140 00:11:02,360 --> 00:11:08,760 Speaker 1: was soon doing this without knowing it. It took a 141 00:11:08,800 --> 00:11:11,280 Speaker 1: little time to make him stand up on his hind 142 00:11:11,360 --> 00:11:14,680 Speaker 1: legs without anything on which to rest his front feet, 143 00:11:15,640 --> 00:11:19,240 Speaker 1: but After a bit, he understood what was wanted of him. 144 00:11:21,080 --> 00:11:24,040 Speaker 1: Then he remembered how he had seen horses in the 145 00:11:24,080 --> 00:11:27,960 Speaker 1: green meadow where he used to live rear up on 146 00:11:28,040 --> 00:11:32,880 Speaker 1: their hind legs in play sometimes. Why that's just what 147 00:11:33,000 --> 00:11:38,080 Speaker 1: I'm doing, thought Tinkle, And then it became easier for him. 148 00:11:39,760 --> 00:11:42,560 Speaker 1: He could soon walk half the length of the stable 149 00:11:42,640 --> 00:11:46,520 Speaker 1: yard on his hind legs with his fore feet held 150 00:11:46,640 --> 00:11:52,079 Speaker 1: up in the air. That's three tricks Tinkle can do, 151 00:11:52,440 --> 00:11:56,000 Speaker 1: said George in delight, as the pony pranced around on 152 00:11:56,080 --> 00:11:59,800 Speaker 1: his hind legs. He will soon be able to join 153 00:11:59,840 --> 00:12:04,760 Speaker 1: a circus. But you won't let him, will you, asked Mabel. 154 00:12:05,360 --> 00:12:08,160 Speaker 1: You won't let Tinkle go away? George. I like him 155 00:12:08,200 --> 00:12:13,400 Speaker 1: too much, and so do I answered her brother. Indeed, 156 00:12:13,920 --> 00:12:21,560 Speaker 1: I won't let Tinkle go away. But one day something 157 00:12:21,679 --> 00:12:27,920 Speaker 1: happened to Tinkle. Mister and Missus Farley, with George and Mabel, 158 00:12:28,480 --> 00:12:31,720 Speaker 1: went on a visit to the country, to be gone 159 00:12:32,320 --> 00:12:37,440 Speaker 1: three days. They did not take Tinkle with them, as 160 00:12:37,440 --> 00:12:41,760 Speaker 1: they had to travel on the train. But I guess 161 00:12:41,760 --> 00:12:45,000 Speaker 1: he'll be all right until we come home, said George, 162 00:12:45,000 --> 00:12:46,960 Speaker 1: as he went out to the stable to bid his 163 00:12:47,080 --> 00:12:51,040 Speaker 1: pet goodbye. I'll be here to watch him, said Patrick. 164 00:12:53,640 --> 00:12:57,840 Speaker 1: Two days after the Farley family had gone away, Patrick, 165 00:12:58,240 --> 00:13:01,840 Speaker 1: who slept in rooms over the stable, had to go 166 00:13:01,960 --> 00:13:04,480 Speaker 1: to the store for some salve for one of the 167 00:13:04,520 --> 00:13:09,800 Speaker 1: horses that got a nail in his foot. Patrick thought 168 00:13:09,800 --> 00:13:12,720 Speaker 1: he would be gone only a few minutes, so he 169 00:13:12,800 --> 00:13:17,240 Speaker 1: left Tinkle outside in the stable yard. I guess he'll 170 00:13:17,280 --> 00:13:20,080 Speaker 1: be all right until I come back, said the coachman, 171 00:13:21,880 --> 00:13:24,319 Speaker 1: But it took longer to put up the salve than 172 00:13:24,360 --> 00:13:28,280 Speaker 1: he had supposed, so he was nearly half an hour 173 00:13:28,600 --> 00:13:31,800 Speaker 1: away from the barn, and there was no one in 174 00:13:31,880 --> 00:13:35,120 Speaker 1: the house for the cook and maid had also gone 175 00:13:35,120 --> 00:13:43,319 Speaker 1: away on visits when the family left. In that half hour, 176 00:13:44,040 --> 00:13:49,600 Speaker 1: something happened. Two men drove a big, empty moving van 177 00:13:49,720 --> 00:13:53,800 Speaker 1: down the street past the Farley house. In the side 178 00:13:53,880 --> 00:13:58,080 Speaker 1: yard was an old fashioned pump, and seeing it, one 179 00:13:58,120 --> 00:14:01,240 Speaker 1: of the men said, let's off and get a drink. 180 00:14:01,400 --> 00:14:05,000 Speaker 1: It's a hot day and I'm thirsty. I am too, 181 00:14:05,640 --> 00:14:10,160 Speaker 1: said the other man. They stopped the van in a 182 00:14:10,240 --> 00:14:13,480 Speaker 1: side street near the stable yard and pumped some water 183 00:14:13,600 --> 00:14:17,880 Speaker 1: for themselves. Tinkle walked over near the fence and looked 184 00:14:17,920 --> 00:14:21,880 Speaker 1: at the men, for he was a bit lonesome. That's 185 00:14:21,920 --> 00:14:25,520 Speaker 1: a fine pony, said one of the men, wiping off 186 00:14:25,560 --> 00:14:29,040 Speaker 1: the drops of water from his mustache. He sure is, 187 00:14:29,920 --> 00:14:32,880 Speaker 1: agreed the other look at him making a bow, would 188 00:14:32,920 --> 00:14:37,080 Speaker 1: you for? Just then, Tinkle took it into his head 189 00:14:37,120 --> 00:14:40,440 Speaker 1: to do one of his tricks. He had not done 190 00:14:40,480 --> 00:14:46,680 Speaker 1: any in two days because George was away. Say he's smart, 191 00:14:47,360 --> 00:14:51,040 Speaker 1: exclaimed the biggest man, who had red hair. He is that, 192 00:14:51,560 --> 00:14:55,040 Speaker 1: look at him, jump for Tinkle did his second trick. 193 00:14:55,160 --> 00:15:00,320 Speaker 1: Then he was showing off. You see. The two men 194 00:15:00,360 --> 00:15:04,840 Speaker 1: talked together in low voices. They looked towards the house 195 00:15:04,880 --> 00:15:09,400 Speaker 1: and saw that it was closed. No one was about. 196 00:15:10,600 --> 00:15:13,800 Speaker 1: Patrick was down at the drug store, and no one 197 00:15:14,040 --> 00:15:18,320 Speaker 1: was near the stable. We could easily put him in 198 00:15:18,360 --> 00:15:22,600 Speaker 1: the moving van, said the red haired man. He isn't heavy. 199 00:15:24,240 --> 00:15:26,360 Speaker 1: But what would we do with him after we took him, 200 00:15:27,280 --> 00:15:30,800 Speaker 1: asked the shorter of the two men. Why a trick 201 00:15:30,880 --> 00:15:33,960 Speaker 1: pony like him is worth money. We could sell him 202 00:15:33,960 --> 00:15:37,400 Speaker 1: for a hundred dollars. Maybe let's take him. No one 203 00:15:37,400 --> 00:15:42,120 Speaker 1: will see us. Of course, it was not right for 204 00:15:42,200 --> 00:15:45,560 Speaker 1: the men to plan to take Tinkle away, but they 205 00:15:45,600 --> 00:15:51,960 Speaker 1: did just the same. Comere pony, called one of the men. 206 00:15:52,040 --> 00:15:56,800 Speaker 1: And he whistled. Tinkle came closer, for George had taught 207 00:15:56,880 --> 00:15:59,280 Speaker 1: him to come at the sound of a whistle to 208 00:15:59,360 --> 00:16:06,080 Speaker 1: get a lump of sugar. But the men had no 209 00:16:06,240 --> 00:16:09,960 Speaker 1: sugar for Tinkle. Instead, they opened the gate to the 210 00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:14,720 Speaker 1: stable yard and led Tinkle out by his mane. The 211 00:16:14,800 --> 00:16:18,480 Speaker 1: pony went along willingly enough, for he was not afraid 212 00:16:18,520 --> 00:16:22,000 Speaker 1: of men. None of them had ever hurt him, so 213 00:16:22,120 --> 00:16:25,920 Speaker 1: he had no reason to be afraid. Lead him right 214 00:16:25,960 --> 00:16:28,800 Speaker 1: out to the van, said the red haired man, and 215 00:16:28,880 --> 00:16:31,200 Speaker 1: we'll toss him in. No one will see him in there. 216 00:16:33,800 --> 00:16:37,040 Speaker 1: Before Tinkle knew what was happening, he was led out 217 00:16:37,080 --> 00:16:40,640 Speaker 1: of the yard to the side street, and suddenly the 218 00:16:40,720 --> 00:16:44,160 Speaker 1: two men lifted him up and put him right inside 219 00:16:44,200 --> 00:16:48,160 Speaker 1: the big, empty moving van, which could easily have held 220 00:16:48,200 --> 00:16:51,480 Speaker 1: two or three big horses, to say nothing of several 221 00:16:51,520 --> 00:16:57,240 Speaker 1: ponies as small as Tinkle. Tinkle was not much bigger 222 00:16:57,280 --> 00:17:01,520 Speaker 1: than a very big dog, and the men, being strong 223 00:17:02,040 --> 00:17:05,320 Speaker 1: or they could lift a piano, had no trouble in 224 00:17:05,400 --> 00:17:10,560 Speaker 1: lifting the pony from the ground into the van. He went, 225 00:17:11,240 --> 00:17:14,679 Speaker 1: and he fell down, but as it happened, there was 226 00:17:14,720 --> 00:17:18,399 Speaker 1: a pile of soft bags there, so he was not hurt, 227 00:17:20,440 --> 00:17:23,520 Speaker 1: but he was frightened when the men bang shut the 228 00:17:23,520 --> 00:17:29,159 Speaker 1: big end doors. Then Tinkle felt himself being taken away. 229 00:17:30,200 --> 00:17:34,119 Speaker 1: He was closed up inside the dark wagon and could 230 00:17:34,160 --> 00:17:44,560 Speaker 1: see nothing. Poor Tinkle, rib beside me, And that is 231 00:17:44,600 --> 00:17:49,520 Speaker 1: the end of this episode. Good Night, leap tight. 232 00:17:52,040 --> 00:18:02,280 Speaker 2: Watching new clothe rib beside me. It's one of the 233 00:18:02,680 --> 00:18:09,520 Speaker 2: few things I can count on, one of the few 234 00:18:09,760 --> 00:18:16,800 Speaker 2: things I can trust. It's one of the few things 235 00:18:17,040 --> 00:18:23,679 Speaker 2: I can come on, one of the few things I 236 00:18:23,880 --> 00:18:26,400 Speaker 2: can trust.