1 00:00:08,720 --> 00:00:14,720 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. A short 2 00:00:14,720 --> 00:00:21,040 Speaker 1: message for grown ups. Looking for more bedtime stories per week, 3 00:00:22,160 --> 00:00:27,440 Speaker 1: subscribe to sleep Tight Premium. With sleep Tight Premium, you 4 00:00:27,520 --> 00:00:31,840 Speaker 1: can listen to four ad free stories per week, a 5 00:00:31,920 --> 00:00:38,239 Speaker 1: growing library, and an extensive selection of sleep sounds, guided 6 00:00:38,280 --> 00:00:46,400 Speaker 1: meditations and music for sleep. Visit sleep Typepremium dot com 7 00:00:46,479 --> 00:00:51,040 Speaker 1: and start your free trial. A link can be found 8 00:00:51,040 --> 00:01:07,240 Speaker 1: in our show notes. Thank you. In this episode, I 9 00:01:07,280 --> 00:01:11,840 Speaker 1: am going to read the next chapter of Matchbox Dreams. 10 00:01:13,040 --> 00:01:18,480 Speaker 1: Last time I introduced you to Harper and Remy, and 11 00:01:18,520 --> 00:01:21,840 Speaker 1: they were just about to go on their first adventure 12 00:01:21,920 --> 00:01:46,279 Speaker 1: in Dreamland with Titus and Constance. Chapter two Dreamland. Within 13 00:01:46,440 --> 00:01:51,040 Speaker 1: minutes of falling asleep, Titus was standing on the beach 14 00:01:51,600 --> 00:01:56,640 Speaker 1: looking out over the ocean. He was so excited to 15 00:01:56,720 --> 00:02:00,480 Speaker 1: be at the ocean since it was almost four hundred 16 00:02:00,520 --> 00:02:06,800 Speaker 1: miles from his cottage. Isn't the sea pretty? Said Constance. 17 00:02:08,200 --> 00:02:12,680 Speaker 1: Titus looked to his right and saw Constance and Evie 18 00:02:12,720 --> 00:02:17,280 Speaker 1: standing on the beach near him, holding hands and watching 19 00:02:17,320 --> 00:02:21,840 Speaker 1: the seagulls swooping down over the waves looking for small 20 00:02:21,919 --> 00:02:27,000 Speaker 1: fish to eat. Constance, how do we get to the ocean, 21 00:02:27,800 --> 00:02:32,000 Speaker 1: asked Titus, The last thing I remember was putting Harper 22 00:02:32,000 --> 00:02:37,040 Speaker 1: to sleep in his bed near my pillow. Yep, said Harper, 23 00:02:37,560 --> 00:02:41,480 Speaker 1: that's what you did right before falling asleep. Now you 24 00:02:41,560 --> 00:02:47,480 Speaker 1: are in Dreamland. Titus turned around to see Harper and 25 00:02:47,560 --> 00:02:52,679 Speaker 1: Remy standing right behind them. Harper, how did you get 26 00:02:52,680 --> 00:02:56,400 Speaker 1: so big, asked Titus. You are almost the same size 27 00:02:56,400 --> 00:03:03,880 Speaker 1: as me. Well, we didn't get big, you, Constance and 28 00:03:04,040 --> 00:03:08,760 Speaker 1: Evie got small, said Harper. Whenever you visit Dreamland, you 29 00:03:08,800 --> 00:03:15,680 Speaker 1: are the same size as your animal friends. Constance said, hey, Titus, 30 00:03:15,720 --> 00:03:20,400 Speaker 1: Harper is right. Either that or these seashells are gigantic. 31 00:03:22,320 --> 00:03:25,280 Speaker 1: She let out a giggle and pointed to seashells that 32 00:03:25,360 --> 00:03:31,440 Speaker 1: were ten times their usual size. So what part of 33 00:03:31,520 --> 00:03:36,800 Speaker 1: Dreamland are we in, Titus asked Harper. And I live 34 00:03:36,840 --> 00:03:39,600 Speaker 1: in Puffin Village, which is just over the other side 35 00:03:39,640 --> 00:03:43,680 Speaker 1: of the dunes behind us, heading east, declared Remy. To 36 00:03:43,760 --> 00:03:46,840 Speaker 1: the north. Up the coast is the town of Willets, 37 00:03:47,000 --> 00:03:51,080 Speaker 1: where the Squirrel clan lives. To the south is Ploverville, 38 00:03:51,240 --> 00:03:54,360 Speaker 1: where the kittens live, and the ocean is To the 39 00:03:54,400 --> 00:03:59,280 Speaker 1: west is called Shearwater. About fifty miles out to sea 40 00:03:59,440 --> 00:04:06,880 Speaker 1: is the Beauty island of Sanderling, Home of the Puppies. Hey, everyone, 41 00:04:07,120 --> 00:04:09,440 Speaker 1: Harper said, do you want to come to our house 42 00:04:09,480 --> 00:04:15,880 Speaker 1: for tea and cookies? Sure, said Evie. Titus and Constance 43 00:04:15,960 --> 00:04:21,200 Speaker 1: stared at Evie in confusion. Both said at the same time, Evie, 44 00:04:21,720 --> 00:04:27,200 Speaker 1: you can't speak yet, you're too young. Remember this is 45 00:04:27,279 --> 00:04:34,560 Speaker 1: dreamland where everything is possible, declared Harper. With that, everyone 46 00:04:34,680 --> 00:04:38,760 Speaker 1: started to walk up the dunes towards Harper and Remy's 47 00:04:38,760 --> 00:04:44,200 Speaker 1: house in Puffin Village. Their home was more of a 48 00:04:44,279 --> 00:04:48,880 Speaker 1: burrow in the ground than a real house. Imagine a 49 00:04:49,000 --> 00:04:53,479 Speaker 1: whole village with a village center, a large fountain and 50 00:04:53,640 --> 00:04:58,480 Speaker 1: shops constructed of boards made from driftwood with water worn 51 00:04:58,600 --> 00:05:05,320 Speaker 1: glass for windows. Radiating out in all directions from the 52 00:05:05,400 --> 00:05:09,960 Speaker 1: village center, like a wagon wheel, were white lanes paved 53 00:05:10,000 --> 00:05:14,920 Speaker 1: with small particles of broken shells and large grains of sand. 54 00:05:17,320 --> 00:05:20,760 Speaker 1: These lanes went from the village center to the hills 55 00:05:21,040 --> 00:05:27,720 Speaker 1: that surrounded puff and Village. In the hills were hundreds 56 00:05:27,880 --> 00:05:38,440 Speaker 1: of little burrows. Each burrow was decorated with colorful shells, glass, driftwood, fences, 57 00:05:38,480 --> 00:05:41,240 Speaker 1: and other items that had been found on the beach. 58 00:05:43,720 --> 00:05:51,400 Speaker 1: One borough exceptionally large and ornate caught Constance's attention. Remy, 59 00:05:51,640 --> 00:05:56,839 Speaker 1: whose house is that, inquired Constance. That house belongs to 60 00:05:56,880 --> 00:06:01,440 Speaker 1: mister Downing. The mayor of Puffin Village said, the mayor 61 00:06:01,480 --> 00:06:03,599 Speaker 1: is going up to Willitts this week to meet with 62 00:06:03,680 --> 00:06:07,200 Speaker 1: the mayor of the Squirrels. Last week, some of the 63 00:06:07,200 --> 00:06:10,680 Speaker 1: squirrels came to Puffin looking to purchase nuts, and one 64 00:06:10,680 --> 00:06:15,919 Speaker 1: of the younger squirrels accidentally knocked over mister Springer's nut cart, 65 00:06:16,520 --> 00:06:19,680 Speaker 1: causing all his roasted nuts to fall in the street. 66 00:06:21,080 --> 00:06:24,520 Speaker 1: Before mister Springer could catch the youngster, he and his 67 00:06:24,600 --> 00:06:28,320 Speaker 1: friends took off up the tree and jumped from tree 68 00:06:28,360 --> 00:06:33,400 Speaker 1: to tree until they were out of Puffin Village. Mister 69 00:06:33,480 --> 00:06:36,400 Speaker 1: Downing is going to be traveling there soon to meet 70 00:06:36,400 --> 00:06:39,479 Speaker 1: with the mayor of Willets to collect payment for the 71 00:06:39,600 --> 00:06:46,440 Speaker 1: soiled nuts. After a ten minute walk, they arrived at 72 00:06:46,480 --> 00:06:50,599 Speaker 1: Harper and Remy's home. Since the kids were the same 73 00:06:50,720 --> 00:06:54,080 Speaker 1: size as the mice, they had no trouble entering the 74 00:06:54,160 --> 00:06:59,000 Speaker 1: house and sitting down at the dinner table. Harper started 75 00:06:59,000 --> 00:07:05,240 Speaker 1: the fireplace while Remy lit the stove. Being that it 76 00:07:05,360 --> 00:07:09,600 Speaker 1: was still nineteen hundred in dream Land, homes have yet 77 00:07:09,640 --> 00:07:17,000 Speaker 1: to have electricity. Electricity, invented in eighteen eighty two, didn't 78 00:07:17,000 --> 00:07:20,440 Speaker 1: make it to dream Land until the late nineteen twenties, 79 00:07:21,120 --> 00:07:25,000 Speaker 1: when kids in the real world started getting electricity to 80 00:07:25,160 --> 00:07:29,840 Speaker 1: their homes and began dreaming about things like electric lights, 81 00:07:30,440 --> 00:07:38,160 Speaker 1: electric stoves, and electric heaters. Soon the water was boiling 82 00:07:38,600 --> 00:07:41,480 Speaker 1: and Remy served every one tea while Harper took the 83 00:07:41,520 --> 00:07:44,720 Speaker 1: cookie jar down from the cupboard and gave each person 84 00:07:44,800 --> 00:07:50,440 Speaker 1: a peanut butter cookie. These cookies are great, said Titus. 85 00:07:50,640 --> 00:07:54,120 Speaker 1: Can I have another? Please? I like this tea. What 86 00:07:54,280 --> 00:07:58,239 Speaker 1: is it called? Asked Constance. You may have as many 87 00:07:58,240 --> 00:08:01,880 Speaker 1: cookies as you want, Titus, said Remy. After all, it 88 00:08:01,960 --> 00:08:07,080 Speaker 1: is your dream, Constance. This is dandelion tea. We use 89 00:08:07,160 --> 00:08:10,600 Speaker 1: the whole dandelion, petals, stems, roots and all to make 90 00:08:10,640 --> 00:08:14,240 Speaker 1: the tea. One dandelion will last us over a month, 91 00:08:14,560 --> 00:08:21,040 Speaker 1: even if we drink it every day. After everyone had 92 00:08:21,120 --> 00:08:24,160 Speaker 1: all the cookies and tea they could eat and drink, 93 00:08:24,800 --> 00:08:29,440 Speaker 1: they got up to look around the house. Titus had 94 00:08:29,480 --> 00:08:35,760 Speaker 1: six cookies, Constance had three, and little Evie surprised everyone 95 00:08:36,080 --> 00:08:41,160 Speaker 1: by eating eight cookies. Now that Evie could speak, her 96 00:08:41,240 --> 00:08:48,440 Speaker 1: favorite words were more please. First, they descended a rickety 97 00:08:48,559 --> 00:08:53,160 Speaker 1: staircase made of wood planks and driftwood to the root cellar. 98 00:08:55,120 --> 00:08:59,240 Speaker 1: Since they did not have electricity, Remy brought a candle 99 00:08:59,320 --> 00:09:02,720 Speaker 1: with her made from bees wax and an old yo 100 00:09:02,840 --> 00:09:08,560 Speaker 1: yo string. The cellar was large and damp, and in 101 00:09:08,640 --> 00:09:12,720 Speaker 1: between the roots were shelves lined with all kinds of 102 00:09:12,800 --> 00:09:18,439 Speaker 1: yummy looking jars of food. There were jars of cherries 103 00:09:18,480 --> 00:09:23,880 Speaker 1: floating in a reddish liquid, peanut butter, grape jelly, and 104 00:09:23,960 --> 00:09:28,679 Speaker 1: cans of peas, corn and string beans. And there were 105 00:09:28,760 --> 00:09:32,960 Speaker 1: burlap bags of every type of nut you could think of. 106 00:09:36,240 --> 00:09:40,000 Speaker 1: From the root cellar, they ascended to the ground floor, 107 00:09:40,040 --> 00:09:45,920 Speaker 1: where the kitchen, library, and living room were. They continued 108 00:09:46,000 --> 00:09:49,559 Speaker 1: up another flight of stairs to the bedrooms and bathroom. 109 00:09:51,120 --> 00:09:54,280 Speaker 1: From the bedroom window, they could see an old sailing 110 00:09:54,360 --> 00:09:58,800 Speaker 1: ship parked in the backyard. Harper, why do you have 111 00:09:58,840 --> 00:10:03,520 Speaker 1: a ship in the backyard, asked Titus. A few years 112 00:10:03,520 --> 00:10:07,000 Speaker 1: ago there was a large storm and a wave brought 113 00:10:07,000 --> 00:10:09,600 Speaker 1: the ship all the way over the dunes to our 114 00:10:09,679 --> 00:10:14,520 Speaker 1: back yard, said Harper, do you want to go aboard? 115 00:10:14,840 --> 00:10:18,880 Speaker 1: Without a word, but with shouts of glee, all three 116 00:10:18,920 --> 00:10:22,320 Speaker 1: of the children rushed down the stairs and were climbing 117 00:10:22,360 --> 00:10:26,800 Speaker 1: the ladder to get aboard the ship. The ship had 118 00:10:26,880 --> 00:10:31,120 Speaker 1: three masts, with the sail wrapped up, a large deck, 119 00:10:31,640 --> 00:10:35,959 Speaker 1: and the captain's quarters in the back. This is great, 120 00:10:36,000 --> 00:10:39,839 Speaker 1: said Titus. All the charts and furnishings are still here. 121 00:10:40,880 --> 00:10:45,040 Speaker 1: What happened to the captain and crew, We don't know, 122 00:10:45,520 --> 00:10:48,400 Speaker 1: said Remy. The ship washed up here like you see it, 123 00:10:48,480 --> 00:10:52,760 Speaker 1: and we were never able to locate the owner. Do 124 00:10:52,840 --> 00:10:55,280 Speaker 1: you think we can sail it to Sanderling Island some 125 00:10:55,400 --> 00:11:01,040 Speaker 1: day to see the puppies, asked Constance. Sure. All you 126 00:11:01,120 --> 00:11:03,079 Speaker 1: have to do is dream about it when you are 127 00:11:03,120 --> 00:11:05,840 Speaker 1: here some night, and the ship will be ready to go, 128 00:11:06,280 --> 00:11:12,760 Speaker 1: responded Remy. Titus, Constance, and Evie spent the rest of 129 00:11:12,800 --> 00:11:17,800 Speaker 1: the time exploring the ship. Below the deck, there were 130 00:11:17,920 --> 00:11:22,280 Speaker 1: twenty cannons, thirty hammocks for the crew to sleep in, 131 00:11:23,160 --> 00:11:26,840 Speaker 1: a galley to cook food, and a large area under 132 00:11:26,880 --> 00:11:31,040 Speaker 1: the deck stocked with all kinds of food and provisions 133 00:11:31,080 --> 00:11:36,600 Speaker 1: for a long trip. Titus climbed all the way to 134 00:11:36,720 --> 00:11:40,360 Speaker 1: the top of the tallest mast and made his way 135 00:11:40,400 --> 00:11:45,400 Speaker 1: into the crow's nest. From there he could see all 136 00:11:45,480 --> 00:11:49,360 Speaker 1: of puff and village and how the village did in 137 00:11:49,440 --> 00:11:54,960 Speaker 1: fact look like a wagon wheel, Harper. Do you think 138 00:11:55,000 --> 00:11:59,040 Speaker 1: this used to be a pirate ship? Asked Titus. It 139 00:11:59,120 --> 00:12:03,560 Speaker 1: could have been, answered Harper. We did find some treasure aboard, 140 00:12:03,880 --> 00:12:06,520 Speaker 1: which is now hidden in one of the caves up 141 00:12:06,559 --> 00:12:11,040 Speaker 1: in those hills. Can we go looking for treasure to day, 142 00:12:11,240 --> 00:12:16,760 Speaker 1: Titus asked, excitedly. We should probably make that a different dream, 143 00:12:17,040 --> 00:12:21,520 Speaker 1: responded Harper with a soft chuckle. It is a long walk, 144 00:12:22,000 --> 00:12:25,240 Speaker 1: and we will need to have supplies to take with us. 145 00:12:27,800 --> 00:12:31,040 Speaker 1: Just as Titus was checking out the deck, he heard 146 00:12:31,120 --> 00:12:35,880 Speaker 1: an alarm go off. Titus turned to Harper and asked 147 00:12:35,960 --> 00:12:40,000 Speaker 1: him why an alarm was going off. That is your 148 00:12:40,040 --> 00:12:42,840 Speaker 1: alarm at home, telling you to wake up so you 149 00:12:42,960 --> 00:12:47,280 Speaker 1: can get ready for school, said Harper. But I don't 150 00:12:47,320 --> 00:12:51,880 Speaker 1: want to leave, protested Titus with a pout. I like 151 00:12:51,960 --> 00:12:55,679 Speaker 1: it here in dreamland, and there is so much to see. 152 00:12:55,880 --> 00:12:58,840 Speaker 1: What about Constance and Evie? Do they have to wake 153 00:12:58,920 --> 00:13:03,600 Speaker 1: up too, No, said Remy. They don't know school yet, 154 00:13:03,600 --> 00:13:08,720 Speaker 1: so they can stay longer. Just as Titus was about 155 00:13:08,760 --> 00:13:14,920 Speaker 1: to protest again, he woke up, looked around and realized 156 00:13:15,000 --> 00:13:18,839 Speaker 1: he was in his bedroom. He hit the top of 157 00:13:18,920 --> 00:13:22,320 Speaker 1: his alarm harder than usual to turn it off and 158 00:13:22,440 --> 00:13:27,679 Speaker 1: got out of bed. He almost went to wake up 159 00:13:27,760 --> 00:13:30,640 Speaker 1: Constance and Evie too, so that they would have to 160 00:13:30,720 --> 00:13:34,680 Speaker 1: leave Dreamland, but he decided that was not a nice 161 00:13:34,679 --> 00:13:38,600 Speaker 1: thing to do, so he went off to the kitchen 162 00:13:38,920 --> 00:13:41,600 Speaker 1: to see what his mom had prepared for him for 163 00:13:41,600 --> 00:13:46,840 Speaker 1: his breakfast, still thinking about the magical land he had 164 00:13:47,000 --> 00:14:21,080 Speaker 1: just come from. N