1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:41,520 Speaker 1: Welcome sleep Tight Stories, Chapter nine. Blackie scrambled down out 2 00:00:41,520 --> 00:00:46,760 Speaker 1: of the cage of Dido the Dancing Bear, ran between 3 00:00:47,080 --> 00:00:51,000 Speaker 1: the legs of Tom Tom the Jolly Elephant, who called 4 00:00:51,040 --> 00:00:55,680 Speaker 1: to her in his big, kind, trumpety voice, and then 5 00:00:55,920 --> 00:01:00,880 Speaker 1: stuck her head out under the circus tent. Is everything 6 00:01:01,040 --> 00:01:06,000 Speaker 1: all right, asked Ido, who soon was to go in 7 00:01:06,040 --> 00:01:11,399 Speaker 1: the ring and perform his tricks with his master. Yes, 8 00:01:11,480 --> 00:01:15,680 Speaker 1: I don't see anything of those bad boys, answered Blackie, 9 00:01:16,319 --> 00:01:20,520 Speaker 1: and then she quickly ran off the circus grounds after 10 00:01:20,640 --> 00:01:24,040 Speaker 1: one look back at the crowds of people, the gay 11 00:01:24,319 --> 00:01:29,760 Speaker 1: fluttering flags, and the men selling pink lemonade, peanuts and 12 00:01:29,959 --> 00:01:37,679 Speaker 1: toy balloons. Another adventure, exclaimed Blackie as she went to 13 00:01:37,760 --> 00:01:40,559 Speaker 1: the little brook in the field to get a drink. 14 00:01:42,440 --> 00:01:45,960 Speaker 1: You ever would think that I should run into a circus, 15 00:01:46,600 --> 00:01:50,400 Speaker 1: thought Blackie, as she washed her face with her paws. 16 00:01:51,200 --> 00:01:54,920 Speaker 1: I don't believe even Speckle as many times as he 17 00:01:55,160 --> 00:01:59,440 Speaker 1: had run away ever met Dido the Dancing Bear or 18 00:01:59,480 --> 00:02:06,560 Speaker 1: Tum Tum the Jolly Elephant. I wonder who that dog 19 00:02:06,760 --> 00:02:11,000 Speaker 1: Dawn could be that Dido spoke of. I wonder if 20 00:02:11,040 --> 00:02:13,280 Speaker 1: he would be kind to me if I met him. 21 00:02:15,040 --> 00:02:17,640 Speaker 1: I could tell him I knew Dido and Tom Tom, 22 00:02:17,680 --> 00:02:22,320 Speaker 1: and that might make a difference. Of course, I don't 23 00:02:22,400 --> 00:02:28,120 Speaker 1: know the bear and elephant very well, thought Blackie. But 24 00:02:28,240 --> 00:02:31,480 Speaker 1: I had no time to stay to get better acquainted. 25 00:02:32,560 --> 00:02:42,280 Speaker 1: A circus must be a strange place. Blackie did not 26 00:02:42,639 --> 00:02:48,480 Speaker 1: quite know what to do. Next. She looked over the fields, 27 00:02:48,520 --> 00:02:52,040 Speaker 1: and far away she could see the white circus tent. 28 00:02:54,040 --> 00:02:57,160 Speaker 1: Then she looked down in the water, and she could 29 00:02:57,160 --> 00:03:02,320 Speaker 1: see herself as in a looking glass. My how rough 30 00:03:02,400 --> 00:03:07,120 Speaker 1: my fur is, said Blackie. I'm all ruffled up, and 31 00:03:07,240 --> 00:03:11,760 Speaker 1: I'm beginning to get thin. I do believe that comes 32 00:03:11,800 --> 00:03:16,320 Speaker 1: of not having enough to eat. I'm half starved. I 33 00:03:16,360 --> 00:03:20,480 Speaker 1: think I'll go back home. I have had enough of 34 00:03:20,600 --> 00:03:26,640 Speaker 1: running away. It's all very well to talk about having 35 00:03:26,680 --> 00:03:29,880 Speaker 1: adventures and getting yourself in a book and all that. 36 00:03:30,560 --> 00:03:34,480 Speaker 1: But Muffins was right. It is nicer to stay home. 37 00:03:36,160 --> 00:03:38,760 Speaker 1: I don't wonder Speckle would not run away with me, 38 00:03:39,000 --> 00:03:45,200 Speaker 1: nor Muffins either. Yes, that's what I will do, went 39 00:03:45,280 --> 00:03:48,880 Speaker 1: on Blackie, as she took another look at herself in 40 00:03:49,000 --> 00:03:54,880 Speaker 1: the water looking glass. I'll go back home. There's no 41 00:03:55,120 --> 00:03:58,920 Speaker 1: use trying to find missus Thompson, though she was very 42 00:03:59,040 --> 00:04:02,840 Speaker 1: good and kind to me. I can't tell which is 43 00:04:02,880 --> 00:04:06,920 Speaker 1: her house. I'll go back to the city to Arthur 44 00:04:07,080 --> 00:04:11,280 Speaker 1: and Mabel. They must be as lonesome for me as 45 00:04:11,320 --> 00:04:19,000 Speaker 1: I am for them, the two children were. They had 46 00:04:19,080 --> 00:04:24,799 Speaker 1: looked all over for Blackie and even put an advertisement 47 00:04:24,920 --> 00:04:29,599 Speaker 1: in the newspapers asking anyone who saw their pet to 48 00:04:29,720 --> 00:04:37,000 Speaker 1: bring her home. But Blackie was far away for missus 49 00:04:37,000 --> 00:04:44,520 Speaker 1: Thompson had taken her on a long railroad journey. Sleeping 50 00:04:44,600 --> 00:04:48,239 Speaker 1: in barns and running down in store sellers. Isn't good 51 00:04:48,279 --> 00:04:51,839 Speaker 1: for a cat's fur, thought Blackie as she saw how 52 00:04:51,960 --> 00:04:56,920 Speaker 1: ruffled hers was. I must give myself a good cleaning 53 00:04:57,000 --> 00:05:00,080 Speaker 1: before I go back home, or the children will not know. 54 00:05:03,960 --> 00:05:07,240 Speaker 1: So Blackie stayed in the field and washed herself with 55 00:05:07,320 --> 00:05:11,840 Speaker 1: her red toue. Then she crept up behind a house 56 00:05:12,320 --> 00:05:15,800 Speaker 1: and found a piece of fish the farmer's wife had 57 00:05:15,880 --> 00:05:21,960 Speaker 1: thrown out. It was not as nice fish as Blackie 58 00:05:22,080 --> 00:05:24,919 Speaker 1: used to get in her own home, but she could 59 00:05:24,920 --> 00:05:31,600 Speaker 1: find no better. Never mind, said the black cat to herself. 60 00:05:31,680 --> 00:05:35,360 Speaker 1: I'll soon be where I belong, and I'll never run 61 00:05:35,400 --> 00:05:43,680 Speaker 1: away again. I'm going home. So Blackie started to go 62 00:05:43,760 --> 00:05:48,359 Speaker 1: to her home, but she found the same trouble she 63 00:05:48,440 --> 00:05:51,800 Speaker 1: had found in trying to get back to missus Thompson. 64 00:05:53,520 --> 00:05:57,279 Speaker 1: Blackie was so far away from her home with the 65 00:05:57,360 --> 00:06:05,120 Speaker 1: good Children that she could not find it. Up and 66 00:06:05,160 --> 00:06:11,640 Speaker 1: down here and there. She wandered for several days, but 67 00:06:11,800 --> 00:06:19,400 Speaker 1: she could not find her home. Oh dear, Blackie exclaimed. 68 00:06:19,480 --> 00:06:24,839 Speaker 1: One day, when all tired out and hungry and thirsty, 69 00:06:25,640 --> 00:06:29,440 Speaker 1: she lay down in the grass to rest. Oh dear, 70 00:06:29,800 --> 00:06:34,280 Speaker 1: I'm lost. That's all there is about it. I don't 71 00:06:34,320 --> 00:06:39,239 Speaker 1: know where my home is, and I'm lost. I wonder 72 00:06:39,279 --> 00:06:45,440 Speaker 1: what I had better do. Blackie was all alone. There 73 00:06:45,520 --> 00:06:48,600 Speaker 1: was no one to tell her what to do, so 74 00:06:48,680 --> 00:06:54,359 Speaker 1: she had to think it out for herself. Let me 75 00:06:54,720 --> 00:06:59,120 Speaker 1: see now, she said, even though I am lost, I 76 00:06:59,240 --> 00:07:02,440 Speaker 1: must have some thing to eat and drink and a 77 00:07:02,480 --> 00:07:06,479 Speaker 1: place to sleep. I think I had better go to 78 00:07:06,560 --> 00:07:09,120 Speaker 1: some house and see if they will take me in. 79 00:07:12,520 --> 00:07:15,120 Speaker 1: If they will, perhaps they will keep me for a 80 00:07:15,200 --> 00:07:19,480 Speaker 1: while until I get fat again and feel better, and 81 00:07:19,520 --> 00:07:25,120 Speaker 1: then I can find my own home. Yes, that is 82 00:07:25,240 --> 00:07:30,080 Speaker 1: what I will do. I have wandered around enough. I'll 83 00:07:30,120 --> 00:07:34,560 Speaker 1: go to some house and meow. They'll know that I'm 84 00:07:34,640 --> 00:07:40,960 Speaker 1: hungry and feed me. Blackie walked out of the field, 85 00:07:41,000 --> 00:07:46,320 Speaker 1: through the road and down that toward a big white farmhouse. 86 00:07:47,760 --> 00:07:51,720 Speaker 1: It looked so nice and clean that Blackie thought surely 87 00:07:51,800 --> 00:07:56,120 Speaker 1: it would be a good home for her. I'll go 88 00:07:56,200 --> 00:07:59,760 Speaker 1: around to the kitchen door, thought Blackie. That is where 89 00:07:59,800 --> 00:08:05,560 Speaker 1: they're there will be something to eat. She went around 90 00:08:05,600 --> 00:08:09,239 Speaker 1: the gravel walk of the house and toward the back door. 91 00:08:10,840 --> 00:08:15,800 Speaker 1: But just as she was getting up the backsteps, down 92 00:08:15,960 --> 00:08:22,360 Speaker 1: them rushed a big dog, barking loudly and calling out 93 00:08:22,400 --> 00:08:26,200 Speaker 1: an animal, talk hi, there, no cat's allout around here? 94 00:08:26,280 --> 00:08:34,640 Speaker 1: Be off. Blackie did not stop to talk away. She 95 00:08:34,880 --> 00:08:39,440 Speaker 1: ran as fast as she could go, and as she 96 00:08:39,679 --> 00:08:45,000 Speaker 1: saw over her shoulder the dog coming after her up 97 00:08:45,280 --> 00:08:51,040 Speaker 1: a tree, she ran. The dog came to a stop 98 00:08:51,160 --> 00:08:53,800 Speaker 1: at the bottom of the tree and, barking up at 99 00:08:53,800 --> 00:08:56,960 Speaker 1: Blackie said, what do you mean by coming here? Anyhow? 100 00:08:57,120 --> 00:09:02,640 Speaker 1: Who are you? And what do you want? Before she 101 00:09:02,760 --> 00:09:05,959 Speaker 1: had run away, and while she was living with Arthur 102 00:09:06,040 --> 00:09:09,960 Speaker 1: and Mabel, Blackie would not have paid much attention to 103 00:09:10,080 --> 00:09:14,440 Speaker 1: any dog. She knew very few dogs, not even the 104 00:09:14,440 --> 00:09:19,160 Speaker 1: one next door, and most dogs were cross and ugly. 105 00:09:19,280 --> 00:09:22,360 Speaker 1: She thought she did not think it was safe to 106 00:09:22,400 --> 00:09:28,320 Speaker 1: talk to them, but Now she was up a tree, 107 00:09:29,080 --> 00:09:31,360 Speaker 1: and she knew it would be safe to speak to 108 00:09:31,480 --> 00:09:38,280 Speaker 1: this dog from up there. Also, Blackie was so tired 109 00:09:38,480 --> 00:09:43,040 Speaker 1: and hungry that she felt she must do something to 110 00:09:43,080 --> 00:09:48,559 Speaker 1: get help. And perhaps this dog was not as cross 111 00:09:48,600 --> 00:09:53,600 Speaker 1: as some. Even if he did chase her, he might 112 00:09:53,679 --> 00:09:59,840 Speaker 1: tell her where to get something to eat. So, sitting 113 00:09:59,840 --> 00:10:02,560 Speaker 1: on the limb of the tree and looking down at 114 00:10:02,600 --> 00:10:06,880 Speaker 1: the dog, Blackie said, please be nice to me, mister dog. 115 00:10:07,520 --> 00:10:12,480 Speaker 1: I am so tired and hungry and I'm lost. I 116 00:10:12,600 --> 00:10:19,480 Speaker 1: ran away, mister dog, Hm, ran away? Did you? Said 117 00:10:19,520 --> 00:10:23,760 Speaker 1: the dog's voice, which was softer. Now I ran away 118 00:10:23,800 --> 00:10:28,120 Speaker 1: once myself. But my name is not mister dog. It 119 00:10:28,240 --> 00:10:34,880 Speaker 1: is down. What is your name? Don? Cried Blackie, and 120 00:10:34,960 --> 00:10:38,800 Speaker 1: she was so surprised that she nearly fell off the 121 00:10:38,840 --> 00:10:42,600 Speaker 1: limb of the tree. Why I've heard about you, Don? 122 00:10:43,720 --> 00:10:48,600 Speaker 1: You have from who? Don wanted to know from your 123 00:10:48,600 --> 00:10:53,040 Speaker 1: friends in the circus, did Oh the dancing bear and 124 00:10:53,160 --> 00:10:58,480 Speaker 1: Tom Tom the jolly elephant. Well, I never barked Don, 125 00:10:58,960 --> 00:11:03,240 Speaker 1: So you know that, do you? Yes? I have met them, 126 00:11:03,760 --> 00:11:07,720 Speaker 1: though I can't say I know them very well. They 127 00:11:07,840 --> 00:11:13,640 Speaker 1: told me about you, they did. Huh. Well, well, fancy, 128 00:11:13,760 --> 00:11:18,400 Speaker 1: now you meeting Dido the dancing Bear. He's a great chap, 129 00:11:18,480 --> 00:11:23,680 Speaker 1: isn't he and such a fine dancer. Oh I didn't 130 00:11:23,720 --> 00:11:27,600 Speaker 1: see him dance, answered Blackie. I only ran in his 131 00:11:27,720 --> 00:11:31,560 Speaker 1: cage to get away from some bad boys. Dido was 132 00:11:31,800 --> 00:11:37,600 Speaker 1: very kind to me. Hmm, I suppose you mean I 133 00:11:37,880 --> 00:11:43,240 Speaker 1: wasn't kind, said Don. Oh I didn't say that, went 134 00:11:43,320 --> 00:11:48,439 Speaker 1: on Blackie quickly. Well, I guess I was a bit 135 00:11:48,559 --> 00:11:53,040 Speaker 1: cross and quick, admitted Don. But I didn't mean anything. 136 00:11:53,720 --> 00:11:57,040 Speaker 1: Everyone says my bark is worse than my bite. I 137 00:11:57,080 --> 00:12:00,440 Speaker 1: didn't intend to bite you anyhow. I was just going 138 00:12:00,480 --> 00:12:04,280 Speaker 1: to chase you away. They don't like cats at our house. 139 00:12:06,080 --> 00:12:12,080 Speaker 1: Oh I am so sorry, said Blackie sadly. I hoped 140 00:12:12,120 --> 00:12:18,080 Speaker 1: I might get something to eat and drink here. Oh 141 00:12:18,320 --> 00:12:20,360 Speaker 1: I guess I can fix that all right for you, 142 00:12:21,080 --> 00:12:24,880 Speaker 1: said Don in a much kinder voice. But you surprise 143 00:12:25,040 --> 00:12:27,400 Speaker 1: me when you tell me you met my friends Dido 144 00:12:27,440 --> 00:12:31,080 Speaker 1: and Tom Tom. Take that elephant chap. Now, didn't you 145 00:12:31,160 --> 00:12:36,040 Speaker 1: find Tom Tom a fine jolly fellow? Why he looked so, 146 00:12:36,760 --> 00:12:41,320 Speaker 1: said Blackie, And Diido said he was so. I guess 147 00:12:41,320 --> 00:12:46,920 Speaker 1: he must be. Oh he is barked. Don I know 148 00:12:47,120 --> 00:12:51,000 Speaker 1: him well, he's the jolliest elephant you'd want to meet. 149 00:12:51,520 --> 00:12:56,880 Speaker 1: Had a book written about him too. So Dido was saying, 150 00:12:57,800 --> 00:13:01,520 Speaker 1: I just spoke to Tom tum Or, rather, he spoke 151 00:13:01,559 --> 00:13:04,560 Speaker 1: to me as I was running out of the circus tent. 152 00:13:06,480 --> 00:13:11,120 Speaker 1: Say look here, now, said Don, a bit sharply. I 153 00:13:11,160 --> 00:13:14,679 Speaker 1: hope you didn't run away from the circus. That wouldn't 154 00:13:14,679 --> 00:13:17,600 Speaker 1: be right, And if Dido hid you in his cage, 155 00:13:17,600 --> 00:13:21,640 Speaker 1: it might get him in trouble. Oh no, I don't 156 00:13:21,640 --> 00:13:25,720 Speaker 1: belong to the circus, said Blackie. I just happened to 157 00:13:25,800 --> 00:13:31,040 Speaker 1: go in the tent. I belong at home, but I'm lost. 158 00:13:31,960 --> 00:13:37,400 Speaker 1: I'll tell you all about it, do, said Don. I 159 00:13:37,440 --> 00:13:41,040 Speaker 1: should like to hear about your adventures, and i'll tell 160 00:13:41,120 --> 00:13:45,800 Speaker 1: you some of mine. I'm in a book too, so 161 00:13:45,960 --> 00:13:51,280 Speaker 1: I heard, But first, said Don, I must see about 162 00:13:51,280 --> 00:13:57,360 Speaker 1: getting you something to eat. Come down out of the tree, 163 00:13:57,640 --> 00:14:02,760 Speaker 1: and you won't chase me or bite me. No, honest, 164 00:14:02,840 --> 00:14:08,320 Speaker 1: I won't see. I'll cross my tail, and Don waved 165 00:14:08,360 --> 00:14:12,240 Speaker 1: his tail up and down and sideways like a cross 166 00:14:12,880 --> 00:14:19,400 Speaker 1: to show he meant what he said. So Blackie came 167 00:14:19,560 --> 00:15:26,040 Speaker 1: down out of the tree,