1 00:00:08,480 --> 00:00:14,760 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Every week 2 00:00:14,880 --> 00:00:19,280 Speaker 1: we celebrate our supporters through shout outs and personal birthday messages. 3 00:00:20,160 --> 00:00:22,480 Speaker 1: We think this is also a fun way for us 4 00:00:22,960 --> 00:00:26,320 Speaker 1: to hear about all the amazing places that you our 5 00:00:26,440 --> 00:00:32,640 Speaker 1: listeners come from. Hello to Camaya, who lives in Emerald 6 00:00:32,760 --> 00:00:38,800 Speaker 1: in Australia. Happy belated birthday to Selene who turned six 7 00:00:38,960 --> 00:00:45,400 Speaker 1: on May sixteenth. Happy belated birthday to Abigail Joy Quinn 8 00:00:45,720 --> 00:00:49,800 Speaker 1: the Bunny Queen from Melbourne, Australia who turned seven on 9 00:00:49,880 --> 00:00:57,600 Speaker 1: May seventeenth. Happy belated seventh birthday to Ender in Scottsdale, 10 00:00:57,680 --> 00:01:02,680 Speaker 1: Arizona on May seventeenth. Mommy, Daddy, Dominic and seven love 11 00:01:02,760 --> 00:01:05,880 Speaker 1: you so much and are so proud of you. You 12 00:01:05,920 --> 00:01:10,080 Speaker 1: are such a sweet son and a wonderful guy. Happy 13 00:01:10,080 --> 00:01:15,800 Speaker 1: belated ninth birthday to London from Vaccaville, California on May nineteenth. 14 00:01:16,240 --> 00:01:20,000 Speaker 1: Your mommy, daddy and little sister Celeste love you so much. 15 00:01:20,560 --> 00:01:27,360 Speaker 1: Stay creative, smart and kind like Bernice. Happy belated eleventh 16 00:01:27,400 --> 00:01:32,559 Speaker 1: birthday to Aaron from Tullabody, Scotland, UK From your mom, dad, 17 00:01:32,920 --> 00:01:36,840 Speaker 1: your dad, your nephew Joshua and all the family who 18 00:01:36,880 --> 00:01:42,760 Speaker 1: all love you so much. Happy belated birthday to Emmeline 19 00:01:42,760 --> 00:01:47,000 Speaker 1: who turned ten on May nineteenth. Mom Tyler and Otis 20 00:01:47,319 --> 00:01:52,520 Speaker 1: love you so much. Happy birthday to Chloe, Love mommy, Daddy, Ellie, 21 00:01:52,560 --> 00:01:56,240 Speaker 1: Sherlock and Dwalt, who wish you a birthday as magical 22 00:01:56,280 --> 00:02:02,160 Speaker 1: as you and an amazing Unicorn party. Happy eighth birthday, Allie, 23 00:02:02,320 --> 00:02:06,160 Speaker 1: Love mom, dad and amily. We are so proud of 24 00:02:06,200 --> 00:02:10,959 Speaker 1: you and love you this much. Happy birthday to Cora 25 00:02:11,160 --> 00:02:16,240 Speaker 1: Alexandra Gilbert, who is turning seven on May twentieth. Mama 26 00:02:16,280 --> 00:02:18,960 Speaker 1: loves you more than anything in the world. You are 27 00:02:19,000 --> 00:02:23,880 Speaker 1: her smart, funny, kind, boppy bear. Happy birthday to Florian 28 00:02:24,080 --> 00:02:29,880 Speaker 1: Uma Kuchiara from Sydney, Australia, who just turned four. Happy 29 00:02:29,960 --> 00:02:33,880 Speaker 1: six birthday to Savina with all the love from Nanny, 30 00:02:34,200 --> 00:02:39,800 Speaker 1: Mama and Chuchu on May twenty first. And Happy birthday 31 00:02:39,919 --> 00:02:45,680 Speaker 1: to Yelle, who is turning five on May twenty sixth. Mommy, Daddy, 32 00:02:45,760 --> 00:02:51,040 Speaker 1: Pioni and Pip love you so much. Happy birthday to 33 00:02:51,160 --> 00:02:55,480 Speaker 1: you all. To reserve your special shout out, please visit 34 00:02:55,520 --> 00:02:59,839 Speaker 1: sleeptightstories dot org slash support. We can't wait to sell 35 00:02:59,840 --> 00:03:13,640 Speaker 1: a break with you. Now onto our story Puddles and 36 00:03:13,720 --> 00:03:17,880 Speaker 1: Splash are back with a new adventure. Things have been 37 00:03:18,000 --> 00:03:21,800 Speaker 1: quiet on the Hampshire Farm and Puddles and Splash like that. 38 00:03:23,440 --> 00:03:26,320 Speaker 1: After letting the animals out for the day, they get 39 00:03:26,360 --> 00:03:29,280 Speaker 1: ready to take their walk around the farm and fields 40 00:03:29,720 --> 00:03:34,280 Speaker 1: before joining Farmer Vernon to fix some fences. As they 41 00:03:34,360 --> 00:03:37,800 Speaker 1: head over to the farmhouse to see what Farmer Vernon 42 00:03:37,920 --> 00:03:41,400 Speaker 1: left as a treat for puddles, they find a surprise 43 00:03:41,760 --> 00:03:54,200 Speaker 1: in the garden. Puddles meet Stinky the skunk. The sun 44 00:03:54,560 --> 00:03:58,680 Speaker 1: just started to peek over the horizon at Hampshire Farm, 45 00:03:58,920 --> 00:04:04,400 Speaker 1: signaling the star of yet another perfect day. The animals 46 00:04:04,400 --> 00:04:08,960 Speaker 1: on Farmer Vernon's farm began to wake up. The cows 47 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:13,320 Speaker 1: were stretching and mooing, the chickens softly clucking, and the 48 00:04:13,360 --> 00:04:18,680 Speaker 1: pigs snuffling and oinking. Even the spiders started to scurry 49 00:04:18,680 --> 00:04:22,440 Speaker 1: from their corners to try and bask in the rising sun. 50 00:04:23,880 --> 00:04:27,599 Speaker 1: It was early, but with another sunny day, many of 51 00:04:27,600 --> 00:04:31,200 Speaker 1: the animals would be excited to get outside and maybe 52 00:04:31,200 --> 00:04:36,520 Speaker 1: play a game of ball. Why hasn't Chester announced that 53 00:04:36,640 --> 00:04:39,479 Speaker 1: it's time to wake up and start the day. One 54 00:04:39,520 --> 00:04:43,719 Speaker 1: of the little piglets poinked, Yeah, maybe I should stand 55 00:04:43,800 --> 00:04:47,240 Speaker 1: up and tell everyone to get up. Another grunted. I'm 56 00:04:47,279 --> 00:04:51,000 Speaker 1: sure I could do that job. No one would hear 57 00:04:51,080 --> 00:04:56,040 Speaker 1: your soft little grunts. A chicken jokingly clucked, give Chester 58 00:04:56,120 --> 00:04:59,400 Speaker 1: a chance. There is no way that he will let 59 00:04:59,440 --> 00:05:02,560 Speaker 1: Splash the dog come in to wake us all up. 60 00:05:04,640 --> 00:05:09,720 Speaker 1: Before another young farm animal could complain, Chester the old 61 00:05:09,839 --> 00:05:14,080 Speaker 1: rooster announced the start of the day with a cockadoodle. 62 00:05:14,160 --> 00:05:19,160 Speaker 1: De time to wake up everyone, he clucked loudly. It's 63 00:05:19,200 --> 00:05:22,080 Speaker 1: going to be another scorcher of a day. I can 64 00:05:22,200 --> 00:05:28,599 Speaker 1: feel it in my bones. All the animals, young and old, 65 00:05:28,960 --> 00:05:31,560 Speaker 1: started to line up to get ready to go out 66 00:05:31,560 --> 00:05:35,919 Speaker 1: the big barn door. It was Splash, the big farm 67 00:05:36,040 --> 00:05:41,080 Speaker 1: dog's responsibility to open it, and afterwards he and Puddles, 68 00:05:41,320 --> 00:05:45,320 Speaker 1: the young and curious pig, would tend to their daily chores. 69 00:05:46,680 --> 00:05:50,719 Speaker 1: With a creak and a squeak, the barn door swung wide, 70 00:05:51,160 --> 00:05:56,560 Speaker 1: bringing with it the fresh smells of morning dew covered grass, 71 00:05:56,920 --> 00:06:02,040 Speaker 1: blooming wildflowers, The earthy smell of damp soil, and the faint, 72 00:06:02,440 --> 00:06:07,080 Speaker 1: sweet aroma of hay from the nearby field filled the barn, 73 00:06:07,720 --> 00:06:13,800 Speaker 1: mixing with the comforting, familiar smells of the animals inside. 74 00:06:14,320 --> 00:06:18,320 Speaker 1: Just smell the morning, one of the old cow's mood, 75 00:06:19,000 --> 00:06:24,560 Speaker 1: one of my favorite smells. Another replied, I smell something stinky. 76 00:06:25,200 --> 00:06:29,359 Speaker 1: A piglet oinked. Yeap me too, and I think it's you. 77 00:06:30,120 --> 00:06:34,960 Speaker 1: A chicken clucked with a laugh. All right, you all 78 00:06:35,000 --> 00:06:38,760 Speaker 1: know the drill big animals out first. We don't need 79 00:06:38,800 --> 00:06:43,320 Speaker 1: any cows making pancakes out of the smaller animals. Barked. Splash, 80 00:06:44,360 --> 00:06:47,880 Speaker 1: they can't flatten me, clucked one of the chickens, flapping 81 00:06:47,880 --> 00:06:50,880 Speaker 1: her wings and trying to dart ahead of the cows. 82 00:06:51,520 --> 00:06:56,120 Speaker 1: I'm a bird, I can just fly over them. Hold 83 00:06:56,279 --> 00:07:00,159 Speaker 1: your horses, Chester, the rooster crowed from his perch on 84 00:07:00,240 --> 00:07:03,440 Speaker 1: a bale of hay. You fly about as well as 85 00:07:03,440 --> 00:07:07,160 Speaker 1: a cow. In a tutu, the chicken, a bit deflated, 86 00:07:07,200 --> 00:07:10,680 Speaker 1: shot back. Clearly you've never heard about the chicken who 87 00:07:10,720 --> 00:07:16,640 Speaker 1: crossed the road to avoid the cows. She flew as 88 00:07:16,680 --> 00:07:20,600 Speaker 1: the chickens and pigs waited. The cows leaped and bolted 89 00:07:20,640 --> 00:07:22,960 Speaker 1: out the barn door like they were on a mission 90 00:07:23,360 --> 00:07:26,800 Speaker 1: to catch the last slice of pie. They made a 91 00:07:26,800 --> 00:07:32,280 Speaker 1: bee line for their favorite big blue ball on the field. Next. 92 00:07:32,320 --> 00:07:36,560 Speaker 1: The chickens flapped out, followed by the pigs, with Puddles 93 00:07:36,680 --> 00:07:41,560 Speaker 1: Splashes Helper leading the way. The chickens clustered near the barn, 94 00:07:42,040 --> 00:07:46,640 Speaker 1: eagerly pecking at the seeds Farmer Vernon had scattered. At 95 00:07:46,640 --> 00:07:50,240 Speaker 1: the same time, the pigs gathered around the water trough, 96 00:07:50,680 --> 00:07:55,640 Speaker 1: slurping noisily. The cows were already at the far end 97 00:07:55,720 --> 00:08:00,960 Speaker 1: of the nearby field, enthusiastically playing their own wacky version 98 00:08:01,000 --> 00:08:05,280 Speaker 1: of football. Most of the animals are out of the barn. 99 00:08:05,320 --> 00:08:09,080 Speaker 1: Splash Puddles told the big farm dog, what are we 100 00:08:09,160 --> 00:08:15,520 Speaker 1: doing today? Though Puddles was just a small piglet, he 101 00:08:15,680 --> 00:08:19,680 Speaker 1: was so smart and capable that he proved invaluable to 102 00:08:19,760 --> 00:08:26,120 Speaker 1: both Splash and Farmer Vernon. Well, let's first take a 103 00:08:26,160 --> 00:08:28,720 Speaker 1: walk around the farm and make sure everything is on 104 00:08:28,840 --> 00:08:31,920 Speaker 1: the up and up. I smell a scent this morning 105 00:08:31,960 --> 00:08:35,160 Speaker 1: that hasn't crossed my nose in a while, and a 106 00:08:35,240 --> 00:08:39,160 Speaker 1: walk might also do us some good. Later. I think 107 00:08:39,200 --> 00:08:42,000 Speaker 1: we may need to help Farmer Vernon repair some of 108 00:08:42,040 --> 00:08:45,680 Speaker 1: the back fences. It's going to be a hot day today, 109 00:08:46,080 --> 00:08:50,960 Speaker 1: so make sure you are drinking lots of water. Sounds perfect, 110 00:08:51,360 --> 00:08:55,480 Speaker 1: Puddles always, the optimist said. As they started their patrol. 111 00:08:56,800 --> 00:09:00,800 Speaker 1: They usually first walked around the nearby buildings and then 112 00:09:00,880 --> 00:09:04,960 Speaker 1: followed along the trails that ringed the first few fields. 113 00:09:05,800 --> 00:09:08,640 Speaker 1: Let's walk by the farmhouse before we walk the fields. 114 00:09:09,160 --> 00:09:12,200 Speaker 1: Farmer Vernon may have left you a morning treat, and 115 00:09:12,320 --> 00:09:15,040 Speaker 1: we can check out the new flower and vegetable garden 116 00:09:15,320 --> 00:09:19,800 Speaker 1: that Missus Vernon planted just last week, Splash said, as 117 00:09:19,800 --> 00:09:25,319 Speaker 1: he led Puddles towards the house. Farmer Vernon left me 118 00:09:25,440 --> 00:09:29,440 Speaker 1: a treat, Puddles said, as a great big smile formed 119 00:09:29,480 --> 00:09:32,480 Speaker 1: on his snout. Don't let it go to your head, 120 00:09:33,080 --> 00:09:36,240 Speaker 1: I said. He shouldn't spoil you, but he has taken 121 00:09:36,280 --> 00:09:39,640 Speaker 1: a liking to you, and well he makes the rules. 122 00:09:40,600 --> 00:09:45,719 Speaker 1: Puddles trotted eagerly beside Splash, his little tail wiggling with excitement. 123 00:09:46,480 --> 00:09:49,280 Speaker 1: I can't wait to see what Farmer Vernon left for 124 00:09:49,360 --> 00:09:53,280 Speaker 1: me today. Do you think it's apples? I love apples, 125 00:09:53,800 --> 00:09:57,199 Speaker 1: but I also love fresh turnips and parsnips. They taste 126 00:09:57,280 --> 00:10:02,200 Speaker 1: nice too, Splash chuckle, his tail wagging in sink with 127 00:10:02,320 --> 00:10:07,880 Speaker 1: puddles enthusiasm. We'll find out soon enough, but we should 128 00:10:07,880 --> 00:10:11,280 Speaker 1: take a peek at Missus Vernon's garden first. I smell 129 00:10:11,360 --> 00:10:17,439 Speaker 1: something stinky. As they rounded the corner of the farmhouse, 130 00:10:17,640 --> 00:10:22,080 Speaker 1: they stopped in their tracks. The garden looked like it 131 00:10:22,160 --> 00:10:27,600 Speaker 1: had hosted an overnight dance party for dirt lovers. Flowers 132 00:10:27,679 --> 00:10:34,239 Speaker 1: were uprooted, vegetables were scattered, and mysterious little holes were everywhere. 133 00:10:35,880 --> 00:10:41,440 Speaker 1: Oh no, Puddles exclaimed, his eyes wide, What happened here? 134 00:10:42,320 --> 00:10:45,160 Speaker 1: It looks like the cows played football in the garden, 135 00:10:45,280 --> 00:10:50,840 Speaker 1: except they would never do that. Splash sniffed the air, 136 00:10:50,920 --> 00:10:55,520 Speaker 1: his nose twitching. Something smells fishy, and not in a 137 00:10:55,559 --> 00:11:03,600 Speaker 1: good way. It smells like trouble. Puddles wiggled his snout 138 00:11:03,600 --> 00:11:07,520 Speaker 1: towards a particularly large hole. Do you think it was 139 00:11:07,559 --> 00:11:11,559 Speaker 1: the rabbits having a midnight snack, or maybe the moles 140 00:11:11,559 --> 00:11:15,560 Speaker 1: through a garden party and forgot to clean up. It's 141 00:11:15,600 --> 00:11:18,800 Speaker 1: not the raccoons or foxes, is it. They promised not 142 00:11:18,920 --> 00:11:24,400 Speaker 1: to cause problems on the farm anymore. Splash shook his head, 143 00:11:24,679 --> 00:11:31,080 Speaker 1: still sniffing. Nope, this is different. I've got a sneaky suspicion. 144 00:11:32,080 --> 00:11:35,240 Speaker 1: Let's follow our noses and see where this trail leads. 145 00:11:36,960 --> 00:11:40,520 Speaker 1: Puddles leaned in closer to a half chewed tomato plant. 146 00:11:41,400 --> 00:11:47,240 Speaker 1: Whoever did. This has terrible table manners. Splash nodded, and 147 00:11:47,360 --> 00:11:52,040 Speaker 1: a powerful perfume. Let's keep our eyes and ears open, Puddles, 148 00:11:52,679 --> 00:11:59,320 Speaker 1: we're on the case together. They set off, ready to 149 00:11:59,440 --> 00:12:03,240 Speaker 1: uncover the mystery of the garden raider, with Puddles hoping 150 00:12:03,280 --> 00:12:06,680 Speaker 1: he'd still get his morning treat after solving the case. 151 00:12:08,280 --> 00:12:12,040 Speaker 1: As they followed the trail of overturned plants and half 152 00:12:12,120 --> 00:12:17,320 Speaker 1: chewed vegetables, Splash's nose led them towards the garden's edge, 153 00:12:17,679 --> 00:12:21,680 Speaker 1: where a small hole under the fence suggested an intruder. 154 00:12:23,400 --> 00:12:27,520 Speaker 1: I've got a feeling it was a skunk, Puddles, Splash said, 155 00:12:27,520 --> 00:12:31,200 Speaker 1: sniffing the air. Again. They mostly come out at night, 156 00:12:31,880 --> 00:12:34,320 Speaker 1: but this one must not have learned the rules yet. 157 00:12:35,480 --> 00:12:42,120 Speaker 1: Skunks usually eat insects, fruits, berries, and occasionally vegetation, making 158 00:12:42,280 --> 00:12:46,760 Speaker 1: nighttime the perfect time to dig around gardens and lawns 159 00:12:46,800 --> 00:12:51,360 Speaker 1: in search of food. This skunk does not yet understand 160 00:12:51,400 --> 00:12:54,960 Speaker 1: that we don't do so much damage and only take 161 00:12:55,000 --> 00:13:02,560 Speaker 1: what we need. Puddles looked around nervously. Us gunk, Oh, no, Splash, 162 00:13:02,800 --> 00:13:08,360 Speaker 1: what if he sprays us? Splash chuckled. Don't worry, Puddles, 163 00:13:08,640 --> 00:13:12,600 Speaker 1: We'll approach him carefully. Let's find where he's hiding and 164 00:13:12,679 --> 00:13:18,720 Speaker 1: have a little chat. They followed the trail to a 165 00:13:18,800 --> 00:13:22,560 Speaker 1: thicket near the barn, where Splash's nose led them to 166 00:13:22,679 --> 00:13:26,120 Speaker 1: a burrow hidden among the roots of an old tree. 167 00:13:27,679 --> 00:13:32,240 Speaker 1: Puddles peered into the dark hole, his snout twitching. Do 168 00:13:32,320 --> 00:13:36,080 Speaker 1: you think he's in there, Puddles whispered, his eyes wide. 169 00:13:37,160 --> 00:13:41,080 Speaker 1: Splash sniffed the entrance and shook his head. I don't 170 00:13:41,120 --> 00:13:45,000 Speaker 1: smell anything fresh. It looks like we missed him, but 171 00:13:45,080 --> 00:13:50,240 Speaker 1: he can't be too far. Let's keep searching. As they 172 00:13:50,280 --> 00:13:54,440 Speaker 1: continued their search, they checked under the porch, behind the 173 00:13:54,480 --> 00:13:58,520 Speaker 1: tool shed and even in the hayloft, but there was 174 00:13:58,720 --> 00:14:04,400 Speaker 1: no sign of a skullunk. Puddle Side. This skunk is 175 00:14:04,440 --> 00:14:08,240 Speaker 1: really good at hiding. Do you think we'll ever find him? 176 00:14:09,040 --> 00:14:13,240 Speaker 1: Splash nodded confidently. We will, Puddles. We just need to 177 00:14:13,280 --> 00:14:17,960 Speaker 1: be patient. Skunks usually come out at night. We can 178 00:14:18,000 --> 00:14:20,920 Speaker 1: stand guard tonight and see if we can catch him. 179 00:14:20,920 --> 00:14:25,760 Speaker 1: Then Puddles perked up at the idea, I get to 180 00:14:25,840 --> 00:14:30,760 Speaker 1: stay up late. That sounds exciting, But what about my treat? 181 00:14:31,080 --> 00:14:36,720 Speaker 1: Do you think it's still there? Splash Side, you certainly 182 00:14:36,800 --> 00:14:40,440 Speaker 1: love your treats, but I suppose you will need your 183 00:14:40,560 --> 00:14:47,920 Speaker 1: energy for later. Let's go check. After eating his treat, 184 00:14:48,040 --> 00:14:51,560 Speaker 1: a juicy red apple, which he shared with Splash, they 185 00:14:51,640 --> 00:14:55,880 Speaker 1: continued their patrol and then spent the afternoon helping farmer 186 00:14:56,040 --> 00:15:01,840 Speaker 1: Vernon fix the fence in one of the backfields. That night, 187 00:15:02,160 --> 00:15:05,480 Speaker 1: Puddles and Splash met again after dinner at the farmhouse. 188 00:15:06,560 --> 00:15:09,000 Speaker 1: Are you sure you are up to waiting for the skunk. 189 00:15:09,640 --> 00:15:11,880 Speaker 1: It might be late before he makes his way over 190 00:15:11,920 --> 00:15:14,640 Speaker 1: here again, and we still need to be up early 191 00:15:14,720 --> 00:15:19,360 Speaker 1: in the morning, Splash said to Puddles. I'm ready and 192 00:15:19,480 --> 00:15:22,920 Speaker 1: could stay up all night if I had to. Puddles 193 00:15:23,000 --> 00:15:25,800 Speaker 1: was excited about staying up late for the first time. 194 00:15:27,040 --> 00:15:30,280 Speaker 1: All right, then, why don't you take the first watch 195 00:15:30,600 --> 00:15:34,680 Speaker 1: and then I will take the second. Now, remember, don't 196 00:15:34,720 --> 00:15:38,400 Speaker 1: get upset at the skunk or scare it. The consequences 197 00:15:38,520 --> 00:15:42,760 Speaker 1: might be rather smelly, Splash said, trying to urge Puddles 198 00:15:42,760 --> 00:15:47,640 Speaker 1: to be cautious. Puddles nodded his eyes wide with determination. 199 00:15:48,480 --> 00:15:54,520 Speaker 1: Got it, Splash, I'll be careful. The sun set and 200 00:15:54,640 --> 00:15:58,840 Speaker 1: the farm grew quiet. Puddles took his position near the 201 00:15:58,880 --> 00:16:05,280 Speaker 1: garden ears perked and eyes scanning the darkness. Time seemed 202 00:16:05,280 --> 00:16:09,280 Speaker 1: to crawl by, and when Puddles started to feel sleepy, 203 00:16:09,880 --> 00:16:13,640 Speaker 1: he heard a faint rustling in the bushes. He perked 204 00:16:13,720 --> 00:16:18,560 Speaker 1: up and saw a small black and white figure emerge. Hey, 205 00:16:18,880 --> 00:16:23,200 Speaker 1: who's there, Puddles called out softly, trying not to scare 206 00:16:23,280 --> 00:16:28,920 Speaker 1: the visitor. The figure stopped and turned towards him. It's me, Stinky, 207 00:16:29,400 --> 00:16:33,240 Speaker 1: What do you want? Puddles took a deep breath and 208 00:16:33,360 --> 00:16:38,520 Speaker 1: stepped forward. Hi, Stinky, nice to meet you. My name 209 00:16:38,600 --> 00:16:42,760 Speaker 1: is Puddles, and with splash, I help look after Farmer 210 00:16:42,880 --> 00:16:47,360 Speaker 1: Vernon's farm. We need to talk. You've been causing a 211 00:16:47,400 --> 00:16:51,440 Speaker 1: lot of trouble in Missus Vernon's garden. You can't dig 212 00:16:51,560 --> 00:16:56,400 Speaker 1: up all the flowers and vegetables like that, Stinky bristled. 213 00:16:56,880 --> 00:17:02,239 Speaker 1: I was hungry. What's the skunk supposed to do? Puddles 214 00:17:02,280 --> 00:17:06,119 Speaker 1: tried to stay calm. We get that you're hungry, but 215 00:17:06,240 --> 00:17:10,119 Speaker 1: there are rules on the farm. We all share and 216 00:17:10,240 --> 00:17:13,919 Speaker 1: take only what we need. That way there's enough for 217 00:17:14,040 --> 00:17:18,720 Speaker 1: everyone and we don't make a mess. Missus Vernon worked 218 00:17:18,720 --> 00:17:24,680 Speaker 1: hard on this garden and now it's in terrible shape. 219 00:17:24,720 --> 00:17:28,879 Speaker 1: Stinky sniffed and looked away. I didn't mean to cause problems. 220 00:17:29,040 --> 00:17:34,840 Speaker 1: I just didn't nowhere else to find food. Puddles softened. 221 00:17:35,640 --> 00:17:39,800 Speaker 1: I understand, but if you ruin the garden, there won't 222 00:17:39,800 --> 00:17:44,800 Speaker 1: be any food left for anyone, including you. We can 223 00:17:44,840 --> 00:17:50,560 Speaker 1: help you find places to forage without causing damage. Stinky's 224 00:17:50,560 --> 00:17:54,200 Speaker 1: tail drooped. I guess I didn't think about it that way. 225 00:17:55,800 --> 00:18:00,240 Speaker 1: Puddles nodded. We must all work together and respect each 226 00:18:00,280 --> 00:18:04,720 Speaker 1: other's spaces. We take only what we need, but we 227 00:18:04,800 --> 00:18:08,159 Speaker 1: don't waste or destroy. It makes the farm a happy 228 00:18:08,200 --> 00:18:12,520 Speaker 1: place for everyone. Stinky looked up his eyes a little 229 00:18:12,600 --> 00:18:16,840 Speaker 1: less defensive. I didn't mean any harm. I'll be more 230 00:18:16,880 --> 00:18:21,760 Speaker 1: careful from now on, I promise. Puddles smiled. Thanks Stinky, 231 00:18:22,040 --> 00:18:25,679 Speaker 1: we appreciate it, and if you ever need help finding food, 232 00:18:26,200 --> 00:18:29,960 Speaker 1: just ask. We're all part of the same farm family. 233 00:18:31,680 --> 00:18:35,560 Speaker 1: Just then, Splash appeared, having heard the conversation from his 234 00:18:35,680 --> 00:18:40,960 Speaker 1: hiding spot. Well, said Puddles and Stinky, we're glad to 235 00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:44,400 Speaker 1: have you around, but we all need to follow the rules. 236 00:18:46,040 --> 00:18:51,440 Speaker 1: Stinky nodded, a small smile creeping onto his face. Thanks Splash, 237 00:18:51,640 --> 00:18:57,159 Speaker 1: I'll do my best, as Stinky waddled off to the 238 00:18:57,200 --> 00:19:00,000 Speaker 1: far field, where Splash had told him they were plays 239 00:19:00,000 --> 00:19:03,440 Speaker 1: plenty of juicy grubs to dig up. Puddles let out 240 00:19:03,440 --> 00:19:07,359 Speaker 1: a huge giggly yawn. I'm glad we were able to 241 00:19:07,400 --> 00:19:11,200 Speaker 1: solve this problem so that everyone is happy and there 242 00:19:11,200 --> 00:19:16,480 Speaker 1: were no smelly disasters. But boy, I think I really 243 00:19:16,520 --> 00:19:21,560 Speaker 1: need to hit the hay. Good Night, Splash. Splash chuckled, 244 00:19:22,320 --> 00:19:30,280 Speaker 1: good Night Puddles, and that is the end of the story. 245 00:19:31,040 --> 00:19:54,560 Speaker 1: Good Night, sleep tight.