1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,520 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,600 --> 00:00:18,079 Speaker 1: to say hello to Dina who is nine and Rudy 3 00:00:18,200 --> 00:00:23,959 Speaker 1: who is six from Melbourne, Australia. I'd like to say 4 00:00:23,960 --> 00:00:29,600 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Ryu who is turning nine on August fifteenth. 5 00:00:29,920 --> 00:00:33,120 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Eve from New Jersey who is turning 6 00:00:33,200 --> 00:00:39,000 Speaker 1: six on August sixteenth. Happy birthday to Caden Brown who 7 00:00:39,040 --> 00:00:44,159 Speaker 1: will be thirteen on August nineteenth, and Happy birthday to 8 00:00:44,320 --> 00:00:48,400 Speaker 1: Grayson m who will be turning eight on August twentieth. 9 00:00:49,520 --> 00:00:52,400 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to you all. I hope you have a 10 00:00:52,520 --> 00:01:00,240 Speaker 1: wonderful day. This is the first part of our story, 11 00:01:00,480 --> 00:01:05,080 Speaker 1: The Kite that Went to the Moon. Jerry has the 12 00:01:05,120 --> 00:01:08,360 Speaker 1: biggest kite in the village and he can't wait to 13 00:01:08,400 --> 00:01:11,120 Speaker 1: show everyone how he can fly it to the moon. 14 00:01:12,800 --> 00:01:15,400 Speaker 1: But when he gets to the park to show everyone, 15 00:01:16,120 --> 00:01:21,959 Speaker 1: the kite won't fly. Jerry runs off to find Chloe, 16 00:01:21,959 --> 00:01:25,000 Speaker 1: who painted a moon and stars on the kite, to 17 00:01:25,080 --> 00:01:30,320 Speaker 1: tell her what happened. Jerry is determined to find out 18 00:01:30,360 --> 00:01:34,280 Speaker 1: why his kite would not fly, so he and Chloe 19 00:01:34,319 --> 00:01:37,200 Speaker 1: head out to see if they can find someone who 20 00:01:37,240 --> 00:01:43,040 Speaker 1: can tell them why The Kite that Went to the 21 00:01:43,080 --> 00:01:54,600 Speaker 1: Moon part one. Jerry had made the biggest kite in 22 00:01:54,680 --> 00:01:59,560 Speaker 1: the village, and Chloe, the woodcutter's daughter, had painted a 23 00:01:59,600 --> 00:02:03,480 Speaker 1: big round moon on it and several stars as well. 24 00:02:05,680 --> 00:02:08,519 Speaker 1: That alone was enough to show that it was by 25 00:02:08,560 --> 00:02:13,080 Speaker 1: no means an ordinary kite. So it was no wonder 26 00:02:13,120 --> 00:02:16,640 Speaker 1: that Jerry felt very proud of himself when he ran 27 00:02:16,760 --> 00:02:22,240 Speaker 1: to the park to fly it. Stand back, all of you, 28 00:02:22,560 --> 00:02:27,079 Speaker 1: he said, as the girls and boys came crowding around him. 29 00:02:27,560 --> 00:02:30,880 Speaker 1: Now you shall see my kite fly to the moon. 30 00:02:33,880 --> 00:02:37,320 Speaker 1: No doubt, Jerry was inclined to make quite enough fuss 31 00:02:37,360 --> 00:02:41,000 Speaker 1: about his kite, but it is not every day that 32 00:02:41,080 --> 00:02:44,000 Speaker 1: one has a chance of flying the biggest kite in 33 00:02:44,040 --> 00:02:49,000 Speaker 1: the village, especially when one is only seven years old. 34 00:02:50,760 --> 00:02:53,760 Speaker 1: He felt very sad, however, when he found that his 35 00:02:53,919 --> 00:02:59,440 Speaker 1: kite had no intention of flying to the moon. Every 36 00:02:59,560 --> 00:03:03,280 Speaker 1: time he threw it into the air, it fell back 37 00:03:03,480 --> 00:03:08,320 Speaker 1: on the grass. And although he tried again and again 38 00:03:09,120 --> 00:03:12,400 Speaker 1: and used yards and yards of the very best string 39 00:03:12,480 --> 00:03:16,840 Speaker 1: that his money could buy, anyone could see that there 40 00:03:16,919 --> 00:03:23,360 Speaker 1: was something wrong with the biggest kite in the village. 41 00:03:23,560 --> 00:03:27,160 Speaker 1: Jerry turned red and blinked his eyes and reminded himself 42 00:03:27,360 --> 00:03:33,040 Speaker 1: desperately that he was seven years old. It was certainly 43 00:03:33,200 --> 00:03:36,520 Speaker 1: hard to have spent so many days making a kite 44 00:03:37,000 --> 00:03:42,360 Speaker 1: that would not fly in the end. Silly thing, he 45 00:03:42,440 --> 00:03:46,920 Speaker 1: muttered angrily. If I had the chance, wouldn't I fly 46 00:03:47,120 --> 00:03:50,800 Speaker 1: to the moon? Kites don't know when they are well off. 47 00:03:52,680 --> 00:03:56,240 Speaker 1: Jerry was upset and threw himself down on the ground 48 00:03:56,280 --> 00:03:59,640 Speaker 1: and kicked and yelled. What is the use of a 49 00:03:59,720 --> 00:04:04,400 Speaker 1: kite that won't fly? People said, take it home, Jerry, 50 00:04:04,760 --> 00:04:07,560 Speaker 1: and make it the same size as other people's kites, 51 00:04:08,520 --> 00:04:10,839 Speaker 1: and let us know what the moon is like when 52 00:04:10,840 --> 00:04:17,080 Speaker 1: your kite gets there. Jerry got to his feet again. Someday, 53 00:04:17,200 --> 00:04:22,799 Speaker 1: he said, I will show you all when my kite 54 00:04:22,839 --> 00:04:28,200 Speaker 1: has flown to the moon. Jerry picked his kite up 55 00:04:28,279 --> 00:04:31,640 Speaker 1: and marched off to the school to find Chloe, the 56 00:04:31,680 --> 00:04:37,680 Speaker 1: woodcutter's daughter. Hello Chloe, he said, popping his head in 57 00:04:37,800 --> 00:04:44,000 Speaker 1: the classroom window. Haven't you finished your math yet? Chloe 58 00:04:44,040 --> 00:04:48,479 Speaker 1: looked up with a sad face. After painting a moon 59 00:04:48,640 --> 00:04:52,440 Speaker 1: and several stars on the biggest kite in the village, 60 00:04:52,560 --> 00:04:55,599 Speaker 1: it was not pleasant to be kept in school just 61 00:04:55,720 --> 00:05:01,440 Speaker 1: because seven would not go into sixty three. I shall 62 00:05:01,480 --> 00:05:05,040 Speaker 1: never finish it, Jerry, never, she said, with a sigh. 63 00:05:06,040 --> 00:05:11,919 Speaker 1: Chloe said, Jerry, seriously, you've been crying. Chloe rubbed her 64 00:05:11,960 --> 00:05:14,680 Speaker 1: eyes quickly with her two fists. I don't think so, 65 00:05:15,680 --> 00:05:18,920 Speaker 1: she replied in a muffled tone. It was just three 66 00:05:18,960 --> 00:05:22,240 Speaker 1: tears that trickled down my nose. But that isn't crying, 67 00:05:22,320 --> 00:05:28,400 Speaker 1: you know, it isn't, Jerry. My kite wouldn't fly, Jerry said, 68 00:05:28,839 --> 00:05:31,120 Speaker 1: and tried to look as though he did not care 69 00:05:31,279 --> 00:05:36,920 Speaker 1: one bit what cried Chloe. Your kite wouldn't fly, then 70 00:05:36,960 --> 00:05:42,320 Speaker 1: I didn't need to cry at all. Jerry climbed onto 71 00:05:42,320 --> 00:05:45,560 Speaker 1: the window ledge and sat there with his legs swinging 72 00:05:45,640 --> 00:05:49,760 Speaker 1: to and fro. He wished Chloe would not talk so 73 00:05:50,000 --> 00:05:54,719 Speaker 1: much about crying. All the strings got mixed up, he explained. 74 00:05:55,160 --> 00:06:00,280 Speaker 1: I expect that's what it was. I don't, said Chloe. 75 00:06:00,720 --> 00:06:04,200 Speaker 1: It was because the tail was too short. I told 76 00:06:04,240 --> 00:06:10,960 Speaker 1: you that all the time. No doubt there was something 77 00:06:11,000 --> 00:06:14,280 Speaker 1: in what she said. But reasons are not much good 78 00:06:14,320 --> 00:06:17,800 Speaker 1: when you are seven years old and your kite won't fly. 79 00:06:18,839 --> 00:06:21,760 Speaker 1: And Jerry was not in the mood to be trifled with. 80 00:06:23,680 --> 00:06:26,640 Speaker 1: If you know so much about it, he said, you'd 81 00:06:26,640 --> 00:06:33,280 Speaker 1: better come and fly at yourself. I only wish I could, oh, 82 00:06:33,440 --> 00:06:36,920 Speaker 1: sighed poor little Chloe, if you would tell me how 83 00:06:36,960 --> 00:06:42,360 Speaker 1: many times seven goes into Oh don't interrupted Jerry angrily. 84 00:06:42,880 --> 00:06:45,680 Speaker 1: How can I do math when my kite won't fly? 85 00:06:48,080 --> 00:06:51,440 Speaker 1: Then he flung himself down from the window ledge and 86 00:06:51,600 --> 00:06:55,520 Speaker 1: started off to find someone who could tell him why 87 00:06:55,560 --> 00:07:01,000 Speaker 1: his kite would not fly. Halfway down the village street, 88 00:07:01,480 --> 00:07:06,680 Speaker 1: he met a fine black raven. Good day to you, 89 00:07:06,720 --> 00:07:10,560 Speaker 1: said Jerry, who knows that ravens can explain most anything 90 00:07:10,600 --> 00:07:14,200 Speaker 1: if they choose. Can you tell me why my kite 91 00:07:14,240 --> 00:07:20,560 Speaker 1: won't fly? Caw caw croaked the raven nine times, Jerry 92 00:07:20,920 --> 00:07:28,200 Speaker 1: nine times, caw caw. I wonder what he means, thought Jerry, 93 00:07:28,760 --> 00:07:34,000 Speaker 1: and walked on a little farther. Soon he met a sheep. 94 00:07:35,200 --> 00:07:38,800 Speaker 1: Now sheep do not know much as a rule, but 95 00:07:38,920 --> 00:07:42,560 Speaker 1: they are always extremely anxious to tell what they do know. 96 00:07:43,520 --> 00:07:46,360 Speaker 1: So Jerry asked her at once why his kite would 97 00:07:46,440 --> 00:07:52,560 Speaker 1: not fly. Bah bah, said the sheep. Nine times Jerry 98 00:07:52,680 --> 00:08:00,360 Speaker 1: nine times. Beh beh everybody's going crazy this after noon, 99 00:08:00,400 --> 00:08:05,840 Speaker 1: thought Jerry, and he went on a little farther. Just 100 00:08:05,920 --> 00:08:09,040 Speaker 1: at the end of the village, a large beetle came 101 00:08:09,080 --> 00:08:14,360 Speaker 1: buzzing around his head. Bez hummed the large beetle nine 102 00:08:14,400 --> 00:08:22,200 Speaker 1: times Jerry nine times. Biz Oh, go away, cried Jerry, impatiently, 103 00:08:22,600 --> 00:08:27,840 Speaker 1: What do you all mean? By nine times? The beetle 104 00:08:27,920 --> 00:08:31,480 Speaker 1: did not go away an inch, but buzzed closer to 105 00:08:31,560 --> 00:08:36,680 Speaker 1: Jerry's head than before. Biz he hummed nine times, Jerry, 106 00:08:37,080 --> 00:08:42,800 Speaker 1: nine times, nine times, nine times, nine times, all at once. 107 00:08:43,160 --> 00:08:47,520 Speaker 1: The beetle's meaning entered Jerry's head, which was hardly to 108 00:08:47,559 --> 00:08:50,480 Speaker 1: be wondered at, considering how close his head was at 109 00:08:50,480 --> 00:08:55,880 Speaker 1: that moment to the beetle. Of course, it's nine times, 110 00:08:55,920 --> 00:09:01,280 Speaker 1: he cried. Why didn't I think of that before? Then 111 00:09:01,320 --> 00:09:04,800 Speaker 1: he turned around and dragged his kite all the way 112 00:09:04,840 --> 00:09:09,200 Speaker 1: back to the school, where Chloe still sat sighing over 113 00:09:09,240 --> 00:09:16,360 Speaker 1: her math. It goes nine times exactly, Chloe, he told 114 00:09:16,400 --> 00:09:18,800 Speaker 1: her through the window. So now you can come and 115 00:09:18,880 --> 00:09:23,360 Speaker 1: help me carry this great, big kite. Where are we going, 116 00:09:23,440 --> 00:09:26,720 Speaker 1: Jerry asked Chloe when she had finished her math and 117 00:09:26,840 --> 00:09:31,160 Speaker 1: joined him. We are going out into the world to 118 00:09:31,320 --> 00:09:36,320 Speaker 1: discover the reason why my kite won't fly, answered Jerry, 119 00:09:37,200 --> 00:09:40,200 Speaker 1: And between them they picked up the biggest kite in 120 00:09:40,240 --> 00:09:45,719 Speaker 1: the village and carried it out into the world. How 121 00:09:45,760 --> 00:09:48,280 Speaker 1: are we going to discover why your kite won't fly? 122 00:09:48,480 --> 00:09:52,880 Speaker 1: Asked Chloe when they had walked a good way. She 123 00:09:53,120 --> 00:09:57,280 Speaker 1: had had no dinner and was beginning to feel remarkably hungry. 124 00:09:58,600 --> 00:10:01,560 Speaker 1: We will ask everybody we I meet, said Jerry, who 125 00:10:01,720 --> 00:10:05,319 Speaker 1: had had his dinner and was therefore not at all hungry. 126 00:10:06,240 --> 00:10:08,320 Speaker 1: There is sure to be someone in the world who 127 00:10:08,400 --> 00:10:11,360 Speaker 1: can tell us, and we will not rest until we 128 00:10:11,480 --> 00:10:19,080 Speaker 1: find them. We haven't met anybody yet, remarked Chloe rather sadly. 129 00:10:20,200 --> 00:10:22,160 Speaker 1: How long do you think we will have to go 130 00:10:22,240 --> 00:10:26,680 Speaker 1: on walking before we meet the right person? Perhaps for 131 00:10:26,920 --> 00:10:31,960 Speaker 1: years and years, answered Jerry cheerfully. But if we are quick, 132 00:10:32,320 --> 00:10:37,320 Speaker 1: we may meet them sooner than that. He quickened his 133 00:10:37,400 --> 00:10:40,360 Speaker 1: steps as he spoke, and Chloe had to run a 134 00:10:40,400 --> 00:10:43,600 Speaker 1: little to keep up with him. It was beginning to 135 00:10:43,640 --> 00:10:47,600 Speaker 1: grow dark now, and the country seemed more and more bare. 136 00:10:48,520 --> 00:10:51,200 Speaker 1: The world is not as full of people as I 137 00:10:51,320 --> 00:10:55,600 Speaker 1: expected to find it, said Jerry, in a disappointed tone. 138 00:10:55,880 --> 00:10:58,720 Speaker 1: I do hope we shall soon meet someone who will 139 00:10:58,720 --> 00:11:04,720 Speaker 1: know why my kite won't fly. Just then, he thought 140 00:11:04,720 --> 00:11:08,079 Speaker 1: he heard something from behind that sounded like a sob 141 00:11:09,200 --> 00:11:12,960 Speaker 1: Sure enough, there was Chloe, wiping her eyes with the 142 00:11:13,040 --> 00:11:18,000 Speaker 1: corner of her shirt. I'm so hungry, she cried, I 143 00:11:18,120 --> 00:11:21,200 Speaker 1: want my dinner. Can't we go home Jerry and put 144 00:11:21,240 --> 00:11:27,000 Speaker 1: off seeing the world until tomorrow. Jerry looked at her 145 00:11:27,080 --> 00:11:31,400 Speaker 1: and sighed. If it had been anyone but Chloe, he 146 00:11:31,440 --> 00:11:35,520 Speaker 1: would most certainly have grumbled at her. As it was, 147 00:11:36,200 --> 00:11:39,400 Speaker 1: he only propped up the kite against the hedge and 148 00:11:39,520 --> 00:11:43,640 Speaker 1: made her sit down beside it. I'm afraid I don't 149 00:11:43,679 --> 00:11:46,480 Speaker 1: know the way home, he said, but if you will 150 00:11:46,520 --> 00:11:51,440 Speaker 1: wait here, I will go and get you something to eat. 151 00:11:52,400 --> 00:11:54,600 Speaker 1: He was not at all sure where he was going 152 00:11:54,640 --> 00:11:57,839 Speaker 1: to find it, but he went along the road as 153 00:11:57,960 --> 00:12:01,040 Speaker 1: fast as he could and hoped he would soon come 154 00:12:01,080 --> 00:12:07,160 Speaker 1: to a house. Long before he came to a house, however, 155 00:12:07,679 --> 00:12:11,760 Speaker 1: he came to a man, a little old man, who 156 00:12:11,840 --> 00:12:15,920 Speaker 1: was carrying a large sack on his shoulder. As soon 157 00:12:15,960 --> 00:12:19,000 Speaker 1: as he saw Jerry, he swung the sack onto the 158 00:12:19,040 --> 00:12:25,400 Speaker 1: ground and began untying the mouth of it. Well, my 159 00:12:25,520 --> 00:12:28,840 Speaker 1: little fellow, he said, in a friendly tone, what do 160 00:12:28,920 --> 00:12:32,560 Speaker 1: you want out of my bag? That depends on what 161 00:12:32,600 --> 00:12:36,720 Speaker 1: you've got in your bag, answered Jerry promptly, I have 162 00:12:36,960 --> 00:12:40,200 Speaker 1: everything in the world in my bag, replied the old man. 163 00:12:40,800 --> 00:12:45,240 Speaker 1: Or everything is there that everybody wants. I have laughter 164 00:12:45,440 --> 00:12:49,840 Speaker 1: and tears, and happiness and sadness. I can give you 165 00:12:50,000 --> 00:12:55,960 Speaker 1: riches or poverty, sense or nonsense. Here is a way 166 00:12:56,000 --> 00:12:58,840 Speaker 1: to discover the things that you don't know, and a 167 00:12:58,880 --> 00:13:02,920 Speaker 1: way to forget the thing that you do know. Will 168 00:13:02,920 --> 00:13:06,400 Speaker 1: you have a toy that changes whenever you wish, or 169 00:13:06,440 --> 00:13:09,480 Speaker 1: a book that tells you stories whenever you listen to it, 170 00:13:10,679 --> 00:13:13,600 Speaker 1: or a pair of shoes in which you can dance 171 00:13:13,679 --> 00:13:18,600 Speaker 1: from boyhood into youth. Choose whatever you like, and it 172 00:13:18,640 --> 00:13:23,120 Speaker 1: shall be yours. But remember, I can only give you 173 00:13:23,240 --> 00:13:27,160 Speaker 1: one thing out of my bag, so think carefully before 174 00:13:27,160 --> 00:13:31,560 Speaker 1: you make up your mind. Jerry did not stop to 175 00:13:31,600 --> 00:13:34,680 Speaker 1: think at all. Do you have something to eat in 176 00:13:34,760 --> 00:13:38,160 Speaker 1: your bag? Something that will please a hungry little girl 177 00:13:38,200 --> 00:13:42,839 Speaker 1: who has had no dinner? He asked. The little old 178 00:13:42,920 --> 00:13:47,160 Speaker 1: man smiled and pulled out a small cake about the 179 00:13:47,200 --> 00:13:51,120 Speaker 1: size of Jerry's hand. It did not look as though 180 00:13:51,120 --> 00:13:55,520 Speaker 1: it would satisfy anyone who was as hungry as Chloe. 181 00:13:55,600 --> 00:13:59,480 Speaker 1: But as the old man disappeared, Sack and all the 182 00:13:59,559 --> 00:14:02,560 Speaker 1: moment he had given Jerry the cake, it was not 183 00:14:02,760 --> 00:14:07,840 Speaker 1: much good complaining about it. So back Jerry went to 184 00:14:07,920 --> 00:14:10,760 Speaker 1: the place where he had left Chloe, and to his 185 00:14:10,960 --> 00:14:15,679 Speaker 1: great relief, her face beamed with joy as soon as 186 00:14:15,720 --> 00:14:21,760 Speaker 1: she had eaten one mouthful. What a beautiful cake, she said. 187 00:14:22,280 --> 00:14:26,800 Speaker 1: It tastes like strawberry jam and toffee and all the 188 00:14:26,840 --> 00:14:30,760 Speaker 1: things I like best. And look, as fast as I 189 00:14:30,840 --> 00:14:34,040 Speaker 1: eat it, it comes back again, so that I shall 190 00:14:34,080 --> 00:14:39,720 Speaker 1: never be able to finish it. Take some Jerry, Why, 191 00:14:39,880 --> 00:14:42,760 Speaker 1: said Jerry, as soon as he had taken a bite. 192 00:14:42,840 --> 00:14:46,240 Speaker 1: It tastes like currant funds and ginger ale and all 193 00:14:46,280 --> 00:14:49,960 Speaker 1: the things I like best. It is certain that we 194 00:14:50,000 --> 00:14:53,080 Speaker 1: shall never be hungry as long as we have a 195 00:14:53,160 --> 00:14:57,160 Speaker 1: fairy cake like this. Then he told her how he 196 00:14:57,200 --> 00:15:01,960 Speaker 1: had gotten it. Perhaps, said Chloe, the little old man 197 00:15:02,000 --> 00:15:06,520 Speaker 1: could have told you why your kite wouldn't fly. Perhaps 198 00:15:06,520 --> 00:15:10,080 Speaker 1: he could, said Jerry carelessly, But I didn't think to 199 00:15:10,160 --> 00:15:17,760 Speaker 1: ask him. We'll keep going and ask the next person instead. When, however, 200 00:15:17,800 --> 00:15:21,120 Speaker 1: they looked around for the kite, it was nowhere to 201 00:15:21,200 --> 00:15:25,640 Speaker 1: be seen. The moon came out from behind a cloud 202 00:15:25,680 --> 00:15:28,960 Speaker 1: and helped them as much as it could, but although 203 00:15:29,000 --> 00:15:33,240 Speaker 1: they searched for a long time, not a trace could 204 00:15:33,320 --> 00:15:38,160 Speaker 1: they find of the biggest kite in the village. Oh dear, 205 00:15:38,280 --> 00:15:41,920 Speaker 1: Oh dear, sighed Chloe. Perhaps I went to sleep while 206 00:15:41,920 --> 00:15:44,320 Speaker 1: you were away and somebody came along and took it. 207 00:15:44,960 --> 00:15:47,960 Speaker 1: But I thought I stayed awake, Jerry, I did, indeed, 208 00:15:49,760 --> 00:15:52,720 Speaker 1: and so you did to be sure, cried a voice 209 00:15:52,720 --> 00:15:55,520 Speaker 1: from behind the hedge. But you would have to be 210 00:15:55,840 --> 00:15:59,120 Speaker 1: very wide awake to keep that kite from giving you 211 00:15:59,200 --> 00:16:06,960 Speaker 1: the slip as soon as the moon came up. And 212 00:16:07,040 --> 00:16:12,720 Speaker 1: that is the end of this part. Good Night, sleep tight. 213 00:17:04,720 --> 00:17:04,760 Speaker 1: B