1 00:00:09,039 --> 00:00:15,640 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. A short 2 00:00:15,680 --> 00:00:20,400 Speaker 1: message for grown ups. If you get value from our stories, 3 00:00:20,920 --> 00:00:27,600 Speaker 1: please consider subscribing to sleep Type Premium. With sleep Type Premium, 4 00:00:27,760 --> 00:00:32,960 Speaker 1: you receive four stories per week, plus super long sleep sounds, 5 00:00:33,720 --> 00:00:41,240 Speaker 1: guided meditations, music for sleep, and more. Visit sleep Typepremium 6 00:00:41,280 --> 00:00:45,880 Speaker 1: dot com to subscribe. A link can also be found 7 00:00:45,920 --> 00:01:05,040 Speaker 1: in our show notes, Thank you. When Buster was a 8 00:01:05,160 --> 00:01:12,000 Speaker 1: cub in the North Woods where Buster was born, a 9 00:01:12,160 --> 00:01:17,000 Speaker 1: wide river tinkles merrily over stones that are so white 10 00:01:17,200 --> 00:01:21,280 Speaker 1: you would mistake them for snowballs if you were not careful, 11 00:01:21,760 --> 00:01:27,840 Speaker 1: and begin pelting each other with them. The birches hanging 12 00:01:27,920 --> 00:01:32,880 Speaker 1: over the water look like white sticks of peppermint candy, 13 00:01:32,920 --> 00:01:36,319 Speaker 1: except in the spring of the year, when they blossom 14 00:01:36,480 --> 00:01:40,959 Speaker 1: out in green leaves, and then they make you think 15 00:01:41,040 --> 00:01:45,720 Speaker 1: of a fairy land where everything is painted the colors 16 00:01:45,760 --> 00:01:51,680 Speaker 1: of the rainbow. The rocks that slope up from the 17 00:01:51,720 --> 00:01:56,600 Speaker 1: bank of the river are dented and broken, as if 18 00:01:56,640 --> 00:02:00,720 Speaker 1: some giant in the past had smashed them with his hammer, 19 00:02:01,760 --> 00:02:08,680 Speaker 1: cracking some and punching deep holes in others. It was 20 00:02:08,720 --> 00:02:13,960 Speaker 1: in one of these holes or caves that Buster was born. 21 00:02:17,240 --> 00:02:20,480 Speaker 1: He didn't mind the hard rocky floor of his bed 22 00:02:20,600 --> 00:02:24,760 Speaker 1: a bit, nor did he mind the darkness nor the 23 00:02:24,880 --> 00:02:30,920 Speaker 1: cold winds that swept through the open doorway. He was 24 00:02:31,080 --> 00:02:35,600 Speaker 1: so well protected by his thick furry coat that he 25 00:02:35,680 --> 00:02:39,760 Speaker 1: didn't need a soft bed on which to take his nap. 26 00:02:42,120 --> 00:02:45,440 Speaker 1: A big stone made a nice pillow for his head, 27 00:02:46,200 --> 00:02:48,959 Speaker 1: and he rather liked the hard floor for a bed 28 00:02:49,360 --> 00:02:57,760 Speaker 1: when he curled up to go to sleep. Buster was 29 00:02:57,800 --> 00:03:02,280 Speaker 1: an only child. He didn't know what a brother or 30 00:03:02,360 --> 00:03:07,840 Speaker 1: sister was like, and so he didn't miss either. He 31 00:03:08,000 --> 00:03:12,440 Speaker 1: had his mother who was good enough for him, and 32 00:03:12,520 --> 00:03:14,960 Speaker 1: when he was old enough to crawl out on the 33 00:03:15,080 --> 00:03:18,840 Speaker 1: rocks in front of his home, he would spend hours 34 00:03:18,919 --> 00:03:27,880 Speaker 1: and hours there playing with her in the bright sunshine. 35 00:03:27,919 --> 00:03:31,800 Speaker 1: Sometimes Mother Bear had to leave him while she went 36 00:03:31,919 --> 00:03:36,480 Speaker 1: off into the woods to get something to eat. At 37 00:03:36,560 --> 00:03:41,720 Speaker 1: such times she made Buster stay in the cave. You 38 00:03:41,840 --> 00:03:45,920 Speaker 1: must not show yourself on the rock, Buster, she cautioned, 39 00:03:46,400 --> 00:03:50,640 Speaker 1: until you hear me call you, I won't be gone long. 40 00:03:55,360 --> 00:03:59,080 Speaker 1: Buster was a good little cub, and he accepted his 41 00:03:59,200 --> 00:04:05,400 Speaker 1: mother's rule without asking why. Perhaps that was because he 42 00:04:05,520 --> 00:04:10,200 Speaker 1: was too young to understand, or because his mother was 43 00:04:10,400 --> 00:04:17,040 Speaker 1: very strict with her only child. When he was very young, 44 00:04:17,760 --> 00:04:21,560 Speaker 1: so young that he could hardly see at all. His 45 00:04:21,680 --> 00:04:24,440 Speaker 1: mother used to tell him what to do, and then 46 00:04:24,600 --> 00:04:29,480 Speaker 1: gently but firmly make him do it, using her big, 47 00:04:29,680 --> 00:04:36,840 Speaker 1: hairy paws. These early lessons were never forgotten, and Buster 48 00:04:37,040 --> 00:04:40,440 Speaker 1: got in the habit of minding his mother, just as 49 00:04:40,560 --> 00:04:43,920 Speaker 1: naturally as a tree grows straight when it is tied 50 00:04:44,000 --> 00:04:50,719 Speaker 1: to a stake. But Buster grew curious as he got older, 51 00:04:51,720 --> 00:04:54,960 Speaker 1: and one day, when his mother was going away, he asked, 52 00:04:55,720 --> 00:05:00,520 Speaker 1: why can't I play in front until you come back? Because, 53 00:05:01,440 --> 00:05:05,000 Speaker 1: replied Mother Bhaer, Loop the Lynx might come along and 54 00:05:05,040 --> 00:05:09,880 Speaker 1: gobble you up. Who is Loop the Lynx, asked Buster, 55 00:05:10,680 --> 00:05:14,560 Speaker 1: turning very pale, for he was afraid of being gobbled up. 56 00:05:15,720 --> 00:05:19,400 Speaker 1: Never mind, dear, you stay inside until I come back. 57 00:05:22,720 --> 00:05:25,640 Speaker 1: That was a mighty argument of Mother Bear's to make 58 00:05:25,720 --> 00:05:29,840 Speaker 1: her child obey. Buster was so afraid of Loop the 59 00:05:29,920 --> 00:05:32,640 Speaker 1: Lynx that he never dared to poke his nose out 60 00:05:32,640 --> 00:05:36,920 Speaker 1: of the cave when his mother was away, and sometimes 61 00:05:37,560 --> 00:05:42,200 Speaker 1: the temptation to do it was very strong, for as 62 00:05:42,200 --> 00:05:47,240 Speaker 1: he grew bigger and stronger, the sunshine had a great 63 00:05:47,440 --> 00:05:54,040 Speaker 1: fascination for him. Nothing in the world seemed pleasanter than 64 00:05:54,120 --> 00:05:58,480 Speaker 1: to roll around on the rocks outside, blinking at the 65 00:05:58,520 --> 00:06:03,919 Speaker 1: warm sun and smelling the odors of the sweet flowers. 66 00:06:05,640 --> 00:06:09,280 Speaker 1: It was springtime then, and the woods were full of 67 00:06:09,320 --> 00:06:13,200 Speaker 1: the song of birds and the drone of busy insects. 68 00:06:14,560 --> 00:06:17,320 Speaker 1: It made one wish to be outdoors all the time. 69 00:06:20,400 --> 00:06:24,120 Speaker 1: You must be careful today, Buster, his mother said to him, 70 00:06:24,120 --> 00:06:28,840 Speaker 1: one morning, and stay inside the cave. I heard Loop 71 00:06:28,920 --> 00:06:32,960 Speaker 1: the lynx hunting around here last night. I don't like him. 72 00:06:34,000 --> 00:06:38,120 Speaker 1: He's a rough fellow and nearly always up to some mischief. 73 00:06:38,920 --> 00:06:41,320 Speaker 1: I don't want to leave you a minute today, but 74 00:06:41,480 --> 00:06:49,920 Speaker 1: I must. Buster kept his promise and remained inside all morning, 75 00:06:51,000 --> 00:06:54,479 Speaker 1: playing with his tail and the few leaves that the 76 00:06:54,520 --> 00:07:00,720 Speaker 1: wind blew in the cave. Toward noon, however, he got 77 00:07:00,760 --> 00:07:07,880 Speaker 1: tired of this, and also very hungry. When a bear 78 00:07:08,000 --> 00:07:13,200 Speaker 1: is hungry, he becomes very brave and will do things 79 00:07:13,520 --> 00:07:20,520 Speaker 1: that would never occur to him at other times. Buster 80 00:07:20,760 --> 00:07:24,160 Speaker 1: sniffed in all the corners of the cave for a 81 00:07:24,240 --> 00:07:28,720 Speaker 1: bite of something good to eat, but there was nothing 82 00:07:29,440 --> 00:07:35,440 Speaker 1: but rocks and stones. Then he crept nearer the entrance, 83 00:07:35,760 --> 00:07:41,400 Speaker 1: getting a little closer every moment. A streak of sunlight 84 00:07:41,520 --> 00:07:44,360 Speaker 1: played on the rocks in front of him, and it 85 00:07:44,640 --> 00:07:48,720 Speaker 1: so fascinated him that he began trying to catch it 86 00:07:48,760 --> 00:07:53,520 Speaker 1: with his little paws. He had it, then he lost it, 87 00:07:54,120 --> 00:07:58,080 Speaker 1: and then he sprang for it again, but the sunlight 88 00:07:58,280 --> 00:08:06,160 Speaker 1: danced around, never stayed cocked. In the middle of this 89 00:08:06,280 --> 00:08:12,040 Speaker 1: game of tag with the sunlight, Buster heard a noise outside. 90 00:08:12,240 --> 00:08:16,680 Speaker 1: It sounded like an animal scuffling heavily over the rocks, 91 00:08:16,720 --> 00:08:19,200 Speaker 1: and the little fellow was so sure that it was 92 00:08:19,240 --> 00:08:24,280 Speaker 1: his mother that he ran out to greet her. But 93 00:08:24,520 --> 00:08:30,600 Speaker 1: what a surprise met him. Instead of Mother Bear, there 94 00:08:30,760 --> 00:08:35,760 Speaker 1: stood Loop the Lynx, crouching and sniffing, with his long 95 00:08:35,920 --> 00:08:41,760 Speaker 1: tail swishing back and forth. Buster had never seen Loop 96 00:08:41,800 --> 00:08:45,400 Speaker 1: the Lynx before, but nobody had to tell him. Now 97 00:08:46,200 --> 00:08:51,480 Speaker 1: he recognized him instantly. His first thought was to run 98 00:08:51,720 --> 00:08:57,720 Speaker 1: back into the dark cave. Loop was afraid of Mother 99 00:08:57,840 --> 00:09:01,000 Speaker 1: Bear and didn't want Buster to run into the cave 100 00:09:01,080 --> 00:09:04,160 Speaker 1: and call her, so he tried to get Buster to 101 00:09:04,240 --> 00:09:09,640 Speaker 1: come out of the cave. More. Don't be afraid, Buster, 102 00:09:10,920 --> 00:09:18,600 Speaker 1: he said pleasantly, I'm not going to hurt you. Buster 103 00:09:18,840 --> 00:09:23,079 Speaker 1: was surprised by this, and he stopped to look at Loup. 104 00:09:24,559 --> 00:09:30,240 Speaker 1: He didn't like his face. I was watching you playing 105 00:09:30,360 --> 00:09:35,040 Speaker 1: with that sunbeam, Loup continued, lying down with his two 106 00:09:35,080 --> 00:09:38,920 Speaker 1: front paws in front of him. I used to do 107 00:09:38,960 --> 00:09:43,320 Speaker 1: that when I was young, but I am too old now. 108 00:09:44,600 --> 00:09:49,160 Speaker 1: I can't jump around as I used to. Now, let 109 00:09:49,200 --> 00:09:54,760 Speaker 1: me see if you can catch that sunbeam. Buster was 110 00:09:54,840 --> 00:09:58,200 Speaker 1: less afraid than before, and he wanted to show Loup 111 00:09:58,280 --> 00:10:01,280 Speaker 1: how spry he was. I can catch it if I 112 00:10:01,320 --> 00:10:09,280 Speaker 1: want to, he said boastfully. I don't believe you can now, 113 00:10:09,400 --> 00:10:12,720 Speaker 1: Let's see you do it. If you do, I'll tell 114 00:10:12,760 --> 00:10:19,480 Speaker 1: your mother what a spry youngster you are. Buster, swelling 115 00:10:19,559 --> 00:10:24,520 Speaker 1: with pride and ambition, made a dart for the flickering sunbeam. 116 00:10:26,200 --> 00:10:31,320 Speaker 1: At the same time, Loup leaped into the air and 117 00:10:31,640 --> 00:10:36,320 Speaker 1: landed right at the mouth of the cave. With Buster 118 00:10:36,720 --> 00:10:42,800 Speaker 1: on the outside. Buster was trapped. He couldn't get back 119 00:10:42,960 --> 00:10:48,319 Speaker 1: into the cave. He wished now that he hadn't disobeyed 120 00:10:48,320 --> 00:10:52,320 Speaker 1: his mother, but it was too late, and he let 121 00:10:52,360 --> 00:10:58,520 Speaker 1: out a little cry. Poor Buster, what could he do now? 122 00:11:00,640 --> 00:11:04,800 Speaker 1: But what Lup did not see was Buster's mother coming 123 00:11:04,840 --> 00:11:11,440 Speaker 1: around the corner. When she growled, Lup jumped and ran 124 00:11:11,520 --> 00:11:17,120 Speaker 1: away as fast as he could. Buster ran to his 125 00:11:17,240 --> 00:11:20,160 Speaker 1: mother and hugged her and said, sorry, I didn't listen 126 00:11:20,200 --> 00:11:22,800 Speaker 1: to you. I will try harder next time to do 127 00:11:22,920 --> 00:11:28,200 Speaker 1: what you tell me to. Mother Bear wrapped her paw 128 00:11:28,360 --> 00:11:33,040 Speaker 1: around him and hugged him tightly, and then they turned 129 00:11:33,800 --> 00:11:39,440 Speaker 1: and went into the cave to eat.