1 00:00:00,280 --> 00:00:04,439 Speaker 1: Dream Sequence is a production of iHeart Podcasts, Blumhouse Television, 2 00:00:04,559 --> 00:00:13,960 Speaker 1: and realm oh idea. 3 00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:15,840 Speaker 2: When I said I didn't know what Stabber's wife was 4 00:00:15,840 --> 00:00:17,919 Speaker 2: talking about when she said, listen to the tapes. 5 00:00:18,400 --> 00:00:23,079 Speaker 3: I kept them for seven years. I have to do something. 6 00:00:24,160 --> 00:00:27,320 Speaker 3: What face the fire? 7 00:00:30,240 --> 00:00:32,559 Speaker 2: Mom? Check out? What ce he got me? What do 8 00:00:32,600 --> 00:00:33,800 Speaker 2: you think you're being recorded? 9 00:00:34,960 --> 00:00:38,600 Speaker 4: I think I'm really happy to have you both home again. 10 00:00:39,960 --> 00:00:42,800 Speaker 2: I'm going to press stop, rewind and play. Does the 11 00:00:42,840 --> 00:00:48,120 Speaker 2: tape actually make that like squiggly Salmary? That's working? Not squiggly? Though? 12 00:00:48,960 --> 00:00:49,879 Speaker 2: How long are you here for? 13 00:00:50,920 --> 00:00:51,800 Speaker 3: I don't know yet. 14 00:00:52,240 --> 00:00:54,720 Speaker 2: This is like the return of the prodigal You went 15 00:00:54,760 --> 00:00:57,320 Speaker 2: out to the big city god flees by scam artist, 16 00:00:57,360 --> 00:00:59,840 Speaker 2: lost your quote unquote fortune, and came crawling back to 17 00:01:00,040 --> 00:01:05,600 Speaker 2: Mom and dad. Oh so sad? Pathetic, one might say, 18 00:01:05,640 --> 00:01:08,200 Speaker 2: not me, though, I'm very understanding. 19 00:01:08,280 --> 00:01:10,119 Speaker 3: That's not exactly humiliating might. 20 00:01:10,040 --> 00:01:12,399 Speaker 2: Be another word. Someone would say, again, not me though, 21 00:01:12,959 --> 00:01:16,080 Speaker 2: very understanding. Stay as long as you need to get 22 00:01:16,120 --> 00:01:17,040 Speaker 2: back on your feet. 23 00:01:17,080 --> 00:01:17,720 Speaker 3: Are you done? 24 00:01:17,920 --> 00:01:18,720 Speaker 2: Yeah, I'm done. 25 00:01:19,000 --> 00:01:23,840 Speaker 3: I am going to hug you. Then let me get 26 00:01:23,880 --> 00:01:28,040 Speaker 3: settled and we'll talk right after. I wouldn't have gotten 27 00:01:28,040 --> 00:01:29,319 Speaker 3: this for you if I knew you're going to be 28 00:01:29,360 --> 00:01:30,399 Speaker 3: recording non stop. 29 00:01:30,520 --> 00:01:33,880 Speaker 2: Hey, I took a thirty minute break. Just be glad. 30 00:01:33,959 --> 00:01:34,959 Speaker 2: I like it so much. 31 00:01:35,520 --> 00:01:38,000 Speaker 3: Dad actually got off his ass and cleaned out the garage. 32 00:01:38,120 --> 00:01:43,440 Speaker 2: He hired some kids. He started drinking occasionally. Is it 33 00:01:43,480 --> 00:01:50,600 Speaker 2: fun drinking or depressed genius drinking? Do you remember Morgan? Morgan? 34 00:01:51,000 --> 00:01:51,920 Speaker 2: I love Morgan. 35 00:01:52,160 --> 00:01:56,080 Speaker 3: We're partners? Now? What business? Partners? 36 00:01:56,360 --> 00:01:59,160 Speaker 2: Oh? That makes more sense? Are you dating? 37 00:01:59,200 --> 00:01:59,240 Speaker 1: It? 38 00:01:59,320 --> 00:02:02,880 Speaker 2: All? Not my You're saying you've never been on a date. 39 00:02:04,320 --> 00:02:07,280 Speaker 2: Oh my god, shouldn't you do it just to know 40 00:02:07,320 --> 00:02:09,440 Speaker 2: what it's like. Spare one evening. 41 00:02:09,480 --> 00:02:10,840 Speaker 3: I don't have one evening to spare. 42 00:02:10,960 --> 00:02:12,480 Speaker 2: What are you doing right now? What do you mean? 43 00:02:12,480 --> 00:02:14,160 Speaker 3: What am I doing right? I'm catching up with my sister, 44 00:02:14,160 --> 00:02:16,079 Speaker 3: who I haven't seen in a very long time. Would 45 00:02:16,120 --> 00:02:18,640 Speaker 3: you rather be on a date of Applebee's with some 46 00:02:18,880 --> 00:02:20,680 Speaker 3: egomaniac insurance salesman? 47 00:02:20,919 --> 00:02:21,919 Speaker 2: Damn, you're negative. 48 00:02:22,000 --> 00:02:23,359 Speaker 3: I'm trying to cure Alzheimer's. 49 00:02:23,440 --> 00:02:23,600 Speaker 2: Kay? 50 00:02:24,760 --> 00:02:27,280 Speaker 3: What Morgan's mom has that? 51 00:02:28,280 --> 00:02:32,040 Speaker 2: Oh? I didn't know. But why do you have to 52 00:02:32,080 --> 00:02:32,400 Speaker 2: do it? 53 00:02:32,480 --> 00:02:36,840 Speaker 3: Because I can? And if I don't, Morgan's going to 54 00:02:36,840 --> 00:02:39,959 Speaker 3: have it too. That's a lot of pressure to put 55 00:02:40,000 --> 00:02:43,040 Speaker 3: on yourself. I also don't want some mediocre hack who 56 00:02:43,040 --> 00:02:45,280 Speaker 3: isn't even born yet to swoop in at the last second, 57 00:02:45,320 --> 00:02:47,639 Speaker 3: after I've done all the hard work and take credit 58 00:02:47,639 --> 00:02:48,399 Speaker 3: for my achievement. 59 00:02:49,560 --> 00:02:51,920 Speaker 2: If it happens, it happens. You have to live your 60 00:02:51,960 --> 00:02:54,160 Speaker 2: life in the meantime. You don't need to work every day. 61 00:02:56,360 --> 00:03:00,680 Speaker 3: Everyone always says they're gonna follow their dreams tomorrow. 62 00:03:03,320 --> 00:03:03,640 Speaker 5: Not me. 63 00:03:05,520 --> 00:03:10,000 Speaker 3: For me, it's now, it's always now. 64 00:03:11,960 --> 00:03:14,560 Speaker 2: All right now, got it? 65 00:03:14,960 --> 00:03:15,320 Speaker 3: Sorry? 66 00:03:16,240 --> 00:03:19,160 Speaker 2: I just don't want to see you lose yourself. 67 00:03:19,440 --> 00:03:22,119 Speaker 3: Lose myself. I found myself. 68 00:03:23,680 --> 00:03:25,280 Speaker 2: So you're saying you don't want to hear about my 69 00:03:25,400 --> 00:03:26,120 Speaker 2: date last week? 70 00:03:26,200 --> 00:03:29,200 Speaker 3: No, no, no, I do. I want to know what's 71 00:03:29,200 --> 00:03:32,120 Speaker 3: going on with you? Was it a good date? 72 00:03:32,560 --> 00:03:35,040 Speaker 2: Dinner in a movie? Standard issue? 73 00:03:35,200 --> 00:03:35,760 Speaker 3: Where'd you go? 74 00:03:36,920 --> 00:03:37,720 Speaker 2: Applebee's? 75 00:03:39,040 --> 00:03:40,080 Speaker 5: Since when can you cook? 76 00:03:40,720 --> 00:03:41,560 Speaker 2: Is it actually good? 77 00:03:41,960 --> 00:03:43,800 Speaker 5: I didn't say that. You just didn't set off the 78 00:03:43,800 --> 00:03:44,520 Speaker 5: spoke detector. 79 00:03:44,560 --> 00:03:45,880 Speaker 2: I think the batteries are good. 80 00:03:46,720 --> 00:03:48,160 Speaker 5: So d what's next? 81 00:03:48,640 --> 00:03:50,320 Speaker 3: I'm meeting with Harlan Kingship tomorrow. 82 00:03:51,120 --> 00:03:53,120 Speaker 5: This has got to be easy way to raise money. 83 00:03:53,080 --> 00:03:55,720 Speaker 3: You'd think so, but no one understands what Morgan and 84 00:03:55,720 --> 00:03:58,920 Speaker 3: I are working on the People don't like investing in 85 00:03:59,000 --> 00:03:59,920 Speaker 3: things that confuse. 86 00:04:00,800 --> 00:04:01,560 Speaker 4: What does it do? 87 00:04:01,680 --> 00:04:06,000 Speaker 3: This thing you built and maps the human brain. Eventually 88 00:04:06,200 --> 00:04:09,240 Speaker 3: we'll be able to see any neural dysfunction in real time. 89 00:04:10,280 --> 00:04:15,240 Speaker 5: You'll be able to hear diseases eventually. Yeah, aren't people 90 00:04:15,320 --> 00:04:16,520 Speaker 5: already mapping the human brain? 91 00:04:16,600 --> 00:04:18,000 Speaker 3: We leapfrog them all in a year. 92 00:04:18,560 --> 00:04:19,200 Speaker 5: How do you do that? 93 00:04:19,640 --> 00:04:20,440 Speaker 3: By being smarter? 94 00:04:21,800 --> 00:04:24,320 Speaker 5: Remember when you're thirteen, you said if you ever got rich, 95 00:04:24,400 --> 00:04:25,120 Speaker 5: you'd buy me a boat. 96 00:04:25,320 --> 00:04:29,360 Speaker 3: You promised me a Mercedes. Let me get rich first, 97 00:04:29,480 --> 00:04:30,480 Speaker 3: and then we can all talk. 98 00:04:34,560 --> 00:04:34,960 Speaker 4: Is that right? 99 00:04:40,880 --> 00:04:41,839 Speaker 3: Can I commend. 100 00:04:45,120 --> 00:04:46,520 Speaker 2: Ire? Do you know what you're going to say so 101 00:04:46,640 --> 00:04:48,240 Speaker 2: you can skip the whole thing? No? 102 00:04:48,440 --> 00:04:49,559 Speaker 3: I think we'll talk. 103 00:04:49,880 --> 00:04:52,880 Speaker 2: Really not necessary? One hour talk mom, please? 104 00:04:53,040 --> 00:04:54,640 Speaker 4: Two two hours? 105 00:04:55,800 --> 00:05:00,120 Speaker 2: Okay, let's talk. 106 00:05:01,600 --> 00:05:02,440 Speaker 3: That's what's going on. 107 00:05:03,880 --> 00:05:06,640 Speaker 2: There's a competition at school to write the best comedy piece. 108 00:05:06,720 --> 00:05:09,599 Speaker 2: In my essay won first prize, the one about Mittie's funeral. 109 00:05:09,760 --> 00:05:12,160 Speaker 3: That's amazing, But didn't you tell us. 110 00:05:12,080 --> 00:05:15,440 Speaker 2: It doesn't really compare to mapping the human brain, does it? 111 00:05:18,560 --> 00:05:20,719 Speaker 4: All Right, I'm gonna tell you something and you can't 112 00:05:20,760 --> 00:05:24,040 Speaker 4: ever repeat it? Is that record around? 113 00:05:24,839 --> 00:05:26,760 Speaker 2: Sorry? I keep forgetting to turn it off. 114 00:05:38,560 --> 00:05:40,080 Speaker 3: How long does it take you to write? 115 00:05:40,880 --> 00:05:47,800 Speaker 2: Like two weeks? It's so funny. Dad wants me to 116 00:05:47,839 --> 00:05:50,680 Speaker 2: get a degree in accounting. Told him I'm not cut 117 00:05:50,720 --> 00:05:53,159 Speaker 2: out for that. He told me to stick out my 118 00:05:53,240 --> 00:05:55,680 Speaker 2: finger and tap the table. And if I can do that, 119 00:05:55,720 --> 00:05:57,640 Speaker 2: then I can push buttons on a calculator. 120 00:05:57,800 --> 00:05:59,000 Speaker 3: Don't let him drag you down. 121 00:05:59,120 --> 00:06:03,600 Speaker 2: He doesn't get it. He doesn't get me. Make him. 122 00:06:03,880 --> 00:06:15,560 Speaker 2: If only it were that easy. What was that? He's fine? 123 00:06:16,640 --> 00:06:18,920 Speaker 4: You were screaming in your sleep. 124 00:06:18,480 --> 00:06:20,080 Speaker 5: That's it. 125 00:06:20,120 --> 00:06:22,120 Speaker 4: You need to wear your mask. I'm not gonna watch 126 00:06:22,160 --> 00:06:23,440 Speaker 4: you die in your goddamn so. 127 00:06:23,520 --> 00:06:24,159 Speaker 2: What was your nightmare? 128 00:06:24,600 --> 00:06:26,680 Speaker 5: I'm not wearing stupid mask. 129 00:06:26,760 --> 00:06:29,400 Speaker 4: Maybe I want to sleep too, Mary. If it's not 130 00:06:29,440 --> 00:06:30,720 Speaker 4: the snary, it's the screaming. 131 00:06:30,880 --> 00:06:32,279 Speaker 3: Now, what was your nightmare. 132 00:06:32,160 --> 00:06:32,880 Speaker 5: That I'll sleep on the cow? 133 00:06:33,080 --> 00:06:34,239 Speaker 3: What was your fucking nightmare? 134 00:06:36,960 --> 00:06:40,479 Speaker 4: I was being choked because your air passage is closed 135 00:06:40,520 --> 00:06:42,159 Speaker 4: because you don't do anything about the apnea. 136 00:06:42,520 --> 00:06:44,599 Speaker 5: What a shutou? 137 00:06:46,600 --> 00:06:50,719 Speaker 3: What is it? I'm just worried about Dad's abnia. Not 138 00:06:50,720 --> 00:06:51,680 Speaker 3: gonna be really serious. 139 00:06:51,720 --> 00:06:53,720 Speaker 2: Come on, that is not what I saw on your face. 140 00:06:53,800 --> 00:06:54,520 Speaker 2: What's going on? 141 00:06:56,440 --> 00:07:00,719 Speaker 3: That's nothing? How many days. Have you had nightmares now? 142 00:07:01,720 --> 00:07:04,800 Speaker 3: Three on a scale of one to ten. How ofvid. 143 00:07:06,560 --> 00:07:06,680 Speaker 2: Uh? 144 00:07:08,200 --> 00:07:08,279 Speaker 3: Uh? 145 00:07:08,480 --> 00:07:08,760 Speaker 5: Nine? 146 00:07:09,560 --> 00:07:12,200 Speaker 3: Prior to three days ago? How often did you have nightmares? 147 00:07:13,360 --> 00:07:13,960 Speaker 5: Almost never? 148 00:07:15,080 --> 00:07:17,680 Speaker 3: Prior to three days ago? How many times did you 149 00:07:17,760 --> 00:07:20,160 Speaker 3: have nightmares? That's scored a nine on the scale of 150 00:07:20,200 --> 00:07:23,320 Speaker 3: the fitness Never? 151 00:07:24,960 --> 00:07:26,280 Speaker 5: Are you your sister's recorder? 152 00:07:26,480 --> 00:07:28,720 Speaker 3: I bought it for her. It's basically mine. Otherwise? How 153 00:07:28,720 --> 00:07:29,400 Speaker 3: are you sleeping? 154 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:31,920 Speaker 5: Yeah, I don't know. I'm getting an hour or two 155 00:07:32,000 --> 00:07:32,600 Speaker 5: enough to function. 156 00:07:32,800 --> 00:07:36,360 Speaker 3: Do you see the shadow every night? Uh? 157 00:07:37,760 --> 00:07:38,200 Speaker 2: Sort of? 158 00:07:38,720 --> 00:07:39,760 Speaker 3: What do you mean by sort of? 159 00:07:40,560 --> 00:07:43,400 Speaker 5: I don't know it. 160 00:07:43,400 --> 00:07:44,760 Speaker 3: It takes on different shapes. 161 00:07:47,000 --> 00:07:49,160 Speaker 5: Yeah, I'll be fine. I've had sleeping problems before. 162 00:07:49,680 --> 00:07:53,840 Speaker 3: Nightmares have been associated with depression, anxiety, heart disease, cancer. 163 00:07:54,360 --> 00:07:54,680 Speaker 2: Great. 164 00:07:55,320 --> 00:07:59,400 Speaker 3: I just want you to be healthy. How are you sleeping? 165 00:08:00,160 --> 00:08:02,400 Speaker 4: Fine? As long as your dad doesn't wake me up. 166 00:08:02,560 --> 00:08:06,120 Speaker 3: Are you still taking UNTI anxiety bills? Yes? Are you 167 00:08:06,160 --> 00:08:09,160 Speaker 3: still experiencing anxiety? 168 00:08:09,440 --> 00:08:12,520 Speaker 4: Your dad not sleeping is stressful, plus with him not 169 00:08:12,560 --> 00:08:14,680 Speaker 4: wearing his seatpat mask and wake up some time just 170 00:08:14,720 --> 00:08:18,640 Speaker 4: to make sure he's breathing. I can see the wheels 171 00:08:18,640 --> 00:08:19,560 Speaker 4: spinning in your head. 172 00:08:19,680 --> 00:08:21,920 Speaker 3: I'm just worried. About Dad. I mean, if you don't 173 00:08:21,960 --> 00:08:24,920 Speaker 3: see a doctor. He has his reasons. You know that 174 00:08:25,000 --> 00:08:25,880 Speaker 3: they're irrational. 175 00:08:26,880 --> 00:08:28,560 Speaker 4: How would you feel if Kay died because of a 176 00:08:28,600 --> 00:08:30,800 Speaker 4: misdiagnosis followed by an unnecessary surgery. 177 00:08:31,440 --> 00:08:32,720 Speaker 3: I wouldn't swear off doctors. 178 00:08:33,640 --> 00:08:35,520 Speaker 4: Remember what you did to that kid on our street 179 00:08:35,559 --> 00:08:36,520 Speaker 4: who made fun of Kay? 180 00:08:37,240 --> 00:08:38,520 Speaker 2: No, yes, he do. 181 00:08:39,960 --> 00:08:40,640 Speaker 3: I really don't. 182 00:08:41,679 --> 00:08:43,680 Speaker 4: You convinced him he had a brain tumor and that 183 00:08:43,720 --> 00:08:47,160 Speaker 4: he'd die within the week. What I thought you'd. 184 00:08:47,000 --> 00:08:50,920 Speaker 3: Remember something like that? Yeah, well, here we are. 185 00:08:52,760 --> 00:08:54,760 Speaker 4: What would you do if what happened to Uncle John 186 00:08:54,800 --> 00:08:55,480 Speaker 4: happened to Kay? 187 00:08:57,760 --> 00:08:59,440 Speaker 3: I'd burn that hospitals to the ground. 188 00:09:00,120 --> 00:09:04,760 Speaker 4: Does that seem rational to you? 189 00:09:04,800 --> 00:09:05,079 Speaker 2: Maybe? 190 00:09:05,080 --> 00:09:06,600 Speaker 4: Don't judge your father so harshly. 191 00:09:08,320 --> 00:09:09,120 Speaker 3: How are you sleeping? 192 00:09:09,200 --> 00:09:11,640 Speaker 2: What the hell are you doing? Why are you asking 193 00:09:11,720 --> 00:09:13,360 Speaker 2: us a bunch of questions about sleep? 194 00:09:13,440 --> 00:09:15,840 Speaker 3: I'm trying to make sure Dad's okay, and his problem 195 00:09:15,880 --> 00:09:17,960 Speaker 3: is sleep. So I asked questions about sleep. 196 00:09:18,160 --> 00:09:20,320 Speaker 2: Mom, and I aren't experiencing sleep problems. 197 00:09:20,360 --> 00:09:23,640 Speaker 3: I'm isolating variables. Since I haven't been here, I don't 198 00:09:23,679 --> 00:09:26,560 Speaker 3: know what's going on in the house. Have you been 199 00:09:26,559 --> 00:09:27,520 Speaker 3: having nightmares at all? 200 00:09:29,080 --> 00:09:30,840 Speaker 2: No? 201 00:09:30,920 --> 00:09:32,160 Speaker 3: Tell me how you feel. 202 00:09:33,720 --> 00:09:34,560 Speaker 5: I feel like shit. 203 00:09:35,320 --> 00:09:37,960 Speaker 3: Did you have any nightmares? Hi? 204 00:09:39,360 --> 00:09:43,360 Speaker 5: Yeah, you can barely talk? 205 00:09:45,120 --> 00:09:47,560 Speaker 2: Hat laid down. 206 00:09:49,800 --> 00:09:50,880 Speaker 4: I dreamt about it too. 207 00:09:52,120 --> 00:09:54,400 Speaker 3: On a scale of one to ten, how vivid was it? 208 00:09:54,400 --> 00:09:56,280 Speaker 4: As vivid as you standing right in front of me? 209 00:09:58,400 --> 00:10:00,000 Speaker 2: It was the worst sleep I've ever had? 210 00:10:01,160 --> 00:10:02,360 Speaker 3: But did you have nightmares? 211 00:10:02,960 --> 00:10:06,320 Speaker 2: No? Good? So feel good. 212 00:10:08,280 --> 00:10:10,120 Speaker 3: I'm sure it'll pass in a few days. 213 00:10:10,559 --> 00:10:13,400 Speaker 2: We were all fine before you started cooking for us. 214 00:10:14,800 --> 00:10:15,520 Speaker 3: What's that phase for? 215 00:10:15,720 --> 00:10:16,439 Speaker 2: It was a joke? 216 00:10:21,240 --> 00:10:22,040 Speaker 3: Okay, I. 217 00:10:27,520 --> 00:10:28,520 Speaker 2: Don't want to see this. 218 00:10:29,160 --> 00:10:29,719 Speaker 3: You need to. 219 00:10:32,120 --> 00:10:32,480 Speaker 2: Wake or? 220 00:10:32,520 --> 00:10:39,240 Speaker 3: Are they sleep neither? Ghost? I feel like what they 221 00:10:39,280 --> 00:10:39,720 Speaker 3: look like? 222 00:10:40,880 --> 00:10:43,000 Speaker 5: How much did you sleep last night? 223 00:10:43,760 --> 00:10:45,360 Speaker 3: Maybe forty five minutes? 224 00:10:46,280 --> 00:10:47,600 Speaker 2: I feel like I'm going to die. 225 00:10:47,880 --> 00:10:51,679 Speaker 3: Don't say that. If you say it, you'll think it. 226 00:10:56,440 --> 00:11:01,679 Speaker 2: No, they can't get up, No, seriously, I can't get up. 227 00:11:01,720 --> 00:11:04,600 Speaker 2: Don't really lift me. I need to stay down. 228 00:11:05,800 --> 00:11:06,680 Speaker 3: It's gonna be okay. 229 00:11:07,520 --> 00:11:11,439 Speaker 2: You're resorting empty nothings. Must be worse than I thought. 230 00:11:14,920 --> 00:11:17,760 Speaker 2: I feel so sick. I want to die. 231 00:11:20,679 --> 00:11:24,480 Speaker 3: Subject for has slept around forty five to ninety minutes 232 00:11:24,559 --> 00:11:29,800 Speaker 3: a night for four nights now, scattered Still no dreams 233 00:11:29,800 --> 00:11:30,600 Speaker 3: about the shadow? 234 00:11:30,760 --> 00:11:33,760 Speaker 2: Are you saying I don't understand what you're saying. 235 00:11:33,920 --> 00:11:36,280 Speaker 3: Nothing, okay, I'm just trying to understand what's happening. Don't listen, 236 00:11:36,400 --> 00:11:41,840 Speaker 3: just just stay down. Subject for is experiencing fatigue, exhaustion, 237 00:11:42,280 --> 00:11:45,360 Speaker 3: micro sleep has increased each of the last four days. 238 00:11:45,440 --> 00:11:47,360 Speaker 2: What the fuck are you saying? 239 00:11:48,720 --> 00:11:51,760 Speaker 3: Subject for hidened attention and irritability. 240 00:11:55,160 --> 00:11:56,920 Speaker 2: Isn't that wrong with us? 241 00:11:58,679 --> 00:12:02,359 Speaker 3: Subject Too's eyes are closed? He has started hallucinating. 242 00:12:02,520 --> 00:12:03,280 Speaker 2: Who are you? 243 00:12:04,160 --> 00:12:10,360 Speaker 3: It's me, Dad, your daughter? I have a daughter. You 244 00:12:10,440 --> 00:12:17,400 Speaker 3: have two. Subject too has severe memory impairment. Subject three 245 00:12:17,640 --> 00:12:23,280 Speaker 3: displaying flu like symptoms. D currently lucid D. I don't 246 00:12:23,320 --> 00:12:26,280 Speaker 3: feel well. Do you see anything in the room here 247 00:12:26,320 --> 00:12:30,880 Speaker 3: with us? No? Subject three not displaying signs of hallucination. 248 00:12:32,160 --> 00:12:34,760 Speaker 3: Do you need to go to the hospital? No? 249 00:12:34,960 --> 00:12:37,000 Speaker 2: And your father does shit? 250 00:12:38,120 --> 00:12:44,760 Speaker 3: I know, Dad, Dad? Dad? Do you need to get 251 00:12:44,760 --> 00:12:48,240 Speaker 3: out of bed? Oh, we're not going to the hospital. 252 00:12:48,440 --> 00:12:49,720 Speaker 5: John says, you're lying to me. 253 00:12:50,240 --> 00:12:51,400 Speaker 3: Uncle John's dead. 254 00:12:51,600 --> 00:12:51,880 Speaker 2: Dad. 255 00:12:52,120 --> 00:12:55,480 Speaker 5: That's what I thought too, But he's right there in 256 00:12:55,520 --> 00:12:56,160 Speaker 5: the corner. 257 00:12:58,679 --> 00:13:01,000 Speaker 3: I'm going to put your arm around. You need to 258 00:13:01,040 --> 00:13:02,600 Speaker 3: get up. It's for your own good. 259 00:13:04,480 --> 00:13:20,439 Speaker 6: You're hurting me, Dad, I'm binding it's for your own good. 260 00:13:19,720 --> 00:13:27,160 Speaker 2: Do DoD God, you kill my brother. 261 00:13:32,679 --> 00:13:39,040 Speaker 3: Subject on me, Sadie Craft, I'm now averaging two hours 262 00:13:39,080 --> 00:13:43,360 Speaker 3: of sleep to night, and every night for the last 263 00:13:43,679 --> 00:13:46,959 Speaker 3: five nights, I've seen the shadow and what it's doing 264 00:13:47,040 --> 00:13:53,840 Speaker 3: to my family and their sleep, choking my father and 265 00:13:54,120 --> 00:13:59,640 Speaker 3: squeezing my mother's heart. I suspect when I fall asleep tonight, 266 00:13:59,760 --> 00:14:03,640 Speaker 3: I'll dream of doctor Fuller, the man my father holds 267 00:14:03,679 --> 00:14:07,839 Speaker 3: responsible for the death of his brother, my uncle John. 268 00:14:11,240 --> 00:14:17,240 Speaker 3: I'm possibly experiencing delusions. My family and I are hitting 269 00:14:17,320 --> 00:14:21,840 Speaker 3: our physical and mental limits. I'm going to wait for 270 00:14:21,880 --> 00:14:24,120 Speaker 3: my dad to fall asleep, and then I'm taking the 271 00:14:24,160 --> 00:14:36,920 Speaker 3: whole family to the hospital tomorrow. I fell asleep suddenly 272 00:14:37,280 --> 00:14:45,560 Speaker 3: last night. It is now May eighteenth, two pm, two pm. 273 00:14:46,080 --> 00:14:51,040 Speaker 3: I must have suffered twelve hours. Mom that. 274 00:14:57,080 --> 00:14:57,320 Speaker 7: Mom? 275 00:15:00,000 --> 00:15:07,240 Speaker 4: Okay, okay, okay, I'm fine. 276 00:15:09,000 --> 00:15:24,720 Speaker 2: I actually slept. Did Mom and Dad sleep too, Sadie? Now, don't. 277 00:15:37,960 --> 00:15:38,400 Speaker 3: You're right? 278 00:15:38,440 --> 00:15:42,280 Speaker 2: Okay? 279 00:15:43,160 --> 00:15:45,320 Speaker 3: Okay? 280 00:15:46,040 --> 00:15:50,000 Speaker 2: As a neuroscientist, are you allowed to prescribe medication. 281 00:15:51,760 --> 00:15:54,000 Speaker 3: One day with the right job? Yes? 282 00:15:55,440 --> 00:16:00,680 Speaker 2: Why a detective came over here today, his cards on 283 00:16:00,720 --> 00:16:04,520 Speaker 2: the table there, He left it in case I had 284 00:16:04,560 --> 00:16:05,520 Speaker 2: a reason to call. 285 00:16:06,640 --> 00:16:07,400 Speaker 3: What did he want? 286 00:16:09,160 --> 00:16:14,520 Speaker 2: You have no idea what he wanted. No, he came 287 00:16:14,600 --> 00:16:18,360 Speaker 2: here after speaking to the coroner. The coroner told him 288 00:16:18,400 --> 00:16:21,920 Speaker 2: that mom and Dad died of heart attacks. He said 289 00:16:21,920 --> 00:16:24,840 Speaker 2: the heart attacks were likely caused by underlying conditions, but 290 00:16:25,040 --> 00:16:28,360 Speaker 2: that might not have happened if their bodies weren't weakened 291 00:16:29,440 --> 00:16:33,480 Speaker 2: by several days without sleep, which seems to have been 292 00:16:33,560 --> 00:16:36,240 Speaker 2: a result of certain drugs in their systems which they 293 00:16:36,280 --> 00:16:42,920 Speaker 2: weren't prescribed, sodium occipate and novoxen. He asked me, if 294 00:16:42,920 --> 00:16:44,720 Speaker 2: I had an explanation for that. 295 00:16:50,080 --> 00:16:50,960 Speaker 3: What did you tell him? 296 00:16:52,760 --> 00:16:53,160 Speaker 2: Nothing? 297 00:16:53,200 --> 00:16:57,880 Speaker 3: That'll get you in trouble. I know how this looks. 298 00:16:58,080 --> 00:17:00,800 Speaker 3: Oh my god, I knew what I was doing. 299 00:17:00,920 --> 00:17:05,440 Speaker 2: You drugged us. I had to. What do you mean 300 00:17:05,480 --> 00:17:06,280 Speaker 2: you had to? 301 00:17:06,600 --> 00:17:08,879 Speaker 3: No doctor would prescribe them, and I knew you wouldn't 302 00:17:08,880 --> 00:17:10,560 Speaker 3: listen to me if I told you what I was doing. 303 00:17:12,760 --> 00:17:15,680 Speaker 2: How can you stand there and act like you did 304 00:17:15,720 --> 00:17:16,480 Speaker 2: the right thing? 305 00:17:16,760 --> 00:17:19,960 Speaker 3: Because I did. I know it didn't work, but it 306 00:17:20,040 --> 00:17:22,360 Speaker 3: was the only way to give them a chance. Give 307 00:17:22,440 --> 00:17:26,399 Speaker 3: them a chance, Yes, give them a chance. I promise 308 00:17:26,440 --> 00:17:30,040 Speaker 3: you those drugs didn't kill them. How can you possibly 309 00:17:30,080 --> 00:17:33,600 Speaker 3: say that for sure? Because I'm fucking sure you think 310 00:17:33,600 --> 00:17:34,760 Speaker 3: I would ever. 311 00:17:34,600 --> 00:17:38,520 Speaker 2: Do anything to hurt you or Mom or Dad. I 312 00:17:38,600 --> 00:17:43,960 Speaker 2: think you played god and it didn't work. And now 313 00:17:44,000 --> 00:17:46,639 Speaker 2: you're doubling down because you can't admit you're wrong. 314 00:17:47,880 --> 00:17:51,240 Speaker 3: Okay, I get how you feel, but I need you 315 00:17:51,320 --> 00:17:52,560 Speaker 3: to trust me right now. 316 00:17:52,640 --> 00:17:55,960 Speaker 2: You know, Mom told me something a few days before 317 00:17:56,000 --> 00:17:58,879 Speaker 2: she died. She asked me never to repeat it, but 318 00:18:00,080 --> 00:18:03,920 Speaker 2: I guess it doesn't matter now. I was depressed about 319 00:18:03,920 --> 00:18:07,320 Speaker 2: them not caring about my essay and you being the favorite, 320 00:18:07,560 --> 00:18:11,919 Speaker 2: and she was trying to make me feel better. And 321 00:18:12,160 --> 00:18:16,360 Speaker 2: she told me that she used to be afraid of 322 00:18:16,400 --> 00:18:20,160 Speaker 2: you because when you were a baby, you wouldn't smile 323 00:18:20,400 --> 00:18:24,560 Speaker 2: and you wouldn't laugh. She didn't know if you really 324 00:18:24,560 --> 00:18:28,240 Speaker 2: loved them or if you could. And I said that 325 00:18:28,280 --> 00:18:30,560 Speaker 2: you were a little callous, but you had a good heart. 326 00:18:32,160 --> 00:18:34,480 Speaker 2: Oh why she was right the first time. 327 00:18:35,720 --> 00:18:46,439 Speaker 3: You're sociopaths. I don't feel safe around you. I I 328 00:18:46,520 --> 00:18:53,400 Speaker 3: understand why you're upset, but I just lost my parents too. 329 00:18:53,560 --> 00:18:54,200 Speaker 2: You should leave. 330 00:18:56,200 --> 00:18:56,920 Speaker 3: What do you mean? 331 00:18:57,080 --> 00:19:01,080 Speaker 2: You should go back to Boston? Okay, come on, leave 332 00:19:01,480 --> 00:19:03,000 Speaker 2: or I'm calling that number on the car. 333 00:19:03,080 --> 00:19:22,040 Speaker 7: You're not being serious, I am, and take this fucking 334 00:19:22,080 --> 00:19:28,840 Speaker 7: thing with you, How do you feel. 335 00:19:31,920 --> 00:19:33,320 Speaker 3: Like a total bitch. 336 00:20:47,160 --> 00:20:50,600 Speaker 1: You're listening to? Dream Sequence? Written and created by Andrew 337 00:20:50,640 --> 00:20:54,040 Speaker 1: Martin Robinson, directed by Dave Beasley. 338 00:20:53,600 --> 00:20:54,480 Speaker 4: And John Brooks. 339 00:20:55,160 --> 00:20:59,199 Speaker 1: Executive producers are Molly Barton, John Brooks, Dave Beasley and 340 00:20:59,280 --> 00:21:03,639 Speaker 1: Marcy Wiseman for realm Alex Williams, Matt Frederick and Trevor 341 00:21:03,680 --> 00:21:07,159 Speaker 1: Young for iHeart Podcasts, Chris Dicky and Noah Feinberg for 342 00:21:07,200 --> 00:21:12,360 Speaker 1: Blumhouse Television, starring Jesse Case and Alice Kremelberg, with performances 343 00:21:12,400 --> 00:21:17,960 Speaker 1: by Shalini, Bethina Einer, Gunn, Nick Osborne, Winifred, Anne Concannon, 344 00:21:18,400 --> 00:21:24,199 Speaker 1: Tara Brown, Emily Barry, Linnelle Scott, Shannon McClung, Dave Huber, 345 00:21:24,760 --> 00:21:31,760 Speaker 1: Hugo Armstrong, Cooper, Tomilson, Joel Haberley, samaj Miller, Dean Simone, 346 00:21:31,800 --> 00:21:36,200 Speaker 1: and Brian Finney. Additional voices by Patrick Higney, Fred Greenhoalg 347 00:21:36,480 --> 00:21:41,159 Speaker 1: John Brooks, Christina Teleska, and Kaylin West. Casting by Sunday Bowling, 348 00:21:41,280 --> 00:21:45,800 Speaker 1: Kennedy CSA and Meg Mormon CSA. Producers for realm are 349 00:21:45,840 --> 00:21:51,120 Speaker 1: Fred Greenholge, Marcus Thorne, Magala and Rhoda Bayessa Associate producer 350 00:21:51,200 --> 00:21:56,960 Speaker 1: Michael Colter, Production Manager, Devin Shepherd, Production Coordinator Angela Yee. 351 00:21:57,359 --> 00:22:01,240 Speaker 1: Dialogue editing by Corey Barton, sound as by rory o'shay 352 00:22:01,640 --> 00:22:05,359 Speaker 1: Dan Powell and Kaylan West. Final mix by Kaylan West. 353 00:22:05,880 --> 00:22:09,760 Speaker 1: Original score composed by Marcus Thorne Pagala Songs for Josie 354 00:22:09,800 --> 00:22:13,960 Speaker 1: by Kaylan West. Recorded at Real Voice Los Angeles and Citybox, 355 00:22:14,040 --> 00:22:17,080 Speaker 1: New York City. This podcast was recorded under a SAG 356 00:22:17,080 --> 00:22:20,919 Speaker 1: after collective bargaining agreement. Dream Sequence is a production of 357 00:22:20,960 --> 00:22:25,560 Speaker 1: iHeart Podcasts, Blumhouse Television, and Realm. Find more great podcasts 358 00:22:25,560 --> 00:22:29,280 Speaker 1: by visiting the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you 359 00:22:29,359 --> 00:22:30,600 Speaker 1: listen to your favorite show.