1 00:00:09,080 --> 00:00:28,520 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Blackie a 2 00:00:28,680 --> 00:00:41,400 Speaker 1: Lost Cat. Chapter one, Blackie Hears something. Blackie was a cat. 3 00:00:43,400 --> 00:00:47,000 Speaker 1: Now that I have told you this much, I think 4 00:00:47,040 --> 00:00:51,919 Speaker 1: you can guess why that was her name. It was 5 00:00:51,960 --> 00:00:56,280 Speaker 1: because she was as black as a coal or a 6 00:00:56,320 --> 00:00:59,600 Speaker 1: bit of tar from the barrel which stood on the 7 00:00:59,640 --> 00:01:05,440 Speaker 1: street when the men were fixing the roof. Blackie did 8 00:01:05,520 --> 00:01:09,959 Speaker 1: not have so much as a speck or a single 9 00:01:10,160 --> 00:01:15,760 Speaker 1: hair of white in her glossy coat of fur. And 10 00:01:15,880 --> 00:01:20,280 Speaker 1: on a dark night, if you were to look for Blackie, 11 00:01:20,480 --> 00:01:24,160 Speaker 1: I think you would not have found her, for she 12 00:01:24,280 --> 00:01:30,000 Speaker 1: looked just like a bit of dark itself. When you 13 00:01:30,120 --> 00:01:33,760 Speaker 1: first looked at Blackie, you might have thought she was 14 00:01:34,120 --> 00:01:41,080 Speaker 1: just like other cats. But she was not. She was 15 00:01:41,120 --> 00:01:47,920 Speaker 1: a very smart cat, and so many things happened to her, 16 00:01:48,560 --> 00:01:53,520 Speaker 1: and she had so many adventures that I am going 17 00:01:53,640 --> 00:02:00,560 Speaker 1: to tell you about them. Once upon a time, not 18 00:02:00,840 --> 00:02:05,800 Speaker 1: so very many years ago, Blackie lived in a fine 19 00:02:06,240 --> 00:02:11,600 Speaker 1: large house with a little boy and girl named Arthur 20 00:02:12,440 --> 00:02:19,320 Speaker 1: and Mabel. Of course, the Papa and Mamma of Arthur 21 00:02:19,400 --> 00:02:22,800 Speaker 1: and Mabel lived in the house too, but as the 22 00:02:22,919 --> 00:02:26,320 Speaker 1: children were the ones who played with Blackie and looked 23 00:02:26,360 --> 00:02:30,480 Speaker 1: after her, giving her milk and good things to eat. 24 00:02:30,960 --> 00:02:36,640 Speaker 1: It seems best to say that Blackie lived with them. 25 00:02:37,360 --> 00:02:40,959 Speaker 1: Now it's your turn to feed Blackie. Mabel would call 26 00:02:41,040 --> 00:02:45,320 Speaker 1: to her brother, all right, Arthur would answer, I'll give 27 00:02:45,320 --> 00:02:52,240 Speaker 1: her the milk right away. The children never had to 28 00:02:52,280 --> 00:02:56,920 Speaker 1: be told twice to look after their pet cat, for 29 00:02:57,040 --> 00:03:03,600 Speaker 1: they loved Blackie very much, though the children's father or 30 00:03:03,680 --> 00:03:07,720 Speaker 1: mother often had to tell them twice or perhaps even 31 00:03:07,919 --> 00:03:12,200 Speaker 1: three times to go to the store or run on 32 00:03:12,240 --> 00:03:17,680 Speaker 1: an errand just one telling was enough when it was 33 00:03:17,720 --> 00:03:23,840 Speaker 1: about Blackie. I certainly have a good home here, thought 34 00:03:23,880 --> 00:03:27,680 Speaker 1: the black cat, and Arthur and Mabel are very kind 35 00:03:27,720 --> 00:03:36,080 Speaker 1: to me. Yes, I certainly am a lucky cat. Of course, 36 00:03:36,120 --> 00:03:40,200 Speaker 1: Blackie did not say this out loud, for neither cats, 37 00:03:40,360 --> 00:03:43,960 Speaker 1: nor dogs nor other animals can speak as we do. 38 00:03:45,080 --> 00:03:49,760 Speaker 1: But they can make noises such as mewing or barking, 39 00:03:50,440 --> 00:03:54,480 Speaker 1: and I think that is for them talking in their 40 00:03:54,520 --> 00:03:59,040 Speaker 1: own way, just as much as we talk in ours, 41 00:04:01,320 --> 00:04:06,160 Speaker 1: and cats and other animals think too, I believe. Else, 42 00:04:06,840 --> 00:04:09,200 Speaker 1: how would they know enough to come to the same 43 00:04:09,240 --> 00:04:13,800 Speaker 1: place many times to be fed, or how would they 44 00:04:13,840 --> 00:04:16,000 Speaker 1: know how to find their way home when they have 45 00:04:16,200 --> 00:04:22,960 Speaker 1: gone far off. Of course, cats and dogs often get lost, 46 00:04:23,760 --> 00:04:28,360 Speaker 1: for they may go so far that they cannot find 47 00:04:28,440 --> 00:04:32,520 Speaker 1: the way back again. So you might say from that, 48 00:04:32,720 --> 00:04:37,880 Speaker 1: I suppose that cats can't think. But then did you 49 00:04:38,600 --> 00:04:43,960 Speaker 1: never get lost? Yes, I'm sure you must have at 50 00:04:44,040 --> 00:04:48,920 Speaker 1: least once, and you can think. I know, but you 51 00:04:48,960 --> 00:04:55,719 Speaker 1: could not find your way home alone. I know cats 52 00:04:55,960 --> 00:05:00,320 Speaker 1: and dogs think, and that they can talk to one 53 00:05:00,320 --> 00:05:05,360 Speaker 1: another too, in their own language. So it isn't at 54 00:05:05,400 --> 00:05:10,160 Speaker 1: all strange that Blackie should think about what a good 55 00:05:10,279 --> 00:05:14,520 Speaker 1: home she had and how kind the little boy and 56 00:05:14,680 --> 00:05:21,440 Speaker 1: girl were to her. Now, Blackie, said Mabel one day 57 00:05:21,839 --> 00:05:25,040 Speaker 1: as she got ready for school. Be a good cat 58 00:05:25,080 --> 00:05:29,560 Speaker 1: today and don't run off. Put the red ribbon with 59 00:05:29,640 --> 00:05:33,520 Speaker 1: the bell around her neck, said Arthur as he gathered 60 00:05:33,600 --> 00:05:37,039 Speaker 1: up his school books. Then if Blackie goes away, we 61 00:05:37,120 --> 00:05:41,320 Speaker 1: can listen for the bell and find her. Oh, yes, 62 00:05:41,960 --> 00:05:46,919 Speaker 1: that's what I'll do, said Mabel. Here Blackie called the 63 00:05:46,960 --> 00:05:52,839 Speaker 1: little girl, Come and have your ribbon put on. There 64 00:05:53,200 --> 00:05:58,440 Speaker 1: was a pretty red ribbon for Blackie's neck, and it 65 00:05:58,720 --> 00:06:03,440 Speaker 1: always looked nice on the cat because black and red 66 00:06:04,080 --> 00:06:09,720 Speaker 1: seemed to go well together. I think they match, as 67 00:06:09,760 --> 00:06:13,640 Speaker 1: the ladies say, though, I don't know much about such things. 68 00:06:14,640 --> 00:06:18,000 Speaker 1: I know when a team of horses match and go 69 00:06:18,120 --> 00:06:21,840 Speaker 1: well together, and when two dogs or two cats are 70 00:06:21,880 --> 00:06:26,040 Speaker 1: well matched. But I'm afraid I can't tell much about 71 00:06:26,160 --> 00:06:32,839 Speaker 1: ribbons and such things matching. Anyhow, A lady told me 72 00:06:33,000 --> 00:06:37,400 Speaker 1: black and Red matched or went well together, and I 73 00:06:37,480 --> 00:06:41,000 Speaker 1: guess she is right. And I know that the red 74 00:06:41,080 --> 00:06:44,920 Speaker 1: ribbon looked very pretty on Blackie's neck, for I saw 75 00:06:44,960 --> 00:06:51,320 Speaker 1: it there myself. There, exclaimed Mabel, as she tied the 76 00:06:51,400 --> 00:06:55,640 Speaker 1: ribbon into a pretty bow. Now, you won't get lost, Blackie, 77 00:06:55,920 --> 00:06:58,920 Speaker 1: and when I come home from school, i'll find you here. 78 00:07:01,600 --> 00:07:06,280 Speaker 1: Blackie lifted one velvety paw and shook her head. This 79 00:07:06,440 --> 00:07:10,720 Speaker 1: made the little brass bell tinkle. You can hear that. 80 00:07:10,840 --> 00:07:14,520 Speaker 1: A good way off, said Arthur. When I come home 81 00:07:14,560 --> 00:07:17,280 Speaker 1: from school, I'm going to try to teach Blackie the 82 00:07:17,320 --> 00:07:22,720 Speaker 1: trick of standing in the corner. She can do one trick, now, 83 00:07:23,120 --> 00:07:26,040 Speaker 1: said Mabel. She can jump through my hands when I 84 00:07:26,080 --> 00:07:29,840 Speaker 1: hold them in front of her like a hoop. Can 85 00:07:29,880 --> 00:07:35,559 Speaker 1: she asked Arthur. Let's see her do it. Children don't 86 00:07:35,560 --> 00:07:40,200 Speaker 1: be late for school, called their mother from the dining room. 87 00:07:41,240 --> 00:07:45,560 Speaker 1: No we won't, mother, answered Mabel. I'm just going to 88 00:07:45,600 --> 00:07:52,560 Speaker 1: have Blackie do one trick. Come here, Blackie. Blackie always 89 00:07:52,680 --> 00:07:56,480 Speaker 1: came when the little boy or girl called her, for 90 00:07:56,600 --> 00:08:00,080 Speaker 1: the black cat knew she would be petted or give 91 00:08:00,120 --> 00:08:05,680 Speaker 1: in something nice to eat each time. This time, Mabel 92 00:08:05,840 --> 00:08:09,800 Speaker 1: stroked Blackie's soft fur and then put the cat down 93 00:08:09,840 --> 00:08:13,320 Speaker 1: in front of her behind her arms, which she held 94 00:08:13,560 --> 00:08:19,840 Speaker 1: in a round ring jump through. Blackie called Mabel. And 95 00:08:19,920 --> 00:08:24,200 Speaker 1: Blackie did see, said the little girl to her brother. 96 00:08:24,480 --> 00:08:30,200 Speaker 1: Didn't Blackie do that trick nicely? She sure did, exclaimed Arthur. 97 00:08:30,720 --> 00:08:33,000 Speaker 1: And when I come home from school, I'll teach her 98 00:08:33,000 --> 00:08:37,360 Speaker 1: to stand on her hind legs in a corner. Come now, 99 00:08:37,440 --> 00:08:42,640 Speaker 1: children run along, called the mother, and Arthur and Mabel, 100 00:08:43,080 --> 00:08:51,600 Speaker 1: having each patted Blackie once more, hurried off to school. Well, 101 00:08:52,000 --> 00:08:55,160 Speaker 1: I think now I will go and take a little sleep, 102 00:08:56,120 --> 00:08:59,440 Speaker 1: said Blackie to herself. Then I will go out and 103 00:08:59,480 --> 00:09:02,080 Speaker 1: see if I can find another cat to play with 104 00:09:02,679 --> 00:09:08,760 Speaker 1: until the children come home. For Blackie loved to play 105 00:09:09,679 --> 00:09:13,800 Speaker 1: and she was sometimes lonesome when the children were not home. 106 00:09:15,840 --> 00:09:19,360 Speaker 1: Mabel had made a little cushion for Blackie, and this 107 00:09:19,480 --> 00:09:22,959 Speaker 1: cushion was kept in one corner of the dining room. 108 00:09:23,480 --> 00:09:28,720 Speaker 1: Where the sun shone good part of the day. Blackie 109 00:09:28,800 --> 00:09:34,760 Speaker 1: liked to sleep in the sun. Yes, I certainly am 110 00:09:34,880 --> 00:09:39,920 Speaker 1: a lucky cat, thought Blackie, to have such a nice 111 00:09:40,000 --> 00:09:43,440 Speaker 1: home and such a good little girl and boy to 112 00:09:43,559 --> 00:09:47,200 Speaker 1: pet me. I have a nice red ribbon too, and 113 00:09:47,280 --> 00:09:53,840 Speaker 1: a bell. Not many cats have things as nice as I. 114 00:09:55,720 --> 00:09:59,760 Speaker 1: Blackie was sure of this. For a number of times 115 00:10:00,160 --> 00:10:04,680 Speaker 1: she had seen on the back fence other cats whose 116 00:10:04,800 --> 00:10:10,040 Speaker 1: fur was all scraggly and rough, who looked poor and thin, 117 00:10:10,720 --> 00:10:16,640 Speaker 1: and who seemed scared almost to death. Once Blackie had 118 00:10:16,679 --> 00:10:19,920 Speaker 1: spoken to one of these cats, and the cat had 119 00:10:19,960 --> 00:10:24,840 Speaker 1: told Blackie how hungry he was. Why don't you go 120 00:10:24,920 --> 00:10:31,120 Speaker 1: home and eat, asked Blackie. Home. I have no home, sadly, 121 00:10:31,200 --> 00:10:35,120 Speaker 1: exclaimed the strange cat. I had one once, but the 122 00:10:35,160 --> 00:10:39,280 Speaker 1: people moved away, leaving me behind, and since then I 123 00:10:39,320 --> 00:10:43,680 Speaker 1: have eaten as best I can. You are very lucky 124 00:10:43,720 --> 00:10:47,080 Speaker 1: to have such a nice home. Excuse me, I see 125 00:10:47,080 --> 00:10:52,080 Speaker 1: a piece of meat. And with that, the strange cat 126 00:10:52,240 --> 00:10:55,560 Speaker 1: jumped down off the fence and grabbed a bit of 127 00:10:55,679 --> 00:11:00,480 Speaker 1: meat out of the trash can. Ugh, I'm glad I 128 00:11:00,520 --> 00:11:07,680 Speaker 1: don't have to eat that way, thought Blackie. As Blackie 129 00:11:07,760 --> 00:11:11,000 Speaker 1: went to sleep on the soft cushion. She thought of 130 00:11:11,080 --> 00:11:14,760 Speaker 1: the time when she had been a little kitten and 131 00:11:14,840 --> 00:11:18,199 Speaker 1: had lived with her mother and her brothers and sisters 132 00:11:19,000 --> 00:11:24,440 Speaker 1: in a barn in the country. For Blackie's early days 133 00:11:24,840 --> 00:11:29,240 Speaker 1: were spent on a farm, though she did not now 134 00:11:29,280 --> 00:11:35,520 Speaker 1: remember very much about that part of it. Arthur and 135 00:11:35,640 --> 00:11:39,360 Speaker 1: Mabel's father and mother had taken the children on a 136 00:11:39,480 --> 00:11:43,680 Speaker 1: visit to the farm, and it was there the children 137 00:11:43,800 --> 00:11:49,680 Speaker 1: saw the black cat, which they liked very much, so 138 00:11:49,840 --> 00:11:52,920 Speaker 1: the farmer gave her to them, and they named her 139 00:11:52,960 --> 00:11:56,200 Speaker 1: Blackie and brought her home to the city with them. 140 00:11:58,559 --> 00:12:02,840 Speaker 1: Since then, black had lived in the fine house with 141 00:12:02,960 --> 00:12:07,240 Speaker 1: her little boy and girl, and as I say, she 142 00:12:07,400 --> 00:12:11,440 Speaker 1: had a very easy time of it, never wanting for 143 00:12:11,600 --> 00:12:16,120 Speaker 1: anything to eat or for a warm, cozy place to sleep. 144 00:12:19,280 --> 00:12:24,800 Speaker 1: For several hours, Blackie slept on the cushion now and 145 00:12:24,840 --> 00:12:28,640 Speaker 1: then turning around to get more in the sunlight, and 146 00:12:28,679 --> 00:12:31,880 Speaker 1: when she did this, the little brass bell on the 147 00:12:31,920 --> 00:12:39,160 Speaker 1: red ribbon on her neck would go tinkle tinkling. Well, 148 00:12:39,200 --> 00:12:41,640 Speaker 1: I think I'll take a walk out in the yard 149 00:12:41,679 --> 00:12:44,320 Speaker 1: and perhaps I may see another cat to talk to, 150 00:12:45,240 --> 00:12:49,680 Speaker 1: said Blackie as she awakened and stretched first one leg 151 00:12:49,920 --> 00:12:54,160 Speaker 1: and then the other, opening her mouth as wide as 152 00:12:54,160 --> 00:12:58,120 Speaker 1: she could to stretch that too. Blackie was a bit 153 00:12:58,200 --> 00:13:04,400 Speaker 1: lonesome without the children. Out into the yard went the 154 00:13:04,440 --> 00:13:09,320 Speaker 1: black cat. The sun was shining down through the leaves 155 00:13:09,360 --> 00:13:13,840 Speaker 1: of the grape vine, making dancing shadows on the walk below. 156 00:13:15,520 --> 00:13:19,560 Speaker 1: Blackie pretended that these shadows were mice, and that she 157 00:13:19,800 --> 00:13:24,520 Speaker 1: was chasing them. As she was doing this, the black 158 00:13:24,600 --> 00:13:29,000 Speaker 1: cat heard a voice calling to her. What are you doing, 159 00:13:29,920 --> 00:13:35,120 Speaker 1: the voice asked. Blackie looked up and saw another cat 160 00:13:35,559 --> 00:13:40,200 Speaker 1: looking at her over the back fence. This cat was 161 00:13:40,320 --> 00:13:44,959 Speaker 1: mixed gray and white in color. Oh, I'm just having 162 00:13:45,000 --> 00:13:49,520 Speaker 1: a little game by myself, answered Blackie. I do this 163 00:13:49,640 --> 00:13:52,520 Speaker 1: to amuse myself when the children are at school and 164 00:13:52,600 --> 00:13:57,000 Speaker 1: I am alone. Excuse me, but I think you must 165 00:13:57,000 --> 00:14:02,320 Speaker 1: be a strange cat around here. I am muwed the 166 00:14:02,360 --> 00:14:07,360 Speaker 1: other My folks have just moved in the house next door. Oh, 167 00:14:07,400 --> 00:14:10,920 Speaker 1: I saw loads of furniture going in there yesterday, said Blackie. 168 00:14:10,920 --> 00:14:16,199 Speaker 1: But I did not see you. No, I was shut 169 00:14:16,320 --> 00:14:19,480 Speaker 1: up in a box. The new cat said. They were 170 00:14:19,520 --> 00:14:22,320 Speaker 1: afraid I would get lost. I guess they kept me 171 00:14:22,440 --> 00:14:26,360 Speaker 1: down in the cellar until a little while ago. Oh, 172 00:14:26,720 --> 00:14:30,880 Speaker 1: that's too bad, exclaimed Blackie. I guess you are glad 173 00:14:30,880 --> 00:14:35,520 Speaker 1: to be out again, aren't you. Indeed, I am, but 174 00:14:35,600 --> 00:14:37,840 Speaker 1: they kept me down in the cellar so I would 175 00:14:37,840 --> 00:14:41,080 Speaker 1: not be hurt when the furniture was being set around. 176 00:14:41,160 --> 00:14:46,160 Speaker 1: I guess won't you come over and have a game 177 00:14:46,160 --> 00:14:51,000 Speaker 1: of shadow tag, asked the black cat. My name is Blackie, 178 00:14:51,360 --> 00:14:56,480 Speaker 1: she went on, and mineus, Speckle, said the other. I 179 00:14:56,480 --> 00:15:00,920 Speaker 1: suppose you are called Blackie because you are so black, yes, 180 00:15:01,600 --> 00:15:05,120 Speaker 1: answered Blackie. And I think you must be called Speckle 181 00:15:05,280 --> 00:15:11,280 Speaker 1: because you are speckled gray and white. That's it, Speckel answered, 182 00:15:11,800 --> 00:15:17,560 Speaker 1: as he jumped down off the fence. Then the two 183 00:15:17,720 --> 00:15:21,600 Speaker 1: cats had a nice time playing shadow tag under the 184 00:15:21,680 --> 00:15:26,960 Speaker 1: grape arbor. After a while, as they lay down to 185 00:15:27,120 --> 00:15:32,600 Speaker 1: rest on the grass, Speckle asked, did you ever run away? 186 00:15:34,080 --> 00:15:39,760 Speaker 1: Run away? Exclaimed Blacky? What's that? Why don't you know, 187 00:15:40,960 --> 00:15:45,200 Speaker 1: went on Speckle. In some surprise, to run away is 188 00:15:45,240 --> 00:15:49,560 Speaker 1: to leave your home and go off to have adventures. 189 00:15:50,720 --> 00:15:55,840 Speaker 1: What are adventures? Blackie wanted to know. Oh, things that 190 00:15:56,000 --> 00:16:01,360 Speaker 1: happened to you, replied Speckel. Did you ever run away 191 00:16:01,360 --> 00:16:06,680 Speaker 1: and have adventures? Blackie wanted to know indeed I did, 192 00:16:07,440 --> 00:16:12,200 Speaker 1: Speckel said, somewhat proudly. I have run away more than once, 193 00:16:12,720 --> 00:16:17,640 Speaker 1: and many things happened to me. It was fun, only 194 00:16:18,120 --> 00:16:25,360 Speaker 1: I got hungry sometimes. How do you run away, asked Blackie. 195 00:16:26,280 --> 00:16:30,000 Speaker 1: Why you just run? Speckel said? You walk out of 196 00:16:30,000 --> 00:16:32,560 Speaker 1: the house, just as if you were going out in 197 00:16:32,640 --> 00:16:35,920 Speaker 1: the yard to play, as we did now, and when 198 00:16:36,040 --> 00:16:39,760 Speaker 1: no one is looking, you walk off down the street 199 00:16:40,160 --> 00:16:44,320 Speaker 1: as far as you like. Oh I thought you said, run, 200 00:16:45,080 --> 00:16:50,080 Speaker 1: exclaimed Blackie. Now you are talking about walking away. It's 201 00:16:50,160 --> 00:16:55,160 Speaker 1: all the same, Speckel explained. You can't run all the 202 00:16:55,200 --> 00:16:57,920 Speaker 1: time you are running away. You have to walk part 203 00:16:57,960 --> 00:17:01,080 Speaker 1: of the time or you would get very tired. You 204 00:17:01,240 --> 00:17:08,080 Speaker 1: just try it. Someday, perhaps I shall, Blackie said, I'll 205 00:17:08,119 --> 00:17:13,200 Speaker 1: think about it. I have certainly learned something today. Arthur 206 00:17:13,240 --> 00:17:15,760 Speaker 1: spoke about teaching me a new trick when he came 207 00:17:15,760 --> 00:17:20,200 Speaker 1: home from school. But I have learned something all by myself, 208 00:17:20,760 --> 00:17:24,479 Speaker 1: and that is how to run away. I believe I 209 00:17:24,560 --> 00:17:29,120 Speaker 1: will try it, do, said Speckel. Let me know when 210 00:17:29,160 --> 00:17:31,320 Speaker 1: you are going, and perhaps I will go with you. 211 00:17:32,119 --> 00:17:36,200 Speaker 1: Excuse me, said the mixed color cat. But I hear 212 00:17:36,280 --> 00:17:40,239 Speaker 1: them calling me. I guess my dinner is ready, and 213 00:17:40,359 --> 00:17:45,320 Speaker 1: with that the other cat jumped back over the fence. 214 00:17:49,160 --> 00:17:53,040 Speaker 1: Do you think Blackie will run away and have an adventure? 215 00:17:56,000 --> 00:17:59,960 Speaker 1: Listen for chapter two to see what's going to happen.