1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:25,560 Speaker 1: Welcome sleep tight stories. Long ago, wild rabbit of the 2 00:00:25,640 --> 00:00:34,199 Speaker 1: Northland wore a brown fur coat throughout the year. Today, 3 00:00:34,760 --> 00:00:39,919 Speaker 1: when the long winter months come, wild rabbit changes his 4 00:00:40,080 --> 00:00:43,960 Speaker 1: coat of brown to one that is the color of 5 00:00:44,080 --> 00:00:56,200 Speaker 1: the snow. And this is how the change happened. Wild 6 00:00:56,320 --> 00:01:03,320 Speaker 1: rabbit could not defend himself from his men foes. Almost 7 00:01:03,520 --> 00:01:14,440 Speaker 1: all the animals, foxes of all kinds, wildcats, wolves, wolverines, weasels, 8 00:01:15,120 --> 00:01:21,720 Speaker 1: and ermine hunted wild rabbit for food. Then there were 9 00:01:21,760 --> 00:01:29,920 Speaker 1: the fierce birds, the eagles, hawks and owls. They were 10 00:01:30,160 --> 00:01:37,920 Speaker 1: always on the lookout for rabbits, young or old. The 11 00:01:37,959 --> 00:01:43,880 Speaker 1: result was that with this war continually waged against them, 12 00:01:44,400 --> 00:01:48,240 Speaker 1: the poor rabbits were having a hard time of it, 13 00:01:49,560 --> 00:01:56,400 Speaker 1: especially in winter. They found it very difficult to hide 14 00:01:56,440 --> 00:02:01,160 Speaker 1: themselves when the leaves were off the trees and the 15 00:02:01,200 --> 00:02:08,680 Speaker 1: ground was covered with snow. In those days of long ago, 16 00:02:09,400 --> 00:02:14,240 Speaker 1: the animals used to have a large council. There was 17 00:02:14,280 --> 00:02:17,560 Speaker 1: a great father at the head of each kind of 18 00:02:17,639 --> 00:02:22,680 Speaker 1: animal and bird, and these leaders used to meet and 19 00:02:22,919 --> 00:02:29,320 Speaker 1: talk about the welfare of their kind. There were always 20 00:02:29,520 --> 00:02:36,120 Speaker 1: peace and friendship among them. While at the council they 21 00:02:36,160 --> 00:02:42,920 Speaker 1: appointed a king, and he presided as chief. All the 22 00:02:43,040 --> 00:02:48,200 Speaker 1: animals that had troubles or problems had a right to 23 00:02:48,320 --> 00:02:53,040 Speaker 1: come and speak about them at the council, and if 24 00:02:53,080 --> 00:03:04,480 Speaker 1: it were possible, all wrongs were remedied. Sometimes strange things 25 00:03:04,520 --> 00:03:10,160 Speaker 1: were set. At one council, the bear found great fault 26 00:03:10,480 --> 00:03:14,920 Speaker 1: with the fox who had tricked him and had caused 27 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:19,760 Speaker 1: him to lose his beautiful tail by telling him to 28 00:03:19,919 --> 00:03:24,240 Speaker 1: go and catch fish with it in a big crack 29 00:03:24,440 --> 00:03:30,400 Speaker 1: in the ice. The bear sat fishing so long that 30 00:03:30,440 --> 00:03:35,400 Speaker 1: the crack froze up solid, and to save his life, 31 00:03:36,240 --> 00:03:42,440 Speaker 1: the bear had to break off his tail. But all 32 00:03:42,640 --> 00:03:47,040 Speaker 1: the things they talked about were not so funny, as 33 00:03:47,080 --> 00:03:54,080 Speaker 1: the bear's complained. They had their troubles and dangers, and 34 00:03:54,160 --> 00:04:01,440 Speaker 1: they discussed various plans for improving their condition. So they 35 00:04:01,520 --> 00:04:07,400 Speaker 1: considered how they could best defeat the skill and cleverness 36 00:04:07,440 --> 00:04:15,119 Speaker 1: of human hunters. At one of the council meetings, when 37 00:04:15,160 --> 00:04:19,880 Speaker 1: the rabbits turned to be heard, came he said that 38 00:04:20,000 --> 00:04:25,520 Speaker 1: his people were nearly all destroyed, that the rest of 39 00:04:25,560 --> 00:04:30,880 Speaker 1: the world seemed to be combined against his race, and 40 00:04:30,960 --> 00:04:34,239 Speaker 1: they were getting rid of them by day and night 41 00:04:35,240 --> 00:04:43,520 Speaker 1: in summer and winter. Also, he declared that the rabbits 42 00:04:43,600 --> 00:04:49,840 Speaker 1: had little power to fight against enemies, and therefore his 43 00:04:50,000 --> 00:04:55,599 Speaker 1: people were almost discouraged. But they had sent him to 44 00:04:55,720 --> 00:05:00,520 Speaker 1: the council to see if the members could suggest any 45 00:05:00,640 --> 00:05:07,760 Speaker 1: remedy or plan to save the rabbit race from complete destruction. 46 00:05:11,440 --> 00:05:17,479 Speaker 1: While the rabbit was speaking, the wolverine winked at the wildcat, 47 00:05:18,839 --> 00:05:24,000 Speaker 1: while the fox, although he tried to look serious, could 48 00:05:24,040 --> 00:05:28,480 Speaker 1: not keep his mouth from watering as he thought of 49 00:05:28,560 --> 00:05:35,560 Speaker 1: the many rabbits he intended to eat. Thus it can 50 00:05:35,640 --> 00:05:40,279 Speaker 1: be seen that the rabbit did not get much sympathy 51 00:05:40,920 --> 00:05:46,239 Speaker 1: from his enemies in the council. But his friends, the moose, 52 00:05:46,960 --> 00:05:51,479 Speaker 1: the reindeer, and the mountain goat stood up in the 53 00:05:51,560 --> 00:05:57,359 Speaker 1: meeting and spoke out bravely for their little friend. Indeed, 54 00:05:57,680 --> 00:06:00,480 Speaker 1: they told the animals that they had left laughed at 55 00:06:00,520 --> 00:06:04,640 Speaker 1: the little rabbit's sad story, that if they continued to 56 00:06:04,760 --> 00:06:08,559 Speaker 1: eat all the rabbits they could find, there would soon 57 00:06:09,000 --> 00:06:16,200 Speaker 1: be none left. Then these cruel animals would be the 58 00:06:16,240 --> 00:06:21,559 Speaker 1: greatest sufferers, for what else could they find to eat 59 00:06:22,320 --> 00:06:27,200 Speaker 1: in sufficient numbers to keep them alive if the rabbits 60 00:06:27,839 --> 00:06:36,400 Speaker 1: were all gone. This thought sobered the thoughtless animals at first, 61 00:06:37,240 --> 00:06:41,520 Speaker 1: but they soon resumed their mocking at the poor little 62 00:06:41,600 --> 00:06:46,560 Speaker 1: rabbit and his story. As they happened to be in 63 00:06:46,640 --> 00:06:53,320 Speaker 1: the majority, the council refused to do anything in the matter. 64 00:06:56,480 --> 00:07:00,080 Speaker 1: When the moose heard the decision of the council, he 65 00:07:00,520 --> 00:07:06,480 Speaker 1: very sorry for his poor little brother rabbit. He lowered 66 00:07:06,480 --> 00:07:10,040 Speaker 1: his head and told the rabbit to jump on one 67 00:07:10,080 --> 00:07:16,560 Speaker 1: of his flat horns. The moose then carried him some 68 00:07:16,880 --> 00:07:21,120 Speaker 1: distance away from the council and said, there is no 69 00:07:21,480 --> 00:07:26,960 Speaker 1: hope for you here. Most of the animals live on you, 70 00:07:27,640 --> 00:07:30,960 Speaker 1: and so they will not do anything that will make 71 00:07:31,000 --> 00:07:34,920 Speaker 1: it more difficult for you to be caught than it 72 00:07:35,000 --> 00:07:41,320 Speaker 1: is now. Your only hope is to go to Maniboso 73 00:07:42,000 --> 00:07:46,440 Speaker 1: and see what he can do for you. His name 74 00:07:46,640 --> 00:07:52,600 Speaker 1: was once Manibush, which means great rabbit. So I am 75 00:07:52,720 --> 00:07:56,960 Speaker 1: sure he will be your friend because I think he 76 00:07:57,120 --> 00:08:04,480 Speaker 1: is a distant relative of yours. Away sped the rabbit 77 00:08:05,080 --> 00:08:09,280 Speaker 1: along the route described by the moose, who had lately 78 00:08:09,400 --> 00:08:15,840 Speaker 1: found out where Manuboso was stopping. The rabbit was such 79 00:08:15,880 --> 00:08:19,800 Speaker 1: a timid creature that when he came near to Manuboso, 80 00:08:20,480 --> 00:08:26,520 Speaker 1: he was much afraid that he would not be welcomed. However, 81 00:08:27,160 --> 00:08:32,400 Speaker 1: his case was desperate, and although his heart was thumping 82 00:08:32,480 --> 00:08:37,440 Speaker 1: with fear, he hurried along to have the matter decided 83 00:08:38,240 --> 00:08:48,040 Speaker 1: as soon as possible. To his great joy, he found 84 00:08:48,200 --> 00:08:53,400 Speaker 1: Manuboso in the best humor, and the little creature was 85 00:08:53,520 --> 00:09:00,280 Speaker 1: received most kindly. The Great Master saw how weary the 86 00:09:00,280 --> 00:09:05,679 Speaker 1: little rabbit was after the long journey, so he made 87 00:09:05,720 --> 00:09:12,160 Speaker 1: the little fellow rest on some fragrant grass in the sunshine. 88 00:09:12,480 --> 00:09:16,679 Speaker 1: Then Manuboso went out and brought in some of the 89 00:09:16,800 --> 00:09:22,600 Speaker 1: choicest things in his garden for the rabbit. Tell me 90 00:09:22,800 --> 00:09:29,160 Speaker 1: all your troubles, little brother, said Manaboso, also tell me 91 00:09:29,320 --> 00:09:36,800 Speaker 1: about the council meeting. The rabbit repeated his story and 92 00:09:36,920 --> 00:09:40,760 Speaker 1: told all about the treatment he had received at the council. 93 00:09:43,240 --> 00:09:47,600 Speaker 1: When the Great Master heard how unjustly the little rabbit 94 00:09:47,720 --> 00:09:51,560 Speaker 1: had been treated, he grew very angry, and he said, 95 00:09:52,080 --> 00:09:55,160 Speaker 1: and that is the way they treated little brother at 96 00:09:55,200 --> 00:09:58,319 Speaker 1: the council. We have given them, is it? And they 97 00:09:58,440 --> 00:10:01,840 Speaker 1: know we expect them to give the smallest and weakest 98 00:10:02,400 --> 00:10:05,760 Speaker 1: the same kind of justice as they offered the biggest 99 00:10:05,840 --> 00:10:09,719 Speaker 1: and the strongest. It is high time for someone to 100 00:10:09,840 --> 00:10:13,880 Speaker 1: report the council news to me. If such unfair meetings 101 00:10:13,960 --> 00:10:20,000 Speaker 1: took place. Look out, mister fox, mister wolverine, and mister wildcat, 102 00:10:20,600 --> 00:10:24,559 Speaker 1: for if I take you in hand, you'll be sorry. 103 00:10:24,640 --> 00:10:28,120 Speaker 1: Little brother was obliged to come to Manoboso for help. 104 00:10:30,360 --> 00:10:34,920 Speaker 1: The Great Master had worked himself up into such a 105 00:10:35,160 --> 00:10:40,959 Speaker 1: furious temper that the rabbit was scared almost to death. 106 00:10:42,440 --> 00:10:47,200 Speaker 1: But when Manoboso saw this, he laughed and said, I'm 107 00:10:47,360 --> 00:10:51,080 Speaker 1: sorry to have frightened you, little brother, but I was 108 00:10:51,400 --> 00:10:57,160 Speaker 1: so very angry with those animals for ill treating you 109 00:10:57,960 --> 00:11:03,560 Speaker 1: that I forgot myself. And now tell me what do 110 00:11:03,600 --> 00:11:09,560 Speaker 1: you wish for me to do for you. After a 111 00:11:09,800 --> 00:11:14,920 Speaker 1: long talk about the matter, it was decided that there 112 00:11:14,960 --> 00:11:21,880 Speaker 1: should be two great changes made. First, the eyes of 113 00:11:21,960 --> 00:11:26,560 Speaker 1: the rabbit should be so increased in power that in 114 00:11:26,600 --> 00:11:30,440 Speaker 1: the future they would be able to see by night 115 00:11:31,400 --> 00:11:38,719 Speaker 1: as well as by day. Second, in all the Northland 116 00:11:39,200 --> 00:11:42,760 Speaker 1: where much snow falls during many months of the year, 117 00:11:43,880 --> 00:11:48,360 Speaker 1: the rabbits of that region should change their coats for 118 00:11:48,480 --> 00:11:53,920 Speaker 1: the winter season into a beautiful white color like the snow, 119 00:11:58,520 --> 00:12:02,680 Speaker 1: and the rabbits of the Norseland now have a much 120 00:12:02,760 --> 00:12:08,480 Speaker 1: better time than they had formerly. In their soft white coats, 121 00:12:09,320 --> 00:12:14,400 Speaker 1: they can glide away from their enemies, or they can 122 00:12:14,520 --> 00:12:22,240 Speaker 1: sometimes escape notice by remaining perfectly still on the White Earth.