1 00:00:08,880 --> 00:00:16,959 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep tight stories. Have you 2 00:00:17,120 --> 00:00:22,919 Speaker 1: moved to a new place before and felt lonely? Libby 3 00:00:23,040 --> 00:00:26,880 Speaker 1: has moved to a new house in a new place, 4 00:00:27,760 --> 00:00:30,640 Speaker 1: and she has to go to a new school the 5 00:00:30,680 --> 00:00:37,879 Speaker 1: next day, and she is nervous. Libby is very quiet 6 00:00:38,400 --> 00:00:41,120 Speaker 1: and likes it when people come up and talk to her. 7 00:00:42,680 --> 00:00:46,200 Speaker 1: But at the end of her first day, this has 8 00:00:46,280 --> 00:00:51,040 Speaker 1: not happened yet, and she is dreading what a long 9 00:00:51,360 --> 00:00:57,680 Speaker 1: year it is going to be. As Libby is walking home, 10 00:00:58,320 --> 00:01:02,240 Speaker 1: it feels like someone is fat following her, but every 11 00:01:02,280 --> 00:01:07,720 Speaker 1: time she turns to look, she cannot see anyone. Who 12 00:01:07,760 --> 00:01:22,760 Speaker 1: could it be Margarita the cat who loved pizza. Libby 13 00:01:22,880 --> 00:01:26,720 Speaker 1: sat in her new room on the floor, listening to music. 14 00:01:28,240 --> 00:01:34,000 Speaker 1: Music was her escape. It helped her imagine new worlds 15 00:01:34,280 --> 00:01:39,320 Speaker 1: and new situations for herself. She would dream of being 16 00:01:39,360 --> 00:01:46,080 Speaker 1: a superhero saving people from an incoming tornado, or maybe 17 00:01:46,120 --> 00:01:50,720 Speaker 1: a great public speaker where everyone hung on every word 18 00:01:50,840 --> 00:01:55,440 Speaker 1: she said. Today she was listening to music to try 19 00:01:55,480 --> 00:02:03,440 Speaker 1: and cheer herself up. It wasn't working. Libby and her 20 00:02:03,480 --> 00:02:06,920 Speaker 1: mom had just moved into a new house in a 21 00:02:07,080 --> 00:02:11,600 Speaker 1: new town far from where she grew up and she 22 00:02:11,720 --> 00:02:19,280 Speaker 1: was feeling sad, depressed, and a little anxious. Libby had 23 00:02:19,280 --> 00:02:23,440 Speaker 1: to attend a new school tomorrow midway through the year. 24 00:02:25,040 --> 00:02:28,360 Speaker 1: She knew everyone would stare at her when she walked 25 00:02:28,440 --> 00:02:34,120 Speaker 1: into the school, which would be okay, except Libby was 26 00:02:34,360 --> 00:02:40,120 Speaker 1: super quiet. Libby had a hard time making new friends 27 00:02:40,160 --> 00:02:47,840 Speaker 1: and always hoped kids would approach her first. Seeing Libby 28 00:02:47,880 --> 00:02:51,040 Speaker 1: sitting on the floor, her mother said, Libby, are you 29 00:02:51,160 --> 00:02:59,400 Speaker 1: unpacked yet? Libby? Libby had her music on loud and 30 00:02:59,440 --> 00:03:03,280 Speaker 1: couldn't hear her mother. Her mother would say she didn't 31 00:03:03,320 --> 00:03:05,960 Speaker 1: listen to her when she didn't have her headphones on, 32 00:03:06,560 --> 00:03:10,760 Speaker 1: but sometimes she got so focused or deep in thought 33 00:03:11,360 --> 00:03:17,639 Speaker 1: she didn't notice the outside world. Yes, mom, Libby said, 34 00:03:17,919 --> 00:03:23,119 Speaker 1: seeing her mother wave her hand in front of her face, sighing, 35 00:03:23,200 --> 00:03:28,799 Speaker 1: her mother said, why haven't you unpacked yet? You should 36 00:03:28,800 --> 00:03:31,639 Speaker 1: get everything in order so that when you get ready 37 00:03:31,680 --> 00:03:35,320 Speaker 1: for school tomorrow you won't be looking for something at 38 00:03:35,320 --> 00:03:42,400 Speaker 1: the last minute. Okay, I'll do it, unless there is 39 00:03:42,440 --> 00:03:47,720 Speaker 1: a chance that we might still move back home. No, Libby, 40 00:03:49,480 --> 00:03:53,880 Speaker 1: I understand that moving is difficult for you, but perhaps 41 00:03:53,960 --> 00:03:58,240 Speaker 1: you should think more positively about being here. Look at 42 00:03:58,280 --> 00:04:03,680 Speaker 1: your room, nice and clean and fresh, a blank slate, 43 00:04:04,240 --> 00:04:08,040 Speaker 1: ready for you to leave your personality all over the walls. 44 00:04:09,200 --> 00:04:15,240 Speaker 1: This is a fresh start for us, both right, Libby said, 45 00:04:15,640 --> 00:04:21,920 Speaker 1: trying not to sound negative. I need to go get 46 00:04:21,960 --> 00:04:25,400 Speaker 1: groceries and I hope you will have made some progress 47 00:04:25,440 --> 00:04:28,760 Speaker 1: by the time I get back. Unless you want to 48 00:04:28,800 --> 00:04:32,760 Speaker 1: come with me, her mother asked, you know, I don't 49 00:04:32,839 --> 00:04:37,160 Speaker 1: like the noise of the grocery store. Mom. I'll see 50 00:04:37,200 --> 00:04:44,560 Speaker 1: you in an hour. Then, Libby's first day at school 51 00:04:44,640 --> 00:04:50,320 Speaker 1: went as she expected. People stared, and no one came 52 00:04:50,440 --> 00:04:55,359 Speaker 1: up to her and introduced themselves. She was convinced that 53 00:04:55,520 --> 00:05:01,160 Speaker 1: kids were whispering about her whenever she passed. Her mother 54 00:05:01,400 --> 00:05:05,280 Speaker 1: always told her that sometimes you need to try speaking 55 00:05:05,320 --> 00:05:11,000 Speaker 1: to people first. Still, she also accepted that this felt 56 00:05:11,000 --> 00:05:18,680 Speaker 1: impossible for Libby. Walking home, she felt more anxious and 57 00:05:18,839 --> 00:05:23,680 Speaker 1: sad than the day before. This was going to be 58 00:05:23,800 --> 00:05:30,240 Speaker 1: a long year, she thought. As she was walking, Libby 59 00:05:30,279 --> 00:05:34,920 Speaker 1: thought she heard someone following behind her, but no one 60 00:05:35,040 --> 00:05:40,440 Speaker 1: was there. Each time she turned around after walking a 61 00:05:40,440 --> 00:05:43,560 Speaker 1: little farther, she saw a flash of color in the 62 00:05:43,600 --> 00:05:48,600 Speaker 1: corner of her eye, but when she turned around, no 63 00:05:48,600 --> 00:05:56,120 Speaker 1: one was there. When she rounded the corner onto her street, 64 00:05:56,720 --> 00:06:00,279 Speaker 1: A flash of orange suddenly jumped out from behind kind 65 00:06:00,320 --> 00:06:06,040 Speaker 1: a bush and attacked her leg. It was a cat, 66 00:06:06,520 --> 00:06:11,640 Speaker 1: and it was rubbing up against her. Libby stopped and 67 00:06:11,680 --> 00:06:16,000 Speaker 1: bent down to pet her. Are you lost, little one, 68 00:06:16,440 --> 00:06:19,880 Speaker 1: she asked. You certainly don't look like you have an owner. 69 00:06:22,680 --> 00:06:26,919 Speaker 1: The cat was thin and looked undernourished, with matted and 70 00:06:27,120 --> 00:06:32,039 Speaker 1: dirty fur. The cat looked at Libby with dull eyes, 71 00:06:32,320 --> 00:06:37,400 Speaker 1: but managed to purr ever so quietly when she petted her. 72 00:06:38,480 --> 00:06:41,520 Speaker 1: You look as lonely as I am, Libby said, as 73 00:06:41,560 --> 00:06:46,320 Speaker 1: she stood up to continue walking home. Well, it was 74 00:06:46,400 --> 00:06:48,440 Speaker 1: nice to meet you, but I have to get home 75 00:06:48,960 --> 00:06:56,280 Speaker 1: otherwise my mother will worry about me. Libby walked the 76 00:06:56,320 --> 00:07:00,200 Speaker 1: remaining short distance home, and as she got to her 77 00:07:00,200 --> 00:07:04,880 Speaker 1: front door, felt something rubbing against her leg. It was 78 00:07:04,960 --> 00:07:10,080 Speaker 1: the orange cat again. You really don't have a home 79 00:07:10,120 --> 00:07:13,760 Speaker 1: to go to, do you, Libby said? I guess you 80 00:07:13,840 --> 00:07:16,240 Speaker 1: could come in long enough to get warm and have 81 00:07:16,320 --> 00:07:22,360 Speaker 1: something to eat. Libby opened the door, walked in, and 82 00:07:22,480 --> 00:07:28,440 Speaker 1: the cat followed. Is that you, Libby? I hope you 83 00:07:28,480 --> 00:07:32,400 Speaker 1: don't mind that I ordered pizza for dinner, Libby's mother said, 84 00:07:32,400 --> 00:07:34,800 Speaker 1: as she came out from the kitchen. To greet her. 85 00:07:36,080 --> 00:07:40,040 Speaker 1: How was your first day at What is that? Her 86 00:07:40,040 --> 00:07:44,400 Speaker 1: mother asked, I think it's a stray. Mom. She followed 87 00:07:44,400 --> 00:07:47,640 Speaker 1: me all the way home. Could we at least give 88 00:07:47,680 --> 00:07:54,640 Speaker 1: her something to drink and eat? Oh, Libby, I don't know. Please, Mom, 89 00:07:55,160 --> 00:07:58,720 Speaker 1: she looks so sad and lonely. And you always tell 90 00:07:58,760 --> 00:08:03,040 Speaker 1: me we should be kind to animals. Yes, but I 91 00:08:03,080 --> 00:08:09,080 Speaker 1: didn't mean we should bring home strange cats. While talking, 92 00:08:09,600 --> 00:08:13,200 Speaker 1: the orange cat had already found a spot on their couch, 93 00:08:14,280 --> 00:08:21,800 Speaker 1: curled up in a ball, and fell fast asleep. Looking 94 00:08:21,840 --> 00:08:25,520 Speaker 1: at the couch, Libby said, see, Mom, she has already 95 00:08:25,520 --> 00:08:32,440 Speaker 1: made herself at home. She must be so tired. Sensing 96 00:08:32,520 --> 00:08:35,000 Speaker 1: that there was no way that she was going to 97 00:08:35,080 --> 00:08:40,680 Speaker 1: win this conversation, Libby's mother didn't argue. She thought that 98 00:08:40,800 --> 00:08:43,920 Speaker 1: caring for the cat might help Libby be less anxious 99 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:49,440 Speaker 1: about being in a new home. After she took off 100 00:08:49,440 --> 00:08:52,400 Speaker 1: her coat and shoes, Libby went to the kitchen to 101 00:08:52,440 --> 00:08:58,079 Speaker 1: get something for the cat to eat. First, she tried 102 00:08:58,120 --> 00:09:00,360 Speaker 1: to give the orange cat a drink of meat milk, 103 00:09:00,960 --> 00:09:06,160 Speaker 1: but the cat wouldn't drink it. Then her mother brought 104 00:09:06,200 --> 00:09:09,320 Speaker 1: a bowl of tuna, but the orange cat would not 105 00:09:09,400 --> 00:09:15,319 Speaker 1: eat it. Libby tried giving the cat a leftover hamburger, 106 00:09:15,800 --> 00:09:21,640 Speaker 1: but the orange cat would not eat it. Maybe the 107 00:09:21,679 --> 00:09:25,120 Speaker 1: cat doesn't feel well, Libby. Her mother said, we might 108 00:09:25,200 --> 00:09:30,400 Speaker 1: want to take her to the vet. Just then the 109 00:09:30,480 --> 00:09:36,040 Speaker 1: doorbell rang. It was their pizza, and Libby's mother, after 110 00:09:36,080 --> 00:09:40,040 Speaker 1: paying the delivery person, put the pizza on the kitchen table. 111 00:09:42,640 --> 00:09:45,400 Speaker 1: Let's eat dinner first, and then we can decide how 112 00:09:45,440 --> 00:09:51,199 Speaker 1: to help the cat. Her mother suggested, this smells delicious, mom, 113 00:09:51,840 --> 00:09:54,720 Speaker 1: Libby said, as the smell of the pizza filled their house. 114 00:09:57,600 --> 00:10:00,800 Speaker 1: As they were eating, the orange cat came into the 115 00:10:00,920 --> 00:10:05,800 Speaker 1: kitchen and rubbed against Libby's leg. Looking up at her, 116 00:10:06,320 --> 00:10:11,360 Speaker 1: it looked like she was begging for a slice. Look, Mom, 117 00:10:11,760 --> 00:10:15,160 Speaker 1: she likes the smell of pizza. Maybe I should give 118 00:10:15,200 --> 00:10:20,440 Speaker 1: her some. Libby cut off a piece of her pizza 119 00:10:20,559 --> 00:10:24,480 Speaker 1: and set it on the floor for the cat. This 120 00:10:24,600 --> 00:10:28,959 Speaker 1: time she ate what was given to her. In fact, 121 00:10:29,559 --> 00:10:33,280 Speaker 1: she ate it in one great big bite and again 122 00:10:33,679 --> 00:10:40,400 Speaker 1: rubbed up against Libby's leg. I think she likes pizza. 123 00:10:40,880 --> 00:10:43,240 Speaker 1: Perhaps I should give her a slice of her own, 124 00:10:43,640 --> 00:10:47,880 Speaker 1: Libby said to her mother. I'm no expert, Libby, but 125 00:10:48,480 --> 00:10:51,200 Speaker 1: I am not sure pizza is the best food for 126 00:10:51,280 --> 00:10:57,120 Speaker 1: a cat, even our tomato, and she's favorite. She needs 127 00:10:57,160 --> 00:11:02,720 Speaker 1: to eat something, mom, Libby gave the cat a slice 128 00:11:02,720 --> 00:11:06,560 Speaker 1: of pizza, and the orange cat ate it all up, 129 00:11:07,400 --> 00:11:11,040 Speaker 1: licked her mouth, and went back to the couch where 130 00:11:11,080 --> 00:11:17,480 Speaker 1: she lay down, cleaning herself. Well she seems full at least, 131 00:11:17,920 --> 00:11:22,720 Speaker 1: Libby said to her mom. You both love your marguerita pizza, 132 00:11:23,000 --> 00:11:26,440 Speaker 1: she replied with a laugh. As her mom checked on 133 00:11:26,480 --> 00:11:29,480 Speaker 1: her that night, she saw the orange cat lying with 134 00:11:29,559 --> 00:11:37,000 Speaker 1: Libby in bed. Both were fast asleep. The next morning, 135 00:11:37,080 --> 00:11:40,440 Speaker 1: before breakfast, Libby tried to give the orange cat a 136 00:11:40,520 --> 00:11:45,559 Speaker 1: drink of milk, but the cat wouldn't drink it. Then 137 00:11:45,559 --> 00:11:48,840 Speaker 1: her mother brought her another bowl of tuna, and again 138 00:11:49,400 --> 00:11:53,840 Speaker 1: the orange cat would not eat it. How about we 139 00:11:53,920 --> 00:11:57,360 Speaker 1: try giving her a slice of leftover pizza, Libby said 140 00:11:57,360 --> 00:12:02,680 Speaker 1: to her mother. This is one unusual cat. Her mother 141 00:12:02,760 --> 00:12:06,360 Speaker 1: replied as she heated a slice of leftover pizza in 142 00:12:06,400 --> 00:12:13,080 Speaker 1: the microwave, setting the slice on the floor. The orange 143 00:12:13,120 --> 00:12:16,960 Speaker 1: cat ate the pizza, licked her mouth, and went to 144 00:12:17,040 --> 00:12:22,959 Speaker 1: the couch where she laid down to having that. This 145 00:12:23,120 --> 00:12:27,040 Speaker 1: routine went on for the rest of the week. Every 146 00:12:27,160 --> 00:12:30,240 Speaker 1: day Libby and her mother would offer the orange cat 147 00:12:30,360 --> 00:12:34,680 Speaker 1: something to eat, like tuna or catfood of all kinds, 148 00:12:34,920 --> 00:12:38,480 Speaker 1: and she would refuse to eat it all but as 149 00:12:38,520 --> 00:12:41,960 Speaker 1: soon as she was given pizza, she would hungrily eat 150 00:12:42,000 --> 00:12:47,880 Speaker 1: it all up, and when they ordered more pizza, the 151 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:51,960 Speaker 1: orange cat would be right there, meowing and rubbing up 152 00:12:52,000 --> 00:12:55,600 Speaker 1: against their legs until they gave her a slice all 153 00:12:55,720 --> 00:13:01,720 Speaker 1: her own. During the day, the orange cat would sleep 154 00:13:01,720 --> 00:13:05,800 Speaker 1: on the couch. At night, she would sleep in Libby's bed. 155 00:13:07,240 --> 00:13:14,559 Speaker 1: The orange cat and Libby were becoming great friends. While 156 00:13:14,559 --> 00:13:16,720 Speaker 1: you were at school today, I took the cat to 157 00:13:16,760 --> 00:13:19,720 Speaker 1: the vet to make sure that she was healthy and 158 00:13:19,840 --> 00:13:23,080 Speaker 1: didn't have an owner looking for her. Her mother said, 159 00:13:24,160 --> 00:13:27,880 Speaker 1: what did the vets say? The vet said that she 160 00:13:28,000 --> 00:13:30,520 Speaker 1: seemed to be fine and that she didn't have a 161 00:13:30,600 --> 00:13:35,320 Speaker 1: chip with an owner's contact information on it. She said 162 00:13:35,320 --> 00:13:37,480 Speaker 1: that she would get in touch if someone was looking 163 00:13:37,520 --> 00:13:42,440 Speaker 1: for an orange cat. I'm glad to hear that she 164 00:13:42,600 --> 00:13:45,839 Speaker 1: is healthy, but does that mean we will keep her, 165 00:13:46,400 --> 00:13:51,720 Speaker 1: Libby asked excitedly. I've seen how you and she have 166 00:13:51,800 --> 00:13:55,840 Speaker 1: been getting along, and except for her strange eating habits, 167 00:13:56,600 --> 00:13:58,960 Speaker 1: I guess we have a new member of the family. 168 00:14:01,160 --> 00:14:05,760 Speaker 1: Thank you, mom. Libby said, we can't keep calling her 169 00:14:05,800 --> 00:14:09,240 Speaker 1: the orange cat. Have you thought of a name? Her 170 00:14:09,240 --> 00:14:14,840 Speaker 1: mother asked, Well, since she loves our favorite pizza so much, 171 00:14:15,400 --> 00:14:20,320 Speaker 1: I thought we could call her Margarita. Ha haha. That's 172 00:14:20,400 --> 00:14:26,000 Speaker 1: as unique a name as the cat herself. It's perfect, 173 00:14:31,760 --> 00:15:00,360 Speaker 1: and that's the end of our story. Good night, sleep tight, oh,