1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,480 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,560 --> 00:00:18,560 Speaker 1: to say hello to Luna Styles, who loves reading Polly 3 00:00:18,640 --> 00:00:23,000 Speaker 1: Pockets and Lego friends. Mommy and Daddy love you and 4 00:00:23,120 --> 00:00:28,880 Speaker 1: Oliver Loads. Hello to Isla from Charlotte, Vermont, who is 5 00:00:29,040 --> 00:00:34,320 Speaker 1: five years old and starting kindergarten. Best of luck, Isla, 6 00:00:35,080 --> 00:00:41,120 Speaker 1: remember take a deep breath and smile, and hello to 7 00:00:41,240 --> 00:00:48,080 Speaker 1: Eva in Sydney, Australia. Happy belated birthday to Grace Drury 8 00:00:48,240 --> 00:00:54,279 Speaker 1: who turned fourteen on July twenty fifth. Happy belated birthday 9 00:00:54,280 --> 00:00:59,720 Speaker 1: to Dottie who turned seven on July twenty eighth. Happy 10 00:00:59,720 --> 00:01:03,440 Speaker 1: Beloe related birthday to Evelyn from Fort Worth, Texas who 11 00:01:03,480 --> 00:01:08,720 Speaker 1: had a birthday on July thirtieth. Happy belated birthday to 12 00:01:08,880 --> 00:01:14,400 Speaker 1: Cora Fay who had a birthday on July thirtieth. Happy 13 00:01:14,400 --> 00:01:17,560 Speaker 1: birthday to Dean from Fort Worth, Texas who has a 14 00:01:17,600 --> 00:01:23,680 Speaker 1: birthday on August first. Happy birthday to Melody from New Brighton, 15 00:01:23,760 --> 00:01:30,120 Speaker 1: Minnesota who is turning twelve on August third. Happy birthday 16 00:01:30,160 --> 00:01:33,720 Speaker 1: to Charlie Black from Sodas, New York, who is turning 17 00:01:33,800 --> 00:01:37,840 Speaker 1: six on August fourth. Your mommy and daddy wish you 18 00:01:37,880 --> 00:01:43,640 Speaker 1: a lifetime of happiness and love. Happy birthday to Shanayah 19 00:01:43,760 --> 00:01:49,280 Speaker 1: who is turning five on August fourth. Happy birthday to 20 00:01:49,400 --> 00:01:55,680 Speaker 1: Gemma who has a birthday on August fourth. Happy birthday 21 00:01:55,720 --> 00:02:01,880 Speaker 1: to Fields who is turning four on August sixth. Happy 22 00:02:01,880 --> 00:02:06,120 Speaker 1: birthday to River from Vancouver, British Columbia who is turning 23 00:02:06,240 --> 00:02:13,080 Speaker 1: four on August six. Happy birthday to Rosalind Jackson and 24 00:02:13,160 --> 00:02:17,880 Speaker 1: Chapel Hill, North Carolina, who is turning five on August 25 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:24,400 Speaker 1: six and is excited for kindergarten. Happy birthday to Penny 26 00:02:24,480 --> 00:02:28,919 Speaker 1: from Calgary, Alberta, who is turning eight on August six. 27 00:02:29,919 --> 00:02:35,320 Speaker 1: Mama loves you so much, little cub and Happy birthday 28 00:02:35,360 --> 00:02:39,960 Speaker 1: to Aila in Ireland and Hi to your baby brother Max. 29 00:02:40,520 --> 00:02:45,440 Speaker 1: You are so loved. Happy birthday to you all. I 30 00:02:45,520 --> 00:02:49,680 Speaker 1: hope you have a wonderful day. Shout outs and birthday 31 00:02:49,680 --> 00:02:53,000 Speaker 1: wishes are one way we give thanks to our supporters. 32 00:02:53,560 --> 00:02:56,120 Speaker 1: If you would like to support us and receive more 33 00:02:56,160 --> 00:03:01,120 Speaker 1: bedtime entertainment like this I'll add free, please visit our 34 00:03:01,160 --> 00:03:04,920 Speaker 1: support page at sleep tight stories dot org slash support 35 00:03:06,120 --> 00:03:11,800 Speaker 1: Thank you. Slicko has been with Bob for a few 36 00:03:11,840 --> 00:03:15,280 Speaker 1: months now and has enjoyed learning the tricks he has 37 00:03:15,360 --> 00:03:19,800 Speaker 1: taught her, But now that she has smelled spring, she 38 00:03:19,919 --> 00:03:25,240 Speaker 1: wants to leave. Blicko goes out the window and runs 39 00:03:25,280 --> 00:03:31,119 Speaker 1: to a nearby tree. She is free, no more cage 40 00:03:31,600 --> 00:03:36,280 Speaker 1: and no more tricks, but there are also no nuts 41 00:03:36,480 --> 00:03:41,560 Speaker 1: or other food. Slicko is hungry and didn't realize that 42 00:03:41,720 --> 00:03:47,280 Speaker 1: nuts wouldn't be around until fall. She sees Bob puts 43 00:03:47,320 --> 00:03:50,080 Speaker 1: some nuts out for her and tries to sneak down 44 00:03:50,080 --> 00:03:55,360 Speaker 1: to get them, but Muffins the cat has other plans. 45 00:03:56,560 --> 00:04:04,240 Speaker 1: Slicko The Jumping Squirrel, Chapter eleven. Slicko had been a 46 00:04:04,320 --> 00:04:09,760 Speaker 1: tame squirrel for several months before that, and for a 47 00:04:09,880 --> 00:04:14,480 Speaker 1: longer time she had been born, just a little wild squirrel, 48 00:04:14,680 --> 00:04:19,039 Speaker 1: living in the woods and doing as all wild squirrels do. 49 00:04:21,000 --> 00:04:24,239 Speaker 1: So when she jumped out of the window and ran away, 50 00:04:25,080 --> 00:04:29,080 Speaker 1: she became, for the time being just as wild as 51 00:04:29,120 --> 00:04:34,279 Speaker 1: she ever had been. For a little while, she forgot 52 00:04:34,320 --> 00:04:37,800 Speaker 1: all the tricks Bob had taught her, and she forgot 53 00:04:37,839 --> 00:04:40,920 Speaker 1: the nice pieces of apples and the nuts he used 54 00:04:40,920 --> 00:04:46,000 Speaker 1: to give her. Slicko was just the same now, as 55 00:04:46,040 --> 00:04:50,760 Speaker 1: were her brothers or her sister, A little wild animal. 56 00:04:53,480 --> 00:04:57,039 Speaker 1: She ran over the grass crouching down low and taking 57 00:04:57,160 --> 00:05:03,280 Speaker 1: big jumps so no one would see her. Most of all, 58 00:05:03,720 --> 00:05:06,320 Speaker 1: Slickle wanted to keep out of the way of Muffins, 59 00:05:06,880 --> 00:05:12,240 Speaker 1: the big black cat at Bob's house. This cat was 60 00:05:12,400 --> 00:05:17,279 Speaker 1: not a good friend of Slicko's. Often, when the little 61 00:05:17,320 --> 00:05:21,520 Speaker 1: squirrel was not watching, the cat would come quietly up 62 00:05:21,600 --> 00:05:25,400 Speaker 1: close to her and look at Slicko with very hungry eyes. 63 00:05:27,640 --> 00:05:32,600 Speaker 1: Sometimes Bob would see Muffins and drive her away. Muffins 64 00:05:32,600 --> 00:05:36,039 Speaker 1: wouldn't hurt your squirrel, said Mollie, who liked the cat 65 00:05:36,240 --> 00:05:41,159 Speaker 1: very much. Of course she wouldn't, said Sally Rover. Your 66 00:05:41,279 --> 00:05:47,800 Speaker 1: dog wouldn't hurt Slicko, so why would our cat. Well, 67 00:05:47,920 --> 00:05:51,000 Speaker 1: a cat is different from a dog, Bob would say. 68 00:05:51,640 --> 00:05:55,119 Speaker 1: A cat can't help sneaking up and wanting to jump 69 00:05:55,120 --> 00:05:59,200 Speaker 1: on anything at seas moving. But a dog only barks 70 00:05:59,600 --> 00:06:03,719 Speaker 1: and make a big fuss. He doesn't really do any harm. 71 00:06:04,160 --> 00:06:07,520 Speaker 1: Of course, I don't mean to say Muffins would intend 72 00:06:08,040 --> 00:06:11,839 Speaker 1: to do Slicko any harm. But I won't give Muffins 73 00:06:11,920 --> 00:06:18,440 Speaker 1: a chance. So Bob never let the big cat come 74 00:06:18,520 --> 00:06:22,359 Speaker 1: near his squirrel, and Slickle was glad of it, for 75 00:06:22,520 --> 00:06:28,760 Speaker 1: Muffins had very hungry eyes. And now, as Slicko was 76 00:06:28,839 --> 00:06:32,320 Speaker 1: running away and Bob was not there to look after her, 77 00:06:32,960 --> 00:06:36,520 Speaker 1: and when there was no strong wire cage to run 78 00:06:36,560 --> 00:06:41,919 Speaker 1: and hide in, Slicko was very careful. She looked on 79 00:06:42,080 --> 00:06:45,880 Speaker 1: both sides of her as she ran along over the grass. 80 00:06:46,960 --> 00:06:50,320 Speaker 1: Slicko was not going to be caught if she could 81 00:06:50,320 --> 00:06:55,479 Speaker 1: avoid it. The little squirrel came to a tree and 82 00:06:55,720 --> 00:06:58,320 Speaker 1: up it she scrambled as fast as she could go. 83 00:07:00,120 --> 00:07:03,320 Speaker 1: It was the first tree she had climbed since Bob 84 00:07:03,400 --> 00:07:06,520 Speaker 1: had caught her in the trap, and Slicko was glad 85 00:07:06,560 --> 00:07:11,360 Speaker 1: to find she had not forgotten how her leg that 86 00:07:11,440 --> 00:07:14,200 Speaker 1: had been pinched in the trap was now as strong 87 00:07:14,280 --> 00:07:18,440 Speaker 1: as the other one's. Sticking her claws in the bark 88 00:07:18,480 --> 00:07:24,800 Speaker 1: of the tree, Slicko went up away to the top. There, 89 00:07:25,200 --> 00:07:29,240 Speaker 1: exclaimed the little squirrel. If Muffin comes after me, she'll 90 00:07:29,280 --> 00:07:35,800 Speaker 1: have trouble reaching me. Cats can climb trees too, almost 91 00:07:35,880 --> 00:07:40,680 Speaker 1: as well as squirrels can, though not as fast, But 92 00:07:40,720 --> 00:07:43,400 Speaker 1: a cat does not very often go way up to 93 00:07:43,520 --> 00:07:49,600 Speaker 1: the top of the tree, as Slicko had done. The 94 00:07:49,640 --> 00:07:53,320 Speaker 1: little runaway squirrel sat down on a tree branch and 95 00:07:53,400 --> 00:07:57,800 Speaker 1: looked around her. The tree was just putting out its 96 00:07:57,920 --> 00:08:02,120 Speaker 1: first green leaves, and the wind was blowing the branches 97 00:08:02,200 --> 00:08:07,760 Speaker 1: gently to and fro like a swing. Oh this is lovely, 98 00:08:07,880 --> 00:08:11,280 Speaker 1: thought Slicko. It is much nicer than my wheel in 99 00:08:11,320 --> 00:08:14,840 Speaker 1: the cage. I am glad I ran away. I am 100 00:08:15,000 --> 00:08:20,560 Speaker 1: never going back in the big house again. You see, 101 00:08:20,720 --> 00:08:25,360 Speaker 1: after all, though wild animals may seem content to be pets, 102 00:08:25,920 --> 00:08:30,640 Speaker 1: they always want to be free, as they were. At first, 103 00:08:31,960 --> 00:08:35,040 Speaker 1: Slicko began to look all over the tree to see 104 00:08:35,040 --> 00:08:38,720 Speaker 1: if any nuts grew on it. She was not yet 105 00:08:38,760 --> 00:08:41,440 Speaker 1: old enough to know that there would be no nuts 106 00:08:41,520 --> 00:08:45,280 Speaker 1: until fall. Nor could she tell that the tree she 107 00:08:45,360 --> 00:08:48,920 Speaker 1: was in was a pear tree and never grew nuts. 108 00:08:49,559 --> 00:08:52,559 Speaker 1: There would be no pears either until late in the summer. 109 00:08:55,920 --> 00:09:00,320 Speaker 1: Slicko was beginning to feel hungry. True, she had eaten 110 00:09:00,400 --> 00:09:04,840 Speaker 1: her breakfast before running away, but now she felt hungry again. 111 00:09:06,240 --> 00:09:08,760 Speaker 1: There seemed to be nothing to eat in the tree 112 00:09:08,800 --> 00:09:12,560 Speaker 1: where she was hiding. It was no fun to be hungry. 113 00:09:14,760 --> 00:09:17,880 Speaker 1: I must see about getting something to eat, thought Slicko. 114 00:09:18,400 --> 00:09:20,360 Speaker 1: I'll stay up here a while, and then i'll go 115 00:09:20,440 --> 00:09:24,439 Speaker 1: down and hunt for some nuts or bits of apple. Oh, 116 00:09:25,160 --> 00:09:28,000 Speaker 1: I will have a fine time, and I won't have 117 00:09:28,080 --> 00:09:34,320 Speaker 1: to jump through paper hoops or do any tricks. Pretty soon, Slicko, 118 00:09:34,480 --> 00:09:36,679 Speaker 1: who sat on the limb of the tree where she 119 00:09:36,760 --> 00:09:38,880 Speaker 1: could look at the window of the room where she 120 00:09:39,040 --> 00:09:43,520 Speaker 1: used to live, heard the voice of Bob. I say, 121 00:09:43,760 --> 00:09:48,560 Speaker 1: cried Bob. Have any of you seen Slicko. She was 122 00:09:48,559 --> 00:09:51,640 Speaker 1: in her cage a little while ago, said Mollie. Isn't 123 00:09:51,640 --> 00:09:56,320 Speaker 1: she there now? No, and her cage is open, and 124 00:09:56,400 --> 00:09:59,200 Speaker 1: so is the window of the room. Went on Bob, 125 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:03,040 Speaker 1: I'm afraid she has run away, or else Muffins has 126 00:10:03,120 --> 00:10:08,000 Speaker 1: caught her. Oh, that's not very nice to say such 127 00:10:08,040 --> 00:10:12,959 Speaker 1: a thing, cried Sally. Muffins wouldn't take Slicko. More likely 128 00:10:13,000 --> 00:10:18,840 Speaker 1: it's Rover. Rover wouldn't either, said Bob. I wonder where 129 00:10:18,880 --> 00:10:23,920 Speaker 1: Slicko can be here, Slicko, Slicko, he called, Come and 130 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:30,960 Speaker 1: get some nuts, Come and get some sugar. Slicko up 131 00:10:31,000 --> 00:10:35,200 Speaker 1: in the tree, heard Bob. But though she was very hungry, 132 00:10:35,840 --> 00:10:38,439 Speaker 1: she would not go down and get in his pocket 133 00:10:38,440 --> 00:10:42,760 Speaker 1: as she used to do. Slicko made up her little 134 00:10:42,800 --> 00:10:46,480 Speaker 1: squirrel mind that as long as she had run away, 135 00:10:46,840 --> 00:10:50,160 Speaker 1: she would not go back soon. I want to have 136 00:10:50,200 --> 00:10:54,880 Speaker 1: a little fun, she said to herself. Bob called and 137 00:10:55,040 --> 00:10:59,440 Speaker 1: called again. He looked all over for Slicko, even up 138 00:10:59,480 --> 00:11:02,959 Speaker 1: in the tree, but Slicko managed to hide behind a 139 00:11:03,080 --> 00:11:08,160 Speaker 1: leafy branch and Bob could not see her. Bob even 140 00:11:08,320 --> 00:11:11,560 Speaker 1: called Rover, thinking the dog might be able to help 141 00:11:11,640 --> 00:11:16,320 Speaker 1: him find the lost squirrel. From her perch in the tree, 142 00:11:16,440 --> 00:11:20,800 Speaker 1: Slicko saw Bob and Rover running around. The dog barked 143 00:11:22,480 --> 00:11:25,440 Speaker 1: as if he were calling Slicko to come down, but 144 00:11:25,559 --> 00:11:31,200 Speaker 1: the little squirrel was not yet ready. I know what 145 00:11:31,280 --> 00:11:34,200 Speaker 1: I'll do, said Bob. I'll get some nuts and put 146 00:11:34,240 --> 00:11:37,640 Speaker 1: them where Slicko can see them, close by the open window. 147 00:11:38,520 --> 00:11:40,880 Speaker 1: I'll set her cage there too, on a chair in 148 00:11:40,920 --> 00:11:45,240 Speaker 1: the room. Maybe she's lost and can't find her way home, 149 00:11:46,559 --> 00:11:50,120 Speaker 1: but perhaps she can smell the nuts, and when she 150 00:11:50,240 --> 00:11:53,640 Speaker 1: comes for them, she'll see her cage and be glad 151 00:11:53,679 --> 00:11:58,960 Speaker 1: to go back in it. Oh, yes, do that, said Mollie. Once, 152 00:11:59,000 --> 00:12:02,200 Speaker 1: when my canary bird flew away, I hung the cage 153 00:12:02,200 --> 00:12:05,000 Speaker 1: on a tree outside and left the door open, and 154 00:12:05,120 --> 00:12:10,079 Speaker 1: pretty soon it flew back into it. Well, I hope 155 00:12:10,080 --> 00:12:15,200 Speaker 1: Slicko comes back to her cage, said Bob. But Slicko 156 00:12:15,320 --> 00:12:21,280 Speaker 1: had no plans to come back so soon. In a 157 00:12:21,320 --> 00:12:24,160 Speaker 1: little while, Bob had put some nuts on the ground 158 00:12:24,200 --> 00:12:28,000 Speaker 1: outside the window, and near them on a chair inside 159 00:12:28,040 --> 00:12:32,679 Speaker 1: the room he put the squirrel's cage. Now I'll hide 160 00:12:32,679 --> 00:12:35,360 Speaker 1: and watch to see if Slicko comes back, said Bob. 161 00:12:37,000 --> 00:12:40,160 Speaker 1: But Slicko did not want to be seen, so she 162 00:12:40,280 --> 00:12:45,320 Speaker 1: stayed up in the tree. She was more hungry than ever, 163 00:12:45,400 --> 00:12:48,400 Speaker 1: but she would not go down and get the nuts. 164 00:12:49,520 --> 00:12:52,720 Speaker 1: After a while, Bob got tired of hiding and waiting. 165 00:12:53,760 --> 00:12:55,800 Speaker 1: I'll just go off and play ball, he said to 166 00:12:55,840 --> 00:12:59,280 Speaker 1: his sisters. When I come back, maybe Slicko will be 167 00:12:59,320 --> 00:13:06,720 Speaker 1: in her cave. Slicko waited until Bob had gone. The 168 00:13:06,760 --> 00:13:10,960 Speaker 1: little squirrel looked down, and seeing Molly and Sally off 169 00:13:11,000 --> 00:13:14,280 Speaker 1: on the front porch playing with their dolls, she thought 170 00:13:14,320 --> 00:13:16,160 Speaker 1: it would be safe to go down and get a 171 00:13:16,160 --> 00:13:23,520 Speaker 1: few nuts. Very carefully, Slicko climbed down the tree, stopping 172 00:13:23,600 --> 00:13:25,920 Speaker 1: now and then to make sure there was no danger. 173 00:13:26,360 --> 00:13:30,480 Speaker 1: She reached the pile of nuts. She ate some, and 174 00:13:30,760 --> 00:13:36,520 Speaker 1: oh how good they tasted. Then all at once Slicko 175 00:13:36,640 --> 00:13:41,400 Speaker 1: heard something coming softly through the grass behind her. It 176 00:13:41,480 --> 00:13:45,000 Speaker 1: was so soft that it sounded only like the wind blowing, 177 00:13:45,640 --> 00:13:50,360 Speaker 1: but Slicko knew that it was not the wind. Slicko 178 00:13:50,520 --> 00:13:54,040 Speaker 1: turned quickly, just in time to see Muffins the cat 179 00:13:54,160 --> 00:13:58,400 Speaker 1: make a spring for her. Oh my, cried Slicko, and 180 00:13:58,480 --> 00:14:02,320 Speaker 1: turned quickly. The little squirrel made a mad dash for 181 00:14:02,400 --> 00:14:05,440 Speaker 1: the pear tree. She had a nut in her paws, 182 00:14:05,520 --> 00:14:10,320 Speaker 1: but she dropped it while running. Wow, snarled Muffins, the 183 00:14:10,360 --> 00:14:14,480 Speaker 1: big black cat. She gave a spring, sticking out her 184 00:14:14,480 --> 00:14:18,040 Speaker 1: claws and trying to catch Slicko, but she was just 185 00:14:18,320 --> 00:14:22,520 Speaker 1: too late. Slicko reached the tree and up it. She 186 00:14:22,600 --> 00:14:27,960 Speaker 1: went almost to the very tip top. Muffins followed and 187 00:14:28,080 --> 00:14:30,720 Speaker 1: ran up the tree trunk a little way, but she 188 00:14:30,880 --> 00:14:34,600 Speaker 1: did not go as far as Slicko had gone. By 189 00:14:34,840 --> 00:14:38,280 Speaker 1: that time. She almost caught me, thought Slicko, her little 190 00:14:38,320 --> 00:14:42,480 Speaker 1: heart beating very fast. I must be more careful after this. 191 00:14:43,360 --> 00:14:47,560 Speaker 1: And oh, those nuts were so good. But I won't 192 00:14:47,640 --> 00:14:50,680 Speaker 1: dare go down after them again until it's dark when 193 00:14:50,760 --> 00:14:56,800 Speaker 1: Muffin can't see me. Slicko stayed in the tree all 194 00:14:56,880 --> 00:14:59,960 Speaker 1: the rest of that day. She could see the pilot 195 00:15:00,160 --> 00:15:04,000 Speaker 1: nuts on the ground, but though she was very, very hungry, 196 00:15:04,400 --> 00:15:07,000 Speaker 1: she did not dare go down to get any For 197 00:15:07,080 --> 00:15:11,640 Speaker 1: fear of muffins. Slicko saw Bob come and look at 198 00:15:11,640 --> 00:15:16,080 Speaker 1: the nuts. The boy cried out, Oh, my squirrel has 199 00:15:16,120 --> 00:15:19,520 Speaker 1: been here. Some of the nuts are gone. Slicko is 200 00:15:19,600 --> 00:15:25,080 Speaker 1: somewhere around here. But though Bob looked in all the 201 00:15:25,120 --> 00:15:29,680 Speaker 1: trees around the house, he could not find Slicko. Slicko 202 00:15:29,720 --> 00:15:36,280 Speaker 1: saw Bob, though. The little squirrel stayed in the tree 203 00:15:36,440 --> 00:15:39,320 Speaker 1: all that night, but she did not have a very 204 00:15:39,360 --> 00:15:43,840 Speaker 1: good time. It was cold and it rained, and there 205 00:15:43,920 --> 00:15:47,520 Speaker 1: was no hole and no nest into which she could 206 00:15:47,520 --> 00:15:52,440 Speaker 1: crawl to keep warm. She just had to shiver, and 207 00:15:52,480 --> 00:15:57,720 Speaker 1: she was more hungry than ever too. Oh, dear, running 208 00:15:57,800 --> 00:16:00,000 Speaker 1: away isn't as much fun as I thought it would be, 209 00:16:00,280 --> 00:16:05,560 Speaker 1: said Slicko. Tomorrow, when Bob puts out the nuts again 210 00:16:05,600 --> 00:16:08,760 Speaker 1: and leaves the cage open, I'm going to run back 211 00:16:08,800 --> 00:16:11,960 Speaker 1: into it. I have had enough of living like this. 212 00:16:12,800 --> 00:16:15,920 Speaker 1: I would rather do tricks such as jumping through paper 213 00:16:16,000 --> 00:16:21,480 Speaker 1: hoops than be cold and hungry. But the next day 214 00:16:22,040 --> 00:16:25,000 Speaker 1: Bob went away and did not put out any nuts 215 00:16:25,040 --> 00:16:28,520 Speaker 1: for his little squirrel, and those he had put out 216 00:16:28,560 --> 00:16:33,400 Speaker 1: were carried away by the mice, so Slicko got very 217 00:16:33,440 --> 00:16:36,120 Speaker 1: few of them to eat, and she was quite hungry. 218 00:16:37,360 --> 00:16:40,800 Speaker 1: She managed to find a few old acorns in the woods, 219 00:16:41,320 --> 00:16:44,120 Speaker 1: but they were not as good as the nuts, apples, 220 00:16:44,120 --> 00:16:46,920 Speaker 1: and sugar Bob and his sisters used to feed her. 221 00:16:47,960 --> 00:16:50,600 Speaker 1: And as the window of the room was not open, 222 00:16:51,200 --> 00:16:54,600 Speaker 1: and as the cage was not put out, Slicko could 223 00:16:54,680 --> 00:16:59,400 Speaker 1: not run back home again. Isn't Bob going to try 224 00:16:59,400 --> 00:17:02,720 Speaker 1: and catch his squirrel, asked Mollie to Sally. On the 225 00:17:02,800 --> 00:17:06,639 Speaker 1: second day, No, I heard him say. He guessed she 226 00:17:06,840 --> 00:17:10,760 Speaker 1: was gone for good, said Sally. Well, I haven't. I'm 227 00:17:10,800 --> 00:17:14,040 Speaker 1: here yet, and I'm coming back to my cage. That 228 00:17:14,200 --> 00:17:20,280 Speaker 1: is when I see it, Slicko said to herself. That afternoon, 229 00:17:20,440 --> 00:17:23,760 Speaker 1: Slicko perched in the top of her tree, saw one 230 00:17:23,800 --> 00:17:28,760 Speaker 1: of the attic windows of Bob's house open. Huh, exclaimed 231 00:17:28,760 --> 00:17:32,320 Speaker 1: the little squirrel. I can jump in there from my tree. 232 00:17:32,359 --> 00:17:37,520 Speaker 1: I can do it. Slicko scrambled up to the highest branch. 233 00:17:38,119 --> 00:17:41,240 Speaker 1: From there she could easily jump in through the attic window, 234 00:17:41,280 --> 00:17:45,879 Speaker 1: and this she did. She looked around, and she was 235 00:17:45,920 --> 00:17:48,720 Speaker 1: glad when she saw some butternuts on the floor of 236 00:17:48,760 --> 00:17:52,520 Speaker 1: the attic. Slicko soon gnawed a hole in one and 237 00:17:52,800 --> 00:17:55,720 Speaker 1: ate out the sweet meat. Then she felt much better. 238 00:17:57,160 --> 00:17:59,480 Speaker 1: It was nice and warm in the attic, and there 239 00:17:59,520 --> 00:18:03,760 Speaker 1: was a pot of old clothes there on the Slicko 240 00:18:03,880 --> 00:18:08,639 Speaker 1: lay down and went to sleep. When Slicko awoke, it 241 00:18:08,760 --> 00:18:12,160 Speaker 1: was all dark. She had slept until it was night. 242 00:18:13,480 --> 00:18:18,040 Speaker 1: She sat up on her hind legs and listened. She 243 00:18:18,119 --> 00:18:24,080 Speaker 1: could hear nothing. The house was very quiet. Slicko looked 244 00:18:24,119 --> 00:18:27,000 Speaker 1: at the window by which she had entered. It was 245 00:18:27,080 --> 00:18:32,200 Speaker 1: tightly shut. Now, all of a sudden, Slicko felt thirsty. 246 00:18:33,600 --> 00:18:35,960 Speaker 1: She knew there was no water up in the attic, 247 00:18:36,160 --> 00:18:40,200 Speaker 1: but there was plenty downstairs in the kitchen. Bob always 248 00:18:40,280 --> 00:18:43,400 Speaker 1: left a panfull there on the floor for his pet. 249 00:18:44,560 --> 00:18:47,040 Speaker 1: I'll go downstairs and get a drink in the kitchen, 250 00:18:47,280 --> 00:18:51,879 Speaker 1: said Slicko to herself. Squirrels can see in the dark 251 00:18:52,160 --> 00:18:55,320 Speaker 1: almost as well as ken owls, as I told you before. 252 00:18:56,080 --> 00:18:59,399 Speaker 1: So soon Slicko was making her way safely down the 253 00:18:59,400 --> 00:19:04,200 Speaker 1: front stage. As she got to the kitchen, she saw 254 00:19:04,200 --> 00:19:08,240 Speaker 1: a light burning low, And by this light Slicko could 255 00:19:08,240 --> 00:19:10,800 Speaker 1: see a man with a piece of black cloth over 256 00:19:10,880 --> 00:19:14,440 Speaker 1: his face, taking knives and forks and spoons from a 257 00:19:14,520 --> 00:19:20,040 Speaker 1: table and putting them in his pocket. Slicko, of course, 258 00:19:20,119 --> 00:19:22,880 Speaker 1: did not know that the things were knives and forks 259 00:19:22,880 --> 00:19:26,159 Speaker 1: and spoons. She only knew they were the things that 260 00:19:26,280 --> 00:19:29,000 Speaker 1: Bob and his sisters and father and mother ate with, 261 00:19:30,040 --> 00:19:33,480 Speaker 1: And when she saw the man putting them into his pocket, 262 00:19:34,000 --> 00:19:37,040 Speaker 1: Slicko thought they might be something good for her to eat. 263 00:19:38,720 --> 00:19:43,080 Speaker 1: That must be Bob's papa, thought Slicko. Well, I'll give 264 00:19:43,200 --> 00:19:46,399 Speaker 1: him a surprise. I will run up his leg and 265 00:19:46,480 --> 00:19:49,960 Speaker 1: go into his pocket. Then he will know I am 266 00:19:50,040 --> 00:19:57,600 Speaker 1: home again. And that is the end of this part. 267 00:19:58,760 --> 00:20:13,240 Speaker 1: Good night, sleep tight, mhm ANDMTI cha. Time stood still, 268 00:20:15,000 --> 00:20:28,720 Speaker 1: I couldn't mm hmm a bro came the garding go 269 00:20:30,680 --> 00:20:46,800 Speaker 1: time so and it goes sock th and it goes 270 00:20:47,160 --> 00:21:09,840 Speaker 1: sock and it goes sock