1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,760 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Every week 2 00:00:14,880 --> 00:00:19,200 Speaker 1: we celebrate our supporters through shout outs and personal birthday messages. 3 00:00:20,960 --> 00:00:23,520 Speaker 1: We think this is also a fun way for us 4 00:00:23,640 --> 00:00:27,240 Speaker 1: to hear about all the amazing places that you our 5 00:00:27,360 --> 00:00:34,720 Speaker 1: listeners come from. Hello to Savny and Keon in Toronto, Canada. 6 00:00:35,440 --> 00:00:41,440 Speaker 1: I E and Baba love you. And Hello to Elliot, mom, Ethan, 7 00:00:41,600 --> 00:00:44,960 Speaker 1: Violet and Asher love you so much and hope you 8 00:00:45,040 --> 00:00:51,440 Speaker 1: have the best year yet. Happy Golden Birthday, Elena. We 9 00:00:51,520 --> 00:00:54,720 Speaker 1: wish you will have a magical time in Italy. With 10 00:00:54,840 --> 00:01:00,880 Speaker 1: love from Rome, Mom, dad and sister Eva Luna. Happy 11 00:01:00,880 --> 00:01:06,039 Speaker 1: belated birthday to Elise from Wyoming on August twelfth. Daddy 12 00:01:06,120 --> 00:01:10,760 Speaker 1: loves you, Angel, You're such a good girl. Happy belated 13 00:01:10,800 --> 00:01:16,920 Speaker 1: birthday to Neam from Seattle, who turned eight on August fifteenth. Mommy, 14 00:01:17,120 --> 00:01:22,200 Speaker 1: Daddy and Reva love you so much. Happy belated birthday 15 00:01:22,240 --> 00:01:26,240 Speaker 1: to Eve from Wallington, New Jersey, who turned eight on 16 00:01:26,319 --> 00:01:31,200 Speaker 1: August sixteenth. From Mommy and Pappy, Keep being silly, We 17 00:01:31,319 --> 00:01:37,800 Speaker 1: love you. Happy belated birthday to Tessa on August sixteenth 18 00:01:38,120 --> 00:01:41,160 Speaker 1: from Mama and Papa who love you and are proud 19 00:01:41,240 --> 00:01:46,800 Speaker 1: of you. Happy sixth birthday. Happy belated birthday to Anne 20 00:01:46,920 --> 00:01:52,760 Speaker 1: Array who turned nine on August sixteenth. Happy belated birthday 21 00:01:52,800 --> 00:01:58,120 Speaker 1: to Billy who turned six on August seventeenth. And happy 22 00:01:58,200 --> 00:02:02,600 Speaker 1: belated eighth birthday to Time Bellamy in Justin, Texas on 23 00:02:02,720 --> 00:02:08,880 Speaker 1: August eighteenth. Love Mama and Daddy. Happy sixth birthday to 24 00:02:09,000 --> 00:02:13,680 Speaker 1: Summer on August nineteenth. Your mommy, Papa and Sanvey love 25 00:02:13,720 --> 00:02:18,880 Speaker 1: you so much. Happy birthday to Madison May on August 26 00:02:18,919 --> 00:02:23,320 Speaker 1: twentieth from mommy, daddy and your sisters. They love you 27 00:02:23,440 --> 00:02:29,720 Speaker 1: so much. Happy birthday to Maria Alexa from the Hague, Netherlands, 28 00:02:29,960 --> 00:02:33,400 Speaker 1: who is turning ten on the twentieth of August. From 29 00:02:33,480 --> 00:02:36,600 Speaker 1: mom and dad. They love you to the moon and back. 30 00:02:37,800 --> 00:02:42,640 Speaker 1: And Happy seventh birthday to Esme Joy on August twenty third, 31 00:02:43,280 --> 00:02:48,640 Speaker 1: Love Sidney, Mommy and Daddy. Happy birthday to you all. 32 00:02:50,120 --> 00:02:54,280 Speaker 1: To reserve your special shout out, please visit sleeptightstories dot 33 00:02:54,400 --> 00:03:00,000 Speaker 1: org slash support. We can't wait to celebrate with you. 34 00:03:00,440 --> 00:03:14,680 Speaker 1: Now on to our story. Orian is bored. It is 35 00:03:14,760 --> 00:03:18,880 Speaker 1: the last week of summer before school starts again and 36 00:03:19,000 --> 00:03:23,360 Speaker 1: he has nothing to do. His parents had to go 37 00:03:23,480 --> 00:03:25,720 Speaker 1: back to work, and he is at home with his 38 00:03:25,760 --> 00:03:31,440 Speaker 1: big sister. Orian has had a very busy summer doing 39 00:03:31,600 --> 00:03:35,760 Speaker 1: all the things he loves, and now he has nothing 40 00:03:35,920 --> 00:03:40,040 Speaker 1: to do. He asks his sister if he can just 41 00:03:40,160 --> 00:03:43,800 Speaker 1: watch TV or play video games all day, but she 42 00:03:44,000 --> 00:03:49,680 Speaker 1: says no. She recommends reading a book, calling his friends, 43 00:03:50,000 --> 00:04:03,680 Speaker 1: or going outside. Orian has nothing to do. Are you 44 00:04:03,760 --> 00:04:07,600 Speaker 1: getting up today or what? Selene yelled up the stairs. 45 00:04:08,520 --> 00:04:13,000 Speaker 1: Why bother? Oriyan yelled back, there is nothing to do, 46 00:04:13,600 --> 00:04:16,000 Speaker 1: so I might as well stay in my bedroom all day. 47 00:04:18,520 --> 00:04:22,520 Speaker 1: Walking up the stairs to her brother's room, Selene knocked 48 00:04:22,560 --> 00:04:26,400 Speaker 1: on the door frame before entering. Come down and have 49 00:04:26,560 --> 00:04:30,960 Speaker 1: some breakfast. I worked for hours preparing a delicious breakfast 50 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:33,479 Speaker 1: for you. The least you can do is come and 51 00:04:33,520 --> 00:04:38,440 Speaker 1: have a bite. Yeah right, I heard you opening the 52 00:04:38,480 --> 00:04:42,720 Speaker 1: freezer and pushing down the toaster. You made those frozen 53 00:04:42,800 --> 00:04:48,919 Speaker 1: waffles that taste like cardboard. Again, you caught me. I 54 00:04:48,960 --> 00:04:51,320 Speaker 1: did put some banana on it for you and found 55 00:04:51,360 --> 00:04:55,680 Speaker 1: some maple syrup. Besides, you can't stay in your room 56 00:04:55,720 --> 00:04:59,239 Speaker 1: all day. It's too stuffy in here, and it kind 57 00:04:59,240 --> 00:05:05,880 Speaker 1: of stinks. It's stuffy everywhere, Orion said as he followed 58 00:05:05,880 --> 00:05:10,960 Speaker 1: his sister downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast. This 59 00:05:11,240 --> 00:05:15,320 Speaker 1: last week before school, Orian was stuck with his sister 60 00:05:15,440 --> 00:05:20,040 Speaker 1: while his parents worked. Can I drink all the maple 61 00:05:20,080 --> 00:05:24,880 Speaker 1: syrup out of the bottle? He asked? No, here, I'll 62 00:05:24,880 --> 00:05:28,000 Speaker 1: put some on your waffles for you, his big sister 63 00:05:28,080 --> 00:05:30,960 Speaker 1: said as she poured some of the yummy liquid on 64 00:05:31,000 --> 00:05:37,080 Speaker 1: his breakfast. Hey, that's not enough. How will I have 65 00:05:37,160 --> 00:05:40,000 Speaker 1: the energy to be bored all day if I don't 66 00:05:40,040 --> 00:05:44,560 Speaker 1: have lots of maple syrup? I think you will be fine. 67 00:05:45,160 --> 00:05:48,120 Speaker 1: The last time you had too much sugar, you couldn't 68 00:05:48,160 --> 00:05:51,719 Speaker 1: stop running around the house for hours, and then you 69 00:05:51,760 --> 00:05:56,400 Speaker 1: fell asleep on the stairs. I was a baby, then, 70 00:05:56,960 --> 00:06:01,239 Speaker 1: Orian said, with a hum. It was just last month. 71 00:06:01,720 --> 00:06:05,920 Speaker 1: Seline replied with a sigh. Don't forget to rinse your 72 00:06:05,960 --> 00:06:10,000 Speaker 1: plate before putting it in the dishwasher. I'm going to 73 00:06:10,080 --> 00:06:13,120 Speaker 1: lick all the syrup off the plate, he replied, as 74 00:06:13,160 --> 00:06:17,840 Speaker 1: he put far too much food in his mouth at once. Okay, 75 00:06:17,920 --> 00:06:21,039 Speaker 1: little brother, just don't forget to put your plate in 76 00:06:21,080 --> 00:06:24,920 Speaker 1: the dishwasher. I have to go upstairs and make sure 77 00:06:24,960 --> 00:06:28,000 Speaker 1: that I have everything I need for class. I'll be 78 00:06:28,080 --> 00:06:33,960 Speaker 1: back in a bit to check on you. Orian had 79 00:06:34,000 --> 00:06:37,400 Speaker 1: been bored since before the moment he opened his eyes. 80 00:06:37,440 --> 00:06:40,840 Speaker 1: This morning, his mother had come in to give him 81 00:06:40,880 --> 00:06:44,279 Speaker 1: a yucky kiss on the forehead before she went to 82 00:06:44,320 --> 00:06:48,719 Speaker 1: work and woke him up. How could his parents leave 83 00:06:48,800 --> 00:06:53,120 Speaker 1: him home without any pre planned activities, and with his 84 00:06:53,360 --> 00:06:58,000 Speaker 1: boring older sister, all she liked to do was read 85 00:06:58,040 --> 00:07:04,880 Speaker 1: books and play sports. All summer, Orian had been super busy. 86 00:07:05,680 --> 00:07:09,720 Speaker 1: He had swimming at the pool, long bike rides, a 87 00:07:09,800 --> 00:07:12,760 Speaker 1: science camp, and he could play with his friends at 88 00:07:12,760 --> 00:07:17,280 Speaker 1: the park almost every day. His parents even took him 89 00:07:17,280 --> 00:07:19,960 Speaker 1: to fun places, like the time they went to the 90 00:07:20,000 --> 00:07:23,480 Speaker 1: beach and made sand castles and he buried his dad 91 00:07:23,720 --> 00:07:26,120 Speaker 1: so well in the sand that he couldn't get out. 92 00:07:27,400 --> 00:07:31,720 Speaker 1: They had barbecues and picnics. He even went to his 93 00:07:31,920 --> 00:07:36,840 Speaker 1: best friend's house and roasted marshmallows. A day didn't go 94 00:07:36,960 --> 00:07:42,200 Speaker 1: by that he didn't have something to do, except for today. 95 00:07:44,480 --> 00:07:47,440 Speaker 1: Today was a day that he had nothing to do 96 00:07:47,960 --> 00:07:56,000 Speaker 1: at all. How horrible. Selene came downstairs to see O'Brian 97 00:07:56,120 --> 00:08:00,160 Speaker 1: licking his plate like a puppy. Yuck, that's gross, Oh, 98 00:08:00,800 --> 00:08:04,360 Speaker 1: she said, well it's clean now, so there is no 99 00:08:04,440 --> 00:08:10,119 Speaker 1: need to put the plate in the dishwasher. He replied, Um, 100 00:08:10,480 --> 00:08:13,160 Speaker 1: I think we better put your plate in the dishwasher, 101 00:08:13,200 --> 00:08:16,160 Speaker 1: little brother. No one wants to eat off that plate 102 00:08:16,240 --> 00:08:21,200 Speaker 1: after you have leckt it. After he rinsed and put 103 00:08:21,240 --> 00:08:25,280 Speaker 1: his plate in the dishwasher, he asked Selene, so what 104 00:08:25,360 --> 00:08:30,720 Speaker 1: are we doing today? I'm getting ready for school and 105 00:08:30,840 --> 00:08:33,920 Speaker 1: helping mom around the house before they come home for dinner. 106 00:08:34,520 --> 00:08:38,640 Speaker 1: You know you are on your own, but can't you 107 00:08:38,840 --> 00:08:44,520 Speaker 1: help me? I am bored already, he cried. Why don't 108 00:08:44,559 --> 00:08:46,960 Speaker 1: you call up your friends and do what you guys do. 109 00:08:48,080 --> 00:08:54,160 Speaker 1: They are busy today. You could read a book, Selene suggested. 110 00:08:55,080 --> 00:08:59,199 Speaker 1: Selene loved reading books and wished she had more free 111 00:08:59,240 --> 00:09:04,680 Speaker 1: time to read this. I tried that already I can't 112 00:09:04,720 --> 00:09:10,360 Speaker 1: focus and all my books are super boring. You could 113 00:09:10,360 --> 00:09:16,080 Speaker 1: help clean the house. I make the messes, remember, he replied. 114 00:09:17,120 --> 00:09:22,240 Speaker 1: How about I watch TV all day? Nope, you aren't 115 00:09:22,240 --> 00:09:28,720 Speaker 1: allowed to do that. Play video games? Nope, you aren't 116 00:09:28,760 --> 00:09:35,640 Speaker 1: allowed to do that. Well, what can I do? How 117 00:09:35,679 --> 00:09:39,360 Speaker 1: about you go outside in the backyard and use your imagination, 118 00:09:40,280 --> 00:09:46,040 Speaker 1: Seline suggested, as she gently pushed him out the back door. Hmm, 119 00:09:46,880 --> 00:09:50,520 Speaker 1: you are not very nice, he said, walking out to 120 00:09:50,600 --> 00:09:54,839 Speaker 1: the middle of their backyard lawn and promptly lying down 121 00:09:54,880 --> 00:10:00,720 Speaker 1: on the grass with a thud. Looking up at the sky, 122 00:10:00,840 --> 00:10:04,800 Speaker 1: he said, I guess I will lie here all day 123 00:10:04,920 --> 00:10:11,240 Speaker 1: long and be super bored. As he lay there, watching 124 00:10:11,320 --> 00:10:15,920 Speaker 1: the fluffy white clouds move slowly across the sky, he 125 00:10:15,920 --> 00:10:20,880 Speaker 1: heard a voice say, Hello, what are you doing laying 126 00:10:20,960 --> 00:10:25,440 Speaker 1: on the grass being super bored? He replied, Can I 127 00:10:25,520 --> 00:10:29,440 Speaker 1: lay on the grass too? She asked up to you, 128 00:10:29,840 --> 00:10:33,640 Speaker 1: But you might be super bored too. Why would I 129 00:10:33,679 --> 00:10:37,920 Speaker 1: be bored? Because you might be like me and have 130 00:10:38,120 --> 00:10:44,360 Speaker 1: nothing to do, Orian said grumpily. I think having nothing 131 00:10:44,440 --> 00:10:48,000 Speaker 1: to do is the best thing in the whole wide world. 132 00:10:48,600 --> 00:10:53,000 Speaker 1: And besides, there is always something happening. You just have 133 00:10:53,120 --> 00:10:57,679 Speaker 1: to look. By the way, my name is Avanni and 134 00:10:57,760 --> 00:11:01,840 Speaker 1: I am your new neighbor. My mom says we probably 135 00:11:01,880 --> 00:11:03,960 Speaker 1: go to the same school, and I should come and 136 00:11:04,000 --> 00:11:09,000 Speaker 1: say hello. Nice to meet you, I guess, Orien said, 137 00:11:09,600 --> 00:11:13,239 Speaker 1: and then, after looking at the sky for a while, continued, 138 00:11:14,200 --> 00:11:18,400 Speaker 1: I am looking, but they don't see anything happening, just 139 00:11:18,520 --> 00:11:24,920 Speaker 1: some silly clouds floating across the sky. You can't see that, 140 00:11:25,640 --> 00:11:30,520 Speaker 1: Avani replied. See what all I see is blue sky 141 00:11:30,640 --> 00:11:37,160 Speaker 1: and silly white clouds, Orion said, somewhat frustrated. If you 142 00:11:37,240 --> 00:11:40,240 Speaker 1: look to the right, you can see a super large 143 00:11:40,280 --> 00:11:45,720 Speaker 1: spaceship slowly flying by. Usually they fly at the speed 144 00:11:45,760 --> 00:11:48,760 Speaker 1: of light, so for us to be able to see 145 00:11:49,040 --> 00:11:52,800 Speaker 1: means something is wrong. I think it must come from 146 00:11:52,880 --> 00:11:58,520 Speaker 1: Alpha Centuria and is likely off course because aliens aren't 147 00:11:58,520 --> 00:12:03,240 Speaker 1: allowed to visit Earth. Our planet is protected from visitors 148 00:12:03,320 --> 00:12:11,599 Speaker 1: by the Intergalactic Alliance. Really, O'Ryan said, a little less grumpily. Yeah, 149 00:12:11,960 --> 00:12:15,679 Speaker 1: so if it's here, flying slowly so close to Earth, 150 00:12:16,160 --> 00:12:19,000 Speaker 1: it must be in trouble, so we should go and 151 00:12:19,080 --> 00:12:23,200 Speaker 1: help it. It's our responsibility to help aliens in need. 152 00:12:24,760 --> 00:12:28,720 Speaker 1: But how would we do that? He laughed. I can't fly. 153 00:12:29,480 --> 00:12:34,280 Speaker 1: I've tried many times, but just can't do it. Can't 154 00:12:34,320 --> 00:12:37,880 Speaker 1: you see our own spaceship to the left. It's a 155 00:12:37,920 --> 00:12:40,760 Speaker 1: bit smaller than theirs, but it's big enough for two 156 00:12:40,800 --> 00:12:44,240 Speaker 1: people to fly in. We can use that to fly 157 00:12:44,440 --> 00:12:46,640 Speaker 1: up and ask them what kind of help they might need. 158 00:12:47,720 --> 00:12:52,200 Speaker 1: You probably don't know, but Earth has secret flying machines too, 159 00:12:52,920 --> 00:12:55,000 Speaker 1: and you and I can use them to fly to 160 00:12:55,080 --> 00:13:01,760 Speaker 1: wherever we want to go because only kids can fly them. Funny, 161 00:13:02,160 --> 00:13:08,120 Speaker 1: I hadn't heard about it before. Now. Orian commented, maybe 162 00:13:08,120 --> 00:13:10,520 Speaker 1: that's because this is the first time you took a 163 00:13:10,520 --> 00:13:15,760 Speaker 1: moment to notice. Avani said, I've noticed many things lately 164 00:13:15,800 --> 00:13:18,920 Speaker 1: because I just moved here and you are the first 165 00:13:18,960 --> 00:13:22,040 Speaker 1: person I have met, so I have had lots of 166 00:13:22,120 --> 00:13:29,160 Speaker 1: time to notice things I see. Orian said with more interest. Look, 167 00:13:29,640 --> 00:13:33,520 Speaker 1: the big spaceship is leaving really fast. I guess we 168 00:13:33,600 --> 00:13:36,559 Speaker 1: won't need to help them after all. I hope they 169 00:13:36,600 --> 00:13:41,000 Speaker 1: fly safely and get to where they are going. Maybe 170 00:13:41,000 --> 00:13:43,959 Speaker 1: they have ice cream where they are going. I haven't 171 00:13:44,000 --> 00:13:47,440 Speaker 1: had ice cream in like two days. I think I 172 00:13:47,480 --> 00:13:50,080 Speaker 1: will go crazy if I don't have some again soon. 173 00:13:51,640 --> 00:13:54,880 Speaker 1: I like ice cream too, What is your favorite flavor? 174 00:13:56,200 --> 00:13:59,080 Speaker 1: I like bubblegum ice cream. It's like a two for 175 00:13:59,200 --> 00:14:02,680 Speaker 1: one ice cream to eat and bubblegum to chew on. 176 00:14:03,559 --> 00:14:09,400 Speaker 1: What kind do you like? I think I like vanilla vanilla. 177 00:14:09,679 --> 00:14:14,520 Speaker 1: You don't think that's super boring? No, I think it's 178 00:14:14,640 --> 00:14:19,120 Speaker 1: just right. Wait is that what I think it is? 179 00:14:19,600 --> 00:14:24,840 Speaker 1: Avannie asked, I'm not sure. Do you see a dinosaur 180 00:14:24,960 --> 00:14:28,240 Speaker 1: or something. I used to see dinosaurs all the time 181 00:14:30,560 --> 00:14:33,600 Speaker 1: over there in the bushes. I am sure that must 182 00:14:33,640 --> 00:14:37,520 Speaker 1: be a big moose with huge antlers. I haven't seen 183 00:14:37,560 --> 00:14:40,800 Speaker 1: a moose before except in the toy store, because there 184 00:14:40,840 --> 00:14:44,280 Speaker 1: are no moose where I am from. It could be 185 00:14:44,320 --> 00:14:48,000 Speaker 1: a moose. But if it is, it must be confused 186 00:14:48,440 --> 00:14:51,200 Speaker 1: and thinks the trees in my backyard are a forest. 187 00:14:52,080 --> 00:14:56,000 Speaker 1: He probably just needs some directions to home. Orian said, 188 00:14:57,360 --> 00:14:59,800 Speaker 1: Is it far? Do we need to give him a 189 00:14:59,840 --> 00:15:05,880 Speaker 1: ri on our spaceship? Not far for a moose. I guess, hey, moose, 190 00:15:06,400 --> 00:15:09,200 Speaker 1: if you are looking for your home, you just need 191 00:15:09,240 --> 00:15:13,800 Speaker 1: to go that way, O'Ryan said, pointing towards the nearby 192 00:15:13,920 --> 00:15:17,720 Speaker 1: park where he liked to play with his friends. Once 193 00:15:17,760 --> 00:15:20,840 Speaker 1: you get there, just follow the river and you will 194 00:15:20,880 --> 00:15:24,880 Speaker 1: eventually get home. Remember to look both ways when you 195 00:15:24,920 --> 00:15:30,360 Speaker 1: cross the street. Look the moose is following your advice. 196 00:15:30,840 --> 00:15:34,280 Speaker 1: I hope he finds his way. Okay. I wonder what 197 00:15:34,320 --> 00:15:37,880 Speaker 1: flavor of ice cream he likes to eat. Evannie asked, 198 00:15:38,920 --> 00:15:43,320 Speaker 1: maybe maple nut. My father likes that flavor too. It's 199 00:15:43,360 --> 00:15:46,720 Speaker 1: the flavor that old people like to eat. And moose, 200 00:15:49,280 --> 00:15:54,240 Speaker 1: are you excited about going to school? Oriyan asked, Actually, 201 00:15:54,760 --> 00:15:58,760 Speaker 1: I am nervous and excited. It's a new school for me, 202 00:15:58,960 --> 00:16:02,040 Speaker 1: so I don't know what to expect, but I am 203 00:16:02,080 --> 00:16:06,400 Speaker 1: looking forward to making new friends like you. It's fun 204 00:16:06,400 --> 00:16:09,200 Speaker 1: to learn new things and meet new people, don't you think. 205 00:16:10,480 --> 00:16:15,240 Speaker 1: I guess so you'll be okay. Schools are the same everywhere. 206 00:16:16,000 --> 00:16:19,520 Speaker 1: Our school has some nice teachers, except for the cranky 207 00:16:19,600 --> 00:16:23,720 Speaker 1: missus Taylor. She's not very fun at all, always making 208 00:16:23,760 --> 00:16:27,000 Speaker 1: you be quiet, and she gives out so much homework. 209 00:16:27,920 --> 00:16:33,200 Speaker 1: She is the strictest teacher in the world. I think 210 00:16:33,280 --> 00:16:39,360 Speaker 1: she is my homeroom teacher. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Well, 211 00:16:39,880 --> 00:16:42,560 Speaker 1: I suppose it's not too late for you to switch schools. 212 00:16:43,920 --> 00:16:48,840 Speaker 1: Look up there, can you see them? See what? Avanni replied? 213 00:16:49,800 --> 00:16:53,800 Speaker 1: It's the Canadian Air Force flying by. It's time for 214 00:16:53,880 --> 00:16:56,520 Speaker 1: them to gather and go to a warmer place for 215 00:16:56,600 --> 00:17:02,800 Speaker 1: the winter. You call geese the air Force. Wait, I 216 00:17:02,920 --> 00:17:05,399 Speaker 1: see them too, and I think they are going to 217 00:17:05,480 --> 00:17:11,600 Speaker 1: land here in your backyard. They certainly are noisy. They 218 00:17:11,680 --> 00:17:14,119 Speaker 1: must be thirsty and want to drink from the pool 219 00:17:14,200 --> 00:17:17,000 Speaker 1: I used to cool off in the summer. Watch out 220 00:17:17,040 --> 00:17:23,440 Speaker 1: here they come, Oriyan said, covering his head with his hands. Oh, 221 00:17:23,520 --> 00:17:25,920 Speaker 1: it looks like they aren't going to land here after all. 222 00:17:26,640 --> 00:17:28,800 Speaker 1: They seem to be going across the street to your 223 00:17:28,840 --> 00:17:35,679 Speaker 1: neighbor's house. Avani said, Yeah, that's Susan's place. Her family 224 00:17:35,760 --> 00:17:39,040 Speaker 1: put in a great, big pool this summer, except no 225 00:17:39,080 --> 00:17:41,640 Speaker 1: one uses it because we all like the pool at 226 00:17:41,640 --> 00:17:46,080 Speaker 1: the park better. Susan is nice though, we're friends, and 227 00:17:46,160 --> 00:17:49,800 Speaker 1: she comes for swimming classes at the pool too. I 228 00:17:49,840 --> 00:17:52,720 Speaker 1: guess they might need to clean their swimming pool after 229 00:17:52,760 --> 00:17:58,159 Speaker 1: the geese swim and drink from it. Maybe the alien's 230 00:17:58,160 --> 00:18:01,439 Speaker 1: spaceship told them about the pool, so they decided to 231 00:18:01,480 --> 00:18:06,800 Speaker 1: stop for a drink. It's possible. Geese are pretty smart. 232 00:18:07,800 --> 00:18:09,920 Speaker 1: I hope they can help the moose find his way 233 00:18:09,960 --> 00:18:13,040 Speaker 1: back to the forest, or at least find his way 234 00:18:13,040 --> 00:18:17,320 Speaker 1: to the ice cream shop at the park. I guess 235 00:18:17,400 --> 00:18:21,320 Speaker 1: geese don't eat ice cream, Avonnie asked, I'm not so 236 00:18:21,480 --> 00:18:27,840 Speaker 1: familiar with Canadian geese. No. I think they eat marshmallows instead, 237 00:18:28,800 --> 00:18:33,280 Speaker 1: soft marshmallows shaped like lily pads with a light green 238 00:18:33,400 --> 00:18:37,720 Speaker 1: tint and a hint of fresh water mint flavor. That 239 00:18:37,880 --> 00:18:44,119 Speaker 1: sounds kind of yummy, Avannie said, Oryan, it's lunchtime, little brother, 240 00:18:44,600 --> 00:18:49,320 Speaker 1: come in and have something to eat. It's lunchtime already. 241 00:18:49,840 --> 00:18:53,840 Speaker 1: Oriyan exclaimed, it feels like I just came outside after 242 00:18:53,880 --> 00:18:59,560 Speaker 1: having breakfast. Avanni laughed and said that's what happens when 243 00:18:59,560 --> 00:19:04,240 Speaker 1: you are helping alien spaceships, guiding mooves, and watching the 244 00:19:04,280 --> 00:19:08,920 Speaker 1: Canadian Air Force. Time just zips by when you're having fun. 245 00:19:10,440 --> 00:19:14,239 Speaker 1: I guess so, Orian said as he stood up. You 246 00:19:14,280 --> 00:19:17,040 Speaker 1: could come in for lunch if you like. My sister's 247 00:19:17,080 --> 00:19:20,200 Speaker 1: making it so it might only be grilled cheese sandwiches 248 00:19:20,320 --> 00:19:25,720 Speaker 1: or something like that. I love grilled cheese sandwiches. But 249 00:19:25,800 --> 00:19:28,280 Speaker 1: I think my mother is expecting me to come home 250 00:19:28,320 --> 00:19:33,120 Speaker 1: for lunch. Maybe next time, Avannie said, as she started 251 00:19:33,119 --> 00:19:45,720 Speaker 1: toward her house. See you, Orian said, waving goodbye, and 252 00:19:45,760 --> 00:19:58,480 Speaker 1: that is the end of our story. Good Night, sleep tight.