1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:20,520 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. This story 2 00:00:20,760 --> 00:00:26,639 Speaker 1: is about a guinea pig named Perceval. Perceval is bored 3 00:00:27,080 --> 00:00:31,600 Speaker 1: and feeling lonely. He doesn't think he has been fed 4 00:00:31,840 --> 00:00:36,320 Speaker 1: or pet in a really long time, so he decides 5 00:00:36,360 --> 00:00:41,360 Speaker 1: to go looking for his owner. Perceval gets out of 6 00:00:41,400 --> 00:00:46,840 Speaker 1: his cage and goes on an amazing adventure. Let's see 7 00:00:46,840 --> 00:00:59,120 Speaker 1: how it goes Charlotte's guinea pig. Though he lived in 8 00:00:59,160 --> 00:01:03,880 Speaker 1: a great, big house with all kinds of entertainment, a 9 00:01:03,920 --> 00:01:10,200 Speaker 1: spinning wheel, and places to crawl under, Perceval was bored and, 10 00:01:10,240 --> 00:01:18,280 Speaker 1: as was often the case, he was hungry. He wasn't 11 00:01:18,400 --> 00:01:22,039 Speaker 1: very good with time, but it seemed like an eternity 12 00:01:22,360 --> 00:01:26,240 Speaker 1: since he had been talked to, given a pet, and 13 00:01:26,360 --> 00:01:33,680 Speaker 1: fed treats. So Perceval decided to take matters into his 14 00:01:33,840 --> 00:01:38,120 Speaker 1: own hands and go in search of his owner and 15 00:01:38,240 --> 00:01:42,319 Speaker 1: maybe have a little fun on the way. But first 16 00:01:43,080 --> 00:01:45,840 Speaker 1: he had to find the way to go outside of 17 00:01:45,880 --> 00:01:55,720 Speaker 1: his home. Perceval, like many guinea pigs, doesn't have particularly 18 00:01:55,840 --> 00:02:02,720 Speaker 1: strong eyesight, but they do have amaze memories. So Perceval 19 00:02:02,840 --> 00:02:09,959 Speaker 1: sat and thought and thought and thought, where was that 20 00:02:10,080 --> 00:02:16,920 Speaker 1: door that always opened? Then he remembered and scampered and 21 00:02:17,120 --> 00:02:22,040 Speaker 1: jumped with excitement towards the door and hid it with 22 00:02:22,120 --> 00:02:28,359 Speaker 1: a thump, which caused the door to open. Someone had 23 00:02:28,400 --> 00:02:32,680 Speaker 1: forgotten to close it properly, all the better for Perceval. 24 00:02:37,040 --> 00:02:42,600 Speaker 1: Perceval slowly walked out the door and froze. He was 25 00:02:42,680 --> 00:02:46,840 Speaker 1: kind of nervous, as he had never been outside alone before, 26 00:02:48,480 --> 00:02:51,760 Speaker 1: but he summoned up his courage and took one step, 27 00:02:53,040 --> 00:03:03,720 Speaker 1: then two steps, then three, and then he fell. He 28 00:03:03,760 --> 00:03:06,960 Speaker 1: didn't see that his home was on a table, and 29 00:03:07,080 --> 00:03:13,560 Speaker 1: didn't notice the edge when he was taking those first steps, 30 00:03:13,600 --> 00:03:16,799 Speaker 1: But as he fell, he crunched up into a ball 31 00:03:17,200 --> 00:03:20,480 Speaker 1: like an armadillo, and when he landed on the floor, 32 00:03:20,800 --> 00:03:24,560 Speaker 1: he bounced and rolled as if he were a brown 33 00:03:24,800 --> 00:03:32,799 Speaker 1: colored tennis ball. His fear turned into excitement as Perceval 34 00:03:32,880 --> 00:03:36,960 Speaker 1: came to a stop. Wow, that was so much fun. 35 00:03:37,320 --> 00:03:44,080 Speaker 1: He thought, I should try that again some time. Then 36 00:03:44,120 --> 00:03:47,720 Speaker 1: he slowly started on his way to find his owner. 37 00:03:51,960 --> 00:03:55,120 Speaker 1: As he was slowly walking along, he saw in the 38 00:03:55,200 --> 00:03:59,760 Speaker 1: distance a white furry friend with blue and red stripes. 39 00:04:02,760 --> 00:04:06,120 Speaker 1: Perceval called out, Hello, there, have you seen my owner? 40 00:04:06,720 --> 00:04:12,800 Speaker 1: I'm kind of lonely and could use some treats. There 41 00:04:12,880 --> 00:04:21,400 Speaker 1: was no answer, so Perceval called out again Hello. He 42 00:04:21,520 --> 00:04:25,719 Speaker 1: continued walking slowly towards his new friend, and as he 43 00:04:25,800 --> 00:04:31,920 Speaker 1: got closer he noticed something. Though guinea pigs don't have 44 00:04:32,080 --> 00:04:36,440 Speaker 1: great eyesight, they do have a keen sense of smell. 45 00:04:37,279 --> 00:04:41,680 Speaker 1: And something didn't smell quite right about this white with 46 00:04:41,880 --> 00:04:48,320 Speaker 1: blue and red striped friend in front of him. And 47 00:04:48,400 --> 00:04:52,560 Speaker 1: then Perceval realized why his new friend wasn't a friend. 48 00:04:52,640 --> 00:04:57,040 Speaker 1: After all, they were his owner's socks and they were 49 00:04:57,120 --> 00:05:05,600 Speaker 1: kind of stinky. Firstval quickly scuttled away and went out 50 00:05:05,720 --> 00:05:11,800 Speaker 1: the bedroom door into the hallway. Wow, he thought, as 51 00:05:11,839 --> 00:05:17,320 Speaker 1: he looked around the world, certainly was big. Should I continue? 52 00:05:18,320 --> 00:05:24,040 Speaker 1: It might take me months to find my owner here. 53 00:05:24,600 --> 00:05:28,640 Speaker 1: He summoned up his courage and continued slowly on his way, 54 00:05:29,080 --> 00:05:32,880 Speaker 1: sniffing at the walls, the toys left on the floor, 55 00:05:33,480 --> 00:05:37,479 Speaker 1: and staring at the glowing bulbs shining up higher than 56 00:05:37,520 --> 00:05:46,560 Speaker 1: he could see. Just then, something orange and striped with 57 00:05:46,839 --> 00:05:51,200 Speaker 1: big paws and angry eyes jumped right in front of him. 58 00:05:52,600 --> 00:05:56,120 Speaker 1: He froze, just like his mother had taught him, and 59 00:05:56,279 --> 00:06:01,400 Speaker 1: hoped the cat didn't see him. Always warned me about 60 00:06:01,520 --> 00:06:06,400 Speaker 1: cats and how they aren't very nice, he thought, Hello there, 61 00:06:06,480 --> 00:06:10,479 Speaker 1: little guy, my name is Fanta. What's your name? I 62 00:06:10,520 --> 00:06:12,520 Speaker 1: don't think I have seen you out here before? Are 63 00:06:12,600 --> 00:06:18,039 Speaker 1: you lost? Heard Fanta the cat? Perceval let out a 64 00:06:18,120 --> 00:06:23,000 Speaker 1: sigh of relief. Oh, hi, Fanta, nice to meet you. 65 00:06:23,680 --> 00:06:26,680 Speaker 1: My name is Percival, and I am looking for my owner. 66 00:06:27,000 --> 00:06:34,080 Speaker 1: Have you seen her? No, not recently, but I only 67 00:06:34,120 --> 00:06:37,040 Speaker 1: look for my owners when I am hungry and I 68 00:06:37,080 --> 00:06:42,320 Speaker 1: already ate today. Why are you looking for her? Well, 69 00:06:42,360 --> 00:06:44,880 Speaker 1: I was kind of bored and a little hungry, and 70 00:06:45,040 --> 00:06:47,240 Speaker 1: I thought it would be a good idea to go 71 00:06:47,360 --> 00:06:51,279 Speaker 1: look for her, and so far I am having fun 72 00:06:51,360 --> 00:06:57,800 Speaker 1: exploring this big world. Can you help me? Sure? Just 73 00:06:57,920 --> 00:07:00,880 Speaker 1: keep going in this direction until you came to the kitchen, 74 00:07:01,400 --> 00:07:06,279 Speaker 1: Panta said, as she stretched. What's a kitchen, asked Perceval. 75 00:07:07,240 --> 00:07:09,800 Speaker 1: The kitchen is where the humans all go to eat 76 00:07:10,040 --> 00:07:13,440 Speaker 1: and talk and where they feed me. You will know 77 00:07:13,520 --> 00:07:19,960 Speaker 1: it's the kitchen because the floor is smoother. Perceval had 78 00:07:20,000 --> 00:07:22,840 Speaker 1: thought that what he was walking on now was kind 79 00:07:22,840 --> 00:07:28,640 Speaker 1: of prickly and made his feet a little ticklish. Okay, 80 00:07:29,480 --> 00:07:31,680 Speaker 1: I've got to go now, as I am due for 81 00:07:31,800 --> 00:07:37,600 Speaker 1: my afternoon nap. Nice to meet you, Perceval, Thank you, 82 00:07:37,680 --> 00:07:44,360 Speaker 1: it was nice to meet you as well. Fanta walked 83 00:07:44,360 --> 00:07:49,280 Speaker 1: away elegantly, as cats often do, and Perceval continued in 84 00:07:49,360 --> 00:07:56,600 Speaker 1: the direction that Phanta pointed him in. Well, I've already 85 00:07:56,640 --> 00:07:59,600 Speaker 1: made one new friend on this adventure, and except for 86 00:07:59,680 --> 00:08:03,840 Speaker 1: smelling those stinky socks, I'm having lots of fun so far, 87 00:08:04,240 --> 00:08:14,000 Speaker 1: he thought. Perceval kept walking and walking past mountains which 88 00:08:14,040 --> 00:08:19,520 Speaker 1: were really chairs and couches, through forests which were plants, 89 00:08:20,080 --> 00:08:23,800 Speaker 1: and almost got lost inside a deep and dark cave 90 00:08:24,640 --> 00:08:30,920 Speaker 1: which was an overturned boot. Just as he came out 91 00:08:30,960 --> 00:08:35,040 Speaker 1: of the cave, he heard a loud, shrieking sound, and 92 00:08:35,120 --> 00:08:39,280 Speaker 1: so he froze. Oh. I hope whatever is making that 93 00:08:39,400 --> 00:08:47,800 Speaker 1: sound doesn't notice me, Perceval said, nervously. Oh. Suddenly, from 94 00:08:47,920 --> 00:08:52,360 Speaker 1: high up in the sky, a yellow blur magically landed 95 00:08:52,400 --> 00:08:56,280 Speaker 1: in front of him and squawked, hullo there, little fellow, 96 00:08:56,600 --> 00:08:59,160 Speaker 1: where are you off to today? Have we met before? 97 00:08:59,440 --> 00:09:05,280 Speaker 1: Why do you so frightened? Hi? Yes, uh, I don't 98 00:09:05,320 --> 00:09:08,320 Speaker 1: think we have met. My name is Perceval. Can we 99 00:09:08,400 --> 00:09:12,560 Speaker 1: be friends? Why? Of course we can. And by the way, 100 00:09:12,760 --> 00:09:20,360 Speaker 1: my name is tweety. Perceval was relieved, tweety, maybe you 101 00:09:20,440 --> 00:09:23,400 Speaker 1: can help me. I'm looking for the kitchen because that's 102 00:09:23,440 --> 00:09:25,880 Speaker 1: where I might find my owner. Am I going in 103 00:09:25,920 --> 00:09:30,520 Speaker 1: the right direction? You certainly are. You are almost there. 104 00:09:30,559 --> 00:09:33,600 Speaker 1: Just a few more steps. Well maybe not a few 105 00:09:33,600 --> 00:09:40,480 Speaker 1: more steps for you, but you are really close. Perceval, 106 00:09:40,760 --> 00:09:44,760 Speaker 1: feeling a little tired from all the adventuring and exploring, 107 00:09:45,240 --> 00:09:48,400 Speaker 1: decided that it would be best that he quickly continue 108 00:09:48,440 --> 00:09:52,400 Speaker 1: on his way, otherwise he might need a nap and 109 00:09:52,480 --> 00:09:57,600 Speaker 1: miss his owner. Well, I best be going. It was 110 00:09:57,679 --> 00:10:00,240 Speaker 1: really nice meeting you, tweety. I hope we have a 111 00:10:00,320 --> 00:10:03,840 Speaker 1: chance to talk and play another time. Sure thing, perst 112 00:10:03,840 --> 00:10:09,839 Speaker 1: of aal. I always have time for my friends. And 113 00:10:09,960 --> 00:10:18,320 Speaker 1: off he went. Perstval could see how just beyond the 114 00:10:18,360 --> 00:10:22,800 Speaker 1: mountains it got brighter and brighter the farther he walked. 115 00:10:24,120 --> 00:10:27,319 Speaker 1: He was getting excited to finally arrive at the kitchen. 116 00:10:28,640 --> 00:10:31,640 Speaker 1: Though he had only been walking for less than an hour. 117 00:10:32,200 --> 00:10:36,280 Speaker 1: It felt to him like an eternity. He had seen 118 00:10:36,400 --> 00:10:40,640 Speaker 1: so many large and wondrous things, and smelt some good 119 00:10:40,720 --> 00:10:49,760 Speaker 1: and not so good things. Then he finally came upon 120 00:10:49,880 --> 00:10:54,160 Speaker 1: what he thought must be the kitchen. The ground looked 121 00:10:54,360 --> 00:11:02,040 Speaker 1: completely different, shiny, slippery. So he summoned his courage and 122 00:11:02,160 --> 00:11:08,480 Speaker 1: put one foot forward, and then another and another, until 123 00:11:08,559 --> 00:11:15,080 Speaker 1: all four of his feet were on the kitchen floor. Wow, 124 00:11:15,120 --> 00:11:18,720 Speaker 1: he thought, the ground feels so smooth, and I can 125 00:11:18,800 --> 00:11:24,120 Speaker 1: walk so fast. So he walked and he walked and 126 00:11:24,200 --> 00:11:29,240 Speaker 1: he walked until he came upon a large black mountain. 127 00:11:30,800 --> 00:11:34,440 Speaker 1: It was so large he couldn't see past it. But 128 00:11:34,640 --> 00:11:42,520 Speaker 1: then it moved. Perceval was scared, so he froze, hoping 129 00:11:42,559 --> 00:11:47,400 Speaker 1: that the mountain would not see him. The mountain led 130 00:11:47,480 --> 00:11:54,120 Speaker 1: out a large yawn. Perceval tried really hard to disappear 131 00:11:54,559 --> 00:11:59,040 Speaker 1: by standing still, but he was shivering so much he 132 00:11:59,160 --> 00:12:03,640 Speaker 1: was sure the young mountain saw him. And then the 133 00:12:03,760 --> 00:12:08,560 Speaker 1: mountain spoke, well, hello there, little one, let me give 134 00:12:08,559 --> 00:12:13,840 Speaker 1: you a sniff. And then this large rubbery looking thing 135 00:12:14,120 --> 00:12:19,600 Speaker 1: touched Perceval and gave him a lick. My name is Booger, 136 00:12:19,800 --> 00:12:22,880 Speaker 1: and I am a dog. What is your name? I 137 00:12:22,920 --> 00:12:25,760 Speaker 1: don't think I have smelled you around these parts recently. 138 00:12:28,360 --> 00:12:33,040 Speaker 1: With a sigh of relief, Perceval introduced himself and told 139 00:12:33,080 --> 00:12:37,480 Speaker 1: Booger all about his adventures and why he was outside 140 00:12:37,520 --> 00:12:43,240 Speaker 1: his home. Well, Percival, I know for a fact that 141 00:12:43,320 --> 00:12:47,320 Speaker 1: your owner is not home. Today is Saturday, and she 142 00:12:47,480 --> 00:12:51,319 Speaker 1: is always out playing soccer without me, I might add. 143 00:12:52,280 --> 00:12:57,480 Speaker 1: Booger looked a little disappointed. She sometimes comes home late, 144 00:12:57,559 --> 00:13:00,079 Speaker 1: and I'm not sure this is the best place for 145 00:12:59,880 --> 00:13:02,880 Speaker 1: you to wait for them if they come rushing in 146 00:13:02,960 --> 00:13:09,880 Speaker 1: the door. Oh maybe you are right. I am quite small, 147 00:13:09,960 --> 00:13:13,560 Speaker 1: Perceval said. I've had a great time so far, but 148 00:13:14,200 --> 00:13:18,079 Speaker 1: I am getting a little tired. Maybe it's best I 149 00:13:18,200 --> 00:13:21,360 Speaker 1: go wait for my owner back at my house, except 150 00:13:22,160 --> 00:13:27,240 Speaker 1: I'm not sure which way to go. Don't you worry 151 00:13:27,240 --> 00:13:30,600 Speaker 1: about that. Just crawl on my back and I will 152 00:13:30,640 --> 00:13:35,200 Speaker 1: deliver you right to your home. Thank you, Booger, that 153 00:13:35,280 --> 00:13:41,880 Speaker 1: would be very nice of you. Perceval slowly climbed on 154 00:13:42,000 --> 00:13:47,040 Speaker 1: top of Booger, and off they went. Everything looked much 155 00:13:47,120 --> 00:13:49,800 Speaker 1: different when you were riding on the back of a dog, 156 00:13:50,679 --> 00:13:54,199 Speaker 1: and you got place as much faster as he arrived 157 00:13:54,240 --> 00:13:57,040 Speaker 1: back in the bedroom in a fraction of the time 158 00:13:57,080 --> 00:14:01,440 Speaker 1: it took him to leave. It looks like your home 159 00:14:01,559 --> 00:14:03,680 Speaker 1: is a little too high for me to put you 160 00:14:03,800 --> 00:14:10,160 Speaker 1: inside the door. Are you okay here on the floor, Percival, 161 00:14:10,600 --> 00:14:16,040 Speaker 1: feeling really sleepy, mumbled, no problem. Nice to meet you, booger. 162 00:14:16,520 --> 00:14:18,920 Speaker 1: Thank you for the ride. I think I will just 163 00:14:19,120 --> 00:14:29,360 Speaker 1: close my eyes and Perceval fell right to sleep. Perceval, 164 00:14:29,720 --> 00:14:32,680 Speaker 1: how did you get out? Are you okay? Did you 165 00:14:32,720 --> 00:14:38,520 Speaker 1: get hurt? Are you hungry? Charlotte picked up her guinea 166 00:14:38,560 --> 00:14:42,440 Speaker 1: pig Perceval off the floor, checking him on the top, 167 00:14:43,160 --> 00:14:46,920 Speaker 1: the bottom, and basically all over to make sure he 168 00:14:47,080 --> 00:14:51,800 Speaker 1: was okay. I'm so sorry I left you alone for 169 00:14:51,880 --> 00:14:54,800 Speaker 1: so long, but I had a soccer game and we won, 170 00:14:55,480 --> 00:14:58,320 Speaker 1: and I was the star player, and of course we 171 00:14:58,480 --> 00:15:02,760 Speaker 1: had to go out for pizza after words. She gave 172 00:15:02,800 --> 00:15:07,280 Speaker 1: him treats, pat him, brushed him with her doll brush, 173 00:15:07,640 --> 00:15:11,400 Speaker 1: and told him all about how much fun she had 174 00:15:11,440 --> 00:15:20,960 Speaker 1: playing soccer and eating pizza. Perceval was happy, full and content. 175 00:15:25,880 --> 00:15:54,800 Speaker 1: And that's the end of this story. Good night, sleep tight.