1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,520 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,600 --> 00:00:19,480 Speaker 1: to say hello to Cecilia and Corbin from Oregon, and 3 00:00:19,520 --> 00:00:26,160 Speaker 1: hello to Colin and Nora from Wellington, New Zealand. I'd 4 00:00:26,200 --> 00:00:29,880 Speaker 1: like to say a very special happy belated birthday to 5 00:00:30,040 --> 00:00:35,040 Speaker 1: Scarlet Dolly Pedal from England, who celebrated her ninth birthday 6 00:00:35,400 --> 00:00:42,199 Speaker 1: on January thirty first. Happy belated birthday to Mason, who 7 00:00:42,320 --> 00:00:49,199 Speaker 1: turned ten on January twenty ninth. Happy belated birthday to 8 00:00:49,320 --> 00:00:53,800 Speaker 1: Duncan reed Alley from Wyndham, New Hampshire, who turned five 9 00:00:54,040 --> 00:01:02,240 Speaker 1: on February second. Happy belated birthday to Jojo Mott from Lakewood, Ohio, 10 00:01:02,440 --> 00:01:10,000 Speaker 1: who turned eight on February fifth. Happy birthday to Jasmine 11 00:01:10,040 --> 00:01:13,720 Speaker 1: who loves our Bernice Stories and is turning seven on 12 00:01:13,880 --> 00:01:21,039 Speaker 1: February sixth. Happy birthday to Lea Ray from the Philippines 13 00:01:21,319 --> 00:01:25,480 Speaker 1: who is turning five on February seventh. Mommy, Dadda and 14 00:01:25,600 --> 00:01:31,680 Speaker 1: Lucas love you so much. Happy birthday to Rhtte who 15 00:01:31,760 --> 00:01:39,839 Speaker 1: is turning five on February eighth. Happy birthday to Deniz 16 00:01:40,040 --> 00:01:45,840 Speaker 1: who is turning eight on February eighth. Happy birthday to 17 00:01:45,959 --> 00:01:53,120 Speaker 1: Lee who is turning five on February eighth. Happy birthday 18 00:01:53,160 --> 00:01:57,760 Speaker 1: to Marie Monkey from Thermopolis, Wyoming who was turning five 19 00:01:58,040 --> 00:02:03,360 Speaker 1: on February eighth. Happy birthday to Ava from Edmonton who 20 00:02:03,400 --> 00:02:09,240 Speaker 1: has a birthday on February eighth, And Happy birthday to 21 00:02:09,400 --> 00:02:12,800 Speaker 1: Zoe from stone Ridge, New York who has a birthday 22 00:02:12,880 --> 00:02:18,120 Speaker 1: on February twelfth. Happy birthday to you all. I hope 23 00:02:18,120 --> 00:02:22,600 Speaker 1: you have a wonderful day. Shout outs and birthday wishes 24 00:02:22,639 --> 00:02:26,200 Speaker 1: are one way we give thanks to our supporters. If 25 00:02:26,200 --> 00:02:29,080 Speaker 1: you would like to support us and receive more bedtime 26 00:02:29,200 --> 00:02:33,600 Speaker 1: entertainment like this, all add free, please visit our support 27 00:02:33,639 --> 00:02:38,440 Speaker 1: page at sleep tightstories dot org slash support. Thank you. 28 00:02:46,080 --> 00:02:49,960 Speaker 1: This is a story about a farm on Prince Edward Island. 29 00:02:50,960 --> 00:02:54,480 Speaker 1: It has been raining, but the sun is finally out. 30 00:02:55,520 --> 00:02:57,880 Speaker 1: The animals can't wait to get out of the barn 31 00:02:57,960 --> 00:03:03,920 Speaker 1: and spend their day romping eating. There are pigs, cows, 32 00:03:04,440 --> 00:03:10,720 Speaker 1: chickens and splash the dog. Let's see what is going 33 00:03:10,760 --> 00:03:19,200 Speaker 1: to happen on this nice sunny day at the farm. 34 00:03:19,360 --> 00:03:26,839 Speaker 1: Puddles and splash. The morning sun had just risen over 35 00:03:26,880 --> 00:03:29,960 Speaker 1: the Hampshire farm on what was sure to be a 36 00:03:30,080 --> 00:03:35,440 Speaker 1: warm summer day. The dew was still heavy on the grass, 37 00:03:35,880 --> 00:03:42,480 Speaker 1: and the air was filled with the sounds of birds, cows, pigs, chickens, 38 00:03:42,560 --> 00:03:48,520 Speaker 1: and Chester, the old rooster crowing. After a long period 39 00:03:48,560 --> 00:03:52,120 Speaker 1: of rain, all the animals on the farm were excited 40 00:03:52,160 --> 00:03:55,720 Speaker 1: to see the sun again and to spend their day outside, 41 00:03:55,800 --> 00:04:01,640 Speaker 1: romping and eating amongst the rolling hills, except for perhaps 42 00:04:01,680 --> 00:04:08,840 Speaker 1: the pigs, who loved the rain and mud. The farm, 43 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:12,920 Speaker 1: located on Prince Edward Island, was not large, but like 44 00:04:13,080 --> 00:04:16,159 Speaker 1: so many on the Red Island, it was a picture 45 00:04:16,279 --> 00:04:21,719 Speaker 1: of rural charm and beauty. The red hills, dotted with 46 00:04:21,920 --> 00:04:26,159 Speaker 1: fields of green and gold, stretch as far as the 47 00:04:26,240 --> 00:04:31,120 Speaker 1: eye can see. The island is known for its rich, 48 00:04:31,279 --> 00:04:36,560 Speaker 1: fertile soil, which yields tons of potatoes, something for which 49 00:04:36,560 --> 00:04:41,560 Speaker 1: the island is famous, but there are also fields of wheat, 50 00:04:42,160 --> 00:04:46,960 Speaker 1: corn and other grains, as well as orchards filled with 51 00:04:47,120 --> 00:04:54,480 Speaker 1: juicy apples and plump berries. Animals on the Hampshire farm 52 00:04:54,640 --> 00:04:58,920 Speaker 1: could roam freely throughout the fields, only returning to their 53 00:04:58,960 --> 00:05:03,279 Speaker 1: pen when coached or they needed shelter from bad weather. 54 00:05:05,680 --> 00:05:09,600 Speaker 1: With Chester's signal that the day was to begin, Splash, 55 00:05:09,839 --> 00:05:12,800 Speaker 1: a large, strong dog whose job it was in the 56 00:05:12,839 --> 00:05:16,320 Speaker 1: morning to guide the animals out of their pen. Came 57 00:05:16,400 --> 00:05:20,919 Speaker 1: and opened the pen door to the outside fields. On 58 00:05:21,120 --> 00:05:25,120 Speaker 1: mornings like this, the animals didn't take much convincing to 59 00:05:25,160 --> 00:05:28,920 Speaker 1: go outside, but he still helped guide them and protect 60 00:05:28,960 --> 00:05:32,880 Speaker 1: them from any mishaps that might occur both in and 61 00:05:33,000 --> 00:05:39,599 Speaker 1: out of the pen. Okay, you all know how this works. 62 00:05:39,760 --> 00:05:43,600 Speaker 1: Big animals out first. We don't want any cow stepping 63 00:05:43,640 --> 00:05:48,800 Speaker 1: on the small animals, barked Splash. Splash's owner gave him 64 00:05:48,800 --> 00:05:52,240 Speaker 1: this name because he seemed happiest when playing in the 65 00:05:52,279 --> 00:05:56,480 Speaker 1: water when he was a young pop. They can't step 66 00:05:56,520 --> 00:05:59,520 Speaker 1: on me, one of the chickens said, trying to get 67 00:05:59,560 --> 00:06:02,160 Speaker 1: in front of the cows. I'm a bird and can 68 00:06:02,200 --> 00:06:07,760 Speaker 1: fly over them. Wait your turn, Chester the rooster said, 69 00:06:07,800 --> 00:06:10,080 Speaker 1: from his station on top of a bale of hay. 70 00:06:10,839 --> 00:06:15,440 Speaker 1: You fly as well as a cow. The chicken, a 71 00:06:15,480 --> 00:06:19,200 Speaker 1: little disappointed, replied, I guess you haven't heard of the 72 00:06:19,240 --> 00:06:23,839 Speaker 1: cow who flew over the moon. It's the cow who 73 00:06:23,960 --> 00:06:28,080 Speaker 1: jumped over the moon, and it's a nursery rhyme that 74 00:06:28,279 --> 00:06:32,080 Speaker 1: farmer Vernon used to sing to puddles when he first arrived. 75 00:06:32,560 --> 00:06:37,000 Speaker 1: Chester the rooster said, I thought it was true. Puddles 76 00:06:37,000 --> 00:06:42,520 Speaker 1: oinked in response. As the chickens and pigs waited, the 77 00:06:42,560 --> 00:06:46,120 Speaker 1: cows jumped and ran out the shed door so they 78 00:06:46,120 --> 00:06:49,200 Speaker 1: could play with the large blue ball that they loved 79 00:06:49,200 --> 00:06:53,240 Speaker 1: to play with in the fields. The fastest was Bubbles, 80 00:06:53,680 --> 00:07:01,440 Speaker 1: a calf who was always causing Splash a lot of trouble. Next, 81 00:07:01,480 --> 00:07:05,800 Speaker 1: the chickens fluttered out, followed by the pigs, led by Puddles, 82 00:07:06,080 --> 00:07:10,840 Speaker 1: the youngest of the drove. As the chickens stayed close 83 00:07:10,880 --> 00:07:14,240 Speaker 1: to the barn where farmer Vernon spread some seed, the 84 00:07:14,360 --> 00:07:19,520 Speaker 1: pigs stayed together, drinking water from the outside trough. The 85 00:07:19,600 --> 00:07:23,640 Speaker 1: cows were already far down the field playing there version 86 00:07:23,680 --> 00:07:28,920 Speaker 1: of football. You know, I could play football just as 87 00:07:28,960 --> 00:07:32,440 Speaker 1: good as those cows, Puddles said to his older sister. 88 00:07:33,400 --> 00:07:37,360 Speaker 1: They would just trample you, you silly piglet, You are too small, 89 00:07:37,960 --> 00:07:42,200 Speaker 1: she replied with a snort. Puddles looked in the distance 90 00:07:42,320 --> 00:07:46,320 Speaker 1: as Splash ran towards the cows, helping guide them away 91 00:07:46,320 --> 00:07:49,840 Speaker 1: from the fence so they wouldn't hurt themselves playing football. 92 00:07:51,440 --> 00:07:54,880 Speaker 1: Cows were smart, but got pretty excited when they played 93 00:07:54,920 --> 00:08:00,720 Speaker 1: ball and were prone to making mistakes. I bet I 94 00:08:00,800 --> 00:08:04,000 Speaker 1: could lead the farm animals just as well as splash. 95 00:08:04,360 --> 00:08:07,320 Speaker 1: I'm smart, and I am sure the chickens would listen 96 00:08:07,360 --> 00:08:12,560 Speaker 1: to me, Puddles said, Puddles, you may be smart, but 97 00:08:12,640 --> 00:08:15,800 Speaker 1: you are too young. You need to be older before 98 00:08:15,840 --> 00:08:20,440 Speaker 1: the animals will listen to you. His mother said, Ah, 99 00:08:20,720 --> 00:08:24,760 Speaker 1: I am not too small or too young. Piglets can 100 00:08:24,840 --> 00:08:29,040 Speaker 1: do things too. I bet someday I will be able 101 00:08:29,080 --> 00:08:32,800 Speaker 1: to fly, maybe even fly over the moon, or be 102 00:08:33,000 --> 00:08:36,880 Speaker 1: so smart that I can help Farmer Vernon fix his tractor. 103 00:08:37,480 --> 00:08:41,280 Speaker 1: Or maybe I'll be the first pig in space from 104 00:08:41,360 --> 00:08:45,520 Speaker 1: Prince Edward Island. I'm sure I'll be smarter than doctor 105 00:08:45,640 --> 00:08:52,440 Speaker 1: Julius Strange pork. Oh, Puddles, you do have such a 106 00:08:52,480 --> 00:08:58,400 Speaker 1: great imagination, his father said, Someday, when you get older, 107 00:08:58,920 --> 00:09:03,040 Speaker 1: you will be able to do more useful things. Why 108 00:09:03,040 --> 00:09:05,040 Speaker 1: don't you go off and play in the field near 109 00:09:05,080 --> 00:09:08,960 Speaker 1: the cows. Maybe Bubbles will play with you again. Just 110 00:09:09,080 --> 00:09:12,240 Speaker 1: watch out for her hoofs. She isn't as sure on 111 00:09:12,320 --> 00:09:19,600 Speaker 1: her feet as the older cows. Puddles snorted, took another 112 00:09:19,679 --> 00:09:23,360 Speaker 1: mouthful of vegetables the farmer left for them, grabbed a 113 00:09:23,360 --> 00:09:27,480 Speaker 1: carrot and went off searching for Bubbles the calf, the 114 00:09:27,760 --> 00:09:33,680 Speaker 1: only animal on the farm which seemed to understand him. 115 00:09:33,800 --> 00:09:39,520 Speaker 1: Puddles was no ordinary piglet. He was very smart, maybe 116 00:09:39,559 --> 00:09:42,800 Speaker 1: smarter than the smartest pig farmer Vernon had ever seen. 117 00:09:43,840 --> 00:09:47,600 Speaker 1: He had a round, fluffy body with soft pink skin, 118 00:09:48,240 --> 00:09:52,280 Speaker 1: with streaks of color on his legs and belly. His 119 00:09:52,440 --> 00:09:54,840 Speaker 1: sister told him that the color wasn't there when he 120 00:09:54,960 --> 00:09:58,559 Speaker 1: was born and resulted from him always jumping in the 121 00:09:58,640 --> 00:10:03,880 Speaker 1: mud Puddles. Puddles didn't quite believe her, but he was 122 00:10:03,920 --> 00:10:10,400 Speaker 1: an optimist and thought anything was possible. He ran down 123 00:10:10,440 --> 00:10:13,400 Speaker 1: the field as fast as his chubby little legs would 124 00:10:13,400 --> 00:10:17,280 Speaker 1: take him. His tail wagged back and forth, showing his 125 00:10:17,400 --> 00:10:21,920 Speaker 1: excitement for being able to play with Bubbles. His floppy 126 00:10:21,960 --> 00:10:26,040 Speaker 1: ears flopped this way and that, and his black eyes 127 00:10:26,160 --> 00:10:29,840 Speaker 1: sparkled as he saw Bubbles running towards him in the distance. 128 00:10:33,240 --> 00:10:39,800 Speaker 1: Ooh ooh, Bubbles said, as she approached Puddles, what's wrong, Bubbles? 129 00:10:40,040 --> 00:10:43,320 Speaker 1: You look upset? Did the older cows not let you 130 00:10:43,400 --> 00:10:47,080 Speaker 1: have a turn punting the ball? No, that's not it 131 00:10:47,200 --> 00:10:50,160 Speaker 1: at all. I'm afraid I did it this time. I 132 00:10:50,280 --> 00:10:53,360 Speaker 1: was playing at the end of the field. Farther than Splash, 133 00:10:53,400 --> 00:10:56,360 Speaker 1: and I should and I started to get stuck in 134 00:10:56,400 --> 00:10:59,880 Speaker 1: the bog near the woods. Splash got stuck when he 135 00:11:00,160 --> 00:11:03,560 Speaker 1: pulled me out, and no matter how hard he tries, 136 00:11:03,880 --> 00:11:07,240 Speaker 1: he can't get out. None of the older cows can 137 00:11:07,280 --> 00:11:13,840 Speaker 1: help because they are too heavy. Well, I'm small and light. 138 00:11:14,200 --> 00:11:17,000 Speaker 1: Maybe I can help, or at least go and get 139 00:11:17,000 --> 00:11:22,320 Speaker 1: help from farmer Vernon. Puddles said, okay, Puddles, follow me 140 00:11:22,400 --> 00:11:24,960 Speaker 1: to where the bog is, but be careful you don't 141 00:11:25,000 --> 00:11:28,720 Speaker 1: get stuck. This bog is too deep even for mud 142 00:11:28,760 --> 00:11:35,400 Speaker 1: loving pigs to go into. Puddles followed Bubbles as fast 143 00:11:35,440 --> 00:11:38,720 Speaker 1: as he could. When he arrived at the bog that 144 00:11:38,840 --> 00:11:43,000 Speaker 1: bordered a grove of old trees, he saw Splash stuck 145 00:11:43,200 --> 00:11:46,480 Speaker 1: in mud up to his belly, his fur no longer 146 00:11:46,520 --> 00:11:51,040 Speaker 1: the orange and white color it usually was. Now he 147 00:11:51,280 --> 00:11:56,120 Speaker 1: was completely saturated and covered by the reddish colored mud. 148 00:11:58,280 --> 00:12:02,840 Speaker 1: I Splash, Puddles said, you best stay back, little piglet. 149 00:12:03,200 --> 00:12:07,280 Speaker 1: I don't want you to get stuck too. I think 150 00:12:07,360 --> 00:12:09,760 Speaker 1: I can help you if I just think for a moment. 151 00:12:11,320 --> 00:12:14,480 Speaker 1: I am in no position to argue with you, Splash said, 152 00:12:14,520 --> 00:12:20,320 Speaker 1: as all the cows looked on. After thinking for a moment, 153 00:12:20,400 --> 00:12:24,120 Speaker 1: Puddles looked around and saw a large number of fallen 154 00:12:24,240 --> 00:12:27,719 Speaker 1: branches from the fir trees just at the edge of 155 00:12:27,760 --> 00:12:33,560 Speaker 1: the grove. He had an idea, Bubbles, can you help 156 00:12:33,559 --> 00:12:37,520 Speaker 1: me drag these branches over to the bog. I think 157 00:12:37,600 --> 00:12:40,240 Speaker 1: if we can drag them over there, they would help 158 00:12:40,320 --> 00:12:45,920 Speaker 1: us walk on the mud without sinking in. Puddles and 159 00:12:45,960 --> 00:12:51,680 Speaker 1: Bubbles dragged branch after branch over to the mud. Each time, 160 00:12:51,720 --> 00:12:54,880 Speaker 1: Puddles would drag the branches just a little bit further 161 00:12:55,080 --> 00:12:58,440 Speaker 1: over the bog, until the whole area in front of 162 00:12:58,480 --> 00:13:02,040 Speaker 1: Splash was cut covered in layers of branches from the 163 00:13:02,080 --> 00:13:07,959 Speaker 1: fir trees. That is pretty smart, Puddles, Splash said, clearly impressed, 164 00:13:08,520 --> 00:13:12,959 Speaker 1: But I think there is a problem. My hind legs 165 00:13:13,000 --> 00:13:16,360 Speaker 1: are stuck deeper than my front and I don't think 166 00:13:16,400 --> 00:13:22,439 Speaker 1: I can pull them out. But let me try. Splash 167 00:13:22,640 --> 00:13:27,040 Speaker 1: was a strong dog, but no matter how hard he tried, 168 00:13:27,520 --> 00:13:30,840 Speaker 1: he would fail. Just as he was about to free himself, 169 00:13:31,800 --> 00:13:37,880 Speaker 1: he was getting tired. That was a really smart idea, 170 00:13:38,000 --> 00:13:40,640 Speaker 1: but I just don't think I am going to be 171 00:13:40,679 --> 00:13:44,360 Speaker 1: able to do it, Splash said to Puddles. Bubbles and 172 00:13:44,400 --> 00:13:49,280 Speaker 1: all the cows watching. We can't give up yet, Puddles said. 173 00:13:49,600 --> 00:13:56,400 Speaker 1: Let me think. After a moment, he said, I know, Bubbles. 174 00:13:56,840 --> 00:13:59,439 Speaker 1: You know that long, thick rope that you and the 175 00:13:59,520 --> 00:14:03,680 Speaker 1: cows to use to play tug of war in the field. Yes, 176 00:14:04,160 --> 00:14:08,040 Speaker 1: we trotted past it on our way here. Can you 177 00:14:08,200 --> 00:14:11,800 Speaker 1: get it? I have an idea which I think will work. 178 00:14:14,160 --> 00:14:17,560 Speaker 1: Bubbles quickly ran off to fetch the rope from just 179 00:14:17,760 --> 00:14:20,240 Speaker 1: over the crest of the field that they crossed to 180 00:14:20,280 --> 00:14:24,320 Speaker 1: come to the bock. She returned with it trailing behind 181 00:14:24,360 --> 00:14:30,120 Speaker 1: her as she carried it in her mouth. Splash, this 182 00:14:30,160 --> 00:14:33,520 Speaker 1: is what I'm going to do. Because I am small. 183 00:14:33,960 --> 00:14:36,840 Speaker 1: If I walk on the branches on top of the bog, 184 00:14:37,320 --> 00:14:41,040 Speaker 1: I won't sync in. I am going to take this 185 00:14:41,200 --> 00:14:43,600 Speaker 1: rope to you so that you can grab it with 186 00:14:43,680 --> 00:14:48,560 Speaker 1: your mouth. I appreciate your help, Puddles, but I don't 187 00:14:48,560 --> 00:14:53,320 Speaker 1: want you to get stuck, Splash said, concerned. Don't worry, 188 00:14:53,680 --> 00:14:57,120 Speaker 1: Puddles said, and Bubbles, I am going to need your 189 00:14:57,120 --> 00:15:03,240 Speaker 1: help too. Slowly walked on top of the tree branches 190 00:15:03,680 --> 00:15:07,640 Speaker 1: with the long, heavy rope in his mouth until he 191 00:15:07,800 --> 00:15:12,640 Speaker 1: reached where Splash was stuck. With his short snout He 192 00:15:12,840 --> 00:15:16,480 Speaker 1: tossed it the remainder of the distance to Splash, who 193 00:15:16,520 --> 00:15:21,200 Speaker 1: grabbed it in his mouth. But Puddles, you are too 194 00:15:21,240 --> 00:15:24,080 Speaker 1: small to be able to drag Splash out of the mud. 195 00:15:24,240 --> 00:15:29,240 Speaker 1: Bubble said, that's where you come in. We just need 196 00:15:29,240 --> 00:15:32,720 Speaker 1: to give Splash a little extra help and he should 197 00:15:32,760 --> 00:15:35,360 Speaker 1: be able to get out of the mud. On the 198 00:15:35,480 --> 00:15:38,480 Speaker 1: count of three, I want you to pull on the 199 00:15:38,600 --> 00:15:41,240 Speaker 1: rope just like when you play a tug of war, 200 00:15:41,720 --> 00:15:48,720 Speaker 1: and that should be enough to help Splash one, two, 201 00:15:49,880 --> 00:15:56,080 Speaker 1: and three. Bubbles pulled as hard as she could and 202 00:15:56,160 --> 00:15:59,400 Speaker 1: Splash held onto the rope in his mouth while he 203 00:15:59,480 --> 00:16:02,240 Speaker 1: tried to push himself out of the hole with his 204 00:16:02,360 --> 00:16:08,440 Speaker 1: front paws. At first, it looked like Splash might pull 205 00:16:08,480 --> 00:16:12,440 Speaker 1: Bubbles into the mud with him, but Bubbles pulled as 206 00:16:12,600 --> 00:16:17,520 Speaker 1: hard as she could, eventually helping Splash leave the bog 207 00:16:17,960 --> 00:16:25,360 Speaker 1: with a deep sounding plot. A tired Splash came up 208 00:16:25,400 --> 00:16:29,960 Speaker 1: to Puddles and said, thank you, little piglet, you certainly 209 00:16:30,160 --> 00:16:34,200 Speaker 1: saved the day. How about we all walked back to 210 00:16:34,280 --> 00:16:37,400 Speaker 1: the field near the barns and stay away from this 211 00:16:37,520 --> 00:16:42,960 Speaker 1: bog for the rest of the day. As they were 212 00:16:43,000 --> 00:16:47,360 Speaker 1: walking across the field, Splash said to Puddles, you know, 213 00:16:48,200 --> 00:16:52,400 Speaker 1: I think we have all underestimated you. How would you 214 00:16:52,520 --> 00:16:55,520 Speaker 1: like to help me around the farm. I could certainly 215 00:16:55,840 --> 00:17:01,240 Speaker 1: use an assistant. I would like that, Splash, Puddles said 216 00:17:01,240 --> 00:17:07,720 Speaker 1: with a smile. As Puddles got older, he would increasingly 217 00:17:07,840 --> 00:17:13,160 Speaker 1: help Splash and farmer Vernon around the farm. He never 218 00:17:13,280 --> 00:17:16,919 Speaker 1: learned to fly or go into space, but he could 219 00:17:17,000 --> 00:17:22,080 Speaker 1: help fix broken fences and plant crops, and even though 220 00:17:22,119 --> 00:17:25,879 Speaker 1: he wasn't as big and strong as the others, he 221 00:17:25,920 --> 00:17:32,119 Speaker 1: would even herd the animals. He and Splash became best 222 00:17:32,200 --> 00:17:41,240 Speaker 1: friends and would have many adventures together. And that's the 223 00:17:41,400 --> 00:17:48,359 Speaker 1: end of our story. Good Night, Leap Tight