1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:20,640 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep tight stories. Esther is tired, 2 00:00:21,400 --> 00:00:26,320 Speaker 1: and so is Ariyah. They are walking through the canyons 3 00:00:26,560 --> 00:00:31,680 Speaker 1: and the path is very difficult. Esther is leading, and 4 00:00:31,760 --> 00:00:34,960 Speaker 1: this is the first time that Ariyah is the one 5 00:00:35,000 --> 00:00:39,800 Speaker 1: to say they need to stop. When they do stop, 6 00:00:40,560 --> 00:00:45,600 Speaker 1: Esther realizes that she is very thirsty and hungry. She 7 00:00:45,720 --> 00:00:50,920 Speaker 1: eats and drinks and understands that this is her chance 8 00:00:51,280 --> 00:00:59,200 Speaker 1: to be the leader. Magical Book of Dreams, Part twenty five. 9 00:01:03,400 --> 00:01:07,760 Speaker 1: The paths through the canyon were narrow and winding, flanked 10 00:01:07,880 --> 00:01:13,160 Speaker 1: on either side by these imposing rock walls. The path 11 00:01:13,280 --> 00:01:17,640 Speaker 1: widened into small clearings in some places, where the muted 12 00:01:17,800 --> 00:01:23,080 Speaker 1: sun cast grayish light onto the ground. In other areas, 13 00:01:23,400 --> 00:01:28,760 Speaker 1: the cliffs leaned close together, casting long, cool shadows and 14 00:01:28,840 --> 00:01:34,960 Speaker 1: creating a sense of enclosure. They had been walking for 15 00:01:35,040 --> 00:01:39,039 Speaker 1: a long time, which felt like a long time anyway. 16 00:01:40,360 --> 00:01:46,720 Speaker 1: There were no waypoints, and the canyon seemed endless. The 17 00:01:46,880 --> 00:01:51,560 Speaker 1: sounds continued to confuse, with Esther looking suddenly behind them 18 00:01:51,600 --> 00:01:55,200 Speaker 1: at times, thinking someone was walking right at their back. 19 00:01:56,720 --> 00:02:00,919 Speaker 1: Thankfully there never was, but it was sometime. I'm startling. 20 00:02:03,480 --> 00:02:08,360 Speaker 1: It was Ariah this time that asked to stop. We 21 00:02:08,480 --> 00:02:11,840 Speaker 1: need to stop for a moment, Esther, We need to rest, 22 00:02:11,960 --> 00:02:15,680 Speaker 1: and you need to drink. I admire the change I 23 00:02:15,720 --> 00:02:18,680 Speaker 1: see in you, but there is something else you need 24 00:02:18,720 --> 00:02:24,840 Speaker 1: to learn, Ariah whispered. Esther tried to reply, but realized 25 00:02:24,880 --> 00:02:29,240 Speaker 1: that her throat was dry, her lips thick like the 26 00:02:29,240 --> 00:02:35,280 Speaker 1: fabric of her coat. Clearing her throat, she asked, what 27 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:39,160 Speaker 1: what should I be doing? You need to learn to 28 00:02:39,360 --> 00:02:44,800 Speaker 1: pace yourself. Even someone like you needs to rest, to drink, 29 00:02:45,240 --> 00:02:50,600 Speaker 1: to eat. Here, take this, Ariah said, handing her the 30 00:02:50,680 --> 00:02:53,680 Speaker 1: sack of water and more of the weird food she 31 00:02:53,800 --> 00:02:58,320 Speaker 1: was carrying. Esther hadn't even finished what she had in 32 00:02:58,360 --> 00:03:03,560 Speaker 1: her pocket. It was difficult to eat. Images of her 33 00:03:03,600 --> 00:03:08,160 Speaker 1: mother's cooking started filling her mind, the stew she used 34 00:03:08,240 --> 00:03:13,120 Speaker 1: to complain about, which helped her realize that she was starving. 35 00:03:14,160 --> 00:03:20,639 Speaker 1: Her stomach started making noises shortly after. Okay, let's sit 36 00:03:20,720 --> 00:03:23,600 Speaker 1: here in this, clearing, Esther said, as she took the 37 00:03:23,680 --> 00:03:31,680 Speaker 1: water and food. Someone like me. Ever since I've come here, 38 00:03:31,880 --> 00:03:34,760 Speaker 1: they have thought of me as someone I don't recognize, 39 00:03:35,160 --> 00:03:41,640 Speaker 1: she thought. They sat on a rock and caught their breath. 40 00:03:43,320 --> 00:03:46,960 Speaker 1: Esther could hear her breathing now she had been panting 41 00:03:47,000 --> 00:03:52,560 Speaker 1: and hadn't even noticed. Thank you, I hadn't realized that 42 00:03:52,640 --> 00:03:56,640 Speaker 1: I was working so hard Esther whispered, after taking a 43 00:03:56,720 --> 00:04:01,760 Speaker 1: drink and catching her breath. The sound in the canyons 44 00:04:02,080 --> 00:04:07,320 Speaker 1: was a constant companion. Their footsteps, the shifting of loose 45 00:04:07,360 --> 00:04:12,280 Speaker 1: stones under their boots, and even their softest whispers echoed 46 00:04:12,320 --> 00:04:18,760 Speaker 1: off the walls, returning to them from multiple directions. It 47 00:04:18,839 --> 00:04:22,320 Speaker 1: created an eerie atmosphere that made it difficult to speak 48 00:04:22,360 --> 00:04:26,039 Speaker 1: too loudly for fear of the confusion it might produce. 49 00:04:27,360 --> 00:04:30,719 Speaker 1: It's okay, that's what I am here for, to offer 50 00:04:30,800 --> 00:04:36,599 Speaker 1: you my experience, whispered Riah. Esther took the book from 51 00:04:36,600 --> 00:04:40,000 Speaker 1: her bag as she attempted to chew the food Ariyah 52 00:04:40,000 --> 00:04:44,159 Speaker 1: had given her. To her surprise, she started to enjoy. 53 00:04:44,200 --> 00:04:49,880 Speaker 1: It must be the hunger, she thought. The map inside 54 00:04:49,880 --> 00:04:54,239 Speaker 1: the book, Gimbal's book was glowing as warmly as ever. 55 00:04:55,440 --> 00:04:58,719 Speaker 1: It wasn't an exact route, but she could see that 56 00:04:58,839 --> 00:05:03,640 Speaker 1: they would be coming to a crossing afterwards. The route 57 00:05:03,720 --> 00:05:06,839 Speaker 1: looked to go straight up the side of the steepest 58 00:05:06,880 --> 00:05:09,800 Speaker 1: part of the canyon until it reached the base of 59 00:05:09,839 --> 00:05:14,640 Speaker 1: the mountain. The top of which was the Starlit summit 60 00:05:14,760 --> 00:05:18,839 Speaker 1: of Eldoria. It was there that she would learn where 61 00:05:18,880 --> 00:05:27,039 Speaker 1: her father was. They sat silently, no small talk, no 62 00:05:27,200 --> 00:05:32,120 Speaker 1: questions about Esther's life in Shirewood, no questions about her father, 63 00:05:33,160 --> 00:05:39,839 Speaker 1: no questions about the unknown realm. Esther was eager to 64 00:05:39,880 --> 00:05:46,080 Speaker 1: get started. Her thin legs were beyond pain. Usually, Ariah 65 00:05:46,120 --> 00:05:49,839 Speaker 1: set the pace, pushing Esther to move faster and keep going. 66 00:05:51,960 --> 00:05:55,360 Speaker 1: It's now or never, she thought. If I am going 67 00:05:55,400 --> 00:05:58,480 Speaker 1: to be the leader they think I am, this is 68 00:05:58,560 --> 00:06:02,960 Speaker 1: the first step. Her father used to tell her that 69 00:06:03,000 --> 00:06:07,440 Speaker 1: the greatest distances were conquered not all at once, but 70 00:06:07,640 --> 00:06:11,920 Speaker 1: through the persistence of taking one small, determined step at 71 00:06:11,920 --> 00:06:18,400 Speaker 1: a time. This is her one small determined step. We 72 00:06:18,440 --> 00:06:22,880 Speaker 1: should be going, Riyah. Esther whispered as she shakily stood 73 00:06:22,960 --> 00:06:30,440 Speaker 1: up her legs protesting. Ariah smiled, Yes, we should be going. 74 00:06:31,080 --> 00:06:37,479 Speaker 1: How much farther, Princess. The map isn't very accurate, but 75 00:06:37,600 --> 00:06:40,320 Speaker 1: it shows that we must cross the canyon up ahead 76 00:06:40,320 --> 00:06:43,640 Speaker 1: around a bend. From there, it's going to be a 77 00:06:43,760 --> 00:06:49,360 Speaker 1: long walk straight up the mountain. Well, hopefully the way 78 00:06:49,440 --> 00:06:52,640 Speaker 1: will be clear and that mountain will reveal itself in 79 00:06:52,720 --> 00:06:56,720 Speaker 1: a time, benefiting us, Ariah said, as she did her 80 00:06:56,760 --> 00:07:05,039 Speaker 1: customary look around, looking for threats before they walked. As 81 00:07:05,080 --> 00:07:09,559 Speaker 1: they left, following a narrow and winding path, the edge 82 00:07:09,720 --> 00:07:13,280 Speaker 1: often revealing what looked at times like a bottomless pit. 83 00:07:14,760 --> 00:07:17,119 Speaker 1: This is not a path you would want to walk 84 00:07:17,160 --> 00:07:21,560 Speaker 1: on at night. One misstep and you might keep falling 85 00:07:21,680 --> 00:07:28,160 Speaker 1: through to the other side. Streams and rivlets occasionally crossed 86 00:07:28,200 --> 00:07:32,120 Speaker 1: their path, the water cutting through the rock and flowing 87 00:07:32,160 --> 00:07:37,240 Speaker 1: in narrow channels. These waterways were often bordered by what 88 00:07:37,360 --> 00:07:40,760 Speaker 1: might have been small trees and shrubs, but were now 89 00:07:40,960 --> 00:07:47,320 Speaker 1: stone reproductions. The sound of water trickling over rocks echoed 90 00:07:47,360 --> 00:07:50,720 Speaker 1: in the distance, making it hard to hear anything else. 91 00:07:52,560 --> 00:07:56,240 Speaker 1: It's just up ahead. Do you see it, esther whispered 92 00:07:56,440 --> 00:08:05,080 Speaker 1: as she pointed to a long bridge that crossed the canyon. Yes, yes, finally, 93 00:08:05,760 --> 00:08:09,560 Speaker 1: even my legs are starting to complain, Ariah said, trying 94 00:08:09,600 --> 00:08:13,200 Speaker 1: to make fun. Oh, how I hope it is safe 95 00:08:13,240 --> 00:08:17,480 Speaker 1: to cross. They walked for a time and then turned 96 00:08:17,600 --> 00:08:21,240 Speaker 1: one last corner as they arrived at a clearing where 97 00:08:21,320 --> 00:08:26,040 Speaker 1: multiple paths intersected. This would seem to be the only 98 00:08:26,080 --> 00:08:30,560 Speaker 1: way across in the clearing At the entrance to the bridge. 99 00:08:31,120 --> 00:08:34,640 Speaker 1: The wind picked up and howled a bit, but otherwise 100 00:08:35,320 --> 00:08:42,960 Speaker 1: it was quiet, perhaps too quiet. Amongst the sound of 101 00:08:43,000 --> 00:08:46,679 Speaker 1: the wind was a low hum, and some howls of 102 00:08:46,720 --> 00:08:52,520 Speaker 1: a different kind, a growl, and many many angry voices. 103 00:08:54,040 --> 00:08:58,280 Speaker 1: Do you hear that, Esther, Ariah said, no longer whispering. 104 00:08:59,040 --> 00:09:04,040 Speaker 1: They are back. The Chicalores scalis and those other creatures 105 00:09:04,080 --> 00:09:09,080 Speaker 1: are back. Where is the sound coming from? Are they 106 00:09:09,120 --> 00:09:13,080 Speaker 1: behind us or in front? Esther asked as she scanned 107 00:09:13,080 --> 00:09:18,880 Speaker 1: in all directions, seeing nothing. I thought we left them behind. 108 00:09:19,480 --> 00:09:21,440 Speaker 1: They must have found a way to get ahead of 109 00:09:21,520 --> 00:09:25,439 Speaker 1: us via another path. They could be waiting for us 110 00:09:25,480 --> 00:09:28,600 Speaker 1: on the other side, waiting for us to cross this 111 00:09:28,800 --> 00:09:34,280 Speaker 1: rope bridge. But I can't see them. With the way 112 00:09:34,360 --> 00:09:38,280 Speaker 1: the sound reverberates around the canyon, they could be anywhere 113 00:09:38,640 --> 00:09:42,640 Speaker 1: or nowhere, Esther said, they might be just trying to 114 00:09:42,679 --> 00:09:46,480 Speaker 1: scare us, a sense of panic starting to creep into 115 00:09:46,520 --> 00:09:52,760 Speaker 1: her voice. I don't believe their goal is to scare us. 116 00:09:53,080 --> 00:09:56,840 Speaker 1: They have made that clear. Their goal is to stop us, 117 00:09:57,440 --> 00:10:03,280 Speaker 1: or more correctly, to stop and I suspect by any 118 00:10:03,360 --> 00:10:07,640 Speaker 1: means possible, Ariah said, as she continued to scan for 119 00:10:07,760 --> 00:10:14,000 Speaker 1: signs of where the creatures might be hiding. Esther walked 120 00:10:14,040 --> 00:10:16,400 Speaker 1: forward to get a better look at the bridge they 121 00:10:16,400 --> 00:10:20,679 Speaker 1: were supposed to cross. It looked like an ancient structure. 122 00:10:21,440 --> 00:10:25,520 Speaker 1: It was a narrow, arched bridge constructed from a combination 123 00:10:25,640 --> 00:10:29,719 Speaker 1: of stone and what appeared to be an old, sturdy 124 00:10:29,840 --> 00:10:33,760 Speaker 1: type of wood, possibly from the trees that once flourished 125 00:10:33,760 --> 00:10:41,880 Speaker 1: in the unknown realm. Despite its age, the craftsmanship was remarkable. 126 00:10:42,880 --> 00:10:47,439 Speaker 1: The stone was expertly cut and fitted with intricate carvings 127 00:10:47,480 --> 00:10:51,199 Speaker 1: faded by the years, depicting scenes that were now hard 128 00:10:51,240 --> 00:10:57,640 Speaker 1: to decipher, but hinted at the bridge's historical significance. The 129 00:10:57,679 --> 00:11:01,920 Speaker 1: wooden planks forming the walkway were thick and solid, though 130 00:11:01,960 --> 00:11:07,679 Speaker 1: worn smooth by countless footsteps. The handrails, made of rope 131 00:11:07,720 --> 00:11:11,880 Speaker 1: of some kind, had partially succumbed to the elements, with 132 00:11:12,000 --> 00:11:17,680 Speaker 1: some sections missing entirely. This gave the bridge a fragile appearance, 133 00:11:18,280 --> 00:11:22,880 Speaker 1: suggesting that while it had stood for ages, its endurance 134 00:11:23,000 --> 00:11:29,280 Speaker 1: might be nearing its limit. Does this look safe to you, 135 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:34,080 Speaker 1: Esther asked. The growls in the distance intensified as she 136 00:11:34,120 --> 00:11:39,000 Speaker 1: got closer to the entrance. No, none of this looks safe. 137 00:11:39,520 --> 00:11:42,480 Speaker 1: Ariah said, you can see that parts of the bridge 138 00:11:42,520 --> 00:11:45,960 Speaker 1: are covered with a fine layer of dust and small pebbles, 139 00:11:46,440 --> 00:11:50,240 Speaker 1: and likely no one has crossed here for quite some time. 140 00:11:53,559 --> 00:11:57,960 Speaker 1: They stood there quietly, not for very long, until Ariah spoke, 141 00:11:58,760 --> 00:12:01,439 Speaker 1: we can't stay still for long long. We need to 142 00:12:01,520 --> 00:12:04,080 Speaker 1: keep moving so that the chickalours and all the other 143 00:12:04,200 --> 00:12:07,959 Speaker 1: creatures doing the queen's bidding don't know exactly where we are. 144 00:12:09,280 --> 00:12:13,320 Speaker 1: I know, but Princess, the way I see it, we 145 00:12:13,440 --> 00:12:17,720 Speaker 1: have three choices. We cross the bridge to be greeted 146 00:12:17,760 --> 00:12:20,800 Speaker 1: by a score of creatures waiting for us, or we 147 00:12:20,920 --> 00:12:25,160 Speaker 1: continue going forward on one of these other paths in 148 00:12:25,200 --> 00:12:27,600 Speaker 1: the hopes that there will be another way to cross 149 00:12:27,640 --> 00:12:33,040 Speaker 1: the canyon and hike to the summit. And the third option, 150 00:12:33,600 --> 00:12:37,760 Speaker 1: est asked, we go back. I doubt the creatures are 151 00:12:37,800 --> 00:12:43,000 Speaker 1: behind us. We go back and find another way. This 152 00:12:43,160 --> 00:12:46,480 Speaker 1: is the safest option. It's my job to guide you, 153 00:12:46,800 --> 00:12:51,400 Speaker 1: to protect you from harm. I cannot guarantee your safety 154 00:12:51,520 --> 00:12:56,040 Speaker 1: unless we go back, Ariah said, Convinced they would be 155 00:12:56,080 --> 00:13:04,520 Speaker 1: turning around, Esther took a moment to think. She was frightened. 156 00:13:05,679 --> 00:13:09,520 Speaker 1: The bridge didn't look safe, and she was sure creatures 157 00:13:09,520 --> 00:13:13,280 Speaker 1: were waiting for them when they crossed, it made sense 158 00:13:13,360 --> 00:13:16,960 Speaker 1: to listen to Ariah and go back. As disheartening as 159 00:13:17,000 --> 00:13:22,320 Speaker 1: that felt, then she remembered the advice that Flicks gave her. 160 00:13:23,520 --> 00:13:28,120 Speaker 1: He had predicted this very moment and advised her to 161 00:13:28,240 --> 00:13:33,120 Speaker 1: follow her heart. She had to trust her instincts and 162 00:13:33,200 --> 00:13:38,080 Speaker 1: the map and listen to her inner voice. It was 163 00:13:38,120 --> 00:13:42,199 Speaker 1: telling her to go forward to find her father, and 164 00:13:42,240 --> 00:13:47,080 Speaker 1: then all would be revealed to her. Find her father, 165 00:13:49,920 --> 00:13:53,000 Speaker 1: Esther took the map out of the bag one last time. 166 00:13:54,120 --> 00:14:00,800 Speaker 1: The route hadn't changed. It led across this very rickety bridge. 167 00:14:00,880 --> 00:14:06,640 Speaker 1: Her decision was made. We crossed the bridge, Esther said, 168 00:14:07,120 --> 00:14:09,600 Speaker 1: with as firm a voice as she could muster under 169 00:14:09,640 --> 00:14:14,679 Speaker 1: the circumstances. But Princess, I cannot guarantee that I can 170 00:14:14,720 --> 00:14:20,840 Speaker 1: protect you if we cross, Ariah said, alarmed. Ariah, trust 171 00:14:20,920 --> 00:14:26,040 Speaker 1: me as I trust you. We must continue. I must 172 00:14:26,160 --> 00:14:30,160 Speaker 1: save my father. I know you can help me prevail, 173 00:14:30,680 --> 00:14:34,120 Speaker 1: Esther said, putting the map back in her bag and 174 00:14:34,240 --> 00:14:41,760 Speaker 1: walking towards the bridge. Ariah wanted to say more, but 175 00:14:41,960 --> 00:14:46,800 Speaker 1: remembered Gimbal's instructions. To allow Esther to grow into the leader, 176 00:14:46,880 --> 00:14:52,280 Speaker 1: they hoped she would be so she followed. Let me 177 00:14:52,400 --> 00:14:57,920 Speaker 1: test the bridge first, Ariah said. Ariah stepped cautiously onto 178 00:14:57,960 --> 00:15:03,560 Speaker 1: the bridge. It's aged planks groaned under her weight. With 179 00:15:03,720 --> 00:15:09,040 Speaker 1: each tentative step, the wood creaked ominously, as if protesting 180 00:15:09,080 --> 00:15:14,600 Speaker 1: the disturbance after years of stillness. She could feel some 181 00:15:14,680 --> 00:15:20,080 Speaker 1: planks shift slightly beneath her feet, their stability questionable after 182 00:15:20,200 --> 00:15:26,960 Speaker 1: enduring the ravages of time and weather. Ariah tested each 183 00:15:27,000 --> 00:15:31,680 Speaker 1: step before fully committing her weight, signaling Esther to follow suit. 184 00:15:33,280 --> 00:15:37,120 Speaker 1: They could see gaps where planks had once been, now 185 00:15:37,240 --> 00:15:41,240 Speaker 1: only open air, and the daunting drop into the canyon below. 186 00:15:44,240 --> 00:15:49,920 Speaker 1: They changed places, Esther taking the lead. She held her breath, 187 00:15:50,440 --> 00:15:54,239 Speaker 1: trying not to look down at the dizzying drop, focusing 188 00:15:54,320 --> 00:16:02,400 Speaker 1: solely on the path ahead. Swayed gently with their movements, 189 00:16:02,800 --> 00:16:08,640 Speaker 1: a stark reminder of its precarious state. Small stones and 190 00:16:08,760 --> 00:16:13,160 Speaker 1: dust trickled down from the walkway, falling away into the void, 191 00:16:13,960 --> 00:16:20,320 Speaker 1: each tiny sound echoing against the canyon walls. The wind 192 00:16:20,440 --> 00:16:26,280 Speaker 1: picked up. The growls grew louder as they walked, almost 193 00:16:26,320 --> 00:16:33,160 Speaker 1: like they were excited. Halfway across, a plank cracked loudly 194 00:16:33,240 --> 00:16:38,520 Speaker 1: under a Riah's foot, causing them both to freeze. They 195 00:16:38,600 --> 00:16:45,240 Speaker 1: carefully navigated around the weakened spots, hearts pounding acutely, aware 196 00:16:45,480 --> 00:16:50,560 Speaker 1: that every step was a calculated risk. As they walked 197 00:16:50,600 --> 00:16:55,600 Speaker 1: around it, a whole section behind them fell away. There 198 00:16:55,720 --> 00:17:00,520 Speaker 1: was no going back. I hope you know what you 199 00:17:00,600 --> 00:17:05,080 Speaker 1: got us into, Ariah said. Even nights like Aarah felt fear, 200 00:17:05,640 --> 00:17:11,560 Speaker 1: and she was very scared. As they were about to 201 00:17:11,640 --> 00:17:15,320 Speaker 1: reach the other side and their triumph, the clearing came 202 00:17:15,400 --> 00:17:20,760 Speaker 1: into view. A herd of scalix and chickalores were waiting 203 00:17:20,800 --> 00:17:26,000 Speaker 1: for them, shivering with excitement. There was nowhere to go. 204 00:17:27,200 --> 00:17:31,399 Speaker 1: The creatures growled and hissed, their eyes fixed on Esther 205 00:17:31,560 --> 00:17:37,960 Speaker 1: and Ariah, blocking any path forward. Then, in that moment 206 00:17:38,040 --> 00:17:44,720 Speaker 1: of dread, Esther's bag started to glow incredibly bright. The 207 00:17:44,840 --> 00:17:49,359 Speaker 1: light emanating from it was so intense it illuminated the 208 00:17:49,720 --> 00:17:55,480 Speaker 1: entire clearing, casting long, quivering shadows behind the menacing creatures. 209 00:17:57,200 --> 00:18:01,520 Speaker 1: Esther and Riah were momentarily stunned, their eyes drawn to 210 00:18:01,600 --> 00:18:06,119 Speaker 1: the source of the light. The magical map within the 211 00:18:06,160 --> 00:18:11,879 Speaker 1: bag radiated a powerful energy, its glow pulsing like a heartbeat. 212 00:18:14,160 --> 00:18:19,400 Speaker 1: The creatures taken aback by the sudden brightness hesitated, They 213 00:18:19,480 --> 00:18:25,880 Speaker 1: recoiled slightly, their growls turning to confused whimpers. It was 214 00:18:26,040 --> 00:18:29,000 Speaker 1: as if the light from the map was casting a 215 00:18:29,080 --> 00:18:35,280 Speaker 1: protective barrier around Esther and Riah, offering them a moment 216 00:18:35,400 --> 00:18:38,800 Speaker 1: of respite and a glimmer of hope in the face 217 00:18:38,960 --> 00:18:48,520 Speaker 1: of seemingly insurmountable odds. And that is the end of 218 00:18:48,600 --> 00:18:52,960 Speaker 1: this part. Good Night, sleep Tight,