1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:20,720 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep tight stories. Slicko and 2 00:00:20,840 --> 00:00:25,120 Speaker 1: Mappo have seen the circus, and when some men start 3 00:00:25,160 --> 00:00:31,080 Speaker 1: coming into the woods, they both run off. Slicko goes 4 00:00:31,160 --> 00:00:34,120 Speaker 1: back to her nest and gathers some nuts to eat 5 00:00:34,400 --> 00:00:40,040 Speaker 1: and store away. As she is gathering some nuts, she 6 00:00:40,240 --> 00:00:46,280 Speaker 1: hears crashing sounds coming through the forest. When the noises stop, 7 00:00:46,720 --> 00:00:50,400 Speaker 1: she turns and sees that it is Tom Tum the elephant. 8 00:00:51,200 --> 00:00:55,520 Speaker 1: But something is wrong with Tom Tum. He seems scared. 9 00:00:57,600 --> 00:01:01,480 Speaker 1: How could Tum Tum be scared of a little squirrel. 10 00:01:03,680 --> 00:01:07,160 Speaker 1: Then Slicko remembers what Mappo told her about Tum Tum 11 00:01:07,920 --> 00:01:11,120 Speaker 1: and races up a tree to tell Tum Tum that 12 00:01:11,240 --> 00:01:18,399 Speaker 1: she is not a mouse or a rat. Slicko the 13 00:01:18,480 --> 00:01:27,240 Speaker 1: Jumping Squirrel Chapter six. Slicko was so surprised at first 14 00:01:27,520 --> 00:01:30,560 Speaker 1: by the cries of Tum Tum and at the fear 15 00:01:30,880 --> 00:01:34,360 Speaker 1: which the big elephant showed, that she did not know 16 00:01:34,520 --> 00:01:39,080 Speaker 1: what to think. It really seemed that Tum Tum was 17 00:01:39,200 --> 00:01:46,520 Speaker 1: afraid of her, of a little jumping squirrel girl. Then 18 00:01:46,600 --> 00:01:51,640 Speaker 1: Slicko happened to remember what Mappo had told her. If 19 00:01:51,640 --> 00:01:55,600 Speaker 1: ever you see Tom Tum the monkey had said, tell 20 00:01:55,680 --> 00:01:59,160 Speaker 1: him at once that you are not a mouse or 21 00:01:59,200 --> 00:02:04,440 Speaker 1: a rat. Ah, that's what I must do, thought Slicko. 22 00:02:05,200 --> 00:02:08,880 Speaker 1: Tum Tum must be afraid of me. I'll speak to him. 23 00:02:11,320 --> 00:02:14,840 Speaker 1: Scrambling half way up the trunk of a tree to 24 00:02:14,960 --> 00:02:18,480 Speaker 1: make herself higher and nearer to the big ears of 25 00:02:18,560 --> 00:02:23,919 Speaker 1: Tom Tum, Slicko cried out in her chattering voice. I'm 26 00:02:23,919 --> 00:02:27,840 Speaker 1: not a mouse, tum Tum, I'm not a rat. Huh. 27 00:02:28,080 --> 00:02:32,080 Speaker 1: What's that, asked the elephant, flapping one of his ears 28 00:02:32,200 --> 00:02:35,800 Speaker 1: sideways so he could hear better. What did you say? 29 00:02:38,160 --> 00:02:41,720 Speaker 1: I said, I was not a rat or a mouse. 30 00:02:42,440 --> 00:02:46,080 Speaker 1: I am only a little girl squirrel, and I wouldn't 31 00:02:46,160 --> 00:02:50,920 Speaker 1: hurt you, for the world went on Slicko. Oh, I 32 00:02:50,960 --> 00:02:54,799 Speaker 1: am so glad, cried the elephant, and he did not 33 00:02:55,080 --> 00:02:59,080 Speaker 1: shiver and shake any more, and did not knock down 34 00:02:59,120 --> 00:03:04,239 Speaker 1: any pine cone. As first, it might seem funny for 35 00:03:04,360 --> 00:03:07,080 Speaker 1: a squirrel to say she would not hurt an elephant 36 00:03:07,520 --> 00:03:11,560 Speaker 1: because an elephant is so large, But I have told 37 00:03:11,600 --> 00:03:15,640 Speaker 1: you that elephants are sometimes afraid of even such a 38 00:03:15,720 --> 00:03:20,960 Speaker 1: little thing as a mouse. So you are not a rat. Huh, 39 00:03:21,160 --> 00:03:25,160 Speaker 1: asked the elephant of Slicko, No, Tom Tum, and I 40 00:03:25,200 --> 00:03:30,360 Speaker 1: am not a mouse either, answered the little girl squirrel. Huh, 41 00:03:30,720 --> 00:03:33,720 Speaker 1: how do you happen to know my name, asked Tom Tum. 42 00:03:35,440 --> 00:03:39,480 Speaker 1: Mappo the merry monkey told me, said the little girl squirrel. 43 00:03:40,720 --> 00:03:44,000 Speaker 1: And Mappo told me. I was to tell you I 44 00:03:44,160 --> 00:03:47,520 Speaker 1: was not a mouse or a rat. I won't run 45 00:03:47,600 --> 00:03:52,119 Speaker 1: up your trunk and scare you. That's good, said Tom Tum. 46 00:03:52,680 --> 00:03:55,800 Speaker 1: Now I can see clearly that you are a little squirrel. 47 00:03:56,680 --> 00:03:59,920 Speaker 1: I like you. But what about that little guy mapp 48 00:04:00,560 --> 00:04:04,240 Speaker 1: Where is he? I came out to look for him. 49 00:04:04,640 --> 00:04:07,920 Speaker 1: They want him back in his cage to ride around 50 00:04:07,920 --> 00:04:10,520 Speaker 1: the circus ring on the back of a pony and 51 00:04:10,640 --> 00:04:15,280 Speaker 1: do other tricks that make the children laugh. Oh, he 52 00:04:15,360 --> 00:04:18,720 Speaker 1: ran away, said Slicko. He thought he heard some men 53 00:04:18,839 --> 00:04:22,520 Speaker 1: coming after him. He said, he did not want to 54 00:04:22,560 --> 00:04:25,760 Speaker 1: go back to the cage just yet. He wants to 55 00:04:25,800 --> 00:04:30,520 Speaker 1: have some fun in the woods. Well, well, he is 56 00:04:30,680 --> 00:04:34,400 Speaker 1: a funny monkey, said Tom Tum. And I came all 57 00:04:34,440 --> 00:04:37,880 Speaker 1: the way from the circus grounds to find him. But 58 00:04:38,320 --> 00:04:42,200 Speaker 1: if he is gone, I won't look any farther. I'll 59 00:04:42,240 --> 00:04:44,680 Speaker 1: go back to my tent where the men may be 60 00:04:44,800 --> 00:04:49,520 Speaker 1: coming after me. Oh, can't you stay here with me 61 00:04:49,680 --> 00:04:54,880 Speaker 1: a little while? I am so lonely, spoke Slicko. Well, 62 00:04:55,040 --> 00:04:57,800 Speaker 1: I might stay a short time, tom Tum said, But 63 00:04:58,680 --> 00:05:00,680 Speaker 1: what are you doing in the woods. It's all alone, 64 00:05:00,720 --> 00:05:05,960 Speaker 1: little Slicko. Then the little squirrel girl told how she 65 00:05:06,160 --> 00:05:09,840 Speaker 1: had had to run away from her own nest, and 66 00:05:09,920 --> 00:05:12,240 Speaker 1: how she had not been able to find her aunt, 67 00:05:13,040 --> 00:05:15,800 Speaker 1: and how she was now living all by herself in 68 00:05:15,839 --> 00:05:20,120 Speaker 1: the woods. Well, I wish I could stay with you 69 00:05:20,200 --> 00:05:23,760 Speaker 1: and keep you company, Slicko, said Tom Tum. But I 70 00:05:23,920 --> 00:05:27,040 Speaker 1: belong back in the circus. And I guess you would 71 00:05:27,120 --> 00:05:30,279 Speaker 1: rather jump through the tree branches and skip about in 72 00:05:30,440 --> 00:05:33,560 Speaker 1: them than go as slowly as I have to go, 73 00:05:34,040 --> 00:05:38,520 Speaker 1: crashing through the bushes. And I certainly never could climb 74 00:05:38,600 --> 00:05:40,880 Speaker 1: a tree and sleep in a nest as you do, 75 00:05:41,600 --> 00:05:46,120 Speaker 1: went on Tom Tum with a jolly laugh. No, I 76 00:05:46,240 --> 00:05:51,760 Speaker 1: suppose not, said Slicko. You are too big for a nest. Well, 77 00:05:52,240 --> 00:05:55,039 Speaker 1: if you see Mappo, please send him back to me. 78 00:05:55,680 --> 00:06:00,400 Speaker 1: I am so lonely. If I see him, I will, 79 00:06:00,680 --> 00:06:04,320 Speaker 1: tum Tum answered, and then he walked on back through 80 00:06:04,360 --> 00:06:09,240 Speaker 1: the woods. Goodbye, Slicko, called the jolly elephant. I have 81 00:06:09,400 --> 00:06:12,440 Speaker 1: to be in the show this afternoon. I have to 82 00:06:12,520 --> 00:06:15,800 Speaker 1: make believe play ball and eat my dinner at a 83 00:06:15,880 --> 00:06:19,560 Speaker 1: real table, and then I have to play the harmonica 84 00:06:19,640 --> 00:06:24,520 Speaker 1: with my trunk. Those are some of my tricks. Oh, 85 00:06:24,600 --> 00:06:26,920 Speaker 1: I met a pig who said he could do tricks, 86 00:06:27,040 --> 00:06:33,120 Speaker 1: cried Slicko. Was his name, Squinty, inquired the jolly elephant. Yes, 87 00:06:33,200 --> 00:06:37,599 Speaker 1: said Slicko, his name was Squinty. I met him too, 88 00:06:37,720 --> 00:06:41,800 Speaker 1: said Tom Tom. He was a funny little pig. But 89 00:06:41,920 --> 00:06:45,960 Speaker 1: now I must hurry back. And on he went, crashing 90 00:06:46,000 --> 00:06:52,839 Speaker 1: his way through the bushes. Slicko felt more lonesome than 91 00:06:52,880 --> 00:06:56,080 Speaker 1: ever when the elephant had left her. She did not 92 00:06:56,240 --> 00:06:59,359 Speaker 1: know what to do, and she wanted more than ever 93 00:06:59,680 --> 00:07:03,360 Speaker 1: to see her mama and Papa and sisters and brothers again. 94 00:07:05,279 --> 00:07:09,680 Speaker 1: Then all at once Slicko thought of something. Oh I 95 00:07:09,760 --> 00:07:11,920 Speaker 1: forgot to ask Tom Tom to give me a ride 96 00:07:11,960 --> 00:07:16,520 Speaker 1: on his back, exclaimed Slicko. Mappo said he would, as 97 00:07:16,520 --> 00:07:19,400 Speaker 1: he was such a kind elephant. I'm going to call 98 00:07:19,480 --> 00:07:25,680 Speaker 1: to him, So Slicko called, in her chattering voice, Tom Tom, 99 00:07:25,920 --> 00:07:31,080 Speaker 1: Tom Tom. Yes, I hear you. What is it, asked 100 00:07:31,120 --> 00:07:35,119 Speaker 1: the elephant, stopping, Would you please give me a ride 101 00:07:35,160 --> 00:07:39,120 Speaker 1: on your back, begged Slicko. Mappo said, you gave children 102 00:07:39,120 --> 00:07:42,440 Speaker 1: at the circus rides, and I am so little you 103 00:07:42,480 --> 00:07:47,200 Speaker 1: would hardly feel me. Of course I'll give you a ride, 104 00:07:47,360 --> 00:07:51,040 Speaker 1: cried Tom Tum. I thought I was forgetting something, he 105 00:07:51,120 --> 00:07:55,360 Speaker 1: went on, as he crashed back through the bushes. I 106 00:07:55,520 --> 00:07:58,240 Speaker 1: meant to invite you for a little ride on my back, 107 00:07:58,520 --> 00:08:02,800 Speaker 1: went on Tom Tum. Why I shouldn't feel you anymore 108 00:08:02,840 --> 00:08:07,720 Speaker 1: than I should a feather, Slicko. Besides, I am very strong. 109 00:08:08,440 --> 00:08:11,200 Speaker 1: I could carry ten children on my back and hardly 110 00:08:11,280 --> 00:08:16,239 Speaker 1: know it. Oh, indeed, you must be very strong, cried 111 00:08:16,240 --> 00:08:21,200 Speaker 1: the little squirrel girl Tom Tum, with a jolly noise 112 00:08:21,280 --> 00:08:24,480 Speaker 1: that sounded as much like a laugh as any elephant 113 00:08:24,560 --> 00:08:28,080 Speaker 1: can make. Stood under the branch of the tree on 114 00:08:28,200 --> 00:08:33,200 Speaker 1: which Slickle was perched, hop down, little Squirrel invited the 115 00:08:33,200 --> 00:08:38,560 Speaker 1: big jolly elephant down hopped Slickle, landing on the back 116 00:08:38,600 --> 00:08:43,000 Speaker 1: of Tum Tum, And then what a fine ride she had. 117 00:08:45,600 --> 00:08:48,520 Speaker 1: Tum Tum could step over bushes that would have taken 118 00:08:48,600 --> 00:08:53,120 Speaker 1: Slicko some time to climb, and some bushes Tom Tum 119 00:08:53,320 --> 00:08:56,760 Speaker 1: trampled under his big feet as though they were straw 120 00:08:58,600 --> 00:09:01,520 Speaker 1: other bushes. The elephant he pushed his big body through 121 00:09:01,960 --> 00:09:05,400 Speaker 1: as easily as the clown in the circus jumps off 122 00:09:05,440 --> 00:09:10,280 Speaker 1: the horse's back through the paper hoop. Do you like 123 00:09:10,400 --> 00:09:15,120 Speaker 1: riding on my back? Asked tom Tum, swinging along. Oh 124 00:09:15,200 --> 00:09:19,440 Speaker 1: it is just fine, cried Slicko as she sat there 125 00:09:19,640 --> 00:09:22,720 Speaker 1: with her tail held over her head like a sun umbrella. 126 00:09:23,480 --> 00:09:25,920 Speaker 1: But don't go too far with me, Tom Tum, please, 127 00:09:27,080 --> 00:09:31,240 Speaker 1: I won't, the elephant said, and pretty soon he turned 128 00:09:31,320 --> 00:09:34,680 Speaker 1: back with Slicko and left her on the same branch 129 00:09:34,920 --> 00:09:40,319 Speaker 1: from which she had jumped, right near her aunt's nest. Well, 130 00:09:40,400 --> 00:09:44,280 Speaker 1: goodbye once more, Slicko called Tom Tum. I may see 131 00:09:44,320 --> 00:09:48,520 Speaker 1: you again tomorrow. And if you meet that Mappo, tell 132 00:09:48,600 --> 00:09:52,960 Speaker 1: him he is wanted back in the circus. I'll tell him, 133 00:09:53,240 --> 00:09:59,960 Speaker 1: promised Slicko. Once more. The little jumping girl squirrel was 134 00:10:00,200 --> 00:10:04,520 Speaker 1: all alone in the big woods. Somewhere in the forest 135 00:10:04,559 --> 00:10:07,480 Speaker 1: were her mother and father, and her sister and brothers, 136 00:10:08,080 --> 00:10:14,440 Speaker 1: but just where Slicko did not know, well, thought the 137 00:10:14,480 --> 00:10:17,760 Speaker 1: little creature, In a way squirrels and other animals have 138 00:10:17,920 --> 00:10:21,640 Speaker 1: of thinking, well, I guess I shall have to stay 139 00:10:21,640 --> 00:10:25,840 Speaker 1: alone tonight again, and perhaps for many more nights and days. 140 00:10:26,880 --> 00:10:29,240 Speaker 1: I wonder what will become of me, and if I 141 00:10:29,280 --> 00:10:36,400 Speaker 1: will ever see my folks again. Oh, dear Slicko felt 142 00:10:36,440 --> 00:10:39,600 Speaker 1: a little sad for a moment, but then she knew 143 00:10:39,600 --> 00:10:42,439 Speaker 1: that she would have to be brave and do things 144 00:10:42,480 --> 00:10:47,000 Speaker 1: for herself, since there was no one to help her. 145 00:10:47,880 --> 00:10:50,240 Speaker 1: I think I'll put some more leaves and some cotton 146 00:10:50,280 --> 00:10:53,840 Speaker 1: from the milkweed plant in Aunt Whitey's nest, thought Slicko. 147 00:10:54,320 --> 00:10:58,800 Speaker 1: That will make it warmer. Fixing up the nest so 148 00:10:58,880 --> 00:11:01,960 Speaker 1: it would be nice to stay in took Slicko until 149 00:11:02,080 --> 00:11:06,720 Speaker 1: nearly dark. Then, after she had carried up some nuts 150 00:11:06,760 --> 00:11:09,720 Speaker 1: to the nest so she would have them ready for morning, 151 00:11:10,559 --> 00:11:14,080 Speaker 1: Slicko curled up in the soft leaves and went to sleep. 152 00:11:16,720 --> 00:11:21,360 Speaker 1: Nothing bothered her this night. No owl with big, round, 153 00:11:21,480 --> 00:11:25,920 Speaker 1: staring eyes tried to get the little squirrel. Perhaps the 154 00:11:25,960 --> 00:11:29,720 Speaker 1: owl which had tried it before, was sure the nest 155 00:11:29,880 --> 00:11:33,480 Speaker 1: was empty and that he could not get anything to 156 00:11:33,600 --> 00:11:38,079 Speaker 1: eat from it. At any rate. The owl did not come, 157 00:11:38,559 --> 00:11:43,280 Speaker 1: and Slicko was glad of it. In the morning, after 158 00:11:43,320 --> 00:11:46,880 Speaker 1: her breakfast, having had a drink and washed at the spring, 159 00:11:47,040 --> 00:11:50,760 Speaker 1: Slicko said, I think I had better go off in 160 00:11:50,840 --> 00:11:54,560 Speaker 1: the woods nutting today. I will need many nuts to 161 00:11:54,600 --> 00:11:58,000 Speaker 1: eat if I have to stay here all winter, and 162 00:11:58,040 --> 00:12:00,800 Speaker 1: I had better begin to gather them now before they 163 00:12:00,840 --> 00:12:06,320 Speaker 1: are all gone. Slicko knew, as do all squirrels, the 164 00:12:06,360 --> 00:12:10,760 Speaker 1: best places in the woods to look for nuts. Soon, 165 00:12:10,880 --> 00:12:16,640 Speaker 1: the little girl squirrel had found many chestnuts, acorns, hickory nuts, 166 00:12:16,760 --> 00:12:20,520 Speaker 1: and beech nuts. These she carried a few at a 167 00:12:20,559 --> 00:12:25,480 Speaker 1: time up to her aunt's nest house. If Aunt Whitey 168 00:12:25,520 --> 00:12:28,080 Speaker 1: should come back, there would be enough for her and 169 00:12:28,240 --> 00:12:34,560 Speaker 1: me too, thought Slicko. The storehouse of the nest was 170 00:12:34,720 --> 00:12:39,040 Speaker 1: almost full of nuts, but still slickle was not satisfied. 171 00:12:40,480 --> 00:12:43,520 Speaker 1: I must get more, she said to herself, for we 172 00:12:43,640 --> 00:12:48,400 Speaker 1: may have a long winter with much snow. Well, Slicko 173 00:12:48,480 --> 00:12:51,880 Speaker 1: knew how hard the winter was for squirrels and all animals. 174 00:12:53,840 --> 00:12:58,560 Speaker 1: So the next day Slicko went off nutting again. She 175 00:12:58,679 --> 00:13:01,440 Speaker 1: had not gone very far through the woods before she 176 00:13:01,600 --> 00:13:05,720 Speaker 1: came to a little grassy place, and there in the 177 00:13:05,760 --> 00:13:10,679 Speaker 1: middle of it, Slicko saw a nice pile of nuts, 178 00:13:10,760 --> 00:13:17,040 Speaker 1: all gathered up ready to be taken away. Oh that's 179 00:13:17,240 --> 00:13:21,040 Speaker 1: just fine, thought Slicko to herself. The nuts are all 180 00:13:21,080 --> 00:13:23,360 Speaker 1: in a nice heap, and I don't have to pick 181 00:13:23,400 --> 00:13:26,600 Speaker 1: them up one by one and carry them home. I 182 00:13:26,679 --> 00:13:33,319 Speaker 1: can take a whole paw full at once. Now, Slicko 183 00:13:33,559 --> 00:13:37,200 Speaker 1: was a wise little squirrel in some ways, but she 184 00:13:37,400 --> 00:13:42,480 Speaker 1: still had many things to learn. She did not stop 185 00:13:42,559 --> 00:13:46,079 Speaker 1: to think that nuts in the woods never heat themselves 186 00:13:46,120 --> 00:13:50,360 Speaker 1: in a pile without some animal or some person doing it. 187 00:13:52,280 --> 00:13:55,640 Speaker 1: Slicko thought the nuts were put there just for her, 188 00:13:57,080 --> 00:14:01,240 Speaker 1: But it was all a trick, as you shall soon see. 189 00:14:01,280 --> 00:14:05,200 Speaker 1: Of course, Slicko did not immediately jump down to get 190 00:14:05,240 --> 00:14:08,800 Speaker 1: the nuts. She knew enough not to do that, for 191 00:14:08,960 --> 00:14:12,160 Speaker 1: she had often been told that some animal might be 192 00:14:12,240 --> 00:14:16,800 Speaker 1: waiting to grab her. So she looked all around, and 193 00:14:16,880 --> 00:14:23,280 Speaker 1: seeing nothing down, she scrambled. As Slicko came nearer to 194 00:14:23,400 --> 00:14:26,560 Speaker 1: the pile of nuts and saw how nice they looked, 195 00:14:26,960 --> 00:14:31,080 Speaker 1: she said to herself, Oh, there will be enough for 196 00:14:31,280 --> 00:14:40,400 Speaker 1: all winter. How lovely. But there was something else besides 197 00:14:40,480 --> 00:14:44,160 Speaker 1: the nuts there on the ground, though Slicko did not 198 00:14:44,360 --> 00:14:49,880 Speaker 1: see it. Right up to the pile of nuts, Slicko scampered. 199 00:14:50,680 --> 00:14:53,800 Speaker 1: She took up some chestnuts in her paws that were 200 00:14:53,880 --> 00:14:58,680 Speaker 1: like little hands, And then all of a sudden something 201 00:14:58,840 --> 00:15:04,760 Speaker 1: clicked and snapped and Slicko felt herself caught by one 202 00:15:04,880 --> 00:15:14,360 Speaker 1: leg and held tightly. And that's the end of this chapter. 203 00:15:15,720 --> 00:16:03,400 Speaker 1: Good night sleep tightnesside hm. And it goes sick thing 204 00:16:07,480 --> 00:16:27,600 Speaker 1: m andt cha timestood still. I couldn't a bro game 205 00:16:29,120 --> 00:16:42,680 Speaker 1: the guarding good time move so and it goes sick this, 206 00:16:48,480 --> 00:17:10,480 Speaker 1: and it goes side and it goes sock the fo