1 00:00:00,040 --> 00:00:16,840 Speaker 1: Yeah, I feel one coming on right now, another panic 2 00:00:16,840 --> 00:00:22,920 Speaker 1: attack inside, climbing up in my throat, and I'm starting 3 00:00:22,960 --> 00:00:32,159 Speaker 1: to hyperventively all the classic science. Man, I gotta get 4 00:00:32,159 --> 00:00:33,640 Speaker 1: out of my head and pay attention or I'll miss 5 00:00:33,640 --> 00:00:36,879 Speaker 1: my transfer. I think I'm all worked up because it 6 00:00:36,920 --> 00:00:39,479 Speaker 1: was coming up tonight. I thought i'd be excited, but 7 00:00:40,760 --> 00:00:43,360 Speaker 1: it's just it's just too much. You know, what the 8 00:00:43,360 --> 00:00:47,479 Speaker 1: hell am I inbuts oh god, God cool yo, Ruben, 9 00:00:48,520 --> 00:00:50,239 Speaker 1: It's all in my head. I know this, I know this, 10 00:00:50,360 --> 00:00:55,480 Speaker 1: but it feels so real. Sometimes it's overwhelming and I 11 00:00:55,560 --> 00:00:57,760 Speaker 1: cannot have an attack like this night. It will ruin 12 00:00:57,880 --> 00:01:01,880 Speaker 1: everything Marko and I have planned, Ruben. See, no one 13 00:01:01,920 --> 00:01:04,880 Speaker 1: wants to be a Hollywood celebrity anymore, no one my 14 00:01:05,000 --> 00:01:09,200 Speaker 1: age anyway. I mean, we want to be Internet famous. 15 00:01:09,720 --> 00:01:12,319 Speaker 1: We want to be influencers, motivating our peers to become 16 00:01:12,360 --> 00:01:16,040 Speaker 1: followers of what's trending on Twitter, TikTok or Instagram. We 17 00:01:16,040 --> 00:01:20,280 Speaker 1: areddinkted to our follows and our likes. Man, I should know. 18 00:01:21,000 --> 00:01:24,040 Speaker 1: I remember when I was nine, I created a profile 19 00:01:24,080 --> 00:01:28,800 Speaker 1: on Vine. Remember ye that it doesn't matter, kind of 20 00:01:28,800 --> 00:01:32,240 Speaker 1: like Instagram, but with just video. Anyway, I posted a 21 00:01:32,360 --> 00:01:34,840 Speaker 1: video and nearly broke the internet. Outloaded the post to 22 00:01:34,880 --> 00:01:40,200 Speaker 1: me freestyling off of Hello Marco, what man, are you 23 00:01:40,240 --> 00:01:44,160 Speaker 1: ready for tonight? My best friend Marco has a mischievous grind. 24 00:01:44,880 --> 00:01:48,000 Speaker 1: Oh he sees his upside. Try my best not to frown, 25 00:01:48,360 --> 00:01:52,680 Speaker 1: Try my best to mirror his expression. Yeah, I'm ready 26 00:01:52,720 --> 00:01:55,720 Speaker 1: as I'll ever be. Believe it, bro, you gotta kill 27 00:01:55,760 --> 00:01:58,920 Speaker 1: it tonight. Trust me, my head is still in the 28 00:01:58,920 --> 00:02:00,960 Speaker 1: clouds when I try to focus on Marco was asking 29 00:02:00,960 --> 00:02:04,360 Speaker 1: me about I can't believe of really doing this. He 30 00:02:04,400 --> 00:02:06,320 Speaker 1: grabs me by the shoulders and stares me dead in 31 00:02:06,360 --> 00:02:09,280 Speaker 1: the eyes. Hey, I wanted you in this with me specifically. 32 00:02:10,320 --> 00:02:12,200 Speaker 1: You got this. Are you sure you don't want to 33 00:02:12,240 --> 00:02:15,360 Speaker 1: be on MIC for the interview yourself? You got the crid, 34 00:02:15,560 --> 00:02:18,600 Speaker 1: You're the quote unquote influencer. Now I'm just a goof 35 00:02:18,680 --> 00:02:21,320 Speaker 1: making dumb TikTok videos. Man, this is bigger than that. 36 00:02:21,840 --> 00:02:23,880 Speaker 1: It's got to be its own brand. You got the depth. 37 00:02:24,040 --> 00:02:27,400 Speaker 1: You're practically an artist yourself. I see you lost in 38 00:02:27,400 --> 00:02:30,200 Speaker 1: your head all the time, scribbling your ideas out in class. 39 00:02:30,600 --> 00:02:33,520 Speaker 1: You need an outlet, let those creative juices flow. I 40 00:02:33,600 --> 00:02:35,440 Speaker 1: know you can connect here. Trust me. You're a guy 41 00:02:35,480 --> 00:02:39,160 Speaker 1: for this. I do trust Marco, but I am nervous 42 00:02:39,240 --> 00:02:41,919 Speaker 1: as hell. All I really want to do is put 43 00:02:41,919 --> 00:02:45,000 Speaker 1: my headphones on and yeah, I get lost in my thoughts. 44 00:02:45,440 --> 00:02:47,239 Speaker 1: I don't want to think about doing an interview tonight. 45 00:02:47,680 --> 00:02:49,639 Speaker 1: I can't believe I'm sneaking into the city, lying to 46 00:02:49,720 --> 00:02:51,919 Speaker 1: my parents and doing what I've dreamed of doing forever. 47 00:02:52,760 --> 00:02:55,480 Speaker 1: Too sick when you think about it. I'm tripping, fraid 48 00:02:55,520 --> 00:02:57,800 Speaker 1: I can't do this. No, no, no, no no. Marco 49 00:02:58,000 --> 00:03:00,200 Speaker 1: was right, No need to psych myself out there. There's 50 00:03:00,240 --> 00:03:02,919 Speaker 1: no turning back now. Did you tell your parents you're 51 00:03:02,919 --> 00:03:05,800 Speaker 1: staying at my place tonight? Yeah? They think they know, 52 00:03:07,880 --> 00:03:13,440 Speaker 1: They don't know. Jack Jack, Jack Jack. Hey, congrats man, 53 00:03:13,440 --> 00:03:15,600 Speaker 1: it's been a hell of a summer. We live large. 54 00:03:15,760 --> 00:03:18,400 Speaker 1: Now on to bigger and better things, right, meet me 55 00:03:18,440 --> 00:03:21,280 Speaker 1: back at the train station at seven. That's gonna be huge? 56 00:03:22,280 --> 00:03:26,520 Speaker 1: Will it be huge? What if I mess up? Ship? 57 00:03:27,400 --> 00:03:29,200 Speaker 1: I'm more afraid of it being huge. And if it's 58 00:03:29,240 --> 00:03:31,000 Speaker 1: just some dumb, hoppy me and my friend of doom? 59 00:03:31,760 --> 00:03:34,480 Speaker 1: What did I get myself into? Okay, let's let me 60 00:03:34,480 --> 00:03:37,440 Speaker 1: stop tripping. I put in my earbuds and force myself 61 00:03:37,520 --> 00:03:41,080 Speaker 1: to focus on something other than myself. Doubt ready or not, 62 00:03:42,120 --> 00:04:12,600 Speaker 1: here it comes to break, of course, I'd be Marco 63 00:04:12,680 --> 00:04:16,480 Speaker 1: back to the train station. He's always mad late, It's 64 00:04:16,520 --> 00:04:19,919 Speaker 1: like clockwork. And while I'm stuck waiting, my mind dripped 65 00:04:19,960 --> 00:04:22,760 Speaker 1: back to the same old training thought. The video that 66 00:04:22,800 --> 00:04:25,840 Speaker 1: blew up on Vine just me freestyling over a Kanye 67 00:04:25,880 --> 00:04:29,239 Speaker 1: type beat I found on YouTube. After I posted that video, 68 00:04:29,640 --> 00:04:33,360 Speaker 1: my likes my shares, they went through the roof. Next 69 00:04:33,440 --> 00:04:35,520 Speaker 1: day at school, everybody stopped me in the hall in 70 00:04:35,600 --> 00:04:38,800 Speaker 1: class Wherever asked me to take selfies with him. The 71 00:04:38,800 --> 00:04:41,120 Speaker 1: biggest hip hop law share my post on their pages. 72 00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:46,560 Speaker 1: I was famous overnight in that famous anyways. I gained 73 00:04:46,560 --> 00:04:50,239 Speaker 1: fifty k followers in less than forty eight hours. Parents 74 00:04:50,240 --> 00:04:54,360 Speaker 1: didn't quite understanding the oven until Ellen, Yes, Dad, Ellen, 75 00:04:54,640 --> 00:04:56,720 Speaker 1: the one with the TV show shared my video on 76 00:04:56,880 --> 00:05:01,240 Speaker 1: national television. Ellen itself didn't invited me on, but my 77 00:05:01,320 --> 00:05:04,000 Speaker 1: parents thought I was too young. They wouldn't allow me 78 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:05,640 Speaker 1: to fly out to Los Angeles to be a guest 79 00:05:05,640 --> 00:05:08,240 Speaker 1: on the new shows at Ellen or or anyone else 80 00:05:08,279 --> 00:05:13,919 Speaker 1: hosted on television, radio or even podcasts. Parts right, my 81 00:05:13,960 --> 00:05:17,200 Speaker 1: parents thought my freestyle was cute, but they freaked out 82 00:05:17,200 --> 00:05:19,880 Speaker 1: it all the attention I was getting, some of which 83 00:05:20,040 --> 00:05:27,440 Speaker 1: was negative. After monitoring the comments over the weekend, my 84 00:05:27,480 --> 00:05:29,440 Speaker 1: parents to leading my account on Monday morning before they 85 00:05:29,520 --> 00:05:32,000 Speaker 1: dropped me off as school. They were afraid of me 86 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:35,279 Speaker 1: being cyper bullied or distracted by internet fame or worse. 87 00:05:36,480 --> 00:05:37,960 Speaker 1: I mean, I thought I was just having fun and 88 00:05:38,000 --> 00:05:41,520 Speaker 1: being myself. It's never my intention to go viral or whatever, 89 00:05:41,640 --> 00:05:50,200 Speaker 1: but I did. But man, when it happened, what a rush. 90 00:05:50,720 --> 00:06:02,919 Speaker 1: I just I never quite stopped chasing that feeling. Fast 91 00:06:02,960 --> 00:06:06,120 Speaker 1: forward eight years later to the here and now. My 92 00:06:06,200 --> 00:06:08,760 Speaker 1: friend Marco was a self made social media influencer and 93 00:06:08,760 --> 00:06:12,359 Speaker 1: he's only seventeen years old. He doesn't follow trends. He 94 00:06:12,440 --> 00:06:15,960 Speaker 1: sets him height beast monitors his social media pages for direction. 95 00:06:16,480 --> 00:06:19,360 Speaker 1: Dude has been a tastemaker his whole life without even trying. 96 00:06:20,080 --> 00:06:22,640 Speaker 1: Marco has a soil of three hundred thousand followers. He 97 00:06:22,680 --> 00:06:24,880 Speaker 1: gets invited to these exclusive events in the city and 98 00:06:24,920 --> 00:06:28,200 Speaker 1: he's not even old enough to drink yet. Man, tonight 99 00:06:28,360 --> 00:06:31,240 Speaker 1: is one of those events. He got two tickets to 100 00:06:31,240 --> 00:06:34,240 Speaker 1: see Levega Jolie live at the Brooklyn Bowl. I mean, 101 00:06:34,279 --> 00:06:37,479 Speaker 1: this show was sold out leves from Newark, so you 102 00:06:37,480 --> 00:06:39,240 Speaker 1: already know the love of cool kids gonna be in 103 00:06:39,240 --> 00:06:41,840 Speaker 1: the building. Not that would even get closer to the the 104 00:06:41,880 --> 00:06:44,720 Speaker 1: stage to see her performance, probably won't even get to 105 00:06:44,760 --> 00:06:48,080 Speaker 1: shake her hand and meet her. But Marco's big ideas 106 00:06:48,120 --> 00:06:50,200 Speaker 1: to maneuver our way onto the press list and score 107 00:06:50,240 --> 00:06:53,479 Speaker 1: an interview with her tonight. My doubts had me scrambling 108 00:06:53,520 --> 00:06:56,640 Speaker 1: for a way out. I can't deny that Marco knows me. 109 00:06:57,400 --> 00:06:59,960 Speaker 1: He knows what makes me tick. He knows I want 110 00:07:00,080 --> 00:07:03,440 Speaker 1: that rush the rest of he gets all the time, 111 00:07:04,279 --> 00:07:09,760 Speaker 1: one post, one sound bite, one selfie blowing up that 112 00:07:10,080 --> 00:07:14,240 Speaker 1: next level rush. I do a gut check on my 113 00:07:14,320 --> 00:07:17,120 Speaker 1: nerves and to show this closer and closer. We're on 114 00:07:17,120 --> 00:07:19,880 Speaker 1: the train now heading into Brooklyn from our queen's neighborhood 115 00:07:19,920 --> 00:07:23,960 Speaker 1: and far rockaway into the A tram. Once we arrived 116 00:07:24,000 --> 00:07:26,120 Speaker 1: at the Brooklyn Bowl, Marco gives the woman behind the 117 00:07:26,120 --> 00:07:28,600 Speaker 1: ticket count of our names. She asked if we're on 118 00:07:28,600 --> 00:07:32,000 Speaker 1: the press list. Mirco gives her a slick smile and responds, yes, 119 00:07:32,720 --> 00:07:35,840 Speaker 1: my stomach is doing backflips. This is the moment of truth. 120 00:07:36,520 --> 00:07:38,640 Speaker 1: The ticket lady frowned and she looks through the papers 121 00:07:38,680 --> 00:07:41,520 Speaker 1: on the clipboard, shaking her head, ready to turn us down. 122 00:07:42,160 --> 00:07:44,920 Speaker 1: I feel my throat tighten again. My head is dizzy. 123 00:07:45,440 --> 00:07:47,680 Speaker 1: Ship ship ship not now, man, not now. I can't 124 00:07:49,360 --> 00:07:51,680 Speaker 1: the race, and thoughts start flying around my mind. I mean, 125 00:07:51,720 --> 00:07:53,360 Speaker 1: what if she kicks us out for lying about the 126 00:07:53,400 --> 00:07:55,960 Speaker 1: press list? What if I have an anxiety attack right 127 00:07:55,960 --> 00:07:58,880 Speaker 1: here in the lobby. Okay, I gotta chill. She want 128 00:07:58,880 --> 00:08:00,400 Speaker 1: to call my parents to take me home, which is 129 00:08:00,480 --> 00:08:03,320 Speaker 1: humiliating enough, But then they'll find out we're doing this. 130 00:08:03,880 --> 00:08:06,040 Speaker 1: I'll be crowning from not telling them in this podcast 131 00:08:06,080 --> 00:08:08,680 Speaker 1: interview we have planned would be over before it begins. 132 00:08:09,280 --> 00:08:11,720 Speaker 1: When I get caught up like this, I can see 133 00:08:11,720 --> 00:08:13,720 Speaker 1: the oncoming crash, and I feel like there's no turning 134 00:08:13,720 --> 00:08:17,680 Speaker 1: away Marco Joseph. If it's not there, then there's been 135 00:08:17,720 --> 00:08:21,880 Speaker 1: a mistake. Just like Marco, this dude is too smooth. Meanwhile, 136 00:08:21,880 --> 00:08:24,760 Speaker 1: I'm trying not to throw up the ticket. Lady calls 137 00:08:24,800 --> 00:08:27,280 Speaker 1: Neveta's rep, who comes up front to greet us, and 138 00:08:27,360 --> 00:08:31,480 Speaker 1: without hesitation, Marco introduces himself with me. At least he 139 00:08:31,480 --> 00:08:36,439 Speaker 1: recognizes Marco's name, special Influencer, inviting all I'm still focusing 140 00:08:36,440 --> 00:08:38,800 Speaker 1: on my breath, playing it cool and trying to hide 141 00:08:38,840 --> 00:08:41,439 Speaker 1: the fear of my eyes. Let it. Marco leads, really, 142 00:08:42,600 --> 00:08:45,040 Speaker 1: this is my creative partner, Ruben Robinson, my schedule to 143 00:08:45,040 --> 00:08:47,320 Speaker 1: an interview Nevea. But it looks like we're left off 144 00:08:47,320 --> 00:08:51,839 Speaker 1: the press list. Vea's rep looks amused, probably thinking these 145 00:08:51,880 --> 00:08:54,760 Speaker 1: kids got balls or we're out of our damn minds. 146 00:08:55,559 --> 00:09:01,079 Speaker 1: There's a long pause. You're right, you're not on the list. 147 00:09:02,080 --> 00:09:03,920 Speaker 1: I checked my hands to make sure they aren't shaken. 148 00:09:04,520 --> 00:09:06,280 Speaker 1: I don't. We're about to get kicked out. I know it, 149 00:09:06,920 --> 00:09:09,560 Speaker 1: and if he sees my nerves, it'll be my fault. 150 00:09:10,320 --> 00:09:13,120 Speaker 1: I can't let Marco down like this, but I like 151 00:09:13,200 --> 00:09:18,800 Speaker 1: your hustle follow me. A sense of really floods my 152 00:09:18,920 --> 00:09:24,120 Speaker 1: veins like a cold shower. I held it together barely 153 00:09:25,880 --> 00:09:27,679 Speaker 1: because we walked through the crowd. The rep asked if 154 00:09:27,679 --> 00:09:30,440 Speaker 1: we want to meet an available before the show. She's 155 00:09:30,440 --> 00:09:32,280 Speaker 1: got a few minutes and it will be our only chance. 156 00:09:33,040 --> 00:09:34,720 Speaker 1: The rep is talking about a meet and Greece, so 157 00:09:35,120 --> 00:09:37,040 Speaker 1: I kind of have to force the subject of the interview, 158 00:09:37,840 --> 00:09:40,640 Speaker 1: even in the green room. But of course we respond 159 00:09:40,760 --> 00:09:43,080 Speaker 1: yes in a nonchalant tone. Like it isn't a big deal. 160 00:09:43,720 --> 00:09:47,280 Speaker 1: MARCOA makes small talk smoothly drops that we got a podcast, 161 00:09:47,679 --> 00:09:50,600 Speaker 1: and the rep loves the name. Here comes the break, 162 00:09:51,679 --> 00:09:57,400 Speaker 1: Only we don't have a podcast, not yet anyway. The 163 00:09:57,440 --> 00:10:02,240 Speaker 1: rep looks at us, smiles slightly. He's clearly amused with Marco. 164 00:10:02,280 --> 00:10:04,640 Speaker 1: My stomach has stopped doing flips, but now it feels 165 00:10:04,679 --> 00:10:07,319 Speaker 1: like there's a lead brick in there. I didn't think 166 00:10:07,360 --> 00:10:09,760 Speaker 1: this will work, but now we're here and there is 167 00:10:09,880 --> 00:10:13,240 Speaker 1: no turning back. I'm seventeen and about an interview one 168 00:10:13,280 --> 00:10:15,439 Speaker 1: of the hottest up and coming artists in the city. 169 00:10:16,240 --> 00:10:19,400 Speaker 1: I've been waiting my whole life for this moment. I've 170 00:10:19,440 --> 00:10:22,200 Speaker 1: loved hip hop since I was little. I remember being 171 00:10:22,240 --> 00:10:25,520 Speaker 1: real young, like six, and hearing beats bleed through the 172 00:10:25,520 --> 00:10:28,520 Speaker 1: walls from my parents room. It was my dad who 173 00:10:28,520 --> 00:10:31,160 Speaker 1: introduced me the legendary artists like jay Z and Naas, 174 00:10:31,600 --> 00:10:34,360 Speaker 1: who told me the stories behind each track, about their 175 00:10:34,360 --> 00:10:38,840 Speaker 1: lives growing up, fast money cars and beasts that cost 176 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:42,200 Speaker 1: mcs like Biggie and packed their lives. He taught me 177 00:10:42,240 --> 00:10:44,720 Speaker 1: the hip hop was born in the South Bronx. He 178 00:10:44,760 --> 00:10:48,160 Speaker 1: exposed me the cool Hurt Run DMC and African Bambiden 179 00:10:48,559 --> 00:10:51,560 Speaker 1: through Death Jam and the rise of Gangster Rapp. They're 180 00:10:51,600 --> 00:10:54,840 Speaker 1: never in the story. I was obsessed with hip hop. 181 00:10:55,480 --> 00:10:58,320 Speaker 1: I wanted to meet my favorite artists, dive into the culture, 182 00:10:58,320 --> 00:11:03,600 Speaker 1: and spread the gospel. The minute I started getting the platform, 183 00:11:03,720 --> 00:11:09,480 Speaker 1: my parents just shut all that down. I see my 184 00:11:09,559 --> 00:11:11,840 Speaker 1: parents frowning and alarmed at the side of the amount 185 00:11:11,840 --> 00:11:15,839 Speaker 1: of followers I gained overnight. I'm reminded of my parents discouragement. 186 00:11:16,720 --> 00:11:21,480 Speaker 1: I get it on some level, particularly from my mom, 187 00:11:21,600 --> 00:11:24,000 Speaker 1: who's always extra alert to the dangers of me putting 188 00:11:24,040 --> 00:11:27,080 Speaker 1: myself out there as a young black man. She might 189 00:11:27,080 --> 00:11:29,840 Speaker 1: not disapprove this podcast I did now that I'm seventeen, 190 00:11:30,840 --> 00:11:32,640 Speaker 1: but she definitely won't be cool with me and Marco 191 00:11:32,720 --> 00:11:35,719 Speaker 1: sneaking into the city and night behind her back. I 192 00:11:35,720 --> 00:11:38,440 Speaker 1: can feel the tightness in my chest, the stack of 193 00:11:38,440 --> 00:11:40,199 Speaker 1: breathing as I pull out my phone to review the 194 00:11:40,280 --> 00:11:43,320 Speaker 1: questions I prepared to ask Nova if we actually got 195 00:11:43,360 --> 00:11:48,280 Speaker 1: this far as if you couldn't tell. I have anxiety. 196 00:11:48,600 --> 00:11:51,400 Speaker 1: I was diagnosed with it at ten years old. I've 197 00:11:51,400 --> 00:11:55,240 Speaker 1: been taking medication ever since. Sometimes it works better than 198 00:11:55,280 --> 00:11:59,520 Speaker 1: other times. Honestly, until the night, I never thought of 199 00:11:59,559 --> 00:12:02,520 Speaker 1: my angsty diagnosis that's connected to my board of fifteen 200 00:12:02,520 --> 00:12:06,800 Speaker 1: minutes of fame. But moments like this are triggering. I 201 00:12:06,800 --> 00:12:11,640 Speaker 1: should feel exhilarated, proud, and excited, but I'm preparing for 202 00:12:11,679 --> 00:12:16,360 Speaker 1: the worst. Something bad will happen, something will ruin this 203 00:12:16,440 --> 00:12:19,400 Speaker 1: moment for me, or maybe I'll ruin it for myself. 204 00:12:21,000 --> 00:12:25,160 Speaker 1: In a weird way, I want that to happen to 205 00:12:25,240 --> 00:12:29,240 Speaker 1: take the pressure off. I know that on some level, 206 00:12:29,320 --> 00:12:31,400 Speaker 1: the real reason Marco insists that I joined him on 207 00:12:31,440 --> 00:12:33,520 Speaker 1: this adventure is because he wants to have a reason 208 00:12:33,600 --> 00:12:36,920 Speaker 1: to keep hanging out. My parents arranged for a transfer 209 00:12:36,960 --> 00:12:41,679 Speaker 1: to a stem Magnet school booker t Washington High when 210 00:12:41,720 --> 00:12:44,880 Speaker 1: school starts. Marco and I don't want to lose our friendship, 211 00:12:45,760 --> 00:12:47,920 Speaker 1: and keep telling myself tonight doesn't have to be about 212 00:12:47,960 --> 00:12:51,319 Speaker 1: anything bigger than that we arrived closer in the Vedas 213 00:12:51,360 --> 00:12:55,120 Speaker 1: green room, Marco little ship that he is locked size 214 00:12:55,160 --> 00:12:57,840 Speaker 1: and smiles at those who aren't getting access backstage like 215 00:12:57,920 --> 00:13:01,240 Speaker 1: we are. We're being treated like v I peace and 216 00:13:01,320 --> 00:13:05,640 Speaker 1: it feels electric For a short shining moment, I don't 217 00:13:05,679 --> 00:13:09,440 Speaker 1: feel like a snowball careening downhill. I feel all the 218 00:13:09,480 --> 00:13:14,720 Speaker 1: way up, like fat Joe and Remy my. The door 219 00:13:14,800 --> 00:13:18,080 Speaker 1: opens and the publicist woman needs Marco went out into 220 00:13:18,120 --> 00:13:21,120 Speaker 1: the green room and I swallowed the rise and pit 221 00:13:21,240 --> 00:13:25,360 Speaker 1: in my stomach. Novella. Great to see you, Marco, Joseph 222 00:13:25,440 --> 00:14:00,360 Speaker 1: Ruben Robinson, we're here for the interview. Holy shit, there's 223 00:14:00,360 --> 00:14:03,360 Speaker 1: that adrenaline rush. When the ride a home. Marco can't 224 00:14:03,360 --> 00:14:06,160 Speaker 1: stop help the photos of us. When the he writes, 225 00:14:06,200 --> 00:14:09,880 Speaker 1: teasing captains to read a night to remember and new 226 00:14:09,920 --> 00:14:14,440 Speaker 1: project coming soon. Marcot was crazy. I'm happy you had 227 00:14:14,480 --> 00:14:16,920 Speaker 1: a great time, but I'm just trying to save her 228 00:14:16,960 --> 00:14:19,560 Speaker 1: every bit of day. Endorphin high and filing after that interview, 229 00:14:24,240 --> 00:14:26,200 Speaker 1: but as we get back to town and head back 230 00:14:26,240 --> 00:14:29,760 Speaker 1: to Marco's place, I feel sad. All of a sudden, 231 00:14:31,200 --> 00:14:34,040 Speaker 1: the closest we've ever been tonight. But what if this 232 00:14:34,080 --> 00:14:36,960 Speaker 1: is the last time it's like this? What if changing 233 00:14:37,000 --> 00:14:40,720 Speaker 1: schools changes us. It's like on the trip home, I've 234 00:14:40,720 --> 00:14:44,400 Speaker 1: been able to fly all the stresses and fixations that 235 00:14:44,560 --> 00:14:47,400 Speaker 1: was lashing onto in my panic. I left them way 236 00:14:47,400 --> 00:14:50,600 Speaker 1: down below me on the ground. All those issues seem 237 00:14:50,720 --> 00:14:54,120 Speaker 1: so small and manageable. All of a sudden, the thing, 238 00:14:54,840 --> 00:15:00,920 Speaker 1: the actual thing, the interview, We got it, but I'm 239 00:15:00,960 --> 00:15:04,640 Speaker 1: coming back to earth. Marco and I both knowing but 240 00:15:04,760 --> 00:15:06,720 Speaker 1: not saying that this is the end of an era, 241 00:15:08,200 --> 00:15:11,840 Speaker 1: knowing but not saying this podcast it's our best shot 242 00:15:11,880 --> 00:15:15,120 Speaker 1: to make this the start of something new and great instead. 243 00:15:16,480 --> 00:15:19,800 Speaker 1: Marco may be in Internet sensation, but I'm the one 244 00:15:19,840 --> 00:15:23,280 Speaker 1: getting into a private stem school starting next week. He'll 245 00:15:23,320 --> 00:15:26,520 Speaker 1: still be back in public school in some ways. He 246 00:15:26,560 --> 00:15:29,680 Speaker 1: needs to pop more than I do. You know, Marco 247 00:15:29,800 --> 00:15:32,800 Speaker 1: is addicted to every hit on his social media accounts. 248 00:15:33,800 --> 00:15:37,040 Speaker 1: That's just the world he lives in. I always tol 249 00:15:37,120 --> 00:15:39,840 Speaker 1: him that this goes well, and as if he's reading 250 00:15:39,880 --> 00:15:43,760 Speaker 1: my mind, he turns to me and says, hey, Ben, 251 00:15:44,440 --> 00:15:47,320 Speaker 1: thanks for doing this with me. Thanks for pushing me. Man. 252 00:15:49,840 --> 00:15:52,360 Speaker 1: When we get back to Marco's house, it's at it 253 00:15:52,360 --> 00:15:55,720 Speaker 1: in time. It's pretty late and his parents are already asleep, 254 00:15:55,760 --> 00:15:59,160 Speaker 1: so we raided the catchen for snacks, takis and prettzels 255 00:15:59,200 --> 00:16:01,720 Speaker 1: and the red Bull. Each we rush up the stairs 256 00:16:01,720 --> 00:16:04,040 Speaker 1: to Marco's room so we could dig into the Neva interview. 257 00:16:04,640 --> 00:16:07,600 Speaker 1: Keep on riding that high. Yeah, and it's the last 258 00:16:07,600 --> 00:16:09,880 Speaker 1: weekend of the summer, so if we want to, we 259 00:16:09,920 --> 00:16:12,920 Speaker 1: could stay up till dawn and sleep tomorrow away. I 260 00:16:13,000 --> 00:16:14,880 Speaker 1: was turning the interview over in my head on the 261 00:16:14,920 --> 00:16:17,160 Speaker 1: train ride back while Marcot was on his phone, So 262 00:16:17,880 --> 00:16:21,160 Speaker 1: once we're safely in his bedroom, we immediately snapped back 263 00:16:21,160 --> 00:16:24,880 Speaker 1: into mind. Mailed Mark, just leaving some of the casual 264 00:16:24,920 --> 00:16:28,320 Speaker 1: stuff on either end. Help things feel real intimate. Oh, 265 00:16:28,360 --> 00:16:30,400 Speaker 1: we're gonna want to score the opening and closing with 266 00:16:30,440 --> 00:16:31,840 Speaker 1: the tight beat for now the job. On the girl 267 00:16:31,920 --> 00:16:34,080 Speaker 1: group question, she really opened up about her mom, and 268 00:16:34,120 --> 00:16:39,080 Speaker 1: I'm bringing the closer we get to complete in the pot, 269 00:16:39,560 --> 00:16:42,280 Speaker 1: the more I start to feel my anxiety return, just 270 00:16:42,720 --> 00:16:47,720 Speaker 1: bubbling up from within me. Oh shit, I just realized 271 00:16:47,720 --> 00:16:50,520 Speaker 1: I forgot to take my meds. I've been so distracted 272 00:16:50,560 --> 00:16:53,280 Speaker 1: that it didn't even cross my mind. And to be honest, 273 00:16:53,320 --> 00:16:55,120 Speaker 1: my Clopin could put me to sleep, which I've been 274 00:16:55,120 --> 00:16:58,160 Speaker 1: too busy for. While the audio file renders, I pulled 275 00:16:58,200 --> 00:16:59,720 Speaker 1: the pill, bought a lot of my bag and duck 276 00:16:59,720 --> 00:17:07,760 Speaker 1: out to the bathroom and wash one down. When I 277 00:17:07,760 --> 00:17:10,560 Speaker 1: step back into the room, Marco was pulling the microphone 278 00:17:10,600 --> 00:17:12,480 Speaker 1: from his closet and hooking it up to his laptop. 279 00:17:13,880 --> 00:17:16,600 Speaker 1: What are we recording? You've got to introduce yourself to 280 00:17:16,600 --> 00:17:18,640 Speaker 1: the masses. Bro queue up the interview with an intro 281 00:17:18,720 --> 00:17:23,719 Speaker 1: in a sign off. Damn, he's right. I've been so 282 00:17:23,760 --> 00:17:26,199 Speaker 1: focused on the interview itself. But there's another part of this. 283 00:17:26,280 --> 00:17:30,360 Speaker 1: I hadn't thought through the big picture. I don't want 284 00:17:30,359 --> 00:17:32,720 Speaker 1: to tell my parents, but if I'm the face of 285 00:17:32,760 --> 00:17:35,280 Speaker 1: this project, then it gets the audience we want. I 286 00:17:35,280 --> 00:17:37,200 Speaker 1: can't keep pretending this is just gonna be a fun 287 00:17:37,280 --> 00:17:40,879 Speaker 1: amateur poty with my friend. If it hits, we're not 288 00:17:40,920 --> 00:17:43,840 Speaker 1: gonna be business man. We're gonna be a business man. 289 00:17:44,920 --> 00:17:48,320 Speaker 1: I can't hide that from my parents forever. The combination 290 00:17:48,359 --> 00:17:50,560 Speaker 1: of the long night in the city, the head trip 291 00:17:50,600 --> 00:17:53,360 Speaker 1: of success, the lack of sleep, and Miss Mad's it's 292 00:17:53,400 --> 00:17:57,000 Speaker 1: got me tripping, and without thinking, I blurt out, can 293 00:17:57,040 --> 00:18:02,080 Speaker 1: we disguise my voice? Marco throws some serious I what, no, man, 294 00:18:02,119 --> 00:18:04,199 Speaker 1: We have to lay effects back over the whole interview. 295 00:18:04,240 --> 00:18:07,720 Speaker 1: The sun's coming up. It'll be worth it. Maybe it's 296 00:18:07,720 --> 00:18:11,400 Speaker 1: part of a stage name, a persona. The anonymity could 297 00:18:11,440 --> 00:18:14,359 Speaker 1: give us a little mistique. Okay, okay, that's interesting what 298 00:18:14,480 --> 00:18:18,160 Speaker 1: you're having in mind. I scrambled for an idea, jittery 299 00:18:18,320 --> 00:18:21,320 Speaker 1: winging it, I suggested this out of panic, But now 300 00:18:21,359 --> 00:18:23,480 Speaker 1: I gotta keep my nerves about me and back it up. 301 00:18:26,480 --> 00:18:29,600 Speaker 1: How about mask on like a play on futures. Mask 302 00:18:29,680 --> 00:18:32,240 Speaker 1: Off could be a play on Corona culture too. I mean, 303 00:18:32,720 --> 00:18:35,880 Speaker 1: you know all right, it has potential. If I start 304 00:18:35,880 --> 00:18:37,720 Speaker 1: on divorce distortion as soon as we lock down the 305 00:18:37,760 --> 00:18:40,399 Speaker 1: intro on autro, we could still post it today. And 306 00:18:40,600 --> 00:18:43,080 Speaker 1: I gotta record the central and noutre before that climb 307 00:18:43,119 --> 00:18:45,600 Speaker 1: up and kicks in the fact I fell off my 308 00:18:45,640 --> 00:18:47,680 Speaker 1: med schedule on his own and starting to freak me out. 309 00:18:48,080 --> 00:18:50,679 Speaker 1: You can throw off my mood for days. Not what 310 00:18:50,760 --> 00:18:53,440 Speaker 1: I need right now. I got a family dinner celebrateing 311 00:18:53,440 --> 00:18:57,680 Speaker 1: Mynday school tomorrow. Marcos starts to take with a tap 312 00:18:57,680 --> 00:19:02,639 Speaker 1: on his track pad. Okay, mask On, step up to 313 00:19:02,680 --> 00:19:05,679 Speaker 1: the mic. We'll so we's set out there, podcast world. 314 00:19:05,680 --> 00:19:07,600 Speaker 1: We are coming at you, fresh from the van of 315 00:19:07,680 --> 00:19:10,800 Speaker 1: Joel Show at the Brooklyn Bowl after wrapping up an 316 00:19:10,800 --> 00:19:14,040 Speaker 1: interview with one of the hottest new artists in the game. 317 00:19:14,840 --> 00:19:17,479 Speaker 1: She's fly too. That's what we do here and here 318 00:19:17,520 --> 00:19:20,280 Speaker 1: comes to break. You get used to that. I'm your 319 00:19:20,280 --> 00:19:23,199 Speaker 1: host mask on, and that's what those earbuds in and 320 00:19:23,320 --> 00:19:27,480 Speaker 1: enjoy our exclusive interview with Nevea Jolie. I don't know 321 00:19:27,520 --> 00:19:30,560 Speaker 1: where it comes from, but I feel way less anxious 322 00:19:30,560 --> 00:19:33,600 Speaker 1: and more confident behind this PERSONA killer first take and 323 00:19:33,640 --> 00:19:36,920 Speaker 1: I'll try to outro. That's our interview with the Veta. Hey, 324 00:19:36,920 --> 00:19:40,879 Speaker 1: the show was amazing. Showing some love like follow and 325 00:19:40,920 --> 00:19:44,560 Speaker 1: subscribe to the artist feeds our feeds links in the description, 326 00:19:44,960 --> 00:19:47,600 Speaker 1: I'm mask on. This is your place for the hottest 327 00:19:47,640 --> 00:19:51,000 Speaker 1: and breaking new artists. Ready or not, here it comes 328 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:55,040 Speaker 1: to break. Oh you're a natural. We don't have a 329 00:19:55,080 --> 00:19:57,560 Speaker 1: second episode lined up. The plug you worked around it. 330 00:19:57,640 --> 00:20:00,840 Speaker 1: Don't sweat it for now. I'll here comes to break 331 00:20:00,880 --> 00:20:04,480 Speaker 1: official accounts, cross posts on my accounts. We'll have artists 332 00:20:04,520 --> 00:20:06,960 Speaker 1: coming to us once we hit some real numbers, and 333 00:20:07,040 --> 00:20:09,080 Speaker 1: until then, we just gotta step up our hustle going 334 00:20:09,080 --> 00:20:17,040 Speaker 1: out to shows rollsoving me like a wave. This thing 335 00:20:17,240 --> 00:20:21,320 Speaker 1: is real. Now the thought scares me. It's rattling around 336 00:20:21,320 --> 00:20:24,840 Speaker 1: my brain, throwing the elbows and the climb up and 337 00:20:24,880 --> 00:20:27,800 Speaker 1: still doesn't feel like it's kicking in. Suddenly have a 338 00:20:27,840 --> 00:20:32,720 Speaker 1: panic thought and check my book back again. Shit, I 339 00:20:32,800 --> 00:20:36,240 Speaker 1: brought the wrong pill bottle. This is my adderall I 340 00:20:36,280 --> 00:20:38,920 Speaker 1: took an adderall by mistake. Oh, there's no way I'm 341 00:20:38,920 --> 00:20:40,760 Speaker 1: getting any sleep. Now, I'm going to be up all 342 00:20:40,840 --> 00:20:44,000 Speaker 1: day and walking in the family dinner tonight with raw nerves. 343 00:20:44,040 --> 00:20:46,200 Speaker 1: The big celebration to me starting a book of t 344 00:20:46,440 --> 00:20:48,960 Speaker 1: and I'll be lucky if I'm a zombie on type 345 00:20:48,960 --> 00:20:51,360 Speaker 1: of line to them about why was tonight? Now I'm 346 00:20:51,359 --> 00:20:54,159 Speaker 1: gonna have to cover up my exhaustion and adrenaline and 347 00:20:54,200 --> 00:20:56,520 Speaker 1: they're gonna see if right through it. Oh, the voice 348 00:20:56,520 --> 00:20:58,640 Speaker 1: whispers inside of me. Oh no, here it comes all 349 00:20:58,680 --> 00:21:02,200 Speaker 1: my anxieties. They're coming together, and that big familiar blob 350 00:21:02,359 --> 00:21:06,800 Speaker 1: of fear. Now, Yo, Reuben, it's time to work. I 351 00:21:06,880 --> 00:21:10,560 Speaker 1: step up to the mic. Adrenaline anxiety coursing through me. 352 00:21:11,520 --> 00:21:17,280 Speaker 1: Let's screw it. Here calms the break. We'll be right 353 00:21:17,320 --> 00:21:37,120 Speaker 1: back and now back to the show. In an industry 354 00:21:37,119 --> 00:21:39,440 Speaker 1: that is constantly trying to define artists, can you tell 355 00:21:39,440 --> 00:21:42,320 Speaker 1: our listeners in your own words? Who is Novea Joe 356 00:21:42,400 --> 00:21:49,840 Speaker 1: Lee h Who is Novejoli Novego Lee. I am an artist, 357 00:21:50,359 --> 00:21:58,119 Speaker 1: a full on creative, crazy person, singer, songwriter, actress, future entrepreneur. 358 00:21:58,920 --> 00:22:01,800 Speaker 1: I do a lot, but I'm still defining myself every day. 359 00:22:01,840 --> 00:22:06,679 Speaker 1: You get my own words. Wow wow okay, okay. You 360 00:22:06,680 --> 00:22:09,560 Speaker 1: know every artist has that when they step into a room, 361 00:22:09,640 --> 00:22:12,959 Speaker 1: when they walk, the way they dress, speak, sing. How 362 00:22:13,000 --> 00:22:17,280 Speaker 1: do you maintain to develop that? WHOA? My number one 363 00:22:17,359 --> 00:22:20,040 Speaker 1: role is to always keep it playing, so you know, 364 00:22:20,320 --> 00:22:24,840 Speaker 1: I gotta stick to that definitely, and just being yourself 365 00:22:24,880 --> 00:22:28,520 Speaker 1: as an artist. The goal is to be entertaining, but 366 00:22:28,640 --> 00:22:31,560 Speaker 1: the goal is also to be able to express yourself 367 00:22:31,560 --> 00:22:34,880 Speaker 1: and the best way you can. So if people are 368 00:22:35,119 --> 00:22:38,480 Speaker 1: digging it, they're gonna dig it. You just gotta be 369 00:22:38,680 --> 00:22:43,200 Speaker 1: you keep it playing. Okay, Okay, I feel I feel 370 00:22:43,200 --> 00:22:44,879 Speaker 1: you and you go right. And so you were eight 371 00:22:44,960 --> 00:22:47,280 Speaker 1: years old, So tell me what road is writing playing 372 00:22:47,320 --> 00:22:52,920 Speaker 1: your life? Writing is my expressions, my voice, pen and paper, 373 00:22:53,560 --> 00:22:56,720 Speaker 1: just typing it out and my notes is it's getting 374 00:22:56,720 --> 00:22:59,879 Speaker 1: that emotion out. It started off with a little colone 375 00:23:00,480 --> 00:23:03,760 Speaker 1: little songs. Since I was eight, I carried around a 376 00:23:03,920 --> 00:23:07,119 Speaker 1: journal and I just whenever I thought of something, I 377 00:23:07,240 --> 00:23:10,200 Speaker 1: just wrote it down. It's kind of like just a release. 378 00:23:10,720 --> 00:23:13,400 Speaker 1: If I have built up energy, I can't sit on it. 379 00:23:13,560 --> 00:23:16,199 Speaker 1: I need it to get out of my system. So 380 00:23:16,240 --> 00:23:20,359 Speaker 1: I write every day, just trying to express myself. Did 381 00:23:20,400 --> 00:23:24,680 Speaker 1: you view it as a film a therapy? Definitely? Definitely. 382 00:23:25,600 --> 00:23:29,080 Speaker 1: It's processing. It's ways to get out an emotion you 383 00:23:29,080 --> 00:23:31,919 Speaker 1: you have and you can't necessarily say it, you know 384 00:23:31,920 --> 00:23:35,000 Speaker 1: what I'm saying, Like, I'm not the best at articulating 385 00:23:35,200 --> 00:23:38,480 Speaker 1: my thoughts, so I'll have to write it out. I'll 386 00:23:38,480 --> 00:23:42,600 Speaker 1: have to because I'm better with that. The switching gears here. 387 00:23:42,640 --> 00:23:46,399 Speaker 1: How how have you built your following, especially on social media? Well, 388 00:23:47,240 --> 00:23:51,200 Speaker 1: it's been it's been, you know, going up these past 389 00:23:51,320 --> 00:23:56,159 Speaker 1: like two years, and I've just been building relationships with 390 00:23:56,240 --> 00:24:00,440 Speaker 1: my plays and it's dope. It's dope. I really just 391 00:24:00,560 --> 00:24:04,400 Speaker 1: try to stay true to myself, try to post relatable content, 392 00:24:05,040 --> 00:24:07,240 Speaker 1: just try to reach out to people, talk to people, 393 00:24:07,400 --> 00:24:10,919 Speaker 1: go live and just really use my platform to not 394 00:24:11,040 --> 00:24:14,240 Speaker 1: only advertise my music and advertise what I'm doing, but 395 00:24:14,359 --> 00:24:17,560 Speaker 1: just to be there for people, you know, and to 396 00:24:17,600 --> 00:24:21,160 Speaker 1: connect about current events like Black Lives Matter. Yeah, that's 397 00:24:21,200 --> 00:24:24,080 Speaker 1: what that's That's what it's there for. Definitely speaking about it. 398 00:24:25,040 --> 00:24:27,320 Speaker 1: Tell me, how how are you personally coping with all 399 00:24:27,320 --> 00:24:30,960 Speaker 1: the civil own rest. Well, it's always been there and 400 00:24:31,000 --> 00:24:34,960 Speaker 1: always been a problem. It's literally one of my only 401 00:24:35,000 --> 00:24:38,560 Speaker 1: triggers that make me like angry or make me flustered. 402 00:24:39,480 --> 00:24:44,120 Speaker 1: Just racism, police brutality, all that nonsense. My first fight ever, 403 00:24:44,560 --> 00:24:47,720 Speaker 1: my first fight that I ever got into, was on 404 00:24:47,760 --> 00:24:52,159 Speaker 1: that topic and um, I got body slammed by a dude. 405 00:24:53,000 --> 00:24:57,320 Speaker 1: It was in the army program in my high school. Yeah, 406 00:24:57,600 --> 00:25:01,000 Speaker 1: I'm just very passionate about that type stuff. And it's 407 00:25:01,000 --> 00:25:05,800 Speaker 1: so tiring. It's just tiring, it's exhausting. It's not gonna 408 00:25:05,840 --> 00:25:09,920 Speaker 1: stop anytime soon unless people actually wanted to and make 409 00:25:09,960 --> 00:25:12,080 Speaker 1: a difference. So you were in your first girl group 410 00:25:12,119 --> 00:25:14,840 Speaker 1: of tend called the Perfect Storm. When lessons did you 411 00:25:14,920 --> 00:25:23,119 Speaker 1: learn from that experience? Oh, my gosh, rhythm definitely. Rhythm. Wow. 412 00:25:23,680 --> 00:25:26,399 Speaker 1: I was doing like choreography at ten and it would 413 00:25:26,440 --> 00:25:30,160 Speaker 1: get me so frustrated, but it helped. It helped a lot, 414 00:25:31,160 --> 00:25:34,080 Speaker 1: and it just it got me used to positive and 415 00:25:34,200 --> 00:25:37,680 Speaker 1: negative feedback, people telling you how it is to your 416 00:25:37,680 --> 00:25:41,359 Speaker 1: face as a kid, like I'm getting nose left and right. 417 00:25:41,400 --> 00:25:44,400 Speaker 1: Because I used to audition for stuff on the side too, 418 00:25:44,400 --> 00:25:47,960 Speaker 1: because I was also acting. So I would just catch 419 00:25:48,040 --> 00:25:50,360 Speaker 1: the train to New York with my mom every day, 420 00:25:50,359 --> 00:25:53,240 Speaker 1: every weekend, anytime she got off of work, and it 421 00:25:53,320 --> 00:25:56,119 Speaker 1: was just audition after audition, So it just taught me 422 00:25:56,119 --> 00:25:58,280 Speaker 1: a lot about the industry, you know, But it was 423 00:25:58,320 --> 00:26:01,760 Speaker 1: just me and my mom was not like the most 424 00:26:01,800 --> 00:26:05,720 Speaker 1: extreme mamager ever. But when I said that I wanted 425 00:26:05,760 --> 00:26:07,960 Speaker 1: to do music, she was like, if you want to 426 00:26:07,960 --> 00:26:10,920 Speaker 1: do it, we gotta get you on vocal lessons, we 427 00:26:11,000 --> 00:26:13,639 Speaker 1: gotta do this, we gotta get you doing theater, we 428 00:26:13,720 --> 00:26:16,760 Speaker 1: gotta do this that that. Well, what are getting that 429 00:26:16,800 --> 00:26:19,640 Speaker 1: support from your mom? Meaning you and mental lot? At 430 00:26:19,640 --> 00:26:21,879 Speaker 1: first I wanted to be a scientist and she was 431 00:26:21,960 --> 00:26:25,240 Speaker 1: like super for that. But when I was like, Okay, no, 432 00:26:25,400 --> 00:26:28,040 Speaker 1: I really want to do this music thing. We've been 433 00:26:28,040 --> 00:26:30,440 Speaker 1: doing it for real, Let's do it for real, for real, 434 00:26:31,000 --> 00:26:32,919 Speaker 1: of course she was going to support me. I was 435 00:26:32,960 --> 00:26:35,680 Speaker 1: just so eager. There was no way that she was 436 00:26:35,720 --> 00:26:37,840 Speaker 1: going to stop me. You know what I'm saying. She 437 00:26:37,960 --> 00:26:40,399 Speaker 1: had to be there for it, and she believed in 438 00:26:40,440 --> 00:26:43,439 Speaker 1: me entirely, and she still believes in me now and 439 00:26:43,480 --> 00:26:47,359 Speaker 1: she's definitely rooting for me. So that's amazing. What advice 440 00:26:47,400 --> 00:26:49,399 Speaker 1: would you get the families and parents about supporting a 441 00:26:49,440 --> 00:26:52,040 Speaker 1: teenager that wants to pursue the arts. If you see 442 00:26:52,080 --> 00:26:55,000 Speaker 1: their dedicated and you see that they really mean it 443 00:26:55,200 --> 00:26:59,280 Speaker 1: in their grades are good, then my thing doing, man, 444 00:27:00,000 --> 00:27:02,480 Speaker 1: I don't do it. Man. I kept my honor roll. 445 00:27:02,840 --> 00:27:06,480 Speaker 1: But this is for all y'all aspiring artists. Keep your 446 00:27:06,480 --> 00:27:08,960 Speaker 1: grades good. If you're trying to convince your parents that 447 00:27:09,119 --> 00:27:13,880 Speaker 1: you got your life, figure it out. Keep your grades decent, 448 00:27:15,040 --> 00:27:17,639 Speaker 1: and then they'll they'll believe you. They'll believe your promise. 449 00:27:20,119 --> 00:27:22,160 Speaker 1: Keep your grades good. That's a going, that's a going. 450 00:27:22,960 --> 00:27:25,400 Speaker 1: I know you're in the guide in meditation and drawing 451 00:27:25,480 --> 00:27:28,240 Speaker 1: and painting. What does your wellness routine look like if 452 00:27:28,280 --> 00:27:31,520 Speaker 1: you have them. I don't really have a routine. I 453 00:27:31,600 --> 00:27:35,160 Speaker 1: try to meditate as much as I can, like every day, 454 00:27:35,160 --> 00:27:37,840 Speaker 1: every other day. I try to draw a little bit 455 00:27:37,880 --> 00:27:40,960 Speaker 1: in my journal, right, a little bit of poetry or 456 00:27:41,359 --> 00:27:44,879 Speaker 1: a song. And final question, what would you like your 457 00:27:44,920 --> 00:27:49,800 Speaker 1: legacy to be? Maybe just having a good personality, like 458 00:27:49,880 --> 00:27:52,720 Speaker 1: just being a good person. I just I just want 459 00:27:52,760 --> 00:27:57,240 Speaker 1: to be you know that cool old lady you know 460 00:27:58,080 --> 00:28:02,240 Speaker 1: everybody remembers. Well, I'm sure your jeans are great. You know, 461 00:28:02,440 --> 00:28:04,040 Speaker 1: I'm not gonna look like an old lady once you 462 00:28:04,080 --> 00:28:07,679 Speaker 1: become an old lady. You're right, I'm gonna still be 463 00:28:07,720 --> 00:28:11,520 Speaker 1: on tour like Shoot, I'm gonna be out here yoke. 464 00:28:11,840 --> 00:28:14,199 Speaker 1: That was our interview and the Vega has blessed us 465 00:28:14,240 --> 00:28:16,200 Speaker 1: with the fresh track to break through you right here 466 00:28:16,280 --> 00:28:18,640 Speaker 1: on here It comes to Break. That's coming right up. 467 00:28:18,920 --> 00:28:21,960 Speaker 1: This is mask On, get your listen on and now 468 00:28:22,040 --> 00:28:49,680 Speaker 1: an exclusive track from The Vega Jolie Chad Shine, Hold Shine, 469 00:28:50,240 --> 00:29:07,560 Speaker 1: I didn't see right, oh shone high. Spending all this 470 00:29:07,760 --> 00:29:12,840 Speaker 1: time to get you, but there's nothing better thing you baby, 471 00:29:13,080 --> 00:29:17,520 Speaker 1: ground my face and fool me clothes and ba my ways. 472 00:29:17,720 --> 00:29:23,160 Speaker 1: I feel saying anything change when I'm looking out to 473 00:29:23,280 --> 00:29:25,800 Speaker 1: see the stars in the night on the feeling in 474 00:29:25,960 --> 00:29:29,560 Speaker 1: my heart and staring me a fire. You to fight 475 00:29:29,720 --> 00:29:38,960 Speaker 1: on my spy, just one shine, check you on you 476 00:29:42,920 --> 00:29:49,640 Speaker 1: hold on Shine Shy and I feel like I mention 477 00:29:49,800 --> 00:29:56,400 Speaker 1: my vibe. Tell me want to feel like Oh shone 478 00:29:56,520 --> 00:30:35,760 Speaker 1: by try f of your love and me to tell 479 00:30:36,400 --> 00:30:40,360 Speaker 1: now I felt this way for now. You want to 480 00:30:40,440 --> 00:30:44,800 Speaker 1: shout another side love man, want to say a little 481 00:30:45,040 --> 00:30:50,160 Speaker 1: more said you know, felt a lovely showhead to tell 482 00:30:50,440 --> 00:30:57,200 Speaker 1: the world, try to have good night. I just want 483 00:30:57,200 --> 00:31:23,640 Speaker 1: to try take you one word Shy. Here Comes to 484 00:31:23,680 --> 00:31:26,120 Speaker 1: Break is produced by Double Elvis and partnership with I 485 00:31:26,280 --> 00:31:30,160 Speaker 1: Heart Radio. Executive produced by Deaf Jam Recordings. Executive produced 486 00:31:30,240 --> 00:31:33,680 Speaker 1: by and starring Asanti Black Is Ruben, Produced by Danielle 487 00:31:33,760 --> 00:31:37,680 Speaker 1: Perkins who plays Janelle, Bobby cus Is Marco, Christopher V. 488 00:31:37,920 --> 00:31:41,600 Speaker 1: Edwards as Dad, Raymie Cornell is Mom, and Taylor Bettinson. 489 00:31:41,800 --> 00:31:45,000 Speaker 1: Written by Taylor Bettinson and the Kia Hill Artist Interviews 490 00:31:45,040 --> 00:31:49,280 Speaker 1: conducted by Nikia Hill, directed by Christopher V. Edwards, mixed 491 00:31:49,320 --> 00:31:52,280 Speaker 1: and edited by Matt Ta Hainey, Sound recording by Colin 492 00:31:52,360 --> 00:31:56,680 Speaker 1: Fleming Music Elements and production by Ryan Spreaker. Additional production 493 00:31:56,680 --> 00:32:00,720 Speaker 1: support by Jamie Demons. Executive produced by Jake and Brady 494 00:32:00,760 --> 00:32:05,440 Speaker 1: Sadler for Double Elvis Special Thanks to Rain Rosenbaum, Shelby Shankman, 495 00:32:05,800 --> 00:32:09,480 Speaker 1: Sarah Kane and Jordan Gerrellic at United Talent Agency, be 496 00:32:09,640 --> 00:32:13,880 Speaker 1: Comedian Marketing, Barack Muffatt and Universal Music Group, Rich Isaacson, 497 00:32:14,200 --> 00:32:19,479 Speaker 1: Lind Gonzalez, Charlene Thomas, Merissa Pizarro, Gabriel To Serrierio, Jessica 498 00:32:19,560 --> 00:32:23,680 Speaker 1: Manarino and Nya Fleming at Deaf GYM Recordings and Conald Burn, 499 00:32:24,040 --> 00:32:27,760 Speaker 1: Carrie Lieberman, Will Pearson, Noel Brown and the entire I 500 00:32:27,880 --> 00:32:30,720 Speaker 1: Heeart Media team to hear bonus content, meet the cast, 501 00:32:30,880 --> 00:32:32,760 Speaker 1: and go behind the scenes of Here It Comes to Break. 502 00:32:32,960 --> 00:32:35,840 Speaker 1: Follow with double Elvis on Instagram or visit double elvis 503 00:32:35,920 --> 00:32:36,320 Speaker 1: dot com.