1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:30,880 Speaker 1: Welcome, sleep tight stories. The snow Queen once there was 2 00:00:30,920 --> 00:00:36,879 Speaker 1: a wicked imp who made a magic mirror. Everything it 3 00:00:36,960 --> 00:00:44,520 Speaker 1: reflected looked ugly and mean. One day, the mirror smashed 4 00:00:44,720 --> 00:00:49,320 Speaker 1: into tiny specks, and the specs got into people's eyes 5 00:00:50,000 --> 00:00:55,160 Speaker 1: and made everything look bad to them. Some specs became 6 00:00:55,560 --> 00:01:01,840 Speaker 1: caught in people's hearts, making them feel grumpy. A few 7 00:01:01,880 --> 00:01:05,160 Speaker 1: of the specks from the mirror floated toward a far 8 00:01:05,200 --> 00:01:10,720 Speaker 1: away place where there lived two best friends named Gerda 9 00:01:11,840 --> 00:01:19,279 Speaker 1: and Kay. The pair spent endless days together. In the winter. 10 00:01:19,959 --> 00:01:27,280 Speaker 1: Gerta's grandmother told them wonderful stories while the snow swirled outside. 11 00:01:27,760 --> 00:01:32,039 Speaker 1: The snow Queen brings the winter weather. She would say, 12 00:01:32,760 --> 00:01:37,040 Speaker 1: she peeps in at the windows and leaves icy patterns 13 00:01:37,120 --> 00:01:43,360 Speaker 1: on the glass. In the summer, the children would play 14 00:01:43,400 --> 00:01:49,520 Speaker 1: in the little roof garden between their houses. One sunny day, 15 00:01:49,600 --> 00:01:54,000 Speaker 1: they were reading together when Kay let out a cry. 16 00:01:55,280 --> 00:02:01,040 Speaker 1: Specks from the IMP's magic mirror had caught Kay's eye 17 00:02:01,800 --> 00:02:08,600 Speaker 1: and his heart. Kay became bad tempered throughout the summer 18 00:02:08,919 --> 00:02:12,960 Speaker 1: and the autumn, and was still cross when winter came. 19 00:02:14,919 --> 00:02:21,000 Speaker 1: One snowy day, he stormed off with his sledge. Suddenly, 20 00:02:21,560 --> 00:02:27,800 Speaker 1: a large white sleigh swept past, and Kay mischievously hitched 21 00:02:27,840 --> 00:02:33,200 Speaker 1: his sledge to the back. The sleigh pulled him far 22 00:02:33,560 --> 00:02:40,040 Speaker 1: far away. When it finally stopped, Kay realized the sleigh 23 00:02:40,120 --> 00:02:46,760 Speaker 1: belonged to the snow Queen from Gerda's grandmother's story. She 24 00:02:47,040 --> 00:02:52,800 Speaker 1: kissed Kay's forehead, and her icy touch froze his heart. 25 00:02:53,960 --> 00:03:00,799 Speaker 1: He forgot all about Gerda and his home. Back home, 26 00:03:01,080 --> 00:03:07,639 Speaker 1: Gerda missed Kay. She searched everywhere for him. Just as 27 00:03:07,720 --> 00:03:11,600 Speaker 1: she was about to give up, Gerda noticed a little 28 00:03:11,600 --> 00:03:17,000 Speaker 1: boat among the rushes down by the river. Perhaps the 29 00:03:17,120 --> 00:03:22,119 Speaker 1: river will carry me to Kay, she thought. She climbed 30 00:03:22,160 --> 00:03:28,960 Speaker 1: in and the boat glided away. Many hours later, the 31 00:03:29,000 --> 00:03:35,720 Speaker 1: boat reached the shore. A large raven came flapping towards Gerda. 32 00:03:35,960 --> 00:03:39,280 Speaker 1: I think I have seen your friend, the raven croaked. 33 00:03:39,800 --> 00:03:43,720 Speaker 1: A young man who sounds like him has married a princess. 34 00:03:45,120 --> 00:03:51,400 Speaker 1: I'll take you there. That night, the raven took Gerda 35 00:03:51,440 --> 00:03:58,360 Speaker 1: to the palace, but the prince wasn't Kay. Poor Gerda, 36 00:03:59,440 --> 00:04:04,000 Speaker 1: she was far from home. She told the prince and 37 00:04:04,080 --> 00:04:09,120 Speaker 1: princess her story. They promised to help her, and the 38 00:04:09,200 --> 00:04:14,160 Speaker 1: next morning Gerda was given warm clothes and a golden sleigh. 39 00:04:15,720 --> 00:04:19,240 Speaker 1: She set off into the woods, but before long she 40 00:04:19,440 --> 00:04:23,520 Speaker 1: was spotted by a band of robbers. That carriage is 41 00:04:23,600 --> 00:04:32,799 Speaker 1: pure gold. They hissed. The robber sprang out and captured Gerda. Suddenly, 42 00:04:33,200 --> 00:04:37,520 Speaker 1: the daughter of the robber chief appeared. The girl was 43 00:04:37,600 --> 00:04:40,599 Speaker 1: lonely and excited by the thought of a new friend. 44 00:04:41,640 --> 00:04:45,480 Speaker 1: Please treat her gently, the robber girl pleaded, she can 45 00:04:45,560 --> 00:04:50,600 Speaker 1: stay with me. Gerda was grateful to the robber girl 46 00:04:50,680 --> 00:04:55,839 Speaker 1: for her kindness. Inside the robber's den, Gerda met the 47 00:04:55,960 --> 00:05:01,520 Speaker 1: robber girl's pet reindeer. When Gerda told her new friend 48 00:05:01,560 --> 00:05:07,160 Speaker 1: about Kay, the reindeer spoke saying he had seen Kay 49 00:05:07,839 --> 00:05:12,440 Speaker 1: with the snow Queen. I know the way to the 50 00:05:12,440 --> 00:05:16,440 Speaker 1: snow Queen's palace, added the reindeer, I will take you there. 51 00:05:18,279 --> 00:05:24,520 Speaker 1: It was a long cold journey, but at last Gerda 52 00:05:24,560 --> 00:05:31,000 Speaker 1: and the reindeer arrived outside the snow Queen's palace. Inside 53 00:05:31,040 --> 00:05:35,080 Speaker 1: the icy palace, the snow Queen still held Kay under 54 00:05:35,120 --> 00:05:41,080 Speaker 1: her spell. Spring is coming. She announced suddenly, I must leave. 55 00:05:41,320 --> 00:05:43,320 Speaker 1: It is time for me to make snow on the 56 00:05:43,360 --> 00:05:46,600 Speaker 1: other side of the world, and she flew off in 57 00:05:46,680 --> 00:05:53,320 Speaker 1: her sleigh, leaving Kay alone. At that moment, Gerda crept 58 00:05:53,480 --> 00:05:59,280 Speaker 1: into the palace. When she saw her friend, she wept. 59 00:06:00,600 --> 00:06:06,080 Speaker 1: Her tears fell onto his chest. They melted his cold 60 00:06:06,160 --> 00:06:12,040 Speaker 1: heart and washed away the speck of glass. Kay began 61 00:06:12,160 --> 00:06:17,120 Speaker 1: to cry, too, and his tears washed the glass from 62 00:06:17,120 --> 00:06:22,120 Speaker 1: his eye. At last he was free from the spell. 63 00:06:24,360 --> 00:06:30,080 Speaker 1: The reindeer carried Gerda and Kay back home. Grandmother called Gerda, 64 00:06:30,320 --> 00:06:35,320 Speaker 1: we're back at last. The old lady was so happy 65 00:06:35,360 --> 00:06:40,360 Speaker 1: to see them, and she hugged them tightly. I knew 66 00:06:40,400 --> 00:06:44,360 Speaker 1: that you would come home one day, she cried. Now 67 00:06:44,560 --> 00:07:20,000 Speaker 1: tell me all about your adventures.