1 00:00:00,160 --> 00:00:05,359 Speaker 1: The Seventh Daughter contains scenes of realistic violence and graphic sexuality. 2 00:00:05,880 --> 00:00:15,560 Speaker 1: It is intended for mature listeners. Have you come seeking knowledge? 3 00:00:16,760 --> 00:00:20,319 Speaker 1: Do you wish to know the truth? Allow me to 4 00:00:20,360 --> 00:00:25,599 Speaker 1: show you. Close your eyes and follow the sound of 5 00:00:25,640 --> 00:00:32,000 Speaker 1: my voice. Allow it to lead you further into the past. 6 00:00:34,200 --> 00:00:38,040 Speaker 1: When I remove my blindfold, you may look into my eyes. 7 00:00:39,440 --> 00:00:44,120 Speaker 1: Don't just look at them, look through them, and you 8 00:00:44,159 --> 00:00:49,840 Speaker 1: will see what they have seen, and all my secrets 9 00:00:51,479 --> 00:01:01,120 Speaker 1: will be revealed. The Seventh Daughter. That's it, right, Take 10 00:01:01,160 --> 00:01:09,960 Speaker 1: as long as you like. There's no hurry. Rose, Lie back, 11 00:01:10,080 --> 00:01:18,160 Speaker 1: my child, and rest. Mrs Davenport, you have given me 12 00:01:18,280 --> 00:01:23,640 Speaker 1: such a blessing. My heart is so full of love. 13 00:01:26,560 --> 00:01:31,720 Speaker 1: I've seen so many pretenders. They feed on my broken 14 00:01:31,720 --> 00:01:35,640 Speaker 1: heart and will say anything to get my money. I 15 00:01:35,760 --> 00:01:39,240 Speaker 1: was beginning to lose faith, and then I found you 16 00:01:40,520 --> 00:01:46,759 Speaker 1: so honest and pure. Yes, ma'am, you'll forgive an old 17 00:01:46,800 --> 00:01:50,840 Speaker 1: woman for being so forward. But I've had help. But 18 00:01:50,880 --> 00:01:55,280 Speaker 1: wonder if your gift is being perverted. It breaks my 19 00:01:55,400 --> 00:01:59,080 Speaker 1: heart to think of someone so radiant, so filled with 20 00:01:59,160 --> 00:02:03,280 Speaker 1: the spare it performing magic shows on a stage when 21 00:02:03,360 --> 00:02:05,840 Speaker 1: has to earn a living. That's no life for a 22 00:02:05,880 --> 00:02:08,800 Speaker 1: girl your age. Do you go to school? Do you 23 00:02:08,919 --> 00:02:14,120 Speaker 1: have friends? There's just Rose enemy. Well, it isn't right 24 00:02:14,680 --> 00:02:17,840 Speaker 1: for you to live alone with this colored woman. Rose 25 00:02:17,919 --> 00:02:20,360 Speaker 1: is going to help me reach my father. He owns 26 00:02:20,360 --> 00:02:24,760 Speaker 1: a sugar plantation in Haiti, and to get there we 27 00:02:24,880 --> 00:02:28,520 Speaker 1: need money. Have you never gone to school? Has she 28 00:02:28,680 --> 00:02:33,119 Speaker 1: raised you since birth? Ms? Rose is very protective from whom? 29 00:02:33,200 --> 00:02:36,079 Speaker 1: Is she protecting you from those who would take advantage 30 00:02:36,080 --> 00:02:40,200 Speaker 1: of me? Men? Rose says that a mistake possesses her 31 00:02:40,240 --> 00:02:44,280 Speaker 1: gift only as long as she has a virgin Is 32 00:02:44,320 --> 00:02:49,079 Speaker 1: that true? Yes? It is. Then if I mustlive a 33 00:02:49,120 --> 00:02:54,240 Speaker 1: cloistered life, separated from men in order to preserve my gift, 34 00:02:55,680 --> 00:02:59,480 Speaker 1: and it's a fate I will accept and doora look 35 00:02:59,520 --> 00:03:05,600 Speaker 1: at my daring. You belong in a better world. There 36 00:03:05,639 --> 00:03:09,320 Speaker 1: are some who would treasure a girl like you. Worship 37 00:03:09,400 --> 00:03:13,160 Speaker 1: you allow you to grow into a true woman, a 38 00:03:13,240 --> 00:03:19,440 Speaker 1: woman of culture and distinction. Yes, I would consider it 39 00:03:19,520 --> 00:03:25,800 Speaker 1: a privilege if I could. Ah, she's coming out, if 40 00:03:26,200 --> 00:03:32,000 Speaker 1: your permission, Mrs Davenport, I complete my examination to make 41 00:03:32,040 --> 00:03:35,800 Speaker 1: sure she's fair enough to be on her vay. Of course, 42 00:03:36,320 --> 00:03:50,320 Speaker 1: I'll step outside. Where's Pandora? We'd like to leave now, 43 00:03:51,120 --> 00:03:53,640 Speaker 1: you didn't leave her alone with that. I'll be perfectly 44 00:03:53,640 --> 00:03:55,960 Speaker 1: frank with you, China, Rose, or whatever you wish to 45 00:03:56,000 --> 00:03:58,920 Speaker 1: call yourself. If any harm comes to that child as 46 00:03:58,960 --> 00:04:02,040 Speaker 1: a result of your inn lecked nig I will see 47 00:04:02,120 --> 00:04:05,720 Speaker 1: to it that you are prosecuted, and I will personally 48 00:04:05,920 --> 00:04:10,200 Speaker 1: testify on the girl's behalf. She has a very special gift, 49 00:04:10,480 --> 00:04:14,320 Speaker 1: and it concerns me that this gift is being exploited 50 00:04:14,680 --> 00:04:18,320 Speaker 1: rather than cherished. Would you care for her, clothe her, 51 00:04:18,360 --> 00:04:23,159 Speaker 1: provide her lodging. We came here as your invited guests. 52 00:04:23,200 --> 00:04:27,640 Speaker 1: We asked for no remuneration, and none was offered, not 53 00:04:27,800 --> 00:04:30,839 Speaker 1: even a bowl of soup. These sittings take a great 54 00:04:31,080 --> 00:04:34,560 Speaker 1: physical toll on the girl. It will be days before 55 00:04:34,640 --> 00:04:37,440 Speaker 1: she has recovered her strength. And what will she have 56 00:04:37,560 --> 00:04:41,799 Speaker 1: gained for having sacrificed so much on your behalf? Answer 57 00:04:41,839 --> 00:04:52,000 Speaker 1: me that, madam, Yes, you are absolutely right. Perhaps I 58 00:04:52,040 --> 00:04:55,360 Speaker 1: could make an offering of some sort. She she mentioned 59 00:04:55,520 --> 00:04:58,080 Speaker 1: needing the fair to visit her father in Haiti. That 60 00:04:58,279 --> 00:05:01,640 Speaker 1: is our goal. Yes, I could help you with that, 61 00:05:02,200 --> 00:05:06,440 Speaker 1: although yes it would be a shape to lose her. 62 00:05:06,720 --> 00:05:11,400 Speaker 1: Her father's plantation is facing hardship because of the reins, 63 00:05:11,440 --> 00:05:16,960 Speaker 1: so I couldn't say when we might return. However, if 64 00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:21,120 Speaker 1: someone provided us enough money for return passage for the 65 00:05:21,160 --> 00:05:24,680 Speaker 1: two of us, I would be willing to guarantee that 66 00:05:24,720 --> 00:05:27,799 Speaker 1: she doesn't remain in Hating more than a few weeks. 67 00:05:28,440 --> 00:05:31,440 Speaker 1: I have lived there, you see, and it's no place 68 00:05:31,440 --> 00:05:35,159 Speaker 1: for an innocent child such as she. Her gift would 69 00:05:35,200 --> 00:05:38,960 Speaker 1: be in constant danger. There's only so much I could 70 00:05:38,960 --> 00:05:41,440 Speaker 1: do to protect her. Could you assure us of her 71 00:05:41,480 --> 00:05:44,960 Speaker 1: return within two weeks? If we can afford a round 72 00:05:44,960 --> 00:05:50,360 Speaker 1: trip in comfortable quarters, three weeks would be an absolute certainty. 73 00:05:51,920 --> 00:05:56,840 Speaker 1: Then you shall have it. Thank you. You are most generous, 74 00:05:58,040 --> 00:06:03,200 Speaker 1: and if you please. Pandora mustn't know you are sponsoring 75 00:06:03,320 --> 00:06:06,720 Speaker 1: the journey. She would be devastated if she felt her 76 00:06:06,760 --> 00:06:11,520 Speaker 1: services were being bought and sold. She is a divine 77 00:06:11,600 --> 00:06:23,280 Speaker 1: young girl, a gift from heaven. Yes, indeed, I am 78 00:06:23,320 --> 00:06:31,200 Speaker 1: greatly impressed. How are you feeling tired? A little ill? Here? 79 00:06:32,240 --> 00:06:36,839 Speaker 1: Drink or spoonful of this? No, I'll be fine. I 80 00:06:36,920 --> 00:06:39,960 Speaker 1: just need a few minutes to regain my strength. I'm 81 00:06:40,080 --> 00:06:55,279 Speaker 1: afraid I must insist their fil If I may ask, 82 00:06:56,920 --> 00:07:03,200 Speaker 1: what function does Arose serve? During a sitting. What function 83 00:07:03,720 --> 00:07:08,919 Speaker 1: does she have a purpose? Does she instruct you? She 84 00:07:09,080 --> 00:07:14,200 Speaker 1: is my guardian against whom is she guarding you? Those 85 00:07:14,200 --> 00:07:17,240 Speaker 1: who would corrupt me? And my mind has been spirited away. 86 00:07:17,760 --> 00:07:22,920 Speaker 1: She safeguards my flesh, a custodian of your body. Then 87 00:07:23,520 --> 00:07:28,840 Speaker 1: nothing more, nothing more. Well, she does like to provide 88 00:07:28,840 --> 00:07:36,880 Speaker 1: a certain air of theatricality. It cheapens you. I'm sorry 89 00:07:37,280 --> 00:07:41,200 Speaker 1: I shouldn't have said that. But if he did not 90 00:07:41,480 --> 00:07:47,679 Speaker 1: invite you here to stage your performance? Is something wrong? 91 00:07:48,280 --> 00:08:00,240 Speaker 1: I don't feel well? Here, have one more spoonful, Pandora. 92 00:08:00,960 --> 00:08:04,520 Speaker 1: I vant you to take this card. Show it to 93 00:08:04,600 --> 00:08:09,360 Speaker 1: no one, not even Rose, please, no one on It 94 00:08:09,400 --> 00:08:14,240 Speaker 1: is an address if you ever need help. If you 95 00:08:14,320 --> 00:08:18,040 Speaker 1: are ever lost or in danger, or need a place 96 00:08:18,120 --> 00:08:21,680 Speaker 1: to sleep, just go to this address course, and a 97 00:08:21,760 --> 00:08:25,520 Speaker 1: messenger who can tell them there you are. A car 98 00:08:25,680 --> 00:08:28,960 Speaker 1: will be sent for you to take you someplace where 99 00:08:29,040 --> 00:08:33,240 Speaker 1: you'll be safe. Do you think Rose means to do 100 00:08:33,320 --> 00:08:39,520 Speaker 1: me harm? Not necessarily. But if something happens to Rose, 101 00:08:40,120 --> 00:08:44,800 Speaker 1: who is there to care for you? There is only Rose, 102 00:08:45,840 --> 00:08:53,400 Speaker 1: all the Mourison for you to take the card? Albert, yes, 103 00:08:53,600 --> 00:08:57,280 Speaker 1: my child. If Rose finds the card on my person. 104 00:08:58,240 --> 00:09:03,840 Speaker 1: She'll punish me. She'll beat me mercilessly. The Marvisian wife 105 00:09:03,880 --> 00:09:07,600 Speaker 1: we cannot allow. I'm safe for now. As long as 106 00:09:07,640 --> 00:09:10,199 Speaker 1: I obey, she'll do me no harm. But I dare 107 00:09:10,200 --> 00:09:15,080 Speaker 1: not take the card. I'll memorize the address. Are you sure? 108 00:09:15,800 --> 00:09:19,320 Speaker 1: I think I can manage it? In fact, I intend 109 00:09:19,360 --> 00:09:24,360 Speaker 1: to speak to the woman to Rose about arranging another 110 00:09:24,520 --> 00:09:33,640 Speaker 1: sitting without the air of theatricality, without Rose, just you, 111 00:09:34,679 --> 00:09:43,160 Speaker 1: although do you think she would consern here? Just put 112 00:09:43,320 --> 00:09:53,240 Speaker 1: this bowl under you? Yeah, that's it, you're fly, No 113 00:09:53,440 --> 00:10:02,760 Speaker 1: need to benged. This is all very normal. Mmmmm mm hmmm. 114 00:10:05,559 --> 00:10:10,360 Speaker 1: How's that all better? I'll give you a moment to 115 00:10:10,720 --> 00:10:14,720 Speaker 1: compose yourself and then you can be on your face. 116 00:10:25,320 --> 00:10:40,120 Speaker 1: H This is Albert von Strength. Not sink more wonderfood 117 00:10:40,160 --> 00:10:47,600 Speaker 1: than be your merchant. The caretaker, the woman of color. 118 00:10:48,800 --> 00:10:55,960 Speaker 1: She is a potential obstacle. Some voodoo vich has made 119 00:10:55,960 --> 00:11:00,880 Speaker 1: herself to child's guardian and now profits from her obvious. Now, 120 00:11:01,240 --> 00:11:05,320 Speaker 1: why we haven't heard of her? The woodman doesn't let 121 00:11:05,360 --> 00:11:13,000 Speaker 1: her out of her sight's name Ross China Ross, or 122 00:11:13,200 --> 00:11:20,880 Speaker 1: so she calls herself. Have you heard of her? I 123 00:11:20,960 --> 00:11:26,400 Speaker 1: believe Pandora is worthy of consideration. But I must tell 124 00:11:26,480 --> 00:11:32,640 Speaker 1: you yes. After the sitting, I pumped her stomach, as 125 00:11:32,679 --> 00:11:40,040 Speaker 1: I always do, and I examined the contents. There was 126 00:11:40,200 --> 00:11:46,120 Speaker 1: no indication of deception, no evidence. But I found a 127 00:11:46,320 --> 00:11:56,400 Speaker 1: small piece of skin, yes, about two inches square, and 128 00:11:56,679 --> 00:12:01,480 Speaker 1: characters have been inscribed on the skin in ink, and 129 00:12:01,640 --> 00:12:08,320 Speaker 1: it appears to have been tattooed into the skin In Hebrew. 130 00:12:09,400 --> 00:12:21,600 Speaker 1: The word was met to die, to be dead, death itself. 131 00:12:34,280 --> 00:12:36,640 Speaker 1: Why are you at my door? You have no right 132 00:12:36,760 --> 00:12:40,160 Speaker 1: to intrude upon us. I'm sorry you didn't respond to 133 00:12:40,200 --> 00:12:42,719 Speaker 1: the messenger. It was urgent that I speak to you. 134 00:12:42,920 --> 00:12:45,640 Speaker 1: Who gave you this address? It doesn't matter. It was 135 00:12:45,800 --> 00:12:50,680 Speaker 1: provided to me by whom. Please allow me to explain 136 00:12:53,040 --> 00:12:57,119 Speaker 1: what is this box. It is a gift for Pandora, 137 00:12:57,400 --> 00:13:03,600 Speaker 1: a token of appreciation from Mrs Avenport, from myself. Actually 138 00:13:04,440 --> 00:13:11,240 Speaker 1: is Pandora in She's not. But come in see for 139 00:13:11,320 --> 00:13:15,640 Speaker 1: yourself the poverty we are forced to live in so 140 00:13:15,720 --> 00:13:20,080 Speaker 1: that women like Mrs Davenport can commune with her past 141 00:13:20,200 --> 00:13:23,800 Speaker 1: lovers and dead babies. I am not here to argue 142 00:13:23,880 --> 00:13:26,000 Speaker 1: with you, and tell me quick why you are here, 143 00:13:26,080 --> 00:13:32,640 Speaker 1: and then be gone as you know we find Pandora 144 00:13:32,760 --> 00:13:38,320 Speaker 1: exceptionally gifted. You are telling me this, please m hm. 145 00:13:39,480 --> 00:13:43,240 Speaker 1: We are very interested in studying her abilities further. You 146 00:13:43,320 --> 00:13:46,800 Speaker 1: mean to say, after what Pandora showed you, you still 147 00:13:46,840 --> 00:13:51,400 Speaker 1: are not convinced. I admit it was astounding, but it 148 00:13:51,480 --> 00:13:56,280 Speaker 1: was only I want to conduct a more thorough study 149 00:13:56,600 --> 00:14:01,559 Speaker 1: under rigid scientific conditions. It's the only way to prove 150 00:14:01,600 --> 00:14:06,240 Speaker 1: whether Why should she prove anything? What do we care 151 00:14:06,280 --> 00:14:09,320 Speaker 1: whether or not you believe she is real? She is real. 152 00:14:09,760 --> 00:14:15,679 Speaker 1: You either believe or you don't. Mrs Davenport said that 153 00:14:15,800 --> 00:14:18,840 Speaker 1: she promised to pay your passage to Haiti for a 154 00:14:19,080 --> 00:14:22,680 Speaker 1: three VK trip. What of it? I will only be 155 00:14:22,760 --> 00:14:25,600 Speaker 1: in this country a few more vis If you take 156 00:14:25,640 --> 00:14:28,760 Speaker 1: Pandora on a three VIK journey, then I shan't be 157 00:14:28,920 --> 00:14:39,360 Speaker 1: able to do to what perform a proper scientific evaluation? Ah, 158 00:14:39,760 --> 00:14:45,360 Speaker 1: she is too young for you to evaluate. Is there 159 00:14:45,400 --> 00:14:49,880 Speaker 1: an insinuation hidden within that remark? There is no secret 160 00:14:49,960 --> 00:14:54,040 Speaker 1: message you want the girl. It's obvious my interest in 161 00:14:54,080 --> 00:14:59,360 Speaker 1: Pandora is strictly professional. You have my vert as a gentleman, 162 00:14:59,600 --> 00:15:03,040 Speaker 1: the word word of a gentleman. How many women have 163 00:15:03,160 --> 00:15:06,720 Speaker 1: been ruined by that? Particular word come to ask you 164 00:15:07,280 --> 00:15:10,760 Speaker 1: not to take the journey to hate, but we must 165 00:15:10,840 --> 00:15:15,320 Speaker 1: for her father's sake. I was thinking, rather than taking 166 00:15:15,320 --> 00:15:18,400 Speaker 1: the girl to HATEI, which you yourself admit is a 167 00:15:18,480 --> 00:15:22,840 Speaker 1: dangerous place, you could simply send the money to her father. 168 00:15:23,960 --> 00:15:27,080 Speaker 1: Do you have the money to give us? No, not 169 00:15:27,200 --> 00:15:33,440 Speaker 1: me personally. But but there are other ways. There is 170 00:15:33,480 --> 00:15:39,000 Speaker 1: a challenge five thousand dollars posted by the Scientific Americans 171 00:15:39,280 --> 00:15:43,800 Speaker 1: to any medium whose voracity can be proven upon my recommendation. 172 00:15:44,200 --> 00:15:48,120 Speaker 1: She might be able to obtain an audience. Or you 173 00:15:48,160 --> 00:15:54,160 Speaker 1: could just ask the black bird the black I don't 174 00:15:54,200 --> 00:15:58,720 Speaker 1: know what you mean. You know, Corbo. Isn't that where 175 00:15:58,720 --> 00:16:04,280 Speaker 1: this road is leading? Oh? I didn't realize the baron 176 00:16:04,440 --> 00:16:10,640 Speaker 1: was just leaving. Afternoon, Mr Pandora, good afternoon. I think 177 00:16:10,920 --> 00:16:14,920 Speaker 1: for her sake, you should at least consider it. Consider 178 00:16:14,960 --> 00:16:25,080 Speaker 1: what I will consider your offer. Goodbye, Rose, and do 179 00:16:25,360 --> 00:16:33,800 Speaker 1: pardon my intrusion? How long were you listening at the door? 180 00:16:34,200 --> 00:16:37,560 Speaker 1: I heard five thou dollars, so he says, But by 181 00:16:37,600 --> 00:16:40,920 Speaker 1: what measure could they possibly prove your authenticity? I can 182 00:16:40,960 --> 00:16:43,680 Speaker 1: do it, Rose, I know I can. I feel it, 183 00:16:44,000 --> 00:16:51,120 Speaker 1: you feel it? God help us? What's this a gift 184 00:16:51,720 --> 00:16:56,520 Speaker 1: from your clumsy admirer. May I open it suit yourself? 185 00:17:05,920 --> 00:17:10,879 Speaker 1: Apparently Shrink does not appreciate your present attire. I've never 186 00:17:10,920 --> 00:17:15,600 Speaker 1: seen anything so beautiful. This like something out of a 187 00:17:15,760 --> 00:17:22,480 Speaker 1: Gothic story, all white. Of course, Shrink certainly is a 188 00:17:22,640 --> 00:17:26,960 Speaker 1: romantic I told you did. I not put it back 189 00:17:27,000 --> 00:17:30,359 Speaker 1: in the box, But Rose can put it back in 190 00:17:30,480 --> 00:17:36,200 Speaker 1: the box. Don't let him seduce you with his gifts, flowers, 191 00:17:36,280 --> 00:17:39,720 Speaker 1: one night, address, another, anything to distract you from his 192 00:17:39,800 --> 00:17:43,479 Speaker 1: true intentions. Why would you sneer at a gift as 193 00:17:43,520 --> 00:17:46,160 Speaker 1: precious because of the intention of the man who gave 194 00:17:46,200 --> 00:17:50,880 Speaker 1: it to you. Look at it, white, covered with frills 195 00:17:50,920 --> 00:17:53,960 Speaker 1: and lace. He's so blinded by jealousy, Rose, that you 196 00:17:54,000 --> 00:17:58,080 Speaker 1: don't see the full value of this gift. Go on, 197 00:17:59,440 --> 00:18:01,920 Speaker 1: have you not notice it's resemblance to a wedding dress? 198 00:18:02,200 --> 00:18:05,520 Speaker 1: That rather obvious detail has not escaped my address for 199 00:18:05,560 --> 00:18:10,720 Speaker 1: a special occasion. When I performed for Albert, he insists 200 00:18:10,800 --> 00:18:13,800 Speaker 1: that I'm sown into the black one piece gown, so 201 00:18:13,880 --> 00:18:16,320 Speaker 1: there's no place to hide the blades and weapons that 202 00:18:16,359 --> 00:18:20,080 Speaker 1: Agnes taught me to use. They are useless. And when 203 00:18:20,080 --> 00:18:23,239 Speaker 1: I reached Corbo's mansion. He will probably provide me with 204 00:18:23,359 --> 00:18:27,600 Speaker 1: a new wardrobe, no doubt. But this white dress would 205 00:18:27,600 --> 00:18:29,919 Speaker 1: be the perfect costume for an old soul like me 206 00:18:30,000 --> 00:18:34,159 Speaker 1: to wear it to a ritual, The Widow's dress, the 207 00:18:34,240 --> 00:18:38,240 Speaker 1: Widow in white. Look at it. It is so ridiculously 208 00:18:38,320 --> 00:18:41,680 Speaker 1: fru thru. One could hide an entire arsenal weapons within, 209 00:18:41,760 --> 00:18:44,959 Speaker 1: it seems. And it will supplement the dress with an 210 00:18:44,960 --> 00:18:49,160 Speaker 1: hour glass corset, since tight and ribbed with whalebone. Yes, 211 00:18:51,080 --> 00:18:55,080 Speaker 1: about before we can do that, further preparations are required. 212 00:18:55,600 --> 00:18:59,760 Speaker 1: You have convinced Shrenk, but Shrenk is not our objective. 213 00:19:00,119 --> 00:19:03,240 Speaker 1: Thousand dollars. Bow is worth more to me than five 214 00:19:03,280 --> 00:19:07,760 Speaker 1: thousand dollars, and we can't just invite ourselves into his layer. 215 00:19:08,040 --> 00:19:11,159 Speaker 1: He has to want to face the scientific Americans challenge. 216 00:19:11,160 --> 00:19:16,480 Speaker 1: And you fail, then it's won't fail. Mrs Davenport is 217 00:19:16,520 --> 00:19:20,080 Speaker 1: putting up the money for a first class cabin to Haiti, Haiti. 218 00:19:20,960 --> 00:19:24,760 Speaker 1: We exchange the tickets for passage to Europe and allow 219 00:19:24,840 --> 00:19:28,640 Speaker 1: your reputation to blossom. My race won't be a hindrance 220 00:19:28,680 --> 00:19:31,760 Speaker 1: to you there. We can cultivate an air of mystery 221 00:19:31,800 --> 00:19:34,560 Speaker 1: around you, make you a legend in your own time. 222 00:19:35,119 --> 00:19:38,679 Speaker 1: Maybe we'll visit Shrink in Germany. In a few months, 223 00:19:38,840 --> 00:19:41,520 Speaker 1: Corbo and the others will be begging you to come 224 00:19:41,520 --> 00:19:46,360 Speaker 1: back to America. Give them the tiniest demonstration of your powers, 225 00:19:46,480 --> 00:19:49,920 Speaker 1: and they will bow at you. I don't want that, 226 00:19:50,240 --> 00:19:53,159 Speaker 1: I don't need that. I'm tired of being your puppet, 227 00:19:53,400 --> 00:19:56,000 Speaker 1: my papa. I'm tired of keeping my eyes open and 228 00:19:56,040 --> 00:19:58,480 Speaker 1: my mouth shut. I want to do what I want 229 00:19:58,520 --> 00:20:01,720 Speaker 1: to do. You can, you will, but not now? Why 230 00:20:01,760 --> 00:20:05,680 Speaker 1: not now? If we wait until you're seasoned, until your 231 00:20:05,720 --> 00:20:08,639 Speaker 1: past is wiped clean, when you have an armor of 232 00:20:08,800 --> 00:20:12,600 Speaker 1: fame and notoriety, then he will lower his defense. I 233 00:20:12,640 --> 00:20:17,520 Speaker 1: can do it now, I can kill him. You just 234 00:20:17,600 --> 00:20:21,800 Speaker 1: walk up and knock on his door. If I do it, 235 00:20:21,960 --> 00:20:26,680 Speaker 1: assuming you get in, you'll never get out alive. Corbo 236 00:20:26,840 --> 00:20:30,720 Speaker 1: lives in a fortress surrounded by guards. The Pinkerton's will 237 00:20:30,800 --> 00:20:33,080 Speaker 1: kill you before you reach the door, and if you 238 00:20:33,160 --> 00:20:38,080 Speaker 1: do get away, they'll never stop looking for you, even 239 00:20:38,119 --> 00:20:45,280 Speaker 1: if I kill him, Especially if you kill him. You 240 00:20:45,359 --> 00:20:49,359 Speaker 1: never told me that. Why didn't you tell I didn't care. 241 00:20:50,359 --> 00:20:53,119 Speaker 1: All I wanted was Corbo dead. What happened to you 242 00:20:53,160 --> 00:20:59,800 Speaker 1: after that? It wasn't my concern. But not now? Why 243 00:20:59,800 --> 00:21:07,560 Speaker 1: not now? Because now I've come to depend on you. 244 00:21:07,560 --> 00:21:13,000 Speaker 1: You're using me, bleeding me come to I've come to 245 00:21:13,080 --> 00:21:17,760 Speaker 1: have a certain affection for you, Pearl. Personal pride, yes, 246 00:21:17,920 --> 00:21:22,320 Speaker 1: but something more, almost as a daughter. I have a 247 00:21:22,400 --> 00:21:26,359 Speaker 1: mother and you let her die. I love you, Pearl. 248 00:21:26,480 --> 00:21:31,080 Speaker 1: Oh my god, you really are the great deceiver. For once, 249 00:21:31,119 --> 00:21:34,960 Speaker 1: I'm telling the truth. Rose, you taught me too well. 250 00:21:35,560 --> 00:21:38,879 Speaker 1: I can see the light in your eyes. There's something 251 00:21:38,920 --> 00:21:47,720 Speaker 1: you're not telling me. What is it? Rose? How dare 252 00:21:47,720 --> 00:21:50,960 Speaker 1: you say something like that to me, something calculated to 253 00:21:51,000 --> 00:21:55,200 Speaker 1: break my will and make me feel something for you? 254 00:21:56,800 --> 00:22:00,400 Speaker 1: Can you honestly say you feel nothing. I've through what 255 00:22:00,480 --> 00:22:04,560 Speaker 1: you've done to me, the endless punishment and abuse. I 256 00:22:04,680 --> 00:22:08,280 Speaker 1: rescued you, I gave you a home. You abducted me 257 00:22:08,600 --> 00:22:11,200 Speaker 1: so that I would be your puppet and assassin. And 258 00:22:11,320 --> 00:22:13,680 Speaker 1: beyond that, you don't care if I live or die. 259 00:22:14,160 --> 00:22:17,480 Speaker 1: You just admitted it. The only reason you want to 260 00:22:17,520 --> 00:22:20,280 Speaker 1: wait to travel to Europe is so that you can 261 00:22:20,440 --> 00:22:23,159 Speaker 1: use me a little longer, squeeze more money out of 262 00:22:23,200 --> 00:22:26,000 Speaker 1: me before I walk into that death track. It's not true. 263 00:22:26,600 --> 00:22:29,399 Speaker 1: Give me a chance. I still have so much to 264 00:22:29,480 --> 00:22:32,520 Speaker 1: teach you, like cutting babies out of women's stomachs. That's 265 00:22:32,520 --> 00:22:40,399 Speaker 1: one skill I'll leave to you. No, Pearl, I didn't 266 00:22:40,440 --> 00:22:44,280 Speaker 1: mean to have suffered enough punishment from you. You took 267 00:22:44,280 --> 00:22:46,240 Speaker 1: me out of the convent and taught me a trade, 268 00:22:46,480 --> 00:22:49,679 Speaker 1: and for that I'm grateful. But there are limits to 269 00:22:49,760 --> 00:22:53,280 Speaker 1: what I'm willing to endure. Rose. You're right, I had 270 00:22:53,359 --> 00:22:57,159 Speaker 1: no no right to do that. It's time for me 271 00:22:57,200 --> 00:23:00,800 Speaker 1: to demonstrate to you what I've learned. I've learned how 272 00:23:00,800 --> 00:23:10,080 Speaker 1: to be cold, Rose, ruthless, heartless, loveless. What have I created? 273 00:23:11,840 --> 00:23:18,000 Speaker 1: The Medusa, the Gorgon, the horror of Babylon, all rolled 274 00:23:18,480 --> 00:23:32,119 Speaker 1: into one. I'll be leaving now. I'll take the dress 275 00:23:32,119 --> 00:23:36,679 Speaker 1: with me. I earned it, but everything else is yours. 276 00:23:44,640 --> 00:23:51,720 Speaker 1: Her Perl, Pearl, I won't take you back. You leave now. 277 00:23:52,000 --> 00:23:55,000 Speaker 1: You leave now, and you'll be all alone again. You 278 00:23:55,080 --> 00:23:57,600 Speaker 1: have no one, no one to tear for you, no one, 279 00:23:58,080 --> 00:24:01,040 Speaker 1: no one to care for, no way to stand up 280 00:24:01,040 --> 00:24:06,000 Speaker 1: to them, Corbo and all the others. You'll go back 281 00:24:06,040 --> 00:24:11,359 Speaker 1: to being nothing. You will have failed. You will have 282 00:24:11,480 --> 00:24:18,560 Speaker 1: failed because you're too proud, too stubborn, too cruel, Because 283 00:24:18,560 --> 00:24:23,000 Speaker 1: you wouldn't allow yourself, wouldn't allow yourself to love the girl. 284 00:24:25,560 --> 00:24:29,320 Speaker 1: All you can feel is hatred. Hatred is all you 285 00:24:29,359 --> 00:24:34,000 Speaker 1: have to give. So that's all she ever received from you. 286 00:24:38,160 --> 00:24:41,560 Speaker 1: She never loved you, Rose, why should she you? You 287 00:24:41,600 --> 00:24:45,000 Speaker 1: convinced her to love Davina, so that that's what she did. 288 00:24:45,480 --> 00:24:48,280 Speaker 1: You could see the adoration in her eyes when she 289 00:24:48,400 --> 00:24:57,200 Speaker 1: looked up at this banner. Davina hypnotist, mentalist, mesmerist, that's 290 00:24:57,200 --> 00:25:10,000 Speaker 1: who she loved, not you, never you have only sheet knows. 291 00:25:15,960 --> 00:25:18,520 Speaker 1: She can worship you if she wants. But I won't 292 00:25:18,560 --> 00:25:31,440 Speaker 1: give her an altar to bow down before I will 293 00:25:31,600 --> 00:25:38,520 Speaker 1: tear down her idol. I will deprive her of her 294 00:25:38,680 --> 00:25:49,919 Speaker 1: goddamn my daughter, reduce her beloved Divina to a pile 295 00:25:50,000 --> 00:25:58,680 Speaker 1: of holy relics. From now on, I will provide my 296 00:25:58,760 --> 00:26:18,480 Speaker 1: own pipe MH. Tonight and every night. Hello, Yes, thank 297 00:26:18,520 --> 00:26:22,040 Speaker 1: you for calling back so quickly. I've wanted you to know. 298 00:26:22,440 --> 00:26:30,040 Speaker 1: Pandora is safe. Yes, out of that woman's clutches. She's 299 00:26:30,119 --> 00:26:36,480 Speaker 1: here with me now, that's right. Someone's at the door now, 300 00:26:36,920 --> 00:26:49,000 Speaker 1: and maybe it's them. H Is she here? She's here. 301 00:26:56,080 --> 00:26:59,000 Speaker 1: I don't think you've been needing that. Let us be 302 00:26:59,080 --> 00:27:08,080 Speaker 1: the judge of that like this way, Pandora, these men 303 00:27:08,119 --> 00:27:12,359 Speaker 1: are envoys of Mr Korbole. He has sent them to 304 00:27:12,400 --> 00:27:16,000 Speaker 1: bring you to his home. Fair. You will be safe, 305 00:27:17,200 --> 00:27:21,760 Speaker 1: aren't you going with me? I shall be along shortly. 306 00:27:22,840 --> 00:27:27,440 Speaker 1: But the first stage of the journey, you must make 307 00:27:27,600 --> 00:27:34,080 Speaker 1: a loan as you wish you are, Pandora, I am. 308 00:27:34,160 --> 00:27:37,359 Speaker 1: It's funny. I can't help feeling I've done this before. 309 00:27:38,320 --> 00:27:42,159 Speaker 1: In what way? I couldn't say, But it seems like 310 00:27:42,240 --> 00:27:46,960 Speaker 1: I did this once already. Did you know? Yes to 311 00:27:47,080 --> 00:27:51,680 Speaker 1: a girl who looked just like you, and I've placed 312 00:27:51,760 --> 00:27:57,439 Speaker 1: a hood, perhaps this very one, over her head just 313 00:27:57,720 --> 00:28:03,600 Speaker 1: like this. Yes, there we go, and I cinched it tight, 314 00:28:04,400 --> 00:28:13,600 Speaker 1: just like this. I shay, it's that really necessary. It's 315 00:28:13,640 --> 00:28:21,760 Speaker 1: all right, Albert. I'm prepared for anything. I must now 316 00:28:21,880 --> 00:28:27,800 Speaker 1: replace my blindfold. As my vision begins to fade, your 317 00:28:27,880 --> 00:28:34,359 Speaker 1: own senses will gradually return, return to the warmth and 318 00:28:34,440 --> 00:28:42,920 Speaker 1: the light of your own reality. The Seventh Daughter is 319 00:28:42,960 --> 00:28:46,920 Speaker 1: a production of I Heart Radio, written and directed by 320 00:28:46,960 --> 00:28:52,560 Speaker 1: Brett Wood, recorded and mixed by Rob Gal, featuring Minca 321 00:28:52,640 --> 00:29:02,120 Speaker 1: Wilkes as Rose and Elizabeth Hunter as Pearl. There you 322 00:29:02,240 --> 00:29:05,240 Speaker 1: may now open your eyes