1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:15,440 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:15,480 --> 00:00:20,680 Speaker 1: to say hello to some friends. Hello to Leo in Candler, 3 00:00:20,880 --> 00:00:27,800 Speaker 1: North Carolina. Hello to Isaiah, Hello to Lucas and Amelia, 4 00:00:29,520 --> 00:00:33,440 Speaker 1: and hello to Leif and Santi, who are being very 5 00:00:33,479 --> 00:00:41,000 Speaker 1: brave going to a new school in a brand new country. 6 00:00:41,880 --> 00:00:45,480 Speaker 1: I'd like to say a happy belated birthday to Lucas 7 00:00:45,720 --> 00:00:52,320 Speaker 1: from Washington State, who turned seven on November twenty eighth. 8 00:00:52,840 --> 00:00:55,840 Speaker 1: I'd also like to say happy birthday to Leif, who 9 00:00:55,920 --> 00:01:05,600 Speaker 1: is celebrating his birthday on December second. Thank you Leo, Isaiah, 10 00:01:05,920 --> 00:01:10,360 Speaker 1: Lucas and Amelia, and Leif and Santy for your support. 11 00:01:12,560 --> 00:01:14,880 Speaker 1: If you'd like to support us and get some of 12 00:01:14,920 --> 00:01:19,440 Speaker 1: the perks like shout outs, birthday messages, and goodies in 13 00:01:19,480 --> 00:01:24,000 Speaker 1: the mail, please visit our support page at sleep tightestories 14 00:01:24,080 --> 00:01:28,880 Speaker 1: dot org slash support. From now until Christmas, we are 15 00:01:28,920 --> 00:01:34,520 Speaker 1: offering forty percent off our sleep type premium subscriptions. Thank you. 16 00:01:41,120 --> 00:01:45,319 Speaker 1: In this story, Toto and Don talk about food and 17 00:01:45,520 --> 00:01:50,240 Speaker 1: men that are camping in the woods. Toto helps Don 18 00:01:50,320 --> 00:01:53,680 Speaker 1: to find cover when they hear the thumping sound of 19 00:01:53,760 --> 00:01:59,640 Speaker 1: the beaver's tale, and Toto explains why beavers make this sound. 20 00:02:02,360 --> 00:02:05,400 Speaker 1: Don is very happy. He listened to Toto and hid. 21 00:02:05,560 --> 00:02:14,880 Speaker 1: When a tree comes crashing down next to them, Toto 22 00:02:15,360 --> 00:02:23,680 Speaker 1: and the men, Toto, the bustling beaver, ran as fast 23 00:02:23,720 --> 00:02:27,320 Speaker 1: as he could and took shelter under a big rock 24 00:02:27,600 --> 00:02:30,880 Speaker 1: that made a place like a little cave on the 25 00:02:30,960 --> 00:02:36,840 Speaker 1: side of the hill. What's the matter, asked Don the dog. 26 00:02:37,480 --> 00:02:41,680 Speaker 1: Are you afraid because I told you about the men? Oh? No, 27 00:02:42,120 --> 00:02:48,000 Speaker 1: answered Toto. But didn't you hear that thumping sound just now? Yes, 28 00:02:48,280 --> 00:02:53,120 Speaker 1: I heard it, answered Don. What was it? Somebody beating 29 00:02:53,160 --> 00:02:58,400 Speaker 1: a carpet. I don't know what a carpet is, replied Toto. 30 00:02:59,000 --> 00:03:02,680 Speaker 1: We don't have any our house. But whatever it is, 31 00:03:03,240 --> 00:03:08,800 Speaker 1: it wasn't that. The noise you heard was one of 32 00:03:08,840 --> 00:03:14,480 Speaker 1: my beaver friends thumping his tail on the ground. Oh 33 00:03:14,840 --> 00:03:18,480 Speaker 1: you mean wagging his tail, barked down. Well, I do 34 00:03:18,560 --> 00:03:21,960 Speaker 1: that myself when I feel glad. I guess one of 35 00:03:21,960 --> 00:03:26,080 Speaker 1: your beaver friends must be glad. No, it isn't that, 36 00:03:26,880 --> 00:03:31,400 Speaker 1: went Toto. Whenever any one of the beavers thumps his 37 00:03:31,520 --> 00:03:36,200 Speaker 1: tail on the ground, it means there's danger around, and 38 00:03:36,320 --> 00:03:41,280 Speaker 1: all of us who hear it run and hide. You 39 00:03:41,360 --> 00:03:43,800 Speaker 1: better come under this rock with me. Then you'll be 40 00:03:43,880 --> 00:03:51,240 Speaker 1: out of danger once more. The thumping sound echoed through 41 00:03:51,280 --> 00:03:57,520 Speaker 1: the woods. Better come under here with me, advised Toto. Well, 42 00:03:57,560 --> 00:04:03,360 Speaker 1: I guess I will, barked Don. No. Sooner was he 43 00:04:03,480 --> 00:04:06,480 Speaker 1: under the big rock with Toto, than all of a 44 00:04:06,560 --> 00:04:11,280 Speaker 1: sudden there was a loud crash and a great tree 45 00:04:11,360 --> 00:04:15,120 Speaker 1: fell almost on the place in the woods where Toto 46 00:04:15,200 --> 00:04:22,120 Speaker 1: and Don had been standing talking. My goodness, barked Dawn, 47 00:04:22,520 --> 00:04:26,080 Speaker 1: speaking as dogs do. It's a good thing we were 48 00:04:26,160 --> 00:04:29,440 Speaker 1: under this rock, Toto, or else that tree would have 49 00:04:29,560 --> 00:04:35,480 Speaker 1: fallen on us. Did you know it was going to fall? Well, no, 50 00:04:35,800 --> 00:04:40,360 Speaker 1: not exactly. My brother and I have been practicing gnawing 51 00:04:40,400 --> 00:04:43,839 Speaker 1: a tree this morning, but ours isn't cut down yet. 52 00:04:44,800 --> 00:04:47,520 Speaker 1: My father is going to finish cutting it and show 53 00:04:47,600 --> 00:04:51,880 Speaker 1: Sniffy in me how it is done. But he promised 54 00:04:51,920 --> 00:04:54,080 Speaker 1: not to cut it all the way through until I 55 00:04:54,120 --> 00:04:58,559 Speaker 1: got back, So I don't believe it was our tree 56 00:04:58,600 --> 00:05:02,479 Speaker 1: that fell. Is it all right for us to come 57 00:05:02,520 --> 00:05:06,760 Speaker 1: out now, asked Don. Though he was older than the 58 00:05:06,760 --> 00:05:10,520 Speaker 1: beaver boy, he felt that perhaps Toto knew more about 59 00:05:10,520 --> 00:05:19,880 Speaker 1: the woods, especially when tree cutting was going on. Toto 60 00:05:20,120 --> 00:05:22,919 Speaker 1: sat up on his tail under the big rock and 61 00:05:23,080 --> 00:05:27,320 Speaker 1: listened with his little ears. He heard the beavers, which 62 00:05:27,320 --> 00:05:32,320 Speaker 1: were all about talking among themselves, and he and Don 63 00:05:32,440 --> 00:05:36,799 Speaker 1: heard some of them say, it's all right now. Guppy 64 00:05:36,839 --> 00:05:39,559 Speaker 1: and Slump have cut down the big tree for the dam. 65 00:05:40,279 --> 00:05:43,160 Speaker 1: It has fallen, and now it is safe for us 66 00:05:43,200 --> 00:05:50,560 Speaker 1: to come out. The dog and the little beaver came 67 00:05:50,560 --> 00:05:54,560 Speaker 1: out from under the overhanging rock, and Don noticed the 68 00:05:54,560 --> 00:05:59,520 Speaker 1: pieces of bark Toto had stripped off. What are you 69 00:05:59,560 --> 00:06:02,320 Speaker 1: going to do with them? Asked Don? Make a basket? 70 00:06:04,000 --> 00:06:09,200 Speaker 1: A basket, I should say, not, exclaimed Toto. I'm going 71 00:06:09,240 --> 00:06:11,440 Speaker 1: to eat some and take the rest to my father 72 00:06:11,560 --> 00:06:15,080 Speaker 1: and brother. They are farther back in the woods cutting 73 00:06:15,120 --> 00:06:20,960 Speaker 1: down a tree. Don't you like bark bark? I should 74 00:06:20,960 --> 00:06:25,960 Speaker 1: say not, laughed Don, in a barking manner. I like 75 00:06:26,080 --> 00:06:29,760 Speaker 1: bones to gnaw, but not bark, though I bark with 76 00:06:29,800 --> 00:06:34,479 Speaker 1: my mouth. That is a different kind, though. But I 77 00:06:34,560 --> 00:06:36,960 Speaker 1: suppose it wouldn't do for all of us to eat 78 00:06:37,000 --> 00:06:40,279 Speaker 1: the same things. There wouldn't be enough to go around. 79 00:06:41,480 --> 00:06:46,040 Speaker 1: But tell me, do you always hear a thumping sound 80 00:06:46,120 --> 00:06:51,520 Speaker 1: whenever there is danger in the woods. Yes, that's one 81 00:06:51,520 --> 00:06:54,640 Speaker 1: of the ways we beavers have of talking. To one another, 82 00:06:55,040 --> 00:07:00,479 Speaker 1: answered Toto, whenever one of us is cutting a tree 83 00:07:00,520 --> 00:07:03,320 Speaker 1: down and he sees that it is about to fall, 84 00:07:03,880 --> 00:07:06,280 Speaker 1: he thumps on the ground as hard as he can 85 00:07:06,360 --> 00:07:11,000 Speaker 1: with his tail. You see, our tails are broad and flat, 86 00:07:11,440 --> 00:07:18,679 Speaker 1: and they make quite a thump. Don turned and looked 87 00:07:18,720 --> 00:07:23,240 Speaker 1: at Toto's tail. Yes, it's quite different from mine, said 88 00:07:23,280 --> 00:07:26,760 Speaker 1: the dog. I sometimes thump my tail on the floor 89 00:07:26,880 --> 00:07:29,360 Speaker 1: when my owner gives me something good to eat or 90 00:07:29,440 --> 00:07:33,080 Speaker 1: pats me on the head. But my tail doesn't make 91 00:07:33,200 --> 00:07:40,280 Speaker 1: much noise. Well, a beaver's tail does, explained Toto. So 92 00:07:41,120 --> 00:07:44,640 Speaker 1: whenever any of us hear the thumping sound, we know 93 00:07:44,920 --> 00:07:50,720 Speaker 1: there is danger and we run away or hide. I'm 94 00:07:50,720 --> 00:07:54,080 Speaker 1: glad to know this, said Don. When I'm in the 95 00:07:54,120 --> 00:07:57,880 Speaker 1: woods from now on and hear that thumping sound, I'll 96 00:07:57,880 --> 00:08:01,120 Speaker 1: look around for danger, and i'll if I can't get 97 00:08:01,120 --> 00:08:05,640 Speaker 1: out of the way. Well, i'm glad to have met you, 98 00:08:06,200 --> 00:08:10,280 Speaker 1: went on. I must get going. I want to see 99 00:08:10,320 --> 00:08:12,560 Speaker 1: if I can find the camp where those men live. 100 00:08:13,440 --> 00:08:17,000 Speaker 1: These men are no good. They keep coming around the 101 00:08:17,040 --> 00:08:20,760 Speaker 1: house where I live and taking our owner's things. If 102 00:08:20,800 --> 00:08:23,400 Speaker 1: I see the men, I'm going to bark at them 103 00:08:23,440 --> 00:08:30,640 Speaker 1: and try to drive them away. Then he trotted on 104 00:08:30,800 --> 00:08:35,040 Speaker 1: through the woods, and Toto, after eating a little more bark, 105 00:08:35,679 --> 00:08:39,200 Speaker 1: gathered some up in his paws and, walking on his 106 00:08:39,360 --> 00:08:42,800 Speaker 1: hind legs, brought it to where his father and Sniffy 107 00:08:42,880 --> 00:08:49,320 Speaker 1: were waiting for him. Here's Toto, said Sniffy. Where have 108 00:08:49,440 --> 00:08:54,360 Speaker 1: you been, asked mister Beaver. Oh, getting some sweet bark, 109 00:08:54,440 --> 00:08:58,360 Speaker 1: answered Toto, and he laid down on some clean moss 110 00:08:58,640 --> 00:09:03,280 Speaker 1: the strips he had pulled off. I met a dog too, 111 00:09:03,600 --> 00:09:07,440 Speaker 1: A dog, cried mister Beaver. My goodness, I hope he 112 00:09:07,520 --> 00:09:11,319 Speaker 1: isn't chasing after you, and he looked through the trees 113 00:09:11,559 --> 00:09:17,120 Speaker 1: as if afraid. Oh this was Don, a good dog, 114 00:09:17,480 --> 00:09:21,480 Speaker 1: explained Toto. He's only looking for some men. He won't 115 00:09:21,520 --> 00:09:26,680 Speaker 1: hurt any beavers. Well, if he's a good dog, all right, 116 00:09:27,160 --> 00:09:34,520 Speaker 1: said the beaver. Daddy. Where were you when Cuppy whacked 117 00:09:34,559 --> 00:09:37,840 Speaker 1: with his tail just before the big tree fell, asked 118 00:09:37,840 --> 00:09:41,040 Speaker 1: Sniffy as he nibbled at some of the tender bark 119 00:09:41,120 --> 00:09:45,160 Speaker 1: his brother had brought. Oh, Don and I hid under 120 00:09:45,200 --> 00:09:49,680 Speaker 1: a big rock, answered Toto. I told him the whacking 121 00:09:49,800 --> 00:09:53,440 Speaker 1: sound meant danger. He didn't know it, and it's a 122 00:09:53,480 --> 00:09:56,400 Speaker 1: good thing we hid when we did, for the tree 123 00:09:56,480 --> 00:09:59,080 Speaker 1: would have crushed us if we hadn't been under the rock. 124 00:10:00,960 --> 00:10:05,480 Speaker 1: Is our tree ready to finish gnawing down Daddy? Yes, 125 00:10:05,840 --> 00:10:09,040 Speaker 1: answered mister Beaver. You and Sniffy may start now and 126 00:10:09,200 --> 00:10:14,040 Speaker 1: cut a little more. I'll tell you when to stop. 127 00:10:15,120 --> 00:10:18,480 Speaker 1: But I thought you were going to finish, Dad, said Sniffy. 128 00:10:19,200 --> 00:10:22,319 Speaker 1: He will, Sniffy if he said so. But he's letting 129 00:10:22,400 --> 00:10:25,280 Speaker 1: us help a little bit more so we can learn faster. 130 00:10:29,760 --> 00:10:32,840 Speaker 1: So the beaver boys sat up on their tails again 131 00:10:33,160 --> 00:10:37,040 Speaker 1: and nod at the big tree, the largest one they 132 00:10:37,040 --> 00:10:43,400 Speaker 1: had ever helped to cut down. They nod and nod 133 00:10:43,880 --> 00:10:48,760 Speaker 1: and nod with their orange colored front teeth, and then 134 00:10:48,840 --> 00:10:53,000 Speaker 1: mister Beaver said, that's enough boys. I'll do the rest, 135 00:10:53,760 --> 00:10:56,480 Speaker 1: but you may whack on the ground with your tails 136 00:10:56,520 --> 00:11:02,400 Speaker 1: to warn the others out of the way. So Toto 137 00:11:02,520 --> 00:11:06,440 Speaker 1: and Sniffy, much delighted to do this, found a smooth 138 00:11:06,640 --> 00:11:10,079 Speaker 1: place near a big rock, and then they went whack, 139 00:11:10,200 --> 00:11:14,600 Speaker 1: whack whack. Danger, Danger, cried a lot of the other 140 00:11:14,679 --> 00:11:18,560 Speaker 1: beavers who were working nearby. A tree is going to fall. 141 00:11:18,920 --> 00:11:26,880 Speaker 1: Run everybody, danger, see, exclaimed Toto to his brother. We 142 00:11:27,040 --> 00:11:29,400 Speaker 1: can make the old beavers run out of the way, 143 00:11:29,679 --> 00:11:34,240 Speaker 1: just as Couppy made Dawn and me run. Yes, you 144 00:11:34,360 --> 00:11:38,120 Speaker 1: beaver boys are growing up, said mister Beaver, who had 145 00:11:38,160 --> 00:11:41,120 Speaker 1: waited to see that his two sons gave the danger 146 00:11:41,200 --> 00:11:46,920 Speaker 1: single properly. You are learning very well. Now here goes 147 00:11:46,960 --> 00:11:53,199 Speaker 1: the tree. He gave a few more bites or gnaws 148 00:11:53,320 --> 00:11:56,679 Speaker 1: at the place where the tree was almost cut through, 149 00:11:57,520 --> 00:12:06,160 Speaker 1: and then mister Beaver himself ran out of the way. Crash, bang, 150 00:12:06,280 --> 00:12:09,959 Speaker 1: went the big tree down in the forest. It broke 151 00:12:10,040 --> 00:12:14,840 Speaker 1: down several other smaller trees, and finally was stretched out 152 00:12:14,920 --> 00:12:20,280 Speaker 1: on the ground near the waters of Winding River. We 153 00:12:20,480 --> 00:12:24,360 Speaker 1: helped do that, said Toto to Sniffy, when the woods 154 00:12:24,360 --> 00:12:29,000 Speaker 1: were again silent. Yes, you have learned how to cut 155 00:12:29,040 --> 00:12:33,040 Speaker 1: down big trees, said their father. You are no longer 156 00:12:33,120 --> 00:12:39,280 Speaker 1: playing beavers, You are working beavers. Now we must dig 157 00:12:39,320 --> 00:12:42,640 Speaker 1: the canal to float the tree nearer the dam, as 158 00:12:42,679 --> 00:12:45,480 Speaker 1: it is too heavy for us to roll or pull along, 159 00:12:46,160 --> 00:12:52,920 Speaker 1: and we do not want to cut it. I will 160 00:12:52,960 --> 00:12:55,760 Speaker 1: tell you a little farther on how the beavers cut 161 00:12:55,800 --> 00:12:59,200 Speaker 1: canals to float logs to the places where they want 162 00:12:59,240 --> 00:13:03,760 Speaker 1: to use them. Just now, all I'll say about them 163 00:13:03,880 --> 00:13:06,920 Speaker 1: is that it took some time to get the tree. 164 00:13:06,960 --> 00:13:10,000 Speaker 1: Toto and Sniffy had helped cut to the place where 165 00:13:10,000 --> 00:13:15,640 Speaker 1: it was needed for the dam. The two beaver boys 166 00:13:15,720 --> 00:13:18,960 Speaker 1: and many others of the wonderful animals were busy for 167 00:13:19,080 --> 00:13:25,800 Speaker 1: a week or more. Then one day, when the tree 168 00:13:25,920 --> 00:13:29,000 Speaker 1: was in place, Toto asked his mother if he might 169 00:13:29,040 --> 00:13:31,640 Speaker 1: go off into the woods and look for some more 170 00:13:31,760 --> 00:13:35,400 Speaker 1: aspen bark, as all that had been stored in the 171 00:13:35,440 --> 00:13:41,280 Speaker 1: stickhouse had been eaten. Yes, you may go, said missus Beaver, 172 00:13:41,559 --> 00:13:44,880 Speaker 1: but don't go too far and don't stay too long. 173 00:13:46,360 --> 00:13:50,720 Speaker 1: I won't, promised Toto. Then he waddled off through the 174 00:13:50,720 --> 00:13:55,120 Speaker 1: woods after having swum across the beaver pond made by 175 00:13:55,200 --> 00:13:59,240 Speaker 1: damning the river, and soon he found himself under the 176 00:13:59,240 --> 00:14:05,360 Speaker 1: green tree. I wonder if i'll meet Don, the nice dog, 177 00:14:05,559 --> 00:14:08,760 Speaker 1: thought Toto, or that little girl who scared me so 178 00:14:09,000 --> 00:14:16,880 Speaker 1: that day on the ice. Toto looked off through the trees, 179 00:14:17,080 --> 00:14:22,560 Speaker 1: but he saw neither down nor the girl. Toto found 180 00:14:22,600 --> 00:14:26,120 Speaker 1: a place where some aspen bark grew on trees, and 181 00:14:26,200 --> 00:14:28,960 Speaker 1: he gnawed off and ate as much as he wanted. 182 00:14:30,800 --> 00:14:33,520 Speaker 1: Then he walked on a little farther, and pretty soon 183 00:14:33,680 --> 00:14:36,240 Speaker 1: he saw something in the woods that looked like a 184 00:14:36,280 --> 00:14:40,720 Speaker 1: big beaver house. It was a heap of branches and 185 00:14:40,840 --> 00:14:45,080 Speaker 1: limbs of trees, and over the outside were big sheets 186 00:14:45,160 --> 00:14:50,880 Speaker 1: and strips of rough bark. But that can't be a 187 00:14:50,880 --> 00:14:54,720 Speaker 1: beaver house, thought Toto. It isn't near water, and no 188 00:14:54,840 --> 00:14:57,960 Speaker 1: beavers would build a house unless it had water near it. 189 00:14:58,880 --> 00:15:04,720 Speaker 1: I wonder what it is. Toto sat up on his 190 00:15:04,880 --> 00:15:10,320 Speaker 1: tail and looked at the unusual object. Then all at 191 00:15:10,320 --> 00:15:14,600 Speaker 1: once he heard rough voices speaking, and he saw some 192 00:15:14,760 --> 00:15:19,160 Speaker 1: ragged men come out of the pile of bark. One 193 00:15:19,280 --> 00:15:21,800 Speaker 1: or two of them had tin cans in their hands, 194 00:15:22,360 --> 00:15:25,680 Speaker 1: and another was holding a pan over a fire that 195 00:15:25,880 --> 00:15:30,920 Speaker 1: blazed on a flat rock. Oh, I know who they are, 196 00:15:31,800 --> 00:15:35,600 Speaker 1: said Toto to himself. These must be the men Don 197 00:15:35,800 --> 00:15:40,080 Speaker 1: was looking for. This is their camp. I found those 198 00:15:40,160 --> 00:15:50,080 Speaker 1: bad men. I wish I could find Don to tell him. 199 00:15:50,120 --> 00:15:54,880 Speaker 1: And that is the end of this story. Good night, 200 00:15:56,200 --> 00:16:31,360 Speaker 1: sleep tight, and at the botto