1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,800 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Bernice is 2 00:00:14,880 --> 00:00:18,000 Speaker 1: ready to hear the second part of the story about 3 00:00:18,040 --> 00:00:22,639 Speaker 1: Booboo and Kai Kai. She asks Papa Bear to remind 4 00:00:22,680 --> 00:00:26,880 Speaker 1: her what was happening because she might have fallen asleep 5 00:00:27,000 --> 00:00:31,160 Speaker 1: last time. Papa Bear asks her if she finished all 6 00:00:31,160 --> 00:00:33,960 Speaker 1: her homework and did her best with her bath time. 7 00:00:35,440 --> 00:00:39,080 Speaker 1: When Bernice says yes, he reminds her that Booboo and 8 00:00:39,159 --> 00:00:42,120 Speaker 1: Kai Kai were taking a trip to go and eat 9 00:00:42,159 --> 00:00:46,440 Speaker 1: some treats since they had a break from school. They 10 00:00:46,479 --> 00:00:50,320 Speaker 1: had visited one place already for some yummy chocolate treats 11 00:00:50,880 --> 00:00:54,080 Speaker 1: and had just arrived at the Town of Knots when 12 00:00:54,160 --> 00:01:01,800 Speaker 1: someone called to them and Kai Kai take the day off. 13 00:01:02,280 --> 00:01:09,280 Speaker 1: Part two. Look, Papa, I got ready for my bath 14 00:01:09,360 --> 00:01:14,199 Speaker 1: all by myself tonight. I'm growing up, aren't i? Bernice said, 15 00:01:14,240 --> 00:01:18,960 Speaker 1: with a proud look on her face. You certainly are, 16 00:01:19,080 --> 00:01:22,720 Speaker 1: little Bear. Mama Bear and I are proud of you, 17 00:01:23,120 --> 00:01:28,039 Speaker 1: Papa Bear said with a smile. Pretty soon I will 18 00:01:28,080 --> 00:01:31,319 Speaker 1: be a scientist and help all the other little bears 19 00:01:31,880 --> 00:01:36,640 Speaker 1: and maybe even discover new planets or make some amazing discoveries. 20 00:01:38,520 --> 00:01:41,480 Speaker 1: You can do and be whatever you want to be, 21 00:01:41,600 --> 00:01:47,160 Speaker 1: Little Bear. You just need to try your best. But first, Papa, 22 00:01:47,400 --> 00:01:51,160 Speaker 1: I need to beat Bobby at basketball. He's been winning 23 00:01:51,200 --> 00:01:54,120 Speaker 1: too much lately and it needs to be my turn. 24 00:01:56,240 --> 00:01:59,600 Speaker 1: As long as you're both having fun, a little competition 25 00:01:59,640 --> 00:02:03,360 Speaker 1: among friends is a good thing, Papa Bear said, laughing. 26 00:02:06,160 --> 00:02:09,119 Speaker 1: So before getting in your bath, did you make sure 27 00:02:09,160 --> 00:02:12,600 Speaker 1: all your homework was done? I saw Mama Bear helping 28 00:02:12,639 --> 00:02:17,120 Speaker 1: you with science. It's all done, Papa, and my writing 29 00:02:17,240 --> 00:02:21,520 Speaker 1: is becoming even neaterer and more legable, according to my teacher. 30 00:02:23,800 --> 00:02:26,480 Speaker 1: What was the question Mama Bear helped you with, Papa 31 00:02:26,480 --> 00:02:31,440 Speaker 1: Bear asked. I had to explain how a simple machine works. 32 00:02:31,919 --> 00:02:37,240 Speaker 1: Bernice replied excitedly. That sounds interesting, little bear. Yeah, I 33 00:02:37,280 --> 00:02:41,320 Speaker 1: think so. You see, Papa, By using a simple machine, 34 00:02:41,760 --> 00:02:44,919 Speaker 1: you can do the same amount of work with less force, 35 00:02:45,400 --> 00:02:48,480 Speaker 1: or much more with the same amount of force. So 36 00:02:49,520 --> 00:02:52,720 Speaker 1: maybe you should invent a machine to help you bake cookies. 37 00:02:53,080 --> 00:02:57,520 Speaker 1: Then you could bake many more. Ha ha. You would like that, 38 00:02:57,560 --> 00:03:02,560 Speaker 1: wouldn't you, Papa Bear said, laughing. I sure would. Bernice 39 00:03:02,600 --> 00:03:06,239 Speaker 1: replied with a smile. When you are finished with your bath, 40 00:03:06,480 --> 00:03:15,320 Speaker 1: I'll come back and tell you a story. Thank you, Papa. 41 00:03:16,160 --> 00:03:19,119 Speaker 1: Do you know what time it is, Papa, Bernice said, 42 00:03:19,280 --> 00:03:22,600 Speaker 1: she got comfy and cozy in bed with her friends 43 00:03:22,639 --> 00:03:26,480 Speaker 1: Twiggle Wolfe and Madeline. Is it time for me to 44 00:03:26,560 --> 00:03:29,320 Speaker 1: make a special machine to help me bake more cookies? 45 00:03:29,680 --> 00:03:35,560 Speaker 1: Papa Bear asked, hmm, maybe later, Papa. Is it time 46 00:03:35,600 --> 00:03:37,480 Speaker 1: for me to check the fridge to make sure the 47 00:03:37,520 --> 00:03:43,200 Speaker 1: ice cream isn't melting? Papa Bear asked nope. Well, I 48 00:03:43,200 --> 00:03:45,080 Speaker 1: guess it must be time for me to tell you 49 00:03:45,120 --> 00:03:49,320 Speaker 1: a story then, little Bear, It sure is, Papa, But 50 00:03:50,040 --> 00:03:53,360 Speaker 1: I have a favor to ask. Can you continue the 51 00:03:53,400 --> 00:03:56,320 Speaker 1: story about Booboo and Kai Kai taking a break and 52 00:03:56,400 --> 00:04:02,160 Speaker 1: eating sweets and maybe remind me how it ended? I 53 00:04:02,640 --> 00:04:07,520 Speaker 1: uh may have fallen asleep, Papa. I will do my 54 00:04:07,800 --> 00:04:12,160 Speaker 1: very best, little Bear. That's all anyone can ask, right, Papa, 55 00:04:13,240 --> 00:04:21,080 Speaker 1: that's right? Are you comfy and warm? Yes, Papa. How 56 00:04:21,080 --> 00:04:24,520 Speaker 1: about Twigger Wolfy and Madeline? Are they ready for a story? 57 00:04:25,560 --> 00:04:31,000 Speaker 1: Let me check they say they are good? Now close 58 00:04:31,040 --> 00:04:35,960 Speaker 1: your eyes, little bear, and Bernice cuddled with Twigger Wolfy 59 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:42,039 Speaker 1: and Madeline and closed her eyes. Love you, Papa, whispered Bernice, 60 00:04:42,440 --> 00:04:49,640 Speaker 1: Love you too, little Bear. Once upon a time, in 61 00:04:49,720 --> 00:04:53,080 Speaker 1: a world full of magic and fun, there lived a 62 00:04:53,200 --> 00:04:58,799 Speaker 1: brave little bear named Booboo. She lived in a large 63 00:04:58,880 --> 00:05:03,240 Speaker 1: castle at the edge of a mystical forest. In this 64 00:05:03,400 --> 00:05:09,479 Speaker 1: forest were unicorns, fairies, gnomes, and all manner of insects, 65 00:05:09,560 --> 00:05:17,080 Speaker 1: birds and animals. It was a wonderful place. Her best 66 00:05:17,120 --> 00:05:20,960 Speaker 1: friend was a young dragon called Kai Kai, and they 67 00:05:21,120 --> 00:05:25,760 Speaker 1: liked to play as much as they could. The kingdom 68 00:05:25,800 --> 00:05:28,279 Speaker 1: they lived in was full of people who lived in 69 00:05:28,320 --> 00:05:32,480 Speaker 1: the meadows, those who lived in the hills, and those 70 00:05:32,560 --> 00:05:37,599 Speaker 1: who lived in the forest, and they all lived in harmony. 71 00:05:39,520 --> 00:05:42,760 Speaker 1: On this day, Bubu and Kai Kai had planned to 72 00:05:42,880 --> 00:05:46,320 Speaker 1: have a day of rest after working hard at school. 73 00:05:47,960 --> 00:05:51,040 Speaker 1: They thought that going to a number of different places 74 00:05:51,040 --> 00:05:54,880 Speaker 1: that sold treats of all sorts would be great fun, 75 00:05:55,839 --> 00:05:59,960 Speaker 1: especially since they only sometimes get to eat sweets together. 76 00:06:02,560 --> 00:06:06,560 Speaker 1: After flying to a garden full of chocolate trees, they 77 00:06:06,560 --> 00:06:11,960 Speaker 1: took flight to visit the town of Knots. The town 78 00:06:12,000 --> 00:06:15,120 Speaker 1: of Knots is famous for its market, which is full 79 00:06:15,160 --> 00:06:19,239 Speaker 1: of all kinds of delicacies from all over the kingdom. 80 00:06:20,680 --> 00:06:24,159 Speaker 1: But when they arrived, they were greeted by Avara, who 81 00:06:24,200 --> 00:06:31,080 Speaker 1: needed their help. I remember now, Papa Bernice whispered, close 82 00:06:31,120 --> 00:06:37,240 Speaker 1: your eyes, little bear, Papa Bear said Booboo and Kai 83 00:06:37,360 --> 00:06:41,520 Speaker 1: Kai walked towards Avara, who stood out amongst the crowd 84 00:06:41,600 --> 00:06:46,839 Speaker 1: with her height and obvious strength. Hi there, I'm Booboo 85 00:06:46,960 --> 00:06:50,120 Speaker 1: and this is Kai Kai. We came here to enjoy 86 00:06:50,160 --> 00:06:53,400 Speaker 1: some of the delicacies offered in the market, but we 87 00:06:53,480 --> 00:06:55,600 Speaker 1: are happy to help you in any way we can. 88 00:06:58,560 --> 00:07:01,400 Speaker 1: We sent word that we needed help from the dragons 89 00:07:01,440 --> 00:07:04,479 Speaker 1: that live in the nearby mountains, and I thought you 90 00:07:04,640 --> 00:07:09,159 Speaker 1: might have been them. But since you are here, maybe 91 00:07:09,160 --> 00:07:13,240 Speaker 1: we can enlist your help, Avara said, We are happy 92 00:07:13,280 --> 00:07:18,240 Speaker 1: to help in any way we can. Kai Kai said great. 93 00:07:19,360 --> 00:07:23,400 Speaker 1: We have had an unusually large outbreak of a seasonal 94 00:07:23,520 --> 00:07:27,600 Speaker 1: virus here in the town. While it's nothing too serious, 95 00:07:28,120 --> 00:07:33,480 Speaker 1: it has made many children uncomfortable. Many travelers that would 96 00:07:33,520 --> 00:07:37,440 Speaker 1: normally only stay for a fortnight have agreed to stay 97 00:07:37,480 --> 00:07:43,320 Speaker 1: on longer to help parents make their children more comfortable. Well, 98 00:07:43,920 --> 00:07:46,040 Speaker 1: I'm not much of a nurse, but I can try, 99 00:07:46,160 --> 00:07:52,280 Speaker 1: Boobo said. What we need is more medicine. Usually, these 100 00:07:52,360 --> 00:07:56,520 Speaker 1: silly viruses affect only a small number of children of 101 00:07:56,640 --> 00:08:01,320 Speaker 1: one species at a time, but perhaps due to the 102 00:08:01,360 --> 00:08:08,080 Speaker 1: weird weather, we also have sick gnomes, elves goblins, fairies 103 00:08:08,400 --> 00:08:13,360 Speaker 1: and unicorns, and those elves certainly make a lot of 104 00:08:13,440 --> 00:08:18,000 Speaker 1: noise when they sneeze. Avara said, we have an order 105 00:08:18,040 --> 00:08:21,160 Speaker 1: of medicine coming by boat, but it won't be here 106 00:08:21,200 --> 00:08:25,040 Speaker 1: for another few days. If you could go and pick 107 00:08:25,120 --> 00:08:28,240 Speaker 1: up a supply for us, I'm sure the children and 108 00:08:28,280 --> 00:08:33,439 Speaker 1: their parents would be greatly appreciative. I think we can 109 00:08:33,520 --> 00:08:37,680 Speaker 1: do that, right, Kai Kai Bubu asked, sure, we would 110 00:08:37,720 --> 00:08:42,640 Speaker 1: be happy to help, thank you. The medicine we need 111 00:08:42,800 --> 00:08:46,880 Speaker 1: is located just over the mountains in the town of Ravenwood. 112 00:08:47,720 --> 00:08:50,960 Speaker 1: Perhaps you have heard of it. They have lovely trees 113 00:08:51,000 --> 00:08:55,760 Speaker 1: surrounding the town. I haven't visited there, but I remember 114 00:08:55,880 --> 00:08:58,520 Speaker 1: that they used to have a lot of noisy birds 115 00:08:58,559 --> 00:09:02,920 Speaker 1: at one time, at least until the dragons built dragons 116 00:09:02,960 --> 00:09:09,240 Speaker 1: Den nearby. Kai Kai said, if you fly there, you 117 00:09:09,440 --> 00:09:12,080 Speaker 1: just need to go to their market in the town center, 118 00:09:12,440 --> 00:09:15,000 Speaker 1: and they should have a package of medicine we need 119 00:09:15,240 --> 00:09:18,760 Speaker 1: waiting for us. And you can't miss the main market. 120 00:09:19,640 --> 00:09:24,480 Speaker 1: It's the one surrounded by chocolate trees. Kai Kai's stomach 121 00:09:24,559 --> 00:09:29,240 Speaker 1: made a grumbling noise. We better get going, Kai Kai said, 122 00:09:29,280 --> 00:09:32,640 Speaker 1: as he lowered himself to let Bubu climb on his back. 123 00:09:33,600 --> 00:09:36,800 Speaker 1: Thank you for your help, Avara said. As Kai Kai 124 00:09:37,080 --> 00:09:42,720 Speaker 1: unfurled his wings and prepared to take off, the ground 125 00:09:42,760 --> 00:09:46,920 Speaker 1: beneath them started a familiar rumble as Kai Kai beat 126 00:09:47,000 --> 00:09:51,600 Speaker 1: his wings, sending gusts of wind around the market stalls. 127 00:09:53,400 --> 00:09:56,440 Speaker 1: When they were flying above the town, Bubu said to 128 00:09:56,520 --> 00:09:59,920 Speaker 1: Kai Kai, well, it looks like this is going to 129 00:10:00,160 --> 00:10:03,760 Speaker 1: be an even better day than I had imagined. Not 130 00:10:03,960 --> 00:10:06,280 Speaker 1: only did we have the chance to eat a huge 131 00:10:06,320 --> 00:10:10,160 Speaker 1: amount of chocolatey treats, but we also get to have 132 00:10:10,240 --> 00:10:13,680 Speaker 1: the opportunity to bring some comfort to the children of 133 00:10:13,720 --> 00:10:17,920 Speaker 1: the town of Knots and their parents. Have you ever 134 00:10:18,000 --> 00:10:22,040 Speaker 1: heard in elf sneeze? It's deafening, Kai Kai said with 135 00:10:22,080 --> 00:10:27,880 Speaker 1: a laugh. As Booboo and Kai Kai soared up and 136 00:10:28,080 --> 00:10:32,440 Speaker 1: over the town toward the mountains, the wind rushed past them, 137 00:10:32,960 --> 00:10:37,679 Speaker 1: making booboo s fur press against her face old on tight, 138 00:10:38,040 --> 00:10:42,520 Speaker 1: Kai Kai said, it's a bit windy up here. Below 139 00:10:42,640 --> 00:10:47,120 Speaker 1: them were now rugged, snow capped peaks jutting up towards 140 00:10:47,120 --> 00:10:51,680 Speaker 1: the sky, with deep valleys and winding rivers cutting through 141 00:10:51,720 --> 00:10:57,199 Speaker 1: the landscape. The forests and meadows below were a patchwork 142 00:10:57,400 --> 00:11:02,120 Speaker 1: of green and gold dot with tiny streams and lakes 143 00:11:02,480 --> 00:11:06,920 Speaker 1: that sparkled in the sunlight. In the distance were other 144 00:11:07,040 --> 00:11:13,080 Speaker 1: dragons flying to and fro. Kaikai gave them the customary snort. 145 00:11:15,520 --> 00:11:19,080 Speaker 1: As they descended ever so slightly. They could smell the 146 00:11:19,200 --> 00:11:24,000 Speaker 1: scent of the trees, wild flowers and honey trees wafting 147 00:11:24,120 --> 00:11:29,360 Speaker 1: up toward them. We should visit this forest later, Boobo said, 148 00:11:29,800 --> 00:11:34,240 Speaker 1: the smell of those trees is delicious. Let's add it 149 00:11:34,280 --> 00:11:37,120 Speaker 1: to our list of places to visit the next time 150 00:11:37,160 --> 00:11:42,240 Speaker 1: we take a break. Kaikai replied. They could see raven 151 00:11:42,320 --> 00:11:46,480 Speaker 1: wood in the distance, nestled in a lush valley surrounded 152 00:11:46,520 --> 00:11:52,679 Speaker 1: by towering cliffs and rolling hills. The town looked beautiful 153 00:11:52,720 --> 00:11:57,640 Speaker 1: at this distance, with winding streets lined with colorful buildings 154 00:11:58,280 --> 00:12:03,720 Speaker 1: and lush gardens bursting with blooms. The market square was 155 00:12:03,800 --> 00:12:09,120 Speaker 1: dominated by a towering castle with turrets and battlements rising 156 00:12:09,160 --> 00:12:13,800 Speaker 1: above the town. The market square was surrounded by a 157 00:12:13,840 --> 00:12:20,240 Speaker 1: grove of chocolate trees. Kai Kai and Bubu swooped down 158 00:12:20,320 --> 00:12:23,720 Speaker 1: toward the market and were greeted by the friendly face 159 00:12:23,920 --> 00:12:28,839 Speaker 1: of an eldernome. It seemed like he was expecting them. 160 00:12:30,080 --> 00:12:33,040 Speaker 1: Hi there, my name is Bubu, and this is Kai Kai, 161 00:12:33,360 --> 00:12:37,120 Speaker 1: Bobu said, after she jumped off Kai Kai's back and 162 00:12:37,240 --> 00:12:42,319 Speaker 1: walked toward the elder nome. Yes, hello, I was expecting 163 00:12:42,360 --> 00:12:47,040 Speaker 1: you might be dropping by terrible how so many kids 164 00:12:47,080 --> 00:12:51,800 Speaker 1: are feeling uncomfortable in the town of Knots, missing their studies. 165 00:12:51,800 --> 00:12:57,360 Speaker 1: I bet some might be Kai Kai said, laughing. Do 166 00:12:57,440 --> 00:12:59,800 Speaker 1: you know where we might get the medicine they need? 167 00:13:01,520 --> 00:13:04,440 Speaker 1: I have it right here in this satchel. I'm sure 168 00:13:04,480 --> 00:13:08,080 Speaker 1: the healer will know how to dispense it properly. It's 169 00:13:08,080 --> 00:13:12,040 Speaker 1: a very concentrated mixture with a little bit of magic 170 00:13:12,240 --> 00:13:18,480 Speaker 1: contributed by our local fairies. After taking the satchel, Bobu said, 171 00:13:19,080 --> 00:13:22,400 Speaker 1: this market looks like it's full of an amazing amount 172 00:13:22,440 --> 00:13:28,079 Speaker 1: of delicious treats, especially those chocolate trees. We certainly must 173 00:13:28,080 --> 00:13:33,720 Speaker 1: come back another time. You are welcome anytime. My name 174 00:13:33,800 --> 00:13:36,679 Speaker 1: is Billy and I have a small cafe on the 175 00:13:36,720 --> 00:13:39,960 Speaker 1: other side of the market. You are welcome to come 176 00:13:40,000 --> 00:13:46,480 Speaker 1: and enjoy some special chocolate drinks anytime for free. That 177 00:13:46,679 --> 00:13:51,280 Speaker 1: sounds delicious. Kai Kai said, his stomach starting to rumble 178 00:13:51,600 --> 00:13:57,360 Speaker 1: yet again. As they climbed over the mountains again, Booboo 179 00:13:57,440 --> 00:14:00,720 Speaker 1: asked Kai Kai, are you sure you can get us 180 00:14:00,760 --> 00:14:04,040 Speaker 1: back to the town of Knots. Your stomach made some 181 00:14:04,320 --> 00:14:10,240 Speaker 1: loud rumbling noises when we were at Ravenwood. Whenever someone 182 00:14:10,360 --> 00:14:15,080 Speaker 1: mentions chocolate, my stomach starts making noises, Kai Kai said 183 00:14:15,080 --> 00:14:21,440 Speaker 1: with a laugh. A short time later, Kai Kai and 184 00:14:21,520 --> 00:14:25,160 Speaker 1: Booboo landed again in the town of Knots, near the 185 00:14:25,200 --> 00:14:30,000 Speaker 1: place in the market where they had arrived before. In 186 00:14:30,080 --> 00:14:34,240 Speaker 1: the distance, they could see Avara walking towards them, likely 187 00:14:34,280 --> 00:14:39,720 Speaker 1: from a nearby clinic. She waved, we brought you a 188 00:14:39,760 --> 00:14:43,000 Speaker 1: satchel full of medicine. I hope it helps the children. 189 00:14:43,160 --> 00:14:47,760 Speaker 1: Booboo said, it certainly will. You two have been a 190 00:14:47,840 --> 00:14:51,320 Speaker 1: great help to our community. I hope you don't mind 191 00:14:51,320 --> 00:14:54,560 Speaker 1: if we repay your help with a small feast of treats. 192 00:14:55,680 --> 00:14:59,200 Speaker 1: Many of the cafes and restaurant owners have prepared something 193 00:14:59,240 --> 00:15:03,600 Speaker 1: for you in appreciation. That is, if you don't mind 194 00:15:03,600 --> 00:15:09,119 Speaker 1: the taste of chocolate. Avara said Boo boo, and Avara's 195 00:15:09,200 --> 00:15:13,400 Speaker 1: heads turned at the sound of a large rumbling noise 196 00:15:13,480 --> 00:15:18,360 Speaker 1: coming from Kai Kai's stomach. Kai Kai looked a little embarrassed. 197 00:15:19,360 --> 00:15:22,880 Speaker 1: I think that might be the answer Booboo said, laughing, 198 00:15:24,200 --> 00:15:27,480 Speaker 1: you don't have to. We are happy to help, but 199 00:15:28,040 --> 00:15:32,000 Speaker 1: I don't think we could turn down such a generous offer. 200 00:15:35,560 --> 00:15:39,280 Speaker 1: And with that, Papa Bear kissed Bernice on the forehead, 201 00:15:39,840 --> 00:15:44,960 Speaker 1: adjusted her blanket, turned off her lamp, and quietly whispered, 202 00:15:45,640 --> 00:15:55,120 Speaker 1: I love you, little bear. Good night, and that is 203 00:15:55,160 --> 00:16:00,680 Speaker 1: the end of this story. Good Night, sleep tight, the 204 00:16:06,760 --> 00:16:21,280 Speaker 1: B B B the B in the