1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,920 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. A short 2 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:19,720 Speaker 1: message for grownups. If you get value from our stories, 3 00:00:20,239 --> 00:00:26,920 Speaker 1: please consider subscribing to sleep Type Premium. With sleep Type Premium, 4 00:00:27,080 --> 00:00:32,320 Speaker 1: you receive four stories per week, plus super long sleep sounds, 5 00:00:33,040 --> 00:00:40,560 Speaker 1: guided meditations, music for sleep and more. Visit sleep Typepremium 6 00:00:40,640 --> 00:00:45,240 Speaker 1: dot com to subscribe. A link can also be found 7 00:00:45,240 --> 00:01:15,399 Speaker 1: in our show notes. Thank you. Jimmy Skunk is very mad. Indeed, 8 00:01:21,680 --> 00:01:25,720 Speaker 1: Peter Rabbit loved to play tricks on people and then 9 00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:30,759 Speaker 1: try to get away with it, and today was no different. 10 00:01:33,360 --> 00:01:36,680 Speaker 1: When Peter saw Jimmy Skunk sound asleep in the barrel 11 00:01:36,760 --> 00:01:40,520 Speaker 1: at the top of the hill, his mind started spinning 12 00:01:40,680 --> 00:01:46,479 Speaker 1: with ideas. As he snuck away. All he could think 13 00:01:46,560 --> 00:01:49,640 Speaker 1: of was if Reddy Fox was here, I could play 14 00:01:49,640 --> 00:01:55,520 Speaker 1: a trick on both of them. Luckily for Peter, Reddy 15 00:01:55,840 --> 00:02:06,440 Speaker 1: was coming his way. What would happen next? Jimmy Skunk 16 00:02:06,680 --> 00:02:11,640 Speaker 1: was angry this time, and no mistake, he was just 17 00:02:12,240 --> 00:02:17,799 Speaker 1: plain mad. And when Jimmy Skunk feels that way, no 18 00:02:17,840 --> 00:02:23,639 Speaker 1: one wants to be very near him. You know, he 19 00:02:23,720 --> 00:02:27,280 Speaker 1: is one of the very best natured little fellows in 20 00:02:27,360 --> 00:02:32,320 Speaker 1: the world. Ordinarily, he minds his own business and if 21 00:02:32,360 --> 00:02:37,639 Speaker 1: no one bothers him, he doesn't bother anyone. But once 22 00:02:37,760 --> 00:02:42,240 Speaker 1: he is upset and feels that he hasn't been treated fairly, 23 00:02:43,280 --> 00:02:51,640 Speaker 1: look out. And this time Jimmy was mad clear through 24 00:02:52,360 --> 00:02:55,920 Speaker 1: as he got to his feet and shook himself to 25 00:02:56,000 --> 00:03:00,400 Speaker 1: see that he was all there. I don't know that 26 00:03:00,520 --> 00:03:05,400 Speaker 1: anyone could blame him to be woken up from a 27 00:03:05,520 --> 00:03:10,840 Speaker 1: comfortable nap by being rolled over and over and shaken 28 00:03:11,000 --> 00:03:14,920 Speaker 1: nearly to death as Jimmy had been by. That wild 29 00:03:15,040 --> 00:03:19,440 Speaker 1: ride down the hill in the old barrel was enough 30 00:03:19,600 --> 00:03:24,680 Speaker 1: to make anyone mad, So he really is not to 31 00:03:24,760 --> 00:03:33,200 Speaker 1: be blamed for feeling as he did. Now. Jimmy knew 32 00:03:33,200 --> 00:03:35,800 Speaker 1: that an old barrel that has been lying in one 33 00:03:35,880 --> 00:03:40,360 Speaker 1: place for a long time does not move by itself. 34 00:03:42,360 --> 00:03:47,240 Speaker 1: He knew that the barrel couldn't possibly have started off 35 00:03:47,360 --> 00:03:54,080 Speaker 1: down the hill unless someone had made it start, And 36 00:03:54,120 --> 00:03:58,440 Speaker 1: he had no doubt in the world that whoever had 37 00:03:58,480 --> 00:04:02,840 Speaker 1: done it had known that he was inside and had 38 00:04:02,880 --> 00:04:09,480 Speaker 1: done it to make him uncomfortable. So just as soon 39 00:04:09,520 --> 00:04:12,080 Speaker 1: as he had made sure that he was really alive 40 00:04:12,280 --> 00:04:17,040 Speaker 1: and quite whole, he looked about to see who could 41 00:04:17,120 --> 00:04:23,479 Speaker 1: have played such a trick on him. The first person 42 00:04:23,600 --> 00:04:29,839 Speaker 1: he saw was Reddy Fox. In fact, Reddy was quite 43 00:04:29,839 --> 00:04:35,200 Speaker 1: close by. You see, he had raced down the hill 44 00:04:35,440 --> 00:04:40,200 Speaker 1: after the barrel to see who was in it when 45 00:04:40,200 --> 00:04:44,000 Speaker 1: he heard the strange noises coming from it as it 46 00:04:44,160 --> 00:04:49,760 Speaker 1: rolled and bounded down the hill. If Reddy had known 47 00:04:49,880 --> 00:04:53,240 Speaker 1: that it was Jimmy Skunk, he would have been quite 48 00:04:53,279 --> 00:04:56,880 Speaker 1: happy to stay at the top of the hill. But 49 00:04:57,000 --> 00:05:00,719 Speaker 1: he didn't know, and if the truth be known, he 50 00:05:00,800 --> 00:05:04,080 Speaker 1: had hopes that it might prove to be someone who 51 00:05:04,160 --> 00:05:09,039 Speaker 1: would give him a good breakfast. So, quite out of 52 00:05:09,080 --> 00:05:12,080 Speaker 1: breath from running, Reddy arrived at the place where the 53 00:05:12,160 --> 00:05:16,960 Speaker 1: old barrel had broken to pieces just as Jimmy got 54 00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:26,200 Speaker 1: to his feet. Now, when Jimmy Skunk is angry, he 55 00:05:26,279 --> 00:05:33,840 Speaker 1: doesn't bite and he doesn't scratch. You remember, old Mother 56 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:38,480 Speaker 1: Nature has provided him with a little bag of perfume, 57 00:05:39,160 --> 00:05:42,919 Speaker 1: which Jimmy doesn't mind in the least, but which makes 58 00:05:42,960 --> 00:05:48,279 Speaker 1: most people want to hold their noses and run. He 59 00:05:48,440 --> 00:05:54,239 Speaker 1: never uses it except when he is angry or in danger. 60 00:05:56,000 --> 00:06:00,440 Speaker 1: But when he does use it, his enemies always turn 61 00:06:00,560 --> 00:06:05,720 Speaker 1: around and run. That is why he is afraid of 62 00:06:05,800 --> 00:06:10,480 Speaker 1: no one and why everyone respects Jimmy and his thoughts. 63 00:06:13,320 --> 00:06:18,640 Speaker 1: He used it now and didn't waste any time about it. 64 00:06:19,920 --> 00:06:22,960 Speaker 1: He threw some of that perfume right in the face 65 00:06:23,080 --> 00:06:26,800 Speaker 1: of Reddy Fox before Reddy even had a chance to 66 00:06:26,920 --> 00:06:32,640 Speaker 1: turn or say a word. Take that, snapped Jimmy Skunk. 67 00:06:33,040 --> 00:06:35,159 Speaker 1: Perhaps it will teach you not to play tricks on 68 00:06:35,200 --> 00:06:42,680 Speaker 1: your honest neighbors. Poor Reddy, some of that perfume got 69 00:06:42,720 --> 00:06:47,200 Speaker 1: in his eyes and made them sting. In fact, for 70 00:06:47,240 --> 00:06:51,280 Speaker 1: a little while, Reddy couldn't see at all, And then 71 00:06:51,920 --> 00:06:54,840 Speaker 1: the smell of it was so strong that it made 72 00:06:54,920 --> 00:06:59,960 Speaker 1: him quite sick. He rolled over and over on the ground, 73 00:07:00,800 --> 00:07:06,680 Speaker 1: choking and gasping and rubbing his eyes. Jimmy Skunk just 74 00:07:06,760 --> 00:07:09,960 Speaker 1: stood and looked on, and there wasn't a bit of 75 00:07:10,120 --> 00:07:14,840 Speaker 1: pity in his eyes. How do you like that? He said? 76 00:07:15,000 --> 00:07:17,160 Speaker 1: You thought you were very smart rolling me down the 77 00:07:17,240 --> 00:07:19,840 Speaker 1: hill in a barrel, didn't you. You might have hurt me. 78 00:07:21,520 --> 00:07:23,920 Speaker 1: I didn't know you were in that barrel, and I 79 00:07:23,960 --> 00:07:28,480 Speaker 1: didn't mean to roll it down the hill anyway. Wind Ready, 80 00:07:28,520 --> 00:07:33,400 Speaker 1: once he got his voice, humph snorted Jimmy Skunk, who 81 00:07:33,400 --> 00:07:37,440 Speaker 1: didn't believe a word of it? I didn't honestly, I 82 00:07:37,560 --> 00:07:42,600 Speaker 1: didn't protested, Reddy, I bumped the barrel by accident, chasing 83 00:07:42,680 --> 00:07:45,920 Speaker 1: Peter Rabbit. I didn't have any idea that anyone was 84 00:07:45,960 --> 00:07:52,160 Speaker 1: in it. Huh, said Jimmy Skunk again. If you were 85 00:07:52,240 --> 00:07:58,160 Speaker 1: chasing Peter Rabbit, where is he now? Reddy had to 86 00:07:58,240 --> 00:08:03,320 Speaker 1: confess he didn't know Peter was nowhere in sight, and 87 00:08:03,400 --> 00:08:06,840 Speaker 1: he certainly hadn't had time to reach the old briar patch. 88 00:08:08,280 --> 00:08:12,520 Speaker 1: Jimmy looked this way and that way, but there was 89 00:08:12,680 --> 00:08:19,840 Speaker 1: no sign of Peter Rabbit. Humph, he said again, turning 90 00:08:19,960 --> 00:08:32,320 Speaker 1: his back on Reddy Fox and walking away. Sneaking away 91 00:08:32,640 --> 00:08:37,360 Speaker 1: is usually done only by someone, for some reason or other, 92 00:08:37,559 --> 00:08:41,839 Speaker 1: doesn't want to be seen. Just as soon as Reddy 93 00:08:41,880 --> 00:08:45,600 Speaker 1: Fox could see, after Jimmy Skunk had thrown that terrible 94 00:08:45,679 --> 00:08:50,199 Speaker 1: perfume in Reddy's face, he started for the green forest. 95 00:08:51,080 --> 00:08:55,800 Speaker 1: He wanted to get away by himself, but he didn't 96 00:08:55,800 --> 00:08:58,679 Speaker 1: trot with his head up and his big tail carried 97 00:08:58,720 --> 00:09:04,760 Speaker 1: proudly as he usually did. No. Indeed, instead he hung 98 00:09:04,880 --> 00:09:09,880 Speaker 1: his head and his handsome tail was dropped between his legs. 99 00:09:10,720 --> 00:09:16,400 Speaker 1: He was the very picture of shame. You see that 100 00:09:16,720 --> 00:09:20,920 Speaker 1: terrible perfume which Jimmy Skunk had thrown at him clung 101 00:09:21,000 --> 00:09:24,680 Speaker 1: to his red coat, and he knew that he couldn't 102 00:09:24,720 --> 00:09:29,839 Speaker 1: get rid of it. And he knew also that wherever 103 00:09:29,880 --> 00:09:33,600 Speaker 1: he went, his neighbors would hold their noses and make 104 00:09:33,679 --> 00:09:37,200 Speaker 1: fun of him, and that no one would have anything 105 00:09:37,240 --> 00:09:42,040 Speaker 1: to do with him. So he snuck away across the 106 00:09:42,040 --> 00:09:47,000 Speaker 1: Green Meadows towards the Green Forest. And he felt too 107 00:09:47,040 --> 00:09:51,640 Speaker 1: sick and mean and unhappy to even be angry with 108 00:09:51,679 --> 00:09:54,880 Speaker 1: Sammy Jay, who was making fun of him and saying 109 00:09:54,920 --> 00:10:02,320 Speaker 1: he got no more than he deserved. Ready, he didn't 110 00:10:02,360 --> 00:10:06,840 Speaker 1: know what to do or where to go. He couldn't 111 00:10:06,840 --> 00:10:10,720 Speaker 1: go home, for Old Granny Fox would drive him out 112 00:10:10,760 --> 00:10:15,120 Speaker 1: of the house. She had warned him time and time 113 00:10:15,240 --> 00:10:20,440 Speaker 1: again never to anger Jimmy Skunk, and he knew that 114 00:10:20,559 --> 00:10:23,000 Speaker 1: she would never forgive him if he should bring that 115 00:10:23,320 --> 00:10:29,560 Speaker 1: terrible perfume near their home. He knew too that it 116 00:10:29,600 --> 00:10:32,600 Speaker 1: would not be long before all the little people of 117 00:10:32,640 --> 00:10:36,160 Speaker 1: the Green Forest and the Green Meadows would know what 118 00:10:36,280 --> 00:10:40,920 Speaker 1: had happened to him. Sammy Jay would see to that. 119 00:10:42,840 --> 00:10:45,760 Speaker 1: He knew how they would point at him and make 120 00:10:45,800 --> 00:10:50,199 Speaker 1: fun of him. He would never hear the last of it. 121 00:10:51,840 --> 00:10:55,560 Speaker 1: He felt as if he would never ever be able 122 00:10:55,600 --> 00:11:00,600 Speaker 1: to hold his head and his tail up again. Every 123 00:11:00,720 --> 00:11:04,520 Speaker 1: few minutes he stopped to roll over and over on 124 00:11:04,559 --> 00:11:09,079 Speaker 1: the ground, trying to get rid of that dreadful perfume. 125 00:11:15,800 --> 00:11:19,320 Speaker 1: When he reached the green forest, he hurried over to 126 00:11:19,440 --> 00:11:24,760 Speaker 1: the Laughing Brook to wash out his eyes. It was 127 00:11:25,080 --> 00:11:28,520 Speaker 1: just his luck to have Billy Mink come along while 128 00:11:28,600 --> 00:11:33,240 Speaker 1: he was doing this. Billy didn't need to be told 129 00:11:33,360 --> 00:11:38,599 Speaker 1: what had happened. Pee you, he exclaimed, holding on to 130 00:11:38,720 --> 00:11:42,320 Speaker 1: his nose. Then he turned and hurried away from the 131 00:11:42,360 --> 00:11:47,240 Speaker 1: smell of that perfume. Then Billy stopped and made fun 132 00:11:47,280 --> 00:11:51,240 Speaker 1: of Reddy Fox. Reddy Fox took no notice, though he 133 00:11:51,320 --> 00:11:57,840 Speaker 1: felt too miserable. After he had washed his face, he 134 00:11:57,920 --> 00:12:02,440 Speaker 1: felt better. Water wouldn't take away the awful smell, but 135 00:12:02,559 --> 00:12:06,280 Speaker 1: it did take away the smart from his eyes. Then 136 00:12:06,320 --> 00:12:11,520 Speaker 1: he tried to plan what to do next. The only 137 00:12:11,600 --> 00:12:13,760 Speaker 1: thing I can do is to get as far away 138 00:12:13,760 --> 00:12:17,840 Speaker 1: from everybody as I can, he thought. I guess I'll 139 00:12:17,840 --> 00:12:19,880 Speaker 1: have to go up to the old pasture to live 140 00:12:19,920 --> 00:12:25,600 Speaker 1: for a while. So he started for the old Pasture, 141 00:12:26,440 --> 00:12:31,320 Speaker 1: keeping as much out of sight as possible. On the way, 142 00:12:32,160 --> 00:12:37,400 Speaker 1: he remembered that old man Coyote lived there. Of course, 143 00:12:37,840 --> 00:12:41,920 Speaker 1: it would never do to go near old man Coyotes home, 144 00:12:42,679 --> 00:12:47,040 Speaker 1: for if he smelled that awful perfume and discovered that 145 00:12:47,240 --> 00:12:50,679 Speaker 1: Reddy was the cause of it, he would certainly drive 146 00:12:50,800 --> 00:12:55,160 Speaker 1: him out of the old pasture, and then where could 147 00:12:55,240 --> 00:13:01,560 Speaker 1: he go? So Reddy went to the loneliest part of 148 00:13:01,640 --> 00:13:06,080 Speaker 1: the old pasture and crept into an old house that 149 00:13:06,200 --> 00:13:10,000 Speaker 1: he and Granny had dug there long ago, when they 150 00:13:10,040 --> 00:13:13,440 Speaker 1: had been forced to live in the old pasture in 151 00:13:13,480 --> 00:13:17,720 Speaker 1: the days when Farmer Brown's Boy and Bowser the Hound 152 00:13:17,800 --> 00:13:23,160 Speaker 1: had hunted them for stealing chickens. Then he stretched himself 153 00:13:23,200 --> 00:13:30,840 Speaker 1: out and was perfectly miserable. It wouldn't be so bad 154 00:13:30,880 --> 00:13:33,720 Speaker 1: if I had really been to blame, But I wasn't. 155 00:13:34,360 --> 00:13:37,240 Speaker 1: I didn't know Jimmy Skunk was in that barrel, and 156 00:13:37,360 --> 00:13:40,320 Speaker 1: I didn't mean to start it rolling down the hill anyway, 157 00:13:41,240 --> 00:13:46,840 Speaker 1: He muttered, it was all an accident, and he stopped 158 00:13:47,640 --> 00:13:51,559 Speaker 1: and into his yellow eyes crept a look of suspicion. 159 00:13:52,920 --> 00:13:59,160 Speaker 1: I wonder, he said, slowly, if Peter Rabbit knew that 160 00:13:59,280 --> 00:14:02,800 Speaker 1: Jimmy Skunk was there and planned to get me into 161 00:14:02,840 --> 00:14:11,880 Speaker 1: all this trouble. I wonder at the time that Jimmy 162 00:14:11,920 --> 00:14:15,400 Speaker 1: Skunk was punishing Reddy Fox for rolling him down the 163 00:14:15,480 --> 00:14:19,080 Speaker 1: hill in a barrel, And while Reddy was sneaking away 164 00:14:19,160 --> 00:14:22,800 Speaker 1: to the green forest to get out of sight, Peter 165 00:14:23,160 --> 00:14:28,200 Speaker 1: Rabbit was lying low in the old house of Johnny Chuck, 166 00:14:29,120 --> 00:14:33,320 Speaker 1: right near the place where Jimmy Skunk's wild ride had 167 00:14:33,360 --> 00:14:37,800 Speaker 1: come to an end. It had been a great relief 168 00:14:37,880 --> 00:14:40,720 Speaker 1: to Peter when he had seen Jimmy Skunk get to 169 00:14:40,760 --> 00:14:44,560 Speaker 1: his feet, and he knew that Jimmy hadn't been hurt 170 00:14:45,080 --> 00:14:50,640 Speaker 1: in the wild ride. Lying flat in the doorway of 171 00:14:50,720 --> 00:14:55,040 Speaker 1: Johnny Chuck's old house, Peter could see all that went 172 00:14:55,120 --> 00:15:00,880 Speaker 1: on without being seen himself, and he could hear all 173 00:15:01,120 --> 00:15:07,080 Speaker 1: that was said. He chuckled as he saw Reddy Fox 174 00:15:07,160 --> 00:15:10,440 Speaker 1: come up, and his eyes were popping right out with 175 00:15:10,600 --> 00:15:15,680 Speaker 1: excitement as he waited for what would happen next. He 176 00:15:15,800 --> 00:15:20,000 Speaker 1: felt sure that Reddy Fox was in for something unpleasant, 177 00:15:20,600 --> 00:15:24,960 Speaker 1: and he was glad. Of course, that wasn't a bit 178 00:15:25,160 --> 00:15:29,240 Speaker 1: nice of Peter. Right down in his heart, Peter knew it, 179 00:15:29,920 --> 00:15:34,120 Speaker 1: but he had been chased so often by ready and 180 00:15:34,280 --> 00:15:38,440 Speaker 1: given so many dreadful frights, that he felt now that 181 00:15:38,520 --> 00:15:43,000 Speaker 1: he was getting even so he chuckled, and he waited 182 00:15:43,560 --> 00:15:50,560 Speaker 1: for what was to happen. Suddenly that chuckle broke right 183 00:15:50,600 --> 00:15:55,000 Speaker 1: off in the middle, and Peter cried out. He had 184 00:15:55,000 --> 00:15:57,680 Speaker 1: felt a pain, as if a hot needle had been 185 00:15:57,680 --> 00:16:01,840 Speaker 1: poked into him. It made him almost jump out of 186 00:16:01,880 --> 00:16:05,880 Speaker 1: the doorway, but he remembered in time that it would 187 00:16:05,960 --> 00:16:10,240 Speaker 1: never never do for him to show himself outside, for 188 00:16:10,480 --> 00:16:15,120 Speaker 1: right away Reddy Fox and Jimmy Skunk would suspect that 189 00:16:15,320 --> 00:16:18,960 Speaker 1: he had had something to do with that wild ride 190 00:16:19,040 --> 00:16:23,280 Speaker 1: of Jimmy's in the barrel, so it would not do 191 00:16:23,520 --> 00:16:30,400 Speaker 1: to show himself now. No. Indeed, all he could do 192 00:16:30,680 --> 00:16:34,600 Speaker 1: was to kick and squirm and twist his head around 193 00:16:34,640 --> 00:16:39,000 Speaker 1: to see what was happening. It didn't take long to 194 00:16:39,120 --> 00:16:45,120 Speaker 1: find out. Even as he looked, he felt another sharp pain, 195 00:16:45,560 --> 00:16:50,360 Speaker 1: which brought another ouch from him and made him kick 196 00:16:50,480 --> 00:16:57,800 Speaker 1: harder than ever. Two very angry little insects were just 197 00:16:57,920 --> 00:17:02,640 Speaker 1: getting ready to sting him again again, and more were coming. 198 00:17:04,840 --> 00:17:08,639 Speaker 1: They were yellow jackets, which you know belonged to the 199 00:17:08,840 --> 00:17:14,639 Speaker 1: Wasp family and carry very sharp little stingers in their tails. 200 00:17:15,720 --> 00:17:19,840 Speaker 1: The fact is this old house of Johnny Chuck's had 201 00:17:19,880 --> 00:17:24,320 Speaker 1: been deserted so long the yellow Jackets had decided that 202 00:17:24,400 --> 00:17:28,440 Speaker 1: as no one else was using it, they would, and 203 00:17:28,560 --> 00:17:33,080 Speaker 1: they had begun to build their home just inside the hall. 204 00:17:35,040 --> 00:17:40,320 Speaker 1: Poor Peter, what could he do. He didn't dare go out, 205 00:17:41,080 --> 00:17:46,200 Speaker 1: and he simply couldn't stay where he was. Whatever he 206 00:17:46,280 --> 00:17:50,320 Speaker 1: did must be done quickly, for it looked to him 207 00:17:50,400 --> 00:17:53,840 Speaker 1: as if a regular army of yellow Jackets was coming, 208 00:17:54,640 --> 00:17:58,199 Speaker 1: and those little stingers they carried were about the most 209 00:17:58,359 --> 00:18:03,360 Speaker 1: painful thing he knew of. By this time he had 210 00:18:03,400 --> 00:18:07,760 Speaker 1: lost all interest in what was going on outside. There 211 00:18:07,840 --> 00:18:13,160 Speaker 1: was quite enough going on inside. He remembered that Johnny 212 00:18:13,240 --> 00:18:17,560 Speaker 1: Chuck digs his house deep in the ground. He looked 213 00:18:17,640 --> 00:18:22,760 Speaker 1: down the Long Hall. It was dark down there. Perhaps 214 00:18:22,760 --> 00:18:26,840 Speaker 1: if he went down there, these angry little warriors wouldn't 215 00:18:26,840 --> 00:18:33,080 Speaker 1: follow him. It was worth trying anyway, So Peter scrambled 216 00:18:33,119 --> 00:18:37,560 Speaker 1: to his feet and scurried down the long Hall. And 217 00:18:37,680 --> 00:18:42,280 Speaker 1: as he ran he cried ouch ouch oh ou. Those 218 00:18:42,440 --> 00:18:46,639 Speaker 1: sharp little stingers were very busy, and there was no 219 00:18:46,760 --> 00:18:51,160 Speaker 1: way of fighting back. At the end of the long 220 00:18:51,280 --> 00:18:55,800 Speaker 1: Hall was a snug little room, very dark but cool 221 00:18:56,080 --> 00:19:02,000 Speaker 1: and comfortable. It was just as he had The yellow 222 00:19:02,080 --> 00:19:06,560 Speaker 1: Jackets did not follow him down there. They had driven 223 00:19:06,640 --> 00:19:09,439 Speaker 1: him away from their home, which was right near the entrance, 224 00:19:09,960 --> 00:19:15,120 Speaker 1: and they were satisfied. But what a fix he was in, 225 00:19:15,600 --> 00:19:21,160 Speaker 1: What a dreadful fix he ached and hurt all over? 226 00:19:22,000 --> 00:19:26,280 Speaker 1: My goodness, how did he hurt? And to get out 227 00:19:26,960 --> 00:19:30,040 Speaker 1: he would have to go right past the yellow jacket 228 00:19:30,040 --> 00:19:35,160 Speaker 1: home again. Oh dear, I wish I had never thought 229 00:19:35,200 --> 00:19:38,879 Speaker 1: of such a joke, moaned Peter, trying to find a 230 00:19:39,000 --> 00:19:45,320 Speaker 1: comfortable position. I guess I got what I deserved. I 231 00:19:45,520 --> 00:19:48,000 Speaker 1: think he had, don't you