1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:15,400 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:15,480 --> 00:00:21,040 Speaker 1: to say hello to Liam, Natalie, and Ethan from Pittsburgh. 3 00:00:21,160 --> 00:00:26,119 Speaker 1: Hello to Audrey and Anna Lee, Hello to Teresa from Chicago. 4 00:00:27,200 --> 00:00:31,440 Speaker 1: Hello to KaiA, and hello to Journer and her little 5 00:00:31,480 --> 00:00:36,879 Speaker 1: brother Emerson, who is three months old. I'd like to 6 00:00:36,880 --> 00:00:40,320 Speaker 1: say Happy birthday to Avery, who is having a birthday 7 00:00:40,479 --> 00:00:46,240 Speaker 1: on April eleventh. Happy birthday to Ronnie from Brooklyn, New York, 8 00:00:46,479 --> 00:00:52,280 Speaker 1: who is having her fifth birthday on April eleventh. Happy 9 00:00:52,320 --> 00:00:56,880 Speaker 1: birthday to Lily who is turning eight on April eleventh, 10 00:00:58,000 --> 00:01:01,920 Speaker 1: and Happy birthday to Harper who is turning six on 11 00:01:01,960 --> 00:01:07,000 Speaker 1: April twelfth. Happy birthday to you all. I hope you 12 00:01:07,120 --> 00:01:12,920 Speaker 1: have a wonderful day. Shout Outs and birthday wishes are 13 00:01:13,000 --> 00:01:17,000 Speaker 1: one way we give thanks to our supporters. If you 14 00:01:17,040 --> 00:01:21,040 Speaker 1: would like to support us and receive more bedtime entertainment 15 00:01:21,200 --> 00:01:26,040 Speaker 1: like this, please visit our support page at sleep tightstories 16 00:01:26,120 --> 00:01:34,399 Speaker 1: dot org slash support Thank you. This is a story 17 00:01:34,560 --> 00:01:40,880 Speaker 1: about a Corgie who wants to play basketball. Cooper thinks 18 00:01:40,920 --> 00:01:45,120 Speaker 1: he would really enjoy playing basketball, so he decides to 19 00:01:45,200 --> 00:01:49,640 Speaker 1: try out for the team. When he gets there, he 20 00:01:49,760 --> 00:01:53,440 Speaker 1: realizes that being a Corgie might not be the best 21 00:01:53,480 --> 00:01:58,840 Speaker 1: thing for a dog who wants to play basketball. Coach 22 00:01:58,920 --> 00:02:02,320 Speaker 1: tells him not to give, but can Cooper learn to 23 00:02:02,360 --> 00:02:14,840 Speaker 1: play the Corgie who played basketball? Cooper's alarm went off 24 00:02:14,960 --> 00:02:19,920 Speaker 1: and he stretched, yawned, and hopped out of bed to 25 00:02:20,040 --> 00:02:24,800 Speaker 1: walk toward his window. He was so happy to see 26 00:02:24,840 --> 00:02:28,519 Speaker 1: that the sun was shining and almost all the snow 27 00:02:28,720 --> 00:02:36,440 Speaker 1: was gone. It really must be spring, he thought. Cooper 28 00:02:36,480 --> 00:02:40,040 Speaker 1: didn't really like winter much. It wasn't the cold that 29 00:02:40,120 --> 00:02:42,839 Speaker 1: bothered him. He had a nice thick coat to help 30 00:02:42,880 --> 00:02:48,239 Speaker 1: protect him, but all the snow. Whenever his friends would 31 00:02:48,320 --> 00:02:51,320 Speaker 1: call him out to play any games, he would get 32 00:02:51,360 --> 00:02:56,040 Speaker 1: lost and no one could see him. Great for hide 33 00:02:56,080 --> 00:03:00,760 Speaker 1: and seek, but not for anything else. While his friends 34 00:03:00,800 --> 00:03:06,480 Speaker 1: were German shepherds, labradors and other large dogs, Cooper was 35 00:03:06,520 --> 00:03:12,119 Speaker 1: a Corgie, and with his incredibly short legs, navigating through 36 00:03:12,160 --> 00:03:17,720 Speaker 1: deep snow was a challenge. One time, when he jumped 37 00:03:17,760 --> 00:03:21,000 Speaker 1: off the backstep, he went so deep into the snow 38 00:03:21,560 --> 00:03:27,280 Speaker 1: his mother thought he simply disappeared. Cooper's friends didn't mind 39 00:03:27,360 --> 00:03:30,880 Speaker 1: so much, and in winter they called him the shark 40 00:03:31,720 --> 00:03:34,800 Speaker 1: because all you could see were the tips of his 41 00:03:34,920 --> 00:03:42,000 Speaker 1: ear sticking out of the snow. Hopping into the kitchen 42 00:03:42,040 --> 00:03:46,680 Speaker 1: for breakfast, Cooper was so happy he didn't even complain 43 00:03:47,080 --> 00:03:53,400 Speaker 1: that his mom had prepared yet again scrambled eggs for breakfast. 44 00:03:54,600 --> 00:03:58,600 Speaker 1: You certainly look happy this morning, Coop, she said. The 45 00:03:58,640 --> 00:04:02,080 Speaker 1: snow is gone, Mom, no more shark from now on, 46 00:04:02,640 --> 00:04:07,320 Speaker 1: I'm going to be the badger. Badger, she asked with 47 00:04:07,360 --> 00:04:10,000 Speaker 1: a smile. It's all I could come up with on 48 00:04:10,120 --> 00:04:15,560 Speaker 1: short notice. It's finally spring, mom, I can't wait to 49 00:04:15,640 --> 00:04:20,240 Speaker 1: smell the new smells, run with my friends, and roll 50 00:04:20,279 --> 00:04:26,799 Speaker 1: in some mud puddles. Cooper's mom groaned at the thought 51 00:04:26,880 --> 00:04:29,880 Speaker 1: of him rolling in the mud. It wouldn't be so 52 00:04:30,080 --> 00:04:32,760 Speaker 1: bad if he didn't run in the house and shake 53 00:04:32,880 --> 00:04:38,640 Speaker 1: all the mud off on the furniture. Cooper gobbled down 54 00:04:38,680 --> 00:04:41,839 Speaker 1: his food and ran out the door to go to school. 55 00:04:43,240 --> 00:04:45,920 Speaker 1: Don't forget to sign up for a new activity today. 56 00:04:46,400 --> 00:04:48,599 Speaker 1: They have lots of new ones for the end of 57 00:04:48,640 --> 00:04:51,920 Speaker 1: the semester, his mom yelled out the door as he 58 00:04:52,040 --> 00:04:59,719 Speaker 1: quickly ran up the street. Arriving at school, he walked 59 00:04:59,760 --> 00:05:03,479 Speaker 1: by the gym and saw that the basketball team was 60 00:05:03,560 --> 00:05:07,000 Speaker 1: looking for some new members for both the school team 61 00:05:07,480 --> 00:05:13,320 Speaker 1: and the summer Recreation League. Cooper looked in and saw 62 00:05:13,360 --> 00:05:19,200 Speaker 1: that there was a special early morning practice. Wow, why 63 00:05:19,240 --> 00:05:23,920 Speaker 1: haven't I thought of playing basketball before? He thought, playing 64 00:05:23,960 --> 00:05:27,839 Speaker 1: ball is my absolute favorite game, and this ball is 65 00:05:27,920 --> 00:05:30,880 Speaker 1: so much bigger, and it looks like so much fun. 66 00:05:31,640 --> 00:05:34,000 Speaker 1: I'm going to come after class and sign up for 67 00:05:34,080 --> 00:05:40,120 Speaker 1: the team. At lunchtime, he shared with his friends Buster 68 00:05:40,279 --> 00:05:42,719 Speaker 1: and Buck that he had planned on trying out for 69 00:05:42,760 --> 00:05:47,240 Speaker 1: the basketball team. Buster and Bach looked at each other. 70 00:05:48,160 --> 00:05:52,320 Speaker 1: Are you sure about this? Buster asked, yes, I think so. 71 00:05:53,000 --> 00:05:55,000 Speaker 1: I mean it looks like fun, and we play ball 72 00:05:55,040 --> 00:06:00,880 Speaker 1: all the time, replied Cooper. Yes, we do, but that's 73 00:06:01,080 --> 00:06:06,479 Speaker 1: soccer and catch and well, you don't think you might 74 00:06:06,480 --> 00:06:10,159 Speaker 1: find it too difficult, said Buck as he turned his 75 00:06:10,279 --> 00:06:15,599 Speaker 1: head like he was confused. Difficult. It looked just like 76 00:06:15,680 --> 00:06:19,040 Speaker 1: what we play all the time, a court, a ball 77 00:06:19,480 --> 00:06:22,719 Speaker 1: and you run around with it. I mean, I'm not 78 00:06:22,839 --> 00:06:26,360 Speaker 1: the fastest runner, for sure, but we always have fun 79 00:06:26,400 --> 00:06:32,280 Speaker 1: when we play ball. Before Buster and Buck could say more, 80 00:06:32,960 --> 00:06:35,960 Speaker 1: the bell rang and it was time to go for class. 81 00:06:39,000 --> 00:06:42,719 Speaker 1: Cooper arrived at the gym right after the bell. While 82 00:06:42,720 --> 00:06:46,040 Speaker 1: playing on the basketball team at Cooper's school is mostly 83 00:06:46,120 --> 00:06:49,800 Speaker 1: for fun, some of the players take it more seriously 84 00:06:49,920 --> 00:06:55,480 Speaker 1: than others. Everyone that is here to try out for 85 00:06:55,600 --> 00:06:59,440 Speaker 1: the basketball team, please gather over here, yelled the coach. 86 00:07:00,560 --> 00:07:03,760 Speaker 1: What's he doing here, one of the great Danes on 87 00:07:03,839 --> 00:07:08,039 Speaker 1: the team said quietly with a snicker. Yeah. Really, he 88 00:07:08,120 --> 00:07:10,880 Speaker 1: doesn't expect to be able to play with us big dogs, 89 00:07:10,920 --> 00:07:15,440 Speaker 1: does he replied a German shepherd. Hum, I hope he 90 00:07:15,520 --> 00:07:21,280 Speaker 1: isn't serious, said another great Dane. O. K pups, we 91 00:07:21,360 --> 00:07:24,800 Speaker 1: are going to play a game red jerseys against blue. 92 00:07:25,640 --> 00:07:27,840 Speaker 1: Come get a jersey and go out and have some 93 00:07:27,960 --> 00:07:31,960 Speaker 1: fun afterwards. If you still want to join the team, 94 00:07:32,400 --> 00:07:34,920 Speaker 1: come and see me and I'll give you some papers 95 00:07:34,920 --> 00:07:40,800 Speaker 1: for your parents to sign, said the coach. Cooper ran up, 96 00:07:41,200 --> 00:07:46,600 Speaker 1: grabbed a blue jersey, and ran out to the basketball court. Wow, 97 00:07:47,080 --> 00:07:50,080 Speaker 1: there certainly are a lot of great Danes on this team, 98 00:07:50,120 --> 00:07:53,160 Speaker 1: he thought. I didn't know there were so many in 99 00:07:53,280 --> 00:07:59,520 Speaker 1: our school. The coach blew the whistle and the game began. 100 00:08:00,760 --> 00:08:04,119 Speaker 1: Cooper was very excited and was hopping up and down. 101 00:08:06,000 --> 00:08:09,200 Speaker 1: As the game began. The other Dogs were passing the 102 00:08:09,200 --> 00:08:12,920 Speaker 1: ball and running down the court, and Cooper would run 103 00:08:13,040 --> 00:08:18,200 Speaker 1: right after them. Unfortunately, by the time he caught up 104 00:08:18,240 --> 00:08:21,800 Speaker 1: to them, they would be already on their way back. 105 00:08:22,960 --> 00:08:28,160 Speaker 1: Some of them would even run right over him. Pass 106 00:08:28,200 --> 00:08:30,840 Speaker 1: the ball to me. Pass the ball to me, he 107 00:08:30,920 --> 00:08:34,000 Speaker 1: yelled to one of his teammates. None of the other 108 00:08:34,120 --> 00:08:37,680 Speaker 1: dogs had ever played with a corgie before, so when 109 00:08:37,679 --> 00:08:41,160 Speaker 1: he called out to them, they would look around and 110 00:08:41,240 --> 00:08:48,520 Speaker 1: not see him. They didn't think to look down. He 111 00:08:48,600 --> 00:08:52,320 Speaker 1: started to realize that maybe this wasn't quite the same 112 00:08:52,720 --> 00:08:58,720 Speaker 1: as playing with his friends. Then the opposing red team 113 00:08:58,920 --> 00:09:03,200 Speaker 1: had the ball and were running right towards him. This 114 00:09:03,480 --> 00:09:06,440 Speaker 1: was his chance, he thought to get the ball, But 115 00:09:06,559 --> 00:09:09,640 Speaker 1: when he was about to get it, the ball and 116 00:09:09,679 --> 00:09:13,760 Speaker 1: the dog bounced right over the top of him and 117 00:09:13,840 --> 00:09:19,720 Speaker 1: shot the ball into the basket. The other Blue team 118 00:09:19,840 --> 00:09:24,480 Speaker 1: members all groaned, and he could hear some of his 119 00:09:24,600 --> 00:09:29,160 Speaker 1: teammates complain about how it was all his fault and 120 00:09:29,200 --> 00:09:35,480 Speaker 1: that a corgie should not be playing basketball. Okay, change 121 00:09:35,520 --> 00:09:39,120 Speaker 1: up those on the court, change with those on the bench, 122 00:09:39,559 --> 00:09:45,199 Speaker 1: yelled the coach. Cooper felt sad basketball was really not 123 00:09:45,400 --> 00:09:49,400 Speaker 1: like soccer at all, and the basket was so high, 124 00:09:50,600 --> 00:09:55,079 Speaker 1: and unlike his friends Buster and Buck, these dogs ignored 125 00:09:55,160 --> 00:09:58,199 Speaker 1: him and didn't really seem to like playing with him 126 00:09:58,240 --> 00:10:04,199 Speaker 1: at all. For the rest of the game, Cooper sat 127 00:10:04,280 --> 00:10:08,040 Speaker 1: on the bench with his head between his paws while 128 00:10:08,080 --> 00:10:14,520 Speaker 1: he watched all the other pups having fun playing. Okay, pups, 129 00:10:14,559 --> 00:10:18,240 Speaker 1: that's it for today. For those of you thinking about staying, 130 00:10:18,640 --> 00:10:22,320 Speaker 1: please get an information sheet and a form for your parents. 131 00:10:22,800 --> 00:10:25,360 Speaker 1: We meet after school, so don't forget a change of 132 00:10:25,400 --> 00:10:29,320 Speaker 1: clothes and bring a snack if you can. Well fueled 133 00:10:29,320 --> 00:10:35,960 Speaker 1: pups are happy pups, said the coach. Cooper slowly started 134 00:10:35,960 --> 00:10:37,880 Speaker 1: to make his way out of the gym when the 135 00:10:37,960 --> 00:10:42,040 Speaker 1: coach yelled out to him, Hey, Coop, you're not interested 136 00:10:42,080 --> 00:10:46,800 Speaker 1: in playing. Coop walked over to the coach and said, 137 00:10:47,360 --> 00:10:50,079 Speaker 1: I don't think so, Coach. I don't think I am 138 00:10:50,120 --> 00:10:56,640 Speaker 1: built for basketball. What because you are a Corgie? Nonsense? 139 00:10:57,320 --> 00:11:02,559 Speaker 1: I always say you can't, coach. Simply being a tall 140 00:11:02,679 --> 00:11:05,440 Speaker 1: dog does not mean that you will be able to 141 00:11:05,440 --> 00:11:10,600 Speaker 1: play basketball. Being one of those tall breeds is not 142 00:11:10,760 --> 00:11:15,920 Speaker 1: a prerequisite to join my team. I played poorly today, 143 00:11:16,000 --> 00:11:20,959 Speaker 1: coach said Cooper. Yes, you didn't play to your potential, 144 00:11:21,400 --> 00:11:26,400 Speaker 1: but you had spunk and enthusiasm, and besides, this is 145 00:11:26,440 --> 00:11:30,679 Speaker 1: a team sport. A good team has players with all 146 00:11:30,840 --> 00:11:36,280 Speaker 1: kinds of talents and abilities. As a Corgie playing on 147 00:11:36,440 --> 00:11:41,080 Speaker 1: our team, it can feel overwhelming playing amongst taller dogs, 148 00:11:41,800 --> 00:11:44,200 Speaker 1: but you can make up for that with how you play, 149 00:11:45,040 --> 00:11:49,760 Speaker 1: especially if you are a team player. And do you 150 00:11:49,840 --> 00:11:55,040 Speaker 1: want to know a secret? Sure, Cooper said, already feeling 151 00:11:55,080 --> 00:12:00,480 Speaker 1: a bit better. Being a Corgie may actually be an advantage. 152 00:12:01,320 --> 00:12:05,360 Speaker 1: With practice, you can be faster and more nimble than 153 00:12:05,400 --> 00:12:09,400 Speaker 1: your larger teammates. I bet you could even run right 154 00:12:09,520 --> 00:12:15,040 Speaker 1: through the other team's defense. So take these papers home 155 00:12:15,080 --> 00:12:18,640 Speaker 1: to your parents, think it over, and if you decide 156 00:12:18,640 --> 00:12:22,120 Speaker 1: to try again, come a bit early each practice and 157 00:12:22,200 --> 00:12:28,439 Speaker 1: I'll help you work on some skills. Cooper thought about 158 00:12:28,480 --> 00:12:31,120 Speaker 1: what the coach said on his walk home from school. 159 00:12:32,000 --> 00:12:35,319 Speaker 1: He liked to try new things, and his mom always 160 00:12:35,360 --> 00:12:38,880 Speaker 1: told him to be brave. You will never know what 161 00:12:38,920 --> 00:12:42,400 Speaker 1: you can achieve unless you try, was one of her 162 00:12:42,520 --> 00:12:48,480 Speaker 1: favorite things to say. Over the coming weeks, Cooper would 163 00:12:48,559 --> 00:12:52,439 Speaker 1: go to basketball practice early and the coach would help 164 00:12:52,520 --> 00:12:58,080 Speaker 1: him work on the fundamentals before they would have a practice. 165 00:12:58,120 --> 00:13:00,920 Speaker 1: He still seemed to spend most of his time on 166 00:13:00,960 --> 00:13:04,640 Speaker 1: the bench while they played games, and when he did 167 00:13:04,679 --> 00:13:07,760 Speaker 1: get to play, he seemed as helpless as he was 168 00:13:07,800 --> 00:13:13,080 Speaker 1: in the beginning. Whenever he would start to get disappointed, 169 00:13:13,520 --> 00:13:20,559 Speaker 1: the coach would always say, remember the three peasp patience, persistence, 170 00:13:20,880 --> 00:13:26,400 Speaker 1: and perseverance. Cooper didn't really know what those words meant, 171 00:13:26,880 --> 00:13:29,840 Speaker 1: but if the coach kept spending his time helping him, 172 00:13:30,520 --> 00:13:34,400 Speaker 1: he owed it to him to continue to try his best. 173 00:13:37,960 --> 00:13:41,520 Speaker 1: In the final game of the semester, Cooper was in 174 00:13:41,640 --> 00:13:45,320 Speaker 1: his usual spot, cheering the team on from the bench. 175 00:13:46,720 --> 00:13:49,960 Speaker 1: He may not be the most accomplished member of the team, 176 00:13:50,400 --> 00:13:56,199 Speaker 1: but he was determined to be the most enthusiastic. Many 177 00:13:56,240 --> 00:13:59,920 Speaker 1: on the team appreciated his cheering, but the larger dog 178 00:14:00,040 --> 00:14:07,559 Speaker 1: Ruggs still didn't appreciate him. During a particularly rough play, 179 00:14:08,040 --> 00:14:11,360 Speaker 1: when Cooper's team was trying to get through the visiting 180 00:14:11,440 --> 00:14:16,839 Speaker 1: team's defense, a large yelp could be heard, followed by 181 00:14:16,880 --> 00:14:20,960 Speaker 1: a whistle. One of the great Danes hurt his paw 182 00:14:21,320 --> 00:14:27,200 Speaker 1: and limped off the court. Coop, you're up, the coach yelled. 183 00:14:28,000 --> 00:14:32,920 Speaker 1: Cooper hesitated and looked at the coach with uncertainty. What 184 00:14:32,960 --> 00:14:35,400 Speaker 1: are you waiting for? Get out there on the court, 185 00:14:35,840 --> 00:14:40,200 Speaker 1: the coach yelled again. In the stands, he could see 186 00:14:40,240 --> 00:14:43,400 Speaker 1: his friends Buster and buck jumping up and down and 187 00:14:43,480 --> 00:14:47,840 Speaker 1: yelling something. Cooper wasn't sure if they were cheering him 188 00:14:47,880 --> 00:14:52,400 Speaker 1: on or telling him to stay on the bench. He 189 00:14:52,480 --> 00:14:57,920 Speaker 1: took a deep breath and got in position. The game started. 190 00:14:59,440 --> 00:15:03,080 Speaker 1: The German shepherd on the team had the ball, but 191 00:15:03,200 --> 00:15:07,000 Speaker 1: he was surrounded and blocked and had no one to 192 00:15:07,080 --> 00:15:12,440 Speaker 1: pass it to except Cooper. He hesitated. He was running 193 00:15:12,480 --> 00:15:17,240 Speaker 1: out of time. Pass the ball to Cooper. The coach yelled, 194 00:15:18,160 --> 00:15:23,600 Speaker 1: and so he did. Cooper caught the ball and started 195 00:15:23,680 --> 00:15:27,080 Speaker 1: down the court and was immediately met with a wall 196 00:15:27,560 --> 00:15:33,440 Speaker 1: of muscular mastiffs growling at him. He gulped, took another 197 00:15:33,560 --> 00:15:38,800 Speaker 1: deep breath, and verged left and verged right. It was 198 00:15:38,880 --> 00:15:43,120 Speaker 1: no use. He couldn't get past them. He was faster, 199 00:15:43,600 --> 00:15:48,720 Speaker 1: but they were bigger. He was stuck, and the crowd 200 00:15:48,840 --> 00:15:54,800 Speaker 1: was yelling. Some were groaning. Remember your secret, the coach 201 00:15:54,920 --> 00:15:58,440 Speaker 1: yelled at the top of his lungs, and he did. 202 00:16:00,520 --> 00:16:05,720 Speaker 1: Started running fast again, faked left and then faked right, 203 00:16:06,480 --> 00:16:11,840 Speaker 1: but instead of either, ran right under the opposing teams players' 204 00:16:11,920 --> 00:16:16,200 Speaker 1: legs with the ball towards the net, where he passed 205 00:16:16,240 --> 00:16:20,160 Speaker 1: the ball to an open teammate, a great Dane, who 206 00:16:20,200 --> 00:16:26,280 Speaker 1: then shot the ball into the basket. They won, and 207 00:16:26,360 --> 00:16:32,680 Speaker 1: the crowd cheered. At the end of the game, after 208 00:16:32,760 --> 00:16:36,840 Speaker 1: each team congratulated each other on a game well played, 209 00:16:37,520 --> 00:16:41,480 Speaker 1: a few of the larger dogs approached Cooper. You're not 210 00:16:41,600 --> 00:16:44,840 Speaker 1: so bad after all, said one of the Great Danes. 211 00:16:45,520 --> 00:16:48,720 Speaker 1: You're pretty fast. I didn't even see you running under 212 00:16:48,720 --> 00:16:52,200 Speaker 1: the other players with the ball, said a German shepherd. 213 00:16:52,880 --> 00:16:57,080 Speaker 1: Good job and welcome to the team, said the injured 214 00:16:57,280 --> 00:17:02,760 Speaker 1: Great Dane. The coach gave him a pause up and said, 215 00:17:03,320 --> 00:17:06,440 Speaker 1: all that work paid off, Coop. I knew you could 216 00:17:06,480 --> 00:17:12,280 Speaker 1: do it. See you this summer. This is going to 217 00:17:12,359 --> 00:17:17,240 Speaker 1: be the best summer ever, Cooper thought, as he walked 218 00:17:17,280 --> 00:17:21,879 Speaker 1: off the court to walk home with Buster and Buck. 219 00:17:30,320 --> 00:17:36,640 Speaker 1: And that's the end of our story. Good night, sleep tight.