1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:38,000 Speaker 1: Welcome sleep Tight Stories, chapter twelve. Well, said Blackie to herself, 2 00:00:38,680 --> 00:00:43,960 Speaker 1: after walking up and down the dusty porch. I can't 3 00:00:44,000 --> 00:00:48,000 Speaker 1: get in the house, that's sure, but I simply can't 4 00:00:48,080 --> 00:00:51,800 Speaker 1: go away from it again, even if the family has 5 00:00:51,960 --> 00:00:58,480 Speaker 1: moved away. If I stay around here, perhaps Arthur or 6 00:00:58,520 --> 00:01:03,680 Speaker 1: Mabel will come back. They may have forgotten something. And 7 00:01:03,800 --> 00:01:07,080 Speaker 1: if they do come back and see me, they'll take 8 00:01:07,120 --> 00:01:11,440 Speaker 1: me to the new home with them. Yes, I shall 9 00:01:11,520 --> 00:01:16,639 Speaker 1: stay here, but wait a minute, I'll go next door 10 00:01:16,800 --> 00:01:20,000 Speaker 1: and ask Speckel where my folks are. He may know, 11 00:01:23,360 --> 00:01:29,200 Speaker 1: But alas for poor Blackie, the house next door was 12 00:01:29,319 --> 00:01:36,200 Speaker 1: closed too, and Speckl was not around, and Blackie did 13 00:01:36,240 --> 00:01:39,399 Speaker 1: not feel like asking the dog who lived in the 14 00:01:39,480 --> 00:01:45,840 Speaker 1: other yard. I'll just have to stay here, thought Blackie. 15 00:01:46,000 --> 00:01:49,480 Speaker 1: I'll go under the stoop, where no stray dogs will 16 00:01:49,520 --> 00:01:58,160 Speaker 1: see me, and there I'll stay under the stoop of 17 00:01:58,200 --> 00:02:02,960 Speaker 1: the house where she used to live. Crept Blackie not 18 00:02:03,160 --> 00:02:08,000 Speaker 1: exactly a lost cat any longer, but still a cat 19 00:02:08,240 --> 00:02:13,600 Speaker 1: without a home to go into. And I am hungry, too, 20 00:02:13,840 --> 00:02:17,280 Speaker 1: thought Blackie. I wish I had something to eat or 21 00:02:17,320 --> 00:02:24,200 Speaker 1: some milk to drink. Blackie stayed under the stoop all 22 00:02:24,400 --> 00:02:30,480 Speaker 1: that day, late in the afternoon, she looked out wondering 23 00:02:30,560 --> 00:02:33,160 Speaker 1: where she could go to get something. 24 00:02:32,840 --> 00:02:34,239 Speaker 2: To eat or drink. 25 00:02:36,040 --> 00:02:41,119 Speaker 1: And as she poked out her head, a milkman driving 26 00:02:41,240 --> 00:02:43,160 Speaker 1: his horse and wagon down. 27 00:02:42,960 --> 00:02:46,240 Speaker 2: The street saw Blackie. Hullo. 28 00:02:47,440 --> 00:02:51,280 Speaker 1: He exclaimed, stopping his horse. The family that lives in 29 00:02:51,360 --> 00:02:54,000 Speaker 1: that house is away, and that cat must be hungry. 30 00:02:54,720 --> 00:02:57,399 Speaker 1: I have a little milk left in one of my cands. 31 00:02:57,480 --> 00:03:04,000 Speaker 1: I'll give her some. The kind milkman got out of 32 00:03:04,040 --> 00:03:06,960 Speaker 1: his wagon and, with some milk in the top of 33 00:03:07,000 --> 00:03:12,480 Speaker 1: one of his big hands, brought it over to Blackie. 34 00:03:12,720 --> 00:03:15,560 Speaker 1: The black cat was not afraid of him, for he 35 00:03:15,639 --> 00:03:21,520 Speaker 1: spoke so kindly to her. Here, Kitty, said the man, 36 00:03:22,160 --> 00:03:26,600 Speaker 1: here is some milk for you. Where shall I put it? Oh, 37 00:03:26,639 --> 00:03:30,520 Speaker 1: here is an empty sardine tin that will hold it nicely. 38 00:03:32,840 --> 00:03:38,040 Speaker 1: He poured the milk in the tin. Oh, how good 39 00:03:38,280 --> 00:03:43,920 Speaker 1: the milk did taste to hungry and thirsty Blackie. 40 00:03:44,280 --> 00:03:45,720 Speaker 2: She just purred. 41 00:03:46,600 --> 00:03:52,320 Speaker 1: She was so thankful to that man. He watched her 42 00:03:52,400 --> 00:03:55,720 Speaker 1: drink the milk and patted her on the back, even 43 00:03:55,800 --> 00:03:57,760 Speaker 1: rubbing her under the ears a little. 44 00:03:58,280 --> 00:03:59,720 Speaker 2: And Blackie liked that. 45 00:04:01,160 --> 00:04:04,560 Speaker 1: If you're here tomorrow, I'll give you more milk, said 46 00:04:04,600 --> 00:04:09,040 Speaker 1: the man. Blackie wished he could speak her kind of talk, 47 00:04:09,720 --> 00:04:14,160 Speaker 1: so she might ask him where Mabel, Arthur and the 48 00:04:14,200 --> 00:04:17,760 Speaker 1: rest of the family had gone, but she could not 49 00:04:18,040 --> 00:04:23,360 Speaker 1: do that. Well, I feel a little better, said Blackie 50 00:04:23,360 --> 00:04:27,040 Speaker 1: to herself, as she licked the milk off her whiskers 51 00:04:27,040 --> 00:04:33,040 Speaker 1: with her red tongue. I can sleep to night, I hope. 52 00:04:33,320 --> 00:04:37,000 Speaker 1: Blackie curled up under the stoop and got ready to 53 00:04:37,080 --> 00:04:41,359 Speaker 1: go to sleep. It was not yet night, but soon 54 00:04:41,520 --> 00:04:46,359 Speaker 1: would be now, and then Blackie heard the dog in 55 00:04:46,400 --> 00:04:50,960 Speaker 1: the next yard barking, And once another dog came snooping 56 00:04:51,040 --> 00:04:54,920 Speaker 1: along the stoop where the black cat was hiding. But 57 00:04:54,960 --> 00:04:59,479 Speaker 1: Blackie arched her back, made her tail big, and hissed 58 00:04:59,800 --> 00:05:00,800 Speaker 1: like snake. 59 00:05:03,200 --> 00:05:06,000 Speaker 2: Huff barked the dog as he ran away. Woohoof. 60 00:05:07,560 --> 00:05:11,279 Speaker 1: Well I learned to scare dogs, even if I can't 61 00:05:11,360 --> 00:05:16,400 Speaker 1: jump fences as well as Speckle can, thought Blackie. Now 62 00:05:16,600 --> 00:05:19,640 Speaker 1: I won't be so afraid of the dog next door. 63 00:05:20,760 --> 00:05:26,000 Speaker 1: Maybe I can scare him, and if I can, life 64 00:05:26,040 --> 00:05:29,560 Speaker 1: will be easier for me and Speckle. So I have 65 00:05:29,800 --> 00:05:35,919 Speaker 1: learned something by having run away and been a lost cat. 66 00:05:37,240 --> 00:05:41,080 Speaker 1: Blackie went to sleep for a while, But suddenly she 67 00:05:41,279 --> 00:05:46,920 Speaker 1: was awakened by a strange sound. Some one was running 68 00:05:47,000 --> 00:05:50,120 Speaker 1: up the steps over her as she lay under the porch. 69 00:05:51,000 --> 00:05:55,560 Speaker 1: Then she heard voices. Oh, Mabel, cried a boy. Aren't 70 00:05:55,560 --> 00:05:59,360 Speaker 1: you glad to be home again? I guess so, Arthur, 71 00:06:00,040 --> 00:06:02,839 Speaker 1: answered a little girl. But it was nice in the 72 00:06:02,920 --> 00:06:08,040 Speaker 1: country on our vacation. Oh if only we had Blackie back, 73 00:06:08,760 --> 00:06:10,240 Speaker 1: I would be happy. 74 00:06:12,200 --> 00:06:13,160 Speaker 2: So would I. 75 00:06:13,160 --> 00:06:15,119 Speaker 1: I looked for her in the country, but I didn't 76 00:06:15,160 --> 00:06:17,880 Speaker 1: see her. Look, the people next door aren't home yet. 77 00:06:19,160 --> 00:06:21,760 Speaker 1: Wait a minute, children and Daddy will open the door 78 00:06:21,800 --> 00:06:28,560 Speaker 1: for us, said a lady's voice. Blackie was wide awake. 79 00:06:28,680 --> 00:06:33,560 Speaker 1: Now why why, exclaimed the black cat. The folks have 80 00:06:33,720 --> 00:06:37,599 Speaker 1: come home, that is Mabel and Arthur. I wonder where 81 00:06:37,600 --> 00:06:41,520 Speaker 1: they have been. Oh, how glad I am? Now I 82 00:06:41,560 --> 00:06:46,760 Speaker 1: am all right. Blackie heard the front door of the 83 00:06:46,800 --> 00:06:52,920 Speaker 1: house open. Then she heard the children run inside. Here 84 00:06:53,080 --> 00:06:57,960 Speaker 1: is where I surprise them, thought the black cat. Out 85 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:02,320 Speaker 1: from under the stoop, crawled black up the steps, she 86 00:07:02,400 --> 00:07:08,120 Speaker 1: went and in through the open front door. She could 87 00:07:08,200 --> 00:07:11,440 Speaker 1: hear the children in the kitchen now getting drinks of water, 88 00:07:12,120 --> 00:07:15,800 Speaker 1: and Blackie walked toward them, hoping there was something to 89 00:07:15,920 --> 00:07:21,960 Speaker 1: eat in the house. The gas was lighted in the kitchen. 90 00:07:22,560 --> 00:07:26,800 Speaker 1: Mabel and Arthur stood near the sink drinking. The little 91 00:07:26,840 --> 00:07:30,360 Speaker 1: girl was the first to spy Blackie, who walked in 92 00:07:30,920 --> 00:07:35,480 Speaker 1: her tail, held up straight like a fishing pole. Why why, 93 00:07:36,680 --> 00:07:39,560 Speaker 1: cried Mabel, rubbing her eyes to make sure she was 94 00:07:39,600 --> 00:07:45,880 Speaker 1: wide awake. Why look, Arthur, there's Blackie. Blackie where right here? 95 00:07:46,160 --> 00:07:49,120 Speaker 1: Oh Blackie, you have come back to us, haven't you. 96 00:07:49,600 --> 00:07:54,360 Speaker 1: Oh how glad I am? And Mabel caught Blackie up 97 00:07:54,440 --> 00:07:59,400 Speaker 1: in her arms. Oh you dear, Blackie, cried Arthur, rubbing 98 00:07:59,440 --> 00:08:01,800 Speaker 1: the cat on the head. Where have you been all 99 00:08:01,840 --> 00:08:04,840 Speaker 1: this while? And where did you come from? Oh? How glad? 100 00:08:04,880 --> 00:08:10,920 Speaker 1: I am? Unhappy? Sh pur, said Blackie, and that was 101 00:08:11,000 --> 00:08:15,360 Speaker 1: her way of saying that she too was happy. Look, mother, 102 00:08:15,840 --> 00:08:20,480 Speaker 1: cried Mabel. Blackie is back. You don't mean it, said 103 00:08:20,480 --> 00:08:25,400 Speaker 1: the lady. Why isn't that strange? She ran away just 104 00:08:25,480 --> 00:08:28,880 Speaker 1: before we went on our summer vacation, said Arthur. And 105 00:08:29,000 --> 00:08:31,040 Speaker 1: now when we have come back, she is here to 106 00:08:31,120 --> 00:08:40,160 Speaker 1: meet us. Then Blackie understood the house had been closed 107 00:08:40,240 --> 00:08:43,520 Speaker 1: because the folks were away in the country for a vacation, 108 00:08:44,840 --> 00:08:49,000 Speaker 1: and she had reached home the very day they came back. 109 00:08:50,480 --> 00:08:58,319 Speaker 1: Wasn't Blackie a lucky cat? Well, you can just imagine 110 00:08:58,360 --> 00:09:04,199 Speaker 1: how glad Arthur and Able were to see Blackie. They 111 00:09:04,240 --> 00:09:08,320 Speaker 1: took turns holding her and petting her. And when their 112 00:09:08,360 --> 00:09:11,200 Speaker 1: father came in a little later with the bags and 113 00:09:11,280 --> 00:09:12,880 Speaker 1: bundles from the train. 114 00:09:13,280 --> 00:09:16,240 Speaker 2: He too pet Blackie. 115 00:09:16,559 --> 00:09:19,760 Speaker 1: My. But how thin and poor Blackie has grown, said 116 00:09:19,880 --> 00:09:23,280 Speaker 1: Abel's mother. She must have had a mighty hard time 117 00:09:23,320 --> 00:09:28,160 Speaker 1: while she was on her vacation. Oh, mother, cats don't 118 00:09:28,200 --> 00:09:34,079 Speaker 1: have a vacation, laughed Arthur. Well I guess Blackie did, 119 00:09:34,600 --> 00:09:40,600 Speaker 1: said the lady. She must have had many adventures, and 120 00:09:40,679 --> 00:09:45,960 Speaker 1: Blackie had, as you can tell by this book. Of course, 121 00:09:46,040 --> 00:09:50,679 Speaker 1: Blackie herself could not tell them about her adventures, as 122 00:09:50,720 --> 00:09:54,640 Speaker 1: she could not write or talk our language, so I 123 00:09:54,679 --> 00:10:00,120 Speaker 1: have written them down for her. Blackie was given a 124 00:10:00,160 --> 00:10:04,000 Speaker 1: fine supper, and then she washed herself and went to 125 00:10:04,120 --> 00:10:11,079 Speaker 1: sleep on her own soft cushion again. And oh how 126 00:10:11,160 --> 00:10:15,120 Speaker 1: good it felt after her nights of sleeping under haystacks 127 00:10:15,800 --> 00:10:23,320 Speaker 1: and among boxes and barrels. In a few days, Blackie 128 00:10:23,400 --> 00:10:27,959 Speaker 1: began to feel fat again, and soon she was like herself. 129 00:10:29,760 --> 00:10:32,440 Speaker 1: She even dared get up on the fence and make 130 00:10:32,520 --> 00:10:36,400 Speaker 1: faces at the dog next door, and he was so 131 00:10:36,679 --> 00:10:41,280 Speaker 1: surprised at seeing how brave Blackie was that he forgot 132 00:10:41,320 --> 00:10:48,080 Speaker 1: to bark. Blackie was lonesome for Speckle, the other cat, 133 00:10:48,520 --> 00:10:51,640 Speaker 1: as she wanted to tell him some of her adventures, 134 00:10:52,280 --> 00:10:56,000 Speaker 1: but he was not home, nor were the people who 135 00:10:56,080 --> 00:11:00,840 Speaker 1: lived in the house. But one day Blackie heard a 136 00:11:00,960 --> 00:11:05,520 Speaker 1: noise in the next yard. She heard a door in 137 00:11:05,600 --> 00:11:11,920 Speaker 1: the house open. Oh, perhaps that is Speckel coming back, 138 00:11:12,360 --> 00:11:17,920 Speaker 1: Blackie thought. She gave a jump and easily went over 139 00:11:18,040 --> 00:11:25,640 Speaker 1: the fence, and there, surely enough in the yard was Speckle. Well, 140 00:11:25,760 --> 00:11:30,520 Speaker 1: how well you jumped the fence, said Speckel. Yes, I 141 00:11:30,640 --> 00:11:34,000 Speaker 1: learned that on my journey when I was lost and 142 00:11:34,160 --> 00:11:40,080 Speaker 1: had so many adventures, cried Blackie. That's right, you did 143 00:11:40,160 --> 00:11:45,760 Speaker 1: go away, said Speckel. I had forgotten. Where have you been, 144 00:11:46,240 --> 00:11:50,040 Speaker 1: asked Blackie. Oh, off in the country on a vacation 145 00:11:50,240 --> 00:11:53,040 Speaker 1: with my folks, answered the other cat. 146 00:11:53,880 --> 00:11:54,439 Speaker 2: I had a. 147 00:11:54,400 --> 00:12:00,439 Speaker 1: Fine time too, did you well? No, not all, while 148 00:12:00,600 --> 00:12:03,839 Speaker 1: Blackie answered, but I think the trip did me good. 149 00:12:05,040 --> 00:12:10,360 Speaker 1: I met didoh, a dancing bear, Tom Tom the jolly elephant, 150 00:12:10,880 --> 00:12:16,760 Speaker 1: and flop Ear the rabbit. My you did have some time, 151 00:12:17,440 --> 00:12:22,560 Speaker 1: me out Speckle, you must tell me all about your adventures, 152 00:12:23,960 --> 00:12:29,880 Speaker 1: and Blackie did, especially about flop Ear. And as that 153 00:12:30,000 --> 00:12:33,719 Speaker 1: little chap had many things happened to him, I am 154 00:12:33,760 --> 00:12:36,240 Speaker 1: going to put them in a book so you may 155 00:12:36,280 --> 00:12:41,280 Speaker 1: read them. It will be called flop Ear the Funny 156 00:12:41,360 --> 00:12:49,400 Speaker 1: Rabbit his Many Adventures. Yes, you certainly had quite a time, 157 00:12:50,120 --> 00:12:54,679 Speaker 1: spoke Speckle, as Blackie finished telling him of her journey. 158 00:12:56,720 --> 00:13:00,200 Speaker 1: And I learned how to scare dogs too, as well 159 00:13:00,320 --> 00:13:04,560 Speaker 1: as how to jump fences, said Blackie. Come on over 160 00:13:04,640 --> 00:13:06,720 Speaker 1: and I'll show you how to scare the dog next 161 00:13:06,720 --> 00:13:11,360 Speaker 1: door when he barks at us. And the two dogs 162 00:13:11,400 --> 00:13:14,600 Speaker 1: went up on the fence and made funny faces at 163 00:13:14,600 --> 00:13:19,200 Speaker 1: the dog, which so surprised him that he crept into 164 00:13:19,280 --> 00:13:26,720 Speaker 1: his house and did not even growl. So, having brought 165 00:13:26,760 --> 00:13:31,960 Speaker 1: Blackie safely home again, I will tell her goodbye for 166 00:13:32,120 --> 00:14:04,720 Speaker 1: all of you. The end.