1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:17,040 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Jake is 2 00:00:17,239 --> 00:00:21,400 Speaker 1: tired but cannot stay away from watching the latest episode 3 00:00:21,440 --> 00:00:27,120 Speaker 1: of Super Scary Zombies Conquer Canada. He knows it is 4 00:00:27,160 --> 00:00:29,840 Speaker 1: going to be scary and he might have bad dreams, 5 00:00:30,400 --> 00:00:36,080 Speaker 1: but decides to watch it anyway. When Jake hears noises 6 00:00:36,120 --> 00:00:40,680 Speaker 1: and sees shadows at two am, he is convinced again 7 00:00:41,159 --> 00:00:45,720 Speaker 1: that the neighbors are vampires. The third night, he has 8 00:00:45,760 --> 00:00:49,199 Speaker 1: a plan. He is going to sneak out of the 9 00:00:49,280 --> 00:00:52,839 Speaker 1: house and take a picture to show everyone that he 10 00:00:52,960 --> 00:00:58,160 Speaker 1: is right. But when he gets to the window, he 11 00:00:58,200 --> 00:01:04,919 Speaker 1: gets the shock of a life time. Jake's new neighbors 12 00:01:05,319 --> 00:01:14,600 Speaker 1: really are vampires. Jake finished his homework and went to 13 00:01:14,640 --> 00:01:20,440 Speaker 1: brush his teeth. He was tired whenever he crawled out 14 00:01:20,440 --> 00:01:23,919 Speaker 1: of his bedroom for breakfast. His sister Jennifer would always 15 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:27,240 Speaker 1: say he was born tired, but what did she know? 16 00:01:28,200 --> 00:01:30,840 Speaker 1: She would be exhausted if she swam as much as 17 00:01:30,880 --> 00:01:35,440 Speaker 1: I did. His parents were concerned, of course, but that's 18 00:01:35,520 --> 00:01:40,080 Speaker 1: because they knew his secret. He loved watching this new 19 00:01:40,240 --> 00:01:44,840 Speaker 1: show on his phone, and sometimes he forgot the time, 20 00:01:45,480 --> 00:01:50,040 Speaker 1: and before he knew it, it was late, and as 21 00:01:50,120 --> 00:01:53,040 Speaker 1: soon as he finished brushing his teeth. He was going 22 00:01:53,080 --> 00:01:58,120 Speaker 1: to do the exact same thing. This episode was going 23 00:01:58,160 --> 00:02:01,320 Speaker 1: to be super special and he didn't want to miss it. 24 00:02:03,200 --> 00:02:06,440 Speaker 1: He closed the door to his room first, making sure 25 00:02:06,520 --> 00:02:10,120 Speaker 1: all his swim gear was ready for the morning. Coach 26 00:02:10,200 --> 00:02:13,160 Speaker 1: didn't like him to be late or forget things, and 27 00:02:13,320 --> 00:02:16,680 Speaker 1: since he was the fastest swimmer on the team, he 28 00:02:16,840 --> 00:02:22,120 Speaker 1: was constantly being made an example of. Jake had had 29 00:02:22,160 --> 00:02:25,280 Speaker 1: a lucky streak lately, and the coach hadn't yelled at 30 00:02:25,360 --> 00:02:29,920 Speaker 1: him for eight days. Jake kept a record on his 31 00:02:30,040 --> 00:02:37,240 Speaker 1: Batman calendar hanging on his closet door. Satisfied that everything 32 00:02:37,360 --> 00:02:41,240 Speaker 1: was ready for a quick morning exit, Jake climbed into 33 00:02:41,280 --> 00:02:47,320 Speaker 1: bed and got ready to watch his show. Then there 34 00:02:47,440 --> 00:02:51,200 Speaker 1: was a knock. Maybe if he ignored it it would 35 00:02:51,240 --> 00:02:56,080 Speaker 1: go away. Then the sound happened again, this time a 36 00:02:56,120 --> 00:03:00,800 Speaker 1: little bit louder. The knocking wasn't going to go away. 37 00:03:02,440 --> 00:03:03,800 Speaker 2: Jake, are you awake? 38 00:03:04,280 --> 00:03:09,600 Speaker 1: His mother whispered, I am now, Jake whispered back. If 39 00:03:09,639 --> 00:03:12,200 Speaker 1: he made his mom feel guilty for waking him up, 40 00:03:12,680 --> 00:03:17,880 Speaker 1: she might give him an extra cookie at dinnertime. Opening 41 00:03:17,919 --> 00:03:21,840 Speaker 1: the door, his mother came in. Is everything ready for tomorrow. 42 00:03:22,240 --> 00:03:25,200 Speaker 1: You don't want to be late for swimming practice. You 43 00:03:25,360 --> 00:03:28,120 Speaker 1: know how coach Tom is if anyone is even a 44 00:03:28,160 --> 00:03:33,600 Speaker 1: little bit late. I know, Mom, I packed everything and 45 00:03:33,680 --> 00:03:37,960 Speaker 1: we'll be ready on time. Be sure to go right 46 00:03:38,040 --> 00:03:44,000 Speaker 1: to sleep. No watching shows, you need your rest, his 47 00:03:44,120 --> 00:03:50,360 Speaker 1: mother said as she closed his bedroom door. Jake knew 48 00:03:50,480 --> 00:03:54,000 Speaker 1: his mother was right, but what could one little bit 49 00:03:54,040 --> 00:03:59,160 Speaker 1: of an episode hurt. Pulling the sheets over his head, 50 00:03:59,400 --> 00:04:05,280 Speaker 1: he loaded his show Super Scary Zombies Conquer Canada. I 51 00:04:05,320 --> 00:04:08,360 Speaker 1: don't think I should watch this, he said, but he did, 52 00:04:08,800 --> 00:04:15,080 Speaker 1: and it was super scary. Jake had had too much 53 00:04:15,160 --> 00:04:17,920 Speaker 1: to drink before bed, so he woke up in the 54 00:04:17,960 --> 00:04:21,640 Speaker 1: middle of the night to go to the bathroom. As 55 00:04:21,640 --> 00:04:25,440 Speaker 1: he crawled back into bed, he noticed a shadow moving 56 00:04:25,520 --> 00:04:30,320 Speaker 1: across his wall. What is that, he mumbled, half asleep. 57 00:04:31,160 --> 00:04:34,320 Speaker 1: Then he looked out his window and saw again yet 58 00:04:34,480 --> 00:04:39,279 Speaker 1: more activity across the street at his neighbor's. This was 59 00:04:39,360 --> 00:04:43,479 Speaker 1: Lucas's house, one of his teammates and fellow Lego fan, 60 00:04:44,160 --> 00:04:47,600 Speaker 1: and he long suspected that his family might be aliens 61 00:04:48,160 --> 00:04:54,480 Speaker 1: or vampires, or even vampire aliens. What else could explain 62 00:04:54,560 --> 00:05:00,919 Speaker 1: their late night activities and Lucas's grandmother's strange clothing. Sure, 63 00:05:01,520 --> 00:05:04,279 Speaker 1: they said they worked the night shift at the hospital, 64 00:05:04,960 --> 00:05:07,520 Speaker 1: but that doesn't mean they might not be up to 65 00:05:07,640 --> 00:05:13,080 Speaker 1: some kind of creepy spookiness. Looking out his window, he 66 00:05:13,160 --> 00:05:17,240 Speaker 1: saw the same shadow across the street, growing larger and 67 00:05:17,440 --> 00:05:22,599 Speaker 1: larger on the side of their house. Could Lucas's parents 68 00:05:22,680 --> 00:05:27,679 Speaker 1: be vampires that could transform themselves into giant werewolves? He thought, 69 00:05:28,320 --> 00:05:33,400 Speaker 1: Then in a blink, the shadow was gone. Looking at 70 00:05:33,400 --> 00:05:37,880 Speaker 1: his alarm clock, Jake whispered, yikes, it's two am. I 71 00:05:37,960 --> 00:05:43,680 Speaker 1: need to get back to sleep pronto. The next morning, 72 00:05:44,120 --> 00:05:47,240 Speaker 1: Jake woke up and felt the pain of too little sleep. 73 00:05:48,000 --> 00:05:50,880 Speaker 1: He fell out of bed, put on jim pants and 74 00:05:50,960 --> 00:05:55,560 Speaker 1: a hoodie, grabbed his bag, and crawled to the kitchen. 75 00:05:55,240 --> 00:05:56,880 Speaker 2: For a quick breakfast. 76 00:05:57,760 --> 00:06:00,640 Speaker 1: Sitting at the kitchen table waiting for him him was 77 00:06:00,680 --> 00:06:05,000 Speaker 1: his sister, Jennifer. What are you doing up, stinky head, 78 00:06:05,560 --> 00:06:08,320 Speaker 1: Jake said, as he pulled himself up to the kitchen table. 79 00:06:09,480 --> 00:06:12,880 Speaker 1: I'm driving you to practice, and you better be really 80 00:06:12,960 --> 00:06:16,960 Speaker 1: grateful or I will drive super slow. She said as 81 00:06:16,960 --> 00:06:21,320 Speaker 1: she buttered her toast. Oh no, you know how to 82 00:06:21,400 --> 00:06:24,760 Speaker 1: drive a car. What have I done wrong? That Mom 83 00:06:24,760 --> 00:06:28,719 Speaker 1: and Dad would want to hurt me. I'll have you 84 00:06:28,839 --> 00:06:32,080 Speaker 1: know I am a great driver, and you aren't sounding 85 00:06:32,240 --> 00:06:36,480 Speaker 1: very appreciative. Mom needs to spend more time getting ready 86 00:06:36,480 --> 00:06:39,720 Speaker 1: this morning. She needs to go to the office. That's 87 00:06:39,760 --> 00:06:44,720 Speaker 1: your breakfast there, she said with a snark yak. It's 88 00:06:44,800 --> 00:06:50,520 Speaker 1: gray and green and looks like brains. Taste like brains, too, 89 00:06:50,760 --> 00:06:53,760 Speaker 1: Jake said, as he made a funny face after taking 90 00:06:53,760 --> 00:06:58,160 Speaker 1: a bite. Ha ha, Mom made you special oatmeal this 91 00:06:58,240 --> 00:07:02,279 Speaker 1: morning with some kind of vegetable mix inside, because you 92 00:07:02,360 --> 00:07:07,800 Speaker 1: don't eat enough vegetables. It looks delicious, Jennifer said, with 93 00:07:07,920 --> 00:07:10,320 Speaker 1: as big a laugh as she could so early in 94 00:07:10,360 --> 00:07:15,200 Speaker 1: the morning. The secret green aliens from the land of 95 00:07:15,320 --> 00:07:19,800 Speaker 1: Botanicals have taken over our house with their secret potion 96 00:07:20,080 --> 00:07:23,800 Speaker 1: full of phytochemicals, Jake said as he shoveled the bowl 97 00:07:23,880 --> 00:07:26,800 Speaker 1: of oatmeal in his mouth and washed it down with 98 00:07:27,000 --> 00:07:32,840 Speaker 1: yucky almond milk. I miss cows, he whispered, You look 99 00:07:32,960 --> 00:07:35,560 Speaker 1: like a cow, his sister said as she got up 100 00:07:35,560 --> 00:07:36,240 Speaker 1: from the table. 101 00:07:36,960 --> 00:07:40,240 Speaker 2: Let's get going, old great swimmer. You don't want to 102 00:07:40,280 --> 00:07:40,720 Speaker 2: be late. 103 00:07:44,320 --> 00:07:47,160 Speaker 1: That night, tucked under the covers of his bed, he 104 00:07:47,280 --> 00:07:50,880 Speaker 1: watched the same episode again even though he knew it 105 00:07:50,960 --> 00:07:54,000 Speaker 1: was too scary, and he knew that he should go 106 00:07:54,080 --> 00:07:58,240 Speaker 1: to sleep. It was Friday night, but he still had 107 00:07:58,320 --> 00:08:02,760 Speaker 1: early morning practice. He woke up with his phone still 108 00:08:02,760 --> 00:08:06,560 Speaker 1: in his hand resting on his chest. I must have 109 00:08:06,720 --> 00:08:11,320 Speaker 1: fallen asleep, Jake grunted. His legs were sore from laying 110 00:08:11,360 --> 00:08:16,320 Speaker 1: in bed weirdly, so after putting his phone on his nightstand, 111 00:08:16,720 --> 00:08:22,120 Speaker 1: he rolled over into a more comfortable position. Then he 112 00:08:22,120 --> 00:08:26,040 Speaker 1: heard a scratching noise. It sounded like a zombie was 113 00:08:26,080 --> 00:08:29,160 Speaker 1: trying to get in at his window, so he opened 114 00:08:29,160 --> 00:08:32,960 Speaker 1: one eye and looked. It was just the tree outside 115 00:08:33,000 --> 00:08:38,080 Speaker 1: his window. As he closed his eyes again, he felt 116 00:08:38,080 --> 00:08:40,640 Speaker 1: a chill, like a cold. 117 00:08:40,280 --> 00:08:41,360 Speaker 2: Wind blew through. 118 00:08:42,440 --> 00:08:44,480 Speaker 1: He reached down to pull up the blanket at the 119 00:08:44,600 --> 00:08:47,560 Speaker 1: end of his bed and saw a shadow moving on 120 00:08:47,679 --> 00:08:52,160 Speaker 1: his wall, just like the night before. That's kind of spooky, 121 00:08:52,240 --> 00:08:57,240 Speaker 1: he thought. Jake checked his nightstand drawer for the string 122 00:08:57,280 --> 00:09:01,040 Speaker 1: of garlic he made the last time. I thought vampires 123 00:09:01,120 --> 00:09:05,520 Speaker 1: might be roaming around looking for new recruits for their team. 124 00:09:06,320 --> 00:09:09,760 Speaker 1: He put it around his neck and slowly looked up 125 00:09:09,960 --> 00:09:15,080 Speaker 1: and out his window. There were two shadows across the 126 00:09:15,160 --> 00:09:19,720 Speaker 1: street and three people outside dressed in black walking around. 127 00:09:20,559 --> 00:09:25,560 Speaker 2: They wore capes too. I knew it, Jake said, they. 128 00:09:25,480 --> 00:09:31,000 Speaker 1: Must really be vampires, not aliens as I suspected, but true. 129 00:09:31,320 --> 00:09:38,520 Speaker 1: Spooky hypnotized their neighbor's vampires, but before he could grab 130 00:09:38,559 --> 00:09:42,040 Speaker 1: his phone for a picture, the shadows and the people 131 00:09:42,160 --> 00:09:49,360 Speaker 1: dressed in black were gone. The next morning, Jake dragged 132 00:09:49,440 --> 00:09:52,240 Speaker 1: himself from his bedroom to the kitchen table. 133 00:09:52,000 --> 00:09:54,800 Speaker 2: For breakfast with his eyes closed. 134 00:09:55,840 --> 00:10:00,160 Speaker 1: Good morning, sleepy head, his mother said, Why was she 135 00:10:00,320 --> 00:10:02,319 Speaker 1: always so cheerful in the morning? 136 00:10:02,600 --> 00:10:03,360 Speaker 2: Jake wondered? 137 00:10:04,320 --> 00:10:07,320 Speaker 1: Can we turn the lights down a bit? Jake replied, 138 00:10:07,400 --> 00:10:13,200 Speaker 1: it's too bright? Must you always be so melodramatic? His 139 00:10:13,320 --> 00:10:17,600 Speaker 1: sister said, unless, of course, you are now a creature 140 00:10:17,640 --> 00:10:21,240 Speaker 1: of the night. You have been spending time with Lucas 141 00:10:21,240 --> 00:10:24,360 Speaker 1: at his house at night time. 142 00:10:25,200 --> 00:10:27,040 Speaker 2: Maybe they turned you Jake. 143 00:10:27,240 --> 00:10:32,120 Speaker 1: Jennifer said, laughing, Why are you up, stinky head? You 144 00:10:32,160 --> 00:10:35,120 Speaker 1: aren't driving me this morning, are you? I almost didn't 145 00:10:35,160 --> 00:10:42,720 Speaker 1: survive yesterday. Would you two stop teasing just for once, Jake? 146 00:10:43,240 --> 00:10:45,560 Speaker 1: I didn't have time to make you oatmeal this morning, 147 00:10:45,679 --> 00:10:51,040 Speaker 1: so I got you some fruity oh's really, mom, Jake 148 00:10:51,200 --> 00:10:52,880 Speaker 1: tried to sound disappointed. 149 00:10:53,880 --> 00:10:57,880 Speaker 2: Oh, well, I guess this sugar cereal will have to do. 150 00:11:00,360 --> 00:11:04,000 Speaker 1: Punched him and whispered, don't overdo it, or she will 151 00:11:04,000 --> 00:11:06,200 Speaker 1: feel bad and make it for you every day for 152 00:11:06,320 --> 00:11:10,600 Speaker 1: a week. You look tired this morning, Jake. You aren't 153 00:11:10,640 --> 00:11:13,880 Speaker 1: watching shows on your phone again, are you, his mother 154 00:11:14,000 --> 00:11:16,320 Speaker 1: asked as she poured coffee into her tumbler. 155 00:11:17,120 --> 00:11:19,440 Speaker 2: Ummm, I was woken. 156 00:11:19,160 --> 00:11:23,040 Speaker 1: Up last night by something strange at Lucas's house. Noises 157 00:11:23,040 --> 00:11:28,720 Speaker 1: and scary shadows. Here we go again, Jennifer said. What 158 00:11:28,840 --> 00:11:33,120 Speaker 1: are they this time? Robots from the future, aliens from 159 00:11:33,160 --> 00:11:37,920 Speaker 1: Alpha Centuria. No, I know they must be zombies because 160 00:11:38,040 --> 00:11:40,720 Speaker 1: all the kids your age are talking about the super 161 00:11:40,720 --> 00:11:47,400 Speaker 1: Scary Zombies Conquer Canada episode that was on the other night. Oh, Jake, 162 00:11:47,920 --> 00:11:51,400 Speaker 1: you didn't watch that, did you? It sounds so disgusting. 163 00:11:52,800 --> 00:11:54,680 Speaker 2: It's not that they. 164 00:11:54,559 --> 00:11:58,320 Speaker 1: Are vampires, just like I told you, I don't think 165 00:11:58,440 --> 00:12:01,920 Speaker 1: Lucas is. He's too cool and goes out during the daytime. 166 00:12:02,000 --> 00:12:05,200 Speaker 1: But have you ever seen his parents at any of 167 00:12:05,240 --> 00:12:09,959 Speaker 1: our meets or outside in the sun. I have seen 168 00:12:10,040 --> 00:12:13,520 Speaker 1: them at meets, Jake, and you know already that they work. 169 00:12:13,480 --> 00:12:16,600 Speaker 2: Nights at the hospital. I swear you. 170 00:12:16,640 --> 00:12:21,160 Speaker 1: Have the biggest imagination inside that head of yours. I 171 00:12:21,200 --> 00:12:24,520 Speaker 1: think he just has a big head, Jennifer smirked. H 172 00:12:25,600 --> 00:12:29,720 Speaker 1: Jake said, sticking out his tongue. There were shadows last night, 173 00:12:30,000 --> 00:12:33,839 Speaker 1: and I think I saw them dressed in black. Well, 174 00:12:33,880 --> 00:12:38,400 Speaker 1: then it's proven. Shadows and black clothes. They must be vampires, 175 00:12:38,840 --> 00:12:41,400 Speaker 1: his sister said, laughing, I'll prove it. 176 00:12:41,760 --> 00:12:46,160 Speaker 2: You wait and see. 177 00:12:46,360 --> 00:12:50,400 Speaker 1: That night, Jake was ready to implement his plan. It 178 00:12:50,559 --> 00:12:53,280 Speaker 1: was Saturday night, so we didn't have to get up 179 00:12:53,280 --> 00:12:57,440 Speaker 1: early the next morning, so when everyone else was asleep, 180 00:12:57,960 --> 00:13:00,320 Speaker 1: he was going to sneak out of the house and 181 00:13:00,440 --> 00:13:06,000 Speaker 1: find proof that the neighbors were vampires. He got in 182 00:13:06,120 --> 00:13:12,840 Speaker 1: bed and waited and waited. On Saturday nights, his parents 183 00:13:12,880 --> 00:13:15,760 Speaker 1: often watched TV, so he had to wait for what 184 00:13:15,960 --> 00:13:20,520 Speaker 1: felt like forever, But eventually he heard them walk to 185 00:13:20,559 --> 00:13:26,400 Speaker 1: bed and then silence, well almost silence. He could hear 186 00:13:26,480 --> 00:13:31,360 Speaker 1: some snorty snores. Must be Jennifer, he said, with a smirk. 187 00:13:32,600 --> 00:13:35,960 Speaker 1: Then he heard a howl like a wolf far off 188 00:13:35,960 --> 00:13:39,600 Speaker 1: in the distance. That must be their guard dog that 189 00:13:39,720 --> 00:13:43,200 Speaker 1: always likes to lick me whenever I am over visiting Lucas. 190 00:13:43,960 --> 00:13:46,160 Speaker 1: It's how he finds out if I am tasty or not, 191 00:13:47,520 --> 00:13:50,880 Speaker 1: he must turn into a werewolf at night, Jake whispered 192 00:13:50,920 --> 00:13:55,360 Speaker 1: to himself. Jake looked up and saw a shadow growing 193 00:13:55,440 --> 00:13:59,160 Speaker 1: on his wall like it was alive and deliberately trying. 194 00:13:58,920 --> 00:14:00,319 Speaker 2: To be spooky. 195 00:14:00,720 --> 00:14:05,840 Speaker 1: It's time, he thought, to be ready for anything. Jake 196 00:14:05,920 --> 00:14:09,280 Speaker 1: went to bed wearing his clothes, so all he had 197 00:14:09,320 --> 00:14:12,480 Speaker 1: to do was jump out of bed and slowly on 198 00:14:12,559 --> 00:14:15,920 Speaker 1: his tippy toes, make his way from his room to 199 00:14:16,040 --> 00:14:20,680 Speaker 1: the back door in the kitchen. He opened the door 200 00:14:20,840 --> 00:14:26,080 Speaker 1: slowly and quietly. It made a slight creak, so he 201 00:14:26,160 --> 00:14:33,720 Speaker 1: stopped and listened. There were still loud snores. Closing the 202 00:14:33,760 --> 00:14:38,320 Speaker 1: door quietly, he looked around him. He looked left, right, 203 00:14:39,040 --> 00:14:42,280 Speaker 1: straight ahead, and up on the roof of their house. 204 00:14:43,840 --> 00:14:48,240 Speaker 1: In every scary movie he had ever seen, including the 205 00:14:48,360 --> 00:14:53,320 Speaker 1: Zombies in Canada episode, the main character was always surprised 206 00:14:53,360 --> 00:14:59,240 Speaker 1: by a monster which suddenly appeared beside them. Jake then 207 00:14:59,400 --> 00:15:01,760 Speaker 1: ran to the edge of his house and looked across 208 00:15:01,800 --> 00:15:06,680 Speaker 1: the street. If Lucas's parents were outside before, they must 209 00:15:06,680 --> 00:15:11,280 Speaker 1: have gone in. He ran across the street first, stopping 210 00:15:11,320 --> 00:15:15,960 Speaker 1: to look both ways. Old habits die hard, even when 211 00:15:16,040 --> 00:15:17,000 Speaker 1: no cars. 212 00:15:16,640 --> 00:15:17,480 Speaker 2: Are on the street. 213 00:15:18,920 --> 00:15:22,920 Speaker 1: Then he did his best ninja impression and crouched down low, 214 00:15:23,360 --> 00:15:29,720 Speaker 1: hid behind a bush. He peeked above no one outside, 215 00:15:30,080 --> 00:15:34,240 Speaker 1: he whispered. Then he saw movement in the window by 216 00:15:34,280 --> 00:15:39,080 Speaker 1: their kitchen. This is my chance to find proof, so 217 00:15:39,320 --> 00:15:42,520 Speaker 1: Jake took out his phone and launched the photo app 218 00:15:42,600 --> 00:15:47,040 Speaker 1: as he slowly, ninja style made his way to the window. 219 00:15:48,640 --> 00:15:52,400 Speaker 1: Looking in the window, he couldn't believe what he saw. 220 00:15:53,480 --> 00:15:56,840 Speaker 1: It wasn't that he doubted himself, but he just wasn't 221 00:15:56,880 --> 00:16:02,320 Speaker 1: accustomed to being right about these things. Lucas's parents were 222 00:16:02,360 --> 00:16:07,120 Speaker 1: both standing in the kitchen, wearing fancy black suits and 223 00:16:07,320 --> 00:16:11,960 Speaker 1: cakes and drinking some kind of red liquid from fancy glasses. 224 00:16:12,880 --> 00:16:16,560 Speaker 1: They even had long fangs. That must be blood they 225 00:16:16,600 --> 00:16:20,240 Speaker 1: are drinking. His hands were a little shaky, but he 226 00:16:20,320 --> 00:16:25,240 Speaker 1: quickly took a few photos. Then he heard a sound, 227 00:16:26,040 --> 00:16:30,880 Speaker 1: a panting sound. Their pet werewolf was standing beside him, 228 00:16:30,920 --> 00:16:36,240 Speaker 1: looking at him. He should have practiced situational awareness, but 229 00:16:36,400 --> 00:16:44,200 Speaker 1: instead of being its snack, he decided to run. As 230 00:16:44,200 --> 00:16:48,200 Speaker 1: he ran out onto their front lawn, he tripped, and 231 00:16:48,320 --> 00:16:53,200 Speaker 1: immediately the baby werewolf was on top of him, barking 232 00:16:53,400 --> 00:16:59,720 Speaker 1: and drooling all over his face. Goodbye daylight, Hello moon, 233 00:17:00,520 --> 00:17:03,920 Speaker 1: Jake said out loud. In what must have been a 234 00:17:04,040 --> 00:17:09,280 Speaker 1: millisecond later, Lucas's mother stood over him. Is that you, Jake? 235 00:17:09,920 --> 00:17:13,560 Speaker 1: Are you okay? Why are you out so late at night? 236 00:17:15,200 --> 00:17:20,600 Speaker 1: You are a vampire? Jake stuttered, Yes, Lucas's father and 237 00:17:20,680 --> 00:17:22,040 Speaker 1: I are both vampires. 238 00:17:22,440 --> 00:17:23,399 Speaker 2: Let me take you home. 239 00:17:28,080 --> 00:17:31,560 Speaker 1: Lucas's mother delivered him to the back door, where his 240 00:17:31,760 --> 00:17:36,560 Speaker 1: sister was waiting for him, laughing. She had been up 241 00:17:36,600 --> 00:17:39,639 Speaker 1: late reading a book and watched Jake the whole time. 242 00:17:40,680 --> 00:17:43,199 Speaker 1: You are going to be in so much trouble in 243 00:17:43,240 --> 00:17:49,000 Speaker 1: the morning, she whispered, smiling. Lucas's mom said, tell your mother. 244 00:17:49,119 --> 00:17:51,320 Speaker 2: I will give her a call before we go to sleep. 245 00:17:54,359 --> 00:17:57,159 Speaker 1: The next morning, his mother was waiting for him in 246 00:17:57,200 --> 00:18:02,080 Speaker 1: the kitchen, and she didn't look so pleas His sister 247 00:18:02,200 --> 00:18:04,800 Speaker 1: had just told her what had happened the night before. 248 00:18:05,800 --> 00:18:07,000 Speaker 2: What a stinky head. 249 00:18:07,359 --> 00:18:11,240 Speaker 1: Why would she have to do that, he thought, What 250 00:18:11,520 --> 00:18:13,399 Speaker 1: do you have to say for yourself, Jake? 251 00:18:13,840 --> 00:18:18,640 Speaker 2: His mother asked. Jake knew that she only used this. 252 00:18:18,600 --> 00:18:21,719 Speaker 1: Tone when she was upset, and if he hoped to 253 00:18:21,760 --> 00:18:24,760 Speaker 1: get out of this without a week's worth of new chores, 254 00:18:25,280 --> 00:18:27,960 Speaker 1: and the loss of his phone. He would have to 255 00:18:28,000 --> 00:18:33,200 Speaker 1: come clean. They are vampires, just as I have been 256 00:18:33,240 --> 00:18:40,040 Speaker 1: telling you both. Jake's sister almost fell to the floor laughing. First, 257 00:18:40,880 --> 00:18:43,680 Speaker 1: you know you are not to leave the house at night. 258 00:18:44,119 --> 00:18:45,119 Speaker 2: You are too young. 259 00:18:46,520 --> 00:18:51,959 Speaker 1: Second, it's a costume. The hospital staff have been wearing 260 00:18:52,040 --> 00:18:56,199 Speaker 1: costumes all week to entertain the sick kids and liven 261 00:18:56,320 --> 00:18:57,920 Speaker 1: up the hospital now. 262 00:18:57,760 --> 00:18:58,480 Speaker 2: That it's fall. 263 00:18:59,800 --> 00:19:04,600 Speaker 1: It was a costume, you dork, his sister said. Jennifer. 264 00:19:05,480 --> 00:19:10,560 Speaker 1: His mom called, no name calling, but I have a 265 00:19:10,560 --> 00:19:13,840 Speaker 1: picture to prove it. They have long fangs and drink blood. 266 00:19:15,359 --> 00:19:18,160 Speaker 1: Jake brought out his phone and looked at the photos app. 267 00:19:18,800 --> 00:19:23,199 Speaker 1: The first photo was a complete blur, the second showed nothing, 268 00:19:23,680 --> 00:19:28,199 Speaker 1: and the third was a photo of the wall. You 269 00:19:28,400 --> 00:19:33,240 Speaker 1: will go over after breakfast and apologize. You gave Lucas's 270 00:19:33,280 --> 00:19:37,480 Speaker 1: mom a fright. Then no more shows for the rest 271 00:19:37,560 --> 00:19:40,720 Speaker 1: of the semester. They are causing you to see things 272 00:19:40,720 --> 00:19:48,440 Speaker 1: that aren't there. Mom, I can't survive. Oh, you certainly 273 00:19:48,520 --> 00:19:50,920 Speaker 1: are a silly boy, his mother said. 274 00:19:51,600 --> 00:19:52,720 Speaker 2: A stinky head. 275 00:19:52,800 --> 00:20:00,480 Speaker 1: More like it, his sister said, And that is the 276 00:20:00,600 --> 00:20:05,120 Speaker 1: end of our story. Good night, sleep tight.