1 00:00:00,160 --> 00:00:05,359 Speaker 1: The Seventh Daughter contains scenes of realistic violence and graphic sexuality. 2 00:00:05,880 --> 00:00:13,960 Speaker 1: It is intended for mature listeners. Oh see before you, 3 00:00:14,240 --> 00:00:19,840 Speaker 1: the Virgin robed in white, surrounded in an aureole of light. 4 00:00:23,920 --> 00:00:28,040 Speaker 1: Twenty one days ago we welcomed the Seventh Daughter into 5 00:00:28,160 --> 00:00:32,080 Speaker 1: our presence. We placed her on a pedal stool and 6 00:00:32,240 --> 00:00:36,160 Speaker 1: genuflected at her feet, as if she were the Virgin herself. 7 00:00:37,800 --> 00:00:40,519 Speaker 1: We shared the loving cup as if she were one 8 00:00:40,560 --> 00:00:45,960 Speaker 1: of us. But at the core, she is not one 9 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:54,840 Speaker 1: of us. She is different. But tonight we shall all 10 00:00:55,040 --> 00:00:59,800 Speaker 1: become the same, unified in a ritual of trans substantiation. 11 00:01:00,760 --> 00:01:03,720 Speaker 1: Just as the Roman Catholics consume the body and the 12 00:01:03,760 --> 00:01:07,160 Speaker 1: blood of Christ as wavers and wine, so shall we 13 00:01:07,360 --> 00:01:10,479 Speaker 1: feast on the flesh of our girl, who would be queen, 14 00:01:11,600 --> 00:01:27,000 Speaker 1: And thereafter may her powers flow through our veins. Have 15 00:01:27,200 --> 00:01:31,360 Speaker 1: you come seeking knowledge? Do you wish to know the truth? 16 00:01:32,800 --> 00:01:38,040 Speaker 1: Allow me to show you. Close your eyes and follow 17 00:01:38,120 --> 00:01:41,920 Speaker 1: the sound of my voice. Allow it to lead you 18 00:01:42,959 --> 00:01:49,080 Speaker 1: further into the past. When I will move my blindfold, 19 00:01:49,800 --> 00:01:54,480 Speaker 1: you may look into my eyes. Don't just look at them, 20 00:01:54,680 --> 00:02:05,480 Speaker 1: look through them, and you will see what they have seen. 21 00:02:00,800 --> 00:02:32,440 Speaker 1: M the Seven Daughter in her right hand, she shall 22 00:02:32,520 --> 00:02:37,960 Speaker 1: hold the snake, the symbol of the first deceivered true God. Ok, 23 00:02:40,600 --> 00:02:44,160 Speaker 1: don't squeeze it, just let it rest there. It's heavy, 24 00:02:44,720 --> 00:02:49,079 Speaker 1: don't be frightened. It's not venomous. In her left brooke, 25 00:02:49,800 --> 00:02:53,840 Speaker 1: representing her earthly master and King, who shall unfurl a 26 00:02:53,880 --> 00:02:57,639 Speaker 1: blanket of darkness upon the lamb. Hold out your left 27 00:02:57,760 --> 00:03:02,400 Speaker 1: arms further out out like that. Yes, for as long 28 00:03:02,440 --> 00:03:08,600 Speaker 1: as you have I have it now, thank you. It 29 00:03:08,760 --> 00:03:12,360 Speaker 1: is tradition that every wedding be attended by a witness, 30 00:03:13,080 --> 00:03:16,360 Speaker 1: and for that role we have found someone quite special 31 00:03:16,440 --> 00:03:26,320 Speaker 1: to the girl. Yes, right down here in the front 32 00:03:27,080 --> 00:03:34,440 Speaker 1: where she can have a clear view. Rose surprised, my dear, 33 00:03:34,720 --> 00:03:37,000 Speaker 1: What have you done to her? Why? Nothing at all. 34 00:03:37,600 --> 00:03:41,320 Speaker 1: She's been a guest here. She has been shown every courtesy, 35 00:03:41,440 --> 00:03:44,600 Speaker 1: and for her own benefit, we have denied her the 36 00:03:44,720 --> 00:03:49,440 Speaker 1: narcotics that have poisoned her body. But it appears that 37 00:03:49,600 --> 00:03:58,040 Speaker 1: sobriety does not entirely suit her silence. Is she in 38 00:03:58,120 --> 00:04:01,480 Speaker 1: her right mind? You know her better than I, and 39 00:04:01,720 --> 00:04:08,040 Speaker 1: perhaps you can tell tell me, Pandora, is she really 40 00:04:08,080 --> 00:04:11,440 Speaker 1: your mother? Or is that another of her fabrications? It's 41 00:04:11,480 --> 00:04:15,840 Speaker 1: a lie. My mother was called Davina. Oh, but my dear, 42 00:04:15,960 --> 00:04:23,719 Speaker 1: that is Davina. Didn't you know, darling, you've you've suddenly 43 00:04:23,760 --> 00:04:27,839 Speaker 1: gone pale. You see, I knew her before you knew her. 44 00:04:31,320 --> 00:04:34,359 Speaker 1: I didn't recognize her at first. She certainly is a 45 00:04:34,440 --> 00:04:38,839 Speaker 1: mistress of deception. But Baron von Shrink, bless his soul, 46 00:04:39,240 --> 00:04:46,039 Speaker 1: made the connection. We don't look at her, look at me. Yes, 47 00:04:46,720 --> 00:04:51,000 Speaker 1: that's better. You mean to tell me that all this 48 00:04:51,120 --> 00:04:57,960 Speaker 1: time she never told you. You never knew psychic powers. Indeed, 49 00:04:58,360 --> 00:05:00,960 Speaker 1: allow me to speak to her, will find the truth. 50 00:05:01,440 --> 00:05:04,880 Speaker 1: Oh it's a little late for that. We've obtained all 51 00:05:04,880 --> 00:05:10,280 Speaker 1: the information we need. Besides, we have a ritual to perform. 52 00:05:10,360 --> 00:05:17,680 Speaker 1: Yes we do. Are you not reluctant to proceed? I'm 53 00:05:17,720 --> 00:05:22,840 Speaker 1: ready to do what I came here to do. Then 54 00:05:22,920 --> 00:05:37,040 Speaker 1: let us commence. Step forward, Pandora, approach the star carved 55 00:05:37,080 --> 00:05:48,799 Speaker 1: in the floor, Take your place at its center. Yeah, 56 00:05:50,640 --> 00:05:54,520 Speaker 1: the blood is the life, and only through the shedding 57 00:05:54,520 --> 00:05:59,000 Speaker 1: of blood can sacrifice be made. Only by bathing in 58 00:05:59,040 --> 00:06:01,479 Speaker 1: the blood of the beast of the wild, and the 59 00:06:01,520 --> 00:06:03,920 Speaker 1: blood of the fruit of the lamb, and the girl 60 00:06:04,040 --> 00:06:11,480 Speaker 1: a woman become hold by the horns, raise its head 61 00:06:11,480 --> 00:06:19,000 Speaker 1: back as far as you can. That's it, mysterium buffo 62 00:06:19,120 --> 00:06:31,680 Speaker 1: matis revelate to impuri tarts convicted. I never miss stop it. 63 00:06:34,080 --> 00:06:40,120 Speaker 1: Blood of the beasts, my dear, Just following the script, Pandora, 64 00:06:41,080 --> 00:06:44,719 Speaker 1: I had such high hopes for you. I so wanted 65 00:06:44,720 --> 00:06:47,480 Speaker 1: you to be real. I'm more real than you know. 66 00:06:48,720 --> 00:06:52,480 Speaker 1: Are you now? Be that as it may. In an 67 00:06:52,480 --> 00:06:55,200 Speaker 1: hour's time, it won't matter whether your powers were a 68 00:06:55,240 --> 00:06:59,280 Speaker 1: gift from the gods or mere pol tricks. They will 69 00:06:59,320 --> 00:07:08,680 Speaker 1: be gone. Try and take them. Is there anything you 70 00:07:08,720 --> 00:07:14,840 Speaker 1: wish to say before we begin? Yes, I thank you 71 00:07:14,960 --> 00:07:17,920 Speaker 1: for the privilege of being brought before you to carry 72 00:07:17,920 --> 00:07:21,800 Speaker 1: out the prophecy of the ancestors. I wish to pay 73 00:07:21,880 --> 00:07:27,520 Speaker 1: tribute to Da Vina, my mother, before whose eyes I 74 00:07:27,520 --> 00:07:31,600 Speaker 1: shall fulfill the promise of my youth. May I have you? 75 00:07:31,760 --> 00:07:36,480 Speaker 1: Is it true? Rose? I have nothing to say. I 76 00:07:36,600 --> 00:07:41,680 Speaker 1: want no part of May I have your blessing? It 77 00:07:41,920 --> 00:07:46,000 Speaker 1: is true? Neither angel nor devil shall tell my mother 78 00:07:46,560 --> 00:07:51,520 Speaker 1: who makes a command? What is it you wish to know, 79 00:07:51,680 --> 00:07:56,840 Speaker 1: my child? I wasn't talking to you, go fucker. Let's 80 00:07:56,880 --> 00:08:03,600 Speaker 1: say it's the great deceiver. Rose. The great deceiver says 81 00:08:04,640 --> 00:08:07,600 Speaker 1: render unto Caesar was a show him for saying and 82 00:08:07,760 --> 00:08:13,040 Speaker 1: to all who follow and you killed them all as 83 00:08:13,080 --> 00:08:17,720 Speaker 1: you speak. Just do I create? No ho, no, no, 84 00:08:17,880 --> 00:08:22,520 Speaker 1: don't release the raven yet, Pandora. Don't put down the serpent. 85 00:08:22,640 --> 00:08:29,560 Speaker 1: It isn't time yet. It's time. Get back on your place, Pandora. 86 00:08:29,800 --> 00:08:34,320 Speaker 1: That's enough. Would you follow my way? If you don't? 87 00:08:34,360 --> 00:08:41,440 Speaker 1: Get you one he has a knife. Oh no, Corbo, 88 00:08:42,360 --> 00:08:46,040 Speaker 1: I've gotten blood on my wedding dress, just as you predicted. 89 00:08:46,120 --> 00:08:50,720 Speaker 1: O Holy One, stop her. Tonight I meet my destiny. 90 00:08:50,800 --> 00:08:54,080 Speaker 1: Do you hear me? What do I pay you for? Tonight? 91 00:08:54,679 --> 00:09:16,840 Speaker 1: We all meet our destinies. One more step, you little 92 00:09:16,920 --> 00:09:22,720 Speaker 1: tease Rose, and I'll put a bullet through both sides 93 00:09:22,800 --> 00:09:28,920 Speaker 1: of her head. Kill the blackbird. Drop the knives, Rose, 94 00:09:30,320 --> 00:09:35,920 Speaker 1: drop the knives, forget about meat, Drop the knives, Pearl. 95 00:09:38,600 --> 00:09:44,600 Speaker 1: I can't. I'm not as strong as I thought I was. Rosy, 96 00:09:45,880 --> 00:10:06,520 Speaker 1: Let me go. M Who am I? You are? My daughter? 97 00:10:07,880 --> 00:10:11,200 Speaker 1: But you are so much more. You may only be 98 00:10:11,280 --> 00:10:14,600 Speaker 1: a child, but you shall tear down the walls of 99 00:10:14,760 --> 00:10:18,880 Speaker 1: his temple. You cannot correct all the wrongs in the world, 100 00:10:19,360 --> 00:10:23,640 Speaker 1: but you can put an end to this one. When 101 00:10:26,040 --> 00:10:40,080 Speaker 1: when when I tell you put her Let's just just 102 00:10:40,160 --> 00:10:46,040 Speaker 1: lay her down here, take my jacket. You're sure our 103 00:10:46,080 --> 00:10:51,800 Speaker 1: hands are tied tightly? She's not movie fine, Now get out, 104 00:10:52,720 --> 00:10:55,800 Speaker 1: find out where the hell backstairs and have her weight outside. 105 00:10:55,920 --> 00:10:59,640 Speaker 1: Lock the door, double lock it, and no matter what 106 00:10:59,800 --> 00:11:03,080 Speaker 1: you here, no matter how loudly she screams, do not 107 00:11:03,480 --> 00:11:06,840 Speaker 1: open that door. Are sure you don't need me to 108 00:11:06,880 --> 00:11:10,360 Speaker 1: stay here? And I have the key. No one else 109 00:11:10,520 --> 00:11:24,600 Speaker 1: opens this door. Now begne yes, sir mum. I can 110 00:11:24,640 --> 00:11:29,000 Speaker 1: do this. I can do this if I if I 111 00:11:29,080 --> 00:11:36,920 Speaker 1: concentrate and imagine, this is what you wanted corbea all along? 112 00:11:38,000 --> 00:11:41,120 Speaker 1: Why bother with all the rest of it, the rituals, 113 00:11:41,160 --> 00:11:46,200 Speaker 1: the hair, brain philosophy. Truly, what is the purpose of 114 00:11:46,240 --> 00:11:51,480 Speaker 1: all that? It fortifies me, gives me strength and power, 115 00:11:51,920 --> 00:11:55,280 Speaker 1: as you will soon discover. Then I suggest you start 116 00:11:55,320 --> 00:12:05,559 Speaker 1: your incantations quickly. Whit will wait? Where are you going? 117 00:12:06,559 --> 00:12:10,720 Speaker 1: What harm could a teenage girl with both hands tied? 118 00:12:11,480 --> 00:12:15,600 Speaker 1: Possibly due to the earthly lord of darkness? M hmm, 119 00:12:18,600 --> 00:12:23,599 Speaker 1: what is that? If I'm not mistaken, it's a g 120 00:12:23,840 --> 00:12:33,680 Speaker 1: sharp you little witch, an old Muslim buggie trick right now? 121 00:12:34,400 --> 00:12:38,120 Speaker 1: The wires working as a noose. But if I give 122 00:12:38,160 --> 00:12:44,160 Speaker 1: it one strong tug, please, it will become a razor. 123 00:12:47,440 --> 00:12:54,800 Speaker 1: But right now, listen, if you like, I can loosen 124 00:12:54,840 --> 00:13:00,240 Speaker 1: the noose for you to summon the beast from the hit. 125 00:13:03,120 --> 00:13:12,840 Speaker 1: Just like that, squeeze and release, squeeze. This is your 126 00:13:12,880 --> 00:13:17,240 Speaker 1: last camp Scrabo. If there is a god or a devil, 127 00:13:18,280 --> 00:13:23,000 Speaker 1: now is the time to share itself his hand against 128 00:13:23,040 --> 00:13:28,040 Speaker 1: the show me the power of darkness, Corebo. Go on, 129 00:13:28,920 --> 00:13:35,120 Speaker 1: make a believer of Satan, strike me dead, the lord 130 00:13:35,240 --> 00:13:41,640 Speaker 1: of Satan. There is no god, but there is a 131 00:13:41,679 --> 00:13:49,520 Speaker 1: woman named China Rose. She is the great deceiver. And 132 00:13:49,600 --> 00:13:53,520 Speaker 1: for what you did to her, Thus do I and 133 00:13:53,640 --> 00:14:10,120 Speaker 1: the name of Davina do until you m hm red. 134 00:14:11,280 --> 00:14:39,560 Speaker 1: He's the blood shed by all men. M h. Don't worry. 135 00:14:40,360 --> 00:14:47,480 Speaker 1: It's not my blood. It's there's mhm. I brought a 136 00:14:47,480 --> 00:14:56,920 Speaker 1: trophy for you, just like Salamy. He's even uglier in death. 137 00:14:59,640 --> 00:15:05,200 Speaker 1: Oh Rose, I realized I was harsh with you, pearl, 138 00:15:07,200 --> 00:15:10,880 Speaker 1: and for that I am sorry. But I didn't mean 139 00:15:10,920 --> 00:15:15,680 Speaker 1: to be cruel. I truly didn't. And if I was cruel, 140 00:15:16,680 --> 00:15:20,960 Speaker 1: it was to keep me from loving you. What would 141 00:15:20,960 --> 00:15:26,800 Speaker 1: have been so bad about loving me, Rose, Why didn't 142 00:15:26,800 --> 00:15:29,640 Speaker 1: you just tell me the truth? The truth was too painful. 143 00:15:29,800 --> 00:15:33,640 Speaker 1: I was strong. Not too painful for you, too painful 144 00:15:33,680 --> 00:15:36,960 Speaker 1: for me. It was bad enough that I gave up 145 00:15:37,000 --> 00:15:40,240 Speaker 1: my child and allowed her to be raised by strangers. 146 00:15:40,240 --> 00:15:42,320 Speaker 1: But for a mother to tell her child that she 147 00:15:43,400 --> 00:15:47,480 Speaker 1: abandoned her. You can't imagine what that would be like. 148 00:15:48,040 --> 00:15:51,520 Speaker 1: To admit that I had betrayed my child, that I 149 00:15:51,640 --> 00:15:56,760 Speaker 1: deprived you of a mother's love. I just couldn't. It 150 00:15:56,800 --> 00:15:58,800 Speaker 1: was easier for me to be a stranger to you. 151 00:16:01,040 --> 00:16:04,200 Speaker 1: That way, I could be close to you without having 152 00:16:04,240 --> 00:16:08,920 Speaker 1: to reveal my betrayal. I didn't mind that you hated 153 00:16:09,000 --> 00:16:13,880 Speaker 1: me as the great deceiver. I relished your hatred because 154 00:16:13,880 --> 00:16:17,320 Speaker 1: you hated the role I was playing, not the person 155 00:16:17,360 --> 00:16:21,960 Speaker 1: I actually was. If you had known I'm your mother 156 00:16:22,760 --> 00:16:25,800 Speaker 1: and hated me for leaving you, I could not have 157 00:16:25,880 --> 00:16:31,120 Speaker 1: borne it. So I concealed the truth. You'll tell me now, 158 00:16:33,640 --> 00:16:37,640 Speaker 1: what do you wish to know? Everything you've hidden? What 159 00:16:37,760 --> 00:16:41,360 Speaker 1: does it matter? Now? You are the princess, the queen. 160 00:16:41,880 --> 00:16:44,880 Speaker 1: You have everything you could ever hope to possess. Tell 161 00:16:44,960 --> 00:16:50,880 Speaker 1: me now, I haven't much breath. Then speak slowly and 162 00:16:51,040 --> 00:17:03,320 Speaker 1: spend it wisely, oh pearl, mm hmm. For a time, 163 00:17:05,040 --> 00:17:09,840 Speaker 1: we were going to be a family. There was only 164 00:17:09,880 --> 00:17:14,840 Speaker 1: the two of us, then your father and I. When 165 00:17:14,880 --> 00:17:17,720 Speaker 1: I found out I was carrying you, I was ecstatic. 166 00:17:18,840 --> 00:17:22,080 Speaker 1: I think in his own way, even your father was 167 00:17:22,119 --> 00:17:26,240 Speaker 1: happy about it. But I swear that man had a 168 00:17:26,320 --> 00:17:34,360 Speaker 1: demon inside him. Caglios, your father was his own worst enemy. 169 00:17:36,840 --> 00:17:42,400 Speaker 1: He had to win every argument, every game of cards, 170 00:17:42,680 --> 00:17:48,240 Speaker 1: every fight. He was a talented psychic, he was a 171 00:17:48,240 --> 00:17:54,080 Speaker 1: lousy card player and a pitiful fighter. He couldn't stand 172 00:17:54,119 --> 00:18:00,400 Speaker 1: to lose. He used to take twenty dollar gold points, 173 00:18:00,440 --> 00:18:03,560 Speaker 1: punch holes in them, and sew them like buttons down 174 00:18:03,560 --> 00:18:08,040 Speaker 1: the front of his vest. Oh. On more than one occasion, 175 00:18:08,119 --> 00:18:11,000 Speaker 1: I saw him having a run of bad luck in 176 00:18:11,040 --> 00:18:14,720 Speaker 1: a card game, pulled the last gold button off his 177 00:18:14,840 --> 00:18:18,640 Speaker 1: vest and put it in the pot, leaving the club drunk, 178 00:18:19,440 --> 00:18:26,760 Speaker 1: his vest hanging open like a tramp. Corbo was everything 179 00:18:26,880 --> 00:18:33,440 Speaker 1: Caglios wanted to be and wasn't. Corbo had succeeded where 180 00:18:33,480 --> 00:18:39,040 Speaker 1: your father had failed. The more Caglios learned about Corbo, 181 00:18:40,119 --> 00:18:45,440 Speaker 1: the arrogant, wealthy Corbo, the more he yearned to take 182 00:18:45,480 --> 00:18:52,320 Speaker 1: advantage of him. Somehow. Corbo was always looking for women 183 00:18:52,359 --> 00:18:58,080 Speaker 1: to participate in his sex magic. Everyone knew it, and 184 00:18:58,119 --> 00:19:01,480 Speaker 1: sometimes I think his whole tem pool was just an 185 00:19:01,480 --> 00:19:06,320 Speaker 1: excuse to have sexual relations without any of the obligations 186 00:19:06,400 --> 00:19:12,960 Speaker 1: that come with what some people might call love. As 187 00:19:13,000 --> 00:19:16,879 Speaker 1: long as it was part of some workings, some ritual, 188 00:19:17,920 --> 00:19:24,119 Speaker 1: then he could have other men's wives, teenage girls, women 189 00:19:24,240 --> 00:19:30,199 Speaker 1: of all races, and men too. It was silly that 190 00:19:30,320 --> 00:19:35,840 Speaker 1: he needed this to justify his puerile hobbies, but that 191 00:19:36,200 --> 00:19:42,000 Speaker 1: was Corbo in a nutshell. Beneath all his demonic rituals 192 00:19:42,040 --> 00:19:47,879 Speaker 1: and outrageous behavior, he was still a repressed English schoolboy 193 00:19:47,920 --> 00:19:53,040 Speaker 1: at heart. He couldn't just pay a prostitute for sex. 194 00:19:53,560 --> 00:19:57,199 Speaker 1: He had to perform a magical working, even if it 195 00:19:57,320 --> 00:20:05,280 Speaker 1: was between two garbage cans in ark Alley. It wasn't 196 00:20:05,280 --> 00:20:08,840 Speaker 1: the sex that attracted all his followers. There are some 197 00:20:09,560 --> 00:20:13,639 Speaker 1: who seek power and are willing to ally themselves with 198 00:20:13,720 --> 00:20:20,720 Speaker 1: the worst possible tyrant upstanding church going folk willing to 199 00:20:20,880 --> 00:20:25,000 Speaker 1: excuse his immoral behavior because they stand to gain wealth 200 00:20:25,040 --> 00:20:29,600 Speaker 1: and influence at the feet of this man who cares 201 00:20:29,640 --> 00:20:37,160 Speaker 1: about no one but himself. Eventually, your father found Corbo's weakness, 202 00:20:38,480 --> 00:20:43,520 Speaker 1: the one thing that Gorbo believed in, hoped for, yearned 203 00:20:43,760 --> 00:20:49,960 Speaker 1: to possess, and was willing to pay for, but had 204 00:20:50,040 --> 00:20:57,240 Speaker 1: been denied him the seventh daughter. Finding a seventh daughter 205 00:20:57,560 --> 00:21:04,560 Speaker 1: was an almost impossible task, but Caglios spent years creating 206 00:21:04,600 --> 00:21:10,280 Speaker 1: the illusion of one. Of course, we didn't have any children, 207 00:21:11,200 --> 00:21:18,159 Speaker 1: but your father wove an elaborate tapestry of deception. He 208 00:21:18,320 --> 00:21:25,439 Speaker 1: found a photographer who specialized in memento morii, photos of 209 00:21:25,480 --> 00:21:31,879 Speaker 1: the dead children in caskets surrounded by flowers. Caglios paid 210 00:21:31,920 --> 00:21:36,720 Speaker 1: the photographer for a gallery of images to represent our 211 00:21:37,080 --> 00:21:41,639 Speaker 1: dead children and had him etge his name in the 212 00:21:41,680 --> 00:21:48,320 Speaker 1: negative plates. Caglios pushed the photographer to go further, provided 213 00:21:48,400 --> 00:21:51,399 Speaker 1: him with a sash bearing the family name so he 214 00:21:51,440 --> 00:21:54,480 Speaker 1: could drape it across a casket and take a picture 215 00:21:54,560 --> 00:22:00,040 Speaker 1: when the family wasn't watching. Another time, he put a 216 00:22:00,240 --> 00:22:03,359 Speaker 1: name on a reef and placed it by the body. 217 00:22:04,560 --> 00:22:08,560 Speaker 1: We got the photos. The families of those dead babies 218 00:22:08,720 --> 00:22:15,359 Speaker 1: never knew. Death certificates were easy to obtain. For a 219 00:22:15,440 --> 00:22:18,280 Speaker 1: county clerk to earn a few dollars by issuing a 220 00:22:18,359 --> 00:22:22,359 Speaker 1: death certificate for someone who didn't exist, where was the 221 00:22:22,440 --> 00:22:30,520 Speaker 1: harm in that? Once Corbo was reasonably convinced that was 222 00:22:30,560 --> 00:22:34,600 Speaker 1: about the time that I became pregnant, and your father 223 00:22:34,720 --> 00:22:41,679 Speaker 1: thought the past to resistance, let Corbeo see and feel 224 00:22:42,000 --> 00:22:49,879 Speaker 1: the baby within me. Wait, yes, you have a question. No, 225 00:22:53,200 --> 00:22:55,800 Speaker 1: So once it became obvious that how did you know 226 00:22:55,840 --> 00:23:02,480 Speaker 1: I'd be a girl? Oh pearl, mhm, do you really 227 00:23:02,520 --> 00:23:07,280 Speaker 1: think that badly of me? It didn't matter whether you 228 00:23:07,359 --> 00:23:10,560 Speaker 1: were a girl or a boy. We had no intention 229 00:23:10,640 --> 00:23:14,159 Speaker 1: of giving you to Corbel. It only mattered that I 230 00:23:14,240 --> 00:23:19,800 Speaker 1: was with child, and yes he had a doctor examined 231 00:23:19,840 --> 00:23:25,560 Speaker 1: me to be sure. This was our plan. In those 232 00:23:25,680 --> 00:23:31,880 Speaker 1: days in the tenement district, abandoned children were quite common, 233 00:23:33,000 --> 00:23:35,199 Speaker 1: and for a modest amount of money it would be 234 00:23:35,240 --> 00:23:43,320 Speaker 1: possible too um adopt a child from the unwed mother 235 00:23:43,600 --> 00:23:46,800 Speaker 1: or a family with more mouths than they could afford 236 00:23:46,840 --> 00:23:51,280 Speaker 1: to feed. We'd take her on as an apprentice and 237 00:23:51,760 --> 00:23:57,520 Speaker 1: sell her to Corbel. He'd give her a life of luxury. 238 00:23:58,520 --> 00:24:01,560 Speaker 1: We'd take the twenty thous and and run like hell. 239 00:24:03,640 --> 00:24:08,080 Speaker 1: We would obtain an infant. Girls have less earning potential, 240 00:24:08,200 --> 00:24:12,280 Speaker 1: so this would be simple. I would have my child, 241 00:24:12,560 --> 00:24:15,480 Speaker 1: which we would hide, and we would hand over to 242 00:24:15,560 --> 00:24:19,760 Speaker 1: Corbo a changeling, the baby we had obtained from some 243 00:24:19,840 --> 00:24:25,760 Speaker 1: wretch of the slums. And so, as I said, Caglios 244 00:24:25,800 --> 00:24:30,440 Speaker 1: had never been able to beat Corbo in anything, and Corbo, 245 00:24:30,640 --> 00:24:33,800 Speaker 1: being suspicious, wanted to be sure that the child he 246 00:24:33,840 --> 00:24:39,119 Speaker 1: had purchased, my child, the one in my belly, was 247 00:24:39,160 --> 00:24:45,800 Speaker 1: the one he received. He was suspicious of Caglios, but 248 00:24:45,920 --> 00:24:54,560 Speaker 1: in me, in the child, he always believed h For 249 00:24:54,680 --> 00:24:59,560 Speaker 1: a while I was happy, he just needed to warm 250 00:24:59,560 --> 00:25:04,640 Speaker 1: in the Then a little longer we were a family 251 00:25:04,760 --> 00:25:14,040 Speaker 1: that had a future together. But oh, your father never 252 00:25:14,119 --> 00:25:18,800 Speaker 1: told me our little plan had been foiled. But he 253 00:25:18,840 --> 00:25:23,919 Speaker 1: didn't have to. I told you he was a terrible 254 00:25:24,040 --> 00:25:28,119 Speaker 1: card player. I could read his face as if it 255 00:25:28,200 --> 00:25:34,160 Speaker 1: were a newspaper, and the headlines were bad, very bad. 256 00:25:37,920 --> 00:25:43,439 Speaker 1: Corbeau has a great many influential friends, many in the 257 00:25:43,560 --> 00:25:49,240 Speaker 1: medical profession, men who know how at the appropriate time 258 00:25:49,880 --> 00:25:53,399 Speaker 1: to cut open a woman's belly and extract the child. 259 00:25:54,600 --> 00:25:58,440 Speaker 1: He wanted to see it, see you come out of me. 260 00:26:00,040 --> 00:26:03,960 Speaker 1: Caglios couldn't even pretend to be happy. All the liquor 261 00:26:04,000 --> 00:26:06,280 Speaker 1: in the world could have hide the panic that was 262 00:26:06,320 --> 00:26:10,639 Speaker 1: eating away at his guts. He turned hateful towards everyone, 263 00:26:10,760 --> 00:26:18,159 Speaker 1: myself included where are you going out out? Where to 264 00:26:18,320 --> 00:26:21,680 Speaker 1: earn money? To get food? One of us has to work, 265 00:26:22,760 --> 00:26:25,600 Speaker 1: not by yourself. You don't, I'll send someone with you. 266 00:26:25,840 --> 00:26:28,080 Speaker 1: How about you go work and I take care of 267 00:26:28,119 --> 00:26:32,440 Speaker 1: the baby. I was nothing to him but an incubator, 268 00:26:33,680 --> 00:26:38,320 Speaker 1: a bit heavy with pups, the goose preparing to lay 269 00:26:38,320 --> 00:26:45,159 Speaker 1: the golden egg. Me. Don't feel bad. I loved you. 270 00:26:46,920 --> 00:26:49,800 Speaker 1: I suppose in a perverted way. He loved you too. 271 00:26:50,720 --> 00:26:55,159 Speaker 1: Your birth represented to him a chance for wealth, a 272 00:26:55,240 --> 00:27:00,280 Speaker 1: new beginning. You were worth more to him and anything 273 00:27:00,320 --> 00:27:04,560 Speaker 1: else in the world. Maybe not all the gold in 274 00:27:04,600 --> 00:27:12,560 Speaker 1: the world, just gold. Mmm. That's right, That's exactly how 275 00:27:12,640 --> 00:27:18,240 Speaker 1: much he loved you, pearl, and not a pennymore. All 276 00:27:18,280 --> 00:27:21,479 Speaker 1: the while, I pretended not to notice his trembling hands, 277 00:27:22,400 --> 00:27:25,399 Speaker 1: pretended not to notice that he could no longer hold 278 00:27:25,480 --> 00:27:32,040 Speaker 1: my gaze, pretended everything in our marriage was fine, bided 279 00:27:32,760 --> 00:27:39,200 Speaker 1: my time. Caglios burned through all the money we'd sucked away, 280 00:27:39,400 --> 00:27:44,640 Speaker 1: including the thousand dollar down payment Corbo had given us, 281 00:27:45,640 --> 00:27:48,879 Speaker 1: And even if we tried to return his money and 282 00:27:49,000 --> 00:27:54,119 Speaker 1: cancel his deal, he wouldn't have allowed it. So what 283 00:27:54,200 --> 00:27:58,600 Speaker 1: did you do? We had to go back to work 284 00:27:59,840 --> 00:28:04,520 Speaker 1: to survive. All right, you can relax. I booked an 285 00:28:04,560 --> 00:28:07,280 Speaker 1: eight week run with the Sewer Brothers, Suel Brothers, that 286 00:28:07,400 --> 00:28:10,280 Speaker 1: lousy ragtop that you swore you'd never work with again. 287 00:28:12,200 --> 00:28:14,439 Speaker 1: I'm pulling the corpse routine. You want to take me 288 00:28:14,480 --> 00:28:17,880 Speaker 1: back to the South while I'm carrying a child work 289 00:28:17,960 --> 00:28:21,080 Speaker 1: for those Georgia crackers that already swindled. Do you care? 290 00:28:21,160 --> 00:28:24,199 Speaker 1: You don't gotta work. I'm the one working. That's what 291 00:28:24,280 --> 00:28:28,280 Speaker 1: you wanted, right, I'm pulling the corpse routine. And while 292 00:28:28,320 --> 00:28:30,600 Speaker 1: I'm in the ground, you stay in the wagon and 293 00:28:30,720 --> 00:28:37,320 Speaker 1: don't go out. What is the corpse routine? Ah, the 294 00:28:37,359 --> 00:28:44,360 Speaker 1: amazing hypnotic corps. M hm, it's buried alive routine. Not 295 00:28:44,440 --> 00:28:47,640 Speaker 1: many people have the nerve to pull it off, but 296 00:28:47,720 --> 00:28:51,640 Speaker 1: Caglios was desperate and decide from biting the heads off 297 00:28:51,680 --> 00:28:55,920 Speaker 1: of chickens. It was all he was gonna get. How 298 00:28:55,960 --> 00:28:59,200 Speaker 1: it works is on the day you pull into town, 299 00:29:00,160 --> 00:29:05,200 Speaker 1: you stage a big berryer. You get the whole troop 300 00:29:05,240 --> 00:29:09,360 Speaker 1: out there in their Sunday being closed brass band Paul 301 00:29:09,440 --> 00:29:14,520 Speaker 1: Bears a minister invite the newspapers and as many mourners 302 00:29:14,600 --> 00:29:17,720 Speaker 1: as you can scare off. So they put him in 303 00:29:17,800 --> 00:29:21,360 Speaker 1: a coffin, bury him six feet in the ground, and 304 00:29:23,040 --> 00:29:26,800 Speaker 1: onto this window they attach a viewing tube, a long, 305 00:29:26,960 --> 00:29:34,680 Speaker 1: narrow box buried in especially designed coff so once he's 306 00:29:34,720 --> 00:29:38,040 Speaker 1: in the grounds, people can pay their nickel, walk up 307 00:29:38,080 --> 00:29:41,440 Speaker 1: and look down into that tube and see the face 308 00:29:41,520 --> 00:29:46,360 Speaker 1: of a dead man. He put a little phosphorus paint 309 00:29:46,400 --> 00:29:49,760 Speaker 1: on his face to make himself look pale and starved. 310 00:29:52,200 --> 00:29:54,680 Speaker 1: Most that would happen as if someone dropped a nickel 311 00:29:54,760 --> 00:29:58,600 Speaker 1: down the tube, beat open his eyes and snarl at him. 312 00:29:58,640 --> 00:30:01,240 Speaker 1: You could hear him scream. You can see him go running, 313 00:30:03,920 --> 00:30:10,360 Speaker 1: and his act pretty much mhm. When no one was around. 314 00:30:10,360 --> 00:30:12,640 Speaker 1: They dropped food down to him and let him have 315 00:30:12,720 --> 00:30:19,040 Speaker 1: a smoke. God forbid another pine of whiskey. Otherwise he'd 316 00:30:19,080 --> 00:30:25,080 Speaker 1: just lie there, pockets stuffed with nickels he'd collected, suffocating 317 00:30:25,080 --> 00:30:30,560 Speaker 1: in his own filth mhm. For three days and three nights, 318 00:30:30,560 --> 00:30:33,200 Speaker 1: just like our Lord and Savior. And on the third 319 00:30:33,320 --> 00:30:38,400 Speaker 1: day they'd stage a resurrection. Tickets to that cost of dimes. 320 00:30:40,000 --> 00:30:45,160 Speaker 1: Have a fellow claiming to be the county coroner in 321 00:30:45,280 --> 00:30:49,240 Speaker 1: small towns you could get the real buccoy. They dig 322 00:30:49,320 --> 00:30:53,880 Speaker 1: him up and proclaim it a miracle. Hallelujah, Pack up 323 00:30:53,920 --> 00:30:57,400 Speaker 1: the coffin, move on to the next town, and start 324 00:30:57,480 --> 00:31:02,840 Speaker 1: all over again. The following day, about two weeks into 325 00:31:02,840 --> 00:31:07,720 Speaker 1: the circuit, we're in Birmingham. We can spot just like 326 00:31:07,840 --> 00:31:13,480 Speaker 1: any other. They bury him. The band plays the Minister 327 00:31:13,600 --> 00:31:25,760 Speaker 1: praise and everybody mourns on cue. No sooner is he 328 00:31:25,840 --> 00:31:29,560 Speaker 1: in the ground than a telegram catches up to us. 329 00:31:30,920 --> 00:31:36,840 Speaker 1: Caglios Care of Soul shows general delivery Birmingham, arranged doctor 330 00:31:36,880 --> 00:31:44,920 Speaker 1: in Memphis for Operation Wednesday. Blackbird Unroote, Blackbird in Root. 331 00:31:47,520 --> 00:31:52,440 Speaker 1: The bastard had sold me out. That's the only reason 332 00:31:52,520 --> 00:31:55,480 Speaker 1: he'd taken us on the circuit, so I'd be stuck 333 00:31:55,800 --> 00:31:59,520 Speaker 1: in the hell that is Dixie with no one to trust. 334 00:32:02,160 --> 00:32:05,800 Speaker 1: I didn't confront him with it, never asked him. I 335 00:32:05,920 --> 00:32:10,560 Speaker 1: simply got up off that bed, rose from the dead, 336 00:32:11,760 --> 00:32:15,600 Speaker 1: grabbed the grip I'd packed two weeks earlier, my traveling 337 00:32:15,680 --> 00:32:19,280 Speaker 1: bag and I caught out through the back of the 338 00:32:19,440 --> 00:32:23,120 Speaker 1: banner line. Didn't say nothing to nobody. I just ran 339 00:32:23,240 --> 00:32:25,880 Speaker 1: as fast as my swelled up leg who carried me 340 00:32:26,520 --> 00:32:28,680 Speaker 1: once I was off the fair grounds. An old fellow 341 00:32:28,680 --> 00:32:31,440 Speaker 1: and a fruit cop took pity on me and gave 342 00:32:31,480 --> 00:32:35,240 Speaker 1: me a ride to the station. What happened to Caglios 343 00:32:36,440 --> 00:32:42,480 Speaker 1: once he got out of the grave. Yes, well, I'm 344 00:32:42,520 --> 00:32:49,480 Speaker 1: afraid I must say that story for another time. Took 345 00:32:49,480 --> 00:32:52,160 Speaker 1: a night train ahead and south open and make it 346 00:32:52,200 --> 00:32:55,880 Speaker 1: to New Orleans about. Wasn't used to being on my feet, 347 00:32:56,400 --> 00:32:58,680 Speaker 1: being laid up on my back for so long, and 348 00:32:59,800 --> 00:33:04,320 Speaker 1: I guess you sort of got jostled blues. Made it 349 00:33:04,360 --> 00:33:07,040 Speaker 1: as far as Atlanta. When my water broken, I knew 350 00:33:07,040 --> 00:33:12,960 Speaker 1: I couldn't wait no longer. Got off at terminal station. 351 00:33:13,800 --> 00:33:16,000 Speaker 1: I went to the Cator street, where people like me 352 00:33:16,160 --> 00:33:20,640 Speaker 1: can move about, found a baby doctor and started having 353 00:33:20,640 --> 00:33:22,560 Speaker 1: you as soon as I lay down on this table. 354 00:33:23,720 --> 00:33:27,760 Speaker 1: Didn't hardly give him time to wash his hands. I 355 00:33:27,800 --> 00:33:31,720 Speaker 1: didn't have an easy time of it. You were all 356 00:33:32,640 --> 00:33:38,160 Speaker 1: tangled up inside me. Listen to me, my dear, The 357 00:33:38,320 --> 00:33:42,200 Speaker 1: birth is not going to be easy. The cord is 358 00:33:42,240 --> 00:33:48,200 Speaker 1: wrapped around the child's neck. If if it would bring 359 00:33:48,280 --> 00:33:53,240 Speaker 1: you relief, we can leave it as it is for 360 00:33:53,320 --> 00:34:03,000 Speaker 1: about five minutes, and then I'll remove what remains. I 361 00:34:03,040 --> 00:34:05,520 Speaker 1: reckon the doctor thought he was doing me a kindness. 362 00:34:06,720 --> 00:34:09,120 Speaker 1: He saw I was alone, and I wasn't wearing a 363 00:34:09,160 --> 00:34:13,239 Speaker 1: wedding band. And this kind of doctor probably loses as 364 00:34:13,280 --> 00:34:16,840 Speaker 1: many babies as he delivers. If you get my meaning, 365 00:34:18,280 --> 00:34:21,080 Speaker 1: why didn't you go to a hospital? They would have 366 00:34:21,160 --> 00:34:23,880 Speaker 1: kept a record of my name and a record of 367 00:34:23,880 --> 00:34:26,400 Speaker 1: your birth. And I needed both of us to vanish 368 00:34:26,680 --> 00:34:30,439 Speaker 1: without a trace. But a man like that, a man 369 00:34:30,640 --> 00:34:36,719 Speaker 1: like that, don't ask questions. If you prefer, I can 370 00:34:36,840 --> 00:34:42,800 Speaker 1: try to reposition the fetus. Yeah, do whatever you need 371 00:34:42,840 --> 00:34:47,759 Speaker 1: to do doctor to save the baby. It may take 372 00:34:47,880 --> 00:34:52,160 Speaker 1: some time, and it may be difficult for it difficult, 373 00:34:52,200 --> 00:34:59,680 Speaker 1: don't worry me as you wish. Is there anyone anyone 374 00:34:59,760 --> 00:35:08,839 Speaker 1: we notified should things not go according to plan? Very well? 375 00:35:08,880 --> 00:35:13,960 Speaker 1: Then I paid him twenty five dollars. Part of that 376 00:35:14,040 --> 00:35:16,600 Speaker 1: money was paying him to forget I had ever been there, 377 00:35:17,560 --> 00:35:19,960 Speaker 1: for allowing me to walk out of there the next morning, 378 00:35:20,800 --> 00:35:44,480 Speaker 1: no birth certificates, no questions, mm hm oh oh she 379 00:35:46,320 --> 00:35:55,200 Speaker 1: she okay. I rented a room the boarding house until 380 00:35:55,239 --> 00:35:59,960 Speaker 1: I was strong enough to travel. Then I headed east. 381 00:36:01,280 --> 00:36:04,960 Speaker 1: Had a typist draw up a letter committing you to 382 00:36:05,080 --> 00:36:10,680 Speaker 1: the convent school, gave you the name Lilia Pearl Parkhurst, 383 00:36:11,480 --> 00:36:17,759 Speaker 1: daughter of William A. Parkhurst, the third wife deceased. Sent 384 00:36:17,880 --> 00:36:21,800 Speaker 1: the school a wire saying a colored servant would deliver 385 00:36:21,880 --> 00:36:24,960 Speaker 1: you to the school and that they would be provided 386 00:36:25,280 --> 00:36:29,480 Speaker 1: one hundred dollars a year to provide for your education 387 00:36:29,680 --> 00:36:34,760 Speaker 1: and care. So you see, they never saw your father. 388 00:36:36,120 --> 00:36:40,400 Speaker 1: They just knew your father's name and had his signature, 389 00:36:41,560 --> 00:36:46,279 Speaker 1: your signature, which is why it was so easy for 390 00:36:46,360 --> 00:36:51,920 Speaker 1: me to sign it again eleven years later, and I 391 00:36:52,080 --> 00:36:56,920 Speaker 1: left them the tarot card the high priestess, So you 392 00:36:57,000 --> 00:37:01,800 Speaker 1: took me to the Continent school. That's right. They didn't 393 00:37:01,800 --> 00:37:06,120 Speaker 1: give me a second glance. I was the delivery girl. 394 00:37:07,280 --> 00:37:11,560 Speaker 1: They only had eyes for you, and maybe that hundred 395 00:37:11,560 --> 00:37:14,360 Speaker 1: dollars a year that I sent them for ten years. 396 00:37:16,440 --> 00:37:20,640 Speaker 1: You see, all the time Corbo knew me, and Cagleos 397 00:37:20,920 --> 00:37:26,120 Speaker 1: he knew me as a white woman, which I wasn't technically, 398 00:37:27,480 --> 00:37:31,800 Speaker 1: everybody thought I was white and believed me. Life was 399 00:37:31,880 --> 00:37:35,399 Speaker 1: easier that way. I used to go to painful length 400 00:37:35,520 --> 00:37:39,560 Speaker 1: to bleach my skin and marcel my hair. Well, I 401 00:37:39,600 --> 00:37:44,560 Speaker 1: needed to change my identity. I gave that up, went 402 00:37:44,640 --> 00:37:48,080 Speaker 1: back to my natural color and spoke in a tongue 403 00:37:48,120 --> 00:37:50,840 Speaker 1: that it ain't gonna be spoken, my old white woman. 404 00:37:53,280 --> 00:37:59,520 Speaker 1: That's why people didn't recognize me as rose Aw And 405 00:37:59,600 --> 00:38:06,759 Speaker 1: after that I disappeared. During the eleven years I was 406 00:38:06,800 --> 00:38:11,399 Speaker 1: at the convent school, What were you doing? What much 407 00:38:11,440 --> 00:38:15,120 Speaker 1: I could do? I knew court Bo had his Pinkerton's 408 00:38:15,160 --> 00:38:19,200 Speaker 1: looking for me and you, but only I knew where 409 00:38:19,200 --> 00:38:23,719 Speaker 1: you were. And if they found me, they would have 410 00:38:23,800 --> 00:38:27,640 Speaker 1: made me tell. So I couldn't let them find me. 411 00:38:29,040 --> 00:38:32,719 Speaker 1: I couldn't perform anymore out of the question, so I 412 00:38:32,800 --> 00:38:36,960 Speaker 1: found other ways to make money. I became a normal person, 413 00:38:37,520 --> 00:38:42,520 Speaker 1: less than normal, took on anonymous work. No one would 414 00:38:42,560 --> 00:38:44,880 Speaker 1: recognize me because it's the kind of work where no 415 00:38:44,960 --> 00:38:48,760 Speaker 1: one looks you in the eye. Moved from one city 416 00:38:48,880 --> 00:38:53,440 Speaker 1: to another. In every city, a different name, a different 417 00:38:53,520 --> 00:38:58,080 Speaker 1: story to my life, always changing, always being someone different, 418 00:38:58,680 --> 00:39:04,960 Speaker 1: never being me. No, I won't lie to you. There 419 00:39:05,000 --> 00:39:08,959 Speaker 1: were times when I thought about ending it all. Life 420 00:39:09,040 --> 00:39:15,240 Speaker 1: is just that bad, that lonely. But if anything happened 421 00:39:15,280 --> 00:39:18,640 Speaker 1: to me, who would pay the hundred dollars a year 422 00:39:18,800 --> 00:39:22,160 Speaker 1: to the school, And what would become of you when 423 00:39:22,200 --> 00:39:26,840 Speaker 1: the bill couldn't be paid. That's what kept me alive. 424 00:39:28,000 --> 00:39:33,000 Speaker 1: An obligation to you. I wanted to write to you, 425 00:39:33,280 --> 00:39:37,839 Speaker 1: wanted to see you, but I didn't dare. I just 426 00:39:38,160 --> 00:39:44,439 Speaker 1: kept washing dishes, cleaning floors. Mother. Don't call me mother, 427 00:39:45,719 --> 00:39:49,040 Speaker 1: not now, not ever. You'll slip and say it when 428 00:39:49,040 --> 00:39:55,520 Speaker 1: someone's listening. Mother, mother, mother, girl. You're gonna ruin everything. Mother. 429 00:39:56,600 --> 00:40:00,800 Speaker 1: It is finished. There's no more hiding who I um 430 00:40:00,800 --> 00:40:10,359 Speaker 1: and who you are. No, I suppose not before we 431 00:40:10,400 --> 00:40:15,000 Speaker 1: opened the door. Will you do something for me, anything, 432 00:40:16,520 --> 00:40:22,880 Speaker 1: Give me your blessing, a mother's blessing. Oh I don't deserve. Please. 433 00:40:23,800 --> 00:40:28,880 Speaker 1: I betrayed your trust, I disobeyed, and now I humble 434 00:40:28,960 --> 00:40:32,719 Speaker 1: myself before you stop that. Get up from there. I 435 00:40:32,800 --> 00:40:36,280 Speaker 1: hated you for making me like this, making me obsessed 436 00:40:36,320 --> 00:40:40,600 Speaker 1: with fakery and revenge, the years of punishment and training. 437 00:40:41,560 --> 00:40:44,200 Speaker 1: But when I descended from the throne that first time, 438 00:40:45,000 --> 00:40:48,759 Speaker 1: I realized that even though I hated you, you had 439 00:40:48,800 --> 00:40:53,080 Speaker 1: brought me to this point. You had prepared me, You 440 00:40:53,120 --> 00:40:56,880 Speaker 1: had given me the confidence and strength to to stand 441 00:40:56,960 --> 00:41:00,400 Speaker 1: up to you. So I owe you an enorm stet 442 00:41:00,400 --> 00:41:08,279 Speaker 1: of gratitude for that. I do love you, per you 443 00:41:08,440 --> 00:41:14,800 Speaker 1: have to believe that you want my blessing. Been heaven. 444 00:41:22,680 --> 00:41:27,680 Speaker 1: You are my daughter, but you are so much more. 445 00:41:27,680 --> 00:41:36,200 Speaker 1: You are yourself. You are Samson, SALOMEI, the Gollum, the Goddess, 446 00:41:36,239 --> 00:41:42,239 Speaker 1: all rolled into one. You are fire and brimstone made flesh. 447 00:41:43,640 --> 00:41:47,720 Speaker 1: May you live to conquer all who stand in your path, 448 00:41:49,120 --> 00:42:02,440 Speaker 1: or else die? Try amen, Amen, I must now replace 449 00:42:02,680 --> 00:42:07,839 Speaker 1: my blind pot. As my vision begins to fade, your 450 00:42:07,880 --> 00:42:14,400 Speaker 1: own senses will gradually return, Return to the warmth and 451 00:42:14,440 --> 00:42:20,719 Speaker 1: the light of your own reality. The Seventh Daughter is 452 00:42:20,719 --> 00:42:24,160 Speaker 1: a production of I Heart Radio, written and directed by 453 00:42:24,160 --> 00:42:29,760 Speaker 1: Brett Wood, recorded and mixed by Rob Gau, featuring Minca 454 00:42:29,800 --> 00:42:35,160 Speaker 1: Wilts as Rose, Elizabeth Hunter as Pearl, and Kevin Godley 455 00:42:35,280 --> 00:42:42,600 Speaker 1: as Corbo. Also starring Andrew Benaeder, Keith Brooks, Alexandra Ficken, 456 00:42:43,400 --> 00:42:50,200 Speaker 1: Rachel Frawley, Sarah bath Hester, Shelby Hoffer, Tim McDonough, Kelly O'Neil, 457 00:42:51,080 --> 00:42:56,600 Speaker 1: Lisa Paulson, and Troy Willis. Original music by Rob Gaal, 458 00:42:57,480 --> 00:43:02,840 Speaker 1: Additional music by Floornoy Holmes. Special thanks to Tamika Campbell, 459 00:43:03,280 --> 00:43:09,000 Speaker 1: Paul Decant, Sherry Larson, Adam K. Thompson, and executive producer 460 00:43:09,400 --> 00:43:18,640 Speaker 1: Ben Bolan. You may now open your eyes