1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,319 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. We have 2 00:00:14,440 --> 00:00:18,360 Speaker 1: a special story to share with you today. Over the 3 00:00:18,400 --> 00:00:22,079 Speaker 1: next few weeks, we are going to share excerpts from 4 00:00:22,079 --> 00:00:27,040 Speaker 1: The Rat King by Patti Larson. The Rat King is 5 00:00:27,080 --> 00:00:31,840 Speaker 1: an exciting continuation of the Cat City story, an adventure 6 00:00:31,880 --> 00:00:36,600 Speaker 1: we produced previously on sleep Tight Stories. Many of you 7 00:00:36,760 --> 00:00:40,040 Speaker 1: have asked if we would be producing more now that 8 00:00:40,159 --> 00:00:46,600 Speaker 1: the adventures of Susan and Tucker are continuing. In Cat City, 9 00:00:47,080 --> 00:00:51,200 Speaker 1: we were introduced to a world where cats and humans coexist, 10 00:00:51,960 --> 00:00:56,600 Speaker 1: and our main character, Susan embarks on thrilling adventures with 11 00:00:56,680 --> 00:01:02,360 Speaker 1: her cat friends. In the The story picks up where 12 00:01:02,440 --> 00:01:06,920 Speaker 1: Cat City left off, with Susan showing signs of magic 13 00:01:07,040 --> 00:01:13,760 Speaker 1: outside the city and the rats plotting more conflict. The 14 00:01:13,880 --> 00:01:17,520 Speaker 1: Rat King is a story best listened to by older kids, 15 00:01:18,120 --> 00:01:21,319 Speaker 1: but don't worry, we have edited out the older kids 16 00:01:21,360 --> 00:01:26,440 Speaker 1: stuff for sleep Tight Stories. This story is so much 17 00:01:26,520 --> 00:01:30,560 Speaker 1: fun that we have given it its own podcast. So 18 00:01:30,640 --> 00:01:34,560 Speaker 1: if you love Cat City and want to listen, talk 19 00:01:34,600 --> 00:01:39,520 Speaker 1: to your parents and follow The Rat King on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, 20 00:01:40,200 --> 00:01:57,680 Speaker 1: or wherever you listen to podcasts. Thank you. Tucker has 21 00:01:57,760 --> 00:02:02,240 Speaker 1: seen Susan and heard all about her dreams. He is 22 00:02:02,280 --> 00:02:05,520 Speaker 1: not sure what they mean, but knows he needs to 23 00:02:05,560 --> 00:02:09,720 Speaker 1: talk to the council about it. When he returns to 24 00:02:09,800 --> 00:02:13,360 Speaker 1: the city, he tells Vinnie what Susan told him, and 25 00:02:13,400 --> 00:02:17,040 Speaker 1: they worry that it is magic, which Susan shouldn't be 26 00:02:17,080 --> 00:02:27,839 Speaker 1: able to feel outside the city. The Rat King Chapter three, 27 00:02:28,280 --> 00:02:32,840 Speaker 1: Tucker considered going home first. His mother had, after all, 28 00:02:33,320 --> 00:02:36,880 Speaker 1: taken a place on the council, so he had access 29 00:02:36,919 --> 00:02:43,400 Speaker 1: to her, at least in theory. However, knowing Cynthia's attitude 30 00:02:43,400 --> 00:02:48,200 Speaker 1: towards Susan had him dashing through the city streets, leaving 31 00:02:48,320 --> 00:02:53,920 Speaker 1: home and such thoughts behind him. Experience with the previous 32 00:02:53,960 --> 00:02:58,200 Speaker 1: council had taught him well. After all, the cats would 33 00:02:58,240 --> 00:03:03,240 Speaker 1: only listen if he forced them to. Tucker, he slid 34 00:03:03,280 --> 00:03:06,400 Speaker 1: to a halt at the familiar voice calling his name, 35 00:03:07,240 --> 00:03:12,040 Speaker 1: waiting as the huge tabby cat caught up. Finnie shook 36 00:03:12,080 --> 00:03:16,360 Speaker 1: out his full mane, tufted ears, twitching as his gold 37 00:03:16,480 --> 00:03:21,800 Speaker 1: eyes glinted with concern. He was head and shoulders taller 38 00:03:21,800 --> 00:03:26,000 Speaker 1: than Tucker and massive as most of his breed, But 39 00:03:26,160 --> 00:03:30,000 Speaker 1: Finni had always been a kind and caring friend and 40 00:03:30,120 --> 00:03:35,360 Speaker 1: one of the only cats Tucker trusted without question what's wrong. 41 00:03:36,680 --> 00:03:40,320 Speaker 1: He glanced sideways at a pair of Siamese who hurried 42 00:03:40,400 --> 00:03:45,640 Speaker 1: past after a quick look their way. Only then did 43 00:03:45,720 --> 00:03:49,000 Speaker 1: he realize he must have appeared as upset and frantic 44 00:03:49,040 --> 00:03:55,000 Speaker 1: on the outside as he felt on the inside. Tucker 45 00:03:55,040 --> 00:03:58,440 Speaker 1: took a moment and a breath to pull himself together 46 00:03:58,600 --> 00:04:04,760 Speaker 1: before answering his big friend, Tonight was the first time 47 00:04:04,800 --> 00:04:07,240 Speaker 1: I got to go above since I took Susan home, 48 00:04:07,280 --> 00:04:12,800 Speaker 1: he said. Vinnie seemed surprised by that, frowning enough that 49 00:04:12,920 --> 00:04:16,720 Speaker 1: Tucker decided his friend hadn't been in on the arrangement 50 00:04:16,800 --> 00:04:20,960 Speaker 1: to keep him here in Cat City. If anything, it 51 00:04:21,120 --> 00:04:23,640 Speaker 1: seemed the Guard Captain had been in the dark too, 52 00:04:24,160 --> 00:04:28,679 Speaker 1: despite his rank. I just found out Susan's been having 53 00:04:28,760 --> 00:04:33,640 Speaker 1: nightmares all along. He kept his voice low, walking on 54 00:04:33,760 --> 00:04:37,000 Speaker 1: at a more sedate pace as Vinnie joined him on 55 00:04:37,040 --> 00:04:42,760 Speaker 1: his journey, Tucker looked up at his favorite statue on 56 00:04:42,839 --> 00:04:46,599 Speaker 1: the way past the fountain in the central Garden, the 57 00:04:46,680 --> 00:04:51,039 Speaker 1: sweet young woman holding her cat, the pear frozen in 58 00:04:51,120 --> 00:04:57,080 Speaker 1: white marble, forever calming him somewhat as he passed. But 59 00:04:57,200 --> 00:05:01,200 Speaker 1: I don't think they're just bad dreams. Vinni, the big 60 00:05:01,240 --> 00:05:05,039 Speaker 1: tabby shook his head again, but not in denial. You 61 00:05:05,160 --> 00:05:09,200 Speaker 1: think she's still connected to the rats. Vinny seemed to 62 00:05:09,200 --> 00:05:13,240 Speaker 1: think he wasn't smart, but Tucker never believed him, and 63 00:05:13,320 --> 00:05:18,159 Speaker 1: in making that connection, proved it. But he frowned, then, 64 00:05:18,600 --> 00:05:22,440 Speaker 1: slowing his steps, face scrunching as if he fought against 65 00:05:22,480 --> 00:05:28,679 Speaker 1: something inside him. You're sure, never mind, he chuffed softly 66 00:05:28,800 --> 00:05:33,320 Speaker 1: under his breath in apology. One more big shake, sending 67 00:05:33,360 --> 00:05:38,159 Speaker 1: a soft cloud of shed fur flying Phinny's normally kind, 68 00:05:38,200 --> 00:05:41,960 Speaker 1: in caring expression back to normal. Of course you are. 69 00:05:43,040 --> 00:05:47,200 Speaker 1: For a moment, Tucker considered asking Vinny what just happened? 70 00:05:48,320 --> 00:05:51,520 Speaker 1: Hadn't he just seen the main coon go through some 71 00:05:51,680 --> 00:05:57,880 Speaker 1: kind of inner turmoil? What was that about? Instead, he 72 00:05:58,040 --> 00:06:02,880 Speaker 1: chose to carry on, grateful for his friend's confidence in him, 73 00:06:03,040 --> 00:06:05,840 Speaker 1: and knowing the big cat loved Susan as much as 74 00:06:05,880 --> 00:06:11,600 Speaker 1: he did. Tucker quickly told Finny what Susan told him, 75 00:06:11,839 --> 00:06:15,679 Speaker 1: their pace naturally picking up as they neared Center Square 76 00:06:16,080 --> 00:06:20,000 Speaker 1: and the home of the council office. We have to 77 00:06:20,080 --> 00:06:24,120 Speaker 1: do something, he finished, as they paused outside the Long 78 00:06:24,279 --> 00:06:29,960 Speaker 1: building's main door. When a full meeting was called, everyone 79 00:06:30,080 --> 00:06:33,919 Speaker 1: gathered in the square below the teared steps, acting like 80 00:06:33,960 --> 00:06:38,200 Speaker 1: a kind of theater, but day to day inquiries were 81 00:06:38,240 --> 00:06:43,320 Speaker 1: held behind closed doors. In the long marble office beyond 82 00:06:43,400 --> 00:06:49,719 Speaker 1: the tall gold doors where the two friends spoke, Tucker 83 00:06:49,720 --> 00:06:51,960 Speaker 1: did his best not to let his nerves get the 84 00:06:51,960 --> 00:06:55,640 Speaker 1: best of him, despite knowing what he had to do next. 85 00:06:56,800 --> 00:06:59,560 Speaker 1: If she's starting to hear the rat King's voice in 86 00:06:59,560 --> 00:07:06,160 Speaker 1: her night, it has to be magic, Vinnie hissed softly, 87 00:07:06,680 --> 00:07:11,880 Speaker 1: ears flattening sideways as his whiskers drooped. They're not going 88 00:07:11,960 --> 00:07:15,240 Speaker 1: to like that, Tuck, they said. She wouldn't have access 89 00:07:15,280 --> 00:07:20,600 Speaker 1: to magic outside the city. His friend's reaction only made 90 00:07:20,640 --> 00:07:25,520 Speaker 1: Tucker more determined. They don't have to like it, he said. 91 00:07:25,880 --> 00:07:29,480 Speaker 1: In fact, I don't want them happy. I want them 92 00:07:29,520 --> 00:07:33,800 Speaker 1: to listen for once. The rats aren't done and Susan 93 00:07:33,960 --> 00:07:41,080 Speaker 1: is in danger. Seeing Vinnie's hesitation only deepened Tucker's determination. 94 00:07:42,160 --> 00:07:44,800 Speaker 1: He was surprised to find his words had come out 95 00:07:44,840 --> 00:07:51,080 Speaker 1: in a snarl. Normally he'd be embarrassed at his show 96 00:07:51,160 --> 00:07:55,440 Speaker 1: of emotion. A gatekeeper of the Great Gate to Cat 97 00:07:55,520 --> 00:07:59,520 Speaker 1: City was meant to be professional and calm at all times. 98 00:08:00,560 --> 00:08:04,360 Speaker 1: He took a lot of pride in his position, especially 99 00:08:04,440 --> 00:08:09,080 Speaker 1: since only his mother was purebread, and while being a 100 00:08:09,120 --> 00:08:13,600 Speaker 1: gatekeeper had been a lifelong dream only realized thanks to 101 00:08:13,680 --> 00:08:18,160 Speaker 1: the support of a fallen trader, Tucker refused to judge 102 00:08:18,240 --> 00:08:21,960 Speaker 1: himself for standing his ground when the council suggested he 103 00:08:22,080 --> 00:08:27,560 Speaker 1: step aside. It wasn't his fault that former councilor Kai 104 00:08:28,040 --> 00:08:32,040 Speaker 1: had betrayed them all to the rats. It was only 105 00:08:32,160 --> 00:08:35,880 Speaker 1: the fact Tucker and Susan had saved Cat City that, 106 00:08:36,040 --> 00:08:39,480 Speaker 1: in short, he retained his place. He was sure of that, 107 00:08:41,080 --> 00:08:44,640 Speaker 1: but he'd even give up that coveted position if necessary, 108 00:08:45,120 --> 00:08:47,960 Speaker 1: if it would mean they would finally pay attention to 109 00:08:48,040 --> 00:08:51,320 Speaker 1: the warnings he'd been talked out of the last week. 110 00:08:52,640 --> 00:08:58,440 Speaker 1: They had to listen. They just had to, no matter 111 00:08:58,600 --> 00:09:03,760 Speaker 1: his seeming resistance. When Vinnie finally nodded, Tucker was relieved. 112 00:09:05,000 --> 00:09:09,040 Speaker 1: I've got your back, Vinnie said, his giant, bushy tail 113 00:09:09,160 --> 00:09:14,120 Speaker 1: winding around Tucker's as the massive main coon nodded slowly. 114 00:09:15,160 --> 00:09:20,600 Speaker 1: His often gentle and playful personality had vanished, replaced by 115 00:09:20,640 --> 00:09:25,280 Speaker 1: the powerful leader and warrior he'd become, and Tucker was 116 00:09:25,320 --> 00:09:29,520 Speaker 1: suddenly very happy to have him on their side, not 117 00:09:29,760 --> 00:09:33,640 Speaker 1: just because Vinnie was his oldest friend, but because the 118 00:09:33,679 --> 00:09:38,080 Speaker 1: Guard captain was so well respected that surely the council 119 00:09:38,120 --> 00:09:42,480 Speaker 1: would have to listen. Whatever you need, Tucker, you know 120 00:09:42,600 --> 00:09:48,920 Speaker 1: I adore Susan too. Tucker swallowed hard, his throat now tight, 121 00:09:49,520 --> 00:09:55,000 Speaker 1: eyes slowly blinking tears away as he headbutted his big friend. Thanks, Vinny, 122 00:09:55,360 --> 00:09:59,679 Speaker 1: he said, voice cracking, before he cleared his throat and 123 00:10:00,080 --> 00:10:05,600 Speaker 1: wared his shoulders, ears alert, head high. I'm glad you're here, 124 00:10:06,280 --> 00:10:11,280 Speaker 1: Vinnie chuckled, puffing out his full mane, almost doubling in size, 125 00:10:11,880 --> 00:10:17,000 Speaker 1: casting a broad shadow. Hey, you're the brains of this friendship, 126 00:10:17,040 --> 00:10:20,440 Speaker 1: he said, I'm just the muscle, so if it's backup 127 00:10:20,480 --> 00:10:25,720 Speaker 1: you need, I'm always your cat. There was a belief 128 00:10:25,800 --> 00:10:30,400 Speaker 1: of his Again, Tucker wanted to argue Vinnie was far 129 00:10:30,440 --> 00:10:34,080 Speaker 1: from stupid, and his butterscotch friend hated it when the 130 00:10:34,120 --> 00:10:38,440 Speaker 1: big Maine coon talked about himself like that, but this 131 00:10:38,760 --> 00:10:43,439 Speaker 1: wasn't the time or the place for that conversation. Grateful 132 00:10:43,520 --> 00:10:47,320 Speaker 1: for the support, Knowing what he was walking into, even 133 00:10:47,360 --> 00:10:51,000 Speaker 1: if he held out hope otherwise, Tucker bobbed and nod 134 00:10:51,080 --> 00:10:55,640 Speaker 1: to his friend and approached the gold door. It opened 135 00:10:55,840 --> 00:11:01,439 Speaker 1: at the touch of his nose. Swinging silently inward, Tucker 136 00:11:01,600 --> 00:11:06,800 Speaker 1: inhaled slowly of the cool, fragrant air inside, taking one 137 00:11:06,920 --> 00:11:11,600 Speaker 1: more moment to steady his nerves before entering the quiet 138 00:11:11,720 --> 00:11:20,280 Speaker 1: interior of the Council Office. And that is the end 139 00:11:20,320 --> 00:11:50,320 Speaker 1: of this part. Good night, sleep tight,