1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,680 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. A short 2 00:00:14,720 --> 00:00:19,720 Speaker 1: message for grownups looking for more calming entertainment at sleep time. 3 00:00:20,520 --> 00:00:24,280 Speaker 1: Subscribe to sleep Tight Premium and get access to our 4 00:00:24,360 --> 00:00:30,480 Speaker 1: complete back catalog of interruption free bedtime stories, guided meditations, 5 00:00:30,920 --> 00:00:36,319 Speaker 1: sleep sounds and sleep music, and special shout outs for 6 00:00:36,360 --> 00:00:40,560 Speaker 1: the kids. Visit sleep Typepremium dot com to begin your 7 00:00:40,600 --> 00:00:43,680 Speaker 1: free trial. A link can be found in our show notes. 8 00:00:44,200 --> 00:00:57,560 Speaker 1: Thank you. This episode is the first of several that 9 00:00:57,600 --> 00:01:03,680 Speaker 1: will include classic fairy tale. This fairy tale is called 10 00:01:04,200 --> 00:01:10,080 Speaker 1: Tom Thumb. There is a couple who wish for a 11 00:01:10,240 --> 00:01:14,600 Speaker 1: child more than anything, and are lucky to have a 12 00:01:14,760 --> 00:01:20,640 Speaker 1: son who is no bigger than their thumb. They are 13 00:01:20,920 --> 00:01:27,319 Speaker 1: very happy, and Tom helps them a great deal. One day, 14 00:01:27,400 --> 00:01:31,160 Speaker 1: two men offer money to buy Tom, and he sets 15 00:01:31,240 --> 00:01:46,319 Speaker 1: off on an adventure. Tom Thumb, a poor woodman sat 16 00:01:46,360 --> 00:01:51,760 Speaker 1: in his cottage one night, smoking his pipe by the fireside, 17 00:01:52,360 --> 00:02:00,800 Speaker 1: while his wife sat by his side, spinning lonely. It 18 00:02:00,880 --> 00:02:04,760 Speaker 1: is wife, he said, as he puffed out a long 19 00:02:05,120 --> 00:02:08,919 Speaker 1: curl of smoke, for you and me to sit here 20 00:02:08,960 --> 00:02:15,120 Speaker 1: by ourselves without any children to play about and amuse us. 21 00:02:15,600 --> 00:02:20,800 Speaker 1: While other people seem so happy and merry with their children. 22 00:02:25,680 --> 00:02:28,600 Speaker 1: What you say is very true, said the wife, sighing 23 00:02:29,160 --> 00:02:34,800 Speaker 1: and turning round her wheel. How happy should I be 24 00:02:35,360 --> 00:02:39,959 Speaker 1: if I had but one child, if it were ever 25 00:02:40,200 --> 00:02:44,680 Speaker 1: so small, Nay, if it were no bigger than my thumb, 26 00:02:45,520 --> 00:02:52,040 Speaker 1: I should be very happy and love it dearly. Now, 27 00:02:52,760 --> 00:02:56,160 Speaker 1: odd as you may think it, it came to pass 28 00:02:56,639 --> 00:03:01,840 Speaker 1: that this good woman's wish was fulfilled just in the 29 00:03:02,000 --> 00:03:07,239 Speaker 1: very way she had wished it. For. Not long afterwards 30 00:03:07,960 --> 00:03:12,760 Speaker 1: she had a little boy who was quite healthy and strong, 31 00:03:13,639 --> 00:03:20,800 Speaker 1: but was not much bigger than my thumb. So they said, well, 32 00:03:21,520 --> 00:03:24,560 Speaker 1: we cannot say we have not got what we wished for, 33 00:03:25,240 --> 00:03:29,640 Speaker 1: And little as he is, we will love him dearly. 34 00:03:31,720 --> 00:03:40,280 Speaker 1: And they called him Thomas Thumb. They gave him plenty 35 00:03:40,320 --> 00:03:44,400 Speaker 1: of food, Yet for all they could do, he never 36 00:03:44,800 --> 00:03:49,000 Speaker 1: grew bigger, but kept just the same size as he 37 00:03:49,080 --> 00:03:53,920 Speaker 1: had been when he was born. Still, his eyes were 38 00:03:54,000 --> 00:03:58,320 Speaker 1: sharp and sparkling, and he soon showed himself to be 39 00:03:58,400 --> 00:04:02,960 Speaker 1: a clever little fellow who always knew well what he 40 00:04:03,120 --> 00:04:10,720 Speaker 1: was about. One day, as the woodman was getting ready 41 00:04:10,760 --> 00:04:13,400 Speaker 1: to go into the wood to cut fuel, he said, 42 00:04:14,360 --> 00:04:17,280 Speaker 1: I wish I had someone to bring the cart after me, 43 00:04:17,760 --> 00:04:23,400 Speaker 1: for I want to make haste. Oh, father, cried Tom, 44 00:04:24,080 --> 00:04:26,960 Speaker 1: I will take care of that. The cart shall be 45 00:04:27,080 --> 00:04:32,720 Speaker 1: in the wood by the time you want it. Then 46 00:04:32,760 --> 00:04:36,520 Speaker 1: the woodman laughed and said, how can that be? You 47 00:04:36,600 --> 00:04:42,560 Speaker 1: cannot reach up to the horse's bridle. Never mind that, father, 48 00:04:42,720 --> 00:04:47,120 Speaker 1: said Tom. If mother will only harness the horse, I 49 00:04:47,200 --> 00:04:50,160 Speaker 1: will get into his ear and tell him which way 50 00:04:50,200 --> 00:04:56,040 Speaker 1: to go. Well, said the father, we will try for once. 51 00:05:00,520 --> 00:05:03,960 Speaker 1: When the time came, the mother harnessed the horse to 52 00:05:04,040 --> 00:05:09,200 Speaker 1: the cart and put Tom into his ear. And as 53 00:05:09,240 --> 00:05:12,680 Speaker 1: he sat there, the little boy told the horse how 54 00:05:12,720 --> 00:05:18,120 Speaker 1: to go, crying out, go on and stop as he wanted. 55 00:05:19,560 --> 00:05:22,640 Speaker 1: And thus the horse went on, just as well as 56 00:05:22,720 --> 00:05:30,280 Speaker 1: if the woodman had driven it himself into the wood. 57 00:05:31,400 --> 00:05:34,560 Speaker 1: It happened that as the horse was going a little 58 00:05:34,720 --> 00:05:40,679 Speaker 1: too fast, and Tom was calling out gently gently, two 59 00:05:40,880 --> 00:05:46,840 Speaker 1: strangers came up. What an odd thing that is, said one. 60 00:05:47,440 --> 00:05:50,279 Speaker 1: There is a cart going along, and I hear some 61 00:05:50,360 --> 00:05:53,560 Speaker 1: one talking to the horse. But yet I can see 62 00:05:53,600 --> 00:06:00,320 Speaker 1: no one that is strange. Indeed, said the other, let 63 00:06:00,400 --> 00:06:05,800 Speaker 1: us follow the cart and see where it goes. So 64 00:06:05,920 --> 00:06:09,320 Speaker 1: they went on into the wood till at last they 65 00:06:09,360 --> 00:06:15,160 Speaker 1: came to the place where the woodman was then Tom Thumb, 66 00:06:15,200 --> 00:06:19,760 Speaker 1: seeing his father, cried out, see father, here I am 67 00:06:19,839 --> 00:06:23,320 Speaker 1: with the cart, all right and safe. Now take me 68 00:06:23,440 --> 00:06:29,279 Speaker 1: down please. So his father took hold of the horse 69 00:06:29,320 --> 00:06:32,880 Speaker 1: with one hand, and with the other took his son 70 00:06:33,040 --> 00:06:37,200 Speaker 1: out of the horse's ear and put him down upon straw, 71 00:06:38,160 --> 00:06:45,800 Speaker 1: where he sat as merry as you please. The two 72 00:06:45,920 --> 00:06:49,800 Speaker 1: strangers were all this time looking on and did not 73 00:06:50,040 --> 00:06:54,920 Speaker 1: know what to say for wonder. At last one took 74 00:06:54,960 --> 00:06:58,640 Speaker 1: the other aside and said, that little boy will make 75 00:06:58,720 --> 00:07:01,760 Speaker 1: our fortune if we can get him and carry him 76 00:07:01,760 --> 00:07:05,239 Speaker 1: about from town to town as a show. We must 77 00:07:05,279 --> 00:07:10,880 Speaker 1: buy him. So they went up to the woodman and 78 00:07:11,000 --> 00:07:14,000 Speaker 1: asked him what he would take for the little boy. 79 00:07:15,800 --> 00:07:19,280 Speaker 1: He will be better off, they said, with us than 80 00:07:19,320 --> 00:07:24,200 Speaker 1: with you. I won't sell him at all, said the father. 81 00:07:25,160 --> 00:07:28,080 Speaker 1: My own flesh and blood is dearer to me than 82 00:07:28,280 --> 00:07:35,120 Speaker 1: all the silver and gold in the world. But Tom, 83 00:07:35,760 --> 00:07:39,520 Speaker 1: hearing of the bargain they wanted to make, crept up 84 00:07:39,520 --> 00:07:43,160 Speaker 1: his father's coat to his shoulder and whispered in his ear. 85 00:07:44,640 --> 00:07:48,000 Speaker 1: Take the money, father, and let them have me. I'll 86 00:07:48,000 --> 00:07:56,040 Speaker 1: soon come back to you. So the woodman at last 87 00:07:56,080 --> 00:07:59,360 Speaker 1: said he would sell Tom to the strangers for a 88 00:07:59,520 --> 00:08:07,400 Speaker 1: large piece of gold, and they paid the price. Where 89 00:08:07,400 --> 00:08:11,120 Speaker 1: would you like to sit, said one of them. Oh, 90 00:08:11,560 --> 00:08:14,000 Speaker 1: put me on the rim of your hat. That will 91 00:08:14,040 --> 00:08:17,480 Speaker 1: be a nice gallery for me. I can walk about 92 00:08:17,520 --> 00:08:21,800 Speaker 1: there and see the country as we go along. So 93 00:08:22,200 --> 00:08:25,440 Speaker 1: they did as he wished, and when Tom had taken 94 00:08:25,560 --> 00:08:34,200 Speaker 1: leave of his father, they took him away with them. 95 00:08:34,559 --> 00:08:38,400 Speaker 1: They journeyed on till it began to get dusky, and 96 00:08:38,440 --> 00:08:42,680 Speaker 1: then the little man said, let me get down. I'm tired. 97 00:08:44,800 --> 00:08:47,640 Speaker 1: So the man took off his hat and put him 98 00:08:47,640 --> 00:08:51,160 Speaker 1: down on a clot of earth in a plowed field 99 00:08:51,679 --> 00:08:57,000 Speaker 1: by the side of the road. But Tom ran about 100 00:08:57,040 --> 00:09:00,360 Speaker 1: amongst the furrows, and at last slipped in to an 101 00:09:00,400 --> 00:09:07,600 Speaker 1: old mousehole. Good Night, my masters, he said, I'm off mine, 102 00:09:07,720 --> 00:09:12,079 Speaker 1: and look sharp after me the next time. Then they 103 00:09:12,200 --> 00:09:15,560 Speaker 1: ran at once to the place and poked the end 104 00:09:15,640 --> 00:09:19,920 Speaker 1: of their sticks into the mousehole, but all in vain. 105 00:09:22,280 --> 00:09:26,360 Speaker 1: Tom only crawled farther and farther in, and at last 106 00:09:26,400 --> 00:09:29,880 Speaker 1: it became quite dark, so that they were forced to 107 00:09:29,920 --> 00:09:35,160 Speaker 1: go their way without their prize, as sulky as could be. 108 00:09:40,559 --> 00:09:43,760 Speaker 1: When Tom found they were gone, he came out of 109 00:09:43,840 --> 00:09:49,120 Speaker 1: his hiding place. What dangerous walking it is, he said, 110 00:09:49,480 --> 00:09:52,960 Speaker 1: in this plowed field, if I were to fall from 111 00:09:53,000 --> 00:09:58,600 Speaker 1: one of these great cloths, I could break a bone. 112 00:09:58,920 --> 00:10:03,520 Speaker 1: At last, my good luck, he found a large empty 113 00:10:03,679 --> 00:10:08,720 Speaker 1: snail shell. This is lucky, he said. I can sleep 114 00:10:08,720 --> 00:10:18,120 Speaker 1: here very well, and in he crept. Just as he 115 00:10:18,280 --> 00:10:23,319 Speaker 1: was falling asleep, he heard two men passing by, chatting together, 116 00:10:24,480 --> 00:10:28,000 Speaker 1: and one said to the other, how can we rob 117 00:10:28,080 --> 00:10:31,920 Speaker 1: that rich person's house of his silver and gold? I'll 118 00:10:31,960 --> 00:10:38,000 Speaker 1: tell you, cried Tom. What noise was that? Said the thief, frightened, 119 00:10:38,360 --> 00:10:43,520 Speaker 1: I'm sure I heard someone speak. They stood still listening, 120 00:10:43,679 --> 00:10:46,959 Speaker 1: and Tom said, take me with you, and I'll show 121 00:10:47,000 --> 00:10:51,520 Speaker 1: you how to get the person's money. But where are you, 122 00:10:52,160 --> 00:10:57,080 Speaker 1: they said, Look about on the ground, answered him, and 123 00:10:57,200 --> 00:11:02,440 Speaker 1: listen where the sound comes from. At last the thieves 124 00:11:02,520 --> 00:11:05,600 Speaker 1: found him out and lifted him up in their hands, 125 00:11:07,480 --> 00:11:11,000 Speaker 1: You little urchin, they said, what can you do for us? 126 00:11:13,800 --> 00:11:17,400 Speaker 1: Why I can get between the iron window bars of 127 00:11:17,440 --> 00:11:24,640 Speaker 1: the person's house and throw you out whatever you want. Hmm, 128 00:11:25,480 --> 00:11:29,200 Speaker 1: that's a good thought, said the thieves. Come along, we 129 00:11:29,240 --> 00:11:34,960 Speaker 1: shall see what you can do. When they came to 130 00:11:35,080 --> 00:11:39,000 Speaker 1: the person's house, Tom slipped through the window bars into 131 00:11:39,040 --> 00:11:43,720 Speaker 1: the room and then called out as loud as he could, 132 00:11:44,280 --> 00:11:48,840 Speaker 1: will you have all that is here? At this the 133 00:11:48,880 --> 00:11:53,280 Speaker 1: thieves were frightened and said softly, softly, speak low, that 134 00:11:53,360 --> 00:11:58,319 Speaker 1: you may not waken anybody. But Tom seemed as if 135 00:11:58,320 --> 00:12:01,800 Speaker 1: he did not understand them, and yelled out again, how 136 00:12:01,880 --> 00:12:08,000 Speaker 1: much will you have? Shall I throw it all out? Now? 137 00:12:08,000 --> 00:12:11,400 Speaker 1: The cook lay in the next room, and hearing a noise, 138 00:12:11,800 --> 00:12:18,960 Speaker 1: she raised herself up in her bed and listened. Meantime, 139 00:12:19,040 --> 00:12:22,080 Speaker 1: the thieves were frightened and ran off a little way, 140 00:12:22,800 --> 00:12:25,319 Speaker 1: But at last they plucked up their courage and said, 141 00:12:26,080 --> 00:12:28,760 Speaker 1: the little urchin is trying to make fools of us. 142 00:12:29,679 --> 00:12:32,520 Speaker 1: So they came back and whispered softly to him, saying, 143 00:12:33,880 --> 00:12:36,640 Speaker 1: now let us have no more of your roguish jokes, 144 00:12:37,000 --> 00:12:41,760 Speaker 1: but throw us out some of the money. Then Tom 145 00:12:41,920 --> 00:12:46,679 Speaker 1: called out as loud as he could, very well hold 146 00:12:46,760 --> 00:12:55,000 Speaker 1: your hands, here it comes. The cook heard this quite plain, 147 00:12:55,840 --> 00:12:59,400 Speaker 1: so she sprang out of bed and ran to open 148 00:12:59,480 --> 00:13:04,240 Speaker 1: the door. The thieves ran off as if a wolf 149 00:13:04,320 --> 00:13:08,400 Speaker 1: was at their tails, and the maid, having groped about 150 00:13:08,480 --> 00:13:13,880 Speaker 1: and found nothing, went away for a light. By the 151 00:13:13,960 --> 00:13:17,840 Speaker 1: time she came back, Tom had slipped off into the barn, 152 00:13:18,360 --> 00:13:21,360 Speaker 1: and when she had looked about and searched every hole 153 00:13:21,440 --> 00:13:26,560 Speaker 1: and corner, and found nobody. She went to bed, thinking 154 00:13:26,640 --> 00:13:35,000 Speaker 1: she must have been dreaming with her eyes open. The 155 00:13:35,080 --> 00:13:38,600 Speaker 1: little man crawled about in the hayloft and at last 156 00:13:38,679 --> 00:13:43,280 Speaker 1: found a snug place to finish his night's resting. So 157 00:13:43,360 --> 00:13:48,440 Speaker 1: he laid himself down, meaning to sleep till daylight and 158 00:13:48,520 --> 00:13:51,920 Speaker 1: then find his way home to his father and mother. 159 00:13:54,520 --> 00:14:01,760 Speaker 1: But alas how woefully he was undone. Crosses and sorrows 160 00:14:01,880 --> 00:14:07,400 Speaker 1: happened to us all in this world. The cook got 161 00:14:07,520 --> 00:14:12,600 Speaker 1: up early before daybreak to feed the cows, and, going 162 00:14:12,640 --> 00:14:17,480 Speaker 1: straight to the hayloft, carried away a large bundle of hay, 163 00:14:18,160 --> 00:14:21,760 Speaker 1: with the little man in the middle of it, fast asleep. 164 00:14:26,120 --> 00:14:30,840 Speaker 1: He still, however, slept on and did not awake till 165 00:14:30,840 --> 00:14:36,080 Speaker 1: he found himself in the mouth of the cow, for 166 00:14:36,200 --> 00:14:38,760 Speaker 1: the cook had put the hay into the cow's trough, 167 00:14:39,640 --> 00:14:42,400 Speaker 1: and the cow had taken tom up in a mouthful 168 00:14:42,440 --> 00:14:47,200 Speaker 1: of it. Good lack a day, he said, how came 169 00:14:47,240 --> 00:14:52,720 Speaker 1: I to tumble into the mill? But he soon found 170 00:14:52,760 --> 00:14:56,120 Speaker 1: out where he really was, and was forced to have 171 00:14:56,280 --> 00:14:59,520 Speaker 1: all his wits about him that he might not get 172 00:14:59,560 --> 00:15:06,960 Speaker 1: between the cow's teeth. At last down he went into 173 00:15:07,000 --> 00:15:11,760 Speaker 1: her stomach. It is rather dark, he said. They forgot 174 00:15:11,760 --> 00:15:13,960 Speaker 1: to build windows in this room. To let the sun 175 00:15:14,040 --> 00:15:20,640 Speaker 1: in a candle would not be a bad thing. Though 176 00:15:20,680 --> 00:15:23,360 Speaker 1: he made the best of his bad luck, he did 177 00:15:23,440 --> 00:15:26,560 Speaker 1: not like his quarters at all, and the worst of 178 00:15:26,600 --> 00:15:30,880 Speaker 1: it was the more and more Hay was always coming down, 179 00:15:31,720 --> 00:15:35,480 Speaker 1: and the space left for him became smaller and smaller. 180 00:15:38,120 --> 00:15:40,800 Speaker 1: At last, he cried out as loud as he could. 181 00:15:41,480 --> 00:15:49,480 Speaker 1: Don't bring me any more, Hay, don't bring me any more. Hay. 182 00:15:50,640 --> 00:15:53,720 Speaker 1: The maid happened to be just then milking the cow 183 00:15:54,280 --> 00:15:59,000 Speaker 1: and hearing someone speak, but seeing nobody, and yet being 184 00:15:59,120 --> 00:16:01,400 Speaker 1: quite sure it was the same voice that she had 185 00:16:01,440 --> 00:16:05,560 Speaker 1: heard in the night. She was so frightened that she 186 00:16:05,640 --> 00:16:09,480 Speaker 1: fell off her stool and tipped over the milk pail. 187 00:16:11,760 --> 00:16:14,000 Speaker 1: As soon as she could pick herself up out of 188 00:16:14,040 --> 00:16:17,000 Speaker 1: the dirt, she ran off as fast as she could 189 00:16:17,000 --> 00:16:22,360 Speaker 1: to her master, the person who owned the house, and said, Sir, sir, 190 00:16:22,840 --> 00:16:28,520 Speaker 1: the cow is talking. But the man said, woman, you 191 00:16:28,600 --> 00:16:33,120 Speaker 1: are surely mad. However, he went with her into the 192 00:16:33,200 --> 00:16:37,200 Speaker 1: cow house to try and see what was the matter. 193 00:16:41,800 --> 00:16:45,040 Speaker 1: Scarcely had they set foot on the threshold when Tom 194 00:16:45,200 --> 00:16:51,160 Speaker 1: called out, don't bring me any more hay. Then the 195 00:16:51,240 --> 00:16:55,720 Speaker 1: man himself was frightened and, thinking the cow was surely bewitched, 196 00:16:56,440 --> 00:16:58,840 Speaker 1: told his man to get rid of the cow on 197 00:16:58,920 --> 00:17:03,320 Speaker 1: the spot. So the cow was gotten rid of, but 198 00:17:03,440 --> 00:17:06,520 Speaker 1: Tom had crawled up on to the hay and out 199 00:17:06,520 --> 00:17:11,280 Speaker 1: of the cow's mouth and fell into the dunghill. As 200 00:17:11,320 --> 00:17:18,399 Speaker 1: they led the cow away, Tom soon set himself to 201 00:17:18,480 --> 00:17:22,199 Speaker 1: work to get out, which was not a very easy task. 202 00:17:23,240 --> 00:17:26,000 Speaker 1: But at last, just as he had made room to 203 00:17:26,040 --> 00:17:29,680 Speaker 1: get his head out, when more bad luck found him, 204 00:17:31,119 --> 00:17:39,840 Speaker 1: a hungry wolf sprang out, swallowed him whole, and ran away. Tom, however, 205 00:17:40,040 --> 00:17:43,760 Speaker 1: was still not disheartened, and thinking the wolf would not 206 00:17:43,840 --> 00:17:47,120 Speaker 1: dislike having someone chat with him. As he was going along, 207 00:17:47,640 --> 00:17:51,159 Speaker 1: he called out, my good friend, I can show you 208 00:17:51,280 --> 00:17:56,440 Speaker 1: a famous treat. Where's that? Said the wolf? In such 209 00:17:56,480 --> 00:18:01,119 Speaker 1: and such a house, said Tom, describing his own father's house. 210 00:18:02,119 --> 00:18:05,080 Speaker 1: You can crawl through the drain into the kitchen and 211 00:18:05,119 --> 00:18:08,600 Speaker 1: then into the pantry, and there you will find cakes, 212 00:18:09,160 --> 00:18:16,359 Speaker 1: ham beef, cold chicken, roast, pig, apple dumplings, and everything 213 00:18:16,600 --> 00:18:22,840 Speaker 1: that your heart can wish. The wolf did not want 214 00:18:22,880 --> 00:18:26,080 Speaker 1: to be asked twice so that very night he went 215 00:18:26,119 --> 00:18:30,080 Speaker 1: to the house and crawled through the drain into the kitchen, 216 00:18:31,520 --> 00:18:35,120 Speaker 1: and then into the pantry, and ate and drank there 217 00:18:35,240 --> 00:18:40,920 Speaker 1: to his heart's content. As soon as he had had enough, 218 00:18:41,040 --> 00:18:44,199 Speaker 1: he wanted to get away, but he had eaten so 219 00:18:44,440 --> 00:18:47,480 Speaker 1: much that he could not go out by the same 220 00:18:47,520 --> 00:18:52,800 Speaker 1: way he came in. That was just what Tom had 221 00:18:52,840 --> 00:18:56,520 Speaker 1: hoped would happen. And now he began to set up 222 00:18:56,560 --> 00:19:01,680 Speaker 1: a great shout, making all the noise he could. Will 223 00:19:01,720 --> 00:19:04,679 Speaker 1: you be easy, said the wolf. You'll waken everybody in 224 00:19:04,720 --> 00:19:08,520 Speaker 1: the house if you make such a clatter. What's that 225 00:19:08,640 --> 00:19:12,160 Speaker 1: to me? Said the little man. You have had your frolic. 226 00:19:12,640 --> 00:19:15,879 Speaker 1: Now I've a mind to be Mary myself, And he 227 00:19:15,960 --> 00:19:23,639 Speaker 1: began singing and shouting as loud as he could. The 228 00:19:23,680 --> 00:19:27,640 Speaker 1: woodman and his wife, being awakened by the noise, peeped 229 00:19:27,680 --> 00:19:31,120 Speaker 1: through a crack in the door. But when they saw 230 00:19:31,240 --> 00:19:34,640 Speaker 1: wolf was there, You may well suppose that they were 231 00:19:34,760 --> 00:19:40,439 Speaker 1: sadly frightened, and the woodman ran for his axe. Do 232 00:19:40,640 --> 00:19:43,800 Speaker 1: stay behind, said the woodman to his wife. And when 233 00:19:43,840 --> 00:19:46,840 Speaker 1: I have knocked him on the head, you tie him up. 234 00:19:51,160 --> 00:19:55,119 Speaker 1: Tom heard all this and cried out, father, father, I 235 00:19:55,160 --> 00:20:00,280 Speaker 1: am here the wolf has swallowed me. And his father said, 236 00:20:00,840 --> 00:20:04,119 Speaker 1: Heaven be praised, we have found our dear child again. 237 00:20:05,520 --> 00:20:08,119 Speaker 1: And he told his wife to be careful so she 238 00:20:08,240 --> 00:20:14,480 Speaker 1: did not hurt him. Then he struck the wolf on 239 00:20:14,560 --> 00:20:21,120 Speaker 1: the head. They quickly tied him up and set Tommy free. Ah, 240 00:20:21,160 --> 00:20:25,879 Speaker 1: said the father, What fears we have had for you? Yes, father, 241 00:20:26,160 --> 00:20:30,040 Speaker 1: answered tom I have traveled all over the world, I think, 242 00:20:30,520 --> 00:20:34,159 Speaker 1: in one way or another since we parted, and now 243 00:20:34,520 --> 00:20:37,480 Speaker 1: I am very glad to come home and get fresh 244 00:20:37,560 --> 00:20:42,440 Speaker 1: air again. Why where have you been, said his father. 245 00:20:43,600 --> 00:20:46,000 Speaker 1: I have been in a mouse hole, and in a 246 00:20:46,040 --> 00:20:50,439 Speaker 1: snail shell, and down a cow's throat, and in the 247 00:20:50,480 --> 00:20:59,120 Speaker 1: wolf's belly, and yet here I am again, safe and sound. Well, 248 00:20:59,240 --> 00:21:02,200 Speaker 1: said they, you are come back, and we will not 249 00:21:02,400 --> 00:21:05,159 Speaker 1: sell you again for all the riches in the world. 250 00:21:08,840 --> 00:21:12,040 Speaker 1: Then they hugged and kissed their dear little son and 251 00:21:12,160 --> 00:21:15,439 Speaker 1: gave him plenty to eat and drink, for he was 252 00:21:15,680 --> 00:21:19,920 Speaker 1: very hungry. And then they fetched new clothes for him, 253 00:21:20,760 --> 00:21:24,080 Speaker 1: for his old ones had been quite spoiled on his journey. 254 00:21:26,119 --> 00:21:28,800 Speaker 1: So Master Thumb stayed at home with his father and 255 00:21:28,880 --> 00:21:33,600 Speaker 1: mother in peace, for though he had been so great 256 00:21:33,640 --> 00:21:37,959 Speaker 1: a traveler, and had done and seen so many fine things, 257 00:21:38,080 --> 00:21:41,879 Speaker 1: and was fond enough of telling the whole story. He 258 00:21:42,040 --> 00:21:52,120 Speaker 1: always agreed that, after all, there's no place like home. 259 00:21:54,000 --> 00:21:56,640 Speaker 1: Good Night, sleep tight,