1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,480 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,520 --> 00:00:19,280 Speaker 1: to say hello to Teddy, Shimmick and Georgia from Melbourne, Australia. 3 00:00:21,680 --> 00:00:25,680 Speaker 1: Happy belated birthday to Emmy from Granville, Ohio, who turned 4 00:00:25,720 --> 00:00:32,880 Speaker 1: seven on November seventeenth. Happy belated birthday to Ian in Victoria, BC, Canada, 5 00:00:33,200 --> 00:00:37,320 Speaker 1: who had a birthday on November nineteenth. Mom, Dad and 6 00:00:37,360 --> 00:00:41,080 Speaker 1: your little brother Reed love you so much and wish 7 00:00:41,159 --> 00:00:45,879 Speaker 1: you the happiest of birthdays. Happy birthday to Cora, who 8 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:49,800 Speaker 1: is turning seven on November twenty second. Mom and Dad 9 00:00:49,840 --> 00:00:52,320 Speaker 1: are both so proud of you. You are the best 10 00:00:52,400 --> 00:00:56,680 Speaker 1: daughter and sister they could have ever wished for. Happy 11 00:00:56,680 --> 00:01:00,680 Speaker 1: birthday to Hudson from Los Angeles, California, who will be 12 00:01:00,720 --> 00:01:05,400 Speaker 1: turning four on November twenty third. Happy birthday to Penny 13 00:01:05,480 --> 00:01:09,920 Speaker 1: who is turning twelve on November twenty third. Happy birthday 14 00:01:09,959 --> 00:01:13,959 Speaker 1: to Poppy Swineburne in Lincoln, England, who is turning nine 15 00:01:14,200 --> 00:01:19,680 Speaker 1: on November twenty third. From Mommy, Daddy and big brother Thomas. 16 00:01:20,240 --> 00:01:23,920 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Ila from Melbourne, Australia, who is turning 17 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:27,560 Speaker 1: seven on November twenty fourth. Mom and Dad think you 18 00:01:27,640 --> 00:01:32,240 Speaker 1: are so wonderful. And utterly loved. Happy birthday to Elliott, 19 00:01:32,400 --> 00:01:36,080 Speaker 1: who is turning eight on November twenty fifth. Your Mommy 20 00:01:36,120 --> 00:01:40,319 Speaker 1: and Poppy love you very much. And Happy birthday to 21 00:01:40,560 --> 00:01:44,640 Speaker 1: l J from San Francisco, California, who is turning six 22 00:01:44,920 --> 00:01:49,120 Speaker 1: on November twenty seventh. Happy birthday to you all. I 23 00:01:49,160 --> 00:01:52,600 Speaker 1: hope you have a wonderful day. Shout outs and birthday 24 00:01:52,640 --> 00:01:55,760 Speaker 1: wishes are one way we give thanks to our supporters. 25 00:01:56,160 --> 00:01:58,800 Speaker 1: If you would like to support us and receive more 26 00:01:58,840 --> 00:02:03,440 Speaker 1: bedtime entertainment like this I'll add free, please visit our 27 00:02:03,440 --> 00:02:08,480 Speaker 1: support page at sleep tightstories dot org slash support Thank you. 28 00:02:18,960 --> 00:02:22,639 Speaker 1: Bernice races into the house to tell Papa Bear about 29 00:02:22,639 --> 00:02:26,320 Speaker 1: her math test, but gets distracted by the smell of 30 00:02:26,480 --> 00:02:31,679 Speaker 1: yummy cookies baking. Papa Bear asks Bernice if she can 31 00:02:31,720 --> 00:02:34,520 Speaker 1: help him to bake some cookies to share, and she 32 00:02:34,600 --> 00:02:39,840 Speaker 1: says of course. After they look for all the ingredients, 33 00:02:40,000 --> 00:02:46,960 Speaker 1: they get started making them. Bernice and Papa Bear bake cookies. 34 00:02:48,360 --> 00:02:55,919 Speaker 1: Thank you, Mayra, Ruth, Hi, Papa and Cookie. I'm home, 35 00:02:56,760 --> 00:02:59,480 Speaker 1: Bernice yelled as she ran in the front door of 36 00:02:59,520 --> 00:03:04,919 Speaker 1: her house, almost slamming the door. She dropped her backpack, 37 00:03:05,400 --> 00:03:08,280 Speaker 1: hung up her coat and bent over to take off 38 00:03:08,280 --> 00:03:14,480 Speaker 1: her sneakers. Cookie quickly pranced down the hallway, tail high 39 00:03:14,520 --> 00:03:17,440 Speaker 1: in the air to greet her by rubbing up against 40 00:03:17,440 --> 00:03:23,080 Speaker 1: her leg, purring, Hi, Cookie, did you miss me today? 41 00:03:23,960 --> 00:03:26,800 Speaker 1: I missed you super much. But I get to have 42 00:03:26,840 --> 00:03:29,600 Speaker 1: a couple days off from school and we can do 43 00:03:29,680 --> 00:03:33,480 Speaker 1: stuff together, like read books and stuff, Bernice said as 44 00:03:33,520 --> 00:03:38,960 Speaker 1: she petted Cookie's head. Cookie responded with more purrs and 45 00:03:39,000 --> 00:03:44,200 Speaker 1: a meal. I'm in the kitchen, little bear, Papa Bear said, 46 00:03:44,600 --> 00:03:49,560 Speaker 1: and I think I may need your help today. After 47 00:03:49,680 --> 00:03:54,000 Speaker 1: running into the kitchen, Bernice said, I knew where you were, Papa, 48 00:03:54,600 --> 00:03:57,720 Speaker 1: as soon as I got off the bus. I really 49 00:03:57,800 --> 00:04:01,240 Speaker 1: think I could smell your cookies. The bus driver even 50 00:04:01,280 --> 00:04:05,320 Speaker 1: thought she could too. Do you think everyone in the 51 00:04:05,360 --> 00:04:08,600 Speaker 1: neighborhood gets gurgles in their stomachs like I do when 52 00:04:08,600 --> 00:04:13,040 Speaker 1: you bake cookies? Ha ha. I don't know for sure, 53 00:04:13,560 --> 00:04:16,120 Speaker 1: but I do share cookies with them as much as 54 00:04:16,160 --> 00:04:21,760 Speaker 1: I can, and they haven't refused them yet. Why don't 55 00:04:21,800 --> 00:04:23,720 Speaker 1: you wash your hands and we will have a quick 56 00:04:23,760 --> 00:04:27,320 Speaker 1: snack before you help me, Papa Bear said as he 57 00:04:27,360 --> 00:04:31,440 Speaker 1: puts some fresh chocolate chip cookies on a plate. Today 58 00:04:31,560 --> 00:04:36,560 Speaker 1: is Chocolate Dreams Day. What do you mean, Papa, Are 59 00:04:36,560 --> 00:04:41,200 Speaker 1: you dreaming about chocolate at night? You know, little Bear, 60 00:04:41,560 --> 00:04:46,039 Speaker 1: I do sometimes have dreams about chocolate. It's kind of silly, 61 00:04:46,920 --> 00:04:50,000 Speaker 1: but I mean I have chocolate chip cookies for you, 62 00:04:50,480 --> 00:04:54,160 Speaker 1: chocolate cookies too, and hot cocoa to warm you up 63 00:04:54,200 --> 00:05:01,080 Speaker 1: from the cold outside. Oh I love chocolate, dreamed Bernice 64 00:05:01,120 --> 00:05:04,560 Speaker 1: said as she sat at the table. So what do 65 00:05:04,600 --> 00:05:08,040 Speaker 1: you need my help with? Bernice said after taking a 66 00:05:08,160 --> 00:05:13,400 Speaker 1: super big bite of a cookie. These are super duper yummy, Papa. 67 00:05:14,440 --> 00:05:17,559 Speaker 1: I'm glad you like them, little Bear. Papa Bear said 68 00:05:17,560 --> 00:05:19,800 Speaker 1: as he sat down with a cup of tea and 69 00:05:19,920 --> 00:05:25,480 Speaker 1: grabbed a cookie. Today, I need your help making cookies. 70 00:05:26,480 --> 00:05:29,279 Speaker 1: I know you have made cookies for your class, but 71 00:05:29,400 --> 00:05:32,960 Speaker 1: I thought we could make some together today. I will 72 00:05:32,960 --> 00:05:36,039 Speaker 1: give a whole bunch of cookies away this week for 73 00:05:36,120 --> 00:05:40,680 Speaker 1: those who don't often get to have nice treats. That 74 00:05:40,839 --> 00:05:43,520 Speaker 1: sounds like fun, Papa, Will you teach me how to 75 00:05:43,600 --> 00:05:48,640 Speaker 1: make them? Even though I am already an expert cookie maker, 76 00:05:49,120 --> 00:05:51,200 Speaker 1: I am sure there are still some things that I 77 00:05:51,200 --> 00:05:55,000 Speaker 1: could learn. You know, Papa, maybe I could open a 78 00:05:55,000 --> 00:06:00,599 Speaker 1: cookie shop. I will show you the recipe and we 79 00:06:00,680 --> 00:06:05,600 Speaker 1: can do it together. I'm calling these cookies red Velvet 80 00:06:05,640 --> 00:06:09,920 Speaker 1: Delight chocolate chip cookies because they have some red color 81 00:06:10,000 --> 00:06:15,080 Speaker 1: in them, Papa Bear said, sipping his tea. Opening a 82 00:06:15,120 --> 00:06:18,760 Speaker 1: cookie shop sounds good, little Bear. But what happened to 83 00:06:18,800 --> 00:06:22,120 Speaker 1: the idea of being a scientist, an artist and a 84 00:06:22,160 --> 00:06:25,920 Speaker 1: professional runner. I thought you were going to solve the 85 00:06:25,920 --> 00:06:31,560 Speaker 1: world's problems through science. Yeah, I will, Papa. I think 86 00:06:31,600 --> 00:06:34,800 Speaker 1: I can do all those things. Mama says it's good 87 00:06:34,800 --> 00:06:38,120 Speaker 1: to have big goals to work towards, and you always 88 00:06:38,160 --> 00:06:40,799 Speaker 1: say that I can do whatever I set my mind 89 00:06:40,839 --> 00:06:47,120 Speaker 1: to if I work hard enough. We do say those things. 90 00:06:48,240 --> 00:06:51,640 Speaker 1: So before we start making cookies, tell me a little 91 00:06:51,680 --> 00:06:56,359 Speaker 1: about your day. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you something. 92 00:06:57,000 --> 00:06:59,440 Speaker 1: I wanted to tell you as soon as I got home, 93 00:06:59,720 --> 00:07:02,359 Speaker 1: but I got distracted by the smell of cookies and 94 00:07:02,440 --> 00:07:07,919 Speaker 1: my gurgly stomach. What is it you wanted to tell me? 95 00:07:09,200 --> 00:07:12,360 Speaker 1: We had a math test today. Our teacher didn't tell 96 00:07:12,440 --> 00:07:15,320 Speaker 1: us before class, so I guess it was a surprise, 97 00:07:16,120 --> 00:07:19,560 Speaker 1: though I think some of my kids don't like these 98 00:07:19,720 --> 00:07:23,880 Speaker 1: kinds of surprises. But I only had one wrong answer, 99 00:07:24,280 --> 00:07:27,680 Speaker 1: and Gertrude had no mistakes at all, Papa, she has 100 00:07:27,880 --> 00:07:32,640 Speaker 1: really improved at math. Bobby made a few mistakes, so 101 00:07:32,760 --> 00:07:36,840 Speaker 1: he was kind of sad. He's usually our group's mathematician. 102 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:41,720 Speaker 1: I'm happy for you, and I'm happy to hear that 103 00:07:41,760 --> 00:07:48,560 Speaker 1: Gertrude is improving at math. All it takes is practice. Yeah, 104 00:07:48,640 --> 00:07:54,000 Speaker 1: I'm good at practicing. But lunchtime was super interesting because 105 00:07:54,040 --> 00:07:57,520 Speaker 1: we all had different foods for lunch and we all shared. 106 00:07:58,960 --> 00:08:02,600 Speaker 1: One of our friends, Mia brings curry for lunch, and 107 00:08:02,680 --> 00:08:06,440 Speaker 1: when I tried it, I thought it tasted really interesting, 108 00:08:06,840 --> 00:08:10,160 Speaker 1: but then it felt like my tongue was on fire. 109 00:08:10,880 --> 00:08:12,880 Speaker 1: I had to run to the water fountain to put 110 00:08:12,920 --> 00:08:16,040 Speaker 1: out the fire on my tongue. I was afraid that 111 00:08:16,120 --> 00:08:20,520 Speaker 1: I would cause the fire alarms to go off. Bobby 112 00:08:20,600 --> 00:08:23,680 Speaker 1: said that if I ate enough spicy curry, I might 113 00:08:23,720 --> 00:08:28,320 Speaker 1: turn into a dragon and breathe out fire from my mouth. Ha ha. 114 00:08:28,720 --> 00:08:32,320 Speaker 1: I'm glad you survived, little bear. It's wonderful how we 115 00:08:32,440 --> 00:08:37,600 Speaker 1: all have different tastes in food. Yeah, some kids don't 116 00:08:37,600 --> 00:08:42,560 Speaker 1: eat meat, some bring sandwiches, and Mika brings some kind 117 00:08:42,559 --> 00:08:47,079 Speaker 1: of fish on rice. But you know what, Papa, even 118 00:08:47,160 --> 00:08:50,640 Speaker 1: though we all have different lunches, we share one thing 119 00:08:50,679 --> 00:08:58,240 Speaker 1: in common. What's that little bear? You all like Brussels sprouts? No, silly, 120 00:08:58,520 --> 00:09:04,040 Speaker 1: We all love your cookies. Cookies are a fun treat. 121 00:09:05,320 --> 00:09:09,080 Speaker 1: How was your afternoon? Did you have art class? 122 00:09:10,760 --> 00:09:11,080 Speaker 2: Yeah? 123 00:09:11,320 --> 00:09:15,280 Speaker 1: Art was okay. We are painting stuff still and Bobby 124 00:09:15,400 --> 00:09:19,280 Speaker 1: is forbidden to paint stinky things, so he was painting 125 00:09:19,320 --> 00:09:24,160 Speaker 1: flowers and butterflies, except he said that the butterfly ate 126 00:09:24,240 --> 00:09:27,640 Speaker 1: too much spicy curry, and so it was breathing fire 127 00:09:27,760 --> 00:09:31,720 Speaker 1: and stuff. I painted a picture of cookie, but it 128 00:09:31,800 --> 00:09:34,480 Speaker 1: didn't turn out the best, so I will keep trying 129 00:09:34,520 --> 00:09:39,600 Speaker 1: to improve. We had English class this afternoon too, and 130 00:09:39,679 --> 00:09:42,440 Speaker 1: we all had to read from the book while standing 131 00:09:42,559 --> 00:09:45,840 Speaker 1: in front of the class, which is so hard, Papa, 132 00:09:46,120 --> 00:09:50,720 Speaker 1: because many of us get nervous. Bobby loves it though, 133 00:09:51,120 --> 00:09:54,319 Speaker 1: and starts pretending it's a play, and then the teacher 134 00:09:54,440 --> 00:09:58,000 Speaker 1: laughs and tells him to sit down. I think the 135 00:09:58,040 --> 00:10:00,880 Speaker 1: teacher likes him but needs to pretend to be strict 136 00:10:01,000 --> 00:10:06,520 Speaker 1: or something. And Papa, Bobby asked me to ask you 137 00:10:06,640 --> 00:10:09,920 Speaker 1: if you have any extra cookies because his secret cookie 138 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:14,480 Speaker 1: jar is running out. Ha ha. Well you can tell 139 00:10:14,520 --> 00:10:17,440 Speaker 1: Bobby that he is welcome to all the cookies. His 140 00:10:17,679 --> 00:10:22,760 Speaker 1: parents will allow, but they have to call first. Now, 141 00:10:23,280 --> 00:10:25,600 Speaker 1: how about you wash your hands and I will tell 142 00:10:25,600 --> 00:10:33,719 Speaker 1: you our cookie recipe. After washing her hands, Bernice asks, okay, Papa, 143 00:10:33,720 --> 00:10:37,480 Speaker 1: what do we do first? Well, we have to make 144 00:10:37,520 --> 00:10:40,280 Speaker 1: sure that we have all the ingredients that we need. 145 00:10:41,040 --> 00:10:43,840 Speaker 1: I think we do, But do you mind checking for 146 00:10:43,920 --> 00:10:48,880 Speaker 1: me while I start measuring. Bernice started going through all 147 00:10:48,960 --> 00:10:51,880 Speaker 1: the ingredients that Papa Bear had brought out from the 148 00:10:51,920 --> 00:10:56,840 Speaker 1: cupboard onto the kitchen counter. I see we need flour, 149 00:10:57,640 --> 00:11:03,200 Speaker 1: unsweetened cocoa, powder, baking soda, salt. We have all that 150 00:11:03,440 --> 00:11:06,640 Speaker 1: on the counter. But why do we need salt in 151 00:11:06,679 --> 00:11:12,720 Speaker 1: our cookies? Papa? Aren't cookies sweet? They certainly are sweet. 152 00:11:13,520 --> 00:11:17,280 Speaker 1: There are a couple of reasons I use salt. Salt 153 00:11:17,320 --> 00:11:20,199 Speaker 1: helps bring out the flavor in some of the ingredients 154 00:11:20,600 --> 00:11:25,400 Speaker 1: and can impact the chemical reactions in baking. In cookies, 155 00:11:25,920 --> 00:11:29,359 Speaker 1: it can affect the behavior of the proteins and starches 156 00:11:29,400 --> 00:11:36,960 Speaker 1: in the flour, potentially influencing the texture of our cookies. Papa, 157 00:11:37,160 --> 00:11:40,079 Speaker 1: you are sounding a little bit like my science teacher. 158 00:11:41,320 --> 00:11:45,520 Speaker 1: Papa Bear laughed and said, there is some science in baking. 159 00:11:49,360 --> 00:11:53,360 Speaker 1: Looking at the recipe, Bernice continued to check the ingredients 160 00:11:53,400 --> 00:12:00,840 Speaker 1: on the counter. After salt, we need butter, egg, vanillachocolate chips, 161 00:12:01,040 --> 00:12:05,040 Speaker 1: and red food coloring. We seem to have all the 162 00:12:05,240 --> 00:12:09,360 Speaker 1: ingredients we need, but I was thinking that maybe I 163 00:12:09,400 --> 00:12:13,640 Speaker 1: should test out the chocolate chips, just in case. We 164 00:12:13,760 --> 00:12:16,720 Speaker 1: need to be sure that they are the best. Bernice said, 165 00:12:16,720 --> 00:12:20,480 Speaker 1: with a smile, ha ha. I think you should wait 166 00:12:20,559 --> 00:12:25,679 Speaker 1: until we bake some and then try. Papa Bear said, next, 167 00:12:26,120 --> 00:12:28,680 Speaker 1: we need to preheat the oven to three hundred and 168 00:12:28,720 --> 00:12:32,960 Speaker 1: fifty degrees fahrenheit. Can you help me line the baking 169 00:12:33,000 --> 00:12:39,760 Speaker 1: sheet with parchment paper. I can. After carefully lining the 170 00:12:39,760 --> 00:12:45,800 Speaker 1: baking sheet with paper, Bernice asked, what's next. Now we 171 00:12:45,880 --> 00:12:50,600 Speaker 1: mix the dry ingredients. We need the flour, cocoa powder, 172 00:12:50,960 --> 00:12:55,000 Speaker 1: baking soda, and a pinch of salt. Can you whisk 173 00:12:55,080 --> 00:13:00,640 Speaker 1: them together in this bowl? While whisking, Bernice said, this 174 00:13:00,760 --> 00:13:04,120 Speaker 1: looks like magic powder. I think we must be making 175 00:13:04,160 --> 00:13:09,720 Speaker 1: magic cookies. Cookies can taste like magic. I hope these do. 176 00:13:11,760 --> 00:13:14,760 Speaker 1: Now in this other bowl, we are going to beat 177 00:13:14,800 --> 00:13:18,080 Speaker 1: the butter and sugar until it's fluffy. Want to be 178 00:13:18,200 --> 00:13:23,240 Speaker 1: my mixer? I'll try, Papa, but it looks super hard. 179 00:13:24,600 --> 00:13:28,960 Speaker 1: Bernice keeps stirring the mixture and then says, Papa, my 180 00:13:29,200 --> 00:13:32,320 Speaker 1: arm hurts. I think I need a break. This is 181 00:13:32,400 --> 00:13:36,400 Speaker 1: harder than any gym class. I think I can take 182 00:13:36,440 --> 00:13:39,560 Speaker 1: a turn. Little bear, You did a great job, Papa 183 00:13:39,559 --> 00:13:45,840 Speaker 1: Bear said, yeah, I usually try my best. Papa, you 184 00:13:46,000 --> 00:13:49,760 Speaker 1: are doing a great job because it's starting to look 185 00:13:49,800 --> 00:13:54,440 Speaker 1: like a fluffy cloud. They are. I guess you didn't 186 00:13:54,480 --> 00:13:58,760 Speaker 1: know that baking cookies builds muscles. Is that why you 187 00:13:58,880 --> 00:14:05,000 Speaker 1: have big muscles, Papa? From baking cookies. Hah, Maybe this 188 00:14:05,080 --> 00:14:09,679 Speaker 1: looks perfect. Now let's add the egg, vanilla and the 189 00:14:09,760 --> 00:14:15,800 Speaker 1: secret ingredient, red food coloring. It's what makes them red 190 00:14:15,880 --> 00:14:21,640 Speaker 1: velvet delight cookies. Bernice adds all the ingredients while Papa 191 00:14:21,640 --> 00:14:28,520 Speaker 1: Bear keeps stirring the mixture. Wow, it's turning red. Now 192 00:14:28,720 --> 00:14:33,160 Speaker 1: we slowly add our magic powder mix. Can you help 193 00:14:33,200 --> 00:14:37,760 Speaker 1: me pour it in slowly while I mix. It's turning 194 00:14:37,840 --> 00:14:41,640 Speaker 1: into cookie dough. Bernice says as she pours the mixture. 195 00:14:42,640 --> 00:14:46,640 Speaker 1: Good job, little bear. Now this is one of my 196 00:14:46,880 --> 00:14:51,000 Speaker 1: favorite parts. We need to now fold in all these 197 00:14:51,080 --> 00:14:56,720 Speaker 1: delicious chocolate chips. They look delicious, Papa, They look all 198 00:14:56,800 --> 00:15:01,160 Speaker 1: fancy and stuff. I think whoever eats these cookies is 199 00:15:01,240 --> 00:15:05,880 Speaker 1: going to love their yummy goodness. I hope they do. 200 00:15:06,640 --> 00:15:10,080 Speaker 1: I got some special chips this time. Some are white 201 00:15:10,160 --> 00:15:13,880 Speaker 1: chocolate and the others have pointy edges, Papa Bear said, 202 00:15:16,160 --> 00:15:18,840 Speaker 1: Now we scoop the gooey stuff onto the pan right 203 00:15:19,240 --> 00:15:23,680 Speaker 1: with a spoon and not our fingers. We could use 204 00:15:23,680 --> 00:15:26,640 Speaker 1: our fingers if we were just making it for ourselves, 205 00:15:27,040 --> 00:15:30,280 Speaker 1: but the spoon is better and it helps with measuring. 206 00:15:32,360 --> 00:15:36,200 Speaker 1: How long do they bake? For Papa? It takes about 207 00:15:36,280 --> 00:15:40,280 Speaker 1: twelve minutes. Let's set the timer. We can watch them 208 00:15:40,360 --> 00:15:44,640 Speaker 1: rise and turn into delicious cookies. Can we eat them 209 00:15:44,720 --> 00:15:48,920 Speaker 1: right after my belly is full? But they already smell 210 00:15:49,000 --> 00:15:54,760 Speaker 1: yummy and delicious and aren't even cooked yet. Well, little Bear, 211 00:15:55,040 --> 00:15:57,760 Speaker 1: we have to be a little bit patient because they 212 00:15:57,840 --> 00:16:01,960 Speaker 1: have to cool first. You know what is fun, Papa 213 00:16:02,000 --> 00:16:07,680 Speaker 1: Bear asked, eating all the cookies? Haha, that is fun. 214 00:16:08,440 --> 00:16:11,520 Speaker 1: But what is fun is dipping warm cookies into milk 215 00:16:11,800 --> 00:16:18,000 Speaker 1: and then eating them. That sounds super duper fun. I 216 00:16:18,040 --> 00:16:20,520 Speaker 1: think Mama is gonna make us eat a lot of 217 00:16:20,640 --> 00:16:24,240 Speaker 1: vegetables and stuff after eating these extra bits of cookies, 218 00:16:24,760 --> 00:16:28,360 Speaker 1: Bernie said as she stared inside the oven watching the 219 00:16:28,400 --> 00:16:33,920 Speaker 1: cookies rise. Haha, I think she will good thing. We 220 00:16:34,000 --> 00:16:39,080 Speaker 1: love vegetables. Why don't you play with cookie while I 221 00:16:39,200 --> 00:16:42,320 Speaker 1: look after this patch of cookies, then you can help 222 00:16:42,360 --> 00:16:52,800 Speaker 1: me make more. Okay, Papa, it's that time, Papa, Bernie said, 223 00:16:52,840 --> 00:16:55,760 Speaker 1: as she crawled into her bed and got cozy with 224 00:16:55,800 --> 00:17:00,400 Speaker 1: her friends Twigger, Wolfy and Madeline. And what time is that, 225 00:17:00,480 --> 00:17:04,240 Speaker 1: little bear, replied her. Papa, I think it's time for 226 00:17:04,320 --> 00:17:08,560 Speaker 1: you to give me a great big hug. Yond Bernice, 227 00:17:09,600 --> 00:17:12,320 Speaker 1: you look a little bit sleepy tonight. Did you have 228 00:17:12,400 --> 00:17:17,560 Speaker 1: fun helping me with the cookies? Yeah? I had fun, Papa, 229 00:17:17,600 --> 00:17:20,040 Speaker 1: and I like that we are giving cookies away to 230 00:17:20,160 --> 00:17:26,040 Speaker 1: other kids. Not everyone can have super yummy cookies. That's right, 231 00:17:26,119 --> 00:17:29,480 Speaker 1: little bear. We should always be thankful for what we 232 00:17:29,680 --> 00:17:32,720 Speaker 1: have and try to help others as much as we can. 233 00:17:34,520 --> 00:17:38,639 Speaker 1: Those cookies were super yummy too, I hope everyone else 234 00:17:38,680 --> 00:17:43,160 Speaker 1: thinks so. My belly starts to gurgle just thinking about them. 235 00:17:44,160 --> 00:17:50,359 Speaker 1: I may even dream of cookies tonight, Papa. Bobby's mother 236 00:17:50,520 --> 00:17:52,840 Speaker 1: called me while you were taking a bath and said, 237 00:17:52,880 --> 00:17:55,800 Speaker 1: it was very nice of you to offer Bobby some cookies. 238 00:17:56,480 --> 00:17:58,719 Speaker 1: So I will send a small bag with you the 239 00:17:58,760 --> 00:18:03,280 Speaker 1: next time you and Bobby get together. He's my bestest 240 00:18:03,280 --> 00:18:08,240 Speaker 1: friend in the whole wide world. So is Twigger, Wolfy, Madeline, 241 00:18:08,320 --> 00:18:14,840 Speaker 1: and Cookie. Bernice yawned, okay, little bear, did you do 242 00:18:14,880 --> 00:18:18,320 Speaker 1: all the things you need to do before bed? I 243 00:18:18,400 --> 00:18:22,439 Speaker 1: think so. I had a super bubbly bath, put my 244 00:18:22,520 --> 00:18:27,040 Speaker 1: stinky socks in the laundry basket, put on my favorite pajamas, 245 00:18:27,600 --> 00:18:32,160 Speaker 1: brushed my teeth, and did some deep breathing exercises and stretches. 246 00:18:33,960 --> 00:18:37,560 Speaker 1: All right, here is a great big Papa bear hug, 247 00:18:38,080 --> 00:18:40,439 Speaker 1: he said, as he bent over and gave Bernice a 248 00:18:40,480 --> 00:18:45,000 Speaker 1: big hug, a kiss on her forehead, and adjusted her blanket. 249 00:18:46,320 --> 00:18:50,359 Speaker 1: After he turned off her lamp, he quietly whispered, I 250 00:18:50,480 --> 00:19:00,520 Speaker 1: love you, little bear. I love you too, Papa. And 251 00:19:00,560 --> 00:19:06,160 Speaker 1: that is the end of our story. Good night, sleep tight. 252 00:20:01,080 --> 00:20:21,480 Speaker 2: The band to the back to the. 253 00:20:23,520 --> 00:20:32,159 Speaker 1: The the bay in the