1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,480 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,560 --> 00:00:19,280 Speaker 1: to say hello to some friends. Hello to Cameron and 3 00:00:19,440 --> 00:00:26,479 Speaker 1: Braden in Calgary, Alberta. Thank you for your support. It 4 00:00:26,600 --> 00:00:34,320 Speaker 1: means so much to us. In our last episode, Lightfoot 5 00:00:34,440 --> 00:00:37,559 Speaker 1: ran away from some boys and ended up on a 6 00:00:37,680 --> 00:00:41,400 Speaker 1: canal boat. He didn't know how to get off of 7 00:00:41,440 --> 00:00:47,720 Speaker 1: the boat, so he went for a voyage. In this episode, 8 00:00:48,240 --> 00:00:51,559 Speaker 1: Lightfoot decides that the voyage on the canal boat is 9 00:00:51,720 --> 00:00:56,920 Speaker 1: not so bad. He is hungry and asks the horses 10 00:00:56,960 --> 00:01:00,440 Speaker 1: on board if they would share their food, but they 11 00:01:00,520 --> 00:01:04,280 Speaker 1: tell him they can't there is no way to get 12 00:01:04,280 --> 00:01:10,280 Speaker 1: it the food to him. Lightfoot uses his nose and 13 00:01:10,400 --> 00:01:16,240 Speaker 1: finds some hay left behind from another horse, eats and 14 00:01:16,319 --> 00:01:22,280 Speaker 1: then has a rest. When he wakes up, Lightfoot realizes 15 00:01:22,440 --> 00:01:26,640 Speaker 1: he is homesick and decides to try and get off 16 00:01:26,760 --> 00:01:33,160 Speaker 1: the canal boat, but can't make the jump. Lucky for him, 17 00:01:33,760 --> 00:01:40,120 Speaker 1: they are stopping to put something in the hold Lightfoot. 18 00:01:40,520 --> 00:01:48,200 Speaker 1: Chapter seven, Lightfoot, down in the hold of the canal boat, 19 00:01:48,600 --> 00:01:53,280 Speaker 1: felt the craft slipping through the water easily. He was 20 00:01:53,320 --> 00:01:58,160 Speaker 1: being carried with it. Well, this is not so bad. 21 00:01:58,240 --> 00:02:02,400 Speaker 1: For a start the goat. It is much easier than 22 00:02:02,520 --> 00:02:08,600 Speaker 1: riding in a wagon, as I once did when Lightfoot 23 00:02:08,720 --> 00:02:11,920 Speaker 1: was a small goat before he had come to live 24 00:02:12,000 --> 00:02:15,920 Speaker 1: with Mike and his mother. He remembered being taken from 25 00:02:15,960 --> 00:02:20,080 Speaker 1: one place to another, shut up in a box and 26 00:02:20,280 --> 00:02:26,040 Speaker 1: carried in a wagon. The wagon jolted over the rough road, 27 00:02:26,639 --> 00:02:31,880 Speaker 1: tossing Lightfoot from side to side. The motion of the 28 00:02:31,960 --> 00:02:36,800 Speaker 1: canal boat was much easier, for there were no waves 29 00:02:36,840 --> 00:02:41,040 Speaker 1: in the canal, except at times when a steam canal 30 00:02:41,160 --> 00:02:46,200 Speaker 1: boat might pass, and even then the waves were not 31 00:02:46,480 --> 00:02:51,320 Speaker 1: large enough to make the Salie Jane bob about Sally 32 00:02:51,480 --> 00:02:55,160 Speaker 1: Jane was the name of the boat on which Lightfoot 33 00:02:55,320 --> 00:03:01,400 Speaker 1: was riding. This is a nicer ride than I had 34 00:03:01,440 --> 00:03:05,959 Speaker 1: in the wagon, thought Lightfoot, Only I don't know where 35 00:03:06,000 --> 00:03:11,080 Speaker 1: I am going. But then he thought I didn't know 36 00:03:11,120 --> 00:03:15,840 Speaker 1: where I was going the other time, however, I came 37 00:03:15,919 --> 00:03:19,600 Speaker 1: to a nice place, the shanty where Mike and his 38 00:03:19,680 --> 00:03:23,880 Speaker 1: mother lived, And maybe I'll go to a nice place now. 39 00:03:25,160 --> 00:03:28,440 Speaker 1: Anything is being better than chased by a sick or 40 00:03:28,480 --> 00:03:35,160 Speaker 1: some boys with lumps of coal. Then Lightfoot began to 41 00:03:35,280 --> 00:03:40,720 Speaker 1: feel more hungry. From somewhere, though the exact place he 42 00:03:40,840 --> 00:03:47,800 Speaker 1: did not know. He could smell Hay and oats. I 43 00:03:47,840 --> 00:03:50,440 Speaker 1: guess it must be from the stable where the horses 44 00:03:50,480 --> 00:03:53,720 Speaker 1: are that I was talking to. He said to himself, 45 00:03:54,880 --> 00:03:57,560 Speaker 1: I'm going to ask them if they can't hand me 46 00:03:57,680 --> 00:04:01,520 Speaker 1: out something to eat. It is any fun to be hungry, 47 00:04:02,120 --> 00:04:07,360 Speaker 1: even if you are on a canal boat voyage. So 48 00:04:07,720 --> 00:04:10,160 Speaker 1: Lightfoot went to the end of the boat where the 49 00:04:10,200 --> 00:04:13,800 Speaker 1: stable was, and, tapping on the wall with his horns, 50 00:04:14,200 --> 00:04:19,880 Speaker 1: waited for an answer. What is it, Lightfoot asked one 51 00:04:19,960 --> 00:04:23,400 Speaker 1: of the horses, for he had told them his name. 52 00:04:24,960 --> 00:04:29,880 Speaker 1: If you please, said the goat, I am very hungry. 53 00:04:30,120 --> 00:04:32,520 Speaker 1: Could you not pass me out some of the hay 54 00:04:32,640 --> 00:04:37,800 Speaker 1: or oats that I smell? We would be glad to 55 00:04:37,880 --> 00:04:44,440 Speaker 1: do so, said a kind horse. Only we cannot. There 56 00:04:44,520 --> 00:04:48,599 Speaker 1: is no opening from our stable into the hold where 57 00:04:48,640 --> 00:04:52,719 Speaker 1: you are. If you could jump out, you could get 58 00:04:52,800 --> 00:04:57,960 Speaker 1: right in where we are. I'm afraid I can't do that, 59 00:04:58,040 --> 00:05:04,719 Speaker 1: said Lightfoot. It is pretty high to jump, but I'll try. 60 00:05:05,839 --> 00:05:09,839 Speaker 1: Lightfoot did try to jump up, but he could not. 61 00:05:11,360 --> 00:05:16,159 Speaker 1: It is easy to jump down, but not easy even 62 00:05:16,200 --> 00:05:23,320 Speaker 1: for a goat to jump up. I can't do it, 63 00:05:23,480 --> 00:05:27,360 Speaker 1: sighed the goat. Oh, and the smell of your hay 64 00:05:27,440 --> 00:05:31,840 Speaker 1: and oats makes me very hungry. Why is it I 65 00:05:31,880 --> 00:05:35,560 Speaker 1: can smell it so plainly if there is no opening 66 00:05:35,600 --> 00:05:40,360 Speaker 1: from your stable to where I am, I don't know, 67 00:05:41,120 --> 00:05:46,920 Speaker 1: answered one horse, Nor do I we need another. Don't 68 00:05:46,960 --> 00:05:51,120 Speaker 1: you remember, Stamper, he said to the horse in the 69 00:05:51,160 --> 00:05:55,640 Speaker 1: stall next to him, on the last voyage, this boat 70 00:05:55,800 --> 00:06:00,040 Speaker 1: was loaded with hay and grain. Some of that it 71 00:06:00,160 --> 00:06:03,000 Speaker 1: must be left around in the corners of the hold. 72 00:06:03,880 --> 00:06:09,960 Speaker 1: That is what Lightfoot smells so plainly, so it is, 73 00:06:10,640 --> 00:06:15,640 Speaker 1: said the first horse. Then he called Lightfoot, look and 74 00:06:15,760 --> 00:06:20,120 Speaker 1: smell all around you. Maybe you will find some wisps 75 00:06:20,160 --> 00:06:23,719 Speaker 1: of hay or some little piles of grain in the 76 00:06:23,839 --> 00:06:27,320 Speaker 1: dark corners of the hold where you are. If you 77 00:06:27,400 --> 00:06:35,800 Speaker 1: do find them, eat them, thank you, I will, called Lightfoot. 78 00:06:36,240 --> 00:06:39,920 Speaker 1: Then he began to walk around in the big hollow 79 00:06:40,040 --> 00:06:45,039 Speaker 1: part of the canal boat, sniffing here and there in 80 00:06:45,240 --> 00:06:51,799 Speaker 1: corners and cracks for something to eat. He could smell 81 00:06:51,880 --> 00:06:56,040 Speaker 1: hay very plainly, and as he went toward a corner 82 00:06:56,480 --> 00:07:00,559 Speaker 1: in which some boards were piled, the smell was very 83 00:07:00,680 --> 00:07:07,000 Speaker 1: much stronger. Then all of a sudden, Lightfoot found what 84 00:07:07,120 --> 00:07:11,800 Speaker 1: he was looking for. Oh, here's a nice pile of hay, 85 00:07:12,680 --> 00:07:16,960 Speaker 1: he called, and the horses in their stalls heard him. 86 00:07:17,360 --> 00:07:20,720 Speaker 1: That's good, one of them said, Now you will not 87 00:07:20,880 --> 00:07:26,239 Speaker 1: be hungry anymore? Lightfoot, No, I guess I won't, said 88 00:07:26,240 --> 00:07:31,000 Speaker 1: the goat. At last, after I have had some bad luck, 89 00:07:31,320 --> 00:07:37,040 Speaker 1: I am going to have some good. Then he began 90 00:07:37,160 --> 00:07:40,600 Speaker 1: to eat the wisps of hay which had lodged in 91 00:07:40,680 --> 00:07:43,760 Speaker 1: the corner of the canal boat when the cargo had 92 00:07:43,760 --> 00:07:49,800 Speaker 1: been unloaded a few days before. There was enough hay 93 00:07:49,920 --> 00:07:53,920 Speaker 1: for more goats than lightfoot, but the men who unloaded 94 00:07:53,960 --> 00:07:57,200 Speaker 1: the canal boat did not bother to sweep up the 95 00:07:57,240 --> 00:08:01,920 Speaker 1: odds and ends, so the goat the traveler, had all 96 00:08:02,000 --> 00:08:09,920 Speaker 1: he wanted. After Lightfoot had eaten, he felt sleepy and 97 00:08:10,040 --> 00:08:14,080 Speaker 1: lulled by the pleasant and easy motion of the canal boat. 98 00:08:14,840 --> 00:08:18,560 Speaker 1: He cuddled up in a corner near the horse cabin, and, 99 00:08:18,680 --> 00:08:22,760 Speaker 1: after telling his unseen friends what had happened to him, 100 00:08:23,120 --> 00:08:31,520 Speaker 1: he went to sleep. How long he slept Lightfoot did 101 00:08:31,560 --> 00:08:35,480 Speaker 1: not know, but he was suddenly awakened by hearing a 102 00:08:35,600 --> 00:08:42,439 Speaker 1: rumbling sound like thunder. Hello, what's this, cried the goat, 103 00:08:42,520 --> 00:08:45,559 Speaker 1: jumping up. If it's going to rain, I had better 104 00:08:45,600 --> 00:08:50,160 Speaker 1: look for some shelter. Oh it isn't going to rain, 105 00:08:50,920 --> 00:08:54,240 Speaker 1: said a voice from the horse stable. Those who have 106 00:08:54,360 --> 00:08:57,839 Speaker 1: been pulling the boat are tired and are coming down 107 00:08:57,880 --> 00:09:02,080 Speaker 1: the planks into their stalls. We are going out to 108 00:09:02,160 --> 00:09:08,040 Speaker 1: take their places. It is our turn now. Oh I see, 109 00:09:08,840 --> 00:09:12,280 Speaker 1: returned Lightfoot. But how do you horses get on shore? 110 00:09:12,800 --> 00:09:17,679 Speaker 1: Do you swim across the canal? No, though we could 111 00:09:17,760 --> 00:09:21,880 Speaker 1: do that, said Cruncher, a horse who was called that 112 00:09:22,040 --> 00:09:27,160 Speaker 1: because he crushed his oats so finely, you see, he 113 00:09:27,240 --> 00:09:30,840 Speaker 1: went on. When the captain wants to change the teams 114 00:09:30,920 --> 00:09:34,280 Speaker 1: on the tow path, he steers the boat close to 115 00:09:34,320 --> 00:09:38,840 Speaker 1: the shore. Then he puts a plank with cross pieces 116 00:09:38,960 --> 00:09:42,439 Speaker 1: or cleats nailed onto it, so we won't slip down 117 00:09:42,760 --> 00:09:47,640 Speaker 1: to our stable, and we walk up, go ashore and 118 00:09:47,760 --> 00:09:50,720 Speaker 1: take our places. At the end of the tow line, 119 00:09:51,640 --> 00:09:58,079 Speaker 1: the tired horses come in to rest and eat. Then 120 00:09:58,240 --> 00:10:02,720 Speaker 1: is the boat close to the shore now now, asked Lightfoot. Yes, 121 00:10:03,480 --> 00:10:07,320 Speaker 1: right close up against the bank, answered Cruncher, as he 122 00:10:07,440 --> 00:10:12,640 Speaker 1: made ready to go out on the towpath. Oh I 123 00:10:12,760 --> 00:10:17,120 Speaker 1: wish I could get ashore, said Lightfoot. I like you horses, 124 00:10:17,320 --> 00:10:20,240 Speaker 1: and I like this boat because it saved me from 125 00:10:20,280 --> 00:10:23,840 Speaker 1: the boys who were chasing me. But still I would 126 00:10:23,960 --> 00:10:28,840 Speaker 1: rather be out where I can see the sun. I 127 00:10:28,880 --> 00:10:32,840 Speaker 1: don't blame you, said Nibbler, who was called that because 128 00:10:32,880 --> 00:10:36,840 Speaker 1: he used to nibble the edge of his manger. Sometimes 129 00:10:36,880 --> 00:10:41,400 Speaker 1: I get tired of this dark stable. But then twice 130 00:10:41,480 --> 00:10:44,160 Speaker 1: a day we go out in the air to pull 131 00:10:44,200 --> 00:10:48,600 Speaker 1: the boat. Do you think I could get on shore, 132 00:10:49,320 --> 00:10:53,400 Speaker 1: asked Lightfoot. Well, if you could jump up out of 133 00:10:53,440 --> 00:10:57,560 Speaker 1: the hold where you are, you could, said Cruncher, his 134 00:10:57,720 --> 00:11:00,880 Speaker 1: hoofs making a noise like thunder on the planks as 135 00:11:00,920 --> 00:11:04,840 Speaker 1: he walked up. If you can do that, you can 136 00:11:04,880 --> 00:11:11,280 Speaker 1: go ashore. I'm going to try that, Lightfoot, and he 137 00:11:11,360 --> 00:11:15,160 Speaker 1: began jumping up as high as he could to get 138 00:11:15,200 --> 00:11:18,520 Speaker 1: out of the deep hole into which he had leaped. 139 00:11:20,640 --> 00:11:24,880 Speaker 1: But jump as he could, Lightfoot could not get out 140 00:11:24,920 --> 00:11:28,040 Speaker 1: of the hold. It was like being down in a 141 00:11:28,080 --> 00:11:32,840 Speaker 1: deep well. If he had been a cat with sharp 142 00:11:32,920 --> 00:11:35,679 Speaker 1: claws to stick in the wooden sides of the boat, 143 00:11:36,840 --> 00:11:41,720 Speaker 1: or a bear like Dido the dancing chap Lightfoot might 144 00:11:41,840 --> 00:11:45,800 Speaker 1: have got out, but as he was neither of these, 145 00:11:46,720 --> 00:11:55,280 Speaker 1: he could not. Again and again he tried, but it 146 00:11:55,480 --> 00:12:01,480 Speaker 1: was of no use. Then he felt the boat moving 147 00:12:01,600 --> 00:12:05,000 Speaker 1: again and he knew it was being pulled along the 148 00:12:05,040 --> 00:12:12,040 Speaker 1: canal by the horses. There is no use jumping anymore, 149 00:12:12,320 --> 00:12:16,319 Speaker 1: thought Lightfoot. If I did jump out now, I would 150 00:12:16,320 --> 00:12:20,679 Speaker 1: only land in the water. I must stay here until 151 00:12:20,720 --> 00:12:27,040 Speaker 1: I can find some other way to get out. Lightfoot 152 00:12:27,080 --> 00:12:31,080 Speaker 1: found more hay and a mouthful of grain in one 153 00:12:31,120 --> 00:12:34,280 Speaker 1: of the corners of the boat, and after he had 154 00:12:34,320 --> 00:12:41,440 Speaker 1: eaten he felt better, but still he was lonesome and homesick. 155 00:12:43,280 --> 00:12:47,000 Speaker 1: Pretty soon it grew dark and Lightfoot could see the 156 00:12:47,040 --> 00:12:52,480 Speaker 1: stars shining overhead. He cuddled up in a corner among 157 00:12:52,600 --> 00:13:01,000 Speaker 1: some old bags and went to sleep. For three days, 158 00:13:01,080 --> 00:13:05,800 Speaker 1: Lightfoot traveled on in the canal boat. All he could 159 00:13:05,880 --> 00:13:08,520 Speaker 1: see were the dark sides of the hole in which 160 00:13:08,559 --> 00:13:12,280 Speaker 1: he was. He could talk to the horses through the 161 00:13:12,320 --> 00:13:16,079 Speaker 1: wooden walls of their stable, but he could not see 162 00:13:16,080 --> 00:13:21,600 Speaker 1: them now. And then the boat would pull up to shore, 163 00:13:21,880 --> 00:13:25,400 Speaker 1: and the tired horses would come aboard, while the others 164 00:13:25,440 --> 00:13:29,680 Speaker 1: would take their turn at the tow rope. All this 165 00:13:29,880 --> 00:13:33,840 Speaker 1: while Lightfoot lived on the hay and grain he found 166 00:13:33,880 --> 00:13:38,600 Speaker 1: in the cracks and corners of the canal boat. Had 167 00:13:38,600 --> 00:13:42,120 Speaker 1: it not been for this, the goat would have starved 168 00:13:42,800 --> 00:13:47,000 Speaker 1: for neither the captain nor his wife knew Lightfoot was 169 00:13:47,040 --> 00:13:51,960 Speaker 1: on board, and the horses, much as they wished, could 170 00:13:51,960 --> 00:14:00,199 Speaker 1: not pass the goat any of their food. One day, 171 00:14:00,440 --> 00:14:03,600 Speaker 1: the boat was kept along the shore towpath for a 172 00:14:03,840 --> 00:14:12,280 Speaker 1: long while. Lightfoot tried again to jump out, but could not. Then, 173 00:14:13,080 --> 00:14:19,440 Speaker 1: all at once he heard a very loud noise. It 174 00:14:19,520 --> 00:14:22,560 Speaker 1: was louder than that made by the hoofs of the horses, 175 00:14:23,120 --> 00:14:29,920 Speaker 1: and the goat cried, surely that is thunder. He saw 176 00:14:29,960 --> 00:14:33,680 Speaker 1: something black tumble down into the hold at the end 177 00:14:34,040 --> 00:14:39,480 Speaker 1: farthest from him. No, it is not thunder, said cruncher. 178 00:14:40,160 --> 00:14:44,400 Speaker 1: The captain is loading the boat with coal. Don't be afraid. 179 00:14:46,400 --> 00:14:50,840 Speaker 1: I'm not afraid, said Lightfoot. Only coal is very black 180 00:14:50,880 --> 00:14:56,120 Speaker 1: and dirty stuff. Yes it is, agreed Nibbler. But it 181 00:14:56,200 --> 00:15:01,120 Speaker 1: may be a good thing for you Lightfoot, How asked 182 00:15:01,120 --> 00:15:06,320 Speaker 1: the goat, in this way, said nibbler, I have seen 183 00:15:06,440 --> 00:15:10,880 Speaker 1: this boat loaded with coal before. They fill the hole 184 00:15:11,160 --> 00:15:14,520 Speaker 1: as full as they can, and they don't put the 185 00:15:14,600 --> 00:15:19,400 Speaker 1: covers on. But if they fill it full, said Lightfoot, 186 00:15:19,720 --> 00:15:22,560 Speaker 1: they will cover me with coal, and then how can 187 00:15:22,600 --> 00:15:28,920 Speaker 1: I get out? I'll tell you, answered nibbler. They will 188 00:15:28,960 --> 00:15:33,040 Speaker 1: not fill all of the boat at once. It takes 189 00:15:33,120 --> 00:15:37,760 Speaker 1: about two days, and when half the boat is full. 190 00:15:38,360 --> 00:15:41,200 Speaker 1: The coal is in a pile in the middle like 191 00:15:41,240 --> 00:15:44,920 Speaker 1: a hill. You can climb up the side of the 192 00:15:44,920 --> 00:15:48,000 Speaker 1: coal hill, Lightfoot, and then you will be able to 193 00:15:48,080 --> 00:15:51,840 Speaker 1: get out of the hole. You can scramble up on 194 00:15:52,040 --> 00:15:56,440 Speaker 1: top of our stable cabin, and from there you can 195 00:15:56,480 --> 00:16:02,400 Speaker 1: easily jump to shore. Oh that will be fine, cried 196 00:16:02,440 --> 00:16:05,360 Speaker 1: the goat. Do you think you can walk up the 197 00:16:05,480 --> 00:16:10,720 Speaker 1: hill of coal in this boat, asked cruncher. Surely I can, 198 00:16:11,320 --> 00:16:15,320 Speaker 1: Lightfoot said, I could climb up the rocky, rocky path 199 00:16:15,440 --> 00:16:18,800 Speaker 1: back of the cabin, and surely I can climb up 200 00:16:18,840 --> 00:16:27,760 Speaker 1: the coal hill. All that day, men with wheelbarrels dumped 201 00:16:27,840 --> 00:16:32,440 Speaker 1: coal into the hold of the canal boat. It made 202 00:16:32,480 --> 00:16:36,320 Speaker 1: a black dust, and Lightfoot kept as far away from 203 00:16:36,360 --> 00:16:39,880 Speaker 1: it as he could. Oh it's a good thing. I 204 00:16:39,920 --> 00:16:43,160 Speaker 1: am going to get out, he said, for the coal 205 00:16:43,200 --> 00:16:46,520 Speaker 1: will soon cover up all my hay and grain, and 206 00:16:46,640 --> 00:16:53,280 Speaker 1: I would have nothing to eat. Lightfoot waited until after 207 00:16:53,400 --> 00:16:57,680 Speaker 1: dark so no one would see him. Then he scrambled 208 00:16:57,800 --> 00:17:00,960 Speaker 1: up the sloping sides of the pile of hole in 209 00:17:01,040 --> 00:17:04,359 Speaker 1: the middle of the canal boat until he could jump 210 00:17:04,440 --> 00:17:07,240 Speaker 1: to the edge and sew to the roof of the 211 00:17:07,320 --> 00:17:14,040 Speaker 1: stable cabin. Goodbye, kind horses, he called to Cruncher and 212 00:17:14,080 --> 00:17:17,159 Speaker 1: the others. I am sorry I can't stop to see you, 213 00:17:17,520 --> 00:17:21,840 Speaker 1: but I had better go ashore. Yes, while you have 214 00:17:22,000 --> 00:17:28,000 Speaker 1: the chance, said Nibbler. Then, with a nimble leap, Lightfoot 215 00:17:28,080 --> 00:17:33,400 Speaker 1: jumped from the canal boat to the towpath. He had 216 00:17:33,440 --> 00:17:39,359 Speaker 1: gone ashore. I wonder what adventure I'll have next, he 217 00:17:39,440 --> 00:17:42,719 Speaker 1: said to himself, as he wiggled his way into the 218 00:17:42,760 --> 00:17:50,240 Speaker 1: bushes at the edge of the path. Without stopping to 219 00:17:50,359 --> 00:17:53,560 Speaker 1: look back at the canal boat from which he had escaped, 220 00:17:54,400 --> 00:17:59,760 Speaker 1: Lightfoot ran on through the bushes and soon found himself 221 00:17:59,800 --> 00:18:04,520 Speaker 1: in some woods. He was afraid someone from the boat 222 00:18:04,680 --> 00:18:09,560 Speaker 1: might run after him and take him back there. Not 223 00:18:09,720 --> 00:18:13,040 Speaker 1: that it was such a bad place, thought the goat 224 00:18:13,080 --> 00:18:17,320 Speaker 1: as he went in and out among the trees. But 225 00:18:17,440 --> 00:18:20,360 Speaker 1: it is no fun to be in a place from 226 00:18:20,400 --> 00:18:24,439 Speaker 1: which you can't get away when you want to. If 227 00:18:24,520 --> 00:18:26,960 Speaker 1: it had not been that they made a little hill 228 00:18:27,000 --> 00:18:31,000 Speaker 1: of coal in the boat, maybe I'd never have gotten away. 229 00:18:33,359 --> 00:18:36,760 Speaker 1: I liked those horses, though I never saw them, And 230 00:18:36,800 --> 00:18:40,919 Speaker 1: the hay and grain in the cracks was good eating. Still, 231 00:18:41,640 --> 00:18:48,680 Speaker 1: I would rather be out here and free. No one 232 00:18:49,040 --> 00:18:53,080 Speaker 1: except the canal horses knew Lightfoot had been on the boat. 233 00:18:54,200 --> 00:18:56,879 Speaker 1: The captain and his wife had not seen him jump 234 00:18:57,000 --> 00:19:00,919 Speaker 1: down into the hold, nor had the boy picking coal. 235 00:19:02,280 --> 00:19:05,359 Speaker 1: They only imagined the goat might be somewhere near the 236 00:19:05,400 --> 00:19:09,480 Speaker 1: boat when they asked about him, but they really had 237 00:19:09,520 --> 00:19:16,000 Speaker 1: not seen him get aboard. Lightfoot ran on a little farther, 238 00:19:16,400 --> 00:19:20,919 Speaker 1: and then, thinking he was safe hidden behind a bush, 239 00:19:21,359 --> 00:19:26,520 Speaker 1: turned and looked back. He was on a side hill 240 00:19:26,600 --> 00:19:30,080 Speaker 1: that ran along the canal, and he could look down 241 00:19:30,320 --> 00:19:35,359 Speaker 1: on the towpath. He saw a team of horses hitched 242 00:19:35,600 --> 00:19:39,720 Speaker 1: to a long rope, which in turn was tied to 243 00:19:39,800 --> 00:19:44,760 Speaker 1: the canal boat. There are my kind friends the horses, 244 00:19:45,280 --> 00:19:48,560 Speaker 1: thought Lightfoot. But I don't know which ones they are. 245 00:19:49,600 --> 00:19:52,280 Speaker 1: I wish I could stop and speak to them, but 246 00:19:52,400 --> 00:19:56,760 Speaker 1: it would not be safe anyhow. I said goodbye to 247 00:19:56,840 --> 00:20:03,240 Speaker 1: them and thanked them. As Lightfoot looked, the team pulling 248 00:20:03,280 --> 00:20:06,320 Speaker 1: the canal boat turned around a curve in the tow 249 00:20:06,400 --> 00:20:12,000 Speaker 1: path and were soon out of sight. Then once more 250 00:20:12,600 --> 00:20:18,119 Speaker 1: the goat turned and went on into the woods. Well 251 00:20:18,440 --> 00:20:22,960 Speaker 1: I shall not be hungry here anyhow, thought Lightfoot. There 252 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:26,480 Speaker 1: are more bushes and trees here than in the park 253 00:20:26,520 --> 00:20:29,560 Speaker 1: where Mike used to drive me about itch to the 254 00:20:29,600 --> 00:20:33,560 Speaker 1: little wagon. I wonder if I am allowed to eat 255 00:20:33,560 --> 00:20:40,320 Speaker 1: these leaves. Lightfoot looked around. He saw no policemen or 256 00:20:40,440 --> 00:20:43,320 Speaker 1: park guards such as he had seen when he was 257 00:20:43,359 --> 00:20:46,320 Speaker 1: in the other place, and as he felt a bit 258 00:20:46,400 --> 00:20:51,560 Speaker 1: hungry after his run, he nibbled some of the green leaves. 259 00:20:52,520 --> 00:20:56,440 Speaker 1: They had a good taste, and he ate many of them. 260 00:20:57,880 --> 00:21:01,000 Speaker 1: No one called to him to stop, and no one 261 00:21:01,240 --> 00:21:05,800 Speaker 1: chased him with a stick. This is a good place, 262 00:21:06,119 --> 00:21:13,320 Speaker 1: thought Lightfoot. As with most animals, When he had eaten well, 263 00:21:13,880 --> 00:21:18,920 Speaker 1: the goat felt sleepy, and picking out a smooth, grassy 264 00:21:19,000 --> 00:21:26,320 Speaker 1: place beneath some trees, he cuddled up and was soon asleep. 265 00:21:27,359 --> 00:21:32,240 Speaker 1: How long he slept, Lightfoot did not know, but when 266 00:21:32,280 --> 00:21:35,359 Speaker 1: he awakened he had a feeling that he wished he 267 00:21:35,520 --> 00:21:39,760 Speaker 1: was back with Mike again, drawing children around the park. 268 00:21:42,119 --> 00:21:45,640 Speaker 1: Whether Lightfoot had dreamed about his home amid the rocks, 269 00:21:45,720 --> 00:21:49,119 Speaker 1: I do not know. I do not know whether or 270 00:21:49,200 --> 00:21:55,120 Speaker 1: not animals dream, but I think they do. At any rate, 271 00:21:55,720 --> 00:22:00,520 Speaker 1: Lightfoot felt lonesome. He missed the cheerful withhi of the 272 00:22:00,560 --> 00:22:05,120 Speaker 1: boy and he missed too the nice combing and rubbing 273 00:22:05,160 --> 00:22:08,919 Speaker 1: down that Mike used to give him every morning in 274 00:22:09,040 --> 00:22:15,119 Speaker 1: order to keep his coat in good condition. Some of 275 00:22:15,160 --> 00:22:18,840 Speaker 1: the goats that lived on the rocks had coats very 276 00:22:19,000 --> 00:22:23,000 Speaker 1: rough with tangled hairs, to say nothing of the burrs 277 00:22:23,080 --> 00:22:27,760 Speaker 1: and thistles that clung to them. But Mike kept Lightfoot 278 00:22:27,840 --> 00:22:32,880 Speaker 1: slick and neat, brushing him as a groom brushes his horses. 279 00:22:34,359 --> 00:22:38,120 Speaker 1: But I don't look very slick now, thought Lightfoot as 280 00:22:38,160 --> 00:22:41,520 Speaker 1: he turned his head and saw a lot of burrs 281 00:22:41,640 --> 00:22:45,480 Speaker 1: on one side, while the other side carried a tangle 282 00:22:45,560 --> 00:22:49,280 Speaker 1: of a piece of a briar bush. I must clean 283 00:22:49,359 --> 00:22:54,280 Speaker 1: myself up a bit, thought the goat. By twisting and 284 00:22:54,359 --> 00:22:58,760 Speaker 1: turning about, using first one hind foot and then the 285 00:22:58,800 --> 00:23:03,960 Speaker 1: other as cat scratches her ears, Lightfoot managed to get 286 00:23:04,080 --> 00:23:07,119 Speaker 1: rid of most of the things that had clung to 287 00:23:07,240 --> 00:23:12,800 Speaker 1: him as he tore his way through the bushes. Then 288 00:23:12,840 --> 00:23:18,280 Speaker 1: he walked on again until feeling thirsty, he began to 289 00:23:18,400 --> 00:23:23,879 Speaker 1: sniff the air for water. For goats and other animals 290 00:23:24,320 --> 00:23:29,320 Speaker 1: can smell water before they can see it, though to us, 291 00:23:29,680 --> 00:23:36,679 Speaker 1: clean water has no smell at all. Lightfoot soon found 292 00:23:36,720 --> 00:23:40,120 Speaker 1: a little spring in the woods, and from it ran 293 00:23:40,200 --> 00:23:45,640 Speaker 1: a brook of water, sparkling over the green, mossy stones. 294 00:23:47,720 --> 00:23:50,920 Speaker 1: As Lightfoot leaned over to get a drink from the spring, 295 00:23:51,440 --> 00:23:56,320 Speaker 1: he startled back in surprise. Why, he exclaimed to himself. 296 00:23:56,720 --> 00:24:00,880 Speaker 1: Why there's another goat down there under the water. He's 297 00:24:00,920 --> 00:24:07,000 Speaker 1: a black goat. I'm white. Lightfoot thought for a moment 298 00:24:07,040 --> 00:24:09,560 Speaker 1: as he drew back from the edge of the spring. 299 00:24:10,280 --> 00:24:14,879 Speaker 1: Then he said to himself, well, if there's only another goat, 300 00:24:14,960 --> 00:24:20,000 Speaker 1: I needn't be afraid, for we will be friends. He 301 00:24:20,080 --> 00:24:23,119 Speaker 1: went to the spring again and looked down into the 302 00:24:23,240 --> 00:24:28,359 Speaker 1: clear water. Again he saw the black goat, and he 303 00:24:28,480 --> 00:24:32,040 Speaker 1: was just going to speak, asking him how he felt, 304 00:24:32,520 --> 00:24:35,920 Speaker 1: what his name was, where he came from, and so on, 305 00:24:37,080 --> 00:24:41,639 Speaker 1: when Lightfoot happened to notice that the black goat moved 306 00:24:41,680 --> 00:24:45,840 Speaker 1: in exactly the same way and did the same things 307 00:24:46,240 --> 00:24:52,800 Speaker 1: that he himself did. Then he understood. A ha ha, 308 00:24:52,800 --> 00:24:57,760 Speaker 1: ha ha, laughed Lightfoot to himself, How silly I am. 309 00:24:58,520 --> 00:25:02,040 Speaker 1: That is only my refer reflection in the spring, just 310 00:25:02,160 --> 00:25:05,240 Speaker 1: as if it were a looking glass. But what makes 311 00:25:05,280 --> 00:25:10,680 Speaker 1: me so black on my face? I wonder? Then he remembered, 312 00:25:12,840 --> 00:25:16,720 Speaker 1: it's the black coal dust, of course, he cried. It 313 00:25:16,840 --> 00:25:20,040 Speaker 1: must have stuck to me all over, but I brushed 314 00:25:20,200 --> 00:25:22,199 Speaker 1: some of it off when I went to sleep in 315 00:25:22,240 --> 00:25:28,720 Speaker 1: the grass. Now I must wash my face. He glanced 316 00:25:28,760 --> 00:25:32,159 Speaker 1: once more into the spring looking glass and saw that 317 00:25:32,400 --> 00:25:37,800 Speaker 1: indeed he was quite dirty from the coal dust. Taking 318 00:25:37,840 --> 00:25:41,760 Speaker 1: a long drink of the cool water, he went below 319 00:25:41,880 --> 00:25:45,960 Speaker 1: the spring to the brook, and there he waded in 320 00:25:46,440 --> 00:25:50,919 Speaker 1: and splashed around in the water until he was quite clean. 321 00:25:52,480 --> 00:25:55,639 Speaker 1: This made him feel hungry again, and he ate more 322 00:25:55,880 --> 00:26:00,919 Speaker 1: leaves and grass. And now, said light Foot, as he 323 00:26:01,040 --> 00:26:04,440 Speaker 1: noticed the sun going down in the west, and knew 324 00:26:04,480 --> 00:26:07,679 Speaker 1: that it would soon be night, It's time for me 325 00:26:07,800 --> 00:26:12,560 Speaker 1: to think of what I'm going to do. Lightfoot was 326 00:26:12,640 --> 00:26:16,520 Speaker 1: not afraid to stay out alone in the woods all night. 327 00:26:17,480 --> 00:26:20,520 Speaker 1: He had spent many a night on the rocks, though 328 00:26:20,520 --> 00:26:22,840 Speaker 1: of course the other goats had been with him then, 329 00:26:23,800 --> 00:26:27,399 Speaker 1: But he was a bigger and older goat now, and 330 00:26:27,520 --> 00:26:31,320 Speaker 1: he was not afraid of being alone. Of course, a 331 00:26:31,400 --> 00:26:35,320 Speaker 1: little kid might have been, but Lightfoot was a kid. 332 00:26:35,480 --> 00:26:41,119 Speaker 1: No longer. I'll stay here tonight, I think, said the goat. 333 00:26:41,160 --> 00:26:44,080 Speaker 1: After a while. It is good to be near water 334 00:26:44,359 --> 00:26:48,200 Speaker 1: so you can drink when thirsty. I'll stay here tonight 335 00:26:48,760 --> 00:26:51,520 Speaker 1: and in the morning, I'll try to find my way 336 00:26:51,600 --> 00:26:57,679 Speaker 1: back to Mike. Lightfoot slept well that night, for it 337 00:26:57,800 --> 00:27:01,119 Speaker 1: was not cold, and in the morning, after he had 338 00:27:01,160 --> 00:27:04,560 Speaker 1: eaten some leaves and grass and had drunk some water, 339 00:27:05,200 --> 00:27:10,840 Speaker 1: he started out to find the Maloney shanty near the rocks. 340 00:27:11,560 --> 00:27:15,440 Speaker 1: But a goat is not like a dog or a cat, 341 00:27:15,840 --> 00:27:19,080 Speaker 1: some of which can find their way home after having 342 00:27:19,160 --> 00:27:25,040 Speaker 1: been taken many miles from it. So after wandering about 343 00:27:25,080 --> 00:27:28,879 Speaker 1: in the woods and finding no place that looked like 344 00:27:28,960 --> 00:27:35,560 Speaker 1: his former home, Lightfoot gave up. It's of no use, 345 00:27:35,640 --> 00:27:38,800 Speaker 1: he said, I guess I am lost. I must have 346 00:27:38,920 --> 00:27:42,680 Speaker 1: come farther in that canal boat than I knew. Well, 347 00:27:43,560 --> 00:27:46,359 Speaker 1: the woods are a good place to stay. I shall 348 00:27:46,359 --> 00:27:53,600 Speaker 1: not be hungry here. Lightfoot wandered on and on for 349 00:27:53,680 --> 00:27:58,120 Speaker 1: several days. Once some boys who were in the woods 350 00:27:58,160 --> 00:28:04,040 Speaker 1: gathering flowers the goat behind some bushes. Oh, let's chase 351 00:28:04,080 --> 00:28:09,600 Speaker 1: after him, called one, and they ran toward Lightfoot. But 352 00:28:09,760 --> 00:28:13,880 Speaker 1: the goat leaped away and soon left the boys far behind. 353 00:28:15,040 --> 00:28:17,919 Speaker 1: If one of them had been Mike, Lightfoot would have 354 00:28:17,960 --> 00:28:24,640 Speaker 1: gone to him, but Mike was not there. One day, 355 00:28:24,720 --> 00:28:28,400 Speaker 1: as Lightfoot was wandering through the woods, wishing he were 356 00:28:28,440 --> 00:28:32,200 Speaker 1: back in his home again, for he was lonely, having 357 00:28:32,280 --> 00:28:35,040 Speaker 1: no one to talk to but the birds. He heard 358 00:28:35,080 --> 00:28:39,520 Speaker 1: a noise in the bushes. It was a smashing, crashing 359 00:28:39,600 --> 00:28:43,160 Speaker 1: sort of noise, as though made by some big animal. 360 00:28:44,960 --> 00:28:47,760 Speaker 1: Maybe it is one of the canal horses, thought Lightfoot. 361 00:28:48,320 --> 00:28:51,880 Speaker 1: I hope it is. They'll be company for me. Maybe 362 00:28:51,880 --> 00:28:56,640 Speaker 1: one of them ran away. He looked through the underbrush 363 00:28:56,840 --> 00:29:01,480 Speaker 1: and saw a big, shaggy brown and animal standing on 364 00:29:01,560 --> 00:29:05,640 Speaker 1: its hind feet with its front paws. It was pulling 365 00:29:05,720 --> 00:29:11,440 Speaker 1: berries from a bush and eating them. Excuse me, said 366 00:29:11,520 --> 00:29:15,200 Speaker 1: Lightfoot in animal language, but could you tell me the 367 00:29:15,240 --> 00:29:21,600 Speaker 1: way to the widow Maloney's shanty. The big animal stopped 368 00:29:21,640 --> 00:29:25,479 Speaker 1: eating berries, looked up at the goat in surprise, and asked, 369 00:29:25,880 --> 00:29:30,880 Speaker 1: in a sort of growlly voice, who are you? I 370 00:29:30,920 --> 00:29:34,640 Speaker 1: am Lightfoot The leaping goat was the answer, Who are you? 371 00:29:35,920 --> 00:29:39,560 Speaker 1: I am Dido the dancing bear. I am glad to 372 00:29:39,680 --> 00:29:44,560 Speaker 1: meet you. Come over and have some berries, and Lightfoot 373 00:29:45,200 --> 00:30:26,760 Speaker 1: went good night, sleep tight. I belonged to eyes that 374 00:30:27,400 --> 00:30:35,480 Speaker 1: see right through lots of prows, worlds of me and you, 375 00:30:36,680 --> 00:31:00,280 Speaker 1: in windows of blue life, flying gold