1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,600 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,640 --> 00:00:19,800 Speaker 1: to say hello to Julian and Fabian from Singapore. Hello 3 00:00:19,800 --> 00:00:25,400 Speaker 1: to Ryan from Ottawa. Hello to teachers Kayla and Alexa 4 00:00:25,920 --> 00:00:30,080 Speaker 1: and our friends from Room eight at Child Roots Preschool 5 00:00:30,280 --> 00:00:40,360 Speaker 1: in Portland, Oregon. Hello to Scottie, Bonnie, Ainslie, Cammie and Jamie. 6 00:00:40,520 --> 00:00:45,040 Speaker 1: Hello to Annie and Mollie Daystick, and Hello to Aaron 7 00:00:45,159 --> 00:00:54,280 Speaker 1: Wong from Roseville, Minnesota who is nine. Happy belated birthday 8 00:00:54,360 --> 00:00:59,040 Speaker 1: to Dylan from Indianapolis who turned five on April twentieth. 9 00:01:01,120 --> 00:01:05,200 Speaker 1: Happy belated birthday to Blossom who turned six on April 10 00:01:05,240 --> 00:01:11,679 Speaker 1: twenty first, from Mommy, Daddy and little sister Dusty. Happy 11 00:01:11,680 --> 00:01:16,200 Speaker 1: belated birthday to Page who turned six on April twenty fifth. 12 00:01:18,120 --> 00:01:22,200 Speaker 1: Happy belated birthday to Zoe who turned seven on April 13 00:01:22,240 --> 00:01:27,920 Speaker 1: twenty six. Happy birthday to Rex who is turning eight 14 00:01:28,360 --> 00:01:34,800 Speaker 1: on April twenty seventh. Happy birthday to Neve from Bay 15 00:01:34,840 --> 00:01:38,560 Speaker 1: of Plenty, New Zealand, who is turning eight on April 16 00:01:38,600 --> 00:01:44,840 Speaker 1: twenty seventh, And Happy birthday to Max from Cochrane, Alberta, 17 00:01:45,160 --> 00:01:49,200 Speaker 1: who is turning nine on April thirtieth. Wishing you an 18 00:01:49,240 --> 00:01:55,840 Speaker 1: amazing birthday from Mom, Dad, Joe, Sierra and Douglas. Happy 19 00:01:55,880 --> 00:02:00,280 Speaker 1: birthday to you all. I hope you have a wonderful day. 20 00:02:01,200 --> 00:02:03,840 Speaker 1: Shout outs and birthday wishes are one way we give 21 00:02:03,920 --> 00:02:06,960 Speaker 1: thanks to our supporters. If you would like to support 22 00:02:07,040 --> 00:02:11,080 Speaker 1: us and receive more bedtime entertainment like this, all add free, 23 00:02:11,680 --> 00:02:15,480 Speaker 1: please visit our support page at sleep tightstories dot org 24 00:02:15,680 --> 00:02:26,200 Speaker 1: Slash support. Thank you. Huddles. The pig is back and 25 00:02:26,320 --> 00:02:32,120 Speaker 1: ready for another adventure. Splash has let all the animals 26 00:02:32,160 --> 00:02:34,680 Speaker 1: out of the barn and they are getting ready for 27 00:02:34,800 --> 00:02:39,640 Speaker 1: a soccer game. Splash tells the animals that Puddles is 28 00:02:39,639 --> 00:02:43,400 Speaker 1: in charge because he has to go to town with Farmer Vernon. 29 00:02:45,200 --> 00:02:48,639 Speaker 1: He also tells them to stay out of the backfield 30 00:02:49,120 --> 00:02:54,679 Speaker 1: because there has been some trouble there. Peepers doesn't think 31 00:02:54,720 --> 00:02:58,520 Speaker 1: Puddles is smart enough or brave enough to be in charge. 32 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:03,160 Speaker 1: He decides to head out to the backfield and show 33 00:03:03,200 --> 00:03:12,040 Speaker 1: everyone how brave and smart he is. Poddles saves Peepers 34 00:03:12,120 --> 00:03:20,519 Speaker 1: the chicken. As the sun rises over Farmer Vernon's Hampshire farm, 35 00:03:21,080 --> 00:03:24,160 Speaker 1: the dew is heavy on the grass and the air 36 00:03:24,280 --> 00:03:30,799 Speaker 1: is cool and crisp, with a gentle breeze blowing, The 37 00:03:30,840 --> 00:03:34,560 Speaker 1: farm animals are starting to stir, and the air is 38 00:03:34,680 --> 00:03:38,960 Speaker 1: filled with the gentle sounds of the chickens cooing, the 39 00:03:39,000 --> 00:03:43,840 Speaker 1: pigs snuffling and oinking, and the cows lowing and mooing. 40 00:03:45,400 --> 00:03:49,800 Speaker 1: But above all is the sound of Chester, the old rooster, 41 00:03:50,400 --> 00:03:54,240 Speaker 1: announcing the only way he knows how that it was 42 00:03:54,320 --> 00:03:58,760 Speaker 1: time to wake up and start the day. As Splash 43 00:03:58,880 --> 00:04:03,080 Speaker 1: pulled open the bar door, the sweet scent of yesterday's 44 00:04:03,120 --> 00:04:08,680 Speaker 1: freshly mown hay wafted in, and the sounds of chirping 45 00:04:08,760 --> 00:04:14,160 Speaker 1: birds and buzzing bees filled the air. The fields were 46 00:04:14,160 --> 00:04:19,160 Speaker 1: coming alive with the sounds of green, rustling leaves and grass, 47 00:04:19,560 --> 00:04:24,400 Speaker 1: and the distant lowing of cows from across the way. 48 00:04:25,480 --> 00:04:29,680 Speaker 1: Every summer morning was much the same, with the big 49 00:04:29,760 --> 00:04:34,560 Speaker 1: animals walking out first, followed by the pigs and then 50 00:04:35,000 --> 00:04:41,120 Speaker 1: finally the chickens. Splash, the big farm dog, guided them 51 00:04:41,200 --> 00:04:44,960 Speaker 1: safely out the door lest someone got underneath a large 52 00:04:45,000 --> 00:04:51,599 Speaker 1: cow's hoofs. The animals at Hampshire Farm were free to 53 00:04:51,760 --> 00:04:56,839 Speaker 1: roam the fields and pastures, returning to their pens only 54 00:04:56,880 --> 00:05:02,799 Speaker 1: when they needed shelter or night approached. These animals were smart, 55 00:05:03,279 --> 00:05:09,839 Speaker 1: and playful, often inventing games to pass the time. Today, 56 00:05:09,920 --> 00:05:14,400 Speaker 1: they were excited to play their favorite game, a farm 57 00:05:14,480 --> 00:05:19,560 Speaker 1: animal version of soccer. Using a large blue ball nearly 58 00:05:19,600 --> 00:05:24,400 Speaker 1: the size of a small calf, teams of pigs and 59 00:05:24,520 --> 00:05:28,800 Speaker 1: cows played with abandon while chickens watched and cheered from 60 00:05:28,839 --> 00:05:34,279 Speaker 1: the sidelines. Although the chickens were too small to play, 61 00:05:34,760 --> 00:05:39,680 Speaker 1: they participated by counting goals and adding their spirited clocks 62 00:05:39,720 --> 00:05:45,479 Speaker 1: to the event. Okay, everyone, make sure you have a 63 00:05:45,520 --> 00:05:49,039 Speaker 1: good bite to eat before the game today, Splash said 64 00:05:49,080 --> 00:05:53,479 Speaker 1: to all the animals. Unfortunately, I won't be able to 65 00:05:53,560 --> 00:05:56,600 Speaker 1: watch as I have to go to town with Farmer Vernon, 66 00:05:57,440 --> 00:06:01,800 Speaker 1: so be good and stay away from the backfields. There 67 00:06:01,839 --> 00:06:04,520 Speaker 1: has been some trouble oh back of late, and I 68 00:06:04,600 --> 00:06:06,479 Speaker 1: won't be able to help you if you get into 69 00:06:06,520 --> 00:06:14,520 Speaker 1: some While I am gone. Puddles is in charge. The 70 00:06:14,640 --> 00:06:19,040 Speaker 1: chickens clustered eagerly around the outside of the barn, where 71 00:06:19,080 --> 00:06:22,880 Speaker 1: Farmer Vernon had scattered some seeds for them to pack at. 72 00:06:24,320 --> 00:06:29,040 Speaker 1: Poddles cluck, cluck, what does he know? He's just a 73 00:06:29,120 --> 00:06:33,680 Speaker 1: young piglet Peeper's the young chicken said to his old mother, 74 00:06:33,839 --> 00:06:39,120 Speaker 1: hend eat your seed. Child, and listen to what Splash says. 75 00:06:40,000 --> 00:06:45,000 Speaker 1: Huddles means well and is brave and very smart. Huh, 76 00:06:45,279 --> 00:06:48,280 Speaker 1: I don't think he is so smart and brave, he 77 00:06:48,320 --> 00:06:56,919 Speaker 1: replied quietly. I'll show everyone how smart smart is. Meanwhile, 78 00:06:56,960 --> 00:07:01,960 Speaker 1: the pigs snuffled contentedly at the outdoor t happily munching 79 00:07:02,040 --> 00:07:07,520 Speaker 1: on fresh vegetables. In the distance, the cows could already 80 00:07:07,560 --> 00:07:11,280 Speaker 1: be seen lined up on the far side of the field, 81 00:07:11,840 --> 00:07:16,960 Speaker 1: warming up for their beloved soccer game. For these cows, 82 00:07:17,440 --> 00:07:22,360 Speaker 1: the game was no laughing matter. They took soccer seriously 83 00:07:22,720 --> 00:07:29,120 Speaker 1: and played to win. I really wanted to play soccer today. 84 00:07:29,680 --> 00:07:32,320 Speaker 1: I'm as good as the best on the team. But 85 00:07:32,440 --> 00:07:35,360 Speaker 1: now that Splash is gone for the day, I have 86 00:07:35,440 --> 00:07:39,200 Speaker 1: to sit on the sidelines, Puddles said, as he ate 87 00:07:39,240 --> 00:07:46,320 Speaker 1: some potato peels. Now, Puddles his father said, you accepted 88 00:07:46,360 --> 00:07:51,160 Speaker 1: the responsibility of being Splash as assistant. He and the 89 00:07:51,200 --> 00:07:54,720 Speaker 1: rest of us animals are confident you will do a 90 00:07:54,760 --> 00:08:01,080 Speaker 1: good job. Besides, your legs are too small, you silly piglet. 91 00:08:01,440 --> 00:08:04,320 Speaker 1: His sister said, you aren't as good at soccer as 92 00:08:04,320 --> 00:08:08,560 Speaker 1: you think you are. I'm faster and better than you. 93 00:08:09,440 --> 00:08:16,160 Speaker 1: Huddles retorted, in your dreams, what you lack in size, 94 00:08:16,440 --> 00:08:22,280 Speaker 1: you make up for and smarts. His mother said, chuckling, Oh, mom, 95 00:08:22,680 --> 00:08:25,800 Speaker 1: you are going to give him a superiority complex by 96 00:08:26,000 --> 00:08:30,280 Speaker 1: always telling him he is so smart. Huddles is as 97 00:08:30,320 --> 00:08:34,360 Speaker 1: smart as a pig with a PhD in mud studies. 98 00:08:35,880 --> 00:08:41,800 Speaker 1: What do you know, Puddles replied, Huddles was the smartest 99 00:08:41,840 --> 00:08:45,720 Speaker 1: pig that farmer Vernon had ever seen, and that was 100 00:08:45,760 --> 00:08:52,120 Speaker 1: saying something. With his fluffy, round body, soft pink skin, 101 00:08:52,760 --> 00:08:56,800 Speaker 1: and mud like stripes on his legs and belly, Huddles 102 00:08:56,880 --> 00:09:02,959 Speaker 1: was both cute and clever. His sister told him that 103 00:09:03,000 --> 00:09:06,559 Speaker 1: the stripes weren't there when he was born and resulted 104 00:09:06,600 --> 00:09:12,240 Speaker 1: from him always jumping in mud Puddles. Puddles didn't quite 105 00:09:12,280 --> 00:09:16,360 Speaker 1: believe her, but he was an optimist and thought anything 106 00:09:16,480 --> 00:09:22,480 Speaker 1: was possible. His friends liked to tease him, claiming that 107 00:09:22,520 --> 00:09:26,960 Speaker 1: the stripes were a sign of his intelligence. The more mud, 108 00:09:27,840 --> 00:09:38,000 Speaker 1: the smarter he was, and he was always covered in mud. Okay, everyone, 109 00:09:38,120 --> 00:09:42,240 Speaker 1: let's start the game. The cow said, what is this 110 00:09:42,480 --> 00:09:47,000 Speaker 1: the Moolympics. I'm not quite done eating yet. An older 111 00:09:47,120 --> 00:09:52,400 Speaker 1: chicken complained, hurry up, we all want to play, one 112 00:09:52,440 --> 00:09:54,920 Speaker 1: of the younger pigs said as she passed by on 113 00:09:55,000 --> 00:10:00,880 Speaker 1: the way to the field. With all all the animals 114 00:10:00,920 --> 00:10:04,839 Speaker 1: finally assembled in the field, ready and excited to play 115 00:10:04,880 --> 00:10:10,920 Speaker 1: the game, Bessie the Cow started the proceedings. All right, 116 00:10:11,280 --> 00:10:15,240 Speaker 1: listen up, everyone, said Bessie as she stood before the 117 00:10:15,320 --> 00:10:21,959 Speaker 1: assembled pigs, chickens, and other cows. Here are the rules 118 00:10:22,000 --> 00:10:26,280 Speaker 1: for our game. First, there will be two teams, the 119 00:10:26,360 --> 00:10:31,319 Speaker 1: pigs and the cows. Each team will have four players, 120 00:10:31,679 --> 00:10:36,000 Speaker 1: and one team will start with the ball. The goal 121 00:10:36,160 --> 00:10:38,480 Speaker 1: is to get the ball into the other team's goal 122 00:10:38,600 --> 00:10:42,760 Speaker 1: post at the opposite end of the field. You can 123 00:10:42,840 --> 00:10:45,360 Speaker 1: use any part of your body to move the ball, 124 00:10:45,559 --> 00:10:51,800 Speaker 1: but no hoofs are allowed. That's cheating. The team with 125 00:10:51,920 --> 00:10:58,040 Speaker 1: the most goals at the end of the game wins. Also, 126 00:10:58,360 --> 00:11:01,920 Speaker 1: watch out for the sidelines. If the ball goes out, 127 00:11:02,240 --> 00:11:06,360 Speaker 1: the other team gets a push in, and if someone fowls, 128 00:11:06,880 --> 00:11:09,040 Speaker 1: you have to go to the sidelines for a few 129 00:11:09,080 --> 00:11:14,680 Speaker 1: minutes until you're allowed back in. And remember, this is 130 00:11:14,720 --> 00:11:20,040 Speaker 1: supposed to be fun, so don't be too rough. All right, 131 00:11:20,320 --> 00:11:23,320 Speaker 1: let's get out there and play a good game, Bessie 132 00:11:23,400 --> 00:11:26,440 Speaker 1: said as she led the animals out to the field 133 00:11:26,679 --> 00:11:30,800 Speaker 1: to begin playing. She may say it's for fun, but 134 00:11:30,880 --> 00:11:34,920 Speaker 1: those cows take this game really seriously, one of the 135 00:11:34,960 --> 00:11:39,400 Speaker 1: pigs said as she took her position. As the players 136 00:11:39,440 --> 00:11:43,479 Speaker 1: assembled on the field, the chickens stood on the sidelines 137 00:11:43,960 --> 00:11:51,280 Speaker 1: ready to play their part, except for one. Peepers. Oh no, 138 00:11:52,000 --> 00:11:55,880 Speaker 1: where is Peepers? His mother asked, where could he be? 139 00:11:56,800 --> 00:12:01,640 Speaker 1: That young clock is always getting in trouble. I saw 140 00:12:01,720 --> 00:12:05,080 Speaker 1: him walking toward the backfield, but I was too excited 141 00:12:05,080 --> 00:12:09,240 Speaker 1: to move after him. Bessie said, he's not supposed to 142 00:12:09,360 --> 00:12:13,560 Speaker 1: go back there. Splash said there was trouble. Chester, who 143 00:12:13,600 --> 00:12:18,640 Speaker 1: always announced the start of the game, said Huddle stepped 144 00:12:18,679 --> 00:12:21,960 Speaker 1: forward from where he was standing watch over all the 145 00:12:22,080 --> 00:12:25,960 Speaker 1: animals and said, I'll go look for him and bring 146 00:12:26,040 --> 00:12:29,760 Speaker 1: him back. If we aren't back shortly, it might be 147 00:12:29,760 --> 00:12:32,800 Speaker 1: best if the cows called the neighboring farm for help. 148 00:12:35,360 --> 00:12:38,720 Speaker 1: Should we wait to start the game, Bessie asked, No, 149 00:12:39,040 --> 00:12:43,080 Speaker 1: go ahead and play Puddle's side. Ugh, I'm sure Peepers 150 00:12:43,080 --> 00:12:50,079 Speaker 1: has just wandered off a bit too far. Peepers heard 151 00:12:50,080 --> 00:12:53,400 Speaker 1: the noises of the other animals preparing for the game 152 00:12:53,720 --> 00:12:58,200 Speaker 1: as he quickly strutted towards the backfield, lost in thought. 153 00:13:00,880 --> 00:13:03,400 Speaker 1: I'm going to show the other animals on the farm 154 00:13:03,720 --> 00:13:07,480 Speaker 1: that I am smart and brave too. I'm more than 155 00:13:07,559 --> 00:13:11,920 Speaker 1: just a cheerleader for a game of soccer. I know 156 00:13:12,080 --> 00:13:15,359 Speaker 1: that there are many great big worms in the backfield, 157 00:13:16,000 --> 00:13:18,640 Speaker 1: and if I can find them and get enough to 158 00:13:18,720 --> 00:13:22,320 Speaker 1: bring back for the other chickens to eat, maybe they 159 00:13:22,360 --> 00:13:27,959 Speaker 1: will appreciate me too. And besides, what dangers could there 160 00:13:28,120 --> 00:13:31,480 Speaker 1: possibly be in the backfield? We used to come back 161 00:13:31,480 --> 00:13:38,320 Speaker 1: here all the time. Peepers thinks of himself as a 162 00:13:38,480 --> 00:13:46,280 Speaker 1: very smart chicken, perhaps even smarter than Puddles the piglet. Unfortunately, 163 00:13:46,840 --> 00:13:51,720 Speaker 1: Peepers has a tendency to get into trouble. He often 164 00:13:51,840 --> 00:13:57,200 Speaker 1: acts impulsively without thinking things through, which can lead to 165 00:13:57,360 --> 00:14:02,200 Speaker 1: disastrous consequences, like the time he wanted to show that 166 00:14:02,280 --> 00:14:04,720 Speaker 1: he knew how to turn off the lights in the barn, 167 00:14:05,280 --> 00:14:08,360 Speaker 1: which he did, but he didn't know how to turn 168 00:14:08,440 --> 00:14:12,560 Speaker 1: them back on, so the animals spent the whole evening 169 00:14:12,720 --> 00:14:18,680 Speaker 1: in the dark. Okay, there is the ground that is 170 00:14:18,760 --> 00:14:22,040 Speaker 1: sure to have lots of worms. No one but me 171 00:14:22,200 --> 00:14:29,120 Speaker 1: would recognize the special spots that worms gather. Peepers wasn't 172 00:14:29,120 --> 00:14:33,920 Speaker 1: the only animal in the backfield that day. Puck the 173 00:14:34,040 --> 00:14:39,160 Speaker 1: fox had been roaming the backfield all week, only scurrying 174 00:14:39,200 --> 00:14:45,120 Speaker 1: away when Splash came by on patrol. Puck had fiery 175 00:14:45,240 --> 00:14:50,600 Speaker 1: orange fur and twinkling black eyes that sparkled mischievously in 176 00:14:50,680 --> 00:14:55,720 Speaker 1: the sunlight. His bushy tail twitched with excitement as he 177 00:14:55,800 --> 00:14:58,760 Speaker 1: cut the scent of something he thought might be delicious 178 00:14:58,800 --> 00:15:05,520 Speaker 1: to eat. Walking closer to the scent, he saw peepers. 179 00:15:06,000 --> 00:15:09,520 Speaker 1: With his sleek, feathered body with black and white speckles 180 00:15:10,320 --> 00:15:17,160 Speaker 1: digging absent mindedly in the moist red dirt. Puck was 181 00:15:17,320 --> 00:15:22,320 Speaker 1: cute and playful, but he was also a fox, so 182 00:15:22,480 --> 00:15:26,920 Speaker 1: he slowly but surely kept closer and closer to peepers. 183 00:15:28,800 --> 00:15:31,680 Speaker 1: He was so quiet that none of the other animals 184 00:15:32,040 --> 00:15:36,760 Speaker 1: except Splash would have been able to hear him, and 185 00:15:36,840 --> 00:15:44,040 Speaker 1: he crept closer and closer. Still, Huddles trotted over the 186 00:15:44,120 --> 00:15:47,560 Speaker 1: hill that led to the backfield when he finally saw 187 00:15:47,680 --> 00:15:53,360 Speaker 1: peepers pecking at the ground in the distance. That's silly, chicken, 188 00:15:53,760 --> 00:15:57,120 Speaker 1: what is he doing way out here? There is plenty 189 00:15:57,160 --> 00:15:59,760 Speaker 1: to eat back at the farm, And what about our 190 00:15:59,800 --> 00:16:04,800 Speaker 1: son game, he said with a sigh. Then, as he 191 00:16:04,920 --> 00:16:12,440 Speaker 1: continued towards Peepers, Puddles saw someone else crouching nearby. This 192 00:16:12,520 --> 00:16:15,920 Speaker 1: must be the trouble that Splash was talking about. It's 193 00:16:16,000 --> 00:16:21,000 Speaker 1: Pop the fox, and he looks like, oh no, what 194 00:16:21,160 --> 00:16:24,680 Speaker 1: do I do? It's too late to go back and 195 00:16:24,720 --> 00:16:27,920 Speaker 1: get a big cow to come and help. I must 196 00:16:27,920 --> 00:16:31,280 Speaker 1: help Peepers before it's too late. I may be a 197 00:16:31,320 --> 00:16:34,440 Speaker 1: small piglet, but I am smart and know what I 198 00:16:34,520 --> 00:16:41,600 Speaker 1: can do. I can make lots of noise. I have 199 00:16:41,720 --> 00:16:45,880 Speaker 1: found so many worms, Peepers said to himself. Wait till 200 00:16:45,920 --> 00:16:49,120 Speaker 1: I bring all these back for the other chickens, they 201 00:16:49,200 --> 00:16:54,960 Speaker 1: will think I am smart. Then then, as Peepers looked up, 202 00:16:55,440 --> 00:17:00,600 Speaker 1: he saw a pair of sparkling black eyes staring at him. 203 00:17:00,800 --> 00:17:06,200 Speaker 1: It was Puck the Fox. He froze. He was scared, stiff, 204 00:17:06,200 --> 00:17:11,120 Speaker 1: and couldn't think of what to do. Then the loudest 205 00:17:11,359 --> 00:17:17,159 Speaker 1: squealing noise Peeper had ever heard came closer and closer, 206 00:17:17,640 --> 00:17:22,800 Speaker 1: getting louder and louder, scaring him almost out of his feathers, 207 00:17:23,680 --> 00:17:28,240 Speaker 1: but more importantly, scaring Puck the Fox, who thought it 208 00:17:28,320 --> 00:17:33,520 Speaker 1: must be a great big monster coming. Puck ran off 209 00:17:34,840 --> 00:17:39,280 Speaker 1: as Puddles arrived, Peepers realized the seriousness of what might 210 00:17:39,400 --> 00:17:47,320 Speaker 1: have happened. Puddles. Umm, thank you, Peepers said as Puddles arrived. 211 00:17:48,480 --> 00:17:51,760 Speaker 1: What were you thinking, peepers, Why would you come out 212 00:17:51,800 --> 00:17:58,120 Speaker 1: here by yourself, especially after Splash told us not to? Well, 213 00:17:58,760 --> 00:18:01,440 Speaker 1: I guess I wanted to so that I was smart too. 214 00:18:03,600 --> 00:18:08,520 Speaker 1: Everyone knows you are smart, peepers. Splash always tells me 215 00:18:08,960 --> 00:18:11,320 Speaker 1: that the best way to show you are smart and 216 00:18:11,480 --> 00:18:17,720 Speaker 1: brave is by setting and achieving challenging goals, learning new things, 217 00:18:18,280 --> 00:18:23,520 Speaker 1: and helping others. That's easy for you to say you 218 00:18:23,600 --> 00:18:29,040 Speaker 1: are Splash's assistant, and everyone says you are smart. I 219 00:18:29,080 --> 00:18:32,399 Speaker 1: am always scared when I have to help him, and 220 00:18:32,480 --> 00:18:36,040 Speaker 1: he's been kind and helps me when I fail. You 221 00:18:36,160 --> 00:18:42,600 Speaker 1: just don't see all my mistakes. You make mistakes. Everyone 222 00:18:42,680 --> 00:18:47,399 Speaker 1: seems to say nice things about you. Recently, I make 223 00:18:47,800 --> 00:18:55,560 Speaker 1: many mistakes. Besides, people are always nice. Do you want 224 00:18:55,560 --> 00:18:57,639 Speaker 1: to go back and watch the soccer game with me? 225 00:18:58,320 --> 00:19:00,760 Speaker 1: You can help me watch out for Pop the Fox. 226 00:19:01,560 --> 00:19:04,280 Speaker 1: Then you can tell the others about all the worms 227 00:19:04,280 --> 00:19:08,320 Speaker 1: you found. When Splash comes back, we can ask him 228 00:19:08,359 --> 00:19:12,400 Speaker 1: to lead us back here, Puddles said, as they quickly 229 00:19:12,480 --> 00:19:17,840 Speaker 1: walked back to the field outside the barn. Thank you, puddles, 230 00:19:18,200 --> 00:19:25,439 Speaker 1: Peeper said with a happy cluck, and that is the 231 00:19:25,560 --> 00:19:36,600 Speaker 1: end of our story. Good night, sleep tight.