1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:21,160 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep tight Stories. This coming 2 00:00:21,200 --> 00:00:25,600 Speaker 1: week is Thanksgiving for us in Canada, so I am 3 00:00:25,680 --> 00:00:31,320 Speaker 1: sharing a Thanksgiving story with you. The weather is getting 4 00:00:31,400 --> 00:00:37,720 Speaker 1: cooler here and fall has certainly arrived. Apples are ready 5 00:00:37,760 --> 00:00:45,000 Speaker 1: for picking, and there are pumpkins everywhere. I hope if 6 00:00:45,040 --> 00:00:48,559 Speaker 1: you are celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend, that you have a 7 00:00:48,680 --> 00:00:56,400 Speaker 1: wonderful day with your family. This story is about a 8 00:00:56,480 --> 00:01:00,560 Speaker 1: boy who has gone away to find work and make 9 00:01:00,640 --> 00:01:06,479 Speaker 1: his way. Jack's sister, Jesse, has found out where he 10 00:01:06,640 --> 00:01:13,280 Speaker 1: is and she is sending him a Thanksgiving box. All 11 00:01:13,360 --> 00:01:16,280 Speaker 1: the treats she is making will be put into the 12 00:01:16,360 --> 00:01:24,119 Speaker 1: box in hopes of encouraging him to come home. Let's 13 00:01:24,200 --> 00:01:35,680 Speaker 1: see what will happen. A mystery in the kitchen. Something 14 00:01:36,040 --> 00:01:41,399 Speaker 1: very mysterious was going on in the Jarvis kitchen. The 15 00:01:41,520 --> 00:01:46,399 Speaker 1: table was covered with all sorts of good things eggs 16 00:01:46,600 --> 00:01:52,240 Speaker 1: and butter and raisins and fruits and spices, and Jesse, 17 00:01:52,880 --> 00:01:56,320 Speaker 1: with her sleeves rolled up and a white apron on, 18 00:01:57,320 --> 00:02:03,200 Speaker 1: was bustling about measuring and weighing and chopping and beating 19 00:02:03,320 --> 00:02:12,959 Speaker 1: and mixing those various ingredients in a most bewildering way. Moreover, though, 20 00:02:13,000 --> 00:02:17,640 Speaker 1: she was evidently working for dear life. Her face was 21 00:02:17,880 --> 00:02:22,880 Speaker 1: full of smiles. In fact, she seemed to have trouble 22 00:02:23,120 --> 00:02:28,119 Speaker 1: to keep from laughing outright, while Betty, the cook, who 23 00:02:28,240 --> 00:02:32,799 Speaker 1: was washing potatoes at the sink, fairly giggled with glee 24 00:02:33,760 --> 00:02:37,120 Speaker 1: every few minutes, as if the sight of Miss Jessie 25 00:02:37,240 --> 00:02:41,480 Speaker 1: working in the kitchen was the funniest thing in the world. 26 00:02:45,240 --> 00:02:48,560 Speaker 1: It was one of the most pleasant sights that big 27 00:02:48,760 --> 00:02:52,960 Speaker 1: Sunny Kitchen had seen for many a day, and the 28 00:02:53,040 --> 00:02:57,000 Speaker 1: only thing that appeared mysterious about it was that the 29 00:02:57,040 --> 00:03:03,840 Speaker 1: two workers act strangely like conspirators. If they laughed, as 30 00:03:03,880 --> 00:03:08,600 Speaker 1: they did often, it was very soft and at once smothered. 31 00:03:10,520 --> 00:03:13,840 Speaker 1: Jesse went often to the door leading into the hall 32 00:03:14,040 --> 00:03:17,800 Speaker 1: and listened, and if there came a knock on the floor, 33 00:03:18,440 --> 00:03:23,680 Speaker 1: she snatched off her apron, hastily wiped her hands, rolled 34 00:03:23,720 --> 00:03:27,600 Speaker 1: down her sleeves, asked Betty if there was any flower 35 00:03:27,680 --> 00:03:31,240 Speaker 1: on her, and then hurried away into another part of 36 00:03:31,280 --> 00:03:37,080 Speaker 1: the house, trying to look cool and quiet as if 37 00:03:37,120 --> 00:03:44,320 Speaker 1: she had not been doing anything. On returning from one 38 00:03:44,360 --> 00:03:47,760 Speaker 1: of these trips, as she rolled up her sleeves again, 39 00:03:47,920 --> 00:03:52,000 Speaker 1: she said, Betty, we must open the other window. If 40 00:03:52,040 --> 00:03:57,520 Speaker 1: it is cold, Mama thought she smelled roast turkey. Betty 41 00:03:57,560 --> 00:04:00,520 Speaker 1: burst into a laugh, which she smothered in her apron. 42 00:04:01,720 --> 00:04:05,800 Speaker 1: Jessee covered her mouth and laughed too. But the window 43 00:04:05,960 --> 00:04:09,240 Speaker 1: was opened to make a draft and carry out the 44 00:04:09,320 --> 00:04:14,320 Speaker 1: delicious odors, which, it must be confessed, did fill the 45 00:04:14,400 --> 00:04:18,240 Speaker 1: kitchen so full that no wonder. They crept through the 46 00:04:18,320 --> 00:04:22,920 Speaker 1: cracks and the keyholes, and hung about Jesse's dress as 47 00:04:22,960 --> 00:04:25,960 Speaker 1: she went through the hall, in a way to make 48 00:04:26,120 --> 00:04:33,080 Speaker 1: one's mouth water. What did you tell her, asked Betty, 49 00:04:33,240 --> 00:04:37,000 Speaker 1: as soon as she could speak. Oh, I told her. 50 00:04:37,040 --> 00:04:40,040 Speaker 1: I thought pot pie smelled a good deal like turkey, 51 00:04:40,440 --> 00:04:46,279 Speaker 1: said Jessee, and again they both laughed. Wasn't it lucky 52 00:04:46,320 --> 00:04:49,359 Speaker 1: we had pot pie today. I don't know what I 53 00:04:49,400 --> 00:04:53,400 Speaker 1: would have said if we hadn't. 54 00:04:54,640 --> 00:04:54,960 Speaker 2: Well. 55 00:04:55,400 --> 00:04:58,599 Speaker 1: It was not long after that when Jessie lined a 56 00:04:58,680 --> 00:05:02,680 Speaker 1: baking dish with nute, nice looking crust, filled it with 57 00:05:02,839 --> 00:05:07,200 Speaker 1: tempting looking chicken legs and wings and breasts and backs, 58 00:05:07,760 --> 00:05:11,560 Speaker 1: and a bowlful of bra laid a white blanket of 59 00:05:11,640 --> 00:05:16,680 Speaker 1: crust overall, tucked it in snugly around the edge, got 60 00:05:16,680 --> 00:05:19,480 Speaker 1: some holes in the top, and shoved it into the oven. 61 00:05:20,400 --> 00:05:24,279 Speaker 1: Just after, Betty drew out a dripping pan in which 62 00:05:24,360 --> 00:05:28,760 Speaker 1: lay in all the glory of rich brown skin a 63 00:05:28,920 --> 00:05:36,400 Speaker 1: beautiful turkey. Missus Jarvis couldn't have had any nose at 64 00:05:36,400 --> 00:05:40,839 Speaker 1: all if she didn't smell that. It filled the kitchen 65 00:05:40,960 --> 00:05:45,400 Speaker 1: full of nice smells, and Betty hurried it into the pantry, 66 00:05:45,800 --> 00:05:52,359 Speaker 1: where the window was open to cool. Then Jesse returned 67 00:05:52,400 --> 00:05:55,200 Speaker 1: to the spices and fruits she had been working over 68 00:05:55,400 --> 00:05:59,480 Speaker 1: so long, and a few minutes later she poured a rich, 69 00:05:59,760 --> 00:06:04,440 Speaker 1: dark mass into a tin pudding dish, tied the cover 70 00:06:04,560 --> 00:06:07,920 Speaker 1: on tight, and slipped it into a large kettle of 71 00:06:08,000 --> 00:06:14,039 Speaker 1: boiling water on the stove. There she said, I hope 72 00:06:14,080 --> 00:06:18,719 Speaker 1: that'll be good. I know it will, said Betty, confidently. 73 00:06:19,160 --> 00:06:23,760 Speaker 1: That's your mom's best recipe. Yes, but I've never made 74 00:06:23,800 --> 00:06:28,839 Speaker 1: it before, said Jesse doubtfully. Oh, I know it'll be 75 00:06:28,920 --> 00:06:32,240 Speaker 1: all right, and I will watch it closely, said Betty. 76 00:06:33,000 --> 00:06:35,920 Speaker 1: And now you go and sit with your mom. I 77 00:06:36,080 --> 00:06:41,640 Speaker 1: want that table to get dinner, but I'm going to 78 00:06:41,920 --> 00:06:46,000 Speaker 1: wash all these things, said Jesse. You go along. I'd 79 00:06:46,120 --> 00:06:49,280 Speaker 1: rather do that myself. It won't take me any time 80 00:06:49,320 --> 00:06:54,280 Speaker 1: at all, said Betty. Jesse hesitated, But you have enough 81 00:06:54,320 --> 00:06:57,680 Speaker 1: to do, Betty, I tell you I want to do it. 82 00:06:58,120 --> 00:07:02,760 Speaker 1: The girl insisted, Oh I know, said Jesse. You like 83 00:07:02,880 --> 00:07:06,360 Speaker 1: to help about, well you may, and I'm much obliged 84 00:07:06,400 --> 00:07:11,160 Speaker 1: to you. Besides, And after a last look at the 85 00:07:11,320 --> 00:07:14,640 Speaker 1: fine turkey cooling his heels if he had any in 86 00:07:14,720 --> 00:07:19,320 Speaker 1: the pantry, Jesse went into the other part of the house. 87 00:07:23,520 --> 00:07:27,760 Speaker 1: When dinnertime arrived and Papa came from town, there appeared 88 00:07:27,800 --> 00:07:31,960 Speaker 1: on the table the pot pie and other things pleasant 89 00:07:31,960 --> 00:07:35,760 Speaker 1: to eat. But nothing was seen of the turkey so 90 00:07:36,080 --> 00:07:40,120 Speaker 1: carefully roasted, or the chicken pie, or the pudding that 91 00:07:40,240 --> 00:07:47,040 Speaker 1: caused the young cook so much anxiety. Nothing was said 92 00:07:47,080 --> 00:07:53,120 Speaker 1: about them either. It was certainly odd and stranger things 93 00:07:53,200 --> 00:07:58,760 Speaker 1: happened that night. In the first place, Jesse sat up 94 00:07:58,800 --> 00:08:02,840 Speaker 1: in her room and wrote a letter, and then, after 95 00:08:02,880 --> 00:08:07,080 Speaker 1: her mother was in bed and everything still, she snuck 96 00:08:07,200 --> 00:08:11,440 Speaker 1: down the backstairs with a candle, quietly as though she 97 00:08:11,600 --> 00:08:14,560 Speaker 1: was doing something mischievous. 98 00:08:15,840 --> 00:08:16,760 Speaker 2: Betty, who had. 99 00:08:16,640 --> 00:08:19,880 Speaker 1: Come down to help her, brought a box in from 100 00:08:19,920 --> 00:08:25,000 Speaker 1: the woodshed, and the two women, very silently, with many 101 00:08:25,120 --> 00:08:28,280 Speaker 1: listenings at the door to see if anyone was stirring, 102 00:08:28,960 --> 00:08:35,679 Speaker 1: packed that box full of good things. 103 00:08:35,679 --> 00:08:36,000 Speaker 2: In it. 104 00:08:36,200 --> 00:08:39,840 Speaker 1: The turkey wrapped in a snowy napkin, found a bed, 105 00:08:40,720 --> 00:08:45,079 Speaker 1: the chicken pie and the plum pudding beautiful looking, as 106 00:08:45,120 --> 00:08:49,840 Speaker 1: Betty said it would be. Bore the turkey company, and 107 00:08:49,960 --> 00:08:55,720 Speaker 1: numerous small things, jam jars, fruits, et cetera. Filled the 108 00:08:55,760 --> 00:09:00,720 Speaker 1: box to its very top. Then the cover, provided with 109 00:09:00,800 --> 00:09:04,560 Speaker 1: screws so that no hammering needed to be done, was 110 00:09:04,640 --> 00:09:11,200 Speaker 1: fastened on. Now you go to bed, Jesse, said Betty. 111 00:09:11,280 --> 00:09:15,720 Speaker 1: I'll wait. No, you must be tired, said Jesse. I'd 112 00:09:15,840 --> 00:09:19,959 Speaker 1: just as happily wait, but I'd rather said Betty, And 113 00:09:20,120 --> 00:09:26,640 Speaker 1: I'm going to It won't be long now, So Jesse 114 00:09:26,840 --> 00:09:30,800 Speaker 1: crept quietly upstairs, and before long there was a low 115 00:09:30,880 --> 00:09:34,880 Speaker 1: knock on the kitchen door. Betty opened it and there 116 00:09:34,920 --> 00:09:40,680 Speaker 1: stood a man ready. He said, yes, answered Betty, but 117 00:09:40,920 --> 00:09:45,680 Speaker 1: don't speak loud. Missus Jarvis has sharp ears and we 118 00:09:45,800 --> 00:09:49,880 Speaker 1: don't want her disturbed. Here's the card to market by, 119 00:09:50,400 --> 00:09:55,480 Speaker 1: and she produced a card from the table. The man 120 00:09:55,640 --> 00:09:59,480 Speaker 1: put it in his pocket, shouldered the box, and Betty 121 00:09:59,559 --> 00:10:05,160 Speaker 1: shut the door. Not one of those good things ever 122 00:10:05,280 --> 00:10:11,920 Speaker 1: went into the Jarvis's dining room. The next morning, things 123 00:10:11,960 --> 00:10:16,000 Speaker 1: went on just as usual in the house. The kitchen 124 00:10:16,080 --> 00:10:19,600 Speaker 1: door was left open, and missus Jarvis was welcome to 125 00:10:19,640 --> 00:10:23,680 Speaker 1: smell any of the appetizing odors that wafed it out 126 00:10:23,840 --> 00:10:31,240 Speaker 1: into her room. Jesse resumed her study and especially her practice, 127 00:10:31,440 --> 00:10:36,400 Speaker 1: for she hoped someday to be a great musician. She 128 00:10:36,520 --> 00:10:39,479 Speaker 1: waited on her mother and took charge of the housekeeping 129 00:10:40,200 --> 00:10:43,880 Speaker 1: so much as was necessary, with the well tried servant 130 00:10:43,960 --> 00:10:47,880 Speaker 1: at the head of the kitchen. But that box of goodies, 131 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:57,360 Speaker 1: let us see where it went. It was Thanksgiving mourning 132 00:10:57,679 --> 00:11:03,080 Speaker 1: in a rough looking little mining ceunsettlement in Colorado, in 133 00:11:03,120 --> 00:11:07,480 Speaker 1: a shanty rougher and more comfortless than the rest, were 134 00:11:07,520 --> 00:11:13,760 Speaker 1: two people. One, a man of thirty, deeply engaged in 135 00:11:13,880 --> 00:11:19,200 Speaker 1: cleaning and oiling some tools. The other, a youth of sixteen, 136 00:11:20,080 --> 00:11:23,840 Speaker 1: was trying to make a fire burn in the primitive 137 00:11:23,960 --> 00:11:30,160 Speaker 1: looking affair that did duty as a stove. Both wore 138 00:11:30,280 --> 00:11:34,800 Speaker 1: minor suits and picks and other things about the room. 139 00:11:34,840 --> 00:11:37,800 Speaker 1: Told that their business was to dig for the yellow 140 00:11:37,920 --> 00:11:44,720 Speaker 1: gold we are all so greedy to have. Evidently luck 141 00:11:44,880 --> 00:11:49,400 Speaker 1: had not been good, for the whole place appeared run down, 142 00:11:50,000 --> 00:11:58,120 Speaker 1: and the two looked absolutely hungry. It was Thanksgiving morning, 143 00:11:58,240 --> 00:12:01,880 Speaker 1: as I said, But no, Oh, thankfulness shone in the 144 00:12:01,960 --> 00:12:08,079 Speaker 1: two pale, thin faces. Both were sad, and the younger 145 00:12:08,080 --> 00:12:17,240 Speaker 1: one almost hopeless. Jack, said the elder, pausing in his duties. Mind, 146 00:12:17,280 --> 00:12:20,120 Speaker 1: you give that old hen a good seasoning, or we 147 00:12:20,200 --> 00:12:25,360 Speaker 1: won't be able to eat it. It'll be better than 148 00:12:25,480 --> 00:12:32,560 Speaker 1: nothing anyway, I suppose, said Jack gloomily. Not much, especially 149 00:12:32,600 --> 00:12:35,079 Speaker 1: if you don't get the taste of sage brush out 150 00:12:35,080 --> 00:12:40,480 Speaker 1: of it. I've seen worse dinners, even Thanksgiving dinners, than 151 00:12:40,520 --> 00:12:46,600 Speaker 1: a sage hen, I haven't, said Jack. Shortly, or the 152 00:12:46,720 --> 00:12:51,679 Speaker 1: mention of Thanksgiving had brought up before him with startling vividness, 153 00:12:52,400 --> 00:12:56,120 Speaker 1: the picture of a bright dining room in a certain 154 00:12:56,240 --> 00:13:01,160 Speaker 1: town far away, a table loaded with good things and 155 00:13:01,320 --> 00:13:07,040 Speaker 1: surrounded by smiling faces, and the contrast was almost more 156 00:13:07,080 --> 00:13:13,320 Speaker 1: than he could bear. Well, don't be down on your luck, boy, 157 00:13:13,600 --> 00:13:15,880 Speaker 1: so long as you can get a good fat hen 158 00:13:15,960 --> 00:13:20,600 Speaker 1: to eat, replied the other cheerfully. We haven't struck it yet, 159 00:13:20,800 --> 00:13:24,840 Speaker 1: but it's always darkest just before dawn. You know, we 160 00:13:24,960 --> 00:13:31,880 Speaker 1: may be millionaires before this time tomorrow, we may, answered Jack, 161 00:13:32,440 --> 00:13:34,839 Speaker 1: but he didn't look as if he had much hope 162 00:13:34,920 --> 00:13:41,320 Speaker 1: of it. A few hours later, the occupants of the 163 00:13:41,360 --> 00:13:47,360 Speaker 1: cabin sat down to their Thanksgiving dinner. The elder sat 164 00:13:47,440 --> 00:13:50,200 Speaker 1: on the bench, the younger drew up a keg that 165 00:13:50,320 --> 00:13:53,920 Speaker 1: had held powder, and the dinner was about to begin. 166 00:13:56,240 --> 00:14:00,400 Speaker 1: But that hen was never meant to be eaten. Just 167 00:14:00,520 --> 00:14:04,400 Speaker 1: at that moment, the door was pushed open. A box 168 00:14:04,440 --> 00:14:07,920 Speaker 1: sat down on the floor, and a rough voice announced, 169 00:14:08,440 --> 00:14:13,200 Speaker 1: a box for Jack Jones. Jack stood up for me. 170 00:14:13,960 --> 00:14:19,000 Speaker 1: There must be a mistake. Nobody knows, he stopped, for 171 00:14:19,160 --> 00:14:23,800 Speaker 1: he had not mentioned that his name was assumed. Likely not, 172 00:14:24,480 --> 00:14:27,720 Speaker 1: said the man with a knowing look. But folks have 173 00:14:27,800 --> 00:14:31,600 Speaker 1: a mighty strange way of finding out, and he shut 174 00:14:31,640 --> 00:14:38,920 Speaker 1: the door and left. Jack stood staring at the box 175 00:14:39,000 --> 00:14:42,000 Speaker 1: as if he had lost his wits. It could not 176 00:14:42,160 --> 00:14:45,240 Speaker 1: be from home, for no one knew where he went. 177 00:14:45,360 --> 00:14:49,080 Speaker 1: When he left the house one night six months ago. 178 00:14:49,240 --> 00:14:53,160 Speaker 1: He had deliberately run away because he felt that he 179 00:14:53,320 --> 00:14:56,760 Speaker 1: was not being treated how he felt a sixteen year 180 00:14:56,800 --> 00:15:00,080 Speaker 1: old should be treated, and he wanted to show his 181 00:15:00,120 --> 00:15:04,120 Speaker 1: father he could do more. Why don't you open it? 182 00:15:04,760 --> 00:15:08,280 Speaker 1: The gruff but not unkind voice of his roommate, whom 183 00:15:08,320 --> 00:15:12,840 Speaker 1: he called Tom, woke him up. Maybe there's something in 184 00:15:12,880 --> 00:15:17,200 Speaker 1: it better than sage. Hen trying to raise a smile, 185 00:15:17,600 --> 00:15:22,920 Speaker 1: but no smile followed. Mechanically, Jack sought the tools to 186 00:15:23,000 --> 00:15:26,760 Speaker 1: open it, and in a few moments the cover was off. 187 00:15:29,400 --> 00:15:30,840 Speaker 2: It was from home. 188 00:15:31,640 --> 00:15:34,920 Speaker 1: On the very top was a letter addressed to Jack 189 00:15:35,000 --> 00:15:41,280 Speaker 1: Jarvis in a hand that he knew well. He quickly 190 00:15:41,320 --> 00:15:45,560 Speaker 1: stuffed it into his pocket. Unopened, the layers of paper 191 00:15:45,640 --> 00:15:50,080 Speaker 1: were removed, and as each one was thrown off, something 192 00:15:50,200 --> 00:15:56,680 Speaker 1: new appeared. Not a word was spoken, but the kettle 193 00:15:56,720 --> 00:15:59,720 Speaker 1: of sage hen was silently put on the floor by 194 00:15:59,760 --> 00:16:04,320 Speaker 1: Tom as the bench began to fill up. A jar 195 00:16:04,400 --> 00:16:10,440 Speaker 1: of cranberry sauce, another of orange marmalade, oranges and apples, 196 00:16:11,080 --> 00:16:16,080 Speaker 1: a plum pudding, a chicken pie, and lastly, in its 197 00:16:16,160 --> 00:16:20,360 Speaker 1: white linen wrapper, the turkey we saw browning in that 198 00:16:20,600 --> 00:16:27,200 Speaker 1: far off New England kitchen. As one by one these 199 00:16:27,240 --> 00:16:30,320 Speaker 1: things were lifted out and placed on the bench, a 200 00:16:30,440 --> 00:16:34,840 Speaker 1: deep silence reigned in the cabin. Jack had choked at 201 00:16:34,840 --> 00:16:38,240 Speaker 1: the sight of the letter, and memories of days far 202 00:16:38,280 --> 00:16:43,440 Speaker 1: different from these checked, even Tom's usually lively tongue. 203 00:16:44,200 --> 00:16:45,880 Speaker 2: A strange unpacking. 204 00:16:45,960 --> 00:16:49,680 Speaker 1: It was, how different from the joyful packing at the 205 00:16:49,720 --> 00:16:53,360 Speaker 1: middle of the night with those two laughing girls faces 206 00:16:53,400 --> 00:16:54,320 Speaker 1: bending over it. 207 00:16:57,920 --> 00:16:59,160 Speaker 2: When all was done and. 208 00:16:59,160 --> 00:17:03,600 Speaker 1: The silence grew painful, Jack blurted out, help yourself, and 209 00:17:03,720 --> 00:17:07,640 Speaker 1: bustled about, busily gathering up the papers and folding them 210 00:17:08,040 --> 00:17:11,399 Speaker 1: and stuffing them back in the box, as though he 211 00:17:11,520 --> 00:17:16,320 Speaker 1: were the most particular housekeeper in the world. But if 212 00:17:16,400 --> 00:17:21,920 Speaker 1: Jack couldn't eat something too stopped Tom. He simply said, 213 00:17:22,680 --> 00:17:25,800 Speaker 1: don't feel hungry. Believe I'll go out and see what 214 00:17:25,880 --> 00:17:29,920 Speaker 1: I can find. He quickly went out and shut the door. 215 00:17:32,000 --> 00:17:34,920 Speaker 1: Jack sat down on the keg and looked at the 216 00:17:34,960 --> 00:17:39,040 Speaker 1: things which so vividly brought home and his happy life 217 00:17:39,080 --> 00:17:44,280 Speaker 1: there before him. He did not feel hungry either. He 218 00:17:44,320 --> 00:17:49,439 Speaker 1: sat and stared for some time. Then he remembered his letter. 219 00:17:51,840 --> 00:17:54,639 Speaker 1: He drew it from his pocket and opened it. It 220 00:17:54,720 --> 00:17:57,480 Speaker 1: was very thick, and when he pulled it out of 221 00:17:57,520 --> 00:18:00,920 Speaker 1: the envelope, the first thing he saw was the smiling 222 00:18:01,040 --> 00:18:06,480 Speaker 1: face of his sister, Jesse, his twin sister, his playmate 223 00:18:06,720 --> 00:18:12,600 Speaker 1: and comrade and confidant from the cradle. At last, he 224 00:18:12,680 --> 00:18:18,520 Speaker 1: read the letter. It began, Dear Jack, I've just found 225 00:18:18,600 --> 00:18:22,720 Speaker 1: out where you are, and I'm so glad I'm sending 226 00:18:22,760 --> 00:18:26,840 Speaker 1: you this Thanksgiving dinner. It was too bad for you 227 00:18:26,960 --> 00:18:30,719 Speaker 1: to go off, So you don't know how dreadful it 228 00:18:30,840 --> 00:18:34,080 Speaker 1: was for mom. She was sick for a long time 229 00:18:34,560 --> 00:18:38,199 Speaker 1: and we were scared. But she's better now. She can 230 00:18:38,280 --> 00:18:43,400 Speaker 1: sit up most all day. Oh Jack, father cried, I'm 231 00:18:43,440 --> 00:18:46,600 Speaker 1: sure he did, and he almost ran out of the 232 00:18:46,680 --> 00:18:51,560 Speaker 1: room and didn't say anything to anybody all day. But 233 00:18:51,800 --> 00:18:55,320 Speaker 1: I was determined i'd find you. I won't tell you 234 00:18:55,440 --> 00:18:58,800 Speaker 1: how I did it, but Uncle John helped me. And 235 00:18:58,880 --> 00:19:02,040 Speaker 1: now Jack, he says he wants just such a fellow 236 00:19:02,080 --> 00:19:05,480 Speaker 1: as you to learn his business, and he'll make you 237 00:19:05,640 --> 00:19:11,320 Speaker 1: a very good offer. And Jack, nobody but Betty knows 238 00:19:11,359 --> 00:19:16,080 Speaker 1: anything about this box and this letter. I'm sending you 239 00:19:16,280 --> 00:19:19,640 Speaker 1: all my money out of the savings. I didn't tell 240 00:19:19,680 --> 00:19:24,480 Speaker 1: anybody that, and I want you to come home. You'll 241 00:19:24,520 --> 00:19:27,720 Speaker 1: find the money under the cranberries. I thought it would 242 00:19:27,760 --> 00:19:30,359 Speaker 1: be safe there, and I knew you'd eat them all 243 00:19:30,640 --> 00:19:35,040 Speaker 1: you're so fond of cranberry's. I didn't tell anyone because 244 00:19:35,080 --> 00:19:39,160 Speaker 1: I wanted to surprise them. And besides, let them think 245 00:19:39,240 --> 00:19:43,080 Speaker 1: you came home because you got ready. It's nobody's business 246 00:19:43,119 --> 00:19:48,320 Speaker 1: where you got the money anyhow. Now do come right home, Jack, 247 00:19:49,080 --> 00:19:51,119 Speaker 1: You can get here in a week's time. I know 248 00:19:52,160 --> 00:20:00,399 Speaker 1: your affectionate sister, Jesse. Jack laid the letter down with 249 00:20:00,440 --> 00:20:04,400 Speaker 1: a rush of new feelings and thoughts that overwhelmed him. 250 00:20:05,680 --> 00:20:09,439 Speaker 1: He sat there for hours. He knew nothing of time. 251 00:20:10,600 --> 00:20:14,159 Speaker 1: He had mechanically turned the cranberry jar upside down and 252 00:20:14,240 --> 00:20:18,960 Speaker 1: taken from the bottle, carefully wrapped in white papers, fifty 253 00:20:19,040 --> 00:20:24,919 Speaker 1: dollars Jesse's money. She had worked so hard for it, 254 00:20:25,320 --> 00:20:29,119 Speaker 1: and she had such big plans. Why did she do this? 255 00:20:31,720 --> 00:20:35,040 Speaker 1: These thoughts and many more surged through his mind that 256 00:20:35,240 --> 00:20:39,480 Speaker 1: long afternoon, and when Tom returned, as the shadows were 257 00:20:39,520 --> 00:20:44,520 Speaker 1: growing long, he sat exactly as he had been left 258 00:20:45,040 --> 00:20:49,040 Speaker 1: At Tom's entrance. He roused himself. There was a new 259 00:20:49,200 --> 00:20:53,879 Speaker 1: light in his eye. Come Tom, he said, dinner's waiting. 260 00:20:54,160 --> 00:20:57,840 Speaker 1: You must be hungry by this time. I am, that, 261 00:20:58,359 --> 00:21:02,160 Speaker 1: said Tom, who had been through his own struggles. Meanwhile, 262 00:21:05,080 --> 00:21:08,240 Speaker 1: the two sat down once more to their Thanksgiving dinner, 263 00:21:08,359 --> 00:21:13,520 Speaker 1: and this time they managed to eat. After the meal, 264 00:21:13,640 --> 00:21:17,720 Speaker 1: when the provisions were stored away in the cupboard, it 265 00:21:17,760 --> 00:21:21,399 Speaker 1: had grown quite dark, and the two, still not in 266 00:21:21,440 --> 00:21:24,160 Speaker 1: the mood to talk, went to bed for the night, 267 00:21:26,200 --> 00:21:30,120 Speaker 1: but not to sleep at least not Jack, who tumbled 268 00:21:30,160 --> 00:21:32,960 Speaker 1: and tossed all night and got up in the morning 269 00:21:33,040 --> 00:21:36,600 Speaker 1: with an energy and life he had not shown for weeks. 270 00:21:39,440 --> 00:21:45,880 Speaker 1: C After breakfast, Tom shouldered his pick and said, I'll 271 00:21:45,920 --> 00:21:49,359 Speaker 1: go on Jack while you clear up. Yet he felt 272 00:21:49,359 --> 00:21:52,680 Speaker 1: in his heart he should never see Jack again, for 273 00:21:52,840 --> 00:21:55,159 Speaker 1: there was a home struck look in his face that 274 00:21:55,240 --> 00:21:59,800 Speaker 1: he knew well. He was not surprised that Jack did 275 00:21:59,800 --> 00:22:03,080 Speaker 1: not join him, nor that when he returned at night 276 00:22:03,119 --> 00:22:06,440 Speaker 1: to the cabin he found him gone and a note 277 00:22:06,480 --> 00:22:10,120 Speaker 1: pinned up on the door. I can't stand it. I'm 278 00:22:10,200 --> 00:22:15,240 Speaker 1: off for home. You may have my share of everything, Jack. 279 00:22:21,080 --> 00:22:24,480 Speaker 1: It was a cold evening in early December, and there 280 00:22:24,520 --> 00:22:28,480 Speaker 1: seemed to be an undercurrent of excitement in the Jarvis household. 281 00:22:29,600 --> 00:22:32,119 Speaker 1: The table was spread in the dining room with the 282 00:22:32,160 --> 00:22:36,640 Speaker 1: best silver and linen. Missus Jarvis was better and had 283 00:22:36,680 --> 00:22:40,040 Speaker 1: even been able to go into the kitchen to oversee 284 00:22:40,080 --> 00:22:45,080 Speaker 1: the preparations for dinner. Jesse went around with a shining 285 00:22:45,160 --> 00:22:49,320 Speaker 1: face that no one understood and she could not explain. 286 00:22:51,800 --> 00:22:54,320 Speaker 1: Jesse heard the train she had decided to be the 287 00:22:54,400 --> 00:23:00,520 Speaker 1: important one. She could hardly contain herself for expectation. She 288 00:23:00,680 --> 00:23:03,600 Speaker 1: tried hard to contain herself now and then by the 289 00:23:03,640 --> 00:23:09,040 Speaker 1: thought perhaps he won't come. But she couldn't stay contained, 290 00:23:09,680 --> 00:23:11,360 Speaker 1: for she felt as certain that he. 291 00:23:11,359 --> 00:23:17,120 Speaker 2: Would as that she lived. You all know how it happened. 292 00:23:18,480 --> 00:23:23,959 Speaker 1: The door opened and Jack walked in. One instant of 293 00:23:24,040 --> 00:23:32,720 Speaker 1: blank silence, and then a grand noise. Jack fell on 294 00:23:32,800 --> 00:23:35,880 Speaker 1: his knees with his face in his mother's lap, though 295 00:23:35,960 --> 00:23:38,680 Speaker 1: he had not thought a moment before of doing any 296 00:23:38,760 --> 00:23:46,159 Speaker 1: such thing. Jesse hung over him, frantically hugging him. Mister Jarvis, 297 00:23:46,200 --> 00:23:49,600 Speaker 1: trying to join this group, could only lay his hands 298 00:23:49,640 --> 00:23:54,320 Speaker 1: on Jack's head and say in a broken voice, my son, 299 00:23:54,800 --> 00:23:59,840 Speaker 1: my son, while Betty performed a war dance around the party, 300 00:24:00,320 --> 00:24:04,680 Speaker 1: wildly brandishing a basting spoon in one hand and wiping 301 00:24:04,720 --> 00:24:08,080 Speaker 1: her streaming eyes on the dishcloth which she held in 302 00:24:08,160 --> 00:24:08,600 Speaker 1: the other. 303 00:24:10,960 --> 00:24:12,680 Speaker 2: It was long before. 304 00:24:12,359 --> 00:24:16,280 Speaker 1: A word could be spoken, and the dinner was totally ruined. 305 00:24:18,160 --> 00:24:21,840 Speaker 1: Then the reaction set in and justice was done to 306 00:24:21,920 --> 00:24:26,560 Speaker 1: the dinner. While talk went on in a stream, Jack 307 00:24:26,640 --> 00:24:30,000 Speaker 1: did not tell his adventures. He only said that he 308 00:24:30,080 --> 00:24:33,240 Speaker 1: had come from the city, where he had made arrangements 309 00:24:33,280 --> 00:24:37,320 Speaker 1: for a situation with Uncle John, at which Jesse's eyes 310 00:24:37,440 --> 00:24:44,040 Speaker 1: sparkled there is little more to tell. Jack Jarvis at 311 00:24:44,080 --> 00:24:47,560 Speaker 1: seventeen was a different boy from the Jack who at 312 00:24:47,600 --> 00:24:50,800 Speaker 1: sixteen started out to seek his fortune. 313 00:24:51,760 --> 00:24:53,680 Speaker 2: And you may be sure that. 314 00:24:53,720 --> 00:24:57,560 Speaker 1: Jesse had her music lessons after all, and went on 315 00:24:57,720 --> 00:24:59,240 Speaker 1: to do everything. 316 00:24:59,240 --> 00:25:00,680 Speaker 2: Her heart I wished for. 317 00:25:06,080 --> 00:25:10,680 Speaker 1: And that is the end of our story. Good Night, 318 00:25:11,960 --> 00:25:16,960 Speaker 1: sleep tight, y. 319 00:25:18,720 --> 00:25:42,960 Speaker 3: A close, said you. Anywhere, any time justice