1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,440 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,480 --> 00:00:17,960 Speaker 1: to say hello to Naomi who is ten and Amelia 3 00:00:18,120 --> 00:00:24,440 Speaker 1: who is six from Temple, Georgia. Hello to Amelia Mendoza 4 00:00:24,520 --> 00:00:29,920 Speaker 1: who is three. Hello to Michael Olkowski who is seven 5 00:00:30,040 --> 00:00:35,199 Speaker 1: years old. Hello to Rosanna who lives in Fairbanks, Alaska. 6 00:00:36,280 --> 00:00:40,240 Speaker 1: And Hello to Abba Lean Mattan. Miss you and love 7 00:00:40,280 --> 00:00:43,280 Speaker 1: you very much. Don't forget to eat your vegetables and 8 00:00:43,320 --> 00:00:46,040 Speaker 1: brush your teeth and go to bed on time. They 9 00:00:46,080 --> 00:00:49,360 Speaker 1: can't wait to see you, Sending you hugs and kisses. 10 00:00:51,000 --> 00:00:56,120 Speaker 1: Happy belated birthday to Rosaliah from Santiego, Chile, who turned 11 00:00:56,120 --> 00:00:59,920 Speaker 1: seven on November thirtieth. Mommy and Daddy are very proud 12 00:01:00,080 --> 00:01:05,600 Speaker 1: of your swimming. Keep it up. Happy belated birthday to 13 00:01:05,720 --> 00:01:11,520 Speaker 1: Lila who turned seven on December third. Happy belated birthday 14 00:01:11,520 --> 00:01:15,199 Speaker 1: to Oslon from Manhattan, New York City who turned seven 15 00:01:15,360 --> 00:01:19,520 Speaker 1: on December sixth. Mommy, Daddy and baby Aaron love you 16 00:01:19,640 --> 00:01:23,119 Speaker 1: so much. You're a brave, smart, kind boy and they 17 00:01:23,160 --> 00:01:29,000 Speaker 1: are so proud of you. Happy belated birthday to Riley 18 00:01:29,120 --> 00:01:35,440 Speaker 1: Mendoza from Collegedale, Tennessee, who turned six on December seventeenth, 19 00:01:35,480 --> 00:01:39,600 Speaker 1: and happy belated birthday to Emily from Shanghai who turned 20 00:01:39,600 --> 00:01:46,720 Speaker 1: eight on December fifteenth. Happy birthday to Vivi in West Lafayette, 21 00:01:46,760 --> 00:01:52,520 Speaker 1: Indiana who is turning eight on December eighteenth. Happy birthday 22 00:01:52,560 --> 00:01:56,320 Speaker 1: to Maya from San Marcos, Texas who is turning five 23 00:01:56,400 --> 00:02:01,080 Speaker 1: on December eighteenth. Your Mom, Dad and Babby you very much. 24 00:02:03,240 --> 00:02:06,800 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Finn Ashby from Melbourne, Australia who is 25 00:02:06,840 --> 00:02:11,280 Speaker 1: turning seven on December twenty first. And Happy birthday to 26 00:02:11,440 --> 00:02:16,119 Speaker 1: Henry from Hermantown, Minnesota, who was turning eight on December 27 00:02:16,160 --> 00:02:20,600 Speaker 1: twenty second. Happy birthday to you all. I hope you 28 00:02:20,639 --> 00:02:24,520 Speaker 1: have a wonderful day. Shout outs and birthday wishes are 29 00:02:24,520 --> 00:02:27,480 Speaker 1: one way we give thanks to our supporters. If you 30 00:02:27,480 --> 00:02:30,679 Speaker 1: would like to support us and receive more bedtime entertainment 31 00:02:30,840 --> 00:02:34,840 Speaker 1: like this, all add free, please visit our support page 32 00:02:34,880 --> 00:02:46,239 Speaker 1: at sleep tightstories dot org slash support Thank you. After 33 00:02:46,440 --> 00:02:49,920 Speaker 1: receiving her message from the lake and heading out the 34 00:02:49,960 --> 00:02:55,760 Speaker 1: next day, Esther is not sure what to expect. When 35 00:02:55,760 --> 00:02:58,600 Speaker 1: they see the beginnings of the mist in the distance. 36 00:02:59,120 --> 00:03:04,280 Speaker 1: They pause, take a deep breath, and continue on their way. 37 00:03:06,040 --> 00:03:10,120 Speaker 1: Ariah asks Esther to lead the way which is unusual. 38 00:03:10,840 --> 00:03:14,520 Speaker 1: But Ariah cannot see the map, so she doesn't know 39 00:03:14,560 --> 00:03:19,160 Speaker 1: which way to go. Esther does her best to lead 40 00:03:19,200 --> 00:03:22,400 Speaker 1: them towards the veil of the mists, and when it 41 00:03:22,520 --> 00:03:24,839 Speaker 1: is time to find a place to rest for the night, 42 00:03:25,680 --> 00:03:32,959 Speaker 1: they both get a surprise. The Magical Book of Dreams, 43 00:03:33,240 --> 00:03:39,680 Speaker 1: Part twenty three. Lead the way, Ariah said to Esther, 44 00:03:40,240 --> 00:03:43,720 Speaker 1: making a sweeping gesture with her hands, like she was 45 00:03:43,800 --> 00:03:48,720 Speaker 1: letting her walk through a door. Me, but you are 46 00:03:48,760 --> 00:03:54,200 Speaker 1: the night, Esther said, hesitating, Yes, I am, but only 47 00:03:54,280 --> 00:03:57,320 Speaker 1: you know the way. Don't worry, I will be right 48 00:03:57,400 --> 00:04:04,080 Speaker 1: behind you. Esther wasn't so sure about this arrangement, but 49 00:04:04,200 --> 00:04:07,840 Speaker 1: she started walking slowly toward the mist they could see 50 00:04:07,880 --> 00:04:11,800 Speaker 1: in the distance. She had always been in the background 51 00:04:11,800 --> 00:04:15,840 Speaker 1: and never had to take a leading position before. She 52 00:04:16,080 --> 00:04:19,719 Speaker 1: was content to escape into her mind and not deal 53 00:04:19,800 --> 00:04:24,880 Speaker 1: with others. Esther had plenty of friends, but since her 54 00:04:24,920 --> 00:04:29,880 Speaker 1: father disappeared, she had become extremely quiet, except around her brother, 55 00:04:30,400 --> 00:04:35,960 Speaker 1: whom she loved to argue with. The map tells us 56 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:39,119 Speaker 1: to follow the stream as closely as possible, Esther said, 57 00:04:39,480 --> 00:04:42,280 Speaker 1: and it should lead us almost directly to the veil 58 00:04:42,360 --> 00:04:46,679 Speaker 1: of mists. I suggest we find a place to rest 59 00:04:46,760 --> 00:04:51,480 Speaker 1: before it gets dark. Following this strange path, I don't 60 00:04:51,480 --> 00:04:53,760 Speaker 1: think we can make it that far before it becomes 61 00:04:53,800 --> 00:04:57,880 Speaker 1: too dark to safely walk. I would also like to 62 00:04:57,880 --> 00:05:01,799 Speaker 1: find a defensible position in case some of those growls 63 00:05:01,839 --> 00:05:04,960 Speaker 1: we hear in the distance decide to come and say hello, 64 00:05:05,760 --> 00:05:12,080 Speaker 1: Ariah said from behind Esther. They talked as they walked, 65 00:05:12,200 --> 00:05:15,359 Speaker 1: pointing out various plants that at one time would have 66 00:05:15,400 --> 00:05:20,920 Speaker 1: been edible or had a particular color. Ariyah hadn't seen 67 00:05:21,000 --> 00:05:25,160 Speaker 1: them personally, but was required to read old books on plants, 68 00:05:25,520 --> 00:05:30,239 Speaker 1: which were often in full color, a study she didn't enjoy, 69 00:05:31,279 --> 00:05:35,719 Speaker 1: something she and Esther had in common. It seemed only 70 00:05:35,800 --> 00:05:40,159 Speaker 1: her annoying little brother enjoyed the study of plants, gardening 71 00:05:40,240 --> 00:05:45,400 Speaker 1: and such. As they turned a corner and a gap 72 00:05:45,560 --> 00:05:49,080 Speaker 1: appeared in a stone like tree, Esther pointed to a 73 00:05:49,160 --> 00:05:53,440 Speaker 1: beautiful sight in the distance. Is that some color I 74 00:05:53,480 --> 00:05:56,919 Speaker 1: see up ahead? Might that be a safe place to stop? 75 00:05:58,680 --> 00:06:02,239 Speaker 1: It may serve as our resting point. But the color 76 00:06:02,360 --> 00:06:05,960 Speaker 1: might be good magic or a trap. I guess we 77 00:06:06,000 --> 00:06:10,040 Speaker 1: will find out which soon enough, Ariah said, urging caution. 78 00:06:13,400 --> 00:06:16,279 Speaker 1: The path they walked on, next to the stream was 79 00:06:16,400 --> 00:06:21,599 Speaker 1: well worn, narrow and uneven, bordered by the remnants of 80 00:06:21,640 --> 00:06:27,320 Speaker 1: the once lush forest, now asleep and stone like. It 81 00:06:27,360 --> 00:06:30,280 Speaker 1: didn't look like it had been walked on for some time, 82 00:06:30,880 --> 00:06:33,039 Speaker 1: and if the plant life grew like it did in 83 00:06:33,120 --> 00:06:39,480 Speaker 1: normal times, it would have long since been overgrown. The 84 00:06:39,520 --> 00:06:43,680 Speaker 1: ground was a mix of hard packed earth and scattered stones, 85 00:06:44,200 --> 00:06:50,000 Speaker 1: slowing their progress to their right. The stream, a narrow, 86 00:06:50,120 --> 00:06:54,680 Speaker 1: glistening snake of water, provided one of the last vestiges 87 00:06:54,760 --> 00:06:59,800 Speaker 1: of the forest's former beauty. Its waters, clear and cool, 88 00:07:00,320 --> 00:07:05,080 Speaker 1: flowed steadily, seemingly unaffected by the gloom that had fallen 89 00:07:05,120 --> 00:07:10,480 Speaker 1: on the rest of the realm. These trees must have 90 00:07:10,560 --> 00:07:15,080 Speaker 1: been incredibly beautiful at one time, Esther said softly. They 91 00:07:15,120 --> 00:07:19,160 Speaker 1: are so tall, taller than anything I have ever seen 92 00:07:19,200 --> 00:07:24,480 Speaker 1: in Shirewood. Yes, I have seen paintings and illustrations in 93 00:07:24,560 --> 00:07:29,200 Speaker 1: books of the various forests throughout the realm. They were 94 00:07:29,320 --> 00:07:34,120 Speaker 1: a sight to behold. But maybe some day they will 95 00:07:34,160 --> 00:07:36,560 Speaker 1: have the same color and life as in the past. 96 00:07:37,120 --> 00:07:42,160 Speaker 1: We must continue to hope, Riah replied, walking faster in 97 00:07:42,200 --> 00:07:47,680 Speaker 1: an effort to encourage Esther to do the same. It's 98 00:07:47,720 --> 00:07:51,200 Speaker 1: difficult to walk on this path just when you think 99 00:07:51,240 --> 00:07:54,520 Speaker 1: you have a secure footing, you walk on a slippery stone. 100 00:07:54,960 --> 00:07:58,640 Speaker 1: But we must move faster. The resting point is still 101 00:07:58,640 --> 00:08:01,600 Speaker 1: a fair bit away, and the gray will soon turn 102 00:08:01,680 --> 00:08:06,280 Speaker 1: to dark. I'm trying, Esther said, as she picked up 103 00:08:06,280 --> 00:08:10,360 Speaker 1: the pace. She no longer paid attention to the pain 104 00:08:10,480 --> 00:08:17,440 Speaker 1: in her legs, but she had her limits. The growling 105 00:08:17,560 --> 00:08:20,960 Speaker 1: and the howls of the creatures waiting for them had disappeared. 106 00:08:22,160 --> 00:08:25,920 Speaker 1: The forest was eerily quiet, without the typical sounds from 107 00:08:26,000 --> 00:08:30,920 Speaker 1: animals of the forest, the fairies and pixies and butterflies 108 00:08:30,920 --> 00:08:36,880 Speaker 1: and bees. Why is it so quiet, Esther asked, Other 109 00:08:36,960 --> 00:08:39,760 Speaker 1: than the sound of the stream in our feet, there 110 00:08:39,840 --> 00:08:44,800 Speaker 1: is no sound. They may be on the move, waiting 111 00:08:44,840 --> 00:08:48,080 Speaker 1: to intersect with us somewhere up ahead. We must keep 112 00:08:48,120 --> 00:08:52,560 Speaker 1: an eye out, Ariah said. Maybe they got tired and 113 00:08:52,600 --> 00:08:58,000 Speaker 1: decided to leave us alone. Esther replied, that made Ariah laugh. 114 00:08:58,920 --> 00:09:05,480 Speaker 1: She didn't have a great sense of humor. As they walked, 115 00:09:05,679 --> 00:09:09,240 Speaker 1: the path began to wind more closely along the stream, 116 00:09:09,840 --> 00:09:14,600 Speaker 1: its burbling sounds growing louder, masking the sounds of any 117 00:09:14,679 --> 00:09:22,160 Speaker 1: approaching creature. This made Ariah more wary. Eventually, the air 118 00:09:22,280 --> 00:09:26,400 Speaker 1: grew cooler, and a faint mist began to curl around 119 00:09:26,440 --> 00:09:30,040 Speaker 1: their feet, signaling they were getting closer to the veil 120 00:09:30,160 --> 00:09:35,680 Speaker 1: of mists. This also made the path increasingly difficult to 121 00:09:35,760 --> 00:09:41,600 Speaker 1: walk quickly as the moisture made the path slippery. They 122 00:09:41,679 --> 00:09:45,200 Speaker 1: continued for what felt to Esther like a whole cycle. 123 00:09:46,240 --> 00:09:50,160 Speaker 1: She didn't complain or stop, and tried to keep pace. 124 00:09:51,320 --> 00:09:54,720 Speaker 1: She was, ever so slightly becoming accustomed to being in 125 00:09:54,760 --> 00:10:03,040 Speaker 1: front to leading. Looked down at her bag, stopped and 126 00:10:03,200 --> 00:10:06,600 Speaker 1: said to Ariah, the map is glowing quite a bit 127 00:10:06,640 --> 00:10:10,560 Speaker 1: more brightly. Taking the book out, she looked at the 128 00:10:10,559 --> 00:10:15,360 Speaker 1: map and it signaled what Ariah had actually realized. Their 129 00:10:15,440 --> 00:10:21,480 Speaker 1: resting spot was just up ahead. Sometimes good awareness of 130 00:10:21,520 --> 00:10:26,360 Speaker 1: your surroundings is just as valuable as magic. It's probably 131 00:10:26,440 --> 00:10:28,839 Speaker 1: letting us know that where we are going to rest 132 00:10:28,880 --> 00:10:33,119 Speaker 1: for the night is just up ahead, Riah said. Hopefully, 133 00:10:33,200 --> 00:10:36,600 Speaker 1: it also means the area is safe. Why don't you 134 00:10:36,679 --> 00:10:41,600 Speaker 1: let me lead until we get there. Esther stepped aside. 135 00:10:41,600 --> 00:10:46,000 Speaker 1: As Riah walked past, she had that same serious look 136 00:10:46,040 --> 00:10:48,920 Speaker 1: on her face that she always seemed to have when 137 00:10:48,960 --> 00:10:55,360 Speaker 1: she was prepared for danger. They walked into a small 138 00:10:55,480 --> 00:11:01,360 Speaker 1: clearing somewhat protected by the encircling stone like trees. The 139 00:11:01,440 --> 00:11:05,000 Speaker 1: place they settled upon had one root in and one 140 00:11:05,080 --> 00:11:10,240 Speaker 1: root out. The hollow where they stopped still held traces 141 00:11:10,280 --> 00:11:14,160 Speaker 1: of good magic. There was a hint of color here, 142 00:11:14,920 --> 00:11:18,920 Speaker 1: the muted greens of moss clinging to the stone like trees, 143 00:11:19,640 --> 00:11:24,000 Speaker 1: and the soft blue of a small flower bravely pushing 144 00:11:24,040 --> 00:11:28,800 Speaker 1: through the cracks in the earth. It was a subdued beauty, 145 00:11:29,520 --> 00:11:35,480 Speaker 1: a faint whisper of the realm's former vibrancy. What a 146 00:11:35,559 --> 00:11:38,640 Speaker 1: difference this is from the rest of the forest, Esther said. 147 00:11:39,720 --> 00:11:44,960 Speaker 1: Ariah's eyes were lit up. She had seen some natural 148 00:11:45,040 --> 00:11:48,800 Speaker 1: color from time to time, but it had been too long. 149 00:11:50,320 --> 00:11:55,440 Speaker 1: It is beautiful, she said. Esther looked at Ariah's face 150 00:11:55,840 --> 00:11:58,800 Speaker 1: and swore she saw the beginnings of a tear forming 151 00:11:58,840 --> 00:12:02,800 Speaker 1: on her face. It's one thing to hear stories of 152 00:12:02,880 --> 00:12:06,960 Speaker 1: good magic and what the realm once was. It was 153 00:12:07,080 --> 00:12:13,840 Speaker 1: something else to experience, even this version of it. Let's 154 00:12:13,880 --> 00:12:17,480 Speaker 1: sit here, Ariah said, handing Esther more of the weirdly 155 00:12:17,600 --> 00:12:21,959 Speaker 1: textured food to eat, and they both sat down. Well. 156 00:12:22,400 --> 00:12:27,640 Speaker 1: Ariah sat down, Esther just fell down, her legs crumbling 157 00:12:27,679 --> 00:12:33,440 Speaker 1: from underneath her. She was tired. As they began to 158 00:12:33,559 --> 00:12:37,760 Speaker 1: get comfortable, preparing makeshift beds to sleep on, there was 159 00:12:37,800 --> 00:12:42,040 Speaker 1: a subtle shift in the atmosphere. It was getting warmer, 160 00:12:42,679 --> 00:12:48,199 Speaker 1: and the colors ever so slightly more vivid. Do you notice, 161 00:12:48,920 --> 00:12:54,160 Speaker 1: Esther said, yes, Ariah said, as she stood up, prepared 162 00:12:54,240 --> 00:13:00,800 Speaker 1: to defend herself. Be calm, my friends, There is no 163 00:13:00,960 --> 00:13:06,320 Speaker 1: need for alarm, said a voice behind them. Ariyah and 164 00:13:06,600 --> 00:13:10,720 Speaker 1: Esther turned around, suddenly a bit alarmed. They hadn't heard 165 00:13:10,720 --> 00:13:14,520 Speaker 1: a voice since Tenton had left them. Now in front 166 00:13:14,559 --> 00:13:21,440 Speaker 1: of them was something both had never seen before. Their 167 00:13:21,520 --> 00:13:26,440 Speaker 1: unexpected visitor was a pixie, no taller than a rabbit, 168 00:13:27,040 --> 00:13:32,120 Speaker 1: slowly fluttering closer to them in the clearing. His delicate 169 00:13:32,240 --> 00:13:37,200 Speaker 1: and translucent wings shimmered in the fading light, casting tiny 170 00:13:37,320 --> 00:13:42,040 Speaker 1: rainbows onto the ground. He was a burst of life 171 00:13:42,200 --> 00:13:46,800 Speaker 1: and energy, his presence a vivid contrast to everything else 172 00:13:47,320 --> 00:13:54,280 Speaker 1: Esther had experienced since she arrived. Though wary, Ariyah was transfixed, 173 00:13:55,000 --> 00:14:02,160 Speaker 1: she was speechless. Hello friends, he chirped in a high pitched, 174 00:14:02,200 --> 00:14:06,720 Speaker 1: melodic voice. I am Flicks, the guardian of this little haven. 175 00:14:09,200 --> 00:14:14,679 Speaker 1: Esther and Ariah exchanged surprised glances before Esther responded Hello, 176 00:14:14,800 --> 00:14:23,200 Speaker 1: flicks Um, we were hoping. Flicks hovered closer, his curiosity apparent. 177 00:14:25,040 --> 00:14:27,760 Speaker 1: You were hoping to stay the night, he said. The 178 00:14:27,800 --> 00:14:31,440 Speaker 1: magic here told me so. It's been a long time 179 00:14:31,560 --> 00:14:35,720 Speaker 1: since it sensed anything good. It's why the flowers still 180 00:14:35,720 --> 00:14:40,840 Speaker 1: bloom and why I stay. I take care of them 181 00:14:41,160 --> 00:14:44,720 Speaker 1: and they help take care of me in return. You 182 00:14:44,800 --> 00:14:47,920 Speaker 1: are safe here for the night. None of the creatures 183 00:14:47,960 --> 00:14:54,280 Speaker 1: will approach. His tiny face was earnest, and in his 184 00:14:54,440 --> 00:14:58,080 Speaker 1: bright eyes there was a spark of the playfulness pixies 185 00:14:58,120 --> 00:15:02,680 Speaker 1: were known for. The trees will keep you hidden, and 186 00:15:02,760 --> 00:15:05,800 Speaker 1: the magic in this place will ward off all that 187 00:15:05,840 --> 00:15:10,840 Speaker 1: has been influenced by the artifact. Only the Gray Queen 188 00:15:11,040 --> 00:15:13,880 Speaker 1: could come here, but I'm sure she is much too 189 00:15:13,960 --> 00:15:21,320 Speaker 1: busy to visit. Ariah nodded, appreciating the reassurance. Thank you, Flicks. 190 00:15:22,440 --> 00:15:26,440 Speaker 1: I know you both have many questions, especially you, Esther. 191 00:15:27,880 --> 00:15:32,600 Speaker 1: How did you know my name? Esther asked, good magic, 192 00:15:32,680 --> 00:15:36,920 Speaker 1: young princess. I have sensed you since your arrival through 193 00:15:36,960 --> 00:15:40,200 Speaker 1: the portal. You are like a beacon in the night. 194 00:15:40,920 --> 00:15:45,800 Speaker 1: Such love, hope, and warmth accompany you. The few of 195 00:15:45,920 --> 00:15:48,640 Speaker 1: us laughed have been waiting for you since you were born, 196 00:15:49,280 --> 00:15:52,400 Speaker 1: which was announced to us. Despite all the distance that 197 00:15:52,520 --> 00:15:57,760 Speaker 1: separates our realms, At some point we will have time 198 00:15:57,840 --> 00:16:02,160 Speaker 1: to talk. But now you must both rest because what 199 00:16:02,400 --> 00:16:06,360 Speaker 1: waits you will require all of your will and strength. 200 00:16:09,720 --> 00:16:14,080 Speaker 1: Ariah finally spoke. Are you able to help us, help 201 00:16:14,160 --> 00:16:16,840 Speaker 1: us reach the veil of mists or tell us a 202 00:16:16,880 --> 00:16:22,240 Speaker 1: shortcut to the starlit summit of Eldoria? Oh? Good night. 203 00:16:23,160 --> 00:16:26,479 Speaker 1: You know very well that our realm has no shortcuts. 204 00:16:27,600 --> 00:16:30,760 Speaker 1: Your role here is to protect Esther, to support her 205 00:16:30,800 --> 00:16:35,400 Speaker 1: in her transformation, and I'm afraid there is no quick way. 206 00:16:36,640 --> 00:16:41,920 Speaker 1: There is only patience. I will share this. When you 207 00:16:42,040 --> 00:16:45,840 Speaker 1: leave this wonderful hollow in the morning, after following the 208 00:16:45,880 --> 00:16:51,160 Speaker 1: path for a time, you will be presented with three choices. Esther, 209 00:16:51,800 --> 00:16:54,520 Speaker 1: you must lead in making the decision as to which 210 00:16:54,640 --> 00:16:59,800 Speaker 1: choice to take. Do not listen to Ariah, listen to 211 00:16:59,840 --> 00:17:05,280 Speaker 1: you your heart. It will help you make the right decision. Now, 212 00:17:05,320 --> 00:17:08,639 Speaker 1: I am very sorry, but I must leave you, Flicks announced, 213 00:17:09,000 --> 00:17:13,080 Speaker 1: his voice tinged with a hint of reluctance. It was 214 00:17:13,280 --> 00:17:16,399 Speaker 1: such a pleasure to meet you both now, at this 215 00:17:16,520 --> 00:17:20,080 Speaker 1: point in your journey. I wanted to help you both 216 00:17:20,119 --> 00:17:23,639 Speaker 1: as much as possible, and I would love to spend 217 00:17:23,640 --> 00:17:26,760 Speaker 1: more time talking, but the night is my time to 218 00:17:26,800 --> 00:17:31,160 Speaker 1: watch over this haven and ensure its magic remains undisturbed. 219 00:17:34,760 --> 00:17:39,960 Speaker 1: Esther and Ariah, listening intently to Flix's every word, nodded 220 00:17:40,000 --> 00:17:44,960 Speaker 1: in understanding. Thank you, Flicks. We wish you would stay, 221 00:17:45,040 --> 00:17:49,359 Speaker 1: but we understand, Esther said, gratefully, I hope we will 222 00:17:49,400 --> 00:17:56,720 Speaker 1: meet again. Flick smiled, a slight, warm glow emanating from him, 223 00:17:56,800 --> 00:18:02,880 Speaker 1: lighting up his delicate features. Remember, Esther, your father loves 224 00:18:03,000 --> 00:18:06,560 Speaker 1: and trusts you, he said, Even in places where it 225 00:18:06,640 --> 00:18:11,359 Speaker 1: seems all magic is lost, there's always light waiting to 226 00:18:11,440 --> 00:18:19,200 Speaker 1: re rekindled. With those parting words, Flicks fluttered his wings 227 00:18:19,520 --> 00:18:23,840 Speaker 1: and rose into the air, hovering momentarily as if to 228 00:18:23,960 --> 00:18:30,080 Speaker 1: memorize the scene before him. Then, with a swift, graceful motion, 229 00:18:30,640 --> 00:18:35,080 Speaker 1: he darted away, disappearing as suddenly into the night as 230 00:18:35,080 --> 00:18:39,040 Speaker 1: he had appeared, his light fading into the shadows of 231 00:18:39,080 --> 00:18:45,439 Speaker 1: the trees. Esther and Ariah sat quietly in awe of 232 00:18:45,480 --> 00:18:50,720 Speaker 1: what they just experienced. A million thoughts were going through 233 00:18:50,840 --> 00:18:57,120 Speaker 1: Esther's mind, Questions, fears, she wished she had her mother 234 00:18:57,240 --> 00:19:00,600 Speaker 1: to talk to, even one of her old tear would 235 00:19:00,600 --> 00:19:04,399 Speaker 1: have had some advice to give. She knew that with 236 00:19:04,600 --> 00:19:08,960 Speaker 1: each challenge she faced and each cycle that passed, she 237 00:19:09,080 --> 00:19:15,400 Speaker 1: had a greater sense of self reliance. Every difficult path navigated, 238 00:19:16,440 --> 00:19:22,600 Speaker 1: every strange creature encountered, and every problem they solved gradually 239 00:19:22,640 --> 00:19:29,320 Speaker 1: built her confidence. But she felt lonely. She must hurry 240 00:19:29,359 --> 00:19:34,480 Speaker 1: to find her father and return home. I've never seen 241 00:19:34,520 --> 00:19:38,560 Speaker 1: a pixie, Ariah said, far more quietly than she might 242 00:19:38,600 --> 00:19:45,240 Speaker 1: typically talk. Ariah's face actually showed a smile. I have 243 00:19:45,359 --> 00:19:51,160 Speaker 1: not met one before either. Ariah's face slowly lost its smile, 244 00:19:51,680 --> 00:19:56,400 Speaker 1: and she returned to her usual seriousness. He was right. 245 00:19:57,359 --> 00:20:00,000 Speaker 1: No matter how much I would like to talk about 246 00:20:00,000 --> 00:20:04,320 Speaker 1: about what we quickly experienced, we must sleep, or at 247 00:20:04,359 --> 00:20:08,479 Speaker 1: least try. We need our arrest for the path that 248 00:20:08,560 --> 00:20:14,880 Speaker 1: lies before us. Esther thought it impossible to sleep, her 249 00:20:14,960 --> 00:20:18,760 Speaker 1: mind was racing, but as soon as she laid her 250 00:20:18,800 --> 00:20:23,120 Speaker 1: head down, she was again quickly asleep with a snort. 251 00:20:26,240 --> 00:20:30,040 Speaker 1: And that is the end of this part. Good night, 252 00:20:31,080 --> 00:20:39,840 Speaker 1: sleep tight