1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:23,360 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep tight Stories. Bernice is 2 00:00:23,520 --> 00:00:27,479 Speaker 1: already thinking about Valentine's Day and what she would like 3 00:00:27,560 --> 00:00:31,680 Speaker 1: to do for her friend Bobby. She talks to Papa 4 00:00:31,680 --> 00:00:35,800 Speaker 1: Bear and they make a plan for after school, but 5 00:00:35,920 --> 00:00:43,720 Speaker 1: when Bernice gets home, her plans have changed. Bernice wants 6 00:00:43,800 --> 00:00:51,320 Speaker 1: to give Bobby a Valentine Good morning cookie. Bernice said, 7 00:00:51,680 --> 00:00:53,480 Speaker 1: peeking out from under her blankets. 8 00:00:54,280 --> 00:00:57,600 Speaker 2: Did you have a good sleep? I feel like I did. 9 00:00:58,280 --> 00:01:01,840 Speaker 1: I slept like a log. Isn't that a funny thing 10 00:01:01,920 --> 00:01:04,759 Speaker 1: to say? Why would I want to sleep like a log? 11 00:01:07,360 --> 00:01:10,280 Speaker 1: Cookie came over to Bernice purring and gave her a 12 00:01:10,360 --> 00:01:14,880 Speaker 1: Headbut today is going to be a fun day at school, Cookie, 13 00:01:15,200 --> 00:01:18,560 Speaker 1: All my tests are over and the teachers won't want 14 00:01:18,560 --> 00:01:22,600 Speaker 1: to start anything super new just yet. I think we 15 00:01:22,680 --> 00:01:25,759 Speaker 1: are going to spend time creating art because it's going 16 00:01:25,800 --> 00:01:30,880 Speaker 1: to be Valentine's Day soon. Will you be my Valentine's Cookie? 17 00:01:31,400 --> 00:01:33,760 Speaker 1: I don't know what that means, but I think it 18 00:01:33,840 --> 00:01:36,120 Speaker 1: means we give each other treats. 19 00:01:36,600 --> 00:01:37,560 Speaker 2: You can give me a. 20 00:01:37,560 --> 00:01:41,200 Speaker 1: Chocolate cookie and I can give you some fishy crackers, 21 00:01:41,560 --> 00:01:45,200 Speaker 1: Bernice said as she pet Cookie, which made Cookie per 22 00:01:45,400 --> 00:01:51,240 Speaker 1: even louder. Bernice, Are you awake yet, Papa Bear said 23 00:01:51,360 --> 00:01:55,920 Speaker 1: in his super deep voice from the kitchen. Sometimes when 24 00:01:55,960 --> 00:02:00,880 Speaker 1: he spoke, the house vibrated. You don't want to rush breakfast? 25 00:02:02,600 --> 00:02:05,400 Speaker 1: I guess I better get started, Cookie, It's going to 26 00:02:05,440 --> 00:02:08,520 Speaker 1: be a fun day, Bernice said as she jumped out 27 00:02:08,600 --> 00:02:09,000 Speaker 1: of bed. 28 00:02:12,280 --> 00:02:14,480 Speaker 2: After she washed, brushed her. 29 00:02:14,360 --> 00:02:18,240 Speaker 1: Teeth, and got dressed, Bernice walked downstairs to the kitchen. 30 00:02:19,280 --> 00:02:20,440 Speaker 2: Good morning, little bear. 31 00:02:20,600 --> 00:02:23,680 Speaker 1: Did you sleep well, Papa Bear asked as he had 32 00:02:23,720 --> 00:02:27,960 Speaker 1: a drink of coffee. I sure did, Papa. I slept 33 00:02:28,000 --> 00:02:32,120 Speaker 1: like a rock or maybe a log. I'm not sure which. 34 00:02:33,919 --> 00:02:35,959 Speaker 1: I used to tell your mama that you slept like 35 00:02:36,000 --> 00:02:39,040 Speaker 1: an angel because you looked like a little angel when 36 00:02:39,040 --> 00:02:44,440 Speaker 1: you were smaller. That's silly. What do I look like now, Papa? 37 00:02:44,720 --> 00:02:47,840 Speaker 1: Do I look like an angel? Bernice asked as she 38 00:02:47,919 --> 00:02:53,040 Speaker 1: sat at the table. Hmm, maybe more like a stinky 39 00:02:53,080 --> 00:02:59,080 Speaker 1: toes princess, Papa Bear joked. Papa Bernice said with a 40 00:02:59,080 --> 00:03:04,440 Speaker 1: fake frown. What's for breakfast? I have some special porridge 41 00:03:04,480 --> 00:03:07,480 Speaker 1: for you with some honey on top. It should be 42 00:03:07,720 --> 00:03:11,280 Speaker 1: just perfect to eat right now, Papa Bear said as 43 00:03:11,280 --> 00:03:16,040 Speaker 1: he set her bowl on the table. It's pretty yummy, 44 00:03:16,520 --> 00:03:19,640 Speaker 1: Bernie said. After taking a bite, she blew on it 45 00:03:19,720 --> 00:03:25,920 Speaker 1: first to make sure it wasn't hot. Papa, can you 46 00:03:26,000 --> 00:03:28,560 Speaker 1: help me today after school? Sure? 47 00:03:28,600 --> 00:03:30,480 Speaker 2: Little Bear? What do you need help with? 48 00:03:31,480 --> 00:03:35,040 Speaker 1: Well, it's going to be Valentine's Day soon, and I 49 00:03:35,080 --> 00:03:38,080 Speaker 1: thought I would make something for Bobby. And I thought, 50 00:03:38,120 --> 00:03:41,000 Speaker 1: since he likes your cookies so much, we could bake 51 00:03:41,080 --> 00:03:45,120 Speaker 1: him some together, like maybe heart shaped ones or something 52 00:03:45,240 --> 00:03:50,200 Speaker 1: like that. Bernice explained, that's a good idea. I'll make 53 00:03:50,240 --> 00:03:53,000 Speaker 1: the dough before you come home, and you can help 54 00:03:53,000 --> 00:03:57,200 Speaker 1: me bake them. How does that sound super great, Papa, 55 00:03:57,600 --> 00:04:05,920 Speaker 1: I bet they will be the best cookies yet. Hi, 56 00:04:05,960 --> 00:04:10,040 Speaker 1: Papa and Cookie, I'm home, Bernice said as she came 57 00:04:10,080 --> 00:04:13,440 Speaker 1: in through the front door of their small house. Her 58 00:04:13,560 --> 00:04:17,440 Speaker 1: legs were all covered in snow as she and Ethan 59 00:04:17,520 --> 00:04:20,600 Speaker 1: decided to jump in a snowbank on the way home 60 00:04:20,680 --> 00:04:25,640 Speaker 1: from the bus stop. After stumping her feet and brushing 61 00:04:25,680 --> 00:04:28,840 Speaker 1: off her legs, Bernice sat down to take off her 62 00:04:28,880 --> 00:04:33,080 Speaker 1: stubborn snow boots. You know where I am, little bear, 63 00:04:33,440 --> 00:04:37,240 Speaker 1: Papa Bear said from the kitchen as she struggled to 64 00:04:37,279 --> 00:04:40,479 Speaker 1: get them off. Cookie came running around the corner to 65 00:04:40,560 --> 00:04:45,599 Speaker 1: greet her purring, Hi, Cookie, did you miss me today? 66 00:04:46,080 --> 00:04:46,719 Speaker 2: I missed you. 67 00:04:47,880 --> 00:04:50,599 Speaker 1: I saw you sitting in the window watching for me 68 00:04:50,680 --> 00:04:54,039 Speaker 1: when I walked home. Did you see Ethan and I 69 00:04:54,160 --> 00:04:58,839 Speaker 1: jump in the snowbank? It's super fun, But I guess 70 00:04:58,920 --> 00:05:01,120 Speaker 1: you wouldn't like to be an a snowbank, would you? 71 00:05:02,839 --> 00:05:09,719 Speaker 1: Cookie purred and rubbed up against Bernice's arm. After she 72 00:05:09,880 --> 00:05:13,159 Speaker 1: hung up her jacket and put away her boots, Bernice 73 00:05:13,160 --> 00:05:16,560 Speaker 1: went into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. 74 00:05:17,800 --> 00:05:22,800 Speaker 1: I'm super thirsty, Papa, she said, between gulps. It's easy 75 00:05:22,839 --> 00:05:26,080 Speaker 1: to get thirsty in winter. We sometimes think we don't 76 00:05:26,120 --> 00:05:28,680 Speaker 1: need to drink as much water in winter because it's 77 00:05:28,680 --> 00:05:33,200 Speaker 1: cold out, but we still need to drink. Papa Bear said, 78 00:05:33,640 --> 00:05:37,520 Speaker 1: as he prepared to help Bernice make cookies. Do you 79 00:05:37,560 --> 00:05:40,040 Speaker 1: want to tell me about your day as we make cookies? 80 00:05:42,120 --> 00:05:46,039 Speaker 1: Sitting down at the table, Bernice said, yeah, I guess so. 81 00:05:46,880 --> 00:05:49,520 Speaker 1: But maybe we don't need to make cookies after all? 82 00:05:51,040 --> 00:05:56,320 Speaker 1: Why not, little Bear? You were excited about it this morning. Well, 83 00:05:56,480 --> 00:06:00,480 Speaker 1: at school today when we talked about Valentine's Day and 84 00:06:00,520 --> 00:06:04,560 Speaker 1: how everyone was going to make Valentines to share, Bobby 85 00:06:04,600 --> 00:06:08,080 Speaker 1: said that he thought Valentine's Day was yucky and that 86 00:06:08,160 --> 00:06:12,080 Speaker 1: he didn't like getting Valentines or any of that mushy stuff. 87 00:06:12,839 --> 00:06:16,440 Speaker 1: So I guess I won't make any Bernice said with 88 00:06:16,520 --> 00:06:22,760 Speaker 1: a slightly disappointed voice. I'm sorry to hear that, little Bear, 89 00:06:23,520 --> 00:06:27,359 Speaker 1: not everyone agrees with or celebrates these holidays in the 90 00:06:27,400 --> 00:06:32,200 Speaker 1: same way. If giving him something might make him feel uncomfortable, 91 00:06:32,839 --> 00:06:36,200 Speaker 1: then we won't give him something. We can make and 92 00:06:36,279 --> 00:06:42,320 Speaker 1: eat them ourselves. Or I may have another idea. Do 93 00:06:42,400 --> 00:06:46,880 Speaker 1: you and Mama celebrate Valentine's Day? Bernice asked, just a 94 00:06:46,880 --> 00:06:50,679 Speaker 1: little bit. I like giving Mama little gifts all the time, 95 00:06:50,960 --> 00:06:54,480 Speaker 1: and she is the same, but still I try to 96 00:06:54,520 --> 00:06:58,520 Speaker 1: get her a little something. This time, I got her 97 00:06:58,600 --> 00:07:02,440 Speaker 1: a couple of delicious heart shaped chocolates. She will love 98 00:07:02,480 --> 00:07:05,960 Speaker 1: them after she goes for a run. I bet they 99 00:07:06,000 --> 00:07:12,400 Speaker 1: are super duper delicious, Bernice said, I hope. So. I 100 00:07:12,440 --> 00:07:15,000 Speaker 1: think Valentine's Day is a day to tell people that 101 00:07:15,040 --> 00:07:19,760 Speaker 1: you care about them with hugs, nice words, and sweet treats. 102 00:07:21,000 --> 00:07:24,200 Speaker 1: It's fun to make other people happy, little Bear, But 103 00:07:24,960 --> 00:07:27,960 Speaker 1: we don't need a special day to do that. We 104 00:07:28,080 --> 00:07:31,000 Speaker 1: can do that anytime we like, Papa Bear said with 105 00:07:31,080 --> 00:07:35,120 Speaker 1: a smile, so it's not just all mushy mushy stuff. 106 00:07:36,640 --> 00:07:39,480 Speaker 1: You can celebrate it any way you want. Little Bear, 107 00:07:40,480 --> 00:07:42,600 Speaker 1: I have an idea that I should have thought of 108 00:07:42,640 --> 00:07:46,120 Speaker 1: this morning. Why don't you make cookies to share with 109 00:07:46,240 --> 00:07:51,280 Speaker 1: all your classmates, not just Bobby. That way you can 110 00:07:51,320 --> 00:07:55,520 Speaker 1: show that you care about your classmates and celebrate Valentine's 111 00:07:55,560 --> 00:08:00,840 Speaker 1: Day in a way everyone can enjoy. Bet Bobby won't 112 00:08:00,840 --> 00:08:05,960 Speaker 1: turn down cookies, especially if everyone is getting them. Yeah, 113 00:08:06,320 --> 00:08:09,840 Speaker 1: he loves your cookies, Papa. I think it's a super 114 00:08:09,880 --> 00:08:13,840 Speaker 1: great idea. Can we make enough for everyone? Bernice asked. 115 00:08:15,000 --> 00:08:18,240 Speaker 1: I made so much dough that I am sure we 116 00:08:18,280 --> 00:08:22,080 Speaker 1: will have more than enough cookies for everyone. Why don't 117 00:08:22,080 --> 00:08:24,960 Speaker 1: you wash your hands, and after we make the cookies, 118 00:08:25,240 --> 00:08:28,880 Speaker 1: you can finish telling me about your day. I might 119 00:08:28,920 --> 00:08:31,240 Speaker 1: have cookies in our cookie jar from last time we 120 00:08:31,320 --> 00:08:38,480 Speaker 1: made some, Okay, Papa Bernice and Papa Bear took a 121 00:08:38,520 --> 00:08:42,920 Speaker 1: heart mold and together they filled four cookie sheets with cookies, 122 00:08:43,480 --> 00:08:45,920 Speaker 1: put them in the oven, and sat at the kitchen 123 00:08:45,960 --> 00:08:50,839 Speaker 1: table to have their treat. Wow, Papa, that's a lot 124 00:08:50,880 --> 00:08:54,200 Speaker 1: of cookies. I think that might be enough cookies for 125 00:08:54,240 --> 00:08:58,040 Speaker 1: the whole school, Bernice said, after taking a big drink 126 00:08:58,080 --> 00:09:02,520 Speaker 1: of milk. Haha, it is a lot of cookies. It's 127 00:09:02,600 --> 00:09:07,800 Speaker 1: much faster when we work together and more fun. My 128 00:09:07,920 --> 00:09:11,880 Speaker 1: teacher says that working together is better because everyone has 129 00:09:11,920 --> 00:09:17,400 Speaker 1: something special to offer. That sounds about right, Papa Bearer said, So, 130 00:09:18,240 --> 00:09:22,600 Speaker 1: what else happened today at school? It was a pretty 131 00:09:22,600 --> 00:09:26,520 Speaker 1: easy day, Papa. The teachers didn't start anything super hard 132 00:09:26,600 --> 00:09:29,319 Speaker 1: because I think they want to give us a rest 133 00:09:29,360 --> 00:09:33,800 Speaker 1: after having so many tests. In art class, we made 134 00:09:33,800 --> 00:09:37,760 Speaker 1: some Valentine's Day decorations. The teacher said we could make 135 00:09:37,840 --> 00:09:42,079 Speaker 1: anything we wanted, so Bobby and I painted, and Gertrude 136 00:09:42,120 --> 00:09:45,320 Speaker 1: made a whole bunch of heart shaped things. I don't 137 00:09:45,360 --> 00:09:48,640 Speaker 1: really know what they were, but they looked nice. But 138 00:09:48,880 --> 00:09:52,559 Speaker 1: Bobby almost got in trouble because he started to paint 139 00:09:52,600 --> 00:09:56,560 Speaker 1: another poop emoji, but instead it turned out to be 140 00:09:56,640 --> 00:10:00,520 Speaker 1: a dark red, blobby heart. It might not be his 141 00:10:00,679 --> 00:10:04,679 Speaker 1: best work, but that's okay because he tried something new. 142 00:10:05,920 --> 00:10:09,400 Speaker 1: What did you paint, Papa Bear asked, I tried to 143 00:10:09,480 --> 00:10:11,920 Speaker 1: paint an angel because you said I looked like an 144 00:10:11,960 --> 00:10:15,200 Speaker 1: angel when I slept, and one of the teachers said 145 00:10:15,240 --> 00:10:19,200 Speaker 1: that that was a theme in Valentines, but it didn't turn. 146 00:10:18,960 --> 00:10:19,760 Speaker 2: Out so well. 147 00:10:20,400 --> 00:10:23,160 Speaker 1: It looked more like a flying alien than an angel. 148 00:10:23,720 --> 00:10:27,839 Speaker 1: Bernice said with a shrug. I'm sure it looks beautiful, 149 00:10:28,240 --> 00:10:31,400 Speaker 1: even if your painting didn't turn out quite like you planned. 150 00:10:31,880 --> 00:10:35,559 Speaker 1: Papa Beart said, yeah, I think it was still okay. 151 00:10:36,480 --> 00:10:40,760 Speaker 1: At lunchtime, Mika, a classmate, shared some of her lunch 152 00:10:40,880 --> 00:10:44,200 Speaker 1: and I didn't really like it. I gave her some 153 00:10:44,320 --> 00:10:47,200 Speaker 1: of mine and she didn't really like it that much either. 154 00:10:48,320 --> 00:10:52,200 Speaker 1: We both just laughed because we have different tastes in food. 155 00:10:55,360 --> 00:10:57,440 Speaker 1: What did she bring for lunch that you didn't like? 156 00:10:58,200 --> 00:11:02,760 Speaker 1: You like just about everything, Papa Bear asked. It was tofu. 157 00:11:02,840 --> 00:11:06,440 Speaker 1: I think she said that sometimes her mother puts sauce 158 00:11:06,480 --> 00:11:09,920 Speaker 1: on it and stuff, but today it was just plain. 159 00:11:11,240 --> 00:11:13,520 Speaker 1: She likes it no matter if it has sauce on 160 00:11:13,559 --> 00:11:16,880 Speaker 1: it or not. But if I was going to eat it, 161 00:11:16,880 --> 00:11:21,160 Speaker 1: it would have to have a whole lot of sauce. Well, 162 00:11:21,679 --> 00:11:24,840 Speaker 1: you both tried a new food. You don't have to 163 00:11:25,000 --> 00:11:30,240 Speaker 1: like everything, Papa Bear said, yeah, I think so too. 164 00:11:31,040 --> 00:11:33,360 Speaker 1: The rest of the day was kind of slow. Papa, 165 00:11:34,000 --> 00:11:36,960 Speaker 1: I think we have rested enough and we should start 166 00:11:37,000 --> 00:11:41,640 Speaker 1: learning some hard stuff again, especially in science. I can't 167 00:11:41,640 --> 00:11:45,120 Speaker 1: wait to learn more science. Oh yeah, and read more 168 00:11:45,160 --> 00:11:49,000 Speaker 1: stories in English and math too, Bernice said as she 169 00:11:49,040 --> 00:11:49,839 Speaker 1: finished her milk. 170 00:11:50,400 --> 00:11:54,680 Speaker 2: Aha. Yes, it's fun to learn new things and read new. 171 00:11:54,520 --> 00:11:57,880 Speaker 1: Stories, Papa Bear said, as he went to the oven 172 00:11:57,960 --> 00:11:59,080 Speaker 1: to take out the cookies. 173 00:12:00,040 --> 00:12:01,720 Speaker 2: Oh smell so yummy. 174 00:12:01,400 --> 00:12:05,200 Speaker 1: Papa, Um, should I taste a few just to make 175 00:12:05,200 --> 00:12:08,319 Speaker 1: sure they are okay? I mean, I'm sure they are, 176 00:12:08,440 --> 00:12:12,160 Speaker 1: but we should make sure, right, Bernice said, with a 177 00:12:12,200 --> 00:12:13,200 Speaker 1: great big grin. 178 00:12:14,000 --> 00:12:14,400 Speaker 2: Haha. 179 00:12:15,080 --> 00:12:23,760 Speaker 1: After they cool, we can have a taste test. It's 180 00:12:23,880 --> 00:12:27,920 Speaker 1: sleepy time again, said Bernice. And I think I am 181 00:12:28,160 --> 00:12:32,400 Speaker 1: super sleepy tonight. Thank you for helping me make cookies, Papa. 182 00:12:32,760 --> 00:12:37,160 Speaker 1: I think everyone will love them. You are welcome, little bear. 183 00:12:37,760 --> 00:12:41,240 Speaker 1: I think your classmates will appreciate the gesture most of all. 184 00:12:42,920 --> 00:12:44,640 Speaker 2: Then Cookie walked. 185 00:12:44,360 --> 00:12:47,800 Speaker 1: Into Bernice's bedroom, came over to her for a pet, 186 00:12:48,040 --> 00:12:51,679 Speaker 1: and jumped up on the bed. I think Cookie has 187 00:12:51,720 --> 00:12:54,600 Speaker 1: the right idea. Crawl into bed and I will be 188 00:12:54,720 --> 00:12:58,040 Speaker 1: right back, Papa Bear said as he left the room, 189 00:12:58,120 --> 00:13:03,640 Speaker 1: yawning as he walked returning to her bedroom, he asked, 190 00:13:04,120 --> 00:13:06,000 Speaker 1: did you do all the things you need to do 191 00:13:06,080 --> 00:13:09,960 Speaker 1: before bed? I am sure I did. I had a 192 00:13:10,000 --> 00:13:13,360 Speaker 1: bubble bath, but I think I used too much bubble 193 00:13:13,360 --> 00:13:16,600 Speaker 1: stuff because I think the bubbles might have reached the 194 00:13:16,679 --> 00:13:21,240 Speaker 1: bathroom ceiling. That's a lot of bubbles, Papa. 195 00:13:20,960 --> 00:13:22,040 Speaker 2: Bear said with a laugh. 196 00:13:23,160 --> 00:13:26,839 Speaker 1: After I dried myself off, I put on my flannel pajamas, 197 00:13:27,280 --> 00:13:31,520 Speaker 1: brushed my teeth, and did breathing exercises and a few stretches. 198 00:13:32,440 --> 00:13:35,360 Speaker 1: I even read a bit of my book too, Bernice 199 00:13:35,440 --> 00:13:39,440 Speaker 1: said with a big yawn. You can't start yawning before 200 00:13:39,480 --> 00:13:43,400 Speaker 1: I leave the room, Papa Bear said, with another yawn. 201 00:13:43,880 --> 00:13:48,360 Speaker 1: You remember what happened last time. Yeah, we gave each 202 00:13:48,400 --> 00:13:51,280 Speaker 1: other the yawns because they are so contagious. 203 00:13:51,679 --> 00:13:53,000 Speaker 2: Bernice said with a laugh. 204 00:13:54,160 --> 00:13:56,440 Speaker 1: I think I better try and go right to sleep 205 00:13:56,480 --> 00:14:00,600 Speaker 1: before I start yawning uncontrollably and Mama has to come 206 00:14:00,600 --> 00:14:04,000 Speaker 1: in and rescue me from a yawn attack. Bernice said, 207 00:14:04,360 --> 00:14:09,000 Speaker 1: with an even bigger yawn. I think that's a good idea, 208 00:14:09,080 --> 00:14:13,600 Speaker 1: Little Bear, Papa Bear said with yet another yawn. As 209 00:14:13,640 --> 00:14:17,360 Speaker 1: they both yawned, Papa Bear gave Bernice a great big 210 00:14:17,440 --> 00:14:23,280 Speaker 1: squeeze of a hug. Yawn. I love you, Papa yawn, 211 00:14:24,040 --> 00:14:31,200 Speaker 1: I love you too, Little Bear, and That is the 212 00:14:31,360 --> 00:14:52,560 Speaker 1: end of our story. Good Night, sleep tight.