1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:15,440 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I would 2 00:00:15,520 --> 00:00:19,840 Speaker 1: like to start by saying hello to some friends. Hello 3 00:00:19,880 --> 00:00:25,479 Speaker 1: to Oliver and Isabelle from London. Hello to Leo and 4 00:00:25,600 --> 00:00:34,360 Speaker 1: Lucas from Chicago. Hello to Hannah and Wren in Brunswick, Maine. 5 00:00:34,440 --> 00:00:40,720 Speaker 1: And hello to Josie and Ryland from Nebraska. Thank you 6 00:00:40,960 --> 00:00:48,360 Speaker 1: so much for supporting us. This week, we are continuing 7 00:00:48,400 --> 00:00:54,760 Speaker 1: to listen to Cat City with chapter four. Remember that 8 00:00:54,960 --> 00:00:59,000 Speaker 1: Susan followed Kitty to the opening in the forest and 9 00:00:59,120 --> 00:01:04,280 Speaker 1: started climbing the tree to get him down. She got 10 00:01:04,360 --> 00:01:09,360 Speaker 1: hurt and fell and woke up in a strange place 11 00:01:10,040 --> 00:01:19,759 Speaker 1: where cats could talk. Kitty, who we now know is Tucker, 12 00:01:20,280 --> 00:01:24,959 Speaker 1: and his family are keeping Susan in their house until 13 00:01:24,959 --> 00:01:31,160 Speaker 1: the council decides what they should do with her. Susan 14 00:01:31,280 --> 00:01:34,440 Speaker 1: is a bit frightened, but Tucker tries to make her 15 00:01:34,560 --> 00:01:41,320 Speaker 1: feel better. In this chapter, Tucker and Susan talk about 16 00:01:41,400 --> 00:01:45,560 Speaker 1: what has happened and how Tucker came to be at 17 00:01:45,640 --> 00:01:53,480 Speaker 1: Susan's house, and then Susan sees cat City for the 18 00:01:53,520 --> 00:02:11,919 Speaker 1: first time cat City chapter four. This time, when Susan woke, 19 00:02:12,360 --> 00:02:16,520 Speaker 1: she immediately knew where she was and wanted to cry 20 00:02:17,000 --> 00:02:22,799 Speaker 1: all over again. She wiped the crusty old tears out 21 00:02:22,800 --> 00:02:29,240 Speaker 1: of her eyes as best she could, and didn't. Susan 22 00:02:29,480 --> 00:02:32,440 Speaker 1: just got up to do a little exploring of Tucker's 23 00:02:32,520 --> 00:02:39,440 Speaker 1: room when the door opened and Cynthia appeared. Come with me, 24 00:02:39,639 --> 00:02:45,280 Speaker 1: the Persian said. Susan followed without question, hoping to get 25 00:02:45,320 --> 00:02:51,040 Speaker 1: at least a look at where they were. Unfortunately, she 26 00:02:51,200 --> 00:02:55,840 Speaker 1: was only taken as far as the bathroom. I'll be 27 00:02:56,000 --> 00:03:00,360 Speaker 1: right out here when you're done, Cynthia said, before closing 28 00:03:00,400 --> 00:03:07,040 Speaker 1: the door firmly behind her. Susan turned and was delighted 29 00:03:07,480 --> 00:03:10,560 Speaker 1: to find the bathroom similar to the one she had 30 00:03:10,639 --> 00:03:16,239 Speaker 1: at home. There was a very big, very deep litter 31 00:03:16,320 --> 00:03:21,080 Speaker 1: box as well, almost the size of a sandbox, and 32 00:03:21,160 --> 00:03:24,799 Speaker 1: she wondered why they bothered with modern plumbing at all. 33 00:03:26,919 --> 00:03:29,960 Speaker 1: But as Susan cleaned herself up in front of the 34 00:03:30,040 --> 00:03:34,800 Speaker 1: mirror and washed her hands and face, she noticed that 35 00:03:34,960 --> 00:03:41,120 Speaker 1: everything in the room was in twos. There were two sinks, 36 00:03:42,160 --> 00:03:46,000 Speaker 1: one with human sized handles and one with more cat 37 00:03:46,120 --> 00:03:52,560 Speaker 1: friendly ones, and the counter was very large, lots of space, 38 00:03:52,640 --> 00:03:55,760 Speaker 1: in fact, for a cat to hop up and do 39 00:03:55,880 --> 00:04:04,440 Speaker 1: a thorough tongue cleaning as well. Susan carefully washed and 40 00:04:04,600 --> 00:04:08,200 Speaker 1: examined the bite on her hand. It seemed to be 41 00:04:08,280 --> 00:04:12,200 Speaker 1: getting worse, not better, and hurt way more than it 42 00:04:12,240 --> 00:04:17,039 Speaker 1: should have, she thought. Still, it felt better now that 43 00:04:17,160 --> 00:04:20,680 Speaker 1: it was clean again, and her headache was gone, thankfully, 44 00:04:21,320 --> 00:04:29,400 Speaker 1: the bump nowhere to be found. Susan helped herself to 45 00:04:29,480 --> 00:04:33,160 Speaker 1: a towel, wondering how they kept the cat hair off 46 00:04:33,200 --> 00:04:38,839 Speaker 1: of them, before laughing a little to herself. Honestly, Susan, 47 00:04:39,040 --> 00:04:42,240 Speaker 1: she thought, the last thing you need to worry about 48 00:04:42,640 --> 00:04:49,359 Speaker 1: is cat hair. Finished. She softly knocked on the door, 49 00:04:49,960 --> 00:04:53,600 Speaker 1: knowing any attempt to use this strange cat paw lock 50 00:04:53,960 --> 00:04:59,360 Speaker 1: wouldn't work. Cynthia opened the door and sniffed at her. 51 00:05:00,680 --> 00:05:07,640 Speaker 1: Better follow me, Susan obeyed, not wanting the white Persian 52 00:05:07,680 --> 00:05:11,120 Speaker 1: to have any reason to be mad at her or Tucker, 53 00:05:12,640 --> 00:05:20,159 Speaker 1: or at least any madd she thought. Susan was disappointed 54 00:05:20,200 --> 00:05:24,840 Speaker 1: when Cynthia returned her to Tucker's room. We will come 55 00:05:24,880 --> 00:05:29,960 Speaker 1: for you shortly, Cynthia said, huge white tails starting to thrash, 56 00:05:30,640 --> 00:05:33,360 Speaker 1: the very thought of what was to come making her angry. 57 00:05:34,040 --> 00:05:40,200 Speaker 1: I expect you to behave Cynthia closed and locked the 58 00:05:40,240 --> 00:05:44,440 Speaker 1: door again but Susan checked to be sure just in case. 59 00:05:46,360 --> 00:05:52,120 Speaker 1: Anxious and getting very frustrated, Susan considered the stained glass window. 60 00:05:53,279 --> 00:05:56,680 Speaker 1: She had no idea where it went. Were they inside 61 00:05:56,720 --> 00:06:02,600 Speaker 1: some building outside in the woods. She tried to see 62 00:06:02,640 --> 00:06:09,320 Speaker 1: through the frosted glass, but with no luck. Susan hunted 63 00:06:09,360 --> 00:06:13,400 Speaker 1: around for something to pry the window off with, but 64 00:06:13,640 --> 00:06:20,520 Speaker 1: found nothing. She considered breaking the glass, but knew if 65 00:06:20,520 --> 00:06:24,880 Speaker 1: Cynthia caught her, she would get Tucker into further trouble 66 00:06:25,640 --> 00:06:32,479 Speaker 1: and possibly herself as well. And I would go where 67 00:06:33,680 --> 00:06:37,760 Speaker 1: Susan spoke aloud, just to hear herself. I have no 68 00:06:37,880 --> 00:06:44,840 Speaker 1: idea where here even is cat City? A soft voice 69 00:06:44,839 --> 00:06:52,000 Speaker 1: said behind her, and Tucker was there. Susan lifted him 70 00:06:52,080 --> 00:06:55,680 Speaker 1: up into her arms and held him tight, stroking his 71 00:06:55,800 --> 00:06:59,400 Speaker 1: fur and feeling the heaviness of his loud purr through 72 00:06:59,400 --> 00:07:05,120 Speaker 1: her whole body. Just for a moment, she closed her 73 00:07:05,120 --> 00:07:08,919 Speaker 1: eyes and chose to believe she was safe. Tucker was 74 00:07:08,960 --> 00:07:13,120 Speaker 1: still kiddy, and everything was back the way it was before. 75 00:07:15,800 --> 00:07:19,040 Speaker 1: But soon the pain in her hand made it hard 76 00:07:19,080 --> 00:07:23,320 Speaker 1: to hold him, and Tucker's voice broke the fantasy completely. 77 00:07:25,480 --> 00:07:31,640 Speaker 1: We don't have much time, Susan reluctantly let him go. 78 00:07:32,800 --> 00:07:35,680 Speaker 1: I hope I didn't embarrass you or anything, she said, 79 00:07:36,280 --> 00:07:40,600 Speaker 1: feeling strangely shy. Here she thought Tucker was just an 80 00:07:40,800 --> 00:07:48,280 Speaker 1: ordinary cat. He left her for a moment. When he 81 00:07:48,360 --> 00:07:52,000 Speaker 1: came back, he was pushing a small white plate with 82 00:07:52,160 --> 00:07:56,120 Speaker 1: his nose on. It was what appeared to be a 83 00:07:56,200 --> 00:08:02,880 Speaker 1: tuna sandwich and a glass of milk. Susan suddenly realized 84 00:08:03,200 --> 00:08:08,880 Speaker 1: she was starving. Her stomach agreed, growling so loudly she 85 00:08:09,000 --> 00:08:17,280 Speaker 1: actually blushed. Sorry, she said. Tucker pushed the plate again, 86 00:08:17,360 --> 00:08:22,960 Speaker 1: tail drooping. No, Susan, I'm sorry, he said. I knew 87 00:08:23,000 --> 00:08:25,440 Speaker 1: you'd be hungry, but they wouldn't let me feed you. 88 00:08:28,400 --> 00:08:31,640 Speaker 1: Susan reached for the bread and took a big bite. 89 00:08:32,480 --> 00:08:36,840 Speaker 1: It was the best tuna sandwich she ever tasted. I'm 90 00:08:36,840 --> 00:08:41,280 Speaker 1: glad your mom changed her mind, Susan said, around a mouthful. 91 00:08:42,360 --> 00:08:50,080 Speaker 1: Tucker's tail twitched. She didn't. Susan looked down at the sandwich, 92 00:08:50,600 --> 00:08:54,800 Speaker 1: then back at her friend, knowing he was going hungry 93 00:08:54,840 --> 00:09:00,439 Speaker 1: for her. Without a word, she broke off a large 94 00:09:00,480 --> 00:09:03,320 Speaker 1: piece of the sandwich and set it on the edge 95 00:09:03,320 --> 00:09:08,360 Speaker 1: of the plate. Doctor looked up at her and his 96 00:09:08,400 --> 00:09:14,240 Speaker 1: whiskers twitched. Thank you for sharing, Susan said, you're welcome, 97 00:09:15,120 --> 00:09:20,640 Speaker 1: Tucker answered, before starting in. It didn't take long for 98 00:09:20,760 --> 00:09:25,080 Speaker 1: the two friends to polish off the food. Susan poured 99 00:09:25,120 --> 00:09:28,080 Speaker 1: Tucker's portion of the milk out on the plate, and 100 00:09:28,160 --> 00:09:33,280 Speaker 1: they finished that too. She set aside the dishes, wishing 101 00:09:33,360 --> 00:09:37,280 Speaker 1: there were more, but happy her stomach was finally quiet. 102 00:09:41,280 --> 00:09:46,800 Speaker 1: Now what, Susan said? Tucker sighed softly and did a 103 00:09:46,840 --> 00:09:50,880 Speaker 1: reasonable shrug of his cat shoulders. They are trying to 104 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:57,520 Speaker 1: decide until then, you're stuck here, Susan. I'm so sorry. 105 00:09:58,920 --> 00:10:01,640 Speaker 1: Tucker's tail started to thrash and he got up to 106 00:10:01,760 --> 00:10:07,880 Speaker 1: pace in circles. This is all my fault. You saved me, 107 00:10:08,360 --> 00:10:13,960 Speaker 1: Susan said, thanks. There wouldn't have been anything to save 108 00:10:14,000 --> 00:10:16,400 Speaker 1: you from if I had been more careful. He said, 109 00:10:18,280 --> 00:10:22,360 Speaker 1: Have you always been able to talk? Susan wanted so 110 00:10:22,600 --> 00:10:26,439 Speaker 1: much to ask a million questions, but wasn't sure how 111 00:10:26,480 --> 00:10:32,079 Speaker 1: much he could or would tell her. Yes, Ducker said, 112 00:10:32,440 --> 00:10:38,360 Speaker 1: but you couldn't understand me, at least not until until 113 00:10:39,720 --> 00:10:44,559 Speaker 1: Susan reached out and stroked Tucker's tail. He instantly relaxed 114 00:10:44,800 --> 00:10:49,560 Speaker 1: and sat down next to her until the rat bit you, 115 00:10:50,000 --> 00:10:56,560 Speaker 1: he whispered. I don't understand, Susan said, confused, What does 116 00:10:56,600 --> 00:11:01,760 Speaker 1: that rat have to do with anything? They were following me, 117 00:11:02,080 --> 00:11:08,000 Speaker 1: Tucker said, obviously miserable, his huge eyes almost full to 118 00:11:08,120 --> 00:11:12,160 Speaker 1: the edges with pupil. I didn't know they were there. 119 00:11:12,600 --> 00:11:15,920 Speaker 1: They aren't supposed to exist any more. But they followed 120 00:11:15,960 --> 00:11:19,760 Speaker 1: me and caught you, and I led them right to you. 121 00:11:22,040 --> 00:11:26,120 Speaker 1: I'm okay, though, Susan said, not sure how to make 122 00:11:26,160 --> 00:11:31,720 Speaker 1: her friend feel better, You rescued me. I shouldn't have 123 00:11:31,760 --> 00:11:35,360 Speaker 1: brought you here, Tucker said, I've put us all in danger. 124 00:11:36,160 --> 00:11:38,800 Speaker 1: But now I need to tell them about the rats, 125 00:11:39,160 --> 00:11:45,720 Speaker 1: and no one will listen, or almost no one. I 126 00:11:45,800 --> 00:11:50,360 Speaker 1: don't understand, Susan said, Please tell me what's going on, Tucker. 127 00:11:52,679 --> 00:11:55,520 Speaker 1: He shook his head, swiping his rough tongue across the 128 00:11:55,559 --> 00:12:01,080 Speaker 1: back of her hand. I can't, Susan. I'm sorry. I'm 129 00:12:01,120 --> 00:12:04,680 Speaker 1: not allowed to tell you anything yet. I wasn't even 130 00:12:04,760 --> 00:12:10,200 Speaker 1: supposed to meet you. What do you mean, she asked? 131 00:12:11,720 --> 00:12:15,400 Speaker 1: That day under the porch, I was on patrol. I'm 132 00:12:15,400 --> 00:12:17,960 Speaker 1: not sure if you knew that, but the rats were 133 00:12:18,000 --> 00:12:25,080 Speaker 1: watching you. Then, Susan thought back the rustling in the 134 00:12:25,160 --> 00:12:29,120 Speaker 1: grass was that the rats. She had felt a chill 135 00:12:29,160 --> 00:12:32,400 Speaker 1: for a moment in the yard, remembering the squeaking as 136 00:12:32,440 --> 00:12:37,160 Speaker 1: she cleaned her boot. He saved her from the rats. 137 00:12:37,960 --> 00:12:42,760 Speaker 1: Susan shivered a little. Tucker went on, I took a 138 00:12:42,880 --> 00:12:47,200 Speaker 1: chance attracting your attention. Then you took me in, and 139 00:12:47,280 --> 00:12:49,960 Speaker 1: I figured it would be easier to watch you from 140 00:12:50,080 --> 00:12:55,320 Speaker 1: inside to keep you safe. I messed up. I was 141 00:12:55,480 --> 00:12:57,880 Speaker 1: only supposed to keep an eye on you and your 142 00:12:57,920 --> 00:13:06,079 Speaker 1: parents the house, not join your family. What's so important 143 00:13:06,120 --> 00:13:11,880 Speaker 1: about my house, Susan asked personally. She wasn't that fond 144 00:13:11,920 --> 00:13:21,760 Speaker 1: of it. What could be so special, Susan? Tucker trailed off. Okay, fine, 145 00:13:21,960 --> 00:13:25,720 Speaker 1: I'll tell you this much. Your house and the woods 146 00:13:25,800 --> 00:13:30,560 Speaker 1: around it act as a protective gateway to our city, 147 00:13:31,520 --> 00:13:36,200 Speaker 1: cat City. And without your house and those woods for protection, 148 00:13:37,240 --> 00:13:45,400 Speaker 1: cat City would no longer exist. Where are we, Susan asked, 149 00:13:46,559 --> 00:13:54,360 Speaker 1: under your house? Tucker said, underground? And the rats. Susan said, 150 00:13:54,800 --> 00:14:01,200 Speaker 1: what about them, old enemy? Stucker said that everyone thought 151 00:14:01,240 --> 00:14:06,920 Speaker 1: were long gone. And you're sure they were the ones 152 00:14:06,960 --> 00:14:13,280 Speaker 1: who attacked me. Susan said, not some ordinary rats. You 153 00:14:13,320 --> 00:14:18,040 Speaker 1: can understand me can't you, Tucker said, right, Susan thought, 154 00:14:18,320 --> 00:14:24,480 Speaker 1: silly question. Susan was sure Tucker would have told her 155 00:14:24,680 --> 00:14:29,240 Speaker 1: everything if his mother hadn't chosen that exact moment to 156 00:14:29,360 --> 00:14:34,320 Speaker 1: walk through the door Tucker. Cynthia snapped at her son, 157 00:14:34,800 --> 00:14:39,440 Speaker 1: what are you doing in here? Nothing, he said, his 158 00:14:39,560 --> 00:14:45,240 Speaker 1: ears flattening, a little tail drooping. It doesn't matter anymore anyway, 159 00:14:45,520 --> 00:14:50,080 Speaker 1: Cynthia muttered. This council has called a full city meeting 160 00:14:50,400 --> 00:14:59,000 Speaker 1: in center Square. It's time to go. Tucker looked up 161 00:14:59,040 --> 00:15:02,560 Speaker 1: at Susan, one paw coming to rest on the back 162 00:15:02,600 --> 00:15:05,960 Speaker 1: of her hand. I'll be right there with you, he said, 163 00:15:06,920 --> 00:15:10,160 Speaker 1: and something in the way he said it made Susan 164 00:15:10,240 --> 00:15:17,000 Speaker 1: feel afraid again. Cynthia turned and left, and Tucker followed, 165 00:15:17,840 --> 00:15:24,160 Speaker 1: Susan close behind. What will they do to me? She 166 00:15:24,280 --> 00:15:26,880 Speaker 1: asked him in a whisper. As they made their way 167 00:15:26,920 --> 00:15:32,760 Speaker 1: through the warm, neat house, human sized, Susan noticed, I 168 00:15:32,800 --> 00:15:36,520 Speaker 1: won't let them hurt you, Tucker hissed back, I promise. 169 00:15:39,240 --> 00:15:42,840 Speaker 1: Susan tried to feel better about it, but was somehow 170 00:15:43,000 --> 00:15:46,480 Speaker 1: unsure her friend had a whole lot of choice in 171 00:15:46,520 --> 00:15:50,760 Speaker 1: the matter, about as much as I do, I guess, 172 00:15:51,240 --> 00:15:57,600 Speaker 1: she thought. They reached a small kitchen, much like her 173 00:15:57,640 --> 00:16:02,040 Speaker 1: old kitchen in New England, of yummy smells that made 174 00:16:02,080 --> 00:16:09,600 Speaker 1: Susan's stomach rumble all over again. Tucker flickered his ears 175 00:16:09,600 --> 00:16:15,280 Speaker 1: in sympathy as he led her to the door. He 176 00:16:15,400 --> 00:16:18,440 Speaker 1: paused at the doorway as his mother walked out, and 177 00:16:18,600 --> 00:16:27,120 Speaker 1: turned back to Susan. Despite the circumstances, he actually seemed excited. 178 00:16:28,640 --> 00:16:31,640 Speaker 1: You'll have to tell me what you think, Tucker said, 179 00:16:33,120 --> 00:16:37,960 Speaker 1: of what Susan asked. Following him outside onto the sidewalk, 180 00:16:38,960 --> 00:16:43,280 Speaker 1: she froze as she looked out over the city in 181 00:16:43,360 --> 00:16:49,400 Speaker 1: its underground valley, unable to speak or even think at 182 00:16:49,400 --> 00:17:03,080 Speaker 1: that moment. Welcome to Cat City, Tucker said, good night, 183 00:17:04,480 --> 00:17:05,200 Speaker 1: Sleep tight,