1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:32,600 Speaker 1: Welcome sleep night stories mister Nighthawk. Following his cry with 2 00:00:32,800 --> 00:00:38,440 Speaker 1: one or two quick beats of his wings, mister Nighthawk 3 00:00:38,640 --> 00:00:44,640 Speaker 1: dropped swiftly down among the trees in Farmer Green's dooryard. 4 00:00:47,240 --> 00:00:52,440 Speaker 1: He fell so fast that Kitty Katie did, watching from 5 00:00:52,479 --> 00:00:56,560 Speaker 1: his hiding place in one of the maples, couldn't help 6 00:00:56,640 --> 00:01:01,640 Speaker 1: hoping that the skycoaster would be una to stop himself 7 00:01:02,280 --> 00:01:08,120 Speaker 1: in time to escape being dashed upon the ground. But 8 00:01:09,360 --> 00:01:14,840 Speaker 1: mister Nighthawk was very skillful at that sport. Just at 9 00:01:14,920 --> 00:01:20,480 Speaker 1: the right moment, he turned quickly while the air rushed 10 00:01:20,560 --> 00:01:25,800 Speaker 1: through his wing feathers with a roaring sound, and then 11 00:01:26,120 --> 00:01:34,880 Speaker 1: he mounted upward again. Meanwhile, Kitty Katie did kept very 12 00:01:34,920 --> 00:01:40,680 Speaker 1: still among the leaves, with his wings folded over his back. 13 00:01:43,040 --> 00:01:51,160 Speaker 1: Only his two long threadlike feelers would wave backwards and forwards, 14 00:01:51,800 --> 00:01:57,000 Speaker 1: although he tried to keep them still. He was so 15 00:01:57,360 --> 00:02:00,720 Speaker 1: nearly the color of the green of the treetop that 16 00:02:00,840 --> 00:02:05,080 Speaker 1: he trusted mister Nighthawk wouldn't be able to see him, 17 00:02:07,440 --> 00:02:12,880 Speaker 1: But he was soon disappointed, for mister Nighthawk suddenly cried 18 00:02:13,200 --> 00:02:19,720 Speaker 1: ha and landed on a neighboring limb. There you are, 19 00:02:20,919 --> 00:02:26,600 Speaker 1: he said, you needn't think I don't see you. Why 20 00:02:26,639 --> 00:02:31,519 Speaker 1: good evening, Kitty Katy Did, answered, Since he was discovered, 21 00:02:31,520 --> 00:02:34,960 Speaker 1: there was no use in denying it. It's a great 22 00:02:35,000 --> 00:02:39,480 Speaker 1: surprise meeting you so unexpectedly. If only you'd had sent 23 00:02:39,600 --> 00:02:42,480 Speaker 1: word that you were coming, I'd have made different arrangements. 24 00:02:44,560 --> 00:02:49,720 Speaker 1: I've no doubt you would have. Mister Nighthawk sneered. But 25 00:02:50,000 --> 00:02:55,120 Speaker 1: I like to take people unaware. I've heard about you, 26 00:02:56,280 --> 00:03:01,120 Speaker 1: he added. They say you are a great umper, the 27 00:03:01,240 --> 00:03:08,720 Speaker 1: spriest jumper in all pleasant valley. Well, I can jump 28 00:03:08,800 --> 00:03:14,200 Speaker 1: fairly well, Katy Katy Did, admitted, But I don't pride 29 00:03:14,240 --> 00:03:18,280 Speaker 1: myself on my jumping. It's something that has always run 30 00:03:18,320 --> 00:03:21,840 Speaker 1: in my family. You know, all of us Katie DIDs 31 00:03:21,880 --> 00:03:28,720 Speaker 1: can leap quite a distance without any trouble. So I understand, 32 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:33,840 Speaker 1: mister Nighthawk replied, And I'll tell you some news that 33 00:03:33,919 --> 00:03:37,800 Speaker 1: ought to please you. I've come here tonight for the 34 00:03:37,960 --> 00:03:46,640 Speaker 1: special purpose of seeing you jump. Katy Katy did almost 35 00:03:46,800 --> 00:03:50,120 Speaker 1: jumped out of his skin when he heard what mister 36 00:03:50,240 --> 00:03:54,760 Speaker 1: Nighthawk said, and it wouldn't have been anything remarkable for 37 00:03:54,920 --> 00:03:59,800 Speaker 1: him if he had. He had already squirmed out of 38 00:03:59,840 --> 00:04:05,080 Speaker 1: his skin. Six times that summer, though not from fear, 39 00:04:05,400 --> 00:04:10,640 Speaker 1: of course, casting his skin was almost a habit with Kitty. 40 00:04:12,320 --> 00:04:17,200 Speaker 1: All of his family were like that. Though he was 41 00:04:17,320 --> 00:04:22,400 Speaker 1: not nearly so old as mister Nighthawk, Kitty Katy did 42 00:04:22,480 --> 00:04:25,800 Speaker 1: had learned a thing or two during his brief lifetime, 43 00:04:27,000 --> 00:04:30,240 Speaker 1: and though he would have liked very much to jump 44 00:04:30,520 --> 00:04:34,560 Speaker 1: and jump out of mister Nighthawk's sight too, he had 45 00:04:34,640 --> 00:04:42,080 Speaker 1: no wish to hide himself inside that feathered scoundrel. So 46 00:04:42,200 --> 00:04:46,040 Speaker 1: he clung all the tighter to his perch and replied 47 00:04:46,640 --> 00:04:49,840 Speaker 1: that he didn't believe he cared to do any jumping 48 00:04:49,960 --> 00:04:56,560 Speaker 1: that night. Now, mister Nighthawk had a certain odd trick 49 00:04:57,080 --> 00:05:02,760 Speaker 1: of talking through his nose. Whether that was because the 50 00:05:02,839 --> 00:05:07,280 Speaker 1: late hours he kept, even on dark nights, gave him 51 00:05:07,279 --> 00:05:13,520 Speaker 1: a cold in his head, nobody seemed to know Anyhow, 52 00:05:14,000 --> 00:05:17,200 Speaker 1: he began teasing Kitty Katy did to jump for him, 53 00:05:17,880 --> 00:05:23,320 Speaker 1: and he talked through his nose more than ever. Yes, 54 00:05:24,200 --> 00:05:29,640 Speaker 1: although mister Nighthawk tried his best to speak pleasantly, he 55 00:05:29,800 --> 00:05:34,160 Speaker 1: only succeeded in making Kitty Katy did want to laugh 56 00:05:34,200 --> 00:05:43,600 Speaker 1: at him. For all, Kitty was so uneasy. I certainly 57 00:05:43,760 --> 00:05:48,960 Speaker 1: hope you aren't going to disappoint me, mister Nighthawk whined 58 00:05:49,600 --> 00:05:54,480 Speaker 1: as he looked hungrily at Kitty Katy. Did please please 59 00:05:54,600 --> 00:05:59,279 Speaker 1: jump for me just once? He begged. Here, I have 60 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:02,120 Speaker 1: come all all the way across the meadow on purpose 61 00:06:02,200 --> 00:06:05,640 Speaker 1: to see what a fine jumper you are, and I 62 00:06:05,680 --> 00:06:08,839 Speaker 1: shall feel very unhappy if you don't perform for me. 63 00:06:11,279 --> 00:06:16,440 Speaker 1: But Kitty Katy did, refused to budge. I hadn't intended 64 00:06:16,480 --> 00:06:21,240 Speaker 1: to do any leaping tonight, he told mister Nighthawk, And 65 00:06:21,839 --> 00:06:26,479 Speaker 1: if I jumped for you, it would only upset my plans. 66 00:06:27,720 --> 00:06:33,039 Speaker 1: I know, I know, said mister Nighthawk, nodding his head. 67 00:06:34,000 --> 00:06:37,080 Speaker 1: But I thought you would just to oblige a friend, 68 00:06:37,480 --> 00:06:43,200 Speaker 1: wouldn't mind jumping from this tree into that one? And 69 00:06:43,240 --> 00:06:47,159 Speaker 1: he pointed to the nearest maple, the branches of which 70 00:06:47,360 --> 00:06:50,600 Speaker 1: all but touched the treetop in which they were sitting. 71 00:06:51,839 --> 00:06:56,279 Speaker 1: But Kitty Katy Did's mind was made up. No jumping 72 00:06:56,320 --> 00:07:02,640 Speaker 1: for me tonight, he piped in a shrill vol All 73 00:07:02,760 --> 00:07:08,279 Speaker 1: this time, mister Nighthawk was growing hungrier than ever, and 74 00:07:08,360 --> 00:07:12,600 Speaker 1: one might well wonder why he didn't make one quick 75 00:07:12,760 --> 00:07:18,040 Speaker 1: spring at Kitty Katy did and swallow him up, but 76 00:07:18,080 --> 00:07:23,760 Speaker 1: that was not mister Nighthawk's way of dining. Well, he 77 00:07:23,840 --> 00:07:27,480 Speaker 1: said at last, though you refuse to jump for me, 78 00:07:28,000 --> 00:07:31,280 Speaker 1: won't you kindly call some other member of your family 79 00:07:31,320 --> 00:07:35,720 Speaker 1: and ask him to oblige me. I don't know where 80 00:07:35,760 --> 00:07:40,480 Speaker 1: my relations are just now, replied Kitty kated it. Some 81 00:07:40,520 --> 00:07:43,000 Speaker 1: of them were here a while ago, but they went away, 82 00:07:44,560 --> 00:07:50,280 Speaker 1: and that was quite true. At that, the first warning 83 00:07:50,360 --> 00:07:54,840 Speaker 1: cry of mister Nighthawk's they had all vanished, as if 84 00:07:54,880 --> 00:08:00,680 Speaker 1: by magic among the leaves. What about that Katy you're 85 00:08:00,720 --> 00:08:06,520 Speaker 1: always talking about, mister Nighthawk, then inquired, don't you suppose 86 00:08:06,560 --> 00:08:09,640 Speaker 1: you could find her and persuade her to do a 87 00:08:09,680 --> 00:08:12,440 Speaker 1: little jumping for me, just to show me how it's done. 88 00:08:14,480 --> 00:08:19,800 Speaker 1: I'm sorry, Kitty said somewhat stiffly. I'm sorry, but I 89 00:08:20,000 --> 00:08:23,560 Speaker 1: must absolutely refuse to do such a thing. Now that 90 00:08:23,600 --> 00:08:28,880 Speaker 1: you've mentioned her, I'm simply saying Katy did, and beyond that, 91 00:08:28,960 --> 00:08:34,600 Speaker 1: I cannot discuss her with you. She did, what mister 92 00:08:34,760 --> 00:08:40,040 Speaker 1: Nighthawk wanted to know through his nose, but Kitty Katy 93 00:08:40,120 --> 00:08:45,320 Speaker 1: did declined to answer that question. He merely hugged his 94 00:08:45,440 --> 00:08:49,640 Speaker 1: wings closer to his green body and shot a sly 95 00:08:49,960 --> 00:08:55,360 Speaker 1: glance at mister Nighthawk, as if to say, Ah, that's 96 00:08:55,400 --> 00:08:59,280 Speaker 1: for you to find out, but I won't tell you. 97 00:09:01,679 --> 00:09:07,200 Speaker 1: Mister Nighthawk looked rather foolish. He had always supposed that 98 00:09:07,360 --> 00:09:10,520 Speaker 1: anyone who spent a good part of every night saying 99 00:09:10,559 --> 00:09:16,160 Speaker 1: the same thing over and over and over again must 100 00:09:16,200 --> 00:09:21,960 Speaker 1: be quite dull witted. But now he began to think 101 00:09:22,000 --> 00:09:26,560 Speaker 1: that perhaps Kitty Katy did was brighter than the field 102 00:09:26,679 --> 00:09:31,720 Speaker 1: people generally believed him to be. And when Kitty suddenly 103 00:09:31,760 --> 00:09:37,080 Speaker 1: asked him a question, he was sure of his mistake. 104 00:09:39,120 --> 00:09:44,079 Speaker 1: Did you know, said Kitty, that Solomon Owl usually visits 105 00:09:44,120 --> 00:09:50,400 Speaker 1: these farm buildings? Why No, I wasn't aware that mister 106 00:09:50,520 --> 00:09:54,560 Speaker 1: Nighthawk replied, with a quick, nervous look behind him. What 107 00:09:54,720 --> 00:10:02,079 Speaker 1: brings him here? Chickens? Kitty Katy did explain, Solomon Owl 108 00:10:02,240 --> 00:10:06,200 Speaker 1: is very fond of chickens, but they do say that 109 00:10:06,280 --> 00:10:11,040 Speaker 1: he's not above eating a nighthawk when he happens to 110 00:10:11,360 --> 00:11:25,520 Speaker 1: find one. School