1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:26,280 Speaker 1: Welcome sleep tight stories the Lion and the Mouse. Once 2 00:00:26,400 --> 00:00:31,440 Speaker 1: upon a time there was a huge lion who lived 3 00:00:31,840 --> 00:00:35,599 Speaker 1: in a dark den in the middle of the jungle. 4 00:00:37,840 --> 00:00:44,080 Speaker 1: If lion didn't get enough sleep, he became extremely grumpy. 5 00:00:46,240 --> 00:00:51,800 Speaker 1: One day, while lion lay sleeping as usual, a little 6 00:00:51,880 --> 00:00:55,800 Speaker 1: mouse thought he'd take a short cut home, straight through 7 00:00:55,960 --> 00:01:02,360 Speaker 1: the lion's den. He's snoring so loudly, thought mouse, he'll 8 00:01:02,400 --> 00:01:10,240 Speaker 1: never hear me. But as he hurried past, he accidentally 9 00:01:10,600 --> 00:01:15,039 Speaker 1: ran over Lion's paw. How dare you wake me up? 10 00:01:16,000 --> 00:01:20,000 Speaker 1: Lion roared, angrily, grabbing the mouse. I will eat you 11 00:01:20,080 --> 00:01:25,039 Speaker 1: for my supper, please, cried mouse. I didn't mean to 12 00:01:25,080 --> 00:01:27,679 Speaker 1: wake you up. I'm too small to make a good 13 00:01:27,760 --> 00:01:31,080 Speaker 1: meal for someone as mighty as you. Let me go, 14 00:01:31,200 --> 00:01:36,240 Speaker 1: and I promise to help you one day. Lion laughed loudly. Aha, 15 00:01:36,360 --> 00:01:39,440 Speaker 1: ha ha, you're too small to help someone as big 16 00:01:39,480 --> 00:01:44,000 Speaker 1: as me, he said scornfully, But he opened his paw. 17 00:01:45,000 --> 00:01:50,559 Speaker 1: Go home, little mouse. Mouse looked at lion in surprise. 18 00:01:52,080 --> 00:01:54,600 Speaker 2: You have made me laugh, so I will let you go, 19 00:01:55,320 --> 00:02:00,000 Speaker 2: Lion explained, But hurry before I change my mind. Thank you, 20 00:02:01,200 --> 00:02:07,800 Speaker 2: squeaked mouse gratefully, and he ran home. A few days later, 21 00:02:08,680 --> 00:02:12,639 Speaker 2: lion was hunting in the jungle when he got tangled 22 00:02:13,240 --> 00:02:15,560 Speaker 2: in a hunter's snare net. 23 00:02:17,040 --> 00:02:21,399 Speaker 1: He was so angry that he led out the loudest 24 00:02:21,840 --> 00:02:28,960 Speaker 1: of roars. Lion must be in trouble, squeaked Mouse, and 25 00:02:29,040 --> 00:02:34,240 Speaker 1: he scurried through the jungle. I'll get you out, cried 26 00:02:34,360 --> 00:02:38,520 Speaker 1: Mouse when he found the lion, and he started gnawing 27 00:02:38,760 --> 00:02:44,799 Speaker 1: through the net. Before long there was a big hole 28 00:02:44,919 --> 00:02:51,359 Speaker 1: in the net, and Lion climbed through. Thank you, he said, humbly. 29 00:02:52,280 --> 00:02:55,240 Speaker 1: I was wrong to laugh at you. You saved my 30 00:02:55,480 --> 00:03:01,080 Speaker 1: life to day. Mouse smiled. You were kind enough to 31 00:03:01,160 --> 00:03:04,640 Speaker 1: let me go before he squeaked. It was my turn 32 00:03:04,720 --> 00:03:10,360 Speaker 1: to help you. And from that day on, the huge 33 00:03:10,720 --> 00:03:16,280 Speaker 1: mighty Lion in the tiny mighty mouse became the best 34 00:03:16,919 --> 00:03:17,639 Speaker 1: of friends.