1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,440 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,520 --> 00:00:17,319 Speaker 1: to say hello to Anna Lucia who is in the 3 00:00:17,400 --> 00:00:23,480 Speaker 1: third grade. Hello to Isabella Johnson. Hello to Soren from 4 00:00:23,520 --> 00:00:27,240 Speaker 1: San Francisco who was a great dancer and soccer player. 5 00:00:28,720 --> 00:00:33,280 Speaker 1: Hello to Sanjay from Tacoma, Washington. And hello to some 6 00:00:33,400 --> 00:00:40,520 Speaker 1: special listeners, Tilly and baby Girl. I'd like to say 7 00:00:40,560 --> 00:00:45,040 Speaker 1: a happy belated birthday to Girard who turned seven on 8 00:00:45,080 --> 00:00:50,080 Speaker 1: September twenty sixth. A happy belated birthday to Zane Mehr 9 00:00:50,440 --> 00:00:56,400 Speaker 1: from Saudi Arabia who turned eight on September thirtieth. Happy 10 00:00:56,440 --> 00:01:00,920 Speaker 1: birthday to Henry from Houston, Texas who is turning seven 11 00:01:01,200 --> 00:01:06,920 Speaker 1: on October fourth, And happy birthday to Axel Harris who 12 00:01:07,000 --> 00:01:12,200 Speaker 1: was turning eight on October seventh. Happy birthday to you all. 13 00:01:12,920 --> 00:01:36,760 Speaker 1: I hope you have a wonderful day. This is the 14 00:01:36,840 --> 00:01:41,839 Speaker 1: tenth part in our Transfer Students series. In part nine, 15 00:01:42,240 --> 00:01:46,199 Speaker 1: the Solving a Mystery club had found another mystery to solve. 16 00:01:47,560 --> 00:01:50,320 Speaker 1: It was lights in the sky at night, and they 17 00:01:50,360 --> 00:01:54,040 Speaker 1: decided that a sleepover was the best approach for trying 18 00:01:54,120 --> 00:01:59,440 Speaker 1: to solve this case. Red is concerned that the lights 19 00:01:59,520 --> 00:02:02,800 Speaker 1: might have something to do with the aid and is 20 00:02:02,840 --> 00:02:10,840 Speaker 1: worried about what the group might find out the transfer 21 00:02:10,919 --> 00:02:19,320 Speaker 1: student part ten the nightcase. Red hadn't slept well the 22 00:02:19,400 --> 00:02:22,919 Speaker 1: night before, and the school day was long, with both 23 00:02:23,040 --> 00:02:27,240 Speaker 1: tests and an English class that seemed to go on forever. 24 00:02:29,080 --> 00:02:31,519 Speaker 1: So as she sat waiting for her mother to get 25 00:02:31,520 --> 00:02:35,360 Speaker 1: ready to drive her to the sleepover, her eyes started 26 00:02:35,400 --> 00:02:37,960 Speaker 1: to droop a bit, and she caught herself in a 27 00:02:38,000 --> 00:02:43,880 Speaker 1: big yawn. Why did we have to study that old 28 00:02:44,080 --> 00:02:48,280 Speaker 1: English language today? She thought? I had to concentrate so 29 00:02:48,560 --> 00:02:53,799 Speaker 1: hard to keep up. It made me tired. Sciences were 30 00:02:53,840 --> 00:03:00,079 Speaker 1: Red's forte and what was emphasized at her old schools. 31 00:03:00,160 --> 00:03:04,600 Speaker 1: Communication ability was about the same as her classmates, and 32 00:03:04,680 --> 00:03:07,560 Speaker 1: most mistakes she made came across as more of a 33 00:03:07,639 --> 00:03:12,600 Speaker 1: quirk than any kind of deficiency. But English class was 34 00:03:12,680 --> 00:03:18,480 Speaker 1: still her weakest. English used to be fun. She and 35 00:03:18,520 --> 00:03:21,399 Speaker 1: her friends would practice speaking it when they hung out 36 00:03:21,440 --> 00:03:26,160 Speaker 1: at the Outer Rings, but studying these old books was 37 00:03:26,400 --> 00:03:32,800 Speaker 1: very boring. Red knew that English class wasn't the real 38 00:03:32,919 --> 00:03:37,560 Speaker 1: reason she was tired. She kept worrying till laid into 39 00:03:37,600 --> 00:03:40,520 Speaker 1: the night that the new case, the solving a mystery 40 00:03:40,520 --> 00:03:45,040 Speaker 1: club was involved with, had something to do with the AID. 41 00:03:47,160 --> 00:03:50,200 Speaker 1: She had been very suspicious of them from the moment 42 00:03:50,280 --> 00:03:54,360 Speaker 1: they came to visit their home here on Earth. Their 43 00:03:54,400 --> 00:03:58,000 Speaker 1: mission was supposed to be to help Martians integrate into 44 00:03:58,040 --> 00:04:01,760 Speaker 1: Earth's society. The fact that this had to be done 45 00:04:01,800 --> 00:04:05,280 Speaker 1: in secret made Red suspect that they might be more 46 00:04:05,320 --> 00:04:09,040 Speaker 1: of a secret police force than the AID agency they 47 00:04:09,040 --> 00:04:13,720 Speaker 1: claim to be. Read. Are you sure you should be 48 00:04:13,840 --> 00:04:16,799 Speaker 1: going to your friend's house? You look like you should 49 00:04:16,839 --> 00:04:20,600 Speaker 1: go straight to bed, Her mother said, there was that 50 00:04:20,680 --> 00:04:26,960 Speaker 1: word again. Friend. I'm fine, I'm just sleepy. I'll be 51 00:04:27,040 --> 00:04:29,559 Speaker 1: fine after I have something to eat at Rachel's house. 52 00:04:30,880 --> 00:04:33,760 Speaker 1: Are you sure? I don't want you to fall asleep 53 00:04:33,760 --> 00:04:36,440 Speaker 1: on their couch or something. You need to be a 54 00:04:36,480 --> 00:04:43,600 Speaker 1: bit lively. I'm fine, mom, And besides, my classmates accept 55 00:04:43,640 --> 00:04:49,719 Speaker 1: each other as they are. They don't judge much. Do 56 00:04:49,800 --> 00:04:54,120 Speaker 1: you have the snacks I bought for you? Yes, even 57 00:04:54,200 --> 00:04:58,320 Speaker 1: the spicy shrimp chips you made me bring. You like 58 00:04:58,400 --> 00:05:00,960 Speaker 1: shrimp chips, so why wouldn't don't you take the snacks 59 00:05:01,000 --> 00:05:05,200 Speaker 1: you like to eat? It gives me stinky shrimp breath. 60 00:05:08,000 --> 00:05:11,520 Speaker 1: Do you have your overnight bag, extra clothes, and your phone? 61 00:05:12,240 --> 00:05:18,000 Speaker 1: Don't forget your phone? Stop worrying, Mom, it's just a sleepover. 62 00:05:19,200 --> 00:05:23,480 Speaker 1: It's not just a sleepover, Red, it's your first sleepover 63 00:05:23,560 --> 00:05:29,039 Speaker 1: with your new friends. There was that word again. We 64 00:05:29,120 --> 00:05:32,280 Speaker 1: should go. I don't want to be late. Kurt might 65 00:05:32,320 --> 00:05:35,479 Speaker 1: eat all the pizza and I'll be stuck eating spicy 66 00:05:35,560 --> 00:05:42,680 Speaker 1: shrimp chips. Red, arriving on time, walked up the stone 67 00:05:42,680 --> 00:05:46,840 Speaker 1: walkway to Rachel's house. Her house was of similar size 68 00:05:46,920 --> 00:05:50,840 Speaker 1: and style to Reds, but with far more flowers and greenery. 69 00:05:52,080 --> 00:05:55,200 Speaker 1: Her mother still didn't know how to grow flowers and plants, 70 00:05:55,720 --> 00:05:58,719 Speaker 1: and Red had only recently started to like all these 71 00:05:58,760 --> 00:06:04,560 Speaker 1: different colors. As a reflex, Red waved her hand in 72 00:06:04,600 --> 00:06:07,679 Speaker 1: front of the glowing button beside the handle of the door. 73 00:06:08,880 --> 00:06:13,240 Speaker 1: On Mars, most doors immediately recognized you and would admit 74 00:06:13,320 --> 00:06:16,920 Speaker 1: you with an announcement. That is, if you were invited 75 00:06:16,960 --> 00:06:20,719 Speaker 1: to enter. Those doors that didn't had a reader that 76 00:06:20,880 --> 00:06:26,679 Speaker 1: recognized you based on your handprint. Red pushed the button, 77 00:06:27,040 --> 00:06:30,280 Speaker 1: heard the elaborate bell, and in no time at all, 78 00:06:30,400 --> 00:06:34,560 Speaker 1: was greeted by Rachel. Quickly. Come in. You are the 79 00:06:34,640 --> 00:06:38,279 Speaker 1: last one to arrive, Rachel said quietly as she waved 80 00:06:38,279 --> 00:06:42,159 Speaker 1: to Red's mother, The last one to arrive, but I 81 00:06:42,200 --> 00:06:47,360 Speaker 1: am exactly on time. Red said, it's okay. You haven't 82 00:06:47,360 --> 00:06:50,520 Speaker 1: been at Maplewood long enough to have Principal Burke give 83 00:06:50,600 --> 00:06:55,080 Speaker 1: you the you are either early or late speech. It's 84 00:06:55,080 --> 00:07:01,160 Speaker 1: a habit for us now. Rachel said, where are your parents? 85 00:07:01,680 --> 00:07:05,560 Speaker 1: Red asked, as they started walking into the kitchen. They 86 00:07:05,560 --> 00:07:09,360 Speaker 1: are hiding in their bedroom watching TV. I think they 87 00:07:09,360 --> 00:07:12,120 Speaker 1: didn't want to interfere, which is convenient for what we 88 00:07:12,240 --> 00:07:15,480 Speaker 1: need to do this evening. They will likely be asleep 89 00:07:15,520 --> 00:07:21,000 Speaker 1: by nine pm. Old age. You see, aren't your parents 90 00:07:21,120 --> 00:07:25,960 Speaker 1: like thirty five? Red asked, Yeah, isn't it incredible how 91 00:07:26,000 --> 00:07:32,320 Speaker 1: old they are? Hey? Red? Slow again? Huh, Kurt said, 92 00:07:32,360 --> 00:07:35,120 Speaker 1: with a mouthful of pizza. We are going to have 93 00:07:35,280 --> 00:07:39,480 Speaker 1: to get you out running. I suggest you grab some 94 00:07:39,520 --> 00:07:44,160 Speaker 1: pizza soon. Red, Charlie said, Kurt seems super hungry this evening. 95 00:07:45,600 --> 00:07:50,119 Speaker 1: Kurt is always hungry. Alexa said, I have to feed 96 00:07:50,200 --> 00:07:54,720 Speaker 1: my biceps, you know, Kurt said, with a laugh. So 97 00:07:55,280 --> 00:08:01,040 Speaker 1: we ordered Hawaiian spicy tie chicken and pepperoni pizzas. Rachel said, 98 00:08:01,080 --> 00:08:07,360 Speaker 1: showing Red the inside of the pizza boxes. Imagine fruit 99 00:08:07,480 --> 00:08:11,880 Speaker 1: on a pizza, Alexa said, shuddering. If I wanted fruit, 100 00:08:12,240 --> 00:08:17,800 Speaker 1: I would eat an apple. Red set her bags down 101 00:08:17,840 --> 00:08:21,280 Speaker 1: and grabbed a slice of spicy tied chicken, which seemed 102 00:08:21,320 --> 00:08:25,440 Speaker 1: to have the most pieces left. Since coming to Earth, 103 00:08:25,520 --> 00:08:27,840 Speaker 1: Red had found that she loved food with a bit 104 00:08:27,880 --> 00:08:31,520 Speaker 1: of heat. Spicy food was much different from what she 105 00:08:31,640 --> 00:08:36,079 Speaker 1: had before on Mars. Do you like the Tai chicken 106 00:08:36,120 --> 00:08:41,439 Speaker 1: pizza that was my idea? Charlie said, yes, it's very delicious. 107 00:08:42,600 --> 00:08:46,520 Speaker 1: So what is our plan for the evening? Red asked 108 00:08:46,559 --> 00:08:50,920 Speaker 1: as she sat down and grabbed another slice. Wait, before 109 00:08:50,960 --> 00:08:53,920 Speaker 1: we get started, I just want to say one thing. 110 00:08:54,400 --> 00:08:58,680 Speaker 1: Alexa loudly interrupted that last slice of pepperoni is mine. 111 00:09:02,400 --> 00:09:05,920 Speaker 1: Here is the plan. In the past, we have seen 112 00:09:06,000 --> 00:09:10,400 Speaker 1: these lights just as it turns dark outside. The first 113 00:09:10,480 --> 00:09:13,400 Speaker 1: few times I noticed it, I was in the kitchen 114 00:09:13,720 --> 00:09:16,360 Speaker 1: getting something to drink after I had gone to bed, 115 00:09:17,440 --> 00:09:20,400 Speaker 1: So it seems that it waits until it is quiet 116 00:09:20,480 --> 00:09:24,760 Speaker 1: and dark. Rachel said, maybe the lights want us to 117 00:09:24,800 --> 00:09:27,679 Speaker 1: be asleep so they can transport us to the mother ship. 118 00:09:27,960 --> 00:09:32,760 Speaker 1: Charlie added, or maybe they are alien fireflies who want 119 00:09:32,800 --> 00:09:36,400 Speaker 1: to capture guys who always have runny noses and wear 120 00:09:36,480 --> 00:09:41,760 Speaker 1: their shirts inside out. Sound familiar, Kurt said, looking at 121 00:09:41,840 --> 00:09:46,000 Speaker 1: Charlie with a smile on her face. We don't know 122 00:09:46,080 --> 00:09:49,880 Speaker 1: what it is, Alexi said, smiling. She loved it when 123 00:09:49,960 --> 00:09:54,080 Speaker 1: Kurt teased Charlie. The two of them couldn't be more 124 00:09:54,120 --> 00:09:57,720 Speaker 1: different if they tried, and yet they were the best 125 00:09:57,760 --> 00:10:02,439 Speaker 1: of friends. Right. That's why we are looking into this. 126 00:10:02,760 --> 00:10:07,400 Speaker 1: We need proof. Rachel continued. It's a mystery for the 127 00:10:07,520 --> 00:10:11,000 Speaker 1: solving a mystery club, Charlie shouted as he stood up 128 00:10:11,000 --> 00:10:14,160 Speaker 1: from his chair, posing with his arm pointing at the 129 00:10:14,200 --> 00:10:19,000 Speaker 1: sky like a superhero. I thought we could turn off 130 00:10:19,040 --> 00:10:21,600 Speaker 1: the lights and pretend that we are all asleep, then 131 00:10:21,720 --> 00:10:24,880 Speaker 1: spring a trap when the lights appear again, Rachel said, 132 00:10:25,880 --> 00:10:28,800 Speaker 1: Are you sure they will return again tonight? Red asked, 133 00:10:30,000 --> 00:10:32,760 Speaker 1: They have been coming every night for the past week. 134 00:10:33,320 --> 00:10:36,280 Speaker 1: I'm guessing, but I bet the lights will be back 135 00:10:36,320 --> 00:10:40,800 Speaker 1: again this evening, Alexa said. I brought along some walkie talkies, 136 00:10:41,080 --> 00:10:44,280 Speaker 1: Kurt said, holding them up and showing everyone so that 137 00:10:44,400 --> 00:10:47,720 Speaker 1: we could split up into an observation and a capture 138 00:10:47,760 --> 00:10:53,360 Speaker 1: team capture. Red asked, I don't like the sound of this. 139 00:10:54,040 --> 00:10:57,800 Speaker 1: In every scary movie, they always split up into groups 140 00:10:58,120 --> 00:11:01,880 Speaker 1: and then something bad happens. Charlie said, with a look 141 00:11:01,960 --> 00:11:04,720 Speaker 1: that showed that he actually believed what he was saying. 142 00:11:06,160 --> 00:11:11,160 Speaker 1: You shouldn't be watching scary movies, Alexi said, I thought 143 00:11:11,160 --> 00:11:13,480 Speaker 1: we just wanted to get proof so that we could 144 00:11:13,600 --> 00:11:17,920 Speaker 1: understand what it is. Asked Red, concerned that if it 145 00:11:18,000 --> 00:11:20,920 Speaker 1: had to do with the AID, then they would not 146 00:11:21,080 --> 00:11:25,840 Speaker 1: be so pleased if they captured whatever this is. What 147 00:11:25,960 --> 00:11:30,240 Speaker 1: better evidence in capturing whatever it is? Kurt replied, But 148 00:11:31,000 --> 00:11:34,480 Speaker 1: how would we capture it? Charlie asked, I brought a 149 00:11:34,559 --> 00:11:39,720 Speaker 1: large net. Kurt said, so after we turn out the lights, 150 00:11:40,120 --> 00:11:43,080 Speaker 1: the observation team will wait in my bedroom on the 151 00:11:43,120 --> 00:11:46,760 Speaker 1: second floor, keeping an eye out for when the lights appear. 152 00:11:48,400 --> 00:11:51,320 Speaker 1: The captured team will be on the ground, hiding, ready 153 00:11:51,320 --> 00:11:54,240 Speaker 1: to grab it whatever it is when we are told 154 00:11:54,280 --> 00:11:59,199 Speaker 1: it is flying low enough to do so. Rachel said, okay, 155 00:11:59,600 --> 00:12:01,920 Speaker 1: So who is going to be on the capture team, 156 00:12:02,040 --> 00:12:05,840 Speaker 1: Charlie asked Kurt. Alexa and I will be outside with 157 00:12:06,000 --> 00:12:10,040 Speaker 1: the net. Rachel said, Charlie, you and Red watch from 158 00:12:10,120 --> 00:12:17,600 Speaker 1: my bedroom window. It sounds risky, Charlie said, worried, it 159 00:12:17,640 --> 00:12:22,160 Speaker 1: will be fine. Don't be such a worrier, Kurt said, 160 00:12:22,720 --> 00:12:26,040 Speaker 1: Since we will be hiding, it's important that as soon 161 00:12:26,120 --> 00:12:29,360 Speaker 1: as you see the lights flying around the backyard, you 162 00:12:29,480 --> 00:12:33,400 Speaker 1: let us know. Then if you think they are close 163 00:12:33,480 --> 00:12:38,120 Speaker 1: enough to the ground, yell now into the walkie talkie. 164 00:12:38,360 --> 00:12:40,640 Speaker 1: We will then jump out and try to capture it 165 00:12:40,679 --> 00:12:44,840 Speaker 1: in the net. Rachel explained, what if there is more 166 00:12:44,880 --> 00:12:49,640 Speaker 1: than one? Red asked. Everyone was silent for a moment. 167 00:12:51,120 --> 00:12:57,280 Speaker 1: Then Kurt said, we improvise, ugh, Red said to herself. 168 00:13:00,920 --> 00:13:03,760 Speaker 1: For the next couple of hours, they snacked on the 169 00:13:03,760 --> 00:13:08,240 Speaker 1: food that everyone bought, revisited the plan over and over, 170 00:13:08,800 --> 00:13:11,600 Speaker 1: and chatted about who had the worst taste in clothes. 171 00:13:12,679 --> 00:13:17,120 Speaker 1: To red surprise, her clothes were not considered the least fashionable. 172 00:13:17,840 --> 00:13:21,000 Speaker 1: The group thought that she had a style all her own, 173 00:13:21,320 --> 00:13:25,559 Speaker 1: whatever that meant. But Charlie was of course teased by 174 00:13:25,679 --> 00:13:29,520 Speaker 1: Kurt for wearing his clothes inside out, and so he 175 00:13:29,679 --> 00:13:32,440 Speaker 1: won the award for the worst dressed in the group. 176 00:13:36,200 --> 00:13:40,720 Speaker 1: As it got dark, the group got quiet. As Rachel 177 00:13:40,760 --> 00:13:45,400 Speaker 1: turned out the lights, they started to get nervous. Other 178 00:13:45,480 --> 00:13:48,600 Speaker 1: than the normal sounds in the house, it was very 179 00:13:48,720 --> 00:13:53,800 Speaker 1: quiet and everyone started to get nervous. The sound of 180 00:13:53,920 --> 00:13:58,760 Speaker 1: Rachel's parents snoring made everyone chuckle, but Red was still 181 00:13:58,840 --> 00:14:02,560 Speaker 1: quite anxious. Worried that the A I. D. Might be 182 00:14:02,640 --> 00:14:07,840 Speaker 1: watching the gang. Charlie kept shaking his head about splitting 183 00:14:07,880 --> 00:14:16,000 Speaker 1: the group and mumbling about what happens in scary movies. Whispering. 184 00:14:16,160 --> 00:14:20,120 Speaker 1: Rachel said, O, k Charlie in Red, take your position 185 00:14:20,600 --> 00:14:23,600 Speaker 1: and remember to be quiet. We don't want to let 186 00:14:23,600 --> 00:14:26,600 Speaker 1: whatever this is know that we are watching and that 187 00:14:26,680 --> 00:14:32,240 Speaker 1: we are going to try and catch it. Charlie in 188 00:14:32,360 --> 00:14:35,920 Speaker 1: Red walked up the stairs to Rachel's bedroom, passed the 189 00:14:35,960 --> 00:14:39,040 Speaker 1: sounds of the snoring in her parents room, and took 190 00:14:39,120 --> 00:14:46,280 Speaker 1: their position at her window. Jack check testing one, two three. 191 00:14:46,720 --> 00:14:51,720 Speaker 1: This is Charlie checking in Roger loud and clear. Kurt replied, 192 00:14:53,960 --> 00:14:59,440 Speaker 1: all in position. They sat and waited, looking at Charlie 193 00:15:00,040 --> 00:15:03,560 Speaker 1: Red wondered if he could actually see with those glasses on. 194 00:15:04,640 --> 00:15:11,600 Speaker 1: Perhaps binoculars might have been a good idea. They continued 195 00:15:11,640 --> 00:15:16,440 Speaker 1: to wait. The excitement and nervousness started to wear off. 196 00:15:17,600 --> 00:15:23,520 Speaker 1: They started to get bored and sleepy. Then Charlie perked up. 197 00:15:24,040 --> 00:15:27,600 Speaker 1: He saw movement. Did you see that? Red? See what 198 00:15:28,960 --> 00:15:32,360 Speaker 1: something is moving in the trees? A weird shape? Dark? 199 00:15:32,840 --> 00:15:36,760 Speaker 1: Could it be an alien? Guys? I see something? It 200 00:15:36,880 --> 00:15:40,200 Speaker 1: might be an alien Charlie said into the walkie talkie. 201 00:15:40,920 --> 00:15:45,520 Speaker 1: Red asked, where. I don't see anything over there in 202 00:15:45,560 --> 00:15:50,880 Speaker 1: the trees. Okay, please confirm location, Kurt said, in her 203 00:15:50,920 --> 00:15:54,840 Speaker 1: best secret agent voice. Now it's in the trees to 204 00:15:54,920 --> 00:16:00,600 Speaker 1: the right of the bench. Followed closely by by Alexa 205 00:16:00,640 --> 00:16:05,320 Speaker 1: and Rachel, Kurt slowly walked out to investigate net in hand. 206 00:16:07,520 --> 00:16:10,680 Speaker 1: I don't know if this is a good idea, Red exclaimed, 207 00:16:11,000 --> 00:16:14,400 Speaker 1: watching them walk out into the backyard from their hiding place, 208 00:16:15,800 --> 00:16:22,000 Speaker 1: getting ready to execute capture. Alexa whispered into her walkie talkie. 209 00:16:22,440 --> 00:16:25,480 Speaker 1: Red and Charlie watched as they approached the tree with 210 00:16:25,600 --> 00:16:30,880 Speaker 1: the suspected alien floating about. Then, with a sudden movement, 211 00:16:31,360 --> 00:16:35,040 Speaker 1: Kurt lunged and through the net, capturing the creature in 212 00:16:35,120 --> 00:16:41,880 Speaker 1: the trees. Yes, victory, Charlie yelled. Red wasn't so sure 213 00:16:42,360 --> 00:16:46,400 Speaker 1: as they watched the others cautiously approach the net, which, 214 00:16:46,880 --> 00:16:49,840 Speaker 1: if it wasn't for the movement of something caught, would 215 00:16:49,880 --> 00:16:55,280 Speaker 1: be very difficult to see in the dark. Observation team 216 00:16:55,400 --> 00:16:59,400 Speaker 1: come in, Kurt said over the walkie talkie, Roger, Roger, 217 00:16:59,800 --> 00:17:02,040 Speaker 1: is it safe to come down and see the alien? 218 00:17:02,520 --> 00:17:06,919 Speaker 1: Charlie replied, I wouldn't come down, Kurt said, because the 219 00:17:07,000 --> 00:17:13,960 Speaker 1: squirrel we caught is very angry. False alarm, Charlie said, 220 00:17:14,000 --> 00:17:18,120 Speaker 1: Sitting down depressed, Red watched as Kurt lifted the net 221 00:17:18,200 --> 00:17:22,119 Speaker 1: off the squirrel, which immediately chased the capture team around 222 00:17:22,119 --> 00:17:25,800 Speaker 1: the yard a couple of times before leaping over the fence, 223 00:17:26,440 --> 00:17:33,440 Speaker 1: likely to never return. Then Red noticed something in the distance, 224 00:17:34,240 --> 00:17:37,560 Speaker 1: green lights coming from a yard down the street, quickly 225 00:17:37,600 --> 00:17:43,760 Speaker 1: flying towards their location. Grabbing the walkie talkie from Charlie, 226 00:17:43,960 --> 00:17:47,720 Speaker 1: Red called out to the capture team, flying lights are incoming, 227 00:17:47,880 --> 00:17:53,080 Speaker 1: Take cover and get ready. Kurt grabbed the net and 228 00:17:53,240 --> 00:17:58,520 Speaker 1: hid with Rachel and Alexa behind the nearby tree. Charlie 229 00:17:58,560 --> 00:18:01,679 Speaker 1: was now up and watching beside Red as the green 230 00:18:01,760 --> 00:18:05,879 Speaker 1: light flew to the yard and then turned Red. Oh no, 231 00:18:06,280 --> 00:18:12,600 Speaker 1: he said, maybe it's angry. As it arrived in the yard, 232 00:18:12,920 --> 00:18:17,200 Speaker 1: its shape became more apparent. Red noticed its four arms 233 00:18:17,200 --> 00:18:23,000 Speaker 1: and something hanging from the bottom. Then Kurt struck, launching 234 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:25,920 Speaker 1: the net over the top of the thing, which caused 235 00:18:25,960 --> 00:18:29,960 Speaker 1: it to fall to the ground. Charlie in Red stood 236 00:18:29,960 --> 00:18:35,600 Speaker 1: there watching. Charlie seemed scared. Kurt called through the walkie 237 00:18:35,640 --> 00:18:39,240 Speaker 1: talkie causing Charlie to jump. You guys should come down here. 238 00:18:40,119 --> 00:18:44,080 Speaker 1: Are you okay? Is it safe? Yes? Come down and 239 00:18:44,160 --> 00:18:51,119 Speaker 1: see what we caught. Red and Charlie hurried down the 240 00:18:51,119 --> 00:18:53,720 Speaker 1: stairs and went out the back door to see Kurt 241 00:18:54,000 --> 00:18:59,439 Speaker 1: holding up what they captured. What is it? Is it 242 00:18:59,480 --> 00:19:03,440 Speaker 1: really an alien craft of some sort? Red asked, No, 243 00:19:04,440 --> 00:19:09,240 Speaker 1: I know what it is, Charlie said, in an annoyed voice, 244 00:19:09,880 --> 00:19:13,600 Speaker 1: holding it up its lights out. Kurt says it is 245 00:19:13,680 --> 00:19:18,919 Speaker 1: a drone, a drone. Red wasn't all that clear what 246 00:19:19,000 --> 00:19:22,159 Speaker 1: a drone was, but didn't want to ask questions in 247 00:19:22,200 --> 00:19:28,199 Speaker 1: case she sounded weird. What's that underneath the drone? It 248 00:19:28,240 --> 00:19:32,760 Speaker 1: looks like a white sticker, Alex asked. Rachel took the 249 00:19:32,840 --> 00:19:37,080 Speaker 1: drone from Kurt and looked closely. It says property of 250 00:19:37,160 --> 00:19:42,520 Speaker 1: Andrew McKinnon. Andrew, that's stinker. He lives just down the 251 00:19:42,520 --> 00:19:46,119 Speaker 1: street from me. This must be his. His best friend, 252 00:19:46,160 --> 00:19:49,119 Speaker 1: Brett lives next to me as well. They must be 253 00:19:49,200 --> 00:19:54,560 Speaker 1: in this together, Kurt said, What is it carrying? Redd asked, 254 00:19:54,760 --> 00:19:57,600 Speaker 1: looking at the round paper ball that was being carried 255 00:19:57,640 --> 00:20:02,840 Speaker 1: by the drone. It says gag corp ink stink bomb 256 00:20:03,160 --> 00:20:08,679 Speaker 1: Alexa replied, So all this time, Andrew has been trying 257 00:20:08,720 --> 00:20:11,560 Speaker 1: to make a joke by trying to fly his drone 258 00:20:11,600 --> 00:20:14,480 Speaker 1: at night and launching a stink bomb in our windows. 259 00:20:15,040 --> 00:20:18,800 Speaker 1: Kurt said, Wait till I see his big sister in 260 00:20:18,880 --> 00:20:21,159 Speaker 1: Jim class and tell her what he has been up to. 261 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:25,760 Speaker 1: Andrew has been playing jokes on us ever since he 262 00:20:25,920 --> 00:20:29,040 Speaker 1: was old enough to walk. I think my mom and 263 00:20:29,119 --> 00:20:31,719 Speaker 1: dad will be upset about this one, and give his 264 00:20:31,760 --> 00:20:37,160 Speaker 1: parents a call, Rachel said angrily. Red was confused about 265 00:20:37,160 --> 00:20:39,960 Speaker 1: what could be so much fun about this kind of gag. 266 00:20:40,720 --> 00:20:43,480 Speaker 1: Obviously she had a lot to learn about local culture. 267 00:20:46,040 --> 00:20:49,560 Speaker 1: The excitement gone, Charlie let out a great big yawn. 268 00:20:50,800 --> 00:20:53,480 Speaker 1: Let's go inside and get some sleep. We can deal 269 00:20:53,520 --> 00:20:56,320 Speaker 1: with this in the morning, Rachel said, leading the way 270 00:20:56,400 --> 00:21:00,000 Speaker 1: inside her house and to the basement family room, where 271 00:21:00,080 --> 00:21:04,920 Speaker 1: they were all going to sleep. Good idea, Charlie said, 272 00:21:04,920 --> 00:21:09,520 Speaker 1: with now sleepy eyes. As they all walked in the house. 273 00:21:10,000 --> 00:21:14,639 Speaker 1: Flying in the distance was a barely noticeable blue light, which, 274 00:21:15,280 --> 00:21:23,000 Speaker 1: after they went inside, quickly flew straight up into the sky. 275 00:21:24,680 --> 00:21:28,280 Speaker 1: And that is the end of this part. Good night, 276 00:21:29,359 --> 00:21:50,080 Speaker 1: sleep tight