1 00:00:02,880 --> 00:00:03,760 Speaker 1: School of Humans. 2 00:00:09,400 --> 00:00:14,760 Speaker 2: This podcast is based on the true story of explorer, inventor, visionary, 3 00:00:15,040 --> 00:00:20,240 Speaker 2: and science pioneer Tom Slick. Some of the story elements, names, 4 00:00:20,440 --> 00:00:25,160 Speaker 2: and characters have been altered for dramatic purposes. Consider using 5 00:00:25,320 --> 00:00:29,880 Speaker 2: headphones to enhance your listening experience. We've created an immersive 6 00:00:29,920 --> 00:00:36,920 Speaker 2: soundscape to tell our story. 7 00:00:38,640 --> 00:00:40,080 Speaker 3: Okay, how many tapes did you find? 8 00:00:40,200 --> 00:00:40,680 Speaker 4: Three? 9 00:00:40,960 --> 00:00:44,120 Speaker 5: They were in this box of letters sent to your granddad. 10 00:00:44,960 --> 00:00:47,320 Speaker 5: Did you know that he and President Eisenhower tried to 11 00:00:47,320 --> 00:00:50,800 Speaker 5: get in on the space race after Russia landed Sputnik? 12 00:00:51,120 --> 00:00:54,360 Speaker 3: Crazy that tracks, But the stuff we're listening to. 13 00:00:54,400 --> 00:00:57,279 Speaker 5: Now, Yeah, what was that voice membo you sent at 14 00:00:57,320 --> 00:00:59,320 Speaker 5: like two am about some secret ops thing. 15 00:01:00,680 --> 00:01:03,760 Speaker 1: Come on, there's a gun on my dad's head right now. 16 00:01:04,000 --> 00:01:04,880 Speaker 5: What did you say? 17 00:01:05,440 --> 00:01:08,559 Speaker 6: We're listening to a tape from granddad's expedition in the Himalayas. 18 00:01:08,680 --> 00:01:11,000 Speaker 5: Okay, you found more Yetti tapes. 19 00:01:12,640 --> 00:01:13,120 Speaker 7: I knew it. 20 00:01:13,319 --> 00:01:13,800 Speaker 5: I knew it. 21 00:01:14,000 --> 00:01:15,440 Speaker 8: I'll see you in two hours. 22 00:01:15,680 --> 00:01:18,559 Speaker 5: Don't forget to shower. All eyes are on you tonight 23 00:01:18,600 --> 00:01:21,440 Speaker 5: for that opening speech, which you've written. 24 00:01:21,360 --> 00:01:28,520 Speaker 3: Almost I'm off finally I'm hitting play. 25 00:01:29,760 --> 00:01:33,479 Speaker 4: Tom Slick February fourth, nineteen fifty eight. I'm here sharing 26 00:01:33,520 --> 00:01:36,000 Speaker 4: a whiskey with my assailant and devoted partner. 27 00:01:36,160 --> 00:01:38,480 Speaker 7: But I wasn't really gonna kill it. 28 00:01:38,800 --> 00:01:41,200 Speaker 4: Oh, I know, and I wasn't really going to kill you. 29 00:01:41,600 --> 00:01:47,240 Speaker 3: He's ayes, mom, shush, I lived with suspense. 30 00:01:48,000 --> 00:02:07,240 Speaker 1: Turn it up, mister Tom, I set according. It's mister Dulles, ask. 31 00:02:07,120 --> 00:02:09,800 Speaker 4: For you're a good man, Dawa. What's our lead time? 32 00:02:09,960 --> 00:02:11,400 Speaker 1: We have a week and a half to lay the 33 00:02:11,400 --> 00:02:13,200 Speaker 1: groundwork for the Tibet Task Force. 34 00:02:13,440 --> 00:02:16,880 Speaker 4: So this Dulles really expects us to run a full 35 00:02:16,960 --> 00:02:21,680 Speaker 4: on hunt while trying to save the ducks us not. 36 00:02:23,560 --> 00:02:29,160 Speaker 9: Why the trees listening? Hey, we refer to him Islama X. Okay, 37 00:02:29,160 --> 00:02:32,639 Speaker 9: he's a national treasure for the Tibetan people and he's 38 00:02:32,680 --> 00:02:35,440 Speaker 9: been a target for China since they invaded the country 39 00:02:35,440 --> 00:02:36,160 Speaker 9: eight years ago. 40 00:02:36,520 --> 00:02:40,280 Speaker 4: Oh why is this Islama such a big deal? 41 00:02:40,760 --> 00:02:45,240 Speaker 9: Because the Chinese have heard only one name, puncture the 42 00:02:45,280 --> 00:02:46,760 Speaker 9: final breath of their victims. 43 00:02:56,600 --> 00:02:57,120 Speaker 10: What was that? 44 00:02:57,600 --> 00:02:59,080 Speaker 4: The battle cry of resurrection? 45 00:03:00,320 --> 00:03:03,200 Speaker 9: Lama X is an emblem of hope to his people. 46 00:03:03,800 --> 00:03:06,560 Speaker 9: I mean, he personifies the promise of life after death. 47 00:03:06,800 --> 00:03:09,160 Speaker 10: You Americans are selfish busts. 48 00:03:09,760 --> 00:03:10,760 Speaker 1: Why don't you care. 49 00:03:11,520 --> 00:03:14,200 Speaker 4: Like I said, Lama x is a national treasure. 50 00:03:14,800 --> 00:03:16,359 Speaker 9: We're greedy bastards too. 51 00:03:17,120 --> 00:03:18,720 Speaker 4: But we don't do the saving right. 52 00:03:19,040 --> 00:03:22,400 Speaker 9: Nope, Dolls has a task force going after the Lama. 53 00:03:22,680 --> 00:03:25,720 Speaker 9: We're just laying the groundwork for the route through the Himalayas. 54 00:03:26,639 --> 00:03:29,840 Speaker 7: So even if we don't find Agetti, still making history 55 00:03:31,000 --> 00:03:35,600 Speaker 7: Unwritten history. 56 00:03:37,640 --> 00:03:38,440 Speaker 10: Chapter five. 57 00:03:39,080 --> 00:03:44,120 Speaker 11: This is the mostly true tale of Tom Slick, mystery hunter. 58 00:04:14,680 --> 00:04:19,599 Speaker 4: Tom Slick February nineteenth, nineteen fifty eight. Ten days until 59 00:04:19,640 --> 00:04:22,080 Speaker 4: we hit Tibet. We've met up with one of the 60 00:04:22,080 --> 00:04:25,120 Speaker 4: other two teams. They're turning back with the dogs. One 61 00:04:25,240 --> 00:04:27,720 Speaker 4: is injured, the other i'llnourished. 62 00:04:28,320 --> 00:04:30,040 Speaker 1: Tell that to my empty gut. 63 00:04:30,480 --> 00:04:32,719 Speaker 4: Still no sign of our Yetti, but we got the 64 00:04:32,760 --> 00:04:35,679 Speaker 4: tranquilizer gun now and we are at the ready. 65 00:04:37,480 --> 00:04:38,880 Speaker 9: Can you smell that? 66 00:04:38,880 --> 00:04:41,080 Speaker 1: That's stench that's used Slick. 67 00:04:42,200 --> 00:04:43,200 Speaker 9: We're getting close. 68 00:04:45,800 --> 00:04:50,200 Speaker 4: Tom Slick February twenty first, nineteen fifty eight. Eight days 69 00:04:50,240 --> 00:04:53,719 Speaker 4: till Tibet, A bear eight three fourths of our food rations, 70 00:04:53,800 --> 00:04:56,599 Speaker 4: so we'll have to stock up in Tibet before we 71 00:04:56,680 --> 00:04:59,599 Speaker 4: head back out. Nothing to report on the YETI front. 72 00:05:00,040 --> 00:05:04,320 Speaker 4: I'm disappointed, but I hold on to hope. Tom Slick 73 00:05:04,760 --> 00:05:09,479 Speaker 4: February twenty second, nineteen fifty eight. Seven days till t Bet. 74 00:05:10,880 --> 00:05:13,080 Speaker 4: Our only other team in the field has gone dark. 75 00:05:13,920 --> 00:05:17,280 Speaker 4: It's been two days since our last correspondence. Maybe they 76 00:05:17,520 --> 00:05:20,840 Speaker 4: ran into our yetdie. We certainly haven't, and I'm starting 77 00:05:20,839 --> 00:05:28,279 Speaker 4: to think Bud's right. I stink. Tom Slick, February twenty third, 78 00:05:28,480 --> 00:05:31,039 Speaker 4: nineteen fifty eight. Six days till. 79 00:05:31,200 --> 00:05:31,960 Speaker 12: Damn it Slick. 80 00:05:32,400 --> 00:05:35,719 Speaker 4: We've just intercepted with the other team. They lost two 81 00:05:35,760 --> 00:05:37,680 Speaker 4: men and as you can hear, you know. 82 00:05:37,760 --> 00:05:39,520 Speaker 1: But it's scientific investigation. 83 00:05:39,920 --> 00:05:41,800 Speaker 9: The mountain has broken the others. 84 00:05:42,040 --> 00:05:45,520 Speaker 1: You're a mad mad chize it into five tired. 85 00:05:50,920 --> 00:05:55,359 Speaker 4: Tom Slick, February twenty fourth, nineteen fifty eight. Five days 86 00:05:55,400 --> 00:05:58,560 Speaker 4: till Tibet. We have nothing to eat. Bud is out 87 00:05:58,600 --> 00:06:02,200 Speaker 4: scrounging up game. Well, sit and starve. This morning we 88 00:06:02,320 --> 00:06:05,320 Speaker 4: trekt a grueling rounde through an unexpected mass of trees. 89 00:06:05,839 --> 00:06:06,880 Speaker 4: I thought I saw. 90 00:06:06,640 --> 00:06:11,159 Speaker 9: It the YETI, but when I shouted, it vanished a 91 00:06:11,240 --> 00:06:17,960 Speaker 9: figment of some way I believed was real. Tom Slick 92 00:06:18,760 --> 00:06:23,280 Speaker 9: February twenty fifth, nineteen fifty eight. Four days until Tibet. 93 00:06:23,960 --> 00:06:25,560 Speaker 9: Still O YETI. 94 00:06:27,000 --> 00:06:33,720 Speaker 10: Ain't on no hope. 95 00:06:32,880 --> 00:06:35,880 Speaker 9: February twenty seventh, nineteen fifty eight. 96 00:06:36,160 --> 00:06:38,760 Speaker 10: There's nothing to report. 97 00:06:38,800 --> 00:06:43,919 Speaker 9: I'm recording this to remind myself I'm still here, because 98 00:06:44,000 --> 00:06:51,159 Speaker 9: well I've lost everything, men, money, my mind. These Himalayas 99 00:06:51,160 --> 00:06:54,960 Speaker 9: were my Oklahoma oil field, and the YETI was my gusher. 100 00:06:55,440 --> 00:06:58,000 Speaker 9: But unlike my father, I gambled with. 101 00:06:58,080 --> 00:06:59,000 Speaker 8: Luck and lost. 102 00:07:02,400 --> 00:07:04,560 Speaker 9: Good God, did you hear that slick? 103 00:07:05,080 --> 00:07:05,279 Speaker 13: Was that? 104 00:07:05,640 --> 00:07:08,279 Speaker 4: Yes? The sound is sweet, sweet pctory. 105 00:07:08,680 --> 00:07:11,520 Speaker 10: Let's go, come on, let's get her. 106 00:07:11,640 --> 00:07:15,120 Speaker 1: Yetti always shuts off the good parts. 107 00:07:15,360 --> 00:07:15,600 Speaker 13: Wait. 108 00:07:16,880 --> 00:07:19,760 Speaker 6: Blair found one of these expedition tapes at the institute. 109 00:07:19,920 --> 00:07:25,600 Speaker 9: I dambled with uck and lost. So what happens? 110 00:07:26,080 --> 00:07:29,120 Speaker 6: They're running after what Grandad thinks is the yetti and 111 00:07:29,160 --> 00:07:31,040 Speaker 6: it's chaos and everyone starts screaming. 112 00:07:32,160 --> 00:07:34,280 Speaker 8: It sounded like they were running. 113 00:07:33,960 --> 00:07:34,960 Speaker 9: Away from something. 114 00:07:35,400 --> 00:07:36,280 Speaker 4: Well that's boring. 115 00:07:37,800 --> 00:07:39,880 Speaker 1: Come on, let's just see if one of these last 116 00:07:39,880 --> 00:07:41,000 Speaker 1: tapes can tell us what happened. 117 00:07:41,040 --> 00:07:43,960 Speaker 4: I have twenty minutes before the pest control guy comes 118 00:07:44,720 --> 00:07:45,280 Speaker 4: at the back. 119 00:07:45,840 --> 00:07:49,040 Speaker 1: He's holding my addic hostage, and they're more boxes up 120 00:07:49,080 --> 00:07:50,240 Speaker 1: there I need to go through. 121 00:07:50,400 --> 00:08:12,960 Speaker 8: Let's just get through this one first, Okay. 122 00:08:05,160 --> 00:08:06,480 Speaker 4: Bud, you alive? 123 00:08:06,960 --> 00:08:13,080 Speaker 9: Oh relly mister tom your leg or through it or 124 00:08:13,120 --> 00:08:13,680 Speaker 9: the other men. 125 00:08:13,920 --> 00:08:17,240 Speaker 1: Tashi and Doma were consumed by the avalanche. 126 00:08:18,320 --> 00:08:20,120 Speaker 4: Damn it is there any way save them. 127 00:08:20,200 --> 00:08:25,480 Speaker 1: There is no chance they survived, good man. 128 00:08:25,920 --> 00:08:28,920 Speaker 10: But you, me and mister. 129 00:08:28,760 --> 00:08:32,720 Speaker 1: Budd ran toward the how which took us away from 130 00:08:32,760 --> 00:08:37,360 Speaker 1: the avalanche's path. You say, are you saying the Yetty 131 00:08:37,400 --> 00:08:49,440 Speaker 1: guided us? No, mister tom the Yetti saved us. Are 132 00:08:49,520 --> 00:08:52,960 Speaker 1: you kidding me? We lose good men? Dogs bood. 133 00:08:54,360 --> 00:08:56,720 Speaker 7: Tommy, we've had a change of plans. 134 00:08:57,520 --> 00:09:01,360 Speaker 4: So have we two days away from Tibet. Now, I'm 135 00:09:01,400 --> 00:09:04,120 Speaker 4: telling you we need an additional forty eight hours here 136 00:09:04,160 --> 00:09:06,960 Speaker 4: in the Arun Valley. We're close, dolls, and the Yetti 137 00:09:07,080 --> 00:09:07,560 Speaker 4: knows it. 138 00:09:08,160 --> 00:09:10,880 Speaker 7: I don't give a shit. I have forty eight hours 139 00:09:10,880 --> 00:09:13,960 Speaker 7: for you to get your ass Tibet, locate Lama X 140 00:09:14,200 --> 00:09:14,840 Speaker 7: and get him. 141 00:09:14,720 --> 00:09:15,120 Speaker 8: Out of there. 142 00:09:15,160 --> 00:09:16,400 Speaker 4: What about your task force? 143 00:09:16,800 --> 00:09:19,480 Speaker 7: Whatever avalanche came through there the past few hours, it 144 00:09:19,600 --> 00:09:22,120 Speaker 7: knocked out their route through Baton. They have no clear 145 00:09:22,160 --> 00:09:24,160 Speaker 7: path forward, but you do. 146 00:09:26,120 --> 00:09:28,319 Speaker 4: Oh, so we're in George of Lama X's escape. 147 00:09:28,400 --> 00:09:30,960 Speaker 7: Now, yeah, lucky. 148 00:09:30,720 --> 00:09:33,480 Speaker 9: Tommy, You remember at the beginning of all of this, 149 00:09:33,720 --> 00:09:36,520 Speaker 9: when you told me Lama X could help me find 150 00:09:36,520 --> 00:09:37,319 Speaker 9: my yetti. 151 00:09:37,840 --> 00:09:43,080 Speaker 7: Vaguely, What did you mean? Do you believe in the magic? 152 00:09:43,520 --> 00:09:44,600 Speaker 10: Now? What am I saying? 153 00:09:44,640 --> 00:09:45,400 Speaker 11: You believe anything? 154 00:09:45,880 --> 00:09:49,080 Speaker 7: I don't see magic is a flight of hand, which 155 00:09:49,120 --> 00:09:51,880 Speaker 7: is what I plan. But there have been things I've 156 00:09:51,960 --> 00:09:59,120 Speaker 7: witnessed that make me question everything. And Lama X, he's wonderful. 157 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:04,679 Speaker 1: He bost it, mister budd, I think you broke it good. 158 00:10:04,760 --> 00:10:05,640 Speaker 10: I hate that guy. 159 00:10:06,600 --> 00:10:13,199 Speaker 7: Go here over, Oh he had a forty eight hours. 160 00:10:12,160 --> 00:10:19,320 Speaker 8: Over it's Batman. 161 00:10:20,520 --> 00:10:21,960 Speaker 2: Sure he's never heard that before. 162 00:10:22,840 --> 00:10:24,880 Speaker 1: And go ahead and listen to the last two days. 163 00:10:24,880 --> 00:10:26,320 Speaker 1: I know you want to get through him before you 164 00:10:26,320 --> 00:10:31,280 Speaker 1: write your speech for tonight. Oh, I heard the Governor's coming. Shit, 165 00:10:32,880 --> 00:10:38,120 Speaker 1: I'm sorry coming, Google? 166 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:41,040 Speaker 6: Can you write a speech about Tom Slick Junior. 167 00:10:42,760 --> 00:10:48,720 Speaker 12: Tom Slick Junior was an oil air businessman, philanthropist, adventurer, author, 168 00:10:49,040 --> 00:10:53,199 Speaker 12: and inventor who impacted the world with his scientific pursuits. 169 00:10:53,960 --> 00:10:59,040 Speaker 6: That's it, Google, Is there anything else about Tom Slick? 170 00:10:59,480 --> 00:11:03,240 Speaker 12: I'm sorry, I don't understand the question. Would you like 171 00:11:03,400 --> 00:11:06,480 Speaker 12: me to play a pimp named slickback fin? 172 00:11:06,679 --> 00:11:07,280 Speaker 3: No? 173 00:11:07,280 --> 00:11:10,160 Speaker 8: No, off, Google off? 174 00:11:15,120 --> 00:11:19,960 Speaker 6: Okay, So maybe I'll just say something my speech. 175 00:11:19,800 --> 00:11:25,440 Speaker 13: Like tonight we celebrate the legacy of a man who, 176 00:11:27,440 --> 00:11:30,880 Speaker 13: as you know, sought to uncover the many mysteries of 177 00:11:30,920 --> 00:11:32,800 Speaker 13: science through this. 178 00:11:32,800 --> 00:11:36,679 Speaker 6: Institute and the other two he founded. 179 00:11:38,640 --> 00:11:40,800 Speaker 7: My good s boring. 180 00:11:44,840 --> 00:11:49,600 Speaker 14: But but if that's what you know, what you don't 181 00:11:49,640 --> 00:11:54,520 Speaker 14: know is that Tom Slick the man might just be 182 00:11:54,679 --> 00:11:57,800 Speaker 14: one of the greatest unsolved mysteries. 183 00:11:59,120 --> 00:11:59,840 Speaker 3: Until now. 184 00:12:01,080 --> 00:12:06,120 Speaker 6: Tonight, for the first time ever, we are going to 185 00:12:06,160 --> 00:12:10,240 Speaker 6: reveal the unwritten history of the most interesting. 186 00:12:09,800 --> 00:12:12,319 Speaker 8: Man you thought you knew. 187 00:12:13,000 --> 00:12:18,120 Speaker 3: Tom Slick Junior, I don't know something like that. 188 00:12:44,800 --> 00:12:48,520 Speaker 4: Tom Slick. March third, nineteen fifty eight. We arrived in 189 00:12:48,559 --> 00:12:51,880 Speaker 4: Tibet maybe six hours ago, and we were greeted by 190 00:12:51,880 --> 00:12:56,280 Speaker 4: a mob of Tibetan protesters and rebels. Hey watch it, 191 00:12:56,600 --> 00:13:02,400 Speaker 4: you have no concept personal space. Excuse me, ma'am, you're 192 00:13:02,440 --> 00:13:06,800 Speaker 4: shout directly in my ear. The mob led us to 193 00:13:06,800 --> 00:13:09,840 Speaker 4: our target, Lama X. We're now in front of his palace, 194 00:13:09,880 --> 00:13:14,240 Speaker 4: which looks to be protected by a flimsy gait and 195 00:13:14,400 --> 00:13:19,400 Speaker 4: this swarm of just lunatic Tibetans. There's human shield apparently. 196 00:13:19,960 --> 00:13:22,360 Speaker 1: Hey wow, that was my foot. 197 00:13:22,960 --> 00:13:26,000 Speaker 4: No, no, no need to apologize. I've got another one, 198 00:13:27,040 --> 00:13:27,640 Speaker 4: mister Tom. 199 00:13:27,960 --> 00:13:30,680 Speaker 1: I just got work from mister Dunnas the Lama X 200 00:13:30,760 --> 00:13:34,079 Speaker 1: refused the Chinese general's invitation to the dance. 201 00:13:34,559 --> 00:13:38,920 Speaker 11: The dance that's a doft cover for a kidnapping Lamo 202 00:13:39,240 --> 00:13:42,120 Speaker 11: X appreciates dancing, it's still fucking doft. 203 00:13:42,440 --> 00:13:44,880 Speaker 1: So if the Lama you'll not go to them. 204 00:13:45,240 --> 00:13:46,640 Speaker 11: The Chinese are a coming. 205 00:13:49,280 --> 00:13:57,320 Speaker 9: They're already here. Look, hill Cark, can I get through 206 00:13:57,600 --> 00:14:01,080 Speaker 9: the mob surrounding them a peaceful shake? 207 00:14:02,200 --> 00:14:04,720 Speaker 4: Okay, Look, Gaba, they can't hold them off for lng. 208 00:14:04,960 --> 00:14:07,720 Speaker 4: We need to get inside and grab Lama As. Yes, 209 00:14:07,800 --> 00:14:11,440 Speaker 4: mister tum Bud, you stay here. Keep that Chinese military 210 00:14:11,480 --> 00:14:13,040 Speaker 4: out of the palace as long as you can. 211 00:14:13,280 --> 00:14:14,480 Speaker 2: Can I shoot them if. 212 00:14:14,400 --> 00:14:16,040 Speaker 4: You want to start World War three? 213 00:14:16,240 --> 00:14:17,320 Speaker 1: Now am I supposed to do? 214 00:14:17,440 --> 00:14:17,640 Speaker 8: Then? 215 00:14:17,840 --> 00:14:19,960 Speaker 4: Look? I can't do everything. 216 00:14:20,120 --> 00:14:21,160 Speaker 10: Okay, there we go. 217 00:14:21,480 --> 00:14:23,440 Speaker 4: You've got a backpack full of yetti traps in a 218 00:14:23,440 --> 00:14:26,880 Speaker 4: crowd of angry Tibetans. Improvide the way I always do. 219 00:14:31,280 --> 00:14:34,800 Speaker 6: Blair, you're getting good at this calling thing. Where are 220 00:14:34,840 --> 00:14:37,560 Speaker 6: you about to jump in the shower? I'm almost done 221 00:14:37,600 --> 00:14:38,480 Speaker 6: listening to the tapes. 222 00:14:38,640 --> 00:14:40,240 Speaker 5: We have six hours until the event live. 223 00:14:40,640 --> 00:14:44,160 Speaker 6: Well, I have a speech, and I'm pretty sure you're 224 00:14:44,200 --> 00:14:44,800 Speaker 6: gonna like it. 225 00:14:45,120 --> 00:14:46,760 Speaker 5: That's the Anta tapes turning you into a believer. 226 00:14:47,240 --> 00:14:49,040 Speaker 8: Oh, it's not the yetti I'm gonna expose. 227 00:14:49,640 --> 00:14:51,880 Speaker 5: Oh cryptic, I like it. Do you need me to 228 00:14:51,880 --> 00:14:52,440 Speaker 5: read anything? 229 00:14:52,840 --> 00:14:56,720 Speaker 6: Well, technically it's not written. It's just a voice memo 230 00:14:56,840 --> 00:14:57,960 Speaker 6: right now and. 231 00:14:58,080 --> 00:14:59,160 Speaker 5: My hives are back. 232 00:15:00,720 --> 00:15:01,240 Speaker 13: Do you hear that? 233 00:15:01,720 --> 00:15:02,800 Speaker 1: Yeah, that's the shower. 234 00:15:02,960 --> 00:15:04,920 Speaker 6: Okay, if you want me to wash my hair and 235 00:15:05,040 --> 00:15:07,720 Speaker 6: shave my legs before the event tonight, I gotta go. 236 00:15:08,080 --> 00:15:09,680 Speaker 4: Oh okay, I'll. 237 00:15:09,520 --> 00:15:11,560 Speaker 6: See you in an hour. 238 00:15:16,080 --> 00:15:27,320 Speaker 3: Or maybeen an hour and a half. 239 00:15:30,760 --> 00:15:31,920 Speaker 4: That's gonna leave a bump. 240 00:15:32,040 --> 00:15:33,440 Speaker 1: Did we kill him, mister Tom? 241 00:15:33,640 --> 00:15:36,640 Speaker 4: No, No, he's knocked out. It's a sedative Dawa, but 242 00:15:36,840 --> 00:15:39,160 Speaker 4: it was made for a YETI, So I think we 243 00:15:39,240 --> 00:15:44,920 Speaker 4: have time, Tom Slick March third, continue Dawa and I 244 00:15:45,080 --> 00:15:48,920 Speaker 4: just took out three Tibetan rebels there to protect Lama x. 245 00:15:49,040 --> 00:15:51,080 Speaker 4: I guess they didn't get the memo that we're here 246 00:15:51,160 --> 00:15:53,760 Speaker 4: to do the same thing, because one of them nearly 247 00:15:53,800 --> 00:15:56,280 Speaker 4: took my ear off with a serrated knife. 248 00:15:56,640 --> 00:16:00,600 Speaker 9: But I've siphoned our monster tranquilizer gun into MINISERI, and 249 00:16:00,680 --> 00:16:04,680 Speaker 9: that Quory became Damas dark Board. 250 00:16:05,400 --> 00:16:06,920 Speaker 8: We'll Chinese just showed up. 251 00:16:07,480 --> 00:16:08,880 Speaker 14: They're armed with rifles. 252 00:16:09,560 --> 00:16:11,560 Speaker 4: It's our front. They won't use them. 253 00:16:11,880 --> 00:16:12,360 Speaker 3: I hope. 254 00:16:12,800 --> 00:16:14,120 Speaker 4: Is the mob still holding them off? 255 00:16:14,400 --> 00:16:15,440 Speaker 7: They're part of the problem. 256 00:16:15,640 --> 00:16:18,240 Speaker 4: If the Chinese, I will take the palace. If mob 257 00:16:18,280 --> 00:16:21,520 Speaker 4: will be right behind them, it'll be mass chaos. 258 00:16:21,640 --> 00:16:23,400 Speaker 14: There's no way we'll get our hands. 259 00:16:23,160 --> 00:16:23,880 Speaker 4: On lama As. 260 00:16:23,960 --> 00:16:30,200 Speaker 1: Then mister Tom behind you, Oh Tom. 261 00:16:29,840 --> 00:16:32,440 Speaker 4: Dower Dory, Now. 262 00:16:37,800 --> 00:16:39,400 Speaker 1: Did we kill him? Mister Tom? 263 00:16:39,680 --> 00:16:43,880 Speaker 4: You gotta ask that every time? What was there? 264 00:16:44,160 --> 00:16:45,440 Speaker 9: It came from ups there? 265 00:16:45,720 --> 00:16:48,600 Speaker 4: Come on, take the stairs. I'll lead, yes, mister. 266 00:16:48,440 --> 00:16:56,400 Speaker 1: Tom, mister Tom ah. 267 00:16:57,560 --> 00:17:00,400 Speaker 10: The sticks said, Booby is trapped with exploss. 268 00:17:01,680 --> 00:17:06,800 Speaker 4: Yeah, I got that. Okay, excellent, Look daa that stair 269 00:17:06,840 --> 00:17:09,440 Speaker 4: one might be a minefield, but it's also a clue. 270 00:17:09,760 --> 00:17:12,280 Speaker 1: What mister tomb Mama X is close? 271 00:17:15,040 --> 00:17:17,840 Speaker 4: Slick, come in, don't find. 272 00:17:17,640 --> 00:17:18,400 Speaker 9: Another way up? 273 00:17:18,600 --> 00:17:22,119 Speaker 14: Yes, click list to night. 274 00:17:23,440 --> 00:17:24,600 Speaker 4: What's going on out there? 275 00:17:24,760 --> 00:17:27,760 Speaker 14: The Chinese just threw canisters of tear as into the mob, 276 00:17:27,960 --> 00:17:28,440 Speaker 14: and I was. 277 00:17:28,400 --> 00:17:31,040 Speaker 15: Able to use wires and ropes from our yetti traps 278 00:17:31,040 --> 00:17:33,000 Speaker 15: on the palace gates so they'd be. 279 00:17:33,040 --> 00:17:34,320 Speaker 4: Near impossible to open. 280 00:17:36,200 --> 00:17:37,520 Speaker 8: Good news, it's working. 281 00:17:38,760 --> 00:17:45,399 Speaker 4: Bad news with up the cake. These ropes won't hold up, Slick. 282 00:17:45,440 --> 00:17:49,040 Speaker 13: Mister Tom, you need to get to Lama x now. 283 00:17:49,960 --> 00:17:56,960 Speaker 4: Mister dumb Yes, daa, she said she knows you, Slick, Dominie. 284 00:17:57,359 --> 00:17:59,720 Speaker 4: I thought we lost you to the Nazis. 285 00:17:59,520 --> 00:18:03,040 Speaker 8: And I thought you wearing a real operative What I'm not. 286 00:18:03,359 --> 00:18:05,800 Speaker 4: This is a brief detour from my Yetti hunt. 287 00:18:09,400 --> 00:18:10,159 Speaker 12: Call my de. 288 00:18:12,680 --> 00:18:13,760 Speaker 3: I'm here to help you. 289 00:18:15,800 --> 00:18:22,240 Speaker 9: Is that Lama exa Dawa dawa? 290 00:18:21,920 --> 00:18:27,960 Speaker 4: Do breathe breathe Daa breathe. He's a fan. What's with 291 00:18:28,040 --> 00:18:29,520 Speaker 4: the pillowcase on the Llama's head? 292 00:18:29,760 --> 00:18:32,840 Speaker 9: He was doing some crazy ships with his eyes, Like 293 00:18:32,880 --> 00:18:34,640 Speaker 9: what have you ever seen. 294 00:18:34,440 --> 00:18:36,879 Speaker 1: A chair without being touched? 295 00:18:37,040 --> 00:18:41,280 Speaker 4: No, but I'd like to not if he's chasing you, Slick. 296 00:18:41,920 --> 00:18:43,520 Speaker 4: They they made it through the. 297 00:18:43,520 --> 00:18:55,600 Speaker 7: Case, Blair. 298 00:18:55,800 --> 00:18:56,960 Speaker 3: Sorry, I'm coming. 299 00:18:57,760 --> 00:18:59,600 Speaker 12: Hey is this Olivia Slick? 300 00:19:00,760 --> 00:19:03,119 Speaker 8: Yeah? Who's this? 301 00:19:03,880 --> 00:19:07,280 Speaker 12: I'm a journalist and I'm like really excited about this 302 00:19:07,400 --> 00:19:09,359 Speaker 12: yetty hunt story and your your grandfather. 303 00:19:10,000 --> 00:19:14,359 Speaker 5: I heard that you found some tapes. Oh is that true? 304 00:19:14,720 --> 00:19:15,960 Speaker 6: I'm sorry, I have a bad connection. 305 00:19:16,400 --> 00:19:26,479 Speaker 10: Hey, shit, Tom Slick. 306 00:19:26,680 --> 00:19:29,560 Speaker 11: Mystery Hunter is a production of School of Humans and 307 00:19:29,640 --> 00:19:35,360 Speaker 11: iHeart Podcasts, starring Owen Wilson as Tom Slick, Cissy Spasic 308 00:19:35,640 --> 00:19:38,120 Speaker 11: as Claire Slick, Skyler. 309 00:19:37,720 --> 00:19:39,520 Speaker 10: Fisk as Live Slick. 310 00:19:40,040 --> 00:19:44,480 Speaker 11: Written and directed by Caroline Slaughter, story editor Jeb Stewart. 311 00:19:45,080 --> 00:19:50,520 Speaker 11: Executive produced by Owen Wilson, Sissy Spasic, Skyler Fisk, Jeb Stewart, 312 00:19:50,920 --> 00:19:56,159 Speaker 11: Caroline Slaughter, Brian Lavin, l C. Crowley, Brandon Barr, and 313 00:19:56,280 --> 00:20:00,600 Speaker 11: Virginia Prescott. Produced and assistant directed by hi Ilia Brock. 314 00:20:01,160 --> 00:20:05,880 Speaker 11: Original score, sound design, mixing and mastering by Jesse Niswanger. 315 00:20:06,640 --> 00:20:10,720 Speaker 11: Casting by Daisy Church and Caroline Slaughter, SAG coordination by 316 00:20:10,800 --> 00:20:15,359 Speaker 11: Daisy Church and Julia Christgau. Promo and trailers by Carl Catel. 317 00:20:15,720 --> 00:20:20,160 Speaker 11: Special thanks to Catherine Nixon Cook. Recording engineers are Tyler 318 00:20:20,240 --> 00:20:23,760 Speaker 11: Klang and Casey Pegram. For iHeartMedia. 319 00:20:24,359 --> 00:20:30,360 Speaker 15: Episode five, cast Ian Shaw as Bud, Dave Willis as 320 00:20:30,480 --> 00:20:37,040 Speaker 15: Alan Dulles, Vince Canless as Dawa, Ava Davis as Blair, 321 00:20:37,600 --> 00:20:43,720 Speaker 15: Selinez Taribio as Dominique, tim Heller as Slick's team member, 322 00:20:44,200 --> 00:20:49,920 Speaker 15: Susma Resboncy as Lama ex protester, Julia Chris Gaw as 323 00:20:49,960 --> 00:20:54,920 Speaker 15: the Journalist and the Google Voice Assistant, Mike Schatz as 324 00:20:54,960 --> 00:20:59,040 Speaker 15: the Voice of God and the introductory voiceover with additional 325 00:20:59,200 --> 00:21:03,680 Speaker 15: roles voice by David Devrees, Michael Mao, and Phil Clark. 326 00:21:04,160 --> 00:21:10,480 Speaker 15: Additional audio assembly by Noah Kamer. Executive producer for iHeartMedia 327 00:21:11,040 --> 00:21:12,080 Speaker 15: is Maya Howard. 328 00:21:13,040 --> 00:21:15,840 Speaker 2: If you're enjoying the show, share it with everyone you know, 329 00:21:16,359 --> 00:21:19,000 Speaker 2: and don't forget to rate and review in your favorite 330 00:21:19,040 --> 00:21:22,480 Speaker 2: podcast app. Tune in again next week wherever you get 331 00:21:22,480 --> 00:21:24,359 Speaker 2: your most thrilling adventure stories