1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:16,560 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. If you 2 00:00:16,640 --> 00:00:20,160 Speaker 1: are enjoying the podcast and would like to show your support, 3 00:00:20,520 --> 00:00:22,840 Speaker 1: then we would love for you to check out sleep 4 00:00:22,960 --> 00:00:27,000 Speaker 1: Type Premium. Not only would your support help us to 5 00:00:27,040 --> 00:00:31,440 Speaker 1: continue producing the show, but our ad free premium feed 6 00:00:31,960 --> 00:00:36,920 Speaker 1: is all about supporting your sleep time routine. From now 7 00:00:37,000 --> 00:00:40,960 Speaker 1: until Christmas, we are offering forty percent off our sleep 8 00:00:41,000 --> 00:00:46,080 Speaker 1: Type Premium subscriptions for the first year. Check out sleep 9 00:00:46,120 --> 00:00:50,040 Speaker 1: typepremium dot com or follow the link in our show notes. 10 00:00:50,920 --> 00:00:57,240 Speaker 1: Thank you. This story was written thanks to ideas from 11 00:00:57,320 --> 00:01:03,520 Speaker 1: our listeners Josie is eight and Laura and all those 12 00:01:03,600 --> 00:01:08,040 Speaker 1: on Apple podcast Reviews that made suggestions that made it 13 00:01:08,120 --> 00:01:17,480 Speaker 1: into this story. Thank you. This story is about a 14 00:01:17,520 --> 00:01:23,720 Speaker 1: little girl named Lucy who loves to play Minecraft. Lucy's 15 00:01:23,760 --> 00:01:26,480 Speaker 1: mom tells her it is time to get ready for bed, 16 00:01:27,040 --> 00:01:31,400 Speaker 1: but Lucy is busy playing Minecraft and doesn't want to stop. 17 00:01:32,360 --> 00:01:35,040 Speaker 1: Lucy puts down the game and gets ready for bed, 18 00:01:35,080 --> 00:01:39,200 Speaker 1: but just can't stop thinking about the game. Will her 19 00:01:39,319 --> 00:01:44,600 Speaker 1: chickens be okay? She decides to have one more quick 20 00:01:44,680 --> 00:01:57,400 Speaker 1: look just to make sure Lucy and the unicorn. Lucy 21 00:01:57,640 --> 00:02:02,520 Speaker 1: had just planted another garden outside her beautiful house made 22 00:02:02,520 --> 00:02:06,400 Speaker 1: of brick. When her mother called from the kitchen to 23 00:02:06,480 --> 00:02:11,600 Speaker 1: tell her it was time to start bedtime. But Mom, 24 00:02:11,760 --> 00:02:15,040 Speaker 1: I just planted my garden and I haven't fed my 25 00:02:15,200 --> 00:02:19,239 Speaker 1: cows or chickens, and I really need to have more chicks. 26 00:02:21,600 --> 00:02:25,240 Speaker 1: Her mom entered the living room and said, your garden 27 00:02:25,320 --> 00:02:31,799 Speaker 1: and animals can wait until tomorrow. But Mom, Lucy replied, 28 00:02:32,919 --> 00:02:36,200 Speaker 1: put down the iPad and let's go brush your teeth. 29 00:02:36,320 --> 00:02:46,480 Speaker 1: Her mom said. Lucy loved bedtime, the stories and tickles, 30 00:02:47,360 --> 00:02:54,480 Speaker 1: but sometimes she just felt like playing Minecraft forever. In Minecraft, 31 00:02:54,600 --> 00:02:59,320 Speaker 1: she could create her own world, go on adventures, and 32 00:02:59,480 --> 00:03:05,720 Speaker 1: most importantly, she could raise and care for animals. Lucy 33 00:03:05,960 --> 00:03:16,400 Speaker 1: loved animals, especially sheep, cows, chickens, pigs, cats, donkeys, rabbits, 34 00:03:16,680 --> 00:03:24,200 Speaker 1: and dogs. She didn't like creepers much, though they ruined everything. 35 00:03:27,720 --> 00:03:31,200 Speaker 1: Whenever she played Minecraft, it seemed like she was the 36 00:03:31,240 --> 00:03:36,120 Speaker 1: one playing. She even dressed her character just as she dressed, 37 00:03:36,800 --> 00:03:39,000 Speaker 1: at least when her mom allowed her to wear what 38 00:03:39,240 --> 00:03:45,760 Speaker 1: she wanted to wear. After Lucy brushed her teeth, her 39 00:03:45,800 --> 00:03:49,760 Speaker 1: mom tucked her into bed, read her a book, and 40 00:03:49,880 --> 00:03:54,160 Speaker 1: as she left, asked Alexa to play her a story 41 00:03:54,600 --> 00:04:01,320 Speaker 1: from one of her favorite podcasts, but Lucy couldn't stop 42 00:04:01,440 --> 00:04:06,600 Speaker 1: thinking about her animals. Would the chickens be okay without her? 43 00:04:08,760 --> 00:04:13,120 Speaker 1: She decided to look just one more time to make 44 00:04:13,200 --> 00:04:21,760 Speaker 1: sure they were all okay. Lucy got out of bed 45 00:04:21,800 --> 00:04:26,760 Speaker 1: to the sounds of her dog barking and panting. Lulu 46 00:04:26,880 --> 00:04:31,440 Speaker 1: was always by her side and followed her everywhere. Lucy 47 00:04:31,520 --> 00:04:37,239 Speaker 1: fed him a bone he gave her hearts. Her iron 48 00:04:37,320 --> 00:04:41,800 Speaker 1: gollum was in her room, carefully watching over her. She 49 00:04:42,040 --> 00:04:45,400 Speaker 1: liked to have iron gollums around because they protected her 50 00:04:45,920 --> 00:04:51,120 Speaker 1: and they were sometimes so silly they made Lucy laugh 51 00:04:51,200 --> 00:04:56,120 Speaker 1: when they spun around on top of her treasure chest. 52 00:04:57,560 --> 00:04:59,960 Speaker 1: Daylight meant it was time to check on her animal 53 00:05:00,240 --> 00:05:05,000 Speaker 1: and crops. Lucy raced out her wooden door into the 54 00:05:05,080 --> 00:05:08,719 Speaker 1: garden that was at the front of her house. She 55 00:05:08,800 --> 00:05:12,600 Speaker 1: had just planted carrots and wanted to fertilize them with 56 00:05:12,760 --> 00:05:18,440 Speaker 1: bone meal. With the carrots, she could feed the rabbits. 57 00:05:19,000 --> 00:05:22,400 Speaker 1: She loved having rabbits hop around the farm she was 58 00:05:22,480 --> 00:05:31,120 Speaker 1: creating all around her house. She checked her wheat, potatoes, beetroot, 59 00:05:31,440 --> 00:05:38,400 Speaker 1: and pumpkin and all were growing so nicely. Next, she 60 00:05:38,560 --> 00:05:41,680 Speaker 1: quickly ran to the back of the house to check 61 00:05:41,720 --> 00:05:46,040 Speaker 1: on her pigs, cows, and sheep that she kept in pens. 62 00:05:47,520 --> 00:05:53,720 Speaker 1: The baby pigs were so cute. Though she created fences 63 00:05:53,839 --> 00:05:57,880 Speaker 1: around her growing farm, she still had to listen carefully 64 00:05:58,240 --> 00:06:02,760 Speaker 1: that there were no creepers lurking around. You never could 65 00:06:02,800 --> 00:06:07,159 Speaker 1: tell where they might spawn, and they were always so cranky. 66 00:06:10,600 --> 00:06:14,200 Speaker 1: She fed her pigs some potatoes, which they loved, and 67 00:06:14,320 --> 00:06:18,960 Speaker 1: her sheep some wheat. Sheep were great because you didn't 68 00:06:19,000 --> 00:06:23,520 Speaker 1: actually have to feed them anything, but they loved wheat. 69 00:06:25,120 --> 00:06:27,400 Speaker 1: She just had a little wheat left to feed her 70 00:06:27,480 --> 00:06:35,040 Speaker 1: cows and they would have to wait until she harvested more. Lastly, 71 00:06:35,560 --> 00:06:39,720 Speaker 1: her chickens. She put her lovely chickens in a pen 72 00:06:39,920 --> 00:06:42,719 Speaker 1: on the other side of her house so they wouldn't 73 00:06:42,720 --> 00:06:48,279 Speaker 1: disturb the other animals. She surrounded their pen with flowers 74 00:06:48,320 --> 00:06:53,080 Speaker 1: and trees to make it look more beautiful. Lucy fed 75 00:06:53,120 --> 00:07:01,120 Speaker 1: them some seeds, which they loved very much. Work was done. 76 00:07:01,920 --> 00:07:08,320 Speaker 1: All her gardens and animals were growing, fed and safe. 77 00:07:08,480 --> 00:07:15,880 Speaker 1: It was time to go to sleep, but maybe maybe 78 00:07:15,920 --> 00:07:20,560 Speaker 1: first there was time for a short adventure. It had 79 00:07:20,600 --> 00:07:24,080 Speaker 1: been so long since she explored the outer edges of 80 00:07:24,120 --> 00:07:27,720 Speaker 1: her world, especially towards the coast, where there was a 81 00:07:27,840 --> 00:07:33,000 Speaker 1: village and a bunch of grumpy villagers. If she made 82 00:07:33,040 --> 00:07:36,320 Speaker 1: it to the coast before nightfall, she might just have 83 00:07:36,520 --> 00:07:39,680 Speaker 1: enough time to look for a sunken ship where she 84 00:07:39,840 --> 00:07:45,120 Speaker 1: could find all kinds of treasure. She always needed treasure, 85 00:07:46,880 --> 00:07:50,400 Speaker 1: so she told Lulu to stay, and off she went. 86 00:07:54,960 --> 00:07:57,800 Speaker 1: She first took a path she made that went through 87 00:07:57,840 --> 00:08:01,800 Speaker 1: the forest near her house. She made this because it 88 00:08:01,880 --> 00:08:05,520 Speaker 1: helped her not get lost and allowed her to run 89 00:08:05,560 --> 00:08:11,520 Speaker 1: a little bit faster. As she ran through the forest, 90 00:08:11,680 --> 00:08:15,040 Speaker 1: she said hello to a couple parrots, heard the moan 91 00:08:15,200 --> 00:08:17,880 Speaker 1: of a zombie in the darker part, which made her 92 00:08:17,960 --> 00:08:21,720 Speaker 1: run a little faster, and saw a wolf running in 93 00:08:21,800 --> 00:08:27,040 Speaker 1: the distance. She said hello to a panda, and wanted 94 00:08:27,040 --> 00:08:30,280 Speaker 1: to say hello to an ocelot, but each time she 95 00:08:30,320 --> 00:08:35,200 Speaker 1: tried to get close, it zoomed away. Next time she 96 00:08:35,240 --> 00:08:37,520 Speaker 1: came this way, she would have to remember to bring 97 00:08:37,600 --> 00:08:45,400 Speaker 1: some salmon. Ocelots loved fish. She kept running past the 98 00:08:45,600 --> 00:08:49,199 Speaker 1: end of her path, through a meadow full of flowers, 99 00:08:49,960 --> 00:08:53,599 Speaker 1: over a hill until she came to the bridge that 100 00:08:53,800 --> 00:08:59,120 Speaker 1: went across the ravine. She wasn't sure who made it, 101 00:08:59,600 --> 00:09:03,920 Speaker 1: maybe the villagers though they lived far over the next hill. 102 00:09:06,360 --> 00:09:09,360 Speaker 1: As she crossed the bridge, she saw something bright in 103 00:09:09,400 --> 00:09:13,640 Speaker 1: the distance. She had never seen this kind of light before. 104 00:09:14,720 --> 00:09:17,960 Speaker 1: Though it was daytime, you could still see it. It 105 00:09:18,040 --> 00:09:24,959 Speaker 1: shined so brightly with all colors of the rainbow. It 106 00:09:25,080 --> 00:09:28,199 Speaker 1: wasn't in the direction that she thought she would be going, 107 00:09:28,240 --> 00:09:33,040 Speaker 1: but it was so beautiful, and she was so curious. 108 00:09:34,679 --> 00:09:41,720 Speaker 1: What could it be? Should she go to investigate? Well, 109 00:09:42,080 --> 00:09:45,600 Speaker 1: this was supposed to be an adventure, she thought, and 110 00:09:45,679 --> 00:09:48,800 Speaker 1: it wasn't that far, so she should make it to 111 00:09:48,840 --> 00:09:51,640 Speaker 1: where the light is and still have time to get 112 00:09:51,679 --> 00:10:01,080 Speaker 1: back before nightfall. So off she ran. She ran along 113 00:10:01,160 --> 00:10:04,080 Speaker 1: the edge of the ravine for as long as she could, 114 00:10:04,559 --> 00:10:11,560 Speaker 1: until the trees became too thick and the edge too high. 115 00:10:12,040 --> 00:10:14,880 Speaker 1: The light was still up ahead to the left, so 116 00:10:15,040 --> 00:10:20,040 Speaker 1: she started through the trees in its general direction. It 117 00:10:20,160 --> 00:10:23,520 Speaker 1: was really slow going in the forest, as she had 118 00:10:23,520 --> 00:10:26,600 Speaker 1: to clear her way as she went and the ground 119 00:10:26,760 --> 00:10:31,960 Speaker 1: was not very level, but she kept going, persevered with 120 00:10:32,000 --> 00:10:35,200 Speaker 1: her efforts, and came up to a clearing where she 121 00:10:35,280 --> 00:10:41,600 Speaker 1: thought the light should have been. Except the light wasn't there. 122 00:10:44,280 --> 00:10:48,040 Speaker 1: Surely she went in the correct direction, she thought, Where 123 00:10:48,080 --> 00:10:51,800 Speaker 1: could it have gone. It was getting dark soon and 124 00:10:51,840 --> 00:10:54,280 Speaker 1: she didn't want to run through the forest at night. 125 00:10:58,080 --> 00:11:00,640 Speaker 1: Just as she thought about going back to her house, 126 00:11:01,320 --> 00:11:06,600 Speaker 1: she saw the light again. It was just up ahead. 127 00:11:07,920 --> 00:11:12,640 Speaker 1: Could she make it in time, she wondered. She was 128 00:11:12,800 --> 00:11:18,600 Speaker 1: determined to try, so she ran towards the light again, 129 00:11:19,559 --> 00:11:22,320 Speaker 1: but each time she thought she should almost be where 130 00:11:22,360 --> 00:11:25,560 Speaker 1: the light was, it was still a little ways off 131 00:11:25,600 --> 00:11:30,280 Speaker 1: in the distance, and then she realized that it must 132 00:11:30,400 --> 00:11:36,880 Speaker 1: be moving. This time, she changed course to where she 133 00:11:36,960 --> 00:11:40,520 Speaker 1: thought the light might be heading instead of where it 134 00:11:40,720 --> 00:11:48,840 Speaker 1: was this very moment. It worked. After only a short period, 135 00:11:49,200 --> 00:11:54,520 Speaker 1: running over hills, tall grass and trees, past sheep and 136 00:11:54,640 --> 00:11:59,520 Speaker 1: slow moving cows, she came upon a shallow with a 137 00:11:59,559 --> 00:12:06,439 Speaker 1: small house and beside it the source of the bright light. 138 00:12:07,840 --> 00:12:11,560 Speaker 1: At this distance, it looked like a horse, but its 139 00:12:11,679 --> 00:12:15,920 Speaker 1: color was all the colors of a rainbow. As she 140 00:12:16,040 --> 00:12:22,560 Speaker 1: moved closer, she saw something else amazing. It had a horn, 141 00:12:25,200 --> 00:12:29,280 Speaker 1: a single horn on its head. Could this really be 142 00:12:29,440 --> 00:12:36,680 Speaker 1: what it looks like? A unicorn? She covered the final 143 00:12:36,800 --> 00:12:43,880 Speaker 1: distance across the grass in a flash. Hello are you 144 00:12:44,040 --> 00:12:48,640 Speaker 1: really a unicorn? Lucy asked, not expecting a response because 145 00:12:49,240 --> 00:12:53,160 Speaker 1: none of the animals ever chalked, They just made noises, 146 00:12:54,400 --> 00:12:57,040 Speaker 1: and she was pretty sure it must have been a unicorn, 147 00:12:57,280 --> 00:13:00,440 Speaker 1: though she had never seen one before except the toy 148 00:13:00,520 --> 00:13:05,200 Speaker 1: her mom gave her. She called, Princess Celestia. Why, yes, 149 00:13:05,480 --> 00:13:10,840 Speaker 1: I am a unicorn, it said, you talked, Lucy exclaimed. 150 00:13:11,640 --> 00:13:15,000 Speaker 1: No animal has ever talked to me before, even though 151 00:13:15,000 --> 00:13:19,240 Speaker 1: I am constantly talking to them almost every day. She said. 152 00:13:22,400 --> 00:13:24,920 Speaker 1: My name is Lucy, by the way, and I have 153 00:13:25,000 --> 00:13:30,080 Speaker 1: a big farm across the ravine. Hello, Lucy, it's very 154 00:13:30,160 --> 00:13:35,359 Speaker 1: nice to meet you. The unicorn said, I've been following 155 00:13:35,360 --> 00:13:38,200 Speaker 1: you for oh so long, but I guess you kept 156 00:13:38,280 --> 00:13:41,160 Speaker 1: moving and it was so hard to catch up to you. 157 00:13:41,520 --> 00:13:47,800 Speaker 1: Lucy said, almost out of breath. I'm so sorry about that. 158 00:13:48,360 --> 00:13:51,240 Speaker 1: I like to keep moving, and seeing as the sun 159 00:13:51,400 --> 00:13:54,360 Speaker 1: was setting, I wanted to make my way to this 160 00:13:54,520 --> 00:14:01,199 Speaker 1: small house. The creepers seem unusual ually attracted to me, 161 00:14:01,679 --> 00:14:05,640 Speaker 1: and they are so cranky sometimes that running into them 162 00:14:05,760 --> 00:14:12,000 Speaker 1: ruins my otherwise happy mood. The unicorn added, Wow, I 163 00:14:12,120 --> 00:14:16,000 Speaker 1: have so many questions, like what do you eat? Are 164 00:14:16,000 --> 00:14:18,920 Speaker 1: you the only unicorn? Why do you have so many colors? 165 00:14:19,160 --> 00:14:23,280 Speaker 1: Can I be your friend? Lucy said, all in one 166 00:14:23,520 --> 00:14:29,160 Speaker 1: big breath. Just then the sun set and the sounds 167 00:14:29,160 --> 00:14:33,320 Speaker 1: of zombies could be heard in the distance. I would 168 00:14:33,360 --> 00:14:36,800 Speaker 1: love to answer your questions, Lucy, but I suggest we 169 00:14:36,960 --> 00:14:40,840 Speaker 1: go inside the house before we are interrupted by the crankies, 170 00:14:41,480 --> 00:14:48,560 Speaker 1: the unicorn replied Lucy, and the unicorn went in the 171 00:14:48,600 --> 00:14:52,960 Speaker 1: house and closed the door just as the hissing sound 172 00:14:53,040 --> 00:15:01,000 Speaker 1: could be heard. They made it just in time. The 173 00:15:01,040 --> 00:15:04,560 Speaker 1: interior of the house was very simple. There were some 174 00:15:04,720 --> 00:15:09,480 Speaker 1: paintings on the wall, a single chest, a crafting table, 175 00:15:10,040 --> 00:15:14,600 Speaker 1: and a bed. With both Lucy and the unicorn in 176 00:15:14,640 --> 00:15:21,400 Speaker 1: the house, it was very crowded, Lucy. I would love 177 00:15:21,480 --> 00:15:24,120 Speaker 1: to answer all your questions, and I would love to 178 00:15:24,160 --> 00:15:27,520 Speaker 1: be your friend. I also have so much to ask 179 00:15:27,600 --> 00:15:30,640 Speaker 1: you about your farm and the animals, and if you 180 00:15:30,720 --> 00:15:35,840 Speaker 1: have any apples or cake or cookies. But first, why 181 00:15:35,840 --> 00:15:38,600 Speaker 1: don't you go to bed and sleep. Then when you 182 00:15:38,680 --> 00:15:41,120 Speaker 1: wake up, it will be daylight and we can talk 183 00:15:41,200 --> 00:15:45,040 Speaker 1: outside as we head towards your farm, said the unicorn. 184 00:15:45,320 --> 00:15:48,320 Speaker 1: That is, if you don't mind showing me where you live. 185 00:15:49,280 --> 00:15:55,000 Speaker 1: Unicorn added, that's a great idea, and yes, I would 186 00:15:55,080 --> 00:15:57,960 Speaker 1: be so happy to show you my house and farm. 187 00:15:58,280 --> 00:16:04,960 Speaker 1: She replied Lucy, climbed in bed and asked, would you 188 00:16:05,000 --> 00:16:08,560 Speaker 1: mind telling me a story. I always listen to stories 189 00:16:08,600 --> 00:16:11,680 Speaker 1: before I go to sleep. It helps me relax and 190 00:16:11,760 --> 00:16:18,680 Speaker 1: have nice dreams. I would be happy to the unicorn said, 191 00:16:19,480 --> 00:16:21,920 Speaker 1: I'll share with you one of the stories my mother 192 00:16:22,080 --> 00:16:25,000 Speaker 1: used to tell me when I was just a little full. 193 00:16:28,680 --> 00:16:33,320 Speaker 1: The moonlight fades from flower and tree, and the stars 194 00:16:33,480 --> 00:16:38,480 Speaker 1: dim one by one. The tale is told, the song 195 00:16:38,640 --> 00:16:44,120 Speaker 1: is sung, and the fairy feast is done. The night 196 00:16:44,200 --> 00:16:48,680 Speaker 1: wind rocks the sleeping flowers and sings to them soft 197 00:16:48,880 --> 00:16:55,200 Speaker 1: and low. The early birds ere long will wake. Tis 198 00:16:55,280 --> 00:17:02,320 Speaker 1: time for the elves to go, And before the unicorn 199 00:17:02,440 --> 00:17:12,160 Speaker 1: could finish the story, Lucy was fast asleep. Lucy woke 200 00:17:12,560 --> 00:17:16,560 Speaker 1: with Princess Celestia cuddled against her and the sound of 201 00:17:16,600 --> 00:17:20,400 Speaker 1: her mother calling her to come down and have breakfast. 202 00:17:23,320 --> 00:17:26,880 Speaker 1: As she walked down the stairs, rubbing her eyes, she 203 00:17:26,960 --> 00:17:31,159 Speaker 1: called out to her mother, Mom, I was on the 204 00:17:31,440 --> 00:17:37,760 Speaker 1: most interesting adventure and met a new friend. Really, her 205 00:17:37,800 --> 00:17:41,640 Speaker 1: mom said, I can't wait to hear all about it, 206 00:17:48,800 --> 00:17:54,080 Speaker 1: and that's the end of our story. Good night, sleep 207 00:17:54,200 --> 00:19:00,479 Speaker 1: tight in the ye