1 00:00:08,680 --> 00:00:20,799 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. This is 2 00:00:20,840 --> 00:00:25,280 Speaker 1: a story about a chef who makes the most delicious dumplings. 3 00:00:26,440 --> 00:00:31,080 Speaker 1: People come from all over to eat them. Kings and 4 00:00:31,200 --> 00:00:35,080 Speaker 1: queens would travel from their homes to his small shop 5 00:00:35,200 --> 00:00:40,280 Speaker 1: by the Yellow River to taste his dumplings. But one 6 00:00:40,360 --> 00:00:45,879 Speaker 1: day there's a problem. The cabbage has rebelled. How is 7 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:48,879 Speaker 1: Chef Shan going to be able to continue making his 8 00:00:49,000 --> 00:01:01,120 Speaker 1: delicious dumplings? Chef Shan and the Cabbage Rebellion. Once upon 9 00:01:01,200 --> 00:01:05,319 Speaker 1: a time, in an ancient, magical world, far away in 10 00:01:05,400 --> 00:01:09,080 Speaker 1: the east, there lived a chef who made the most 11 00:01:09,120 --> 00:01:14,920 Speaker 1: delicious dumplings the world had ever known. Such was his 12 00:01:15,040 --> 00:01:19,520 Speaker 1: renown that even the richest kings and queens from the 13 00:01:19,560 --> 00:01:23,840 Speaker 1: farthest dynasties of the world would travel to his small 14 00:01:23,880 --> 00:01:28,840 Speaker 1: shop by the Yellow River to taste his cabbage filled delicacies. 15 00:01:30,520 --> 00:01:36,800 Speaker 1: But then one day, disaster struck. The cabbage had rebelled. 16 00:01:40,080 --> 00:01:43,280 Speaker 1: When he realized that he could no longer make dumplings 17 00:01:43,280 --> 00:01:48,480 Speaker 1: for his customers, The chef was distraught. He knew his 18 00:01:48,600 --> 00:01:52,720 Speaker 1: regular customers would be greatly disappointed at the absence of 19 00:01:52,800 --> 00:01:57,080 Speaker 1: their favorite lunch. But it was the kings and queens 20 00:01:57,120 --> 00:02:01,600 Speaker 1: that most worried him for they might react harshly that 21 00:02:01,640 --> 00:02:09,679 Speaker 1: their favorite delicacy was no longer available. Chef Shan came 22 00:02:09,720 --> 00:02:14,160 Speaker 1: from humble origins, growing up in a remote mountain village 23 00:02:14,560 --> 00:02:18,440 Speaker 1: without all the conveniences of the city he now lived in. 24 00:02:20,560 --> 00:02:24,519 Speaker 1: His mother and father owned a small farm, and though 25 00:02:24,560 --> 00:02:27,120 Speaker 1: it was common for the son of a family such 26 00:02:27,160 --> 00:02:30,760 Speaker 1: as theirs to stay behind and work in the fields, 27 00:02:30,840 --> 00:02:35,639 Speaker 1: like his parents, they insisted that he leave and find 28 00:02:35,720 --> 00:02:42,680 Speaker 1: his fortune elsewhere. Chef Shan did well in school, but 29 00:02:42,840 --> 00:02:46,080 Speaker 1: from a very young age he would, after working in 30 00:02:46,120 --> 00:02:49,440 Speaker 1: the fields, come back and help make dishes in the 31 00:02:49,560 --> 00:02:54,280 Speaker 1: kitchen for dinner. He had a talent for making delicious 32 00:02:54,320 --> 00:03:00,360 Speaker 1: food from the most common ingredients. When he came of age, 33 00:03:00,919 --> 00:03:04,040 Speaker 1: his father and mother practically shoved him out the door. 34 00:03:05,080 --> 00:03:07,880 Speaker 1: He could still hear his father's voice telling him to 35 00:03:07,960 --> 00:03:14,160 Speaker 1: share his talent with the world. It was a long 36 00:03:14,400 --> 00:03:17,200 Speaker 1: journey to the city and he had little in the 37 00:03:17,200 --> 00:03:21,080 Speaker 1: way of money, but Sheef Shan started with a small 38 00:03:21,200 --> 00:03:26,440 Speaker 1: cart selling steamed buns, and little by little, over a 39 00:03:26,560 --> 00:03:30,520 Speaker 1: period of years he had enough success to open the 40 00:03:30,600 --> 00:03:35,560 Speaker 1: small noodle shop where he now sells his dumplings based 41 00:03:35,680 --> 00:03:39,800 Speaker 1: on a secret recipe that has given him such success. 42 00:03:42,400 --> 00:03:45,280 Speaker 1: If he didn't do something, how could he continue to 43 00:03:45,320 --> 00:03:49,400 Speaker 1: help support his father and mother at home, How could 44 00:03:49,400 --> 00:03:53,720 Speaker 1: he continue to feed his neighbors such delicious food, and 45 00:03:53,800 --> 00:03:58,400 Speaker 1: how would the rulers react without his delicacies. Despite his 46 00:03:58,600 --> 00:04:01,880 Speaker 1: desire to do something, he felt he was just a 47 00:04:02,000 --> 00:04:05,480 Speaker 1: common man and did not know if he could address 48 00:04:05,560 --> 00:04:12,200 Speaker 1: whatever grievances the cabbages may have. Chef Shan was not 49 00:04:12,280 --> 00:04:15,400 Speaker 1: the only one worried about the loss of his delicacies. 50 00:04:16,600 --> 00:04:20,360 Speaker 1: He was correct and worrying about how the rulers might react. 51 00:04:22,160 --> 00:04:25,440 Speaker 1: Not far away, in the largest city of the province 52 00:04:25,920 --> 00:04:29,400 Speaker 1: lived a great queen and head of one of the 53 00:04:29,440 --> 00:04:33,760 Speaker 1: most influential dynasties this part of the world had known. 54 00:04:34,800 --> 00:04:41,480 Speaker 1: She was not in a good mood. Upon hearing that 55 00:04:41,520 --> 00:04:46,640 Speaker 1: there would be no more dumplings, this great queen became incensed. 56 00:04:47,640 --> 00:04:51,440 Speaker 1: If she could no longer eat these delicacies, she would 57 00:04:51,440 --> 00:04:56,719 Speaker 1: not be happy. And if she was not happy, then 58 00:04:56,760 --> 00:05:00,880 Speaker 1: how could she rule. If she coul could not rule, 59 00:05:01,360 --> 00:05:04,560 Speaker 1: then her kingdom would crumble, and the life she had 60 00:05:04,600 --> 00:05:10,480 Speaker 1: grown up into would no longer exist. Unlike the Chef 61 00:05:10,800 --> 00:05:15,719 Speaker 1: Queens grew up with everything her heart desired. She had 62 00:05:15,839 --> 00:05:20,839 Speaker 1: all the latest toys, many gold plates, diapers made of 63 00:05:20,880 --> 00:05:25,440 Speaker 1: the finest silk, and a mother and father far too 64 00:05:25,480 --> 00:05:28,640 Speaker 1: busy with the affairs of the kingdom to spend time 65 00:05:28,680 --> 00:05:34,400 Speaker 1: worrying about her. She was groomed to be the leader 66 00:05:34,440 --> 00:05:38,000 Speaker 1: of the kingdom from the time she was two, and 67 00:05:38,080 --> 00:05:42,160 Speaker 1: though she loved art, was forced to study topics related 68 00:05:42,200 --> 00:05:47,479 Speaker 1: to the future running of the kingdom. In a fit 69 00:05:47,720 --> 00:05:51,040 Speaker 1: of anger, she ordered the guards to go and speak 70 00:05:51,080 --> 00:05:54,880 Speaker 1: to the chef to see if he was responsible and 71 00:05:54,920 --> 00:06:01,839 Speaker 1: to quell the revolt by the cabbage. Luckily, the queen's 72 00:06:01,920 --> 00:06:06,960 Speaker 1: most trusted adviser, a young man named Tienne, suggested that 73 00:06:07,040 --> 00:06:13,000 Speaker 1: she pause for a moment. One cannot think clearly when 74 00:06:13,040 --> 00:06:17,680 Speaker 1: we let our anger rule our actions. He said, change 75 00:06:17,839 --> 00:06:22,600 Speaker 1: often comes for a reason. Perhaps we should first go 76 00:06:22,680 --> 00:06:26,800 Speaker 1: and talk to the chef and cabbage, because through conversation 77 00:06:27,480 --> 00:06:34,719 Speaker 1: we can learn a great deal. Queens and Tienne grew 78 00:06:34,800 --> 00:06:38,839 Speaker 1: up together. He came from a family of artists and 79 00:06:39,120 --> 00:06:43,320 Speaker 1: was one of his only true friends, and because she 80 00:06:43,440 --> 00:06:48,880 Speaker 1: trusted him so much, she listened and agreed, but with 81 00:06:49,000 --> 00:06:53,159 Speaker 1: a warning that if he didn't find a solution that 82 00:06:53,279 --> 00:06:56,039 Speaker 1: her court might force her to send in the guards. 83 00:06:57,800 --> 00:07:00,719 Speaker 1: There is nothing more dangerous than a hung Greek court, 84 00:07:01,000 --> 00:07:05,080 Speaker 1: she said. So Tien left the comfort of the Imperial 85 00:07:05,200 --> 00:07:10,080 Speaker 1: Palace and set out alone towards Chef Shan's small restaurant 86 00:07:10,320 --> 00:07:15,320 Speaker 1: by the Yellow River. In going there, Tien hoped to 87 00:07:15,400 --> 00:07:18,720 Speaker 1: convince the chef to find a solution so as to 88 00:07:18,800 --> 00:07:27,720 Speaker 1: avoid a Julienne like disaster. Tien walked all day along 89 00:07:27,760 --> 00:07:31,320 Speaker 1: the road that wove through rich green fields of rice, 90 00:07:32,000 --> 00:07:36,960 Speaker 1: through smaller towns and tall forests, until he finally arrived 91 00:07:36,960 --> 00:07:40,119 Speaker 1: at the banks of the Yellow River and the town 92 00:07:40,720 --> 00:07:49,120 Speaker 1: where Chef Shann's dumplings were made. Arriving at the restaurant, 93 00:07:49,320 --> 00:07:55,240 Speaker 1: he knocked opening the door to the restaurant. Chef Shan said, 94 00:07:55,880 --> 00:07:59,680 Speaker 1: I'm sorry, noble sir, but my restaurant is closed as 95 00:07:59,680 --> 00:08:05,320 Speaker 1: we have sold out of dumplings. That I know. I 96 00:08:05,360 --> 00:08:08,080 Speaker 1: am Tienne, and I have been sent by the Great 97 00:08:08,160 --> 00:08:14,240 Speaker 1: Queen's to help solve this dumpling disaster. Upon realizing who 98 00:08:14,400 --> 00:08:17,720 Speaker 1: was at his door, Chef Shan became nervous and said, 99 00:08:18,440 --> 00:08:20,920 Speaker 1: I can assure you I have had nothing to do 100 00:08:21,000 --> 00:08:25,280 Speaker 1: with this matter, and being a common man. What could 101 00:08:25,280 --> 00:08:29,840 Speaker 1: I possibly do to help? May I come in and 102 00:08:29,880 --> 00:08:33,280 Speaker 1: trouble you for some tea? It's been a long day, 103 00:08:33,800 --> 00:08:38,680 Speaker 1: and I think we have something to talk about. Yes, 104 00:08:38,800 --> 00:08:42,760 Speaker 1: of course, pardon my manners. I'm accustomed to many people 105 00:08:42,840 --> 00:08:46,280 Speaker 1: coming from the Imperial Palace to eat my dumplings, but 106 00:08:47,160 --> 00:08:53,679 Speaker 1: under the circumstances, I am a bit nervous. Sitting down, 107 00:08:53,760 --> 00:08:59,200 Speaker 1: Tienne said, understandably, so the Imperial court is not accustomed 108 00:08:59,240 --> 00:09:02,400 Speaker 1: to doing with us what makes them happy, so a 109 00:09:02,440 --> 00:09:09,160 Speaker 1: solution must be quickly found. Pouring some tea for first 110 00:09:09,240 --> 00:09:13,080 Speaker 1: Ten and then himself, Shan sat down and said, but 111 00:09:13,720 --> 00:09:16,920 Speaker 1: what can I do? I am but a chef and 112 00:09:17,040 --> 00:09:24,440 Speaker 1: only one person. After sipping his tea, Ten said, solutions 113 00:09:24,480 --> 00:09:29,400 Speaker 1: to great problems often come from people like yourself. All 114 00:09:29,440 --> 00:09:34,240 Speaker 1: you need to do is try what do you suggest 115 00:09:34,360 --> 00:09:41,040 Speaker 1: I do? Finishing his tea, Ten replied, we must go 116 00:09:41,200 --> 00:09:45,360 Speaker 1: now and talk to the cabbage, understand why this has happened, 117 00:09:45,760 --> 00:09:51,040 Speaker 1: and try to find a solution now. But it's already 118 00:09:51,080 --> 00:09:56,600 Speaker 1: getting late. We should not delay. They respect you, and 119 00:09:56,679 --> 00:10:00,040 Speaker 1: I would guess they appreciate you, elevating cabbage from a 120 00:10:00,040 --> 00:10:05,280 Speaker 1: simple side dish to a juicy delicacy. You are the 121 00:10:05,400 --> 00:10:10,600 Speaker 1: perfect person to listen to them. Afterwards, I will rush 122 00:10:10,640 --> 00:10:14,280 Speaker 1: back to the Imperial Palace to relay, hopefully what will 123 00:10:14,320 --> 00:10:21,160 Speaker 1: be good news. Chef Shan and Tienne then left the 124 00:10:21,240 --> 00:10:24,800 Speaker 1: restaurant and walked through the town to the cabbage farms 125 00:10:24,920 --> 00:10:28,960 Speaker 1: outside town. By the time they arrived, the sun was 126 00:10:29,000 --> 00:10:31,880 Speaker 1: starting to set and the farmers had gone home for 127 00:10:31,960 --> 00:10:37,240 Speaker 1: the day. Walking up to the largest head of cabbage, 128 00:10:37,440 --> 00:10:41,720 Speaker 1: Tienne said, hello, my name is Tienne and I come 129 00:10:41,760 --> 00:10:47,520 Speaker 1: from the Imperial Palace in the city. The head cabbage 130 00:10:47,520 --> 00:10:52,000 Speaker 1: replied huffily, Well, it's not very often we see someone 131 00:10:52,040 --> 00:10:55,520 Speaker 1: from the Imperial Palace out in the fields getting their 132 00:10:55,559 --> 00:11:01,040 Speaker 1: shoes dirty. And hello, Chef Shan, I'm afraid we haven't 133 00:11:01,040 --> 00:11:05,720 Speaker 1: seen you come here for a visit for some time. Yes, 134 00:11:05,880 --> 00:11:09,680 Speaker 1: that is true. I have been so busy meeting the 135 00:11:09,760 --> 00:11:13,079 Speaker 1: demands for my dumplings that I haven't had the time 136 00:11:13,120 --> 00:11:17,960 Speaker 1: to come out and visit, Chef Shan said. Chef Schan 137 00:11:18,080 --> 00:11:22,120 Speaker 1: then looked around and noticed that the fields seem drier 138 00:11:22,160 --> 00:11:27,040 Speaker 1: than normal today. I am but a humble servant to 139 00:11:27,200 --> 00:11:30,640 Speaker 1: Chef Shan. We have come to understand why you have 140 00:11:30,800 --> 00:11:35,360 Speaker 1: revolted which, as I am sure you are aware, has 141 00:11:35,440 --> 00:11:38,920 Speaker 1: also resulted in Chef Shan not being able to produce 142 00:11:39,000 --> 00:11:46,280 Speaker 1: dumplings for the court. Head Cabbage interrupted, Your soil seems 143 00:11:46,360 --> 00:11:49,520 Speaker 1: drier than it has been in the past. What has happened, 144 00:11:50,200 --> 00:11:57,320 Speaker 1: Chef Shan said, quietly, sighing. The Head Cabbage replied, oh, 145 00:11:57,600 --> 00:12:00,680 Speaker 1: you need to come more often for a visit. Chef Shan. 146 00:12:01,679 --> 00:12:05,199 Speaker 1: We appreciate all that you have done, but the conditions 147 00:12:05,240 --> 00:12:10,480 Speaker 1: here are not what they were. Can you tell me 148 00:12:10,559 --> 00:12:15,680 Speaker 1: what has happened, Chef Shan asked. As the popularity of 149 00:12:15,760 --> 00:12:21,359 Speaker 1: your dumplings has grown, so has the demand for more cabbage. 150 00:12:21,400 --> 00:12:24,720 Speaker 1: The farmers are not able to meet these demands without 151 00:12:24,840 --> 00:12:29,760 Speaker 1: creating hardship. We need more fresh water and more time 152 00:12:29,840 --> 00:12:34,720 Speaker 1: to grow, but they are so busy they cannot accommodate 153 00:12:34,760 --> 00:12:39,560 Speaker 1: our needs. Instead of a shorter harvest, we should have 154 00:12:39,640 --> 00:12:45,080 Speaker 1: more space to accommodate even greater amounts of cabbage. The 155 00:12:45,160 --> 00:12:48,720 Speaker 1: farmers were very fearful of taking the action required to 156 00:12:48,800 --> 00:12:54,120 Speaker 1: make change, so that is why we did what we did. 157 00:12:55,600 --> 00:13:00,000 Speaker 1: I had no idea, Chef Shan said, we must do something. 158 00:13:02,480 --> 00:13:05,600 Speaker 1: I can advise the Queen to seed the farmers more 159 00:13:05,679 --> 00:13:09,480 Speaker 1: land in order to give more space for cabbage so 160 00:13:09,520 --> 00:13:13,280 Speaker 1: that more can be grown more slowly. I will work 161 00:13:13,320 --> 00:13:15,600 Speaker 1: with the farmers to ensure that they can give you 162 00:13:15,679 --> 00:13:19,880 Speaker 1: fresher water. I will come here myself in the mornings 163 00:13:19,920 --> 00:13:24,119 Speaker 1: to help, Chef Shan said, and my plans to expand 164 00:13:24,160 --> 00:13:27,240 Speaker 1: the amount of dumplings I wanted to make will be 165 00:13:27,320 --> 00:13:30,960 Speaker 1: put on hold until I know that these conditions are 166 00:13:31,000 --> 00:13:36,000 Speaker 1: being met. We would like to see you here more often, 167 00:13:36,120 --> 00:13:41,439 Speaker 1: Chef Shan had Cabbage said, you will to be honest. 168 00:13:42,000 --> 00:13:45,560 Speaker 1: While I love making dumplings, I missed the time I 169 00:13:45,679 --> 00:13:48,360 Speaker 1: had when I was young working in the fields with 170 00:13:48,440 --> 00:13:52,480 Speaker 1: my family. Getting back in touch with the land can 171 00:13:52,679 --> 00:13:57,080 Speaker 1: only help me make even better tasting dumplings and to 172 00:13:57,160 --> 00:14:00,200 Speaker 1: better appreciate all the plants that help make me my 173 00:14:00,320 --> 00:14:07,040 Speaker 1: food tastes so great. After they chatted a while longer 174 00:14:07,160 --> 00:14:11,320 Speaker 1: and agreed upon all that they discussed, Tienne and Chef 175 00:14:11,320 --> 00:14:14,640 Speaker 1: Shan left the fields and headed back to the restaurant. 176 00:14:18,160 --> 00:14:21,360 Speaker 1: I will go immediately and tell the Queen the good news. 177 00:14:21,960 --> 00:14:25,240 Speaker 1: I am certain that she will immediately seed more land 178 00:14:25,280 --> 00:14:30,200 Speaker 1: for cabbage. The prospect of even tastier dumplings will be 179 00:14:30,280 --> 00:14:37,600 Speaker 1: too tempting for her and especially the Imperial court. Tienne said. 180 00:14:37,640 --> 00:14:40,880 Speaker 1: Shan would later hire a helper in the kitchen so 181 00:14:40,920 --> 00:14:44,280 Speaker 1: that he could spend more time in the fields, helping 182 00:14:44,360 --> 00:14:48,480 Speaker 1: to grow the sweetest tasting cabbage the kingdom had ever had. 183 00:14:50,760 --> 00:14:53,640 Speaker 1: His dumplings would continue to be a favorite of the 184 00:14:53,720 --> 00:14:57,960 Speaker 1: court and would often be used as gifts for foreign rulers, 185 00:14:58,800 --> 00:15:05,160 Speaker 1: settling difference between rulers across the world. This would eventually 186 00:15:05,240 --> 00:15:16,440 Speaker 1: be called dumpling diplomacy. And that's the end of our story. 187 00:15:17,520 --> 00:15:19,800 Speaker 1: Good Night, sleep tight.