1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,440 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,520 --> 00:00:20,120 Speaker 1: to say hello to some friends. Hello to Henry, and 3 00:00:20,200 --> 00:00:25,040 Speaker 1: hello to Chloe Millan from Minardo, South all the way 4 00:00:25,160 --> 00:00:31,120 Speaker 1: in South Australia. I'd like to say happy birthday to 5 00:00:31,280 --> 00:00:38,120 Speaker 1: Zeala who is turning to on October thirtieth, Happy birthday 6 00:00:38,159 --> 00:00:42,280 Speaker 1: to Wesley who is turning seven on October thirty first, 7 00:00:43,840 --> 00:00:48,519 Speaker 1: and happy sixth birthday to Micah from Edmonton who is 8 00:00:48,600 --> 00:00:54,680 Speaker 1: also celebrating his birthday on October thirty first. A very 9 00:00:54,720 --> 00:00:58,440 Speaker 1: happy birthday to you all. I hope your day is 10 00:00:58,720 --> 00:01:04,440 Speaker 1: very special. If you'd like to support us and get 11 00:01:04,480 --> 00:01:08,960 Speaker 1: some of the perks like shout outs, birthday messages and 12 00:01:09,080 --> 00:01:13,280 Speaker 1: goodies in the mail, please visit our support page at 13 00:01:13,319 --> 00:01:23,920 Speaker 1: sleep tightstories dot org slash support. Thank you. This is 14 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:29,120 Speaker 1: our first Halloween story for this year. It is about 15 00:01:29,160 --> 00:01:35,200 Speaker 1: a little boy and a girl named Dan and Annie. 16 00:01:35,520 --> 00:01:38,640 Speaker 1: They live in a village with a witch's house on 17 00:01:38,720 --> 00:01:44,760 Speaker 1: the hill. The house stares down on Dan's village and 18 00:01:44,880 --> 00:01:51,480 Speaker 1: he has been told never to go there. Annie, his friend, 19 00:01:52,240 --> 00:01:56,840 Speaker 1: is quite mischievous and decides to go and see what 20 00:01:57,000 --> 00:02:03,000 Speaker 1: this house is really like. When they get there, they 21 00:02:03,040 --> 00:02:06,920 Speaker 1: meet the witch and find out that she needs their help. 22 00:02:08,480 --> 00:02:17,120 Speaker 1: Can they help her? House on the Hill by Geraldine 23 00:02:17,240 --> 00:02:27,000 Speaker 1: gran Leise. The house had always been there for as 24 00:02:27,080 --> 00:02:34,480 Speaker 1: long as I could remember, and I was seven. A 25 00:02:34,639 --> 00:02:41,840 Speaker 1: witch lived in the house. The house was behind some 26 00:02:42,120 --> 00:02:46,520 Speaker 1: trees at the top of the hill, staring down on 27 00:02:46,720 --> 00:02:54,079 Speaker 1: my village. I was told never to go there. I 28 00:02:54,200 --> 00:03:01,400 Speaker 1: heard this every day. Stay away from the house hidden 29 00:03:01,480 --> 00:03:05,280 Speaker 1: behind the trees on the top of the hill. My 30 00:03:05,440 --> 00:03:09,640 Speaker 1: mom and dad would say, if you go close, you 31 00:03:09,680 --> 00:03:16,480 Speaker 1: will hear tick talk, tick talk. So always stay on 32 00:03:16,600 --> 00:03:21,360 Speaker 1: the street with the lantern on the corner and mister 33 00:03:21,520 --> 00:03:33,000 Speaker 1: Harvey's Draper's shop next door. My name is Dan and 34 00:03:33,120 --> 00:03:39,160 Speaker 1: my friend is Annie. She is a little taller, a 35 00:03:39,200 --> 00:03:47,680 Speaker 1: little smarter, and much more mischievous than me. We're usually 36 00:03:47,840 --> 00:03:54,960 Speaker 1: together all the time. It was the day before Halloween 37 00:03:55,640 --> 00:04:01,280 Speaker 1: and our imaginations were running wild in anticipation of what 38 00:04:01,880 --> 00:04:08,640 Speaker 1: might happen. We headed out together to get our favorite 39 00:04:08,680 --> 00:04:13,760 Speaker 1: sweets from the sweet shop near mister Harvey's Draper's shop 40 00:04:14,120 --> 00:04:20,760 Speaker 1: that sat under the lantern. When I glanced up from 41 00:04:20,800 --> 00:04:25,040 Speaker 1: the seat placed neatly under the lantern, I saw her 42 00:04:25,240 --> 00:04:31,960 Speaker 1: run towards the hill. My heart skipped a beat, but 43 00:04:32,160 --> 00:04:37,800 Speaker 1: Annie ran further and further until she was almost the 44 00:04:37,839 --> 00:04:45,040 Speaker 1: size of an ant in the distance. Follow me, Dan, 45 00:04:47,320 --> 00:04:53,760 Speaker 1: I followed her reluctantly as I climbed the hill. No, no, Annie, 46 00:04:53,800 --> 00:05:02,080 Speaker 1: come back, you will hear the tick talk. When I 47 00:05:02,120 --> 00:05:06,600 Speaker 1: got to the top, I crouched down and quietly started 48 00:05:06,640 --> 00:05:13,200 Speaker 1: to creep carefully around the house. The long weeds and 49 00:05:13,360 --> 00:05:17,599 Speaker 1: nettles stung me, but I tried not to cry out. 50 00:05:20,240 --> 00:05:24,359 Speaker 1: I climbed up on my tiptoes and peered through the 51 00:05:24,480 --> 00:05:30,760 Speaker 1: broken window. How I wished I was ten years old. 52 00:05:31,880 --> 00:05:35,400 Speaker 1: Then I would be up higher, and surely I would 53 00:05:35,440 --> 00:05:47,960 Speaker 1: be much braver. At that moment, talk talk, the voices 54 00:05:48,080 --> 00:05:53,000 Speaker 1: got nearer. I peeped through the hole in the torn 55 00:05:53,120 --> 00:05:59,240 Speaker 1: curtains to see Annie sitting on an upside down mop bucket. 56 00:06:02,480 --> 00:06:05,480 Speaker 1: It was then my eyes were drawn to the woman 57 00:06:05,960 --> 00:06:11,599 Speaker 1: she was chatting to. I was astounded by her appearance. 58 00:06:15,760 --> 00:06:20,200 Speaker 1: She was wearing pants like boxers wear in a boxing ring, 59 00:06:21,040 --> 00:06:26,000 Speaker 1: and a little torn, crinkled gray vest hung from her 60 00:06:26,120 --> 00:06:37,520 Speaker 1: spindly old body. I studied her further. She was a 61 00:06:37,640 --> 00:06:43,200 Speaker 1: little old woman with a long crooked nose, hooked fingers, 62 00:06:43,839 --> 00:06:50,720 Speaker 1: and cracked teeth. She was sitting on a worn out 63 00:06:50,839 --> 00:06:56,560 Speaker 1: rocking chair, swinging all the while. She screeched. I can't 64 00:06:56,600 --> 00:07:03,200 Speaker 1: go out at Halloween, Annie exclaimed. I trembled as she 65 00:07:03,440 --> 00:07:08,640 Speaker 1: mentioned Annie's name. Don't tell me Annie has told the 66 00:07:08,680 --> 00:07:13,640 Speaker 1: witch her name, I thought, as I grimaced across at her. 67 00:07:15,760 --> 00:07:19,920 Speaker 1: The witch hobbled up and pointed to the door with 68 00:07:20,000 --> 00:07:29,920 Speaker 1: her walking stick. Come in, boy, and stop peeping trembling. 69 00:07:30,480 --> 00:07:38,360 Speaker 1: I stumbled inside and nervously sat beside Annie. The witch 70 00:07:38,720 --> 00:07:44,440 Speaker 1: then started mumbling to herself. I don't have my beautifully 71 00:07:44,520 --> 00:07:52,320 Speaker 1: scary black dress anymore, she said. She leaned over to 72 00:07:52,480 --> 00:07:57,160 Speaker 1: open a cupboard, and as she opened it, a broom 73 00:07:57,320 --> 00:08:02,120 Speaker 1: fell out at my feet. It caused a shiver to 74 00:08:02,320 --> 00:08:08,320 Speaker 1: run down my spine. She pulled out a dress from 75 00:08:08,360 --> 00:08:17,240 Speaker 1: the cupboard, but it was bright pink. The witch sobbed uncontrollably. 76 00:08:18,720 --> 00:08:23,320 Speaker 1: What happened to your dress? I washed it with my 77 00:08:23,440 --> 00:08:27,600 Speaker 1: white and red stockings and it turned out bright pink. 78 00:08:31,880 --> 00:08:36,560 Speaker 1: Then she gingerly stood up, reaching up to retrieve her 79 00:08:36,679 --> 00:08:42,080 Speaker 1: hat from a hook in the corner, just above a 80 00:08:42,120 --> 00:08:48,480 Speaker 1: box with spells written on it. She pulled her hat 81 00:08:48,640 --> 00:08:57,319 Speaker 1: off the hook, but it wasn't black. It was orange. 82 00:08:57,960 --> 00:09:02,720 Speaker 1: I could sense her sorow, but it was so funny 83 00:09:02,960 --> 00:09:07,959 Speaker 1: that I almost giggled too, until I felt Annie dig 84 00:09:08,000 --> 00:09:13,000 Speaker 1: me in my ribs with her thumb. What happened to 85 00:09:13,120 --> 00:09:18,320 Speaker 1: your hat? I washed it with my red and yellow 86 00:09:18,400 --> 00:09:26,760 Speaker 1: knickers and it turned orange. It was then that I 87 00:09:26,800 --> 00:09:35,959 Speaker 1: heard the talk tick talk, and noticed hundreds of clocks 88 00:09:36,200 --> 00:09:41,760 Speaker 1: on the wall lining up her hallway. I summoned up 89 00:09:41,800 --> 00:09:47,520 Speaker 1: my courage to ask, why do you have all the clocks? 90 00:09:49,000 --> 00:09:52,320 Speaker 1: They remind me that I am going to ride my 91 00:09:52,640 --> 00:09:57,559 Speaker 1: broomstick through the sky in the Witch's Parade at Halloween, 92 00:09:58,640 --> 00:10:06,880 Speaker 1: but I can't go looking like this. The door creaked open, 93 00:10:07,520 --> 00:10:13,440 Speaker 1: and in walked a very sad looking cat, meowing incessantly. 94 00:10:15,440 --> 00:10:19,640 Speaker 1: It gently stroked my leg as it went past, and 95 00:10:19,720 --> 00:10:25,280 Speaker 1: I giggled. I had almost forgotten for a moment where 96 00:10:25,400 --> 00:10:33,920 Speaker 1: I was. For the first time I saw the witch smile. 97 00:10:35,760 --> 00:10:40,640 Speaker 1: She only had four teeth. I thought she must never 98 00:10:40,840 --> 00:10:44,720 Speaker 1: have brushed them, but I wasn't brave enough to ask. 99 00:10:47,360 --> 00:10:52,280 Speaker 1: I have an idea, said Annie. My granny has a 100 00:10:52,400 --> 00:10:56,200 Speaker 1: long black dress you could borrow, and we can dye 101 00:10:56,320 --> 00:11:01,120 Speaker 1: your hat black again using this mop bucket. Dan will 102 00:11:01,120 --> 00:11:03,920 Speaker 1: help you do that as I am running home for 103 00:11:04,000 --> 00:11:11,680 Speaker 1: the dress. Now, how dare Annie leave me here alone 104 00:11:11,720 --> 00:11:17,400 Speaker 1: with the witch? I felt a nudge. Well, Sir Dane, 105 00:11:17,640 --> 00:11:24,720 Speaker 1: get to it. Her voice frightened me. I turned the 106 00:11:24,800 --> 00:11:32,880 Speaker 1: bucket upright, took her orange hat and placed it inside. 107 00:11:33,120 --> 00:11:37,800 Speaker 1: I thought for a moment, Now, can you find me 108 00:11:37,960 --> 00:11:44,679 Speaker 1: something red, something green, and lastly something blue? Please, I 109 00:11:44,720 --> 00:11:48,679 Speaker 1: said loudly, just in case she was a little deaf. 110 00:11:51,080 --> 00:11:55,520 Speaker 1: She scratched her bony head. She was unsteady on her 111 00:11:55,520 --> 00:12:05,000 Speaker 1: feet as she rose, mumbling again. I was afraid to 112 00:12:05,120 --> 00:12:11,080 Speaker 1: move until she came back. When she entered the room again, 113 00:12:11,600 --> 00:12:16,280 Speaker 1: she was cradling one red sock, a green leaf from 114 00:12:16,320 --> 00:12:21,080 Speaker 1: the garden, and a blue vest with hundreds of holes. 115 00:12:22,679 --> 00:12:26,280 Speaker 1: I thought, I giggled so loudly, but this time, when 116 00:12:26,320 --> 00:12:31,880 Speaker 1: I looked at her again, she was laughing too. Well 117 00:12:32,160 --> 00:12:38,840 Speaker 1: that has been worn one or two many times. Well, 118 00:12:39,000 --> 00:12:45,080 Speaker 1: sir Dan, do your magic, she cackled with excitement. I 119 00:12:45,240 --> 00:12:51,840 Speaker 1: crossed my fingers behind my back. I couldn't believe my eyes. 120 00:12:54,080 --> 00:12:58,920 Speaker 1: She dropped her head, sat on the mop bucket. Then 121 00:12:59,080 --> 00:13:03,720 Speaker 1: she said the spells, and a box was flying around 122 00:13:03,800 --> 00:13:08,959 Speaker 1: her head. It then dropped and a spell landed at 123 00:13:08,960 --> 00:13:17,040 Speaker 1: her feet. I need water. She stood up, saying, killy 124 00:13:17,200 --> 00:13:24,120 Speaker 1: do achillie, not a diddly do oh, fiddly food fiddly can. 125 00:13:24,160 --> 00:13:31,640 Speaker 1: Put the water in the can. Now we are sorted. 126 00:13:32,440 --> 00:13:39,160 Speaker 1: Start stirring, sir Dan. She handed me her walking stick. 127 00:13:41,520 --> 00:13:45,679 Speaker 1: All at once. The walking stick started to stir the 128 00:13:45,720 --> 00:13:52,000 Speaker 1: contents of the bucket, faster and faster. It went like 129 00:13:52,080 --> 00:13:58,760 Speaker 1: a washing machine. When it stopped, I crossed my fingers, 130 00:14:00,120 --> 00:14:09,160 Speaker 1: closed my eyes, wishing as hard as I could, with 131 00:14:09,320 --> 00:14:13,880 Speaker 1: my heart beating so fast. She lifted the hat from 132 00:14:13,880 --> 00:14:21,920 Speaker 1: the bucket. It was black. I opened my eyes and 133 00:14:22,000 --> 00:14:27,360 Speaker 1: I almost fainted with relief, but her smile warmed me 134 00:14:27,440 --> 00:14:31,960 Speaker 1: a little. I was happy for her when I saw 135 00:14:32,040 --> 00:14:41,000 Speaker 1: her delight. Just then I heard Annie's voice, I'm back. 136 00:14:42,720 --> 00:14:46,600 Speaker 1: She brought the dress out from behind her back, a 137 00:14:46,760 --> 00:14:54,240 Speaker 1: beautiful black lace dress. The witch jumped up and down, 138 00:14:54,520 --> 00:15:01,520 Speaker 1: screeching with sheer happiness. She danced around the kitchen holding 139 00:15:01,640 --> 00:15:10,680 Speaker 1: her beloved cat, who didn't look amused. That night, we 140 00:15:10,760 --> 00:15:15,000 Speaker 1: crept home chatting about the witch and how funny she was. 141 00:15:16,400 --> 00:15:19,520 Speaker 1: We wondered would we see her in the sky on 142 00:15:19,640 --> 00:15:26,720 Speaker 1: Halloween night? We crossed our fingers again, hoping we would. 143 00:15:31,040 --> 00:15:36,840 Speaker 1: The next day was Halloween. We were busy carving pumpkins 144 00:15:36,920 --> 00:15:41,880 Speaker 1: and getting ready to go trick or treating. Just then 145 00:15:42,160 --> 00:15:47,840 Speaker 1: our front door was blown open. It was banging against 146 00:15:47,840 --> 00:15:51,400 Speaker 1: the wall and there were tons of leaves in our hall. 147 00:15:53,600 --> 00:15:56,760 Speaker 1: Annie and I thought we heard a whisper, so we 148 00:15:56,920 --> 00:16:05,920 Speaker 1: listened carefully. Come out, Sir Dane and Annie. We ran 149 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:12,480 Speaker 1: outside to see the witch up here we heard. We 150 00:16:12,600 --> 00:16:17,280 Speaker 1: looked up and saw that the witch's parade was starting, 151 00:16:18,480 --> 00:16:24,080 Speaker 1: and there at the front was our friend with a 152 00:16:24,120 --> 00:16:29,200 Speaker 1: banner at the end of her broom which read, I'm 153 00:16:29,320 --> 00:16:34,880 Speaker 1: the happiest Witch in the parade. Now, thank you Dan 154 00:16:35,520 --> 00:16:46,040 Speaker 1: and Annie, and that is the end of our story. 155 00:16:47,240 --> 00:16:58,920 Speaker 1: Good Night, sleep tight.