1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,440 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,480 --> 00:00:19,319 Speaker 1: to say Hello to Ava in Perth, Australia. Hello to 3 00:00:19,400 --> 00:00:24,480 Speaker 1: Savannah and Rowan from Auburn, Washington. Thank you Savannah for 4 00:00:24,520 --> 00:00:27,320 Speaker 1: being such a great big sister to your little brother. 5 00:00:29,680 --> 00:00:33,640 Speaker 1: Hello to eight year old Riker from Utah, Hello to 6 00:00:33,760 --> 00:00:38,440 Speaker 1: Harmony Blue from Minnesota, and Hello to Dean in Haverhill. 7 00:00:41,920 --> 00:00:45,280 Speaker 1: I'd like to say a happy belated birthday to Astrid 8 00:00:45,440 --> 00:00:50,400 Speaker 1: who had a birthday on the sixteenth. A Happy belated 9 00:00:50,440 --> 00:00:55,000 Speaker 1: birthday to Kko Maya from California who recently turned six. 10 00:00:57,080 --> 00:01:00,400 Speaker 1: A Happy belated birthday to John who lives in Hugh Houston, 11 00:01:00,680 --> 00:01:06,679 Speaker 1: who turned nine on December eleventh. Happy birthday to Shelby 12 00:01:06,760 --> 00:01:10,880 Speaker 1: from Thai Pai, Taiwan who is turning seven on December 13 00:01:10,880 --> 00:01:17,440 Speaker 1: twenty eighth. Happy birthday to Sohail Dobing from Indonesia turning 14 00:01:17,520 --> 00:01:24,319 Speaker 1: ten November twenty ninth. And Happy birthday to Christopher from Lesbie, 15 00:01:24,480 --> 00:01:30,920 Speaker 1: Maryland turning five on December thirtieth. Happy birthday to you all. 16 00:01:31,360 --> 00:01:35,480 Speaker 1: I hope you have a wonderful day. Shout Outs and 17 00:01:35,520 --> 00:01:38,960 Speaker 1: birthday wishes are one way we give thanks to our supporters. 18 00:01:39,880 --> 00:01:42,360 Speaker 1: If you would like to support us and receive more 19 00:01:42,400 --> 00:01:47,200 Speaker 1: bedtime entertainment like this, all add free. Please visit our 20 00:01:47,200 --> 00:01:52,600 Speaker 1: support page at sleep tightstories dot org slash support. Thank you. 21 00:02:01,720 --> 00:02:04,360 Speaker 1: This is a new series that I wanted to share 22 00:02:04,400 --> 00:02:08,120 Speaker 1: with you. In this chapter, we are meeting some of 23 00:02:08,160 --> 00:02:11,800 Speaker 1: the characters and getting ready to follow the White Rocking 24 00:02:11,840 --> 00:02:16,080 Speaker 1: Horse on an adventure. Let's see what they are going 25 00:02:16,160 --> 00:02:28,080 Speaker 1: to do The White Rocking Horse Chapter one. One by one, 26 00:02:28,240 --> 00:02:33,120 Speaker 1: the lights went out. One by one, the shoppers left 27 00:02:33,160 --> 00:02:38,440 Speaker 1: the toy department of the store. One by one, the 28 00:02:38,520 --> 00:02:44,400 Speaker 1: clerks rode down in the elevators. At last, all was 29 00:02:44,560 --> 00:02:50,280 Speaker 1: still and quiet and dark. That is all dark except 30 00:02:50,480 --> 00:02:54,239 Speaker 1: for a small light so the night watchman could see 31 00:02:54,280 --> 00:03:00,760 Speaker 1: his way around. Now we can have some fun. A voice, 32 00:03:01,160 --> 00:03:04,639 Speaker 1: and it seemed to come from a calico clown lying 33 00:03:04,720 --> 00:03:09,799 Speaker 1: down in a box next to a tin soldier. Now 34 00:03:09,840 --> 00:03:12,920 Speaker 1: we can really be ourselves and talk and move about. 35 00:03:14,760 --> 00:03:17,239 Speaker 1: We can if we are sure there is no one 36 00:03:17,280 --> 00:03:21,440 Speaker 1: to watch us, bleeted a lamb on wheels who stood 37 00:03:21,480 --> 00:03:25,840 Speaker 1: on the floor near a white rocking horse. You know 38 00:03:26,000 --> 00:03:29,480 Speaker 1: as well as I do, Calico clown, that we cannot 39 00:03:29,480 --> 00:03:32,919 Speaker 1: do as we please if there are any eyes watching us, 40 00:03:33,360 --> 00:03:39,400 Speaker 1: said the lamb. No one can see us, said the 41 00:03:39,440 --> 00:03:43,480 Speaker 1: tin soldier. I am glad the clerks and shoppers are gone. 42 00:03:44,000 --> 00:03:46,840 Speaker 1: It will be some time before the watchman comes up here, 43 00:03:47,400 --> 00:03:51,840 Speaker 1: and my men and I will be glad to move about. Already, there, 44 00:03:52,600 --> 00:03:56,040 Speaker 1: he called to his soldiers, for he was captain over 45 00:03:56,080 --> 00:04:02,160 Speaker 1: a brave company of tin warriors, and shouldn't stand up 46 00:04:02,160 --> 00:04:04,960 Speaker 1: straight and get ready to march. You have been in 47 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:08,080 Speaker 1: your box all day, and now it is time to 48 00:04:08,120 --> 00:04:14,480 Speaker 1: come out. It was true the tin soldier and his 49 00:04:14,640 --> 00:04:17,280 Speaker 1: men had been in a box on the toy counter 50 00:04:17,600 --> 00:04:23,000 Speaker 1: all day. For as you have been told, the playthings 51 00:04:23,080 --> 00:04:27,680 Speaker 1: cannot make believe, come to life or move about when 52 00:04:27,839 --> 00:04:32,480 Speaker 1: any human eyes are watching them. They must wait until 53 00:04:32,520 --> 00:04:37,839 Speaker 1: they are alone, which is generally after dark. That is 54 00:04:37,880 --> 00:04:40,760 Speaker 1: why you have never seen your doll or your rocking 55 00:04:40,800 --> 00:04:47,919 Speaker 1: horse moving about by itself. But now, in the toy 56 00:04:48,000 --> 00:04:52,640 Speaker 1: store from which everyone had gone, some strange things happened. 57 00:04:54,040 --> 00:04:57,599 Speaker 1: The calico clowns stood up near the candy rabbit and 58 00:04:57,720 --> 00:05:02,840 Speaker 1: looked around. And the calico clown banged together the shiny 59 00:05:02,920 --> 00:05:07,520 Speaker 1: brass cymbals he held in his hands, clang, bang, with 60 00:05:07,640 --> 00:05:12,080 Speaker 1: the symbols huh, that sounds like our signal, cried the 61 00:05:12,120 --> 00:05:18,279 Speaker 1: tin soldier. Come my men forward, march. And then and 62 00:05:18,320 --> 00:05:22,280 Speaker 1: there the tin soldiers, with their captain holding his shiny 63 00:05:22,360 --> 00:05:26,440 Speaker 1: sword in his hand, marched out of their box and 64 00:05:26,560 --> 00:05:32,880 Speaker 1: around the toy counter of the big department store. Yes, 65 00:05:33,080 --> 00:05:36,400 Speaker 1: I wish you could have seen them, but it isn't allowed. 66 00:05:36,520 --> 00:05:39,920 Speaker 1: You know, just the very minute, the eyes of a 67 00:05:39,960 --> 00:05:43,280 Speaker 1: boy or a girl, or for that matter, a father 68 00:05:43,520 --> 00:05:48,400 Speaker 1: or mother, or aunt, uncle or cousin, just the very 69 00:05:48,520 --> 00:05:53,160 Speaker 1: moment anyone looks, the toys are as still as clothes pins, 70 00:05:54,279 --> 00:05:57,960 Speaker 1: aren't they fine? Cried a monkey on a stick, as 71 00:05:57,960 --> 00:06:00,720 Speaker 1: he scrambled up to the very top of his stick 72 00:06:01,279 --> 00:06:04,160 Speaker 1: so he might look over the pile of building blocks 73 00:06:04,480 --> 00:06:08,880 Speaker 1: that stood near some picture books. I wish I were 74 00:06:08,920 --> 00:06:14,600 Speaker 1: a soldier. Oh no, exclaimed a boy doll. You are 75 00:06:14,640 --> 00:06:19,000 Speaker 1: funnier as a monkey, remarked the calico clown. But I 76 00:06:19,040 --> 00:06:22,200 Speaker 1: am not as funny as you are, laughed the monkey. 77 00:06:23,120 --> 00:06:26,280 Speaker 1: Tell us a joke. That's a good fellow. Tell us 78 00:06:26,279 --> 00:06:30,000 Speaker 1: something funny, calico clown, so we may laugh. We have 79 00:06:30,080 --> 00:06:36,520 Speaker 1: had no fun all day, all right, agreed the calico 80 00:06:36,640 --> 00:06:40,520 Speaker 1: clown with a smile as he softly banged his cymbals together. 81 00:06:41,720 --> 00:06:47,039 Speaker 1: I'll see if I can think of a joke. The 82 00:06:47,120 --> 00:06:50,440 Speaker 1: tin soldier and his men stopped marching to listen to 83 00:06:50,480 --> 00:06:55,320 Speaker 1: what the calico clown might say. The candy rabbit raised 84 00:06:55,320 --> 00:06:58,840 Speaker 1: his big ears up straighter so that he would miss nothing. 85 00:07:00,640 --> 00:07:04,320 Speaker 1: The lamb on wheels gave herself a shake seemingly so 86 00:07:04,480 --> 00:07:07,720 Speaker 1: the kinks would come out of her wooly coat, and 87 00:07:07,760 --> 00:07:13,520 Speaker 1: the Monkey on a stick swung by his tail. Yes, 88 00:07:13,720 --> 00:07:16,640 Speaker 1: I'll tell you a joke, said the calico clown. It 89 00:07:16,760 --> 00:07:20,320 Speaker 1: is a sort of riddle. Listen and see if any 90 00:07:20,320 --> 00:07:25,080 Speaker 1: of you can answer it. The sawdust doll was very 91 00:07:25,120 --> 00:07:28,480 Speaker 1: clever at answering riddles, said the tin soldier. I wish 92 00:07:28,600 --> 00:07:33,440 Speaker 1: she were here now, but she isn't, said the candy rabbit. 93 00:07:34,160 --> 00:07:37,880 Speaker 1: I liked that sawdust doll very much, but she has 94 00:07:37,960 --> 00:07:42,440 Speaker 1: gone away. Yes, some lady bought her for a little 95 00:07:42,440 --> 00:07:46,520 Speaker 1: girl's birthday, said the Monkey on a stick. You are right, 96 00:07:46,560 --> 00:07:50,840 Speaker 1: Tin Soldier. That doll was very clever at answering the riddles. 97 00:07:50,840 --> 00:07:56,240 Speaker 1: The clown used to ask, Well, if you don't all 98 00:07:56,280 --> 00:07:58,440 Speaker 1: stop talking now, how am I going to tell you 99 00:07:58,520 --> 00:08:03,520 Speaker 1: this joke? Asked Calilico clown angrily. Now, who is a 100 00:08:04,600 --> 00:08:07,040 Speaker 1: I wonder if the sawdust doll will come back and 101 00:08:07,080 --> 00:08:10,200 Speaker 1: see us once again as she did before, asked the 102 00:08:10,280 --> 00:08:13,840 Speaker 1: lamb on wheels, not paying much attention to what the 103 00:08:13,920 --> 00:08:18,360 Speaker 1: calico clown said. Don't you remember tin soldier how she 104 00:08:18,480 --> 00:08:21,440 Speaker 1: once came back to us after she had been sold 105 00:08:21,440 --> 00:08:26,280 Speaker 1: and taken away. Clang bang with the symbols of the 106 00:08:26,320 --> 00:08:30,440 Speaker 1: calico clown. What's the matter, asked the monkey on a stick. 107 00:08:31,960 --> 00:08:36,520 Speaker 1: Madter matter enough, I should say, replied the calico clown. 108 00:08:37,280 --> 00:08:40,520 Speaker 1: Here I am asked to tell a funny joke, and 109 00:08:40,640 --> 00:08:44,000 Speaker 1: none of you will listen. You keep on talking about 110 00:08:44,040 --> 00:08:48,079 Speaker 1: the sawdust doll. I liked her as much as anyone. 111 00:08:48,520 --> 00:08:51,920 Speaker 1: But she is gone. She was sold away from us. 112 00:08:52,760 --> 00:08:56,360 Speaker 1: Tomorrow some of us may be sold and never see 113 00:08:56,400 --> 00:09:00,720 Speaker 1: the others again. Let's be happy and jolly while we can, 114 00:09:03,120 --> 00:09:07,320 Speaker 1: That's what I say, exclaimed the candy rabbit. Really, we 115 00:09:07,400 --> 00:09:09,800 Speaker 1: are not very polite to go on talking when the 116 00:09:09,840 --> 00:09:13,200 Speaker 1: calico clown wants to amuse us with one of his 117 00:09:13,320 --> 00:09:19,840 Speaker 1: famous jokes. We should listen to him. You are right, 118 00:09:20,120 --> 00:09:24,040 Speaker 1: cried the tin soldier. Come now, he went on as 119 00:09:24,080 --> 00:09:27,360 Speaker 1: he waved his sword over his head. I do not 120 00:09:27,559 --> 00:09:29,800 Speaker 1: want to be cross with you, my toy friends, but 121 00:09:30,600 --> 00:09:36,320 Speaker 1: I command silence. Silence while the calico clown tells his joke. 122 00:09:40,080 --> 00:09:43,800 Speaker 1: Toys on the counters and shelves settled down and turned 123 00:09:43,800 --> 00:09:47,280 Speaker 1: their eyes toward the clown in his funny calico suit 124 00:09:47,480 --> 00:09:52,520 Speaker 1: of many colors. I'm sure you will all laugh at 125 00:09:52,559 --> 00:09:56,319 Speaker 1: this joke, cried the calico clown. It is so funny. 126 00:09:56,440 --> 00:10:00,640 Speaker 1: I have to laugh myself whenever I tell it. Thank 127 00:10:00,679 --> 00:10:03,040 Speaker 1: you for getting them quiet so they can listen to me, 128 00:10:03,160 --> 00:10:07,200 Speaker 1: Tin soldier, I am glad you are my friend. Say 129 00:10:07,360 --> 00:10:09,720 Speaker 1: you'd better tell that joke if you are going to 130 00:10:10,440 --> 00:10:13,480 Speaker 1: broke in the captain. I don't know how long they'll 131 00:10:13,480 --> 00:10:16,480 Speaker 1: stay quiet, and I want to march around some more 132 00:10:16,520 --> 00:10:19,480 Speaker 1: before morning comes and we have to stay in our 133 00:10:19,559 --> 00:10:23,559 Speaker 1: box all day. You know, it's almost the Christmas season, 134 00:10:24,080 --> 00:10:26,520 Speaker 1: and any one of us may be bought any day 135 00:10:26,520 --> 00:10:30,920 Speaker 1: and taken far off. So let us be jolly together 136 00:10:31,040 --> 00:10:35,000 Speaker 1: while we may all quiet. Now for the calico clown's joke. 137 00:10:38,440 --> 00:10:43,200 Speaker 1: Thank you, returned the funny fellow again. Now why is 138 00:10:43,240 --> 00:10:47,719 Speaker 1: it that when and just then there was a rumbling, 139 00:10:48,200 --> 00:10:52,960 Speaker 1: rolling sound on the floor of the toy department. Dear me, 140 00:10:53,559 --> 00:10:57,040 Speaker 1: exclaimed the candy rabbit. Can that be the watchman coming 141 00:10:57,160 --> 00:11:03,200 Speaker 1: so soon? They all listened and heard the noise more plainly. 142 00:11:03,840 --> 00:11:08,200 Speaker 1: It rumbled and rolled nearer and nearer, dear me, said 143 00:11:08,200 --> 00:11:11,240 Speaker 1: the calico clown. I'm never going to get a chance 144 00:11:11,280 --> 00:11:14,440 Speaker 1: to tell my joke. What is it, Candy rabbit? Can 145 00:11:14,520 --> 00:11:19,520 Speaker 1: you see? The sweet chap was just going to say 146 00:11:19,559 --> 00:11:23,120 Speaker 1: he could see nothing, when there came a whinnie from 147 00:11:23,160 --> 00:11:26,960 Speaker 1: a big white rocking horse standing on the floor near 148 00:11:27,000 --> 00:11:31,800 Speaker 1: a lawn swing. Oh you're here at last, are you 149 00:11:32,600 --> 00:11:37,800 Speaker 1: neighed the white rocking horse. Yes, I'm here, answered a voice, 150 00:11:38,320 --> 00:11:43,840 Speaker 1: and with it came again the rumbling, rolling sound. I'm 151 00:11:44,000 --> 00:11:46,720 Speaker 1: sorry if I am late, but I had to go 152 00:11:46,880 --> 00:11:50,040 Speaker 1: over to the Sporting good section to get a pair 153 00:11:50,120 --> 00:11:54,520 Speaker 1: to fit me, a pair of what to fit? Who? 154 00:11:55,520 --> 00:11:58,760 Speaker 1: Who is it? Asked the monkey on a stick, for 155 00:11:58,920 --> 00:12:01,560 Speaker 1: he had taken a seat behind a pile of building 156 00:12:01,600 --> 00:12:07,360 Speaker 1: blocks and could not see very well. What's going on 157 00:12:07,480 --> 00:12:10,800 Speaker 1: here anyhow, he asked, as he began to climb up 158 00:12:10,840 --> 00:12:15,079 Speaker 1: the top of his stick. Then all the toys looked 159 00:12:15,320 --> 00:12:20,200 Speaker 1: at the white rocking horse, and they saw trundling towards him. 160 00:12:20,679 --> 00:12:27,400 Speaker 1: An elephant on roller skates. Oh how funny he looks, 161 00:12:27,720 --> 00:12:31,880 Speaker 1: laughed the calico clown. Oh, dear me, this is better 162 00:12:31,920 --> 00:12:36,160 Speaker 1: than any joke I could ever tell. Oh how funny. 163 00:12:37,440 --> 00:12:40,640 Speaker 1: And the calico clown doubled up in such a kink 164 00:12:40,640 --> 00:12:47,840 Speaker 1: of laughter that his cymbals tinkled again and again. What 165 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:52,559 Speaker 1: is so funny, asked the elephant on roller skates? You are, 166 00:12:52,720 --> 00:12:55,880 Speaker 1: replied the clown. Of course, we are glad to see you, 167 00:12:55,960 --> 00:12:59,640 Speaker 1: he added, and please excuse me for laughing at you, 168 00:12:59,720 --> 00:13:04,079 Speaker 1: but really I cannot help it. You do look so funny. 169 00:13:05,200 --> 00:13:11,360 Speaker 1: I've never seen an elephant on roller skates before, and 170 00:13:11,400 --> 00:13:14,920 Speaker 1: I never before was on roller skates, answered the toy elephant. 171 00:13:15,640 --> 00:13:18,560 Speaker 1: I don't believe I'll ever put them on again, either, 172 00:13:18,760 --> 00:13:21,920 Speaker 1: he said. But when the white rocking horse asked me 173 00:13:22,000 --> 00:13:24,920 Speaker 1: to race with him, that was the only way I 174 00:13:24,960 --> 00:13:27,600 Speaker 1: could think of to make it fair, as he is 175 00:13:27,720 --> 00:13:31,480 Speaker 1: so much faster than I, he said, I might put 176 00:13:31,520 --> 00:13:36,600 Speaker 1: anything i'd like on my feet. What's this? What's this? 177 00:13:37,240 --> 00:13:40,040 Speaker 1: Cried the tin soldier. Is there to be a race 178 00:13:40,120 --> 00:13:46,720 Speaker 1: between an elephant on roller skates and the white rocking horse? Yes, 179 00:13:47,000 --> 00:13:50,000 Speaker 1: answered the horse himself. We are going to have a 180 00:13:50,040 --> 00:13:52,880 Speaker 1: little race, just for fun. You know, I thought it 181 00:13:52,880 --> 00:13:57,840 Speaker 1: would be amusing. Where are you going to run the race, 182 00:13:58,120 --> 00:14:02,360 Speaker 1: asked the candy rabbit, down to the elevators and back again, 183 00:14:02,679 --> 00:14:06,520 Speaker 1: answered the white rocking horse. You see, my friends, it 184 00:14:06,640 --> 00:14:11,120 Speaker 1: came about in this way, he explained. The elephant was 185 00:14:11,240 --> 00:14:15,120 Speaker 1: always telling how fast he could run. He said, the 186 00:14:15,160 --> 00:14:18,840 Speaker 1: real elephants in the jungle after whom he has patterned, 187 00:14:19,400 --> 00:14:23,760 Speaker 1: were swifter than horses. I said, I didn't think so 188 00:14:24,840 --> 00:14:27,040 Speaker 1: I told him I could beat him in a race, 189 00:14:27,840 --> 00:14:31,360 Speaker 1: so we agreed to try it some night. I said 190 00:14:31,440 --> 00:14:34,040 Speaker 1: he could put on roller skates if he wished, since 191 00:14:34,200 --> 00:14:37,400 Speaker 1: I had rockers like those of a chair fastened on 192 00:14:37,480 --> 00:14:42,880 Speaker 1: my hoofs. The white rocking horse was a proud fellow, 193 00:14:42,960 --> 00:14:47,840 Speaker 1: with his long tail and mane of real hair. Proudly 194 00:14:48,200 --> 00:14:52,800 Speaker 1: he held up his head, proudly, he rocked to and fro. 195 00:14:54,040 --> 00:14:57,080 Speaker 1: On his back was a red saddle of real leather. 196 00:14:58,960 --> 00:15:02,600 Speaker 1: Yet ready for the rain, called the calico clown, clanging 197 00:15:02,640 --> 00:15:07,240 Speaker 1: his cymbals. This will be real, jolly fun. Ready for 198 00:15:07,320 --> 00:15:11,960 Speaker 1: the race. The horse and elephant stood on a line 199 00:15:12,360 --> 00:15:15,160 Speaker 1: which was a crack in the floor, and they were 200 00:15:15,440 --> 00:15:18,720 Speaker 1: just going to rush toward the elevators when all of 201 00:15:18,720 --> 00:15:26,760 Speaker 1: a sudden, the candy rabbit cried hush, and that's the 202 00:15:26,920 --> 00:15:31,960 Speaker 1: end of this chapter. Good Night, sleep tight.