1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:15,720 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. This story 2 00:00:15,920 --> 00:00:20,560 Speaker 1: was originally published in sleep Type Premium. To listen to 3 00:00:20,640 --> 00:00:25,240 Speaker 1: more stories like this, all ad free, please visit sleep 4 00:00:25,280 --> 00:00:32,720 Speaker 1: typepremium dot com and subscribe that's sleep tightepremium dot com. 5 00:00:32,760 --> 00:00:53,920 Speaker 1: Thank you. Do you have dandelions in your grass? Their 6 00:00:54,040 --> 00:00:57,960 Speaker 1: beautiful yellow color is one of the first we see 7 00:00:57,960 --> 00:01:03,400 Speaker 1: in the spring. What do you usually do with the dandelions? 8 00:01:04,840 --> 00:01:08,920 Speaker 1: This is the story of what happened to the dandelions 9 00:01:08,959 --> 00:01:22,040 Speaker 1: in the farmer's front yard. What the dandelion told Mother 10 00:01:22,160 --> 00:01:27,039 Speaker 1: Earth and the little flower fairies had been very busy, indeed, 11 00:01:27,640 --> 00:01:34,280 Speaker 1: getting ready for their great spring opening. For weeks and 12 00:01:34,400 --> 00:01:38,640 Speaker 1: weeks they had been preparing all the little flower children 13 00:01:38,760 --> 00:01:41,840 Speaker 1: so that they would be ready to respond to the 14 00:01:41,880 --> 00:01:45,000 Speaker 1: call of the robin and to the caress of the 15 00:01:45,080 --> 00:01:53,600 Speaker 1: sun and the soft west wind. First of all, Snowdrop 16 00:01:53,800 --> 00:01:56,680 Speaker 1: had been made ready because she was one of the 17 00:01:56,840 --> 00:02:01,640 Speaker 1: very first to venture out into the world, and she 18 00:02:02,000 --> 00:02:06,240 Speaker 1: and her many little sisters, very prim and neat in 19 00:02:06,360 --> 00:02:14,960 Speaker 1: their white starched frocks, sat quite near the door. Sometimes 20 00:02:15,160 --> 00:02:18,239 Speaker 1: Snowdrop would not wait for the robin and the sun 21 00:02:18,360 --> 00:02:21,680 Speaker 1: to call her, but she would slip out quietly at 22 00:02:21,680 --> 00:02:30,200 Speaker 1: the first warm shower. Nearby sat a whole row of crocuses, 23 00:02:30,840 --> 00:02:35,520 Speaker 1: happy and pretty in their bell shaped dresses of white 24 00:02:36,160 --> 00:02:43,959 Speaker 1: and purple, and gold violets nestling in their soft green 25 00:02:44,080 --> 00:02:48,360 Speaker 1: coats were there, And Daffy down Dilly, dressed in a 26 00:02:48,440 --> 00:02:53,000 Speaker 1: green petticoat and a new gown, was quite ready to 27 00:02:53,120 --> 00:02:58,720 Speaker 1: come to town. Then there was dainty spring, beauty, and 28 00:02:58,800 --> 00:03:03,600 Speaker 1: the proud to life, and all the other dear early 29 00:03:03,720 --> 00:03:09,040 Speaker 1: flowers that make the world so beautiful after ice and 30 00:03:09,200 --> 00:03:18,040 Speaker 1: snow are gone. Yes, everyone was very busy and very happy, 31 00:03:19,400 --> 00:03:26,960 Speaker 1: everyone except one poor, forlorn little flower that sat, or 32 00:03:27,360 --> 00:03:33,600 Speaker 1: rather lay, all alone in one corner. He did not 33 00:03:34,080 --> 00:03:37,480 Speaker 1: look spick and span like the others, but his green 34 00:03:37,640 --> 00:03:42,200 Speaker 1: coat hung about him, quite wilted and soiled, and his 35 00:03:42,400 --> 00:03:52,560 Speaker 1: golden head drooped. He seemed very unhappy. Indeed, come, come, Dandelion, 36 00:03:52,920 --> 00:03:56,360 Speaker 1: do tell us what has happened? You look quite crushed, 37 00:03:57,280 --> 00:04:01,280 Speaker 1: exclaimed one of the fairies, stop long enough in her 38 00:04:01,400 --> 00:04:08,640 Speaker 1: task of mixing colors to notice the sad little flower. Yes, Dandelion, 39 00:04:08,720 --> 00:04:13,000 Speaker 1: do tell us, cried Crocus, who was all ready to 40 00:04:13,040 --> 00:04:16,760 Speaker 1: push his little flower face out into the open air 41 00:04:17,200 --> 00:04:23,800 Speaker 1: and who was waiting for the first opportunity to do so. Dandelion, 42 00:04:24,240 --> 00:04:28,520 Speaker 1: do tell us what has happened, softly, whispered Violet as 43 00:04:28,560 --> 00:04:35,360 Speaker 1: she came closer to what was left of poor Dandelion. Well, 44 00:04:35,400 --> 00:04:39,240 Speaker 1: since all of you seem so interested, I will tell 45 00:04:39,320 --> 00:04:43,760 Speaker 1: you what happened. It certainly took all the conceit out 46 00:04:43,760 --> 00:04:48,120 Speaker 1: of me. I still feel weak and pale. You know 47 00:04:48,279 --> 00:04:53,760 Speaker 1: that we dandelions are bold and venturesome folks, and some 48 00:04:53,880 --> 00:04:57,240 Speaker 1: of us make our appearance in warm and sunny places 49 00:04:57,920 --> 00:05:00,400 Speaker 1: long before any of the rest of you you have 50 00:05:00,520 --> 00:05:05,599 Speaker 1: the courage to come out. Indeed, it has long been 51 00:05:05,600 --> 00:05:09,360 Speaker 1: a matter of pride with us to have some person 52 00:05:09,480 --> 00:05:17,160 Speaker 1: find us, even before Snowdrop makes her appearance. Snowdrop looked 53 00:05:17,240 --> 00:05:23,800 Speaker 1: hurt at this, but said nothing, and Dandelion continued. And 54 00:05:23,920 --> 00:05:27,279 Speaker 1: so it happened that several of us slipped out and 55 00:05:27,440 --> 00:05:34,000 Speaker 1: sprouted quietly and happily in Farmer Brown's front yard. It 56 00:05:34,120 --> 00:05:39,520 Speaker 1: was such a nice place. The sun shone brightly and 57 00:05:39,720 --> 00:05:43,479 Speaker 1: coaxed us to put our best blossoms. They were so 58 00:05:43,760 --> 00:05:46,800 Speaker 1: large and yellow that I am sure they must have 59 00:05:46,880 --> 00:05:53,520 Speaker 1: looked almost as fine as chrysanthemum. Several of the flowers 60 00:05:53,680 --> 00:05:58,160 Speaker 1: cast startled looks into the dark corner where chrysanthemum brothers 61 00:05:58,240 --> 00:06:03,680 Speaker 1: and sisters were sleeping. But their slumbers were so sound, 62 00:06:04,120 --> 00:06:07,360 Speaker 1: since they would not wake until autumn, that they did 63 00:06:07,400 --> 00:06:13,840 Speaker 1: not hear Dandelion's boastful remark, we made a beautiful spot 64 00:06:13,920 --> 00:06:19,920 Speaker 1: of yellow on the lawn, continued Dandelion. Well, yesterday farmer 65 00:06:19,960 --> 00:06:22,560 Speaker 1: and Missus Brown were out in the garden and they 66 00:06:22,640 --> 00:06:28,480 Speaker 1: saw us. Oh see the dandelions, How early they are 67 00:06:28,600 --> 00:06:33,719 Speaker 1: this year. I shall have to call the children. With that, 68 00:06:34,160 --> 00:06:36,880 Speaker 1: Missus Brown went into the house to call her little 69 00:06:36,880 --> 00:06:40,680 Speaker 1: boy and girl, who came out and greeted us joyfully. 70 00:06:42,720 --> 00:06:46,240 Speaker 1: Let me see Jack if you like Butter, said Ruth, 71 00:06:46,600 --> 00:06:49,440 Speaker 1: as she held up one of my blossoms under her 72 00:06:49,480 --> 00:06:55,240 Speaker 1: brother's chin. It surely looked quite yellow by reflection, and 73 00:06:55,360 --> 00:07:01,520 Speaker 1: of course this was a sure sign that he liked Butter. Come, Ruth, 74 00:07:01,880 --> 00:07:03,840 Speaker 1: let's see if we can get enough stems to make 75 00:07:03,880 --> 00:07:08,039 Speaker 1: a chain for you, cried Jack, and they found enough 76 00:07:08,080 --> 00:07:11,000 Speaker 1: of my hollow stems to make a chain to go 77 00:07:11,120 --> 00:07:17,120 Speaker 1: around Ruth's little white throat. By this time, I felt 78 00:07:17,120 --> 00:07:20,160 Speaker 1: we were doing much to make the children happy, and 79 00:07:20,280 --> 00:07:24,840 Speaker 1: I lifted my head proudly and whispered to my companions 80 00:07:25,400 --> 00:07:32,240 Speaker 1: that surely we were useful as well as beautiful. Just 81 00:07:32,320 --> 00:07:36,280 Speaker 1: then Missus Brown called the children into the house, and 82 00:07:36,400 --> 00:07:41,400 Speaker 1: we were left alone in the garden, but not for 83 00:07:41,560 --> 00:07:46,040 Speaker 1: long alas Farmer Brown, who had gone away while the 84 00:07:46,120 --> 00:07:50,440 Speaker 1: children were with us, now returned with a strange, sharp, 85 00:07:50,600 --> 00:07:54,480 Speaker 1: shiny tool in his hand. He came straight to where 86 00:07:54,520 --> 00:07:59,000 Speaker 1: we were growing so happily and said, now we'll see 87 00:07:59,040 --> 00:08:02,240 Speaker 1: whether this new weeding tool won't get rid of those 88 00:08:02,480 --> 00:08:08,320 Speaker 1: pesky dandelions. Every year they spread more and more, so 89 00:08:08,400 --> 00:08:13,040 Speaker 1: that by and by there'll not be any grass. Perhaps 90 00:08:13,120 --> 00:08:16,280 Speaker 1: by starting early to weed them out, we can get 91 00:08:16,400 --> 00:08:20,440 Speaker 1: rid of the pass. And with that he dug the 92 00:08:20,520 --> 00:08:24,480 Speaker 1: instrument deep into the ground and pulled up all my 93 00:08:24,760 --> 00:08:30,960 Speaker 1: lovely little brothers and sisters. I alone remained, but even 94 00:08:31,120 --> 00:08:34,280 Speaker 1: I was badly bruised, as you can see. And I 95 00:08:34,400 --> 00:08:37,480 Speaker 1: have come back to tell you how I have been treated. 96 00:08:38,600 --> 00:08:42,920 Speaker 1: Wasn't it an unkind thing? I had always thought that 97 00:08:43,040 --> 00:08:47,040 Speaker 1: people loved us, for we make the fields and meadows 98 00:08:47,160 --> 00:08:53,480 Speaker 1: glow with the sun's own color. And poor Dandelion drooped 99 00:08:53,520 --> 00:08:57,040 Speaker 1: his golden head and was as sad as it is 100 00:08:57,160 --> 00:09:04,960 Speaker 1: possible for a golden headed flower to be All the 101 00:09:05,040 --> 00:09:09,120 Speaker 1: other flower children had looked very serious and sympathetic during 102 00:09:09,240 --> 00:09:14,360 Speaker 1: Dandelion's story, and when he had finished, they crowded about him. 103 00:09:16,040 --> 00:09:19,960 Speaker 1: It's just a shame, murmured Crocus. I hope no one 104 00:09:19,960 --> 00:09:26,080 Speaker 1: will treat me so rudely. Yes, indeed, whispered Snowdrop, it 105 00:09:26,120 --> 00:09:29,640 Speaker 1: would certainly be a painful misfortune to have one's roots 106 00:09:29,679 --> 00:09:34,199 Speaker 1: pulled up by a weeder. And she shuddered so violently 107 00:09:34,600 --> 00:09:40,960 Speaker 1: that her stiff little petticoats fairly shook. But Mother Earth 108 00:09:41,240 --> 00:09:47,440 Speaker 1: and the fairies only smiled and said nothing, for they 109 00:09:47,520 --> 00:09:52,320 Speaker 1: knew quite well that it would take many, many farmers, 110 00:09:52,840 --> 00:09:56,400 Speaker 1: and more weeders than they could ever hope to buy, 111 00:09:57,080 --> 00:10:03,199 Speaker 1: to get rid of Dandelion and his numerous brothers and sisters. 112 00:10:05,080 --> 00:10:10,160 Speaker 1: And the little fairy who was Dandelion's particular friend, laid 113 00:10:10,240 --> 00:10:14,280 Speaker 1: her tiny hand on his tousled golden head as she whispered, 114 00:10:15,400 --> 00:10:21,559 Speaker 1: never mind, Dandelion, dear, you are the children's friend and companion, 115 00:10:22,280 --> 00:10:25,920 Speaker 1: and good old Mother Earth will never let you perish. 116 00:10:27,200 --> 00:10:31,560 Speaker 1: She sends forth more of your kind than any other. 117 00:10:32,800 --> 00:10:36,200 Speaker 1: She has made you so sturdy and strong that you 118 00:10:36,280 --> 00:10:42,960 Speaker 1: can thrive almost anywhere, and I truly think that she 119 00:10:43,720 --> 00:12:03,160 Speaker 1: loves you best. Good night, sleep tight, Well don't deflected, 120 00:12:03,240 --> 00:12:09,439 Speaker 1: well known, not know