1 00:00:08,480 --> 00:00:25,480 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep tight stories. Red gets 2 00:00:25,520 --> 00:00:29,720 Speaker 1: woken up early thanks to Blue, but uses the time 3 00:00:29,880 --> 00:00:33,000 Speaker 1: wisely and actually gets to be the first one in 4 00:00:33,040 --> 00:00:38,360 Speaker 1: the bathroom. When Red gets on the bus, Charlie and 5 00:00:38,440 --> 00:00:42,199 Speaker 1: Rachel are disappointed she didn't bring the box, but she 6 00:00:42,360 --> 00:00:45,480 Speaker 1: tells them they can still meet and look for more 7 00:00:45,520 --> 00:00:51,400 Speaker 1: information about doctor Hart. Red makes it through the day 8 00:00:51,800 --> 00:00:56,160 Speaker 1: thinking about her friends and life back on Mars. At 9 00:00:56,200 --> 00:00:58,680 Speaker 1: the end of the day, she heads to the library 10 00:00:58,800 --> 00:01:04,880 Speaker 1: to see what is going to happen next. The Transfer 11 00:01:04,959 --> 00:01:12,919 Speaker 1: Student Part twenty. Red woke to the sounds of roosters 12 00:01:13,000 --> 00:01:18,479 Speaker 1: crowing and cows mooing. Considering that she lived in the 13 00:01:18,520 --> 00:01:22,360 Speaker 1: city and not on a farm, it could only mean 14 00:01:22,600 --> 00:01:28,959 Speaker 1: one thing. Blue had hacked her phone again. She reached 15 00:01:29,000 --> 00:01:33,640 Speaker 1: over to stop the alarm, realizing with growing annoyance that 16 00:01:34,200 --> 00:01:37,960 Speaker 1: not only had he changed the sound, but he'd also 17 00:01:37,959 --> 00:01:43,400 Speaker 1: set it to go off an hour early. Ugh, she groaned, 18 00:01:43,959 --> 00:01:47,880 Speaker 1: throwing her phone back onto the bed. How does the 19 00:01:47,960 --> 00:01:52,880 Speaker 1: little stinker do it? These phones were supposed to be secure, 20 00:01:53,880 --> 00:01:56,600 Speaker 1: not as secure as a pad on Mars, of course, 21 00:01:56,680 --> 00:02:01,360 Speaker 1: but still She lay there for a moment, letting the 22 00:02:01,440 --> 00:02:06,880 Speaker 1: frustration simmer. Her thoughts drifted back to her room and 23 00:02:07,000 --> 00:02:11,200 Speaker 1: their old place on Mars. There was no need for 24 00:02:11,320 --> 00:02:15,640 Speaker 1: alarms there. Everybody's body just seemed to sink with the 25 00:02:15,680 --> 00:02:21,760 Speaker 1: start of the Martian day. Sighing, she wondered, will I 26 00:02:21,960 --> 00:02:30,200 Speaker 1: ever adapt to this strange, yucky place. Downstairs? She could 27 00:02:30,240 --> 00:02:34,600 Speaker 1: already hear her mother bustling about the kitchen, the familiar 28 00:02:34,720 --> 00:02:39,680 Speaker 1: clinks and clatters mixed with the smell of breakfast. Her 29 00:02:39,760 --> 00:02:43,600 Speaker 1: keen sense of smell, which had only gotten stronger since 30 00:02:43,639 --> 00:02:47,240 Speaker 1: they moved, picked up the scent of hot cocoa milk 31 00:02:47,360 --> 00:02:55,080 Speaker 1: warming on the stove. Her stomach betrayed her, grumbling loudly. Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, 32 00:02:55,120 --> 00:03:01,280 Speaker 1: it complained. Red winced, why did everything smell so much 33 00:03:01,320 --> 00:03:07,160 Speaker 1: stronger here? Sure, it made breakfast tempting, but it also 34 00:03:07,280 --> 00:03:12,160 Speaker 1: meant the overwhelming stench of flowers and the sickily sweet 35 00:03:12,200 --> 00:03:17,160 Speaker 1: perfumes everyone seemed to bathe in. She shuddered at the thought. 36 00:03:18,440 --> 00:03:21,080 Speaker 1: At least the pine trees were starting to grow on 37 00:03:21,200 --> 00:03:25,560 Speaker 1: her well, the fake pine scent in the air freshener 38 00:03:25,600 --> 00:03:30,520 Speaker 1: her mom bought, I might as well take advantage of 39 00:03:30,560 --> 00:03:34,600 Speaker 1: being up early. Red muttered to herself, dragging herself out 40 00:03:34,600 --> 00:03:39,800 Speaker 1: of bed and heading to the bathroom. She opened the 41 00:03:39,880 --> 00:03:46,160 Speaker 1: door cautiously, half expecting the usual mess, but to her relief, 42 00:03:46,480 --> 00:03:51,320 Speaker 1: it was still clean. Blue hadn't been in yet. Yes, 43 00:03:52,120 --> 00:03:56,760 Speaker 1: she said out loud, feeling a small victory. He can 44 00:03:56,840 --> 00:04:01,560 Speaker 1: pick up his own dirty towels in underwear. She quickly 45 00:04:01,600 --> 00:04:05,160 Speaker 1: brushed her teeth, washed up, and hurried back to her 46 00:04:05,240 --> 00:04:09,160 Speaker 1: room to get dressed for another day at school, a 47 00:04:09,280 --> 00:04:12,520 Speaker 1: school where she had to pretend not to have already 48 00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:18,159 Speaker 1: covered the materials ages ago, except for English, which she 49 00:04:18,240 --> 00:04:23,440 Speaker 1: had today. Maybe the teacher will play a movie. Not likely, 50 00:04:23,800 --> 00:04:31,000 Speaker 1: she mumbled. In her favorite baggy jeans and a dark hoodie, 51 00:04:31,040 --> 00:04:34,839 Speaker 1: she headed downstairs, where her mother was just setting a 52 00:04:34,880 --> 00:04:40,600 Speaker 1: plate of pancakes on the table. Morning Red mumbled, plopping 53 00:04:40,640 --> 00:04:45,240 Speaker 1: into her chair. Good morning, Red, her mother replied, cheerfully, 54 00:04:45,320 --> 00:04:51,040 Speaker 1: as always, you're up early today. There's an old Earth saying. 55 00:04:51,520 --> 00:04:55,400 Speaker 1: I think it goes the early bird gets the worm, 56 00:04:55,839 --> 00:05:01,120 Speaker 1: or something like that. I've been studying more English lately. Yuck. 57 00:05:01,640 --> 00:05:06,839 Speaker 1: Who wants to eat worms? Well, Blue Mite Red said 58 00:05:07,240 --> 00:05:11,760 Speaker 1: a smirk, tugging at her lips, but before she could 59 00:05:11,839 --> 00:05:16,840 Speaker 1: launch into her latest complaint, her mother interrupted, We weren't 60 00:05:16,960 --> 00:05:20,960 Speaker 1: speaking about your little brother. Her mother said, her tone 61 00:05:21,040 --> 00:05:25,000 Speaker 1: light but with a hint of warning. Why don't we 62 00:05:25,080 --> 00:05:30,400 Speaker 1: start the day without talking negatively about Blue? Red sighed, 63 00:05:30,839 --> 00:05:35,200 Speaker 1: deciding not to push it, and focused on eating her pancakes. 64 00:05:35,520 --> 00:05:40,719 Speaker 1: Eating quickly. She was hoping to finish before Blue showed up, 65 00:05:41,160 --> 00:05:47,279 Speaker 1: but she wasn't fast enough. Blue bounded down the stairs, 66 00:05:47,400 --> 00:05:51,440 Speaker 1: arriving just as she took her last bite. Oh, Red, 67 00:05:52,040 --> 00:05:58,440 Speaker 1: you're up early today. Couldn't sleep, he teased, Mom. Are 68 00:05:58,480 --> 00:06:02,000 Speaker 1: there cows and roosters nearby? I think I heard some 69 00:06:02,200 --> 00:06:07,240 Speaker 1: this morning, he added with a giggle. Red shot him 70 00:06:07,279 --> 00:06:13,000 Speaker 1: a glare, but didn't bother responding. Instead, she got up 71 00:06:13,000 --> 00:06:16,440 Speaker 1: from the table, muttering, I'm going to make sure my 72 00:06:16,520 --> 00:06:20,560 Speaker 1: bag is packed and head to the bus. Okay, Red, 73 00:06:20,960 --> 00:06:24,360 Speaker 1: it's a beautiful day outside, her mother called after her. 74 00:06:25,160 --> 00:06:29,080 Speaker 1: The sun is shining, the grass is green. Try to 75 00:06:29,080 --> 00:06:31,080 Speaker 1: have a good day and take some time to smell 76 00:06:31,080 --> 00:06:36,560 Speaker 1: the roses. Red stopped in her tracks, turning to look 77 00:06:36,600 --> 00:06:40,560 Speaker 1: at her mother with wide eyes. No way am I 78 00:06:40,640 --> 00:06:44,800 Speaker 1: getting close to any roses or any flower for that matter, 79 00:06:45,360 --> 00:06:53,560 Speaker 1: she said, horrified. After grabbing her bag and slipping on 80 00:06:53,640 --> 00:06:57,640 Speaker 1: her favorite pair of white sneakers, the only bright colored 81 00:06:57,640 --> 00:07:03,280 Speaker 1: item she owned. Red step outside to wait for the bus. 82 00:07:03,400 --> 00:07:07,599 Speaker 1: She eyed the bright yellow monstrosity as it approached, thinking 83 00:07:08,680 --> 00:07:15,240 Speaker 1: why must even the transports have so much color? The 84 00:07:15,320 --> 00:07:18,920 Speaker 1: bus came to a loud, squeaky stop and the doors 85 00:07:19,000 --> 00:07:23,360 Speaker 1: opened with a hiss. Good morning, said miss mc donald 86 00:07:23,400 --> 00:07:29,280 Speaker 1: the bus driver, with her usual cheerfulness. Ugh Red muttered 87 00:07:29,360 --> 00:07:32,760 Speaker 1: under her breath as she quickly walked down the aisle 88 00:07:32,920 --> 00:07:37,280 Speaker 1: to her usual seat. Most of the other kids were 89 00:07:37,280 --> 00:07:42,880 Speaker 1: too absorbed in their phones to notice her, all except Rachel, 90 00:07:43,040 --> 00:07:45,560 Speaker 1: who was sitting at the back of the bus, her 91 00:07:45,600 --> 00:07:51,720 Speaker 1: face hidden behind an incredibly large book. Just as Red 92 00:07:51,760 --> 00:07:55,720 Speaker 1: sat down, the bus hit a speed bump, and Charlie, 93 00:07:56,040 --> 00:08:00,840 Speaker 1: with yet another runny nose, looked up at her. I 94 00:08:00,920 --> 00:08:04,000 Speaker 1: see you've mastered the walk down the aisle, he sniffed, 95 00:08:04,480 --> 00:08:09,000 Speaker 1: mucus stripping out of his nose. Yeah. If I hit 96 00:08:09,080 --> 00:08:12,040 Speaker 1: my head on the ceiling one more time, I might 97 00:08:12,080 --> 00:08:16,280 Speaker 1: have made a dent, Red replied, surprising herself with the 98 00:08:16,400 --> 00:08:21,560 Speaker 1: attempt at humor. Charlie laughed, and Red couldn't help but smirk. 99 00:08:22,720 --> 00:08:26,520 Speaker 1: Am I developing a sense of humor, she wondered, then 100 00:08:26,680 --> 00:08:31,400 Speaker 1: quickly dismissed the thought impossible. It must have been a fluke. 101 00:08:33,960 --> 00:08:36,760 Speaker 1: Charlie wiped his nose on his shirt and then asked, 102 00:08:37,240 --> 00:08:40,400 Speaker 1: so did you bring the box with you? I still 103 00:08:40,480 --> 00:08:42,960 Speaker 1: think it would be epic if it was proof of 104 00:08:43,000 --> 00:08:47,600 Speaker 1: a Martian invasion. We're meeting after school at the library, remember, 105 00:08:49,280 --> 00:08:54,520 Speaker 1: Red hesitated, feeling a twinge of guilt. I didn't bring it. 106 00:08:54,520 --> 00:08:57,000 Speaker 1: It was too heavy and I had all these other 107 00:08:57,080 --> 00:08:59,920 Speaker 1: books in my bag. But we can still meet at 108 00:08:59,920 --> 00:09:05,120 Speaker 1: the library and talk about the case. Charlie's face fell, 109 00:09:05,720 --> 00:09:09,120 Speaker 1: but before he could respond, Rachel set her book down 110 00:09:09,160 --> 00:09:13,679 Speaker 1: and said, you didn't bring it. Alexa might be disappointed, 111 00:09:14,080 --> 00:09:18,199 Speaker 1: but it's not that big a deal. Yeah. Red agreed. 112 00:09:18,559 --> 00:09:20,840 Speaker 1: We can still meet and see if there's more info 113 00:09:20,920 --> 00:09:27,840 Speaker 1: on doctor Hart. The bus arrived at school without any incident, 114 00:09:28,320 --> 00:09:31,679 Speaker 1: and Red was relieved that Charlie had tissues, this time, 115 00:09:32,320 --> 00:09:36,520 Speaker 1: sparing everyone from his usual yucky spray from his sneezes. 116 00:09:38,320 --> 00:09:41,800 Speaker 1: As she got off the bus, Ms McDonald called after her, 117 00:09:42,360 --> 00:09:47,560 Speaker 1: have a good day, little princess. Red cringed, but managed 118 00:09:47,600 --> 00:09:50,440 Speaker 1: to wave at the bus driver before heading toward the 119 00:09:50,480 --> 00:09:55,439 Speaker 1: school entrance. I look nothing like a princess, she thought, 120 00:09:56,120 --> 00:10:01,920 Speaker 1: but she was working on being friendly. The school lobby 121 00:10:02,160 --> 00:10:06,120 Speaker 1: was as crowded and noisy as ever, but Red stuck 122 00:10:06,160 --> 00:10:11,600 Speaker 1: close to Rachel, who walked with her usual confidence. Other 123 00:10:11,679 --> 00:10:16,000 Speaker 1: students parted to let them through. Weary of Rachel's reputation, 124 00:10:17,880 --> 00:10:21,480 Speaker 1: Red recalled the story Rachel had told her how she 125 00:10:21,600 --> 00:10:24,839 Speaker 1: had once been so engrossed in a book that when 126 00:10:24,880 --> 00:10:28,280 Speaker 1: a student bumped into her, the heavy tome fell on 127 00:10:28,360 --> 00:10:34,320 Speaker 1: his foot, fracturing it. Ever since, everyone has given Rachel 128 00:10:34,400 --> 00:10:40,920 Speaker 1: a wide berth, especially when she was reading. As they 129 00:10:40,960 --> 00:10:45,520 Speaker 1: made their way to class, Red couldn't help but think, maybe, 130 00:10:46,160 --> 00:10:52,079 Speaker 1: just maybe, I'm not as alone as I feel. Red 131 00:10:52,120 --> 00:10:54,840 Speaker 1: and Rachel made it to class and took their seats, 132 00:10:55,040 --> 00:10:59,400 Speaker 1: with Charlie not far behind. Good morning, Read and Rachel, 133 00:10:59,640 --> 00:11:04,959 Speaker 1: Missus Johnson said, cheerfully. Red could never understand how she 134 00:11:05,080 --> 00:11:07,960 Speaker 1: could be so happy teaching in front of the class 135 00:11:08,480 --> 00:11:14,000 Speaker 1: day after day. Oh and good morning, Charlie. Sniffles again. 136 00:11:14,040 --> 00:11:19,200 Speaker 1: I see good morning, Missus Johnson, he replied from behind 137 00:11:19,240 --> 00:11:24,840 Speaker 1: a tissue. Everyone take your seats. Missus Johnson boomed, It's 138 00:11:24,920 --> 00:11:32,840 Speaker 1: just about time for the morning announcements. Good morning, would Chucks. 139 00:11:33,520 --> 00:11:37,479 Speaker 1: This is your favorite principal, Principal Burke here to kickstart 140 00:11:37,520 --> 00:11:40,280 Speaker 1: your Monday with a little bit of wisdom and a 141 00:11:40,360 --> 00:11:46,320 Speaker 1: lot of enthusiasm. Remember, folks, today is a cohort a day, 142 00:11:46,880 --> 00:11:50,040 Speaker 1: so if you're a cohort B student tuning in, you 143 00:11:50,160 --> 00:11:53,600 Speaker 1: might just be a little too eager. Save that energy 144 00:11:53,640 --> 00:11:59,800 Speaker 1: for tomorrow. Now onto the serious business of the day lunch. 145 00:12:01,160 --> 00:12:06,719 Speaker 1: Today's culinary masterpiece features the world renowned meat free nuggets, 146 00:12:07,280 --> 00:12:11,080 Speaker 1: accompanied by a delightful side of golden corn and the 147 00:12:11,200 --> 00:12:18,000 Speaker 1: ever exciting diced pears. Don't like corn, no worries. It's 148 00:12:18,040 --> 00:12:22,960 Speaker 1: been scientifically proven that eating corn without smiling is impossible, 149 00:12:23,520 --> 00:12:27,719 Speaker 1: so give it a try. And for snack, we've got 150 00:12:27,800 --> 00:12:32,559 Speaker 1: the classic cheese. It's paired with fruit juice. That's right, folks, 151 00:12:33,000 --> 00:12:37,800 Speaker 1: it's a gastronomic adventure you won't want to miss. And 152 00:12:37,880 --> 00:12:40,040 Speaker 1: one last thing before I let you start your day, 153 00:12:40,800 --> 00:12:45,160 Speaker 1: remember we are a family like no other here at Maplewood. 154 00:12:45,800 --> 00:12:49,600 Speaker 1: That means we stick together, even if it means surviving 155 00:12:49,679 --> 00:12:55,040 Speaker 1: yet another pop quiz in missus Johnson's class. Hang in there, Woodchucks, 156 00:12:55,520 --> 00:13:00,320 Speaker 1: and as always, keep those noses clean, both literally and 157 00:13:00,400 --> 00:13:07,520 Speaker 1: figuratively have a fantastic day. Red shook her head as 158 00:13:07,559 --> 00:13:14,160 Speaker 1: she wondered how all the adults were so enthusiastic. The 159 00:13:14,240 --> 00:13:18,040 Speaker 1: day drifted by in a blur for Red. She moved 160 00:13:18,040 --> 00:13:22,040 Speaker 1: from one boring class to the next, her thoughts wandering 161 00:13:22,160 --> 00:13:27,040 Speaker 1: far from the lessons being taught. The teachers had no 162 00:13:27,280 --> 00:13:32,120 Speaker 1: idea she wasn't listening particularly closely, as she would always 163 00:13:32,160 --> 00:13:36,680 Speaker 1: have the answers to their questions. English woke her from 164 00:13:36,679 --> 00:13:41,840 Speaker 1: her reverie, but only briefly. As the teacher's voices droned on, 165 00:13:42,640 --> 00:13:47,599 Speaker 1: Red found herself thinking about doctor Hart's case. The mysterious 166 00:13:47,640 --> 00:13:50,319 Speaker 1: figure was the only thing that had sparked a bit 167 00:13:50,360 --> 00:13:56,240 Speaker 1: of excitement in her otherwise monotonous days. Red knew that 168 00:13:56,640 --> 00:13:59,800 Speaker 1: there were a lot of people who, once they believed 169 00:13:59,800 --> 00:14:04,560 Speaker 1: in something, wouldn't accept an alternative, even with evidence to 170 00:14:04,640 --> 00:14:11,079 Speaker 1: the contrary. But discovering a scientist who believed that there 171 00:14:11,160 --> 00:14:15,560 Speaker 1: was life on Mars couldn't be a coincidence, could it. No, 172 00:14:16,080 --> 00:14:19,520 Speaker 1: she was just seeing patterns where none existed, she was 173 00:14:19,560 --> 00:14:26,520 Speaker 1: sure of it. After an uneventful lunch, Red couldn't help 174 00:14:26,560 --> 00:14:30,960 Speaker 1: but reminisce about her life back on Mars. Everything had 175 00:14:31,000 --> 00:14:37,000 Speaker 1: been so familiar, so predictable. There were no awkward introductions, 176 00:14:37,520 --> 00:14:43,160 Speaker 1: no navigating through new schools filled with unfamiliar faces. Her 177 00:14:43,200 --> 00:14:47,080 Speaker 1: friends back home. She wondered what they were doing now. 178 00:14:47,520 --> 00:14:50,480 Speaker 1: Were they still on Mars or did they win the 179 00:14:50,520 --> 00:14:57,360 Speaker 1: lottery and come to Earth? Were they thinking about her too? 180 00:14:57,520 --> 00:15:01,080 Speaker 1: When the final bell rang read, she gathered her things 181 00:15:01,120 --> 00:15:04,480 Speaker 1: and made her way to the library, her steps slower 182 00:15:04,520 --> 00:15:08,920 Speaker 1: than she'd intended. She knew Charlie and Rachel would be waiting, 183 00:15:09,320 --> 00:15:12,680 Speaker 1: eager to dive into the mystery of doctor Hart, but 184 00:15:12,880 --> 00:15:17,960 Speaker 1: she wasn't in any rush. Still, she was, as usual, 185 00:15:18,400 --> 00:15:23,560 Speaker 1: the last to arrive. The sight of Charlie's disappointed face 186 00:15:23,920 --> 00:15:28,440 Speaker 1: and Rachel's raised eyebrow greeted her as she pushed open 187 00:15:28,520 --> 00:15:32,360 Speaker 1: the library doors, but Red could only manage a small, 188 00:15:32,480 --> 00:15:38,520 Speaker 1: apologetic smile. Some things never change, she thought with a sigh, 189 00:15:38,920 --> 00:15:43,320 Speaker 1: as she joined them at the table. Just as Alexa 190 00:15:43,520 --> 00:15:46,960 Speaker 1: was about to speak, mister mc caskell walked in, to 191 00:15:47,080 --> 00:15:52,240 Speaker 1: the shock and surprise of everyone. Mister mc caskell burst 192 00:15:52,280 --> 00:15:56,120 Speaker 1: into the library, slightly out of breath and a bit frazzled, 193 00:15:56,480 --> 00:16:01,960 Speaker 1: with his signature good natured smile and place sorry I'm late, gang, 194 00:16:02,280 --> 00:16:06,120 Speaker 1: he began, setting his battered briefcase down on the table. 195 00:16:06,840 --> 00:16:09,640 Speaker 1: I had a little situation to take care of in 196 00:16:09,720 --> 00:16:14,760 Speaker 1: the second floor boy's bathroom. Turns out, someone thought it 197 00:16:14,800 --> 00:16:18,320 Speaker 1: would be a brilliant idea to test the theory that 198 00:16:18,440 --> 00:16:21,840 Speaker 1: if you flush just enough toilet paper rolls at once, 199 00:16:22,520 --> 00:16:29,400 Speaker 1: you can create a toilet paper waterfall. He shook his head, chuckling. Now, 200 00:16:29,880 --> 00:16:34,320 Speaker 1: I'm not one to discourage scientific inquiry, but let's just 201 00:16:34,440 --> 00:16:40,000 Speaker 1: say our inspiring hydraulic engineer didn't account for the flood 202 00:16:40,000 --> 00:16:44,960 Speaker 1: that followed. Mister McCaskill grinned as he looked around at 203 00:16:44,960 --> 00:16:49,240 Speaker 1: the group. So that's my excuse. But I'm here now, 204 00:16:49,280 --> 00:16:57,280 Speaker 1: and I've dried off, ready to dive into today's mystery. 205 00:17:00,440 --> 00:17:04,480 Speaker 1: And that is the end of this part. Good night, 206 00:17:05,720 --> 00:17:06,400 Speaker 1: sleep tight.